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    Chapter 33.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    The cave shuddered with the roar of cannon fire outside, debris and dust falling from the ceiling. A rumble echoed over Avery, the sound of his own bellowing voice ringing hollowly.


    And as it died off…he could hear a gasp. A moan, from the foot of the mountain of coins. Avery’s legs felt like they were about to give out when he heard the jingling of coins.


    Vizon, a crumpled blue and smoking lump, was stirring.


    “V-Vizon-” Avery gasped. That last rush of adrenaline was already leaving. The Plusle felt lethargic, only made worse by the weight of what he’d just done. How he’d just screwed up. He stumbled towards the Riolu, just as uncoordinated as his previous advance but with a quarter the pace. “Vizon-“


    ‘How do I even open? I let morals get in the way again. I fell for their stupid tricks. And I threw him away.


    And what’s fun, is that after this mission is over,’ a voice in Avery’s head whispered, low and rumbling, ‘is that you’ll do it all over again. Because you’re right, and he’s wrong.’


    The sarcasm tore into Avery’s heart. He said the Riolu’s name again, falling to his knees in the gold. He said it again. Again. Avery was so scared. He was scared of him, of what he’d do. Avery probably deserved it.


    The gold scattered around Avery’s feet, rolling and bouncing around Vizon as he rolled himself over. His eyes were screwed shut, body charred and smoking. He grit his teeth, hissing in pain.




    “…I…” Vizon stammered, eyes closed. His body shook as the last of the excess electricity exited him. “I…I…”


    Looking at him like that, blue fur black in places it shouldn’t be, cyan sparks of electricity crawling across him like hyperactive caterpillars…


    …Avery almost wanted Vizon to punch him. For all he was worth. Throw Avery at the wall, slam him into the ground. Just one move. But a big one.


    ‘It’s only fair’, another voice hissed into Avery’s ear.


    “I’m sorry,” Avery blurted out. It was a lame response. But he felt like if he didn’t say it now, if he gave himself time to think about giving a better response, he’d forget to actually apologize in the future. Whatever came next…Avery wanted Vizon to know that he regretted what he’d done.


    Because Avery did.


    And he wanted to make Diquarni choke on her teeth.


    Vizon coughed, a puff of smoking released with that cough. His eyes cracked open, ruby red eyes in agony. He clenched his fists, eyeballs rolling around in his head.




    He grit his teeth again, his eyes flaring.


    “I…! I…c-c-c…!”


    All at once he SPRUNG up, as though all his energy shot into him!!!





    Vizon doubled over, gripping his head, eyes flashing with frustration.


    “We HAD it!! I was holding the dang thing in my hands!! It was RIGHT THERE it was in the BAG! We just had to leave! Turn around and run off! Mission complete!! We had DONE it!!”



    Avery flinched. He backed up two steps as Vizon yelled, screamed. Avery fell to a seated position on the coins as the Riolu ranted and vented his frustrations towards him.


    Vizon pounded a fist in the coins.


    “But NOOoOoOOOO!!!” the Riolu shouted, voice echoing on the rock walls.


    He whipped his head around, glaring daggers at Avery.


    “Of COURSE you’d have to just GO AND-“


    Vizon stopped. His furious scowl looked as though it crashed into a brick wall the moment his eyes met Avery’s.


    His eyes seemed to trace…around the Plusle…


    “G-go and…er…” Vizon clenched and unclenched his fists.


    He looked away at once, coughing into his fist.


    “Go and make a…negligible error…!” Vizon said, cooling himself off. He winced, clearly still in pain. He was shaking, clearly still filled with words but holding his tongue, biting it, chewing it off if he needed to. “Thankfully…this is why Team Azure…never quits…!”


    His voice wavered.


    He quickly reached into his pack, fetching himself an oran berry.


    It stopped. It stopped all too soon.


    ‘Don’t you feel cheated?’


    “W…what are you-” Avery’s voice was breathy, clearly emotional. “What are you…n-no! V…Vizon, I messed up, this isn’t…this isn’t negligible! I was…I was stupid! I was being stupid! Don’t back off now-!! I need-“


    ‘I need the fallout if we’re going to rebuild? I need you to tell me how much you hate me? I need an excuse to dissolve the team? I need you to hold me responsible so I can be better?


    This is bad! What I did was bad, really bad!! And he’s just going to let me off the hook!? Why is he calming down? When I’ve done something, finally done something, that can’t be explained away by morals, that can’t be excused by empathy, something that proves that I was without a doubt-


    …Oh. That’s why I’m pushing so hard.


    That’s why I want him to be mad at me.


    That’s why I feel worse that he’s biting his tongue.


    Because he was right. He was right, unequivocally, and I was wrong, indisputably. I can’t explain this away. I can’t lord myself over him as a non-prejudiced or whatever. I can’t take the moral high ground. Doubtless, Diquarni was the biggest one at fault here for pulling the trick in the first place. But I’d done something stupid. I’d done something really stupid, and Vizon was just…throwing that away.


    It’s almost infuriating.’


    Avery’s fists clenched against the coin as he pushed himself to his feet.


    “…They were jerks,” he said, rage creeping back into his voice – towards those crooks…and like a diversion of a channel of water, an offshoot of that fiery anger directed towards Vizon. “…I shouldn’t have ever trusted them.”


    A goad. An invitation.


    ‘Please take it.’


    Vizon looked back at Avery…


    And closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. His brow furrowed, his teeth bared, his brow sweat, his fists clenched, his arms shook.


    But he knew better now. It was clear: He knew what happened when he voiced himself, when he tried to guide or teach.


    When he pestered and yelled and screamed.


    When Vizon opened his eyes, when his expression softened, Avery could see it: the Riolu didn’t want to push his buddy away again.


    Like he always seemed to do.


    “Heck YES they were jerks…!” Vizon said, a confident grin plastered on his face, reeking of fakeness. All of it an act. “And…and we’re going to…”


    He gulped.


    “…show what happens to jerks that pull dirty tricks!” He finished, standing to his feet and wobbling. “…right??”


    He turned his head toward where Team Fottupebe had disappeared. He was doing the same as Avery, redirecting his rage, his fury.


    And as he spoke, his voice changed.


    Low, gravelly. Terrifying in its silent anger.


    “…let’s go pound Diquarni’s face.” Vizon said, taking a step forward, heavy footfalls cracking the coins under his step.


    “V…Vizon wait, I-” Avery put a hand on the Riolu’s shoulder, trying to stop him. But as soon as he turned, all the words in Avery’s mouth died.


    ‘Vizon doesn’t want to. He’s scared to.


    This isn’t the first time I was wrong, surely. This is just the first time I was so wrong that I can’t justify it. But I’ve pushed Vizon into a world where I can’t be.’


    Avery held Vizon’s gaze, jaw slack as he tried to find words to say. But nothing came. Avery’s hand dropped from Vizon’s shoulder.


    ‘You can’t make him,’ someone told Avery.


    Another chimed in. ‘Oh, sure you can. Just act out. Screw up more! Like a petulant child trying to get attention from their parent.’


    ‘And jeopardize the Water Pearl? That’d give the Thieves two! We can’t take that chance!’


    ‘Sure, fine, just let yourself get away with murder then, that’s fine. Let him be so scared of losing you that he’s willing to seethe forever. You’re becoming a wonderful Arceliaze Guild Team already!’


    ‘Hope you have a good soul-searching journey after nine damn years of silently hating each other.’


    “Punch me.”




    Vizon stared down at Avery, confused. He turned his head to the cave exit, then to Avery, then to the cave exit, then back to Avery.


    “Avery, c’mon it…”


    He huffed.


    “You just forgot to call out the attack, that’s an easy mistake…! We don’t need to get even on it…!”


    Vizon lifted a hand to brush Avery’s from his shoulder trying to turn away again.


    Avery shook his head.


    “…Just one. Fair’s fair. Just one and then we go. I won’t…I won’t feel right if-“


    ‘If you don’t call me out. If you don’t channel all your anger into this.’


    The Plusle’s body began to tremble. Something in the back of his mind whispered that this might not be a good habit to build.


    “-I don’t feel right. Just one. A punch, a kick, a throw, a…I-I dunno, can you shoot fire from your hands? Something. One thing. I…I…”


    Avery hesitated.


    ‘Was this a good idea? This wasn’t a good idea.’


    Vizon was silent, watching Avery. A long moment of silence stretched thin between the pair until, at last, Vizon shook his head, giving a fake smile.


    Oh, so fake.


    “Avery, come on, don’t say stuff like that. We’re a team…” Vizon paused. “…right?”


    Was that pleading in his voice?


    The Riolu pumped his fist. His eyes did not have the sparkle of adventure of fun. Even as he smiled and took a heroic pose he just looked






    “Let’s go get that pearl…buddy.


    “…Vizon-” Avery choked.


    ‘That kid that picked me up from the road to Arceliaze was dead.’


    ‘He’s dead and you killed him.’


    “Just one,” Avery mumbled through clenched teeth, even as he nodded to Vizon’s words and began walking back to the canal. “…Just one. Please, please just one, at least one-“


    Avery was desperate. Angry. Desperate. Desperate.


    But Vizon was right. Their personal matters had to wait. No point being sad on a dysfunctional team for the next nine years if Arceliaze was razed to the ground by elemental birds.


    This time, Vizon only ignored Avery’s pleas, even as the Plusle saw Vizon’s fists clench even harder.


    The Riolu ran for the water where the Dinky Dinghy was waiting, tied upon the Stalagmite. He untied it, hopping in as Avery followed behind him. Vizon sat and picked up two oars.




    “Sounds like it’s heating up out there.” Vizon said, trying to refocus, looking back out towards the cave exit. “If we’re quick, we can make it back to the Peacekeeper before they escape.”


    Avery hesitated before getting in the boat. He didn’t want to leave this moment. He felt like if he left this moment, the both of them might never get to it again. It would just be another chapter in Avery and Vizon drifting apart. The Plusle’s hands shook on the edge of the dinghy as Vizon got into position.


    “…we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Not right now,” Avery said, looking down into the gap between the dingy and the water. He began to get in. “…But I’m sorry for that. All of that. Trusting them, hurting you, being naive…it was dumb. And we’re…we’re going to get the pearl back. But…I’m sorry. For all of it.”


    Avery fixed him with a stare from the other side of the boat, voice firm, interrupting Vizon before he could say something.


    “…And I don’t want you to say you forgive me unless you mean it, and I don’t want you to say it’s okay until it is.”


    Fear. Rage. Desperation.


    “I’ll forgive you if I want you and you don’t get to tell me I don’t-“


    Vizon shot it back at Avery so…reflexively. His grip on the oars tightened, he sucked in his lips, shutting himself up.


    Avery sank back against the seat. Just that drained him.


    ‘Is that really all I can muster? Some pseudo-dramatic demand of someone I’ve hurt? You’re as sensitive as a brick thrown through a stained glass window, Avery…’


    Vizon stalled a moment…but at last lifted the oars and did a stroke. And another. The oars splashed harshly against the water, Vizon putting his all into trying to get the Pearl…to pull this out…


    “We’re going to be fine, Buddy. Whatever it takes we’ll be fine.”


    He doggedly rowed, harder and harder.


    “Because Team Azure never gives up…”


    …And the moment was passed.




    Avery could smell gunpowder. It burned the air, a thick haze rolling over the water as the cave exit revealed itself, light shining through smoke, the open sea just ahead.


    The smoke flashed orange. More cannon fire roared in the hot air. A strong ocean gust billowed, pushing the smoke aside, forcing the two to squint amid the ash that swirled. And there…they looked upon the sight outside…



    There, Team Fottupebe’s ship, ‘The Devilish Dark’, had raised its sails to begin fleeing, the Peacekeeper a ways away, both ships trading cannon fire.


    “…How are we going to get there without being blown to smithereens…?” Avery whispered. “…And which ship do we go to?”


    “I want to head straight for that stupid ship and wring Diquarni’s neck and-“


    The great Black Brig ROARED with cannon fire, a hailstorm of shadow shots exploding crackling dark energy over the rushing waves. Vizon winced and plopped back down onto the Dinghy’s seat and took the oars.


    “Okay, okay, but not in this thing.” Vizon said, pounding at the water. “We gotta get back to the Peacekeeper. That way we’ll stand a fighting chance. Maybe, I don’t know…blast ’em out the water and take the pearl that way.”


    He flinched as another deafening volley of cannon fire thundered. The smoke and gunpowder was heavy, and the battle disturbed the waves, tossing the little Dinghy along.


    And all the while, dark clouds loomed overhead.


    ‘Of all things a storm. Now.


    Ah jeez-‘


    “You’re right. Maybe we could even have them fire us out of a cannon to blast through the hull ourselves,” Avery said with an uneven laugh.


    The Plusle was nervous. He didn’t like the idea of telling everyone but happened, but…what choice did he have?


    “Alright, Avery, hang tight!” Vizon said, pumping the oars through the water. The boat crested and dropped in the water. The both of them jolted and jostled.


    The Peacekeeper let fly a VOLLEY of poison and rock Tipper shots! Jolvia and Rikzyod! They were giving it their all on the ship!


    The Tipper shots SLAMMED into the hull of the black brig as it pulled away from the cave. Even from here Vizon and Avery could see cloaked Thieves Guild Poke’mon scurrying, reloading cannons and sending attacks of their own. Energy blasts and hyperbeams fired from the The Devilish Dark’s deck, all to keep the Peacekeeper at bay.


    “D’ya see em?!” Vizon shouted over the SCREAM of explosions and tipper shots flying through the air.


    There, looking close upon the The Devilish Dark, Avery spotted them: A Mandibuzz. A Krookodile.


    A Zoroark.


    A hundred flashes set off on the side of the massive brig. A peal of thunder shot across the sky as hundreds of Tipper shots sailed toward the Peacekeeper, the Dinky Dinghy in the crossfire!


    “AVERY!!” Vizon Shouted, desperately rowing. “LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!!”


    Splash! Splash!


    Cannonshots already began to pepper the water!


    “H-hold on!!” Avery yelled, standing up, swaying, unsteady. His cheeks sparked, hands outstretched. He let loose return fire of thunderbolts STREAKING towards the brig! The bolts STRUCK the dark tipper shots, exploding them in midair before they hit the Dinghy! Dark energy pulsed across the roaring ocean. A peel of thunder cracked far above as looming, spiraling dark clouds hung directly over the cave.


    “Hurry-!! They definitely know we’re here-!!”


    “Hurrrying!!!” Vizon shouted back, paddling with all his might as the crossfire zipped and scattered around. The spray and ripples rocked the boat, balance was nigh impossible to keep.


    And over the roar of cannons, the pounding thunder, the howling wind, a new sound cut through the battle.


    “MS.JOLVIA!!” They heard a voice roar from the Peacekeeper. “A MITE FEW DEGREES HIGHER. KNOCK DOWN THE MAST!”


    There he is.” Vizon let out a breath, paddling harder.


    The Dinghy lifted and dropped. Lifted and dropped. Coming closer and closer to the side of the Schooner just as another volley of fiery shots BLASTED from its side toward Team Fottupebe’s boat.


    Vizon whipped his head around, waving his arms.


    “CAPTAIN! Hey, you guys!!” The Riolu shouted. “It’s Vizon and Avery!!”


    Looking up the boat, they saw Rikzyod throw himself to the railing, looking down at them both.


    “Ah! Avery and the other one! You have come to join the fun at last!” The Geodude cheered. “Did you collect your magic doo-dad?”


    “Not exactly…” Vizon muttered, waving his arms. “Just get us down a ladder!”


    Avery visibly flinched from the question.


    …now wasn’t the time to talk about that. That would come later. Avery hoped that would come later. With him and Vizon.


    Without another word, Rikzyod nodded, a rope ladder thrown off the side and unfurling down toward their dinghy. Avery grabbed the ladder, holding it steady so that Vizon could get on ahead of him.


    “Go on, I’ll follow you!” Avery cast a nervous look to the looming shadow of the black brig behind them – if any cannons were pointed their way, they were sitting ducks! Avery would have to keep vigil while Vizon climbed.


    Vizon nodded, throwing himself to the ladder, scrambling up it as fast as he could, even as it swayed and thrashed with the rocking of the boat and the gusts of ocean wind.


    Swiftly, he pulled himself up, reaching a paw down to grab Avery’s hand to help hoist him up as he climbed, letting them both get up onto the deck, coated head to toe in water.


    “Look alive, lads!” Manikas’s voice roared, making Vizon flinch. The Riolu stood tall, waving away the billowing smoke and dust that surrounded, his footsteps crunching on splinters and broken wood from the ship.


    There at the helm, a haze and trail of Yaja smoke swirling his head, stood the Pangoro captain, looking hatefully at the black ship across the waters.


    “Ai, she’s a feisty minx, I’ll give her that, but if she stands between me and the beast she’ll plunge like rest of ’em.”


    He whipped his head down to face Vizon and Avery, eye scanning the two.


    “Mr.Avery! Mr.Vizon! I see you stand here yet I see no Pearl, boys, where’s the Pearl gone off to?!”


    …Avery drew his mouth into a hard line.


    “…I…I put my trust into someone I shouldn’t have, cap’n. They have it.”


    “They?! They who?!” Manikas roared.


    “The Thieves Guild!” Vizon shouted, throwing a finger toward the The Devilish Dark across the water. “They took it right out of our hands! Diquarni, Heynia, Argus, these Thieves Guild mooks called Team Fottupebe!”


    “WHAT?!” Manikas roared again, yaja smoke billowing from his nostrils.


    Even from here Avery could see Jolvia’s face harden as she looked out toward the ship.


    “So where are they now?” The Nidorina asked at once. “On the ship?”


    “Yeah…!” Vizon said, looking back at her. “They made off while we were down and out, trying to get away!!”


    “Then we can’t waste any time.” Jolvia said plainly, casting a glance to Avery. “We’ve got to get that Pearl back by any means necessary.”


    “Soundly said, Ms.Jolvia!” Manikas bellowed, THROWING the helm into a spin, pivoting the ship.


    The deck lurched at the sudden turn. Jolvia nodded to Avery and Vizon, running with Rikzyod to the Starboard cannons, already pre-loaded.


    There, the black ship they faced LIT AFIRE as a hailstorm of tipper shots SCATTERED, peppering the ship in dark energy. SCREAMING shots of dark energy blasts rocketed past Avery’s head, SLAMMED into the water, SPLINTERED the hull.


    Manikas rolled his shoulders.


    “ALRIGHT, THEN, BOYS.” Manikas shouted, his bellowing voice rumbling over the smoke-filled air. “YOU KNOW WHAT T’DO! Hit that big black hunka’ driftwood ’til it stalls then we BOARD.”




    Another CRACK of thunder shot across the sky, the swirling black clouds overhead growing more and more.




    The crew broke, manning their positions without delay. Avery perched at the side of the ship, squinting through the clouds. He wasn’t sure if this was a distance he’d be able to throw moves…if so, he could probably shoot electricity a lot faster than volleys of cannonballs.


    “Ready up!” Manikas bellowed! The ship lurched again, starboard cannons facing directly toward the Devilish Dark. Even from here Avery could see black-cloaked Poke’mon scurrying around on the deck of the other ship, loading cannons.


    He could see a Manibuzz flying about the crow’s nest. A Krookodile…a Zoroark giving orders.


    “Diquarni…” Vizon growled next to the Plusle. The Riolu’s fists were clenched, his eyes burning with hatred as he stared at the huge vessel. “I’ll never forgive her…”


    The ship’s trajectory brought the Peacekeeper ever closer…closer. The time to strike properly would be upon them all soon. For the first volley, everyone stood ready at the cannons.


    At last, Manikas steadied the ship. He let out a huff of Yaja smoke, like a blast of artillery.




    The PEEL of cannon fire was deafening!


    Tipper shots volleyed over to the Devilish Dark! Avery could see Poke’mon on the other side ducking! Explosions sent some of them FLYING, all aboard were water types, safe even as they plunged into the water.


    Avery’s cannon blasted a crackling electric shot into the enemy artillery. Black-Cloaked Poke’mon scattered! Panicked! A cannon on the Devilish Dark sipped through a hole in the railing, into the water!


    The black masts were torn with several holes dotting the billowing cloth. Yet the grand Brig still caught wind, fleeing westward.


    ‘If we take The Devilish Dark down quick then we’ll get that pearl back and have time to face…well, whatever beast comes up from the deep. Easy!


    …Hah. I don’t believe that for a second.’


    “Mr.Rikzyod!” Manikas shouted as he spun the wheel! The ship tilted at the harsh turn. Everyone stumbled! Vizon gripped the railing, Jolvia a cannon. “Raise sails! Get me every knot you can!”


    “C’mon, Avery.” Jolvia hissed, pushing from the cannon, crouching down and practically crawling up the tilted deck towards portside. “We have to ready another volley, now.”


    “Right-” Avery said with a nod.


    Avery could feel Vizon taking his paw, helping to hoist the Plusle toward the portside cannons as the Peacekeeper completed the turn. Rikzyod was already HEAVING to get more sails raised.


    Avery rushed and quickly loaded the gunpowder and shells for another shot. The Thieves Guild artillery was delayed, thanks to Avery’s shot, and they were fleeing with The Peacekeeper closing in fast – The Devilish Dark didn’t have a clear shot at then anymore.


    It was time to go for the masts.


    Vizon shoved tipper shots in the cannons as fast as he could, readying explosive bags into the cannons.


    Two cannons loaded.


    Jolvia moved, taking aim on her cannon.




    “Ready to fire, cap’n!!”


    Manikas huffed, steadying the ship.


    The last of the Peacekeeper’s sails caught wind! Rikzyod tied off the rope! The ship LUNGED forward, full speed ahead, moving diagonally, closer and closer to the Devilish Dark.


    Avery could practically see the whites in the eyes of the Thieves Guild Poke’mon.


    And then came captain Manikas’s voice, bellowing over the waves.




    The world SCREAMED.




    The crack of cannon fir slammed Avery back, the elemental shells SAILING into the mast of the black brig! Another blast! ANOTHER! Through spray and the rain, spears of electricity POUNDED the hull of the ship.


    ‘Diquarni will pay.’




    Avery could hear shouts! Panicked shouting! Cannons blew apart on the deck of the Devilish Dark! Wood splinters and smoke exploded upward! A fire broke out, billowing smoke over the deck!


    The black hull was SMASHED with fighting energy! Electricity HAMMERED the masts! Poison peppered the wood, and Rock PULVERIZED the structure!


    “Thaaaaat’s done it!” Manikas yelled! There! One of the masts on the black ship had its base blown to smithereens! The mast creaked and splintered, toppling over like a tree cut down, sail cloths spilling into the ocean, onto the deck!


    The crew on the Devilish Dark were in a panic! Scattering and running! A cannon shot! Another! No more coordinated volleys, only a few desperate popshots.


    The Peacekeeper lurched and rocked as the side was smashed.


    The Pangoro captain’s laughter ROARED over the scream of cannonfire. Manikas threw the helm aside, aiming the ship for the side of the Devilish Dark.




    Vizon was THROWN forward! Jolvia stumbled, rolled!


    The Peacekeepr CRASHED into the side of the Devilish dark. Ropes came loose, swinging in the rushing wind overhead. Vizon scrabbled across the wood, tugging at Avery.


    “Avery, look!!” Vizon shouted, pointing up. “The ropes! We can swing over and get across.”


    “And how!” Manikas shouted. “Look lively, Mr.Avery! And be quick about it!”


    Another CRACK of thunder overhead shuddered the ocean, the black clouds over Yahneri Cave swirling faster and faster.


    ‘This is it. We’ll get the pearl back. We’ll make things okay again. And I’ll be able to atone for my actions.’


    Avery looked at Vizon…and despite the tumult going on in his mind, the Plusle gave a little smile.


    “…You know…I think this is our first proper fight with the Thieves’ Guild.” Avery said. “Let’s…let’s not hold back.”


    The Plusle’s gaze returned to the ship, sharp as steel and cold as ice. Something was broiling in the bottom of his gut. Everything else came later. All other things came later. This came first.


    “Yeah…YEAH!!!” Vizon concurred, an equally sharp look in his eyes. “NOW we’re talking! Let’s take down the bad guys!!”


    With a nod to one another, the pair looked to the swinging, swaying ropes ahead.


    Avery’s feet slammed on the deck as he broke into a sprint. Vizon followed close behind, both of them leaping up to grab the ropea, SWINGING forward! Avery grasped the soaked rope, burning into his palms, as the momentum carried him over!


    Through smoke and ash and fluttering wood chips, they sailed across the gap!


    And there on the deck…


    they were there!



    “YOU?!” A familiar voice squawked as Avery and Vizon SLAMMED onto the Deck of the Devilish Dark.


    The Thieves Guild crew members were scattering, running off, putting out fires, leaving the Fottupebe trio completely alone in the midst of the failing, broken vessel.


    In front of her, Diquarni had to squint through the sopping wet mist that obscured the deck. Now that the Azure pair stood upon it, all they could see of the other team were the silhouettes, and the white frothy outlines of the tops of their heads as the pelting rain from above splashed onto the wood below.


    And slowly…more and more…was the unsteady flicker of electric blue.


    “I’ve been thinking a lot about people like you, Diquarni.”


    Avery’s voice was level. Low. Barely heard above the din.


    “I’ve seen a lot of people like you. Diquarni.”


    For a moment, the mist around Avery flashed as his electricity reflected off of the water.


    “I’ve seen your face in the streets. I’ve seen them in people that burn down houses and bully others into submission. And I’ve been doing a loooot of thinking.”


    Avery’s knuckles cracked. It felt like they’d bleed.


    “And I should really thank you. For that stunt you three pulled. Because…”


    Deep breaths. Shallow breaths. Shallow, quick, hot, boiling, rage filled breaths.


    The air was literally electric.


    “You gave me an excuse to never trust you again.”




    Squarely in front of her, a searing blue bolt exploded, splintering the wood of the deck into a shower of debris that spattered against her front, indistinguishable from the angry rain from above. Diquarni yelped, backpedaling from the charred, smoking scorch mark!


    Argus and Heynia furrowed their brow, taking position behind Avery and Vizon. The Riolu whipped around, pressing his back into the Plusle.


    Avery’s fierce eyes locked with the Zoroark’s, unflinching.


    “I’ll be taking that Pearl back, Diquarni.”


    The Zoroark’s face twisted into a face of fury. She took the shining Water Pearl and shoved it into her satchel, tightening the strap, her eyes flashing with a red glow.


    “Y-Yeah?! Well you Team Azure creeps aren’t going to bully us into submission, either!” Diquarni growled. She side-stepped slowly, encircling the two, Argus and Heynia making similar moves.


    Like vultures, Team Fottupebe surrounded and circled Avery and Vizon.


    “Oh you had better just do this the easy way.” Vizon shouted, fists clenched. “You’re out gunned, ship’s torn to pieces, you have nowhere to go.”


    “And yet…I’m still gunna fight you bad guys.” Diquarni challenged, pointing a finger as though striking a heroic pose. “One way or another, we’re walking out of this, Pearl in tow, back to Xamao.”


    “Oh yeah, you’re gunna walk.” Vizon seethed, his own eyes glowing with fierce aural energy. “With a limp.”


    Diquarni grit her teeth.




    She whipped out a thick dark cloak, throwing it over herself. Heynia and Argus did the same. The rubber cloaks billowed in the wind.


    Not full protection from electricity, but they’d certainly help.


    “I’ll TAKE YOU GOONS DOWN, MYSELF!” Diquarni shouted, hands FLASHING with black fire, a dark pulse CASCADING from where she stood!!


    “Those cloaks have to go,” Avery said, looking to Vizon.


    ‘Rubber cloaks, sure. Fine. Use those all you want. That won’t save you.’


    Avery stood next to Vizon, and quickly reached into the bag to palm a blast seed.


    “I’m not going to hold back anymore, Vizon,” Avery said. “…These are bad guys. These are the worst guys.”


    Part of him knew priority one was to get the Pearl back. But that wasn’t what was on Avery’s mind. What was on his mind was making Diquarni choke on her own Arceus-damned teeth.


    ‘They made me hurt him.


    They drove us further apart.


    They’re causing us pain.


    And they laughed about it.


    All high and mighty, thinking they know so much about this stupid conflict because they kiss up to Xamao. They know so much about it that they could make me feel stupid for caring about other people.


    Okay, Diquarni. You want me to stop caring about other people?’


    Electricity sparked at Avery’s feet as he dashed forwards, faster than the blink of an eye! His palm opened, blast seed-laced strike ROCKETING towards Diquarni’s Stomach-


    “HAH, GOTCHA!”


    Diquarni SWUNG an arm forward, a palmed blast seed of her own SAILING FOR AVERY’S FACE.


    Double explosions! A flash of fire! Smoke rushing out as Diquarni and Avery both FLEW back, charred, winded, SLAMMING onto the deck!


    The Zoroark curled, rolled back and recovered. Her midsection smoked, rain POUNDING on her. Avery scrambled back onto his feet, the hatred in his eyes intensifying.


    Behind him, Heynia and Argus swooped in. Immediately, Vizon threw himself down and swept at Argus’s legs! Heynia held a wing out, clothes-lining Vizon! A hard SMACK, the Riolu tumbled back!


    Diquarni wiped the rainwater from her face, a scowl of hate plastered on it!






    In an explosion of black smoke she vanished!




    ‘Thanks, bud.’


    Avery didn’t even look. He jut his hand down to the deck, swung himself around and swept a charge kick into the mist!!




    Another illusion!


    Avery heard pounding footsteps to his left! He swung again!




    More smoke. Obscuring smoke. Diquarni at him from every direction, vanishing as he struck every time!


    Avery was getting angrier. Angrier. Rage boiled in his throat at Diquarni’s lies and illusions. Was that all she had? Was that all she was good for?!


    ‘Fine. She wants to play games? We can play games.’


    A swing into a vanishing Zoroark! Another! Another!


    Through Avery’s twists, his turns, his strikes at nothing, he built static charge in himself. Pivoting on the damp deck, the air began to crackle as he absorbed more and more energy.


    Avery’s fist CUT through another illusion!


    But now the shining red eyes remained in the smoke.


    “You’re mine.”


    A hand SHOT from the smoke, CLENCHED Avery’s chest!


    And then it happened.


    Avery’s entire body BURNED WHITE HOT with the electrical power of a hundred thousand thunderstorms!


    EVERY ounce of energy Avery had built up SHOT OUT from his body, RIPPING through the hand that grabbed him!


    He could see it through the smoke.


    The Zoroark’s red glowing eyes.


    The scowl on her face as every muscle in her body convulsed at once, tearing through her! Arcs cascaded around her feet, burned the wood she stood upon, fires erupting all around. The tips of her fur were set alight, her body smoking.


    Blood trickled down her lip.


    The air screamed.


    And at last, the final pulse of energy blasted through her, the radiating heat leaving a scorch mark on the ground.


    Blood ran from her mouth, from her nose, from her eyes.


    Yet she stood.


    Diquarni hoisted Avery into the air, the hate in her gaze never leaving. She stood, paralyzed, utterly demolished inside and out.




    …how…? How could that be at all possible? He’d seen what his electricity could do…! It could melt rock! Blast through gods! What…what…?


    Avery gagged, kicking his legs as he was pulled up into the air. Her fur was singed, blue bolts crackling along the surface of her skin. He knew she could barely move. But…but…he couldn’t either. That had taken a lot out of him, and he felt…lethargic. Drained.


    Diquarni brought Avery closer…closer to her face, her shuddering breath huffing onto him, her voice raspy and strained.


    “Team Fottupebe…never…gives up.”


    “A…are…are you…mocking me-??” Avery seethed. “W…what…using Illaminians for emotional leverage wasn’t enough? Nuh…n-now you want to mock my partner too??”


    “Frankly?” Diquarni seethed, baring her teeth at the Plusle. “I don’t care what you think. Your approval means nothing to me.”


    Off to the side, Vizon lied on the ground, groaning. Heynia and Argus had done a number on the boy, though Avery couldn’t see either.


    Diquarni smirked at her teammate’s handiwork and turned her head, her brow furrowed in fury.


    “Heynia! Argus!” She called. “Let’s toss this trash overboard!”


    There was a pause.


    “Heynia? Argus…?” Diquarni repeated, unable to even turn her body from the paralysis.


    There, off to the side…Heynia and Argus lied defeated and battered on the deck of the ship.






    Avery was thrown aside. Diquarni’s eyes rolled up into the back of her head, a harsh strike connecting behind her.


    Unable to move, totally broken, Diquarni fell face-first into the charred wood of the Devilish Dark. Her Satchel slammed onto the wood, the flap opening.


    The out rolled the Water Pearl, shimmering its ethereal glow.


    And there, only one Poke’mon stood.


    Avery could hear footsteps, light and clacking. A medium-sized figure approached the Water Pearl, bending down to pick it up. The figure looked down at the Plusle, round-rim glasses shining in the firelight.


    “Hm. Seems I kept I promise, Avery.” Jolvia said, stepping up towards him. “Any means necessary.”


    She kneeled down, offering a hand to help Avery up. Vizon shuddered, trying slowly to lift himself up.


    Shakily, Avery took her hand and got to his feet, staggering over to Vizon to help him, too.


    The Plusle stared at the three, unconscious on the floor, with hatred aflame in his eyes. He spit.


    He was clouded. Hazy.


    “We’ve still got a beast to slay,” Avery said, lowly. “Let’s get out of here.”


    Jolvia put a hand to Avery’s chest, a serious look in her eye seeing him spit on Diquarni.


    “Hold. We need to take these three onto the Peacekeeper first.” Jolvia said, handing him the Water Pearl. “I’ve already got rope ready.”


    “What for?” Vizon said as he scrambled to his feet. Jolvia lifted her head to answer at once.


    “Recall back at Lightning Wastes. The pearls seem to interfere with the badges. If we’re to get them out of here, we have to do this the old fashioned way.”


    “No I mean…” Vizon hobbled forward, furrowing his brow. One eye was shut from his injuries. “Why not leave them?”


    Jolvia stared at him very hard. A crack of thunder sounded in the sky above.


    A pang sounded off in Avery’s heart at that, somewhere deep beneath the rage that was slowly starting to subside. He wanted to agree with Vizon. Avery wanted to agree with him so badly. He wanted to see Diquaarni sink into the sea.




    “We can’t do that, Viz,” Avery said quietly, looking at them. “If we’re going up against a beast, we can’t know if this ship is sunk or not. And we’re…we’re better than them. We don’t lie. We don’t cheat. And we don’t let people die.”


    Somewhere deep inside the recesses of Avery’s brain, someone agreed.


    ‘Death’s too good for them.’


    Vizon stared at Avery, at his answer…then took a deep breath through his teeth.


    “…fine. You’re right, sorry.” The Riolu said, taking another hobbling step forward. “At least they’re all taken care of.”


    He glanced at Jolvia who only stared back, her expression equally curious…and concerned.


    A groan sounded off behind Jolvia. The Nidrorina looked back. Though Heynia and Argus were out cold, Diquarni still, somehow, still…stirred.


    Jolvia grunted, tossing you two long strands of rope.


    “Here, take care of the other two.” Jolvia said as she handed off some rope. She seemed to, perhaps wisely, want to keep Avery away from the Zoroark. Vizon stepped up closer.


    Slowly, one of Diquarni’s eyes opened. Shakily, her gaze lifted up. She huffed, puffed in fear, in fury.


    Diquarni’s pupil shrank as she looked up at the Nidorina. Her body shuddered. An expression of utter shock spread over her face.


    Vizon stopped dead in his tracks. His own pupils shrank. A gasp escaped him.


    Diquarni’s voice rasped.




    Jolvia lifted a foot, a stomp CRACKING upon Diquarni’s head, knocking her out in one violent stroke.


    “That’s enough out of you.” Jolvia hissed, calmly preparing the rope as if nothing happened.


    Avery winced, flinching from the stomp. That motion alone did enough to snap the rage out of him. The Plusle was back in the present.


    And now they had to spare their lives as the ship went down.


    “Is there anyone else on board?” Avery asked, heading over to one of the other members to bring them over.


    “Doubtful.” Jolvia said, kneeling down and shoving Diquarni’s limp body onto its front and roughly taking the Zoroark’s arms to tie them together. “Standard Operation Procedure for any Brig-Class ship or larger dictates a crew of exclusively water-type Poke’mon to increase mobility in the event of needing to abandon ship.”


    She expertly tied a knot, binding Diquarni’s hands behind her back. Jolvia’s expression didn’t change a bit.


    “Likely Team Fottupebe were the only non-water types on board.” Jolvia pushed her glasses up, standing up and looking back at Vizon, gesturing a hand towards Diquarni. “Vizon, do you mind helping me with this one? Let’s get out of here as soon as possible.”


    But Vizon…didn’t move. He only stared at Jolvia.


    His brow…was furrowed.


    His mouth opened, a sneer on his face as he spoke.


    “Why did Diquarni recognize you?” He asked.


    Jolvia’s expression did not move an inch.


    ‘Not now.’


    Avery felt more trapped in the present than ever. He felt trapped he felt trapped he felt trapped-


    And Avery couldn’t move a muscle. Frozen in place.


    ‘She…she could handle this, right?’


    “Hm…whatever makes you say that?” Jolvia deflected, stepping over to grab Diquarni’s arms. A crack of thunder sounded overhead. Vizon’s brow furrowed, looking around Jolvia…


    “Why do you seem so scared all of a sudden, huh?” Vizon said. Jolvia cocked an eyebrow.


    “You’ve just made a fairly grave accusation, Vizon. And your standing in the guild is all the court would need to prove it.” Jolvia said, calmly. “Of course I’d be nervous.”


    “When Diquarni saw you…her aura flashed with recognition, it practically blinded me…then…betrayal.” Vizon said, stepping forward. “She felt betrayed seeing you.”


    “Probably thought I was the Nidorina traipsing around with Janus.” Jolvia shrugged. “She’d been hit in the head enough to be rattled as such.”


    “You were sure quick to shut her up.” Vizon said, stepping forward. Jolvia shook her head, trying to hoist up Diquarni. “And you’re also weirdly adamant about saving these bad guys.”


    “As was Avery, because that’s the right thing to do.” Jolvia replied, almost too quick. She didn’t look at Vizon, instead just trying to tend to lifting the Zoroark. “Vizon, what you’re implying makes no sense, considering Team Fottupebe lies knocked out and the Water Pearl back in our hands. Moreover, wouldn’t Quayslaan or Calladin have this ‘recognizing’ aura?”


    “They did.” Vizon growled. Avery flinched even has Jolvia maintained her poker face. “I had wondered but…then I thought Quayslaan was recognizing Nivanee…Calladin, I wasn’t sure…and it’s bugged me.”


    The Nidorina was silent, refusing to look at him, trying to stay casual.


    “And something else is bugging me…!” Vizon said, stepping forward again. The ship creaked. “Something just…something hasn’t been right this whole mission. There’s…something off about everyone’s auras. Everyone’s…!”


    “Hm…you know aura readings have never been a verified art.”


    “It’s like…everyone’s keeping something from me. Everyone knows something I don’t.” Vizon said, staring Jolvia down. “I’m always being left out of secret conversation but I see everyone’s auras change-“


    “Vizon, is this really the time? The ship could go down any second.”


    Vizon’s grit his teeth. The look in his eye…was as though he’d been holding something back. Holding back one statement, holding back one accusation he didn’t want to make.


    It was like it hurt him.


    That the words he were holding in were a dagger he was about to thrust into himself.


    But at last, his crimson eyes Avery, a pained look on his face.


    “And you, Avery…” Vizon said. “…your aura…doesn’t have one iota of surprise.”


    Avery’s ears slowly folded back. He could feel his body trembling under the gaze.


    ‘…I didn’t want to know this either, Vizon. But…you’ve been paying attention. You’ve been doing a good job.


    And damn it, I don’t want to hurt you anymore.


    Even if I wanted to hide it, I’m not as good at keeping a face as Jolvia. And I know it.’


    “…This isn’t the best place to talk,” Avery said finally, his bravado completely drained. “I don’t want these three to die. We’ll…tie them up, put them in the brig or something. And then…”


    “Then WHAT?!” Vizon screamed! A peel of thunder streaked over the sky. “Gunna tell me MORE LIES?! THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE GOOD AT! MORE LIES FROM AVERY THE BIG HERO!”


    Another crack of thunder.




    The ship groaned. Wood beams split and fractured! The structure rocked and buckled, making Jolvia and Vizon stumble as the integrity of the ship failed.


    More lightning SCREAMED overhead. A whipping wind overtook the deck, swirling. Rain flowed in spirals, soaking them all, snuffing out the fire upon the ruins of The Devilish Dark.


    Vizon grit his teeth.


    “I…I’ve lied to you before, Vizon, I-” Avery clutched his chest. “I-I’ve done a lot but-“


    He couldn’t finish the thought. He stared at Vizon a moment longer, desperately wishing that time would stop. Desperately wishing that for a moment, everything would stop. That he and Vizon could talk. That Vizon could be mad at Avery. That the Riolu could let it out. That Avery could be wrong, he was wrong-


    Thunder flashed. The crack of wood was deafening.


    As ever, time moved everforwards at a neck-breaking pace.


    “…W…what…whatever happens after this…whatever happens after this,” Avery’s voice hitched. “…we have to do this together.”


    Lightning flashed above them.


    And for a brief moment…Avery saw the gallows.


    ‘I can’t let him hang there.’


    Vizon bared his teeth. He shuddered. He was shaking, doubling over…


    …the Riolu’s body convulsed as he bent forward, hands lifting to grip his head so hard he could practically tear the fur from his head.


    The lightning FLASHED again.


    “I…I can’t take it anymore…” Vizon spoke in a shuddering breath. Jolvia’s brow furrowed. “I can’t believe…I didn’t trust myself…what I saw in the auras…I didn’t believe myself, in favor…of trusting a flake like you…”


    The Devilish Dark CRACKED, parts of the ship breaking off into the ocean.


    Another voice cut through the howling storm.




    A harsh wish THRASHED the two ships. Avery could hear Manikas bellow a war cry over the screaming, whipping wind.




    Vizon stamped a foot, standing up straight. His face was furious and stony. He walked forward, footsteps CRUNCHING the board underneath.


    The Riolu reached down, and in one swoop, HOISTED Diquarni’s massive body by himself and HURLED it across onto the deck of the Peacekeeper. Jolvia winced, hearing a sickening CRACK from the Zoroark.


    And Vizon…was silent.


    He stepped past Jolvia, grabbing Argus, then Heynia, throwing the both of them across onto the Peacekeeper at once, fury fueling his power.


    Then jumped himself from the deck of the crumbling ship.


    Leaving Avery behind.


    Jolvia braced herself as the Devilish Dark lurched, tilting and sinking. Quickly, she rushed forward, beckoning Avery to follow back to the Peacekeeper.


    Avery felt like he was being torn apart from the inside. His ribs screamed at him from the searing pain in his chest. He gave Jolvia one quick glance.


    ‘Whatever it takes.’


    He followed her back to the Peacekeeper. Hollow.


    They were just in time.


    As Avery and Jolvia jumped upon the deck of the Peacekeeper, Rikzyod turned the sails to dislodge the ship from The Devilish Dark, Manikas turned the ship hard.


    The group scrambled about.


    The dark clouds swirled overhead, completely eclipsing the sky.


    Laughter rocked the air.


    There, at the helm, Manikas had a manic look in his eye as the Peacekeeper rushed from the wreckage of the brig.


    Vizon stood idly by the cannons. He looked furious but focused, shaking his head occasionally, as if trying to banish distracting thoughts.


    Rikzyod yelled and sang, tying off ropes quickly.


    “To arms, all ye good Poke’mon!” Manikas shouted. A wide smile was spread across his muzzle, his body shook with excitement like a child on Christmas. “She’s coming. She’s here. Right upon us, aye! Aye, I feel it! Coursing through me like a blazing fire, tearing at my soul, she’s here, she’s here, by Arceus, she’s here!”


    Jolvia bit her lip hanging onto the cannons.


    The ship lurched and bowed in the waves. The ocean was dark under the black clouds of the cursed storm.


    And there, behind the Peacekeeper, Avery could see the ruins of The Devilish Dark.


    What happened next…chilled him to the bone.


    Something…something big.


    A grand wave from under the ruined ship. A vast shadow opened its black maw and tore through the massive brig. The Devilish Dark split in half, blown apart.


    The shadow rose…barely able to be seen in the dark. Only its vague shape revealed itself in the brief flashes of lightning, like a monolithic specter.


    Manikas looked back, eyes afire.


    “THERE! I SEE YOU NOW, BEAST OF THE CURSE!” Manikas bellowed, THROWING the ship aside without hesitation, TOSSING everyone as the ship pivoted. “AFTER A LIFE WASTED I’VE COME TO TAKE YOURS!”


    The shadow rose…higher…higher…towering.


    Then dropped. A grand wave EXPLODED from the Ocean. Manikas howled in delight, turning the ship straight for the wave. Vizon yelled in fear, covering his face as the wave towered over the Peacekeeper!


    And SLAMMED onto the deck! THROWING Avery back, washing him into the stairs.


    And even submerged he swore he could hear Manikas.


    “I remember you. When you took all form me. I remember the day I looked you in the eye, when every purpose I’d been given was stripped from me, to give me naught but one purpose, one reason to live, aye. Only this deathmarch toward your end will satisfy, and shall I never mind the rest after.”


    ‘There’s a chance we won’t make it out of here alive. There’s a chance that this beast will sink us into the freezing depths, the water pearl lost to the ocean.


    At least there’d be that.  But…I need to talk to Vizon. I can’t let it end here. I can’t let it end with the two of us like this.’


    Avery got up, dripping and sopping on the deck, bracing himself against the railing.


    “C-Cap’n!!” He yelled. “Orders??”


    “KILL THE BEAST, MR.AVERY! THEM’S YER ORDERS!” Manikas cackled, the Peacekeeper TILTING against another wave. “KILL!”


    Jolvia scrabble to her feet, looking up at Manikas in shock.


    “Captain, we can’t just fly blind here! What do we do?! How are we supposed to-“


    “Arceus above, woman, need I explain how to KILL A MONSTER fer ye soft head?!” Manikas bellowed. The Peacekeeper tilted to the other side. Jolvia stumbled, rolling.


    “But how are we going to survive this?!”


    “WHO SAID A THING ABOUT SURVIVING?!” Manikas bellowed, his laughter like the strikes of lightning over the ocean. His fur whipped around, the cold rain swirling in circles around the ship. The wind itself threatened to blow Avery away.


    Vizon held fast to the starboard cannons in desperation. Rikzyod merrily took to the portsides.


    A loud, thrumming drone echoed over the roaring wind. A wail, hollow, unlike anything Avery ever heard before.






    “THERE!!!” Manikas roared, pointing at Portside. “The ocean parts! She’s coming up!!!”


    A hill of water was forming in the Ocean. Something massive was beginning to rise out of it!!!


    Avery’s knuckles turned white on the cannon. Things…seemed very grave.


    The massive bubble of water grew…grew…GREW.


    The Peacekeeper TILTED at the sheer displacement!


    Vizon screamed, tumbling back! Jolvia slipped, sliding down the deck!! Rikzyod grabbed onto a pole.


    The water EXPLODED.


    A grand spray of water ROCKETED over the peacekeeper. The great monolithic mass SHOT into the air!


    The Shadow rose higher…




    …it was flying.


    “I’VE FINALLY FOUND YOU!!” Manikas laughed as the Peacekeeper creaked and splintered under the waves.





    Avery screamed, his words lost to the wind, to the storm. This beast…


    As far as he knew, this was no hologram. This was no hardlight apparition. This was a primordial beast.


    And either it would die, they would, or both.


    It was now or never.


    The lightning was gone in an instant.


    The shadow, the monster, CRASHED into the ocean, right next to the Peacekeeper!


    The ship ROCKED.






    Vizon’s voice screamed desperately as he fell back, losing his footing!


    He SLAMMED into the railing! Winded!


    “Vizon! Arceus above!” Jolvia shrieked. The support she held onto cracked and splintered.


    Manikas bellowed in anger, desperately trying to take control of the Peacekeeper as it slowly began to roll onto its starboard side!


    Jolvia looked quickly over at the three unconscious passengers, Diquarni, Heynia, Argus. She crawled over to them quickly, pulling a knife from her satchel.


    “JOLVIA.” Vizon screamed, trying to lift himself from the railing but being unable to. “What…what’re you DOING?!”


    Jolvia ignored him, cutting the binds on each of the Thieves Guild poke’mon…and taking out three reviver seeds.


    “NO! Don’t…don’t you dare!!”


    Jolvia paid him no mind, immediately shoving them into the three’s mouths. Their eyes flashed open. Diquarni coughed, flailing her limbs in confusion.


    “J-Jolvia?! What, what’s going-?!” Diquarni spluttered.


    “Traitors…backstabbers…double-crossers…!!” Vizon screamed as he slowly leaned back. “Everyone I’ve put even an bit of trust into…!”


    The Riolu fell backwards, over the railing, PLUNGING into the water. Jolvia grit her teeth, falling as well, straight into the water. Diquarni was panicking with Argus, the both of them sliding down the deck as the Peacekeeper capsized.


    “NO!” Manikas roared, tumbling, unable to even hold the helm. “Not again! NEVER AGAIN! I WON’T BE DENIED AGAIN! I WON’T-“


    He said naught more as the Ocean water eclipsed all.


    Avery saw it all play out in front of him. Slowed to a crawl.


    Vizon’s agonized screams. Jolvia reviving her past coworkers. Cutting them free.


    His partner falling over the water into the abyss. The ship capsizing.


    Avery’s grip on the cannon slipped… And he, too, was claimed by the waves.


    It was over in a second.


    Total darkness. The moment Avery hit the roaring waves…


    …it was over.


    Chapter 33.2





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