The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 33.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    No more was said for a long while. The boat simply pressed on across the waters towards its destination. Soon, the sun had lifted overhead, approaching its noon position.


    Vizon stood watch at the front with Rikzyod. Jolvia stood by and took another Pecha berry for her stomach.


    Then, Avery heard Vizon’s voice at last.


    “Land! There’s land, cap’n!” The Riolu shouted from the front of the ship, waving his arms excitedly. Avery smiled, overjoyed to hear there was land. This was it, this was the cave! They’d secure the pearl, bring it back, explain away defying the Elites, and then they’d be done! The conflict would be stalemated, and all would be well!


    “Atta boy, Mr.Vizon!” Manikas called, holding the helm steady. “That should be it, then! Do you see the cave from here?”


    “The cave?”


    “Should be facing the water, cliffs at its back!” Manikas said, plucking up a spyglass and tossing it across the ship. Vizon caught it and looked ahead.


    He was quiet a moment, before lowering it.


    “Yeah! Cave’s dead ahead! Lots of rocks and harsh waves, though…”


    “Nothing the Ol’ Peacekeeper can’t handle!” Manikas shouted as Vizon looked in the spyglass again. “By Arceus, I swear if I could sail those crags in me youth then they’ll be nothing to an old salt, aye?”


    Vizon didn’t reply. He only looked at something very closely in his spyglass.




    Rikzyod and Jolvia perked up at that, looking to the Riolu as he stared out to sea. Manikas cocked an eyebrow.


    “What…do you mean, ‘um’?” Avery asked Vizon, a little uneasily, as he joined the Riolu at the bow of the ship. “….Don’t tell me it’s time for the second twist already…”


    “There’s another ship anchored there…” Vizon said, lowering the spyglass and looking back at Avery worriedly. “It’s all black, masts and all. Pretty big, too.”


    Jolvia hissed, shaking her head.


    “How many masts, Mr.Vizon?” Manikas called. Vizon lifted the spyglass again.


    “Uh…” He began. “Two big masts…like, three triangle ones at the front and a square one at the back.”


    “A whole Brig?” Manikas muttered, chewing on his pipe. “That don’t sound like an elite ship.”


    “I think we all know who it belongs to…” Vizon said, furrowing his brow at the ship as they approached.


    “…How the hell did they find out so damn fast…?” Avery hissed, wiping at his head. “The map should have told them it was in the museum, right…?”


    He looked back at Jolvia for a moment.


    “…right? Nobody else knew except for the…the guy! The High Captain!!”


    The Nidorina gave a firm nod, confirming Avery’s assumption, Vizon unawares.


    ‘This was supposed to be easy! Dealing with the Elites was meant to be the hard part…! Now we have to deal with this, too-?!’


    “I have no idea…!” Vizon said, lifting the spyglass again. “But it figures, huh? Stupid Thieves Guild, thinking they can get one up on us again.”


    The Riolu slammed the spyglass closed, a fire in his eyes.


    Nu-uh! Not this time, NEVER again. I’m not losing another one to these guys!”


    “…Are we going to have to maroon them here…?” Avery grumbled.


    Vizon paused and looked back at Avery, frowning deeply.


    He heard the question, and the Riolu’s answer was plain in his expression.


    “We’re going to do whatever it takes to get that pearl. You with me, Avery?”


    Jolvia took a step back. Rikzyod laughed, cracking his knuckles.


    “Aha, at last! The fun is sure to begin!”


    “…I don’t want to drown anybody,” Avery mumbled, raking his paw back and forth through his hair. “But I think that impairing their ship might be a good way to paralyze their forces so they can’t get in and out quickly. Taking out a mast or two might do that, as long as we keep our own ship well guarded in the process. Then it won’t matter if they have the Pearl off the bat if they can’t get out fast enough.”


    Avery paused.


    “…Unless Xamao just swoops in again, flying with one wing somehow, and takes it…again.


    “I’d like to see him try…” Vizon rumbled, his fists clenching. Jolvia stepped forward, putting a hand on Avery’s shoulder.


    Manikas spoke up at once.


    “Regardless, excellent plan, Mr.Avery!” The Pangoro shouted with a laugh, everyone turning to look at him. “The Peacekeeper should be able to outmaneuver their cannon fire if we get in a skirmish, and they’re sitting Psyducks, ey?”


    Manikas lifted a finger towards a large covered object on the Starboard side of the ship.


    “Thus, Ms.Jolvia, Mr.Rikzyod and I will take to peppering their rotten tub with cannonfire whilst you and Mr.Vizon sneak into the cave with that. Go on, uncover it.”


    Avery gave Vizon a quick look.


    “You think we can handle some covert ops, bud…?” The Plusle asked with a smile. “They’ll probably be pretty distracted in there by the sound of cannonfire from outside.”


    Vizon nodded firmly, stepping up beside the Plusle with a smile. He lifted a hand and let it rest on Avery’s shoulder.


    “What can’t Team Azure do, huh?” Vizon said with a smirk, confident in himself…and in his partner.


    Avery returned his smile and followed Manikas’s pointing finger towards the mass, bringing his paws against the cloth, and carefully removing the cover. Vizon put his own paws on the massive sheet and helped Avery pull it off.


    There, the two revealed a crane with ropes. The ropes lead down to hooks attaching them to a small rowboat. It had the same colors and trimmings as the Peacekeeper, and upon the Rowboat’s hull, in beautiful cursive writing, was the small vessel’s name:


    The Dinky Dinghy


    Avery let out a little laugh.


    “Dinky Dinghy,” he said, covering his mouth. “Alright. Let’s not waste any more time. You ready, Viz?”


    He punched the Riolu’s arm gently.


    “…Let’s do this.”


    Vizon turned his head, looking toward the approaching peninsula. Slowly, the Peacekeeper was coming upon the high cliff, the frightening black Thieves Guild ship looming.


    “Yeah. Let’s do this.” Vizon said. He reached out, holding Avery’s hand tight and secure, looking to him with a smile. “You and me. Together.”


    With that, Vizon stepped forward, getting into the Dinghy and helping Avery inside. Jolvia and Rikzyod approached on either side, tugging at the rope pulleys to lift the boat as the Peacekeeper slowed its pace.


    “Good luck, Avery.” Jolvia said as the Dinghy lifted from the deck. “You too, Vizon. Come back safe and victorious. We’re counting on you.”


    “No worries, Jolvia!” Vizon cheered, pumping a fist. “If Xamao’s in there, he’s in for a thrashing this time! For Nivanee, Sarfallinus…everyone he’s hurt.”


    Jolvia gave a small smile, almost forced.


    “I have no doubt you will…” She said softly.


    …That idea worried Avery.


    ‘If Xamao is in there…I’m still not sure we can take him. But at this point, I’m not sure if it’ll be something I can back down from.


    But we were stronger. We weren’t worn out this time. No matter what’s in that cave…I’ll have to face it.’


    “…Hold down the fort out here for us, will you? Give ’em hell, Rik.”


    “I only regret I cannot come with you.” Rikzyod said. But his smile was wide, encouraging and proud. “But I know this is a fight that belongs to you and Vizon alone. I only demand you do to them as you did to me, uh?!”


    With a laugh he hoisted the Dinghy over the water with Jolvia. Manikas nodded.


    “You boys remember, the moment you have the pearl in hand, you come back to the ship at once.” Manikas orders, slamming a fist on the railing. “Once the Pearl is disturbed from the black hoard…”


    “The curse…right.” Vizon said, nodding solemnly. Manikas grinned, chewing so hard, so manically on his pipe, that it might have snapped apart.


    “And don’t you forget yer terms of riding with me.” The Pangoro said through his clenched, sharp teeth. “All this pearl and thieves guild and elite nonsense is secondary to our real target. When that beast comes forth…either we send him to the briny deep…or we go there ourselves. Understand?”


    Vizon didn’t even flinch.


    “Aye, Captain.” He said, getting ready.


    “Good.” Manikas rumbled with a laugh. He flicked his head to Jolvia and Rikzyod. “Drop ’em.”


    With that, the deck vanished. The Dinghy fell into the rolling waves of the Ocean below. Avery’s heart leapt into his throat as we were lowered hastily into the water. Vizon jolted as the rowboat hit the water, the Riolu holding onto the side for dear life. The salty spray splashed into Avery’s face, eyes screwing shut to keep them from stinging. As soon as the rowboat was stable, Vizon unhooked the rope, the Peacekeeper quickly sailing by, leaving the pair in their Dinky Dinghy.


    Deep breaths. This was it. They were on their own.


    “…Alright,” Avery said, grabbing an oar, and looking at his partner. “…Ready? Let’s go.”


    Vizon nodded, taking an oar as well to row with Avery. At once they rowed, pushing through the waves to approach Yahneri Cave…and the treasures and dangers that awaited them within.


    The waves rocked and bobbed their little rowboat, but they both managed to keep it steady. Even as Avery’s arms ached and the salt water splashed against their bodies and wet the inside of the Dinky Dinghy, they still rowed ever closer…closer to the Yahneri Cave.


    There it sat in the distance. A gaping black maw of stone, teeth of stalactites and stalactites, into which rushing ocean water flowed, a cavernous beach of rock within.


    Their boat passed by sharp rocks. Wood debris and rotten rope festooned the crags like a graveyard, a warning to ships. Through the haze of splashing, foaming water, they saw the cave loom more…more…




    A bell rung furiously. Shouting.


    Vizon lifted his head. There, in the distance, he could barely see the Peacekeeper sail by the black Brig, a massive plume of smoke billowing as a hailstorm fiery red cannon shots erupted from its side.


    “Alright, we better be quick…” Vizon said, nodding to Avery, picking up the pace with his own oars.


    The high rocky ceiling loomed over head. Slowly, it blotted out the sunlight, the shadow of the Yahneri cave swallowing them both.


    Vizon was silent. The look in his eye was both determined and…angry. Vengeful. As he rowed he rowed with staunch purpose.


    The wind echoed hollowly on the walls of the cave. A mist rolled over the waters. The air of the cave was chilled, made Avery’s fur stand on end. It was as though they’d entered the very den of evil itself.


    And there, as they moved deeper…deeper into the cave…a light shone upon them. It wasn’t sunlight, no…it glimmered. Blinded them. Vizon squinted, gritting his teeth.


    And there…so deep in the cave, it towered…towered over them…a sight almost too amazing and disgusting for words.


    Gold. A mountain of gold. Jewels. Gems. Dubloons. Ancient currencies. Baubles. Necklaces. Some rusted and tarnished while others looked fresh from the mint.


    And there, a grand light pulsed at the top. An ethereal blue shimmer cascaded upon the walls of the cave, flowing and ebbing like a luminous reflection of water. The glow shone at the top, blinding them both, reflecting off the gold, all a haunting display of pure avarice in the heavy atmosphere of the cave.


    Vizon and Avery looked upon…the Black Hoard.



    “…Good lord,” Avery whispered, leaning forwards in hisposition on the boat. “This….this is obscene. I didn’t even know this much treasure existed.”


    It was tempting for Avery to grab one or two coins for themselves on the way out. But…he knew they had to focus.


    “Okay, let’s…let’s be quick then. We don’t know where the Thieves are, or how long the cannons will distract them for. And this is only part of the battle.”


    Avery rowed forward, toward the rocky shore.


    “Look…!” Vizon hissed, pointing up toward the mountain of gold.


    There, as they both rowed near some stalagmites to tie off the Dinghy, a few shadows could be see moving about the mountain of gold. It looked to be a small party in black cloaks.


    Vizon’s ears perked. Voices…yes, echoing over the walls the pair could hear voices.


    “What’s all that racket outside?!” A voice called from the top of the mountain. Near the bright blue glow Avery could just barely see what looked to be three figures pacing about.




    Another muffled volley of cannon fire echoed dully on the walls of the cave as Vizon stepped out onto the beach of gold coins.


    “Were we followed?! What’s going on out there?” The voice yelled again. “That better not be guild!”


    Vizon scrambled behind a large wood box, waving Avery over.


    “Don’t think they’ve seen us yet…” The Riolu muttered, biting his lip. “Looks like…5 below…3 up top….how do you wanna do this, Avery?”


    “…Wait to see who goes,” The Plusle whispered. “Fighting now would give the people outside an advantage but be a huge uphill battle for us – no, uh, pun intended.”


    Avery’s eyes traced the giant mountain of coin in front of them.


    “…But if some of them leave, we can figure out what’s going on, and take on the rest. Sound good?”


    Vizon smiled and nodded, turning to peek over the chest, watching the Thieves Guild.


    “Everyone! You gotta go help! Make sure they’re okay!” the voice at the top shouted. “We’ll secure the pearl and be right behind you! Then…our getaway!!”


    Vizon grit his teeth, snarling.


    “Rotten, slippery bad guys…” he muttered, eyes glancing around.


    He perked up, tapping Avery’s shoulder and pointing over at another chest close by. Meanwhile, the five Thieves Guild members at the base of the mountain were already scrambling down to a set of rowboats on the far side of the cave.


    “C’mon, let’s get closer…” Vizon muttered. “If we get the drop on those three up there, the Pearl is as good as ours.”


    Avery nodded, carefully climbing out of the dinghy onto the shore and carefully making his way closer to the mountain, making sure to watch his step to keep silent.


    Vizon kept watch as Avery moved, the Riolu’s crimson eyes following each of the hooded Thieves Guild Pokémon as they vanished.




    In the noise, Vizon quickly ran and ducked behind a pile of bags filled with silverware, waving Avery over. The mountain of treasure loomed ever higher with every move they both made.


    “Quick, how do we get this thing out of here without setting it off?”


    “The map…it does not say. Therre are no notes, only that it is…orr was…at Yahnerri Port.”


    “Double Drat…we might have to make a break for it before those guild and elite cronies upend our schemes…!”


    “Schemes…!” Vizon hissed, clenching his fists. His eyes flared as he stared up at the towering golden mountain. “Of all things…Thieves Guild schemes!”


    “Wait, did you hear that?” Avery whispered, leaning up against the Riolu. “‘Setting it off’. Sounds like they know about as much as we do about getting it out of here without triggering the trap.”


    Avery grimaced.


    “We might just have to bite the bullet.”


    “Tch, I’m not worried.” Vizon said. The only Thieves Guild members remaining were the ones at the top of the mountain. “If we took on Thundurus then we can take on whatever this stupid ‘beast’ is. I’m not scared, heroes never are.”


    The voices at the top spoke again.


    “Once we get out of here that’ll be two for us and none for the Conduit or her guild!”


    A bellowing guffaw rumbled across the cavern. Vizon sneered, slowly standing up.


    “I wanna bag them.” The Riolu muttered, voice cold. He glanced down at Avery. “We gunna thrash these bad guys or what, Avery? Let’s do this.”


    ‘…He’s scaring me a little.’ Avery thought.


    “…Alright,” Avery said, bowing his head. “…Alright, yeah. Okay, Vizon. Let’s… Let’s do it.”


    Vizon had conviction. Force behind his words. A fire in his eyes and ice in his words.


    …Avery just followed.


    Vizon flashed the Plusle a grin, his sharp teeth shining in the glimmer of the pearl.


    The Riolu’s arm flashed with aural energy, a blindingly bright ball of power forming in his palm. He took a step back, paws firmly planted as he reared back. His eyes burned afire, a snarl on his face like an animal.




    The laughter far above stopped.




    Vizon TWISTED his body! His arm SWUNG hard!


    Coins SCATTERED and FLEW in the air! A gust of air billowed past Avery! Jewels swirled like pebbles!


    The aura sphere ROCKETED upward!


    An EXPLOSION of shining coins erupted from the top of the mountain! The walls shook! The cavern groaned!


    “First warning!” Vizon yelled, cracking his knuckles, stepping forward, up the incline of gold towards the top. “Stand down and relinquish the pearl at once!”


    The three at the top were silent.


    But eventually their reply came: yet another hearty guffaw. Vizon’s fists clenched even harder.


    “…Okay, that’s our response,” Avery said, giving Vizon a look. “Laughing doesn’t make it sound like they’re going to cooperate. So…”


    Squaring his feet, Avery heard the clinking of golden coins, trinkets and baubles beneath Him.


    A sea of golden coins.


    ‘…Gold. Hm.’


    “…Viz, just in case…if I tell you to duck, then you jump.” Avery said, glancing at the Riolu. “It’s a code. Okay?”


    Vizon glanced down at the coins, then looked up at Avery, smiling with a nod.


    “Jump on ‘Duck’. You got it, buddy. This one’s all you!” He whispered, smiling and giving Avery a thumbs-up. “Oh, but…make sure you give it a cool name, okay?”


    “Hah, I’ll do my best,” Avery said with a returned smile.


    Vizon turned his head, looking back up at the top of the treasure mountain. There, the two of them could see a trio of silhouettes looming far overhead, the glow of the pearl behind them.


    “Aha! I should have known it’d be you Arceali Guild mooks!” One of the voices far above shouted. Her voice was raspy, conniving, as though every syllable were a plot and scheme in of itself. The other two laughed, evil chortles echoing over the walls.


    “Do you not see?” Another of the voices said. “Why, it is Avery and Vizon of Team Azurre!”


    “Oh, is that so?” The first voice laughed, throwing her head back. “So, we meet at last, Avery and Vizon! I was worried our clash would never come!”


    As Avery listened to these Thieve Guild members talk…something…bothered the Plusle a little about their words. The way they held themselves, their giggles, their…almost stereotypical phrases.


    “Enough!” Vizon shouted, projecting his voice. “You Thieves Guild evil-doers are finished!


    The Riolu ran forward, pounding footsteps kicking up jangling coins as he clambered up the mountain of treasure.


    “Haw! As if we plan on being foiled by Arceali Guild!”


    Avery’s ear twitched as he listened to Vizon’s replies to the Thieves Guild goading.




    Oh no.


    Oh no, are theses Thieves Guild members geeks too-?!’


    Avery followed after his partner, clenching his fists. The Plusle could at least give them a show.


    “Ha, listen to them, Vizon!” Avery called, panting as he climbed up the mountain. “I bet they don’t even know about the curse~!”


    “WE SO TOO KNOW ABOUT THE-“ The first voice stopped herself with a laugh. “I mean! We know all about the curse! The beast of this Cave!”


    “And it is nothing we cannot handle!” Said another, masculine voice.


    “For we arre the most elite team of all the Santurrini Guild!” Said the other woman’s voice.


    Vizon swung around, grabbing Avery’s paw to help hoist him up the mountain. The both of them scrambled and crawled up.


    And as they both crest the top, the cave spread around them, the light of the pearl was blinding for a moment…before it died down. Slowly growing dimmer….dimmer…


    The three silhouettes that stood were slowly revealed. Two of them stepped forward.


    Before Avery and Vizon stood a Mandibuzz in a mail delivery hat. She grabbed the hat from her head and slung it away!


    “Heynia!” the Mandibuzz shouted!


    To the left, a Krookodile in a white elite cloak threw the garb aside, taking a battle-ready pose with a grin.


    “Arrgus!” He shouted!


    And between the both of them, looking over her shoulder…stood a Pinsir in an elite cloak. Her eyes were affixed to Avery, mischief dancing behind her pupils.


    And at once, the Pinsir’s body began to wobble. Like smoke it faded, the limbs extending, the body thinning and elongating.


    The Zoroark before them threw her head back and laughed a most evil laugh, lifting the shimmering water pearl over her head.


    “DIQUARNI!” She guffawed, standing tall over the pair. Vizon looked shocked, gritting his teeth, fists clenched as the three loomed.





    ‘Oh no they’re definitely geeks.’


    Avery almost didn’t want to fight them…but there was too much at stake.


    “Team Fottupebe,” Avery said, mulling the name over. “I’ll do well to remember that name after we send you scuttling home with your tails tucked between your legs. Though whether it’s as honorable opponents or pathetic cowards…”


    Avery sparked his cheeks, just a bit.


    “…I suppose that’ll be decided in the next few moments, won’t it?”


    It was a little disturbing to Avery how easily that geeky line came to him. Vizon was clearly rubbing off on him.


    “HAH! You fools!” Diquarni said, the Zoroark tucking the water pearl under her arm. “Foolish fools fooling around with your tomfoolery!! Do you think us scared of two kids whom we so utterly tricked, hoodwinked, bamboozled, flummoxed and CHECKMATED?!”


    Argus and Heynia snickered.


    “You arre the one who shall go running home back to Olistia to tell herr anotherr pearl has been taken by us…!” The Mandibuzz said, her Illaminian accent thick. Vizon clenched his fist.


    “Hah…this isn’t even a surprise to me anymore.” Vizon growled, straightening, his fists glowing with aural energy. “Deserting scum does always seem to float to the top of the Thieves Guild! First Janus runs from the guild, then Quayslaan quits the guild…now you, Diquarni! Left the elites and now skulking with low-lives!”


    Avery perked up in surprise at that.


    ‘Left the elites? Diquarni was…or, used to be, an elite?’


    Vizon lifted a hand, heroically pointing a finger to the Zoroark, a fighter’s spirit burning in his eyes.


    “Diquarni, retired member of TEAM CLOCKWORK…now reduced to PETTY THIEF.” Vizon called her out, a sneer on his face.


    “Wait wait wait, Team Clockwo-?!” Avery was immediately cut off as the Zoroark laughed again, holding the pearl out, as though taunting the two with it.


    “That’s right, fool! I’m in with Xamao now! And this Pearl is all ours! And to top it all off…” Diquarni grinned. “Our victory against the NEFARIOUS TEAM AZURE is ASSURED!!”


    “Who’re you calling nefarious, scumbag?!” Vizon shouted. “You bad guys get on my nerves!”


    “Who’re you calling bad guys, evil-doer?!”






    “MYEH!” Diquarni stuck her tongue out.


    “MYEEH!!” Vizon retaliated with his own tongue stuck out…and blew a raspberry! “Tthbththtbthtbbb!”


    Diquarni gasped, countered!


    “…Oh boy,” Avery muttered. It was clear he wasn’t going to get an explanation any time soon.


    Taking a breath, Avery instead furrowed his brow and puffed his chest, matching the energy of Vizon.


    “Enough talk!” Avery shouted in his most heroic voice possible. He noticed a subtle bounce from Vizon. “No tricks this time, Team Fottupebe! You’re going down, and we’re taking that Water Pearl, curse or-“


    He blinked. Slowly, his eyes trailed up towards the Zoroark’s hands…the Water Pearl resting in her grasp.


    “…Wait you already picked it up. Wait you already picked it-” Avery tugged at his ears. “That activates the curse, numbnuts!!”




    The three Thieves Guild Poke’mon looked to one another.


    “Diquarrni…” Heynia muttered.


    There was a silence between both teams. A rumble of thunder echoed far away with the crack of cannon fire.


    “Of…course it does!!” Diquarni countered, casually tossing the pearl to her other hand. “And once we’ve pulverized you and made our getaway…you’ll be left facing off against the curse by yourselves whilst Xamao and TEAM FOTTUPEBE secure another victory over the Conduit!!”


    The Krookodile and Mandibuzz looked unsure for a moment, but quickly smirked, readying their battle poses. Vizon balked, putting up his fists.


    “Fiends! All three of you!!” Vizon shouted. “I’ll see to it you’re all put away in chains down in Prison Arceali!!”


    “Ha!! As if we’re gunna lose to bad guys!” Diquarni rumbled with a laugh, putting the pearl in her satchel.


    The air was electrified between the teams, standing off at the top of the mountain of gold. Diquarni’s eyes flashed an eerie red while Heynia and Argus snickered to themselves.


    Then, Diquarni and Vizon spoke in unison.




    Everyone sprung into action.


    Quick as a flash, Avery bent down and scooped a heavy gem! His arm FLASHED with electric power, charging it! He dashed, spun and hurled the crackling gem at the Mandibuzz!




    The gem SHOT toward the Mandibuzz, slamming her beak! Blowing her backwards!


    “HEY!” Diquarni shouted, rushing forward! “What a cheap shot!!”


    The Zoroark LEAPT into the air, claws out! She reared back, coming right for Avery!




    Vizon’s fist SHOT her side. The woman spat, stumbling and backing off.


    There! To Vizon’s left! The Krookodile spun, his tail glowing and swinging towards the Riolu!!


    “Check your nine, Viz!” Avery shouted!


    Vizon dove! Gold coins scattered and flew as he slid under Argus! The Krookodile’s tail SLAMMED into the coins, cascading them! Shimmering jewels and baubles flew into the air!


    Avery rushed down Diquarni! He planted his hands on her back, climbing atop her!


    “Guard this!!”


    “Wha-hey! What’re you-AUHGHGHGUH!!!” Diquarni shrieked, thousands of volts firing through her at once! She struggled, reaching behind herself, trying to get him off to no avail!!


    “Get ‘im off! Get ‘im off! Get ‘im off! Get ‘im off!!!!” Diquarni yelled, stumbling around the battlefield. Heynia pulled herself from a pile of gold, shaking her head. With a BEAT of her wings, the Mandibuzz was in the air, SWOOPING towards Avery, sharp talons extended!


    “AVERY! Look out!” Vizon yelled! The Krookodile’s tail swung, STRIKING Vizon’s arms! The Riolu barely blocked but was held back!!


    “I got- ack-!!” Avery yelped, talons digging into his shoulder. He sucked a sharp breath then looked to Heynia. “…Oh…boy, you sure you want to do this…?”


    The Plusle let go of Diquarni. Heynia beat her wings PULLING Avery away. He could see it: the determined look in the Mandibuzz’s eyes as her sharp talons gripped him and she swooped into the air.


    Diquarni backed away, whipping around. Her arm glowed, a focus blast firing to her side. Right for Vizon! The Riolu blocked another strike by Argus before the focus blast SLAMMED into his head, throwing him back!


    “Arrgus, my love!!” Heynia shouted as she beat her wings, Avery in tow, diving for Krookodile.


    The Plusle grit his teeth, swinging his arm up and clutching Heynia’s talon. He tensed, every muscle burning, body sparking and ROARING ALIGHT! An electric discharge SHOT up the Mandibuzz, frying her!


    Heynia screeched! Her talons opened, dropping Avery! The Plusle was put in a spin! He flailed his arms, trying to right himself, streaking towards the Krookodile!


    “Hey kid! Do not Bull-doze off now!!!” Argus chortled, preparing to Bulldoze Avery as he sailed towards the Krookodile!!


    ‘Time to change tactics-!’


    Avery flipped through the air uncontrollably, trying desperately to focus his hands into a circle, centering Argus in it. His cheeks sparked, ears folded downwards. Avery’s hands shuddered, glowed, a closed loop of white hot energy. Faster and faster he felt the current move until-


    He TRUST his hands forward!






    The whole cave went white!




    Argus fumbled his bulldoze, throwing himself into Diquarni! The Zoroark yelped, tossed aside by the powerful attack.


    Hey! What’s the big idea?!” She yelped, pulling herself up from the coins, rubbing her eyes.


    “Augh! I am sorrry, Diquarrni!”


    “It’s fine! It’s okay! We got this!” The Zoroark shouted, throwing an oran berry to Heynia who shakily took the health.


    Vizon scrambled to his feet, stumbling over to Avery.




    The sound of cannon fire thundered outside. Diquarni grit her teeth, looking back toward Vizon and Avery.


    “Nghhgh, ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. I guess I see why you’ve been such a royal pain in the keister for everyone else!!” Diquarni said, putting her fingertips together.


    “Quayslaan told us how strrong they werre…!” Heynia muttered, leaning over to Diquarni. The Zoroark nodded, brow furrowed.


    “Which is why it’s time to really get serious…!” Diquarni said, widening her stance.


    “What’re you villains up to now?!” Vizon yelled, fists clenched. “Whatever it is, we’ll put a stop to it!”


    “Oh yeah? Bet you won’t!”


    “Will to!”




    “Diquarni…!” Heynia hissed. The Zoroark puffed her cheeks and nodded…staring at both Avery and Vizon intently…


    Her eyes began to glow red. A deep, thrumming red that made Avery feel hazy…scared.


    Vizon took a step back.


    Avery’s heart raced. He backed up a bit, his clenched fists loosening. For a few moments, he felt doubt worm its way into his mind – but unlike normal, this was wordless, senseless. It was a primal fear, that while he knew it was unnatural it was tough to fight it.


    “V…Viz, what do-“


    Avery shook his head, trying to clear the terror. It wouldn’t fade.


    ‘Deep breaths. Concentrate. She’s doing this to you, you know she’s doing this to you.’


    The Riolu gasped, looking to the side…!


    There, a figure stood. A new opponent. A Zoroark with red eyes. To their right! Another Zoroark…!




    Looking around…the two were surrounded…!


    The Zoroarks stood on all sides, eyes glowing, bodies darkened. There, in front of them, the real Diquarni stood, readying her stance with a haughty smirk.


    HA! Howdya like that?!” She mocked, Argus and Heynia snickering as well. “You’re in for it now!”


    “Why…you cheating scoundrel…!” Vizon said.


    “Uhhh DON’T CARE.” Diquarni’s voice ROARED around them as every clone spoke at once.


    Not even a second to process!! A Zoroark leapt at Avery! Another, from the side! Another behind! Focus blasts FLEW for them both! Argus and Heynia leapt into the advantage, all the attacks converging at once!


    “Here they come!!!” Vizon shouted, his back to Avery’s as the assault descended!!


    ‘I have to do the thing…! I have to tell him to duck! I have to get him to jump so I can electrocute the ground. Why can’t I-!?’




    Vizon GRABBED Avery, throwing him aside! A focus blast EXPLODED where he’d just stood! The Riolu ducked! Jumped back! Fists and claws and kicks soared over him! Under him!


    Vizon flinched! Struck on the side! Swept off his feet! He rolled as a clone SLAMMED down!


    “YEAH!!” Diquarni’s voice THRUMMED on the walls of the cave. “Y’LIKE THAT?!”


    Coins flew about the air! The mountain of treasure shuddered and swayed! A clone slipped down the mountain!


    An Aura Sphere struck a clone! Another! Vizon desperately dodging, pirouetting, spinning! A hyper beam TORE through the coins, melting the gold, grazing Vizon’s side!


    And there Avery was! A clone swiped at him! A focus blast came for him! The hyperbeam curved to try and slam into Avery! Argus ran for him amid the clones, mud in his hands for a mud slap!! Heynia swooped overhead!


    “You LOW-LIFE, SCUM-SUCKIN’ AZURE GUILDIES are at the end of your rope!!” Diquarni’s voice POUNDED their ears. “Give it up!”


    Visual chaos. Coins flowed like molten gold, shimmering and blinking. Dozens of Zoroarks swarmed Avery, making him flinch. The mud-slap SMASHED his face, sent him spinning into the coins.


    Grunting, he scrabbled away from a blast, two, three! Coins flying in his face. His eyes barely could see Heynia swooping for him!




    Avery tensed himself to roll to the right. If he could dodge Heynia, make her land…!


    “Vizon!! Get ready to duck!!” Avery roared!


    “Duck?!?” Vizon shouted in the chaos, rolling backwards, backpedaling!




    And explosion of shots peppered the ground! Vizon was barely dodging, stumbling!


    “OH. DUCK!!” He shouted, spinning. An aura ball flew wide of Argus, making him back off! Vizon cried out, a blast SMOKING him in the back. He stumbled forward, leaping out of the way of a Zoroark’s punch!


    Red eyes surrounded them, stared them down. Crowded, surrounded, flanked, suffocated. Closing in!


    Vizon flew wild punches, kicks. He was panting. The Zoroarks kept dodging, flawlessly. Every punch only hit the air, even as shots peppered him! Vizon spat blood, fists up, teeth clenched.


    Above, Heynia pivoted! SWOOPED for Vizon! The Riolu looked up, desperately backpedaling away as the Mandibuzz CRASHED into the treasure. Coins and jewels flew out, hitting Vizon in the face as the Zoroarks surrounded him, ready to finish him off.


    “Avery..!!!” Vizon shouted. “It’s…all you, buddy!!!!”


    ‘Three. Two. One.’


    “AMPED AVARICE HAZARD ATTACK!!” Avery yelled, calling out the first halfway-cool name he could think of. He struck his hands into the ground, took in a deep breath. The electricity from the damp, choking air channeled into his own stress…


    …into voltage.


    “OH THAT’S SO COOL!!!” Vizon yelled merrily. He crouched, SPRINGING into the air.




    The clones all looked up, glowing eyes distracted. They all readied themselves to strike the easy target, completely ignoring Avery.


    And what a mistake.


    The coins beneath Avery heat up. A bit at a time, then more…then hot. Very hot. They began to glow red, then blue, and-




    The ground of gold was electrified.


    “Wait wait wAIT WAIT WAIT” Diquarni shrieked as the bright glow blinded everyone on the mountain. “NOOOOOO!!!!”


    The entire mountain was ALIGHT.


    The cavern walls SHONE like a hundred thousand suns!! Massive arcs of electricity bounced and shot through the gold, firing UP each of the clones! Up Heynia! Even Argus felt the burn of intense electrical heat from the coins!!


    “HAH!!” Vizon shouted from above, spreading his arms out. “BAD GUYS NEVER WIN!!!”


    All the clones EXPLODED into a haze of smoke! Diquarni and Heynia and Argus were THROWN BACK, slamming into the gold!




    The Water Pearl!


    Amid the smoke and crackling coins in the air, the Water Pearl shone bright, soaring in the air, hurdling in an arc from Diquarni’s satchel and straight towards Avery!!


    “Avery!!” Vizon said, dropping hard onto the coins. “Catch it! Catch it quick!!”


    “NO!!!” Diquarni coughed, paralyzed on the ground, smoking!


    Avery got up, winded from the attack. He sucked breath through his lungs, covered in scrapes and bruises…and saw the pearl.


    One last jump, and a swipe of his bag-




    “Water Pearl secure!” Avery shouted as he dropped. “Let’s hightail it out of here, Viz!!”


    “Hah! Score one Team Azure!” Vizon called from across the top of the mountain, jumping up with a fist into the air! He lifted a finger, pointing to Team Fottupebe as they lay defeated. Diquarni could barely lift herself up, her muscles convulsing.


    “And let that be a lesson!!” Vizon said, triumph in his voice! “You Thieves Guild goons will never win against us, the forces of good!”


    “STOP, PLEASE…!”


    Diquarni’s voice cut through Vizon’s jeering.


    Her voice…was wobbling.


    “Huh…?” Vizon cocked his head to the side as Diquarni held herself by wobbling arms, on her knees.


    Slowly, her head lifted. One eye was shut, but Avery could see it through her grit teeth. Heynia shuffled, pulling herself closer to the Zoroark.


    “Please…I have to get that pearl.” Diquarni said. “You don’t…know what they plan…who they’ll hurt…”


    …Avery’s grip on the bag tightened.


    He took a step back, but didn’t leave.


    “…You already have one,” Avery said. “…We don’t know who you’re going to hurt. Letting someone get all three…it’s dangerous.”


    He paused.


    “…Or do you know more about what the Conduicy is planning than we do…?”


    On one hand, it was a sort of mocking question. It might come across that way.


    But when Avery thought about it…neither he nor Vizon knew anything about what the Conduicy wanted to do with the Pearls. Just that they didn’t want them in Xamao’s hands.


    Diquarni coughed, her eye screwing shut. Argus curled in pain.


    “Do you know what I’ve seen…?” Diquarni said. “The hurt Olistia inflicts on everyone…especially those who deserve it least…”


    She looked up at Avery.


    “…the Illaminians…”


    There were tears in her eyes, rolling down her cheeks.


    “…she won’t stop at just a stalemate. She wants them all.” Diquarni said. “I can’t…Avery, I can’t see my friends in the Illaminian district hurt, I…”


    She coughed again, shuddering. She brought a hand up to her eye, wiping.


    “…not to her, the one I promised to protect, I…”


    Vizon folded his arms, tapping his foot. Heynia pressed protectively into Diquarni.


    “Avery…Quayslaan said a lot about you…” Diquarni said, trying to be strong. “…that…you’re kind…a good heart in a sea of evil, trying to keep afloat…”


    Heynia nodded.


    ….On some level Avery knew Diquarni was right.


    What Jolvia was going for…this stalemate. It was just a higher-stakes version of what the world must have been like before the map was made. It was commissioned by the Conduicy. Whether it was in his lifetime or not, the stalemate wouldn’t last forever.


    But the Illaminians…


    “Olistia provided housing for someone who had their home burned to the ground by the NAM,” Avery said. “…I saw to that myself. I know that Illaminians have it rough, but…I can’t believe that she’d use the legendary birds to hurt them…”


    Avery looked to Vizon for a moment, his grip tightening.


    “…The Conduicy wouldn’t do that…right?”


    “Of course not, nothing like that’s ever happened.” Vizon huffed, rolling his eyes.


    “Avery…you weren’t there.” Diquarni said, raking her hand through her hair. “Weren’t there to see the evil a Poke’mon can be capable of…”


    She sniffed, shuddering, tears dripping down.


    “N-no more secrets. I understand if we cannot have the Pearl…but you can’t let Olistia have it, either.” Diquarni said, lifting herself to her knees. Heynia looked up at her with a worried expression. The Zoroark softly pet the Mandibuzz’s head, nodding.


    Diquarni took a deep breath, looking to Avery.


    “I’ll…I’ll tell you everything.” Diqaurni said.


    “Diquarrni…” Argus muttered.


    “No…no it’s time.” Diqaurni said sadly. looking up. “We’ve lost…it’s…it’s over. For us…for everyone…”


    She took a deep breath.


    “…we’re all as good as dead…”


    “…What are you talking about?” Avery asked, furrowing his brow. “We beat you in a battle, we’re not going…we’re not going to kill you. What-“


    Twist number three. The one where his views were once again shaking. It was becoming formulaic at this point. Even so…he felt a pit in his stomach.


    He always hated this part.


    “Avery, buddy…” Vizon sighed.


    “Not you…” Diquarni said, shaking her head. Despite her attempt to be stoic, tears still ran down her cheeks.


    She was weak. For all the bluster…she was weak and there was no hiding it any longer.


    “…but if we go to jail…it’s the noose for us…for Janus.” Diquarni sobbed, her hand lifting to cover her mouth as tears rolled down her cheek. “The elites will just keep covering this mess up…they…”


    Diquarni lifted her head, shuddering.


    “…they may even come for you, I’ve heard…a loose end. Olistia’s tool…used and spent…and thrown away.”


    “She is a madwoman…” Heynia muttered, covering her own mouth.


    “Mad-” Avery didn’t finish the sentence. Even as he tried to keep a level head…he felt a spike of anxiety as they talked about her coming for him.


    “A…a loose end-? Me? I…I’m not…what reason would she even-” Avery shook his head. “Look. I’m sorry. I can’t…I can’t entirely believe you. But I don’t want you to hang. I don’t want Janus to hang. I…I don’t want anyone to hang. And…and just like I’m fighting to keep these pearls out of Xamao’s hands, I’ll fight just as hard to make sure that the Illaminians are safe, and…to make sure that nobody has to die.”


    His knuckles were going white. He looked at Vizon.


    “…Because that’s what heroes do. Nobody…nobody has to die.”


    Diquarni nodded softly, lowering her hand, sniffing.


    “Yeah, Xamao’s not getting these pearls, no matter what.” Vizon said, ignoring the rest. “And criminals get what’s coming to them!!”


    The Zoroark held her face in her hands, shuddering.


    “Avery…I knew you were good…” Diquarni said softly. “I know…you’ll do whatever you can to protect everyone…that’s just the kind of Poke’mon you are.”


    Her eyes looked at the Plusle, sparkling softly.


    “Don’t let them hurt my friends. I can’t let these pearls be the reason they’re hurt I can’t…I can’t fail them…”


    “Tch.” Vizon huffed.


    …Avery gave Vizon a concerned look.


    “…You…don’t want them to hang, do you, Vizon…?” Avery mumbled. “That isn’t…that isn’t good. That’s not good, nobody…nobody should have the authority over whether someone lives or dies.”


    Vizon looked down at Avery, Argus covering his face in pain.


    The Riolu’s expression was…indifferent. He reached down, grabbing the Plusle’s paw.


    “What’re we even still doing here, Avery?” Vizon urged, not even answering the question. “Quit trading words with the bad guys and let’s go…! These guys are shifty.”


    “Avery…please, Arceus, don’t let them kill those Illaminians.” Diquarni begged, even as Vizon tugged at Avery’s paw callously.


    “Forget all that stupid stuff.” Vizon said, voice dismissive. “C’mon…!”


    Diquarni sniffed, hugging herself in fear.


    “My friends…my guild…” Diquarni’s voice quavered. “…my family…”


    “…V…Viz-” Avery said, pulling his hand away. Vizon looked back at the Plusle, almost shocked. “…Viz, I-I’m serious. Look, we have the pearl, they’ve admitted defeat, I-“


    Avery turned to the three, the concern clear on his face. He dipped his hand into the bag, took out a few oran berries, and handed the satchel to Vizon.


    “Avery…Avery, what are you…?!” Vizon was shocked as the Plusle stepped forward, gripping the back tightly.


    “…If it weren’t for Quayslaan, Nivanee wouldn’t have made it out of those ruins alive,” Avery said, approaching Diquarni, Heynia and Argus…


    “Averryyyyy….!” Vizon shouted. “Don’t you-!!”


    The Plusle gently set three berries in front of the trio. It wouldn’t be enough to heal those injuries outright, sure. And he knew they probably had more in their bag.


    But it was a symbolic gesture.


    Diquarni looked up softly as he approached and set the berries down near them. Heynia and Argus looked to Avery with smiles on their faces.


    Both of Diquarni’s eyes were open, looking at Avery.


    “…If I can promise you anything, Team Fottupebe…” Avery said. “…it’s that I’ll do everything in my power as the Hero of Arceus to make sure that everything and everyone is okay.”


    Avery took a few steps back, and turned to Vizon with a stern expression.


    “…Let’s go.”


    A thick silence cut through the cave in that moment.


    Broke only by one voice.


    “Avery…it really is true.” Diquarni whispered softly as the Plusle turned.


    Behind him, he could hear her…standing.


    The three of them…when they put their hands to their mouths…that wasn’t sobbing that was…


    …oran berries!!


    “…you’re a FOOL!!” Diquarni laughed. “CHEAPSHOT, HAHA!”


    A sharp pain. Diquarni’s foot ROCKETED into his back! Avery panicked, dug his heels into the coins! He let out a cry of pain as fire erupted up and down his spine!


    Vizon looked on in horror!




    Launched! Avery was flung forward, SLAMMING into the treasure! From the impact, the coins FLEW toward Vizon, blinding him!


    “AUGH!!” The Riolu shrieked as Heynia flew forward, SLAMMING into him.


    Avery’s eyes stung. He looked up at Diquarni, betrayed, and angry. The Zoroark towered over him.


    “…N…no…no honor among thieves, huh?” He coughed, a wet coppery taste in his mouth.


    He scrambled across the coins, taking breaths, gasping, wheezing breaths, trying to build up enough electricity to ignite the ground again!


    The electricity surged! Avery’s body glowed! Another discharge primed and ready!!




    Diquarni and Argus jumped up just as the ground FLASHED with electricity.


    “Wait wait wait WAIT, AVERY, AVERY, HOLD O-“


    It was too late! Vizon screamed, limbs flailing as thousands of volts shot up his body, the satchel flying into the air!


    Diquarni sailed overhead, snatching the satchel and the water pearl, The Mandibuzz grabbing onto her and Argus, swooping away from the gold pieces.


    FAKE TEARS, AVERY! KNOW ABOUT IT!!” Diqaurni laughed devilishly as Heynia flew. The Mandibuzz dropped the pair near the base of the mountain, the three piling into a black colored rowboat docked into the water.


    “And while I’d love to stay and trade totally real backstories, I got a PEARL TO SECURE.” Diquarni shouted. “Smell ya later, guildies!! Say hi to Olistia’s stupid face for me!!!”


    Vizon, still convulsing, fell over, rolling down the mountain of coins, bouncing and skidding painfully as the dubloons slid like a landslide down the side.


    ‘I hate her. I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her-‘


    A burst of volatile rage coursed through Avery. His jaw clenched against itself so hard it might crack, and before he even realized he’d gotten himself up onto his feet, he was barreling past his partner towards the boat.


    “Get back here!!” Avery roared with a deep fury he didn’t even know he possessed.


    “NYEHHHHHH!!!” Diquarni shouted, sticking her tongue at the Plusle and tauntingly waving the water pearl in the air as their boat swiftly paddled out the cave.


    “So sorrry but betterr luck next time!!” Argus shouted back.


    “Hopefully therre WILL be no next time!” Heynia’s voice echoed on the stone.




    Avery kept yelling.


    Kept screaming, even as they were gone.


    Rage gave way to desperation in his voice as it cracked like a rope bridge fraying under too much pressure.

    Chapter 33.1





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