The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 11





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Home they all went.


    Back through the swamp, The magenta light of the celestial bodies lit the water beautifully. The marsh was quiet, no more mud boys.


    Then from there, back onto the dirt paths snaking through the forest, leading toward the open plains. The group silently trudged through the high grass and brush. The ‘loan manager’ Nidorina seemed pretty comfortable with off-path hiking.


    Soon, the visage of Arcealize at night spread before them. At the bottom of the vast Arceali valley, the city was alight with soft orange glows, the sides of the valley showing their glowing paths and micro villages.


    As they began to trudge down the steep path leading into Arceliaze, passing wood houses and stations and shops along the valley walls, Jolvia began to speak.


    “So, what do you think you’ll get up to tonight?” Jolvia asked casually. Vizon looked up in thought.


    “Hmm…depends on what there’s time for.” The Riolu answered. “I wonder if any of the other guildmembers are still awake…”


    Avery nodded.


    “It’s been…a long day. The Mud Boys, the Kingdom…” The Plusle sighed. “Didn’t even get to heal up after all that since…y’know. The Oran berries went to the people.”


    Indeed, they were all still covered in scuffs and scabs and bruises. Avery’s bag felt…very light.


    “I don’t regret it, not at all. But…I am sore.” Avery grunted. “I think…unless there’s any other plans, I’m going to give the report to the Guildmaster and just pass out.”


    Jolvia smiled, nodding.


    “I’m all cleared out too, I’m afraid.” She shrugged as they all made their way into the city, through the market district.. “Oh well, nothing that can’t be solved tomorrow.”


    “I honestly feel kinda restless…” Vizon admitted. “…almost giddy…feels like I just stepped out of a guild periodical…”


    Jolvia snickered.


    “One of the classic ones from the Karniqus days?” She asked, Vizon nodding.


    “Like we could be like…Team Ganusi or Team Clockwork…!” Vizon said, pumping his fist. “The Oldschool clockwork.”


    “Oh no, I know.” Jolvua mused as they entered the market district.


    “Who’s Ganusi and Clockwork?” Avery asked as Jolvia paused at one of the stands, dropping some coin on the counter. “Are they old teams…? I know you mentioned them back before we joined, along with…Infinite? Infinity?”


    “Yeah! They’re old school guild!” Vizon said excitedly as Jolvia picked up a quick snack, handing Avery and Vizon each a pressed rice and meat plant cake, steaming hot. The both of them thankfully accepted the treat, a hard-earned dinner. “They graduated into being elites a long time ago. Team Ganusi does all kinds of raids on dangerous criminal organizations, according to the periodicals. And Clockwork does the same but sometimes does missions all the way in Quayoff! Man, Diquarni used to be so cool before she quit…like, seven years back.”


    Jolvia chuckled, idly munching on her rice cake.


    “I like to think she’s still very much cool, even if not doing Elite work anymore.”


    “Have you met her?” Avery asked, looking at Jolvia as he pecked at his own treat.


    “Once or twice.” She replied. Vizon huffed, folding his arms.


    Jolvia only smiled that mysterious smile of hers.


    “What, is she doing…farm work or living off her riches in retirement?” Vizon asked, Jolvia snickering at the suggestion, but she didn’t answer. Instead, she merely shook her head.


    “Later on, Avery.” Jolvia said, finishing off her treat. Vizon and Avery did the same, their stomachs full at last after what felt like so long. “I think it’s about time we all head our separate ways, off to bed, isn’t it?”


    Avery nodded, their group passing through the One Truth Square. Jolvia split off from Vizon and Avery, going her own way.


    “Have a good night, Jolvia. We’ll see you later.” Avery gave her a little smile. “And thanks for everything.”


    The Nidorina nodded, walking off with a wave. Her body glowed in the orange torchlight until the darkness of the street vanished her away.


    With her gone, Vizon and Avery made their way to the guild alone. Coming to the front of the establishment, none of the other guildmates were present. The windows were dim and the street was quiet.


    Vizon sighed deeply, stretching.


    “I feel really sore…” he whined, taking a few stumbling steps to the guild. “I was fine until was had to trek the whole way back…”


    He opened the doors to the guild, beckoning Avery inside, the warmth of the guild inviting after a full day of spring’s chill.  For once, nobody else was in the entry hall, letting them both proceed down the steps to the guild hall.


    In the center of the hall stood Aquashock’s Kipuuna and Ganisus, along with Nivanee.


    They all looked worried. Avery frowned.


    ‘Oh no.’


    “What’s going on…?” The Plusle asked quietly. “Did we miss something again? Where’s…where’s Team Spade?”


    “They’re fine now…” Nivanee replied, Kipuuna jumping at Azure’s sudden entrance. “Loshjno came back with a lump on his head but he’s otherwise okay. Lahnae had carried him back from tall woods.”


    “It was them…The Thieves Guild. They ambushed them in the woods.” Kipuuna growled. Avery’s eyes widened. “Sarfallinus is writing the report. We think it’s a notorious outlaw from the Thieves’ Guild.”


    “What again? More bad guys?” Vizon growled. “Guh…poor guys, not them…not Lahnae and Loshjno again…”


    “…They were attacked yesterday, too, right? By the Mud Boys,” Avery said, frowning in thought. “…Viz and I got attacked by the Mud Boys, too. If it wasn’t for that fireworks guy in the swamp we would have met a similar fate to them.”


    “Mud boys? Is that what they were calling themselves?” Kipuuna asked seriously. “They were pretty beat up by them, did you manage to get away?”


    Avery nodded with a sigh, scratching the back of his head.


    “…Lahnae and Loshjno can’t catch a break…” He sighed. “Maybe we should go see them. I…we, uh…there’s a lot that went down in Taeriana.”


    Kipuuna blinked, Nivanee looking between Avery and the Piplup at that. Kipuuna knit his brow, his eyes flicking between Avery and Vizon. The pair were still battered, bruised, fur in a mess. A deeply questioning crossed his face as he finally looked to Avery.


    “…A lot?” He asked slowly. “A lot like…what?”



    A hush fell among the group.


    Avery hesitated. He wasn’t sure how to even begin, especially not when the atmosphere became so much more…heavy. He didn’t understand where the odd shift in mood came from but he tried his best to answer anyway.


    “…There was…some sort of dynasty that took over the delta,” Avery began, trying to not fumble his recounting of events. “A bunch of Nidos, under the rule of a Nidoqueen and Nidoking calling themselves ‘Emperor’ and ‘Empress’. They’d…apparently been there for years, unchecked by the guild. Castle and Watchtowers and everything. There was even a resistance group we teamed up with to take them down. That’s…the only way we were able to get the vouchers, because they were given to us as thanks for liberating the deltas.”


    Avery looked around at the others. Nivanee utterly slack jawed and shocked. Kipuuna’s eyes had widened, brow still furrowed. Ganisus’s expression was still as blank as ever…though he subtly rolled his eyes and looked away.


    “I’m just…” Avery began again. “surprised that nobody had heard that was happening sooner, you know…?”


    “What?!” Nivanee cried. Kipuuna looked deep in thought while Nivanee spluttered. “I…Oh…poor Taeriana. I swear I had meant to go there, but…triage always pulled me elsewhere. There was always something more pressing assigned to me.”


    Kipuuna’s frown only deepened.


    “That Taeriana request said there was only a few hooligans invading the River Delta…” Kipuuna muttered, folding his flippers over his chest.


    “Kipuuna, that request is over a year old…but to think it escalated so quickly.” Nivanee shook her head…before perking. “But, wait, you got the vouchers? You…actually saved the delta from that??”


    Kipuuna looked away, while Nivanee’s look of sheer joy and pride spread over her wide and toothy smile. Vizon’s face flushed.


    “Oh my gosh oh my gosh, you two!” Nivanee said, tippy-tapping her paws excitedly. “That sounds so dangerous! But so amazing that you pulled it off! So fearlessly! So-“


    “You could have called us for backup, Avery…” Kipuuna sighed, voice laced with disapproval. The Plusle winced, fidgeting with his hands.


    “I was…considering it, honestly,” Avery said, looking at Kipunna. “It really felt like something that we couldn’t do alone for a while. But…they were planning on marching to Souljraan the next day, I think. And…I wanted to at least try before I called for backup.”


    “And look! They gave it their all and now everything in Taeriana is ok again!” Nivanee squealed, bouncing around Avery and Vizon.


    “We had to try, just like you taught us, mentor Nivanee.” Vizon said, the girl giving another excited squeal at that.


    Even with the senior member’s excited cheering, Avery still felt something amiss. There was something in Kipuuna’s look that made him uncomfortable. He walked a little closer to the Piplup.


    “Still…You’re right, Kipuuna.” Avery said, bringing the Aquashock leader’s attention back to him. “We’re a guild. And…I’ll admit, I was really scared going into something like that. Even if we won, it was by the skin of our teeth. Having you there as back-up would have made me feel a lot safer. So…I’ll keep that in mind.”


    Kipuuna stared silently for a moment…then at last only sighed, shaking his head, looking to Ganisus.


    Ganisus stared back at him, face blank, blinking slowly.


    “If they marched on Souljraan…” Kipuuna stopped himself, giving a sideways glance at Nivanee who was giving a disapproving look. “…nevermind. I’m just glad you’re both at least fine.”


    Kipuuna began to walk away, Ganisus only staring at him as he left. Nivanee sighed, looking to Avery apologetically but saying nothing.


    Silence filled the guild hall once again. Vizon looked completely confused at what happened, and so opted to change the subject.


    “So…what of Lahnae and Loshjno?” Vizon asked, making Nivanee perk up. “Are they resting in their room?”


    “Yes, after their encounter with The Old Wanderer today they need a long rest…” Nivanee softly sighed. “Me too, to a lesser extend. It’s been an exhausting day.”


    Another hush fell amongst the group. Avery was fidgeting uncomfortably even more and his mind was beginning to buzz.


    At last, Avery had to broach the question.


    “…Is…is Kipunna okay?” He asked Nivanee, looking to her in discomfort. “I…I dunno, did I do something wrong in not calling for back up? I didn’t know that was something I was even…allowed to do.”


    Avery brought his head down slightly, looking the way that Kipunna went. Nivanee laughed lightly.


    “Don’t worry about Kipuuna…” She said in an assuring voice. “He-“


    “-is nagging.” Ganisus said bluntly, voice flat. “Now he’s going to be a pain.”


    Nivanee grimaced.


    “Well…you know how Kipuuna is about risks, he-“


    “-thinks everyone incompetent but himself.” Ganisus finished flatly, Nivanee sighing sadly. Vizon looked between the both of them, stepping in helpfully to once again pivot the conversation.


    “What about you, Nivanee? You ok after your mission?” He asked, the Eevee looking relieved at the change of subject.


    “Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine!”


    “It’s just you said it was exhausting so…” Vizon trailed off. Nivanee gave a pat to his shoulder assuringly.


    “It’s fine! The audit of Yahneri’s security was fine, it was more…” Nivanee paused, smiling as warm as she could. “…going back home brings back…memories, that’s all.”


    Vizon nodded softly, turning back to Avery.


    “Do you wanna head over Lahnae and Loshjno?” He asked. “I’ll be here with Nivanee and Ganisus.”


    “R…right, I guess I should probably check on Lahnae and Loshjno…” Avery said, looking away. “I’d, uh…give them a gift, but…we used pretty much everything we had in that mission.”


    “That bad, huh?” Nivanee giggled, to which Avery just nodded. The Plusle looked at the other three of them for a moment.


    ‘There’s…something going on.’


    ‘…Maybe I’ll go see Kipunna too.’


    “See you guys.”


    The other three nodded to Avery as he headed down the hallway, towards Team Spade’s room. As he did, he glanced toward Aquashock’s door. The door was shut, a shuffling coming from inside. From the guildhall he could still faintly hear Nivanee and Vizon’s voice. Ganisus didn’t seem to be talking.


    There was a gust of wind outside. A chill rolled over the tile.


    Avery stood in place, staring at Aquashock’s door. A part of him felt almost…scared. Nervous.


    But…he shouldn’t have to be nervous, surely. Guild was family. Family looked out for each other. He’d go to Lahnae in a bit, but first he’d just quickly check on Kipunna. He stepped forward and knocked on Aquashock’s door.


    “…Kipunna? You okay…?”


    The shuffling on the other side stopped, footsteps quickly approaching the door as it swung open.


    “Ah, Ganisus, there you are.” Kipuuna burst from the room already talking. “I have the money balanced and the items sorted, it’s your turn to run the logistics of our power-up items. We might have to go up against one or two thugs and I want to be sure we’re max power before ever…”


    He looked up, staring at Avery.




    The Piplup squirmed awkwardly, having been interrupted.




    “I just…wanted to make sure you were okay,” Avery said, suddenly clutching his arm. It…seemed like Kipuuna didn’t want to talk to him. “The conversation from before felt awkward…you…I just wanted to check, is all. I can go if you’re busy.”


    Kipuuna was silent.


    He leaned over, looking down toward the guild hall.


    “Yes. Very busy.” Kipuuna replied, leaning back and grunting. “I’m fine, Avery. I’ll await the official report of yesterday’s events, Spade and Duskwallker’s included. Better than hearing word of mouth.”


    “…Is…there something you want to talk about?” Avery asked, rubbing his arm a little further. “…I dunno, just…anything?”


    “No indeed.” Kipuuna said,  “Goodbye.”


    The Piplup stepped away and began closing the door. Avery felt miserable, almost defeated. He’d been deflected at every word, every attempt to reach out. What happened?


    All he could do was watch Kipuuna shut him out.


    But…just before the door shut all the way, Kipuuna stopped.


    The door was only open a crack. Avery couldn’t see Kipuuna anymore, only hear his’s voice in the small crack of the door.


    “How’s Vizon?” Kipuuna’s voice asked calmly. “He doing alright?”


    Avery was silent, processing the odd question.


    “…He was scared today.” Avery replied, stopping a moment. “So was I. I, uh…I think the guild thing is…a lot for us both to process. But…he doesn’t give up, ever. Even when he’s scared. So…I think he’s okay.”


    Kipuuna said nothing as Avery answered…


    Then there was a pause. Kipuuna only stood there with the door slightly ajar.


    “How’s…how’s Ganisus?” Avery asked in return.


    Kipuuna didn’t reply.


    “Goodnight, Avery.” Kipuuna grumbled, the door closing all the way at last. With one final click no more was said, that was that.


    Avery stared at the door a long while. His heart sunk.


    ‘…Had I done something wrong…?’


    “…Goodnight, Kipunna,” Avery whispered quietly.


    He had to leave it for now. He turned from the door, footsteps soft as he headed towards Team Spade’s room. He carefully knocked on the door, trying to straighten his back and keep the bad feelings out of his mind. He figured he should at least try to be cheerful around Lahnae.


    “Come IN!” Avery heard Lahnae’s boisterous voice.


    “Nnhh…not so loud…” Loshjno’s voice whined.


    “Oop, I mean…come iiin…!!” Lahnae whispered…loudly.


    Avery sighed in mild relief. Even if Kipunna was…mad at him, or hated him, Lahnae didn’t change.


    Avery opened the door slightly and peeked in, offering the two a little smile.


    “Heya, guys…! How are you two faring…?”



    Inside Avery could see Loshjno in bed, a bandage on his head. He offered the Plusle a wave and a smile as Lahnae handed him an oran smoothie for health. Lahnae looked back toward Avery, giving an excited wave of her own!


    “Heya rival…!” She said, still trying to be quiet. “We’re doing good! Stronger and wiser as ever!”


    “Mm…I’m feeling foggy…but okay.” Loshjno gave a small smile, taking another sip. “Worst that’s hurt is our pride.”


    “How was shallow marsh? Did you give those mud boy jerks a whallop???”


    Avery gave a laugh, his mood improving with the brighter atmosphere already.


    “Oh boy, there was a lot that went on down there. They nearly got Viz and I too…!” Avery stepped into the room, easing the door closed as he moved closer to the bed. “If we hadn’t found Pops in the swamp, we would have been done for…he gave us this box of blast seeds, and we just tossed them at the gang as soon as they all came at us…! They all exploded into these different colors, and we were able to apprehend them thanks to him!”


    “Whaaaat! No way, you met Pops?! And he let you use his blast seeds to fight them???” Lahnae was agape, shaking with excitement. “Why didn’t I think of that?! That’s so…cool!!! Oh my gosh, Loshjno, doesn’t that sound SWEET?!”


    “Ack…m-mhm…” he weakly nodded, smile straining as Lahnae’s voice raised. She covered her beak, immediately correcting her volume.


    “Oh…but! Wow…I think every mission should end in a bunch of explosions…! That’ll show those…big jerks!” She shook her head, laughing. “They weren’t even the reason we had gone down there. We were trying to handle an old request to take out some hoodlums on the river delta…”


    Avery nodded.


    “The Nido Kingdom. That’s…what we ended up doing, too,” Avery said, smiling weakly. “Shiftry wanted us to clear out the delta to get those passes to Dovve Fo Uddjo. It…”


    Avery shivered a little at the starting memory of that.


    “It was bad down there, Lahnae. I…I really wished that I had you guys from the guild as back-up.” Avery sighed. “Even with a resistance group at our backs, we barely got out of there by the skin of our teeth. They’d made an entire kingdom down there. There was a whole revolt and everything…!”


    “What do you meaaaan!! Auuugh that sounds so cool!!!” Lahnae whined, trying to keep her voice down. “That’s not ‘hoodlums’ that’s…!!! Man, Avery, you guys get to do all the cool stuff…Sarfallinus is probably gunna put us on another stupid baby sitting job after today…”


    She pouted, folding her arms.


    “Wish we could have been in a kingdom revolt…”


    That pit formed again in Avery’s stomach.


    ‘Why…why are we doing all the cool stuff? We’re new. But not one of our missions have been…normal. We went from meeting the new head of the Thieves’ Guild after an ancient map, to taking down a coalition between two hoodlum groups, to dethroning a dynasty. It…it was cool, but…’


    ‘Why us? What was happening with these guys…?’


    “…I’m sorry you weren’t there,” Avery said, a little quieter. “Kipunna was right. We should have called for backup. But…but we didn’t.”


    “Oh Arceus above don’t tell me Kippy’s started nagging you, too.” Lahnae groaned, stamping a foot. “You completed the mission, didn’t you? Forget the rest, this is your victory. Don’t let that sourpuss dampen your mood, Avery.”


    Loshjno pulled himself up, patting Lahnae softly on the back.


    “C’mon, Lahnae. You know he just cares.”


    “But he doesn’t have to be annoying about it!!” Lahnae retorted, easing Loshjno back down on the bed. “If you got knocked out and sent back you could have called for backup then, but Taeriana needed the help now!!”


    “…It’s a lot of pressure,” Avery said quietly, slumping down. “It’s…it’s a lot of pressure. Vizon says we never give up, and I don’t want to give up. But…I feel like with every mission we do we’re getting further and further out of our league.”


    He squirmed, Lahnae scooting closer as he spoke.


    “And…and I’m afraid it’s all flukes, you know…?” Avery continued. “That we’re going to get into a spot too hard for us to get out of, and we’re going to pay the price for it. We’re…I’m new to this. Newer than…newer than maybe anyone, ever. And I don’t want to let him down. I don’t want to let anyone down. But it’s just…it’s a lot of pressure. It’s a lot of eyes on me, you know…? I just…I dunno, I’m speaking nonsense.”


    “Hey, hey, Avery…it’s not nonsense.”


    Lahnae set a wing on his shoulder, smiling softly.


    “Because…hey, I feel it, too.” She said. “We’ve been the guild’s fresh blood for a while…and Loshjno and I have felt the pressure of the eyes on us…”


    Loshjno nodded solemnly.


    “I can tell how much you do this for Vizon. Just like me, this is me and Loshjno’s dream.” She looked back at him, the Squirtle grinning with a chuckle. “I promised I’d do anything, throw myself at any obstacle to make it happen for us…”


    She looked back to Avery.


    “But as we worked more, fought more…the more it became obvious: none of the fame matters.” She said, brow furrowed. “None of the money or periodicals and much less public opinion.”


    She put both her wings on Avery’s shoulders, squeezing.


    “All that matters is saving people. Helping people. Fighting criminals and making things safe again. Out of your league or not…we have to push to be heroes. Because who else is going to even try?”


    The both of them smiled at Avery.


    “We’re the same, Avery. Maybe we never succeed…but Team Spade never gives up.”


    …Deep breaths.


    In. Out.


    “…You’re right,” Avery said. “You’re right. But…if I need back-up. If we need back-up…you’ll come, right?”


    Lahnae smiled and leaned in, hugging Avery tight…Loshjno gave his quiet support.


    “I’ll never let you down…Avery.”


    “…Then I won’t let you guys down either.”


    Lahnae pulled away, her face sunny and determined, despite all the nicks and bruises decorating it.


    “Thanks, Rival.”


    She backed up, checking Loshjno right quick before handing Avery an extra oran smoothie.


    “Here, to heal up.” She said. “So! Wanna hear how our day went?”


    “Oh! Yeah, sure…!” Avery replied, sipping on the smoothie. Already he was starting to feel better. “I heard you guys got ambushed again-“


    “It was so lame!”  Lahnae said, angrily stamping her foot. “I mean, the fight was cool! We held our ground and…”


    “…we were thrashed immediately.” Loshjno laughed. “I got knocked on the head and Lahnae stood down and asked them to stop for my sake.”


    Lahnae sighed.


    “…I could have told it better…” she muttered, recovering. “The woods were dark and humid today. We heard weird rustling and decided to check it out…then all of a sudden a bunch of Pokémon with colorful scarves covering their heads came out of the trees!”


    Loshjno chuckled as Lahnae continued in her storyteller voice.


    “It was like…four of them surrounding us, with another in the trees, announcing themselves as ‘The Old Wanderer’!” Lahnae shook her head, stamping her foot again. “Auuughhh the nerve of that guy!! Posturing all arrogantly while they had their minions attack us! Soon as Loshjno was knocked out they ran off out of the woods towards Breezy Plains. I briefly tried to chase but Loshjno was in no condition to keep going so…yeah we went home…”


    “Sarfallinus says ‘The Old Wanderer’ is a known outlaw.” Loshjno put in with a click of his tongue. “The real dangerous kind. You know, one that attacks guards and stages heists on banker caravans.”


    “Not to mention the Old Wanderer is with those Thieves Guild CREEPS.”


    “Yeah.” Loshjno laughed, nursing his head. “We never really stood a chance. Ah, well, that’s how it goes.”


    “Aw, don’t say that, Loshjno…!” Lahnae said, patting the Squirtle’s shoulder. “We just gotta try harder next time…!”


    Loshjno only chuckled again.


    “… Jeez, this Old Wanderer guy sounds like an asshat,” Avery grimaced. 


    “To be fair, they did stop when Lahnae asked nicely.” Loshjno added with a grin, taking another sip of his smoothie. “And hey, they didn’t even rob us.”


    “But the POINT IS that a dangerous criminal is on the loose on our watch!!” Lahnae cut in, flapping her wings, eliciting another chuckle from Loshjno who said nothing further.


    “Well…maybe…” Avery began, a smile on his face. “Maybe you could go on a mission with Viz and I? If you’d like, I mean. We could try and take someone down together…! Maybe even the Old Wanderer.”


    Lahnae’s head shot up, her eyes sparkling like fire crackers at those words.


    “Yo!!! I’d LOVE for our teams to join up for a big mission!” She shouted excitedly, stifling herself at once when Loshjno moaned in pain. “You’re right! What we NEED to do is track down this Old Wanderer jerk and take them down…us four together!


    “Okay…! I’ll see if we can pull something off like that.” Avery replied with a smile of his own. “We did a collaboration with Team Duskwalker, why not do one with Team Spade, you know?”


    “Yes! Yes yes yesss!” Lahnae bounced excitedly. “We gotta! We’re GUNNA! WE-“


    “L-Lahnae…” Loshjno grunted, holding his head. Lahnae sucked in a breath, quickly putting a fresh icepack on the Squirtle’s head.


    “…but tomorrow…” Lahnae finished.


    “Here, uh… I’ll leave you two be for Losh’s sake,” Avery said with a little laugh, Lahnae and Loshjno returning the laugh. “Take care of each other, alright? And… Thanks for the smoothie.”


    “Of course, Avery…!” Lahnae replied merrily. “And hey, let’s hang out again, soon. I feel another lucky streak coming on, huh?”


    She chuckled.


    “G’night. Give Vizon my best!”


    “Have a good night, Avery” Loshjno said, waving with a grin. Avery nodded.


    “Have a good night, guys.”


    With that, he left the room, closing the door as quietly as he could so as not to rattle Loshjno’s head any more. Avery let out a deep sigh, like a weight was lifting from his shoulders.


    ‘…That went better than with Kipunna, at least.’


    Avery listened to check if Vizon, Ganisus, and Nivanee were still out in the guild hall. Indeed, he could hear voices but it seemed like they were winding down as well. He could see Vizon giving Nivanee a hug as Ganisus returned to Aquashock’s room, giving Avery a nod as the Plusle peeked down the hall.


    “Thanks, Vizon…” Nivanee sighed. “…I can’t wait for you to meet her, too.”


    “You can count on us, we never give up.” Vizon replied squeezing tight before breaking away.


    Avery for now decided to just go back to their room. He’d wait for Vizon on the bed. Avery opened the door, closing it behind him, and just…sat down on the mattress, hands folded, thinking.


    The room was quiet. The wind was picking up outside and a slight chill came from the window. Avery could hear the slosh of canal water just outside the window. The room was graciously warmed by the candles inside.


    Soon, he heard footsteps outside in the hall, the door creaking opening as Vizon stepped inside.


    “Heya Avery…” The Riolu said, closing the door and stretching. “Are Lahnae and Loshjno doing ok?”


    “… Huh?” Avery looked up. “Oh. Yeah, they’re doing better. Loshjno is nursing a head injury, but…otherwise they’re fine. I think I was a little too much excitement for the guy, so… I left pretty quick.”


    Vizon sighed in relief, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion with a yawn.


    “Oh good, I was worried…those two seem to just have the most rotten luck…” He said sympathetically, plopping down onto the mattress beside Avery. “Nivanee’s fine, too. I think visiting her hometown kinda…got to her more than she lets on…”


    Avery nodded in agreement.


    “… She seems to carry a lot on her back,” the Plusle said, folding his hands on his lap.


    Avery wanted to lean up against Vizon. But…something stopped him. Something told him it wasn’t right.


    So he didn’t.


    Everyone seems to be like that…” Vizon sighed, scratching the back of his head. “Everywhere I look it’s all immense pressure on Poke’mon that are just…trying their best. Nivanee holding everything up, Kipuuna trying to keep everyone safe, Lahnae trying to power through failure…and us, just trying to keep afloat. At least that’s how I feel.”


    He let out a breathy laugh.


    “Even sitting here having beaten those Nidos I feel completely in over my head. It’s only been a few days but…it feels longer.”


    “I know…exactly what you mean,” Avery said, curling up a little. “It…it all feels so sudden, doesn’t it…? Aren’t…”


    Avery laughed.


    “Aren’t they supposed to start us off with the easy missions?”


    “That’s what scares me, Avery…” Vizon laughed with him, leaning against the Plusle. “…what if these are the easy ones…?”


    He sighed…joking to cope somewhat. There was pride in his voice, in equal measure to his fear.


    “In seriousness…Nivanee told me she figures Sarfallinus is going to send us looking for the guy the attacked Lahnae and Loshjno.” Vizon said, looking to Avery. “…says he’s desperately trying to find one mission that won’t be so utterly dangerous. But that’s apparently just the way things are these days.”


    “I don’t feel like I’m ready.” Avery sighed. “I don’t…”


    This was the time. Avery leaned up against Vizon.


    “…I’m not cut out for this, I don’t think. I’m not…I get the feeling that…wherever I’m from, Vizon, I…I wasn’t a fighter. I didn’t do this sort of thing.”


    The little Plusle felt Vizon wrap an arm around him and squeeze him into his body. The Riolu sighed.


    “I don’t feel cut out for this, either.” Vizon said. “I know where I came from. Shop managers. Pencil pushers. Coin pinchers. Poke’mon that trade and broker, not get in brawls and fights. Poke’mon who…read about guild adventures but never go on them…”


    He put a paw to his face, giving a shuddering sigh.


    “So I guess…we’re both more cut out for quiet work…” Vizon’s voice sounded…dejected.


    “… I… I don’t know what to believe,” Avery said quietly. “…I’m the Hero of Arceus, apparently. I was chosen by him. And so were you. Both of us were. But…I don’t know what that means. I don’t know what we’re meant to do, what we’re cut out for…”


    Avery leaned into his hug, Vizon giving a soft squeeze.


    “…But we’ve come this far, haven’t we?” Avery asked in a quiet voice. “It’s been close, its always been close, but… We’ve made it. Through everything. That’s a good sign…Right? “


    “Well…you know what?” Vizon said, looking down at Avery. “We saved that cartographer lady…we stopped bad guys from attacking people in Rocky Hills…saved kids from turning into outlaws…stopped dangerous bandits in the swamps…and felled an unjust kingdom.”


    He paused, thinking.


    “Maybe that’s what the hero of Arceus is meant to do. Maybe it’s not just one thing, one single quest. Maybe it’s just meant for us to be right here…doing exactly what we’re doing.” Vizon smiled softly. “Anywhere we go…we make things better. Poke’mon happier. Just like heroes do. And you’re right…we have been pulling it off.”


    His gaze trailed off down to the floor. His words were his own comfort, too.


    “Even if it’s been close…we’ve done it. Maybe this is why we were chosen. That despite what we may think…we are cut out for this, even if it doesn’t feel like it.”


    Avery pulled Vizon a little closer to himself as the Riolu spoke. Or… Well, he tried to. It was more like Avery pulled himself closer to Vizon.


    “… Vizon,” Avery said quietly, after a moment of silence between them. “…I…if we’re chosen together to be heroes, that means…We were chosen for each other, too.”


    … Deep breaths.


    “So… I’m kind of wondering…”


    In… Out.


    “… How far do you think that… Goes?”



    Vizon perked up, looking down at Avery, blinking softly.


    “How far…?” He repeated in confusion. “…what do you mean by that? The thought of us being chosen together is so…strange to me. Were it just you that’s one thing, but both of us? I’ve not been chosen for much.”


    Deep breaths. Deep breaths.


    “…I mean… I chose you,” Avery mumbled, unable to meet Vizon’s gaze. “… At least… At least three times.”


    Vizon was quiet for a long time, only staring at Avery, his expression difficult to read. Was it curiosity? Confusion? It was impossible to say.


    Until at last Vizon smiled softly, squeezing the Plusle tight.


    “…and hey…thanks.” He said. “…it was nice to be picked out. Just some kid from Souljraan…now here with his buddy.”


    He smiled, pausing only a moment.


    “Were it the other way around…I’d have chosen you, too.”


    Avery smiled warmly, snuggling in closer.


    “I… I just… I don’t know.” Avery said, trying to force the words out. “When… When I hold your paw, out there in the field, when I feel you squeeze back, I… I feel something. When… When you hold me now, like this, I… I feel something, I feel like I’m choosing you again, like you’re choosing me, but…but I…”


    Avery turned his head into Vizon’s side.


    “… I don’t want to be stupid,” Avery mumbled into his fur.


    “C’mon, Avery, you’re not stupid…” Vizon muttered, petting the Plusle’s head. “Just say it…we’re a team, right?”


    Avery’s face flushed at the petting. He was thankful his cheeks were hidden in Vizon’s fluff.


    “… You… You can say whatever you want to this, and… And I’ll back off if you want me to. You… You come first before any feelings I have but…”


    Deep. Breaths.


    “…Viz I think I like you a lot” Avery said at last. “…. I… I think I might… Love… You. Maybe.”


    This felt too sudden. This felt much too sudden.


    The petting paused…but then softly resumed. Avery felt Vizon squeeze him tighter into his body.


    “…love me?” He whispered, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. “So soon after we met? It’s only been…what…a couple of days, maybe five?”


    He chuckled again, softly petting Avery still.


    “But…honestly…I can’t help but feel it a bit.” Vizon said gently. “After meeting you it’s just…nice being around you, talking to you, adventuring with you…”


    He hummed a little in thought.


    “Maybe it’s impulsive but…I’m willing to try it…if you like?”


    Avery leaned further into him, closing his eyes.


    “… Maybe it is sudden.” Avery’s voice was quiet again, but Vizon’s ears were pointed right at him, paying attention to every word. “I just…I feel safer with you. And I know that’s probably normal since we’re partners and everything but…I don’t know. I feel like it goes past that, a little. There’s… something here, between us, and I don’t know if it is…y’know, that kind of love, but… It could be. And I think… It’d be worth trying out?”


    Vizon smiled…Averu could hear his heart thumping despite the Riolu’s attempt to keep a cool head.


    Then, Avery felt it.


    A small kiss atop his head. Avery felt his lips on the top of his head, and let out a tiny squeak, burying his face into the Riolu’s chest.


    “Ok. Then…” Vizon squeezed Avery tight, tucking the Plusle under his chin. “…I love you, too, Avery.”


    “… Is… Is there… Any Arceliaze specific relationship rituals I should… Know about…?”


    Vizon snorted, cuddling Avery into his chest.


    “What, surely you’re not asking for marriage already, dork.” He chuckled, stroking Avery’s fur. 


    “Wh-what-?” Avery squeaked. “No, no no no, I meant-“


    The Plusle looked up at him with his cheeks puffed out.


    “I mean like if there’s anything that I should or shouldn’t do-“


    The stroking, though, calmed Avery down, and he rested his head against Vizon again.


    “… I’m not planning on lying to you,” Avery sighed softly. “So… No worries about that.”


    “Uh…well, there’s the obvious like not kissing me when I don’t want it but…I really doubt that’s an issue with you.” Vizon chuckled again, looking out the window. “I have to admit…this feels exciting.”


    His voice was a soft whisper. He reached over to wrap the blankets around them both.


    “Mm…?” Avery looked up in a non-verbal question as he felt the blankets come down around them. He hadn’t let go this whole time either.


    Avery laughed a bit, putting his head against his stomach, beneath the blankets. It felt cozy. Warm. Private.


    “I thought you only found the high octane stuff exciting. Joining the guild, overthrowing tyrants…”


    “I used to think high octane things would be, frankly…scary.” Vizon laughed. “I was ready and willing, especially with Olistia and…frankly, you, counting on me.”


    He shook his head.


    “Then I did it and found it exciting. Now I’m here with you…and I’ve learned this is also exciting.”


    Vizon paused, stroking Avery’s fur more.


    “We’ve got another big day ahead of us, buddy.”


    “… And then another… And another…” Avery sighed sleepily. “…But…I’m glad that I’m here with you through it.”


    Avery’s speech was already getting drowsy.


    “I’m… Glad that… We have each other.”


    The petting, the stroking, it was making him drift off.




    Slowly…consciousness left Avery…


    …but that feeling of warmth never left. That feeling of Vizon’s arms around him never abated.


    Even as the world became darker…




    …darker once more…


    Even as Avery saw the dim blue lights…even as the orb appeared again, he could still feel Vizon’s warm body.


    Even as that voice returned once more.


    “…ahhh…much better…” that familiar deep voice resonated from the orb. “…are you comfortable, Avery?”


    “…better,” Avery said, though he did feel the slight unease at the appearance of the blue lights. “… I still feel…like I’m not being told everything though.”


    “…then let us talk. No memory shocks, no hijackings, just we two. Some discretion is always necessary but I promise I will answer whatever I can.”


    Deep breaths. Don’t get overwhelmed.


    It…wasn’t hard for him now with just the two of them. But Avery felt like he had to stay on guard.


    “Okay. Thank you, Arceus.” Avery… Had his doubts. But if this wasn’t Arceus, then whoever Olistia was talking to wasn’t Arceus either, and that was harder to believe. If Avery didn’t trust this orb, he could trust Olistia at least. “I… Was told there are people trying to hijack my dreams. But… The other voices, they don’t sound…antagonizing, or mean. They sound like they know me. Are those blue lights really the thieves guild?”


    “These blue lights? No, these are just lights here in my special place where I convene with you, paradise away from paradise.” Arceus replied. “I believe those other voices you refer to could be very old memories resurfacing. Of your time right here, when I worked to set you comfortably in Arcea. Or, perhaps, old memories of a past life.”


    “… Worked to set me comfortably…?” Avery mumbled. “… But… They respond to me when I speak, when I panic. They talk about my heart rate… They talk to me when I talk back. If they’re memories, they wouldn’t… Change, right?”


    Avery sighed a bit.


    “I won’t press that more… But… What do you mean? Didn’t you just… Ask me questions, and then I fell into the field? What… What other setup was there?”


    The voice was silent for a moment.


    “Even with magic, can you imagine the total alteration of your physiology to be quick…or painless?” Arceus asked, his voice…almost grim. “When it comes to your memory I am thankful only the benign ones leak through. I did my best to ensure you’d have none of the…unpleasant memories.”

    Avery… Shivered at the thought of it.


    “That’s… That’s a good point. Can…”




    “Can I ask where you did it? Or… What kind of place? What it… Looked like? If… If anyone else was there?”


    The voice considered, then replied.


    “Just a special place of my own making…magic, like Paradise. Where none but I and select few tread.” Arceus replied. “There are many here…of course they don’t speak. Olistia visited often to see how you were doing, though she seemed worried that would upset you.”


    The voice chuckled.


    “The look on her face…I think she cares a great deal about you.”


    “… Olistia…?” Avery mumbled. “Olistia was there when I was… When I was being changed?”


    Was that softer voice her…?


    “There’s… Another thing I’ve been wondering. I have a feeling I know what the grave danger might be, but… After its all done, if…when we come out the other side. What happens to me?”


    “To you?” The voice mused. “That’s your decision. You’ll be free to go home…but you’re equally free to stay here. Live here with me and my children as another Pokémon of Arcea.”.


    Avery let out a small sigh of relief.


    “I was worried I’d be whisked away as soon as I was done. I…”


    Avery frowned in thought.


    “… I suppose I did leave a life behind when I was chosen to do this. But… I’m putting down roots here. I have…I have friends, investments. And… If I did want to go back, I’d… I’d have to be changed again, wouldn’t I…?”


    “When the time comes, you’ll be able to choose for yourself. Your old life, friends, roots…or your new one. But it is a purely personal choice…for all will be happy either way when you decide. Everyone safe and well.”


    …This dream was better, at least. Avery was getting answers. He was less stressed.


    “Will Vizon and I get to see Paradise…? The way Olistia did?”


    The voice chuckled. The orb softly approached, making Avery feel warm. Cozy…


    “If you’re both good and kind and virtuous then you’ll join me in paradise upon your passing, just as your books say.”


    The voice seemed…pleased. content.


    “Not before then, huh?” Avery laughed a little. “I guess it’d make sense that visiting there alive would be something reserved for people like the conduit.”


    Avery was quiet for a moment.


    “… Just… One more question for tonight. Did I…did I choose to do this? Did I know what I was getting into, before I lost my memory?”


    The voice returned with silence. For a long time…it was just…quiet.


    “I’m sorry. You didn’t.” Arceus said at last.




    The orb vanished. The Blue lights were gone. Arceus’s voice had left him.


    Avery lied there with an empty pit in his stomach. He slowly cracked his eyes open, his head swimming with one thought and one thought alone.


    ‘… I didn’t know.’


    Chapter 11





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