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    Chapter 31.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    As his hood fell, the group could see ‘Old Salt Manikas’ in full:


    A massive Pangoro sat before them, face scruffy and grizzled, old yet sturdy. His dry lips held a stout smoking pipe, the old Poke’mon chewing on it as he looked the group over with his one good eye, the other shut and long missing.


    He was large and imposing, sure. But the smile on his face helped put Avery the slightest bit at ease. The Plusle realized he probably looked a good bit like a square, but…he had to ask.


    This Pangoro was their last chance.


    “There’s a very bad sort of people heading to Yahneri Cave as we speak. They’re after something important.” Avery explained quickly. “We have to get there first. And as it seems these are your waters, sir, I think it’s only right that we ask you your opinion on it…!”


    The Pangoro’s eyebrows raised. His smile faltered, but only briefly. He set a coin on the counter, the bartender sliding another tankard of drink over.


    “Why don’t y’have a seat, boy?” He said, nudging the stool beside him. “You want my opinion on that ruddy place, ey? That ol’ soggy gold hole where me and my crew took our greatest voyage, is it?”


    Vizon muttered to himself, something about desperately not wanting yet another yarn spun by sailors.


    “Y’shouldn’t worry yerself about no ‘bad sort’ going to Yahneri Cave. No doubt they’ll be washing up on the shore come the morrow, son. None have ridden those waters and lived to tell the story, none but I.”


    Briefly, his expression darkened.


    “…and I alone now.”


    Avery nodded and jumped up onto the stool beside him, eschewing a drink himself.


    “…And there’s no way into the cave except by sea, then…?” Avery asked. “You’re really sure that nobody but you could get there?”


    “No doubt. The cave itself faces the Ocean, narrows so tight naught but a Dinghy could enter all the way in.” Manikas said. “Sheer and jagged cliffs on all sides, whirlpools to drag even the strongest of Water Types down to oblivion. Rocks and crags and sandbars ready to tear a hole down the broadside of any ship piloted by anything less but ‘th most skilled.”


    The Pangoro lifted his mug…slowly…taking a single sip.


    His gaze wasn’t on Avery as he looked out.


    “And before all that horror and treachery…now there’s the storm…the curse of the Water Pearl…the beast o’ Yahneri.”


    The wind chilled the group. Vizon hugged himself to keep warm.


    “…The beast of Yahneri…?” Avery whispered, leaning forwards, eyes rapt on Manikas as he waited for the Pangoro to continue.


    Manikas glanced at Avery. He swirled his drink, looking as though he were about to speak. His mouth opened and closed, always almost about to spin a long yarn.


    Until at last, his rumbling voice spoke.


    “…aye…” He said, so simply. Avery could see the Pangoro’s hand…shake. He gave the Plusle another smile. “You never heard the story of how the whole voyage to Yahneri Cave went, ey…? Those days of sailing…they’re a ways behind me. I only run small odd jobs on me lil’ slice of Paradise now.”


    His grip on the mug’s handle tightened.


    “I’ll settle me regrets in time. I’ll be back. I’ll settle things with that blasted demon o’ the seas.”


    “What is it?” Vizon asked, cocking his head. Old Salt Manikas took a deep breath and a hard swallow of his drink.


    “The beast…is the curse of the Yahneri Cave. It’s the shadow that haunts the waters. Whomever touches the treasures o’ the Black Hoard brings forth from the depths a creature so foul, so cruel so ceaselessly violent that no Poke’mon can face it down;


    The glance of its fiery gaze breaks a sailor down to tears.


    The waves it billows rips mountains to canyons.


    Its hide takes canon fire as though it were drops of rain…!


    In the center of a screaming storm of black clouds and pounding rain it swims in a sea red with blood!”


    Mankias turned, looking Avery dead-on with his one eye.


    “That is what I saw that day. Thirty-and-Two years ago! 2 Months! 11 days! 6 hours. And I count off every second since it plucked me eye, sent my crew to their watery graves and stole me wife’s sea legs, Arceus rest her soul.”


    He scooted closer.


    “To be a half-blind man, crewless, on a broken ship, watching yer beloved’s passion for the sea be torn from her, the wind whipping around you as those awful, droning moans echo over the waters, with naught to show for it but a Blue Baubel and some coin for that blitherin’ High Captain…!”


    He huffed. Puffed. Vizon pulled close to Avery, feeling intimidated. The Pangoro leaned back, taking one last hard swig of his drink, breathing out.


    “I said so already; I’ll settle me debts on me own time.” He rumbled. “Your villains…they won’t be a problem. The beast that seeks the Water Pearl shall make quick work of them. And may the water lie light on their bodies.”


    The Plusle had to take a moment to come down from his rising intimidation.


    “…That pearl,” Avery mumbled. “That’s what the elites want. That’s what they’re going after.”


    Avery looked down.


    ‘That was…quite a story. Are we going to have to face down another beast of that caliber? We’d done that before…right?’


    “We might be able to fare okay, huh? After what happened in Qeasé?”


    Manikas glanced at Avery…


    …and laughed, patting him on the back.


    “The Pearl y’say?” The Pangoro said. “I personally saw to it that Pearl was in the hands of the Museum. Those elites, if they want it, fine. 32 years ago, I did my part.”


    He swirled his drink, his brow furrowed in the reflection in his mug.


    “I personally made sure me crew…me beloved didn’t part from this world in vain.” He glanced at Avery, a small smile on his face. “That’s all that eases my regrets now. Knowing it was, in some way…worth it…right?”


    Vizon hissed, looking away. Jolvia coughed politely.


    They were leaving it to Avery to break the bad news.


    The Plusle shifted.


    “…High Captain, uh…gave us some…interesting intel today. Didn’t like the curse. He um…”


    Avery looked down, not really wanting to look Manikas in the eye as he said it.


    “…put it back?”



    A hush fell over the bar.


    Manikas didn’t move. Vizon winced, standing closer to Avery.


    The Old Salt sat at the stool like a mountain. Still and massive and powerful. His hand still wrapped around the wood tankard.


    His hand..tensed.






    Totter juice SPLATTERED all over Avery. Wood and splinters flew as the Pangoro crushed the tankard in his hand.


    “Come again, laddie?” Manikas said, not even looking at Avery. “Don’t think I heard you right.”


    He rolled the leaf in his mouth, clicking his tongue.


    “I think the dirt in me ear made me hear you say…something along the lines that the High Captain…that drunk…that sniveling, cowardly, two-faced, no good, do-nothing, loud, brazen, obnoxious, better-off-as-chum, weaselly, cheating, lying, backstabbing, double-crossing, dead man bilge rat High Captain Olkus…”


    He turned, slowly, his one good eye burrowing into Avery.




    Avery squeaked.


    “…Yes, cap’n.”


    The Pangoro turned more, towering over the group.


    The kindly old man seemed to be…transforming in front of them.


    Manikas bared his teeth, clenching his fists.


    “And Now…on the High Captain’s whim…the Yahneri Beast is banished…and my chance at revenge is taken from me?”


    He leaned in again, his words HUFFING on Avery, voice thrumming, reeking of totter. The Sailors around the bar perked up, looking…and listening. An angry murmur was rolling over the patrons, matching the revered Pangoro.


    “And these thieves want to lay a finger on the Pearl my crew and my sweet Rekinii died for?! Is that it?!”


    Avery stared deep into Manikas’s fiery eyes.


    ‘…Do we have our in?’


    “…yessir. That’s the long and short of it.”


    Avery straightened up.


    “They’re after it as we speak.”


    “Then what are we doing sittin here, lads?!” Manikas leapt from the chair and THUMPED down onto the stone. “That blithering, spineless half-pint High Captain. I oughta twist him like a petzel fer what he’s done to me!!”


    Manikas SLAMMED his fist into his palm! Snorting! Staring down at the group! Vizon was looking more and more excited. The other sailors cooed and took a long swig!


    “We’ll sail again for the cave! By Arceus we’ll get that Pearl and we’ll stare that beast in the eye as we watch it drown in its own ebbin’ blood.” Manikas shouted. The sailors around the bar were perked up, smiling, raising their mugs. “D’yhear me, Rekinii?! I’LL DO YOU PROUD, I WILL!”


    “AYE!” The sailors around the bar shouted! Voices ECHOING over the waters and waves and wind!


    Vizon was bouncing, shaking Avery’s shoulders. Jolvia let out a sigh of relief as Manikas stepped forward.


    “C’mon, you lot. Me ship’s moored at the south poor, pointed right at that ugly soddin’ blockade!!”


    His energy was infectious. Avery was still a little stunned from everything that happened, but…when Vizon grabbed his shoulders, shaking the Plusle back and forth…


    Avery couldn’t help but be caught up in the energy, whooping and cheering with him! He hugged Vizon around the neck!


    “Alright!! Let’s get that pearl and show ’em all what for, hey!?”


    This was it. This was the energy Avery was looking for! This was what they were made of! Probably! Please let the Azure Twist have happened already!!


    Old Salt led the way, his thunderous footsteps pounding out the bar, backed by the ROARING cheers of the other patrons! Over the stone pathways of Yahneri port, Vizon followed up behind Avery, with Jolvia and Rikzyod behind.


    And there, bringing up the rear, was Kahrei and Euno, merrily following along as they watched the four guild members take the mission by the reigns to do the right thing.


    “Oh, I’m so proud of them…” Kahrei muttered, a wistful smile on her face. The Scilopede patted her on the back like a proud father.


    Manikas glanced back at the Elites, his eye narrowing.


    “And who might they be, these elites carousing wit’ ye?”


    Avery glanced back at the pair. Kahrei and Euno gave their most encouraging smiles right back.


    “Team Clockwork, Cap’n…” Avery replied, trying to figure out how to word this. “They’re our…”


    “Mentors?” Vizon offered.


    “Babysitters.” Jolvia smirked.


    “We’re just part of the team, yeah? We all work together!” Kahrei put in with a bubbly cheer!


    “Team Azures our responsibility…as as RESPONSIBLE elites…we have to know when to let them go…” Euno said with a sniff. “You guys are really going above and beyond…!”


    “Feh!” Manikas huffed, smoke billowing around his face. “Two out of a few hundred ain’t bad, I s’pose!”


    Ahead, they could see the open sea, the docks just at the bottom of a set of stone steps. Manikas swaggered down the steps like a man possessed.


    A’ight, boys! He shouted. “I’ve been flyin’ solo these past years so yer gunna have to be me backup crew!”


    “Flying solo?” Jolvia questioned, tilting her head. “That sounds dangerous.”


    A’course it is!” Manikas spat, stomping across the docks. “When me kids left to seek their fortune and the missus passed on…ARGH, I’ve grown so bloody soft in me old age!!”


    He kicked an old wood crate aside, rolling his shoulders.


    “Wallowin’ over drink, rememberin’ the good times, all the while a bunch o’ urchins are conspirin’ to undermine a landmark in my life!” He ranted. “Unforgivable! What I wheedlin’ fool I’ve been!”


    The group continued down, standing now on the wharf where a long line of massive ships were moored, grand behemoths of wood and sail towering above. Manikas growled, slowing down as he looked out and saw the groups of elites patrolling down here, each of them wearing their white cloaks and cowls that obscured their faces.


    Few workers even stood at the docks.


    “There, y’see?!” Manikas rumbled, gesturing at a ship a ways down the wharf. “My pride and joy….Ol’ Peacekeeper.”



    ‘The Peacekeepr’, engraved in gold-painted letters, was the first thing that caught Avery’s eye as he looked upon the medium-sized ship. Red and green decorated the wood hull, with a sleek majesty to its build. It looked both sturdy and fast.


    “Yeah…” Vizon said softly, his eyes sparkling. “That should do…”


    Jolvia was silent but gestured back down toward the wharf.


    There, three elites stood right in front of The Peacekeeper. Avery hissed.


    “Shoot…what now?” The Plusle whispered, looking up at Jolvia and Manikas. “There’s no way we can just sneak on there, we’d be spotted immediately!”


    At once, Kahrei lifted her paw excitedly.


    “Oh! Oh, oh, over here!” She called, grabbing the Plusle’s attention. “We can help!”


    “A distraction, maybe?” Jolvia asked, tilting her head. The Mightyena laughed as though she were told a great joke.


    “No, of course not! Even better!” She cheered.


    Without another word, she and Euno stepped right past the group, merrily trotting over to the three elites blocking their path. Avery’s heart jumped, the three Elites spotting them, giving hard glares as Clockwork approached them.


    “H-wait, what’re you guys doing-!” Avery stammered. Quickly, he waddled after them, trying to swallow down the anxiety brewing in him under the burning gazes of the Elites. However, Kahrei and Euno paid the looks no mind.


    “Howdy, guys!” Kahrei said cheerily.


    “What do you lily-livers want?” One of the Elite guards grumbled, lowering his white hood to reveal himself as a Staraptor. The other two guards gave sharp huffs at Team Clockwork, their disregard evident.


    “We were escorting our friends and team onto this ship!” The Mightyena replied.


    “They’re doing a super secret mission!” Euno said. Avery’s heart plummeted.


    “Pff, right, I recognize them.” One of the elites piped up. “It’s those guildies you two been stuck with. What’s the big mission, then?”


    The Elite snorted, gesturing toward Manikas.


    “They helping the geezer find his spectacles or something?” The three laughed at that. Manikas looked as though he didn’t hear. “You gunna take them out for smoothies after, ey?”


    “Well I don’t think there’ll be time, but-“


    The Sciolopede was cut off by the three Elite laughing again. The guards, assuming it was safe, turned to leave.


    “Oh, nevermind, you big softball. Do whatever, so long as you two keep out of the way.”


    Kahrei’s ears folded back, the Clockwork pair slouching again as the guard left.


    The coast was clear, but they sure didn’t seem happy about it. Avery sighed, looking up at the Mightyena and Scilopede, seeing how miserable they looked.


    Subtly, the Plusle stepped over as the others approached cautiously.


    “Hey, guys?” Avery said, catching Kahrei and Euno’s attention.


    At the sound of Avery’s voice the pair tried to buck up immediately, putting on confident smiles for the guild kids.


    “Yeah? Hi! Whatcha need?” Euno said with a confident, if wavering, smile.


    Avery was quiet a moment, casting a glance over at the retreating guard, then up to the Elite pair. Some part of him just wanted to…


    He stepped forward and softly hugged Kahrei around her neck.


    “That…was a real superstar move, you two.”


    It felt right to say. They deserved that.


    Kahrei’s voice hitched, no more words from her. Euno’s face practically glowed with pride and joy as Kahrei softly hugged Avery back.


    “…thanks…” The Mightyena whispered, pulling away. “Elites…do what they can to help. That’s what an elite always should do…!”


    Avery nodded. Vizon stepped up closer to the Plusle, regarding the two elites. There was something in the Riolu’s eyes as he heard that. Something like…




    “Well!” Manikas said, puffing his pipe with a smile. “That’s one problem swept away. Not t’worry, er…Mister and Miss Elites. We’ll take care of the next problem, aye, crew?”


    “You’re going to have to instruct me on what to do, Cap’n,” Avery said, standing up straight. “But I’ll follow your every order!”


    Avery elbowed Vizon beside him. The Plusle was filled with vim now. He was ready to take on the world.


    “I’m in this to win this!” Avery cheered, a cheer Kahrei and Euno matched. The Plusle glanced to Vizon, a confident smile on his face. “Right, buddy?”


    “Right!” Vizon said, putting an arm around Avery’s shoulder, making Jolvia chuckle. “We’re FINALLY gunna get one over on Xamao because…”


    He paused, eyes sparkling, smile widening, fist clenching.




    “Atta boys!” Manikas shouted, stepping up closer to his ship. “Don’t worry yourselves about what to do. What else’s a captain for, ey?”


    Looking up towards the ship, Avery took it in. The Peacekeeper. He didn’t really know the first thing about boats but it looked pretty small compared to the other ships on the Wharf. But with any’d get through the blockade like nobody’s business.


    Crouching down, Manikas leapt onto the side of the ship, grabbing onto what looked like a built-in ladder, hoisting himself up onto the deck. He lifted a wood ramp, dropping it down to serve as a walkway from the dock onto the ship.


    “Come aboard, boys! Come get acquainted with the ol’ girl!”


    Vizon and Avery both nodded, stepping up onto the gangplank and quickly making their way up.


    On the deck of the ship, the team immediately noticed the red wood, the gold-painted trimmings. The tools and boxes strapped down. The hatch leading below deck.


    They even saw…cannons.


    Several cannons sat idly on the deck of the ship, wheels locked, with crates besides each cannon that seemed to…glow from the inside.


    Ropes surrounded them, swaying in the breeze. The ship creaked as the ocean water lapped and brushed against the wood hull. Avery could feel the light sway under his feet.


    And there was Manikas, tying off ropes and getting things ready.


    “Man…” Avery looked around the deck in awe as Jolvia and Rikzyod stepped up. “This…really seems like something right out of a storybook, huh? A swashbuckling adventure to secure a Pearl before a nefarious group does the same thing…a grizzled captain ready to settle a score and honor a lover passed on…and look at this ship!”


    Avery looked up at Vizon with a smile.


    “Any of the guys in Guild Past done something like this?”


    “No…never…” Vizon said, exploring the ship, running his hands over the gleaming cannons. “Well…sort of. Team Dust was going to go on a high seas adventure until their Team Captain got Sea Fever and they had to go back.”


    Jolvia snickered, a laugh Vizon shared.


    Meanwhile, Manikas looked back at Avery as he climbed up toward the helm, the stairs creaking with every heavy step.


    “You like the look o’ the Peacekeeper, boy?” The Pangoro shouted from the helm. “She’s well equipped! A Quayoffi-standard 6 shot on port side, 4 on starboard. Bit much without a proper gunnery crew, a’course, but I’d not let’em go fer the world, no I wouldn’t!”


    He bent down, knocking the lid from a wood box, getting some strange seeds and stuffing them into a wood pipe. An odd, herbal scent wafted from him as he lit the seeds alight. Jolvia sniffed, cocking an eyebrow.


    “Yaja seeds…?” Jolvia muttered, looking up at Old Salt as he puffed.


    “Right then, lads!” Old Salt shouted, dusting off another box and taking out a spyglass. “Let’s see how things look across…”


    He grumbled and hummed, looking out toward the blockade.


    “Frail thing, that line of ships, but they got every gun pointed in toward port. They’d mow us down in an instant.” The Pangoro grumbled, chewing on the pipe. “No matter, we’ve an easy solution for that.”


    Avery looked out toward the gleaming line of ships. He didn’t have the benefit of a spyglass, of course, but he did have the benefit of…well, eyes.


    “Yeah, I’m not much a fan of being gunned down…though even if we do get past them, we’ll be chased all the way to the cave, and apprehended the moment we stop, right?”


    Captain Manikas chuckled at that, lowering the spyglass.


    “Not likely, lad.” The Pangoro laughed, looking out across the water with a wicked smile. “Take a sniff of the air. The salt, the wind…I’d bet my coin those tenderfoots piloting those iron frigates think themselves steady and unsinkable after service at some Mist Island Naval port or Ushuhmou Bay. But they’re in for a big surprise, for they’ve never been in a Yahneri squall.”


    Vizon gulped, looking up at the captain.


    “You don’t mean…”


    “What a fine way to grow yer sea legs, ey?” Manikas chortled, stepping down from the helm. “Oh, quit yer shakin’, boy. Look west! There’s our other coming advantage.”


    West…Avery and Vizon could see the blue sky already slowly turning orange as dusk approached.


    “Oh…!” Kahrei perked up from behind, looking at the sunset. “It’s that late already??”


    “I bet the commander is wondering where we are…!”


    Kahrei squirmed uncomfortably, ears folding back. Vizon glanced back at the pair…then back down to Avery…looking deep in thought.


    “So we’ll go in cover of darkness, huh?” The Plusle said, tilting his head. “That’ll definitely make us harder to spot among those huge ships…A night storm.”


    His eyes traced the sky. It was going to be a long journey, that was sure. And he’d never really been on a boat before. So he wasn’t sure what was going to happen with all of this.


    “Do…we have a crew, by the way, captain? Or are we the crew?”


    “Exactly right, boyo!” Manikas said seriously, puffing his chest out. “No crew aboard this ship but my old crew, and they’ve all gone to the briney deep. And mark me…”


    His brow furrowed as he looked down at Avery, working the smoking pipe in his mouth, chewing on the wood. His expression was dark as he leaned in, his words huffing smoke on the Plusle’s face.


    “…The only Poke’mon I’d ever allow on deck…would be the Poke’mon that help me avenge those lost.” He let out a rumblin’ breath. “Welcome aboard.”


    “Um…aye, Cap’n.” Vizon stammered.


    “Yes, Cap’n” Avery followed up.


    The captain walked off, taking sheets off of more cannons. Vizon sighed, looking back at Kahrei and Euno.


    “So…is this goodbye?” Vizon asked. The Scilopede sadly nodded.


    “Yeah…I guess it is.” Euno replied, both he and Kahrei squirming. Neither of them looked quite ready to just abandon the guild members. “For now! Just…we need to report back to our commander eventually.”


    “Yeah, you guys wanna keep your good bean stickers, right?” Avery laughed softly. The Elites smiled warmly at that.


    “We’ll mark down that you left. That’s…pretty true, right?” Kahrei said, nervous as she so dangerously toed the line. “That’s not lying! They are leaving.”


    Euno looked sicked to his stomach…but nodded.


    “If you guys are gone for too long we’ll send word…okay…?” The Scilopede promised. “Even if we have to come out and help you ourselves.”


    “Thanks, you two…” Avery sighed with relief, happy for the backup. “We’ll do our best, too.”


    The Mightyena looked…almost ready to cry, trying to keep strong.


    “A-alright…! Gang…! We’ll…leave this one to you!” Kahrei huffed. “We’ll keep everything okie-dokie here at the port, yeah?”


    “Go team?” Vizon said, sticking his paw out. Kahrei sniffed, her and Euno putting their paws on top of his. Avery joined in, then Rikzyod. Even Jolvia humored the gesture, setting her paw atop the stack.


    “Go team!!” Everyone shouted! Their paws lifted into the air, both Euno and Kahrei looking much happier.


    “C’mon Euno! Let’s go report in!”


    “You got it, partner!”


    With a whoop and a cheer, the Scilopede and Mightyena bounded from the ship, stepping in sync, down the gangplank and onto the wharf like a proud march between friends.


    Avery watched the pair, their excitement and enthusiasm, their pomp and joy with one another…


    …all the way until they vanished around the bend.


    Avery lifted his hand to hold Vizon’s…softly gripping it. Vizon chuckled softly, squeezing Avery’s hand right back.


    “…cool…” Vizon said with a smile. “That’s what we’re gunna be one day.”


    Avery glanced up at Vizon, the Plusle’s face brightening as Vizon looked down at him.


    “Elites.” Vizon said. “Elites that help everyone!”


    Avery could only smile at that. That was a very Vizon takeaway.


    He was just glad things were okay…


    they were okay.


    The moment was brief, however. They were broken from their gaze by the sound of cracking wood and thumping crates.


    “Aha!” Came the captain’s voice. “Lads, if you’ve settled up on yet goodbyes, come see this!”


    Avery glanced back, seeing Manikas as he knocked the lid off the last of the glowing crates, looking ecstatic at what was inside. With a chuckle, he lifted up a strange, glowing green orb. Its surface shimmered like water, and a spiral of energy could be seen in the center of its transparent body.


    “Ahhhh! The ordinance is still good!” The Pangoro laughed, turning around to look at his crew. “C’mere, crew, I need t’make sure you know how to work our third advantage…or, well, our equalizer if things get dicey.”


    The group approached, eying the strange glowing object the Pangoro held.


    “Ahhh, now…take a look at these beauties…” Manikas rumbled, leaning down to show them the large orb in his hand. He gave it to Vizon, the Riolu gasping and struggling to lift it, much to Manikas’s delight.


    “It’s a heavy one, innit?” The Old Salt laughed. “That, boy, is a Tipper Shot. It’s a ball of pure Dusch Jyahguud, compressed around a core o’ flint and gunpower.”


    He gestured to Avery, smirking.


    “Go on, boy. Why don’t you give that orb a jolt?”


    Vizon glanced at the ball, then to Avery, handing it over.


    Curious, Avery extended his hands to take the ball – and nearly fell forwards to put a dent in the deck when he didn’t adjust in time.


    It was heavy


    ‘A jolt? Does he mean literally? I guess, I’ll…try.’


    Avery took a breath…and discharged.


    Everyone jumped as the Tipper Shot FLASHED, immediately turning yellow, the energy inside now a white hot crackling ball of electricity. Manikas laughed, nodding.


    “Atta boy, that’s the way!” Manikas said. “You fire that out of a canon and it’ll pound whatever it hits with a couple million volts of pure electricity! And that goes for any type you charge it with.”


    He reached out a hand, taking the Tipper Shot from Avery, eying the ball with pride. Once again, Jolvia stepped up, for the second time that day, looking dumbfounded.


    “That’s…not approved for commercial use or purchase.” Jolvia said, suspiciously. “Where did you get military-grade naval ordinance?!”


    “When you’ve a debt to settle, then you’ll find a way, too.” Manikas grumbled, standing up and setting the ball back with the others, the electrical charge fading, returning the ball back to normal.


    Jolvia was dumbstruck, shaking her head, while Vizon only looked impressed. Rikzyod, too, looked excited to use the Tipper shots. The Pangoro slowly made his way around the ship, taking more sheets off various equipment, the Peacekeeper slowly coming to life.


    “Right, cannons are easy, o’course.” Manikas said, reaching down to show a few barrels, red in color. He cracked the lid off, showing the barrel to be filled with small bags, the scent of gunpowder wafting from within. The Pangoro grabbed a ram rod aw well, long and with a fuzzy end. “Now you’re no professional gun crew, but surely you can shove a bag of exploding powder in a cannon, pierce it, put the Tipper shot in and light it…aye?”


    “Uh…maybe…!” Vizon said sweating. Manikas glanced over his shoulder, the sky slowly turning more and more orange, the first stars slowly becoming visible.


    “Well…mind you learn quick besides. Because we’ll be sending volleys out as we break through.” Manikas said, replacing the lid.


    “W…wait, wait, slow down,” Avery said quickly, bringing his paws up in protest. “A-are you sure that’s wise?? Because…b-because that’s going to get the Elites on us! We could get in some real trouble for attacking those ships…! And we’re…I mean technically we’re on the same side, right??”


    “You’d better believe we’d be ‘in trouble’!” Manikas said with a laugh. Jolvia was looking more and more unsure. “But what say you, skipper? Shall we ride up and politely ask them let us through?”


    Vizon’s brow furrowed. folding his arms with a nod.


    “…Kahrei and Euno are good but…these other elites have had it coming, the jerks.” Vizon said. Avery couldn’t be sure…but it almost sounded as though the Riolu was simply trying to psyche himself up.


    “I thought the Arceali guild was all about becoming elites.” Jolvia noted, leaning over. Vizon…lifted his nose, closing his eyes.


    “We’ll be better elites than these guys.” He said, confidently. “After this morning? They don’t get what it means to be in the guild.”


    Manikas laughed.


    “I like you, son! Rule-bender! Doing what you must!” The Pangoro said, stomping around. “Nobody is going to stop us! Not elites in a tin can, not that ruddy beast! By Rekinii’s blood I dare Arceus himself come try to face my Peacekeeper!”


    “I’m not a rule bender!!” Vizon protested, though the old Pangoro paid him no mind.


    “…Vizon…” Avery mumbled, looking over at the Riolu. “…Remember who we’re going back to. Do we…really want to make enemies of the Conduicy like this? Even if we get the Pearl, they…we could be branded.


    Vizon seemed to pause, looking back at Avery…faltering.


    “Enemies with…Olistia…?” Vizon gulped, confidence shattered. He grit his teeth, putting a paw to his forehead, scratching it. Sweating.


    He looked…very stressed.


    “Oh aye, you’re right there, boy.” Manikas said, gathering rope around the deck. “If we make an enemy o’ the Conduicy we’d be branded, tried, jailed, hanged for all t’see.”


    Vizon shook. Manikas flashed a grin.


    “That is, of course, if they manage to catch me dear Peacekeeper.” Old Salt laughed cheekily, looking…excited. “What…do y’think this is me first time? You think those elites, with all their procedures and bureaucracy and fancy intimidatin’ words….that they be infallible? Impenetrable? Without blind spots?”


    The Pangoro laughed, cracking open another barrel of gunpowder bags.


    “This isn’t Arceliaze, boy, where they have eyes an ears in the very walls and stone. Nay, this is the sea. I am a man of the sea. And they are children in my turf. Am I understood?”


    The world darkened. The sun crept beyond the horizon. Sanshiyad did not appear, nor the moon. Only stars and a quickly dimming light.


    Night was nearly upon the port.


    …Avery didn’t like this. He was nervous.


    But…this was what it would take.


    “…A-aye, Cap’n.”


    Avery just had to hope they wouldn’t be recognized by the Elites. Or if they were…That they’d understand.


    But those words.


    ‘Hanged. Hanged. Hanged. Hanged. Hanged.’


    Avery felt sick.


    Chapter 31.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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