The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 31.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Avery and Jolvia burst through the doors of the Museum in a rush. The elite guards grunted aggressively at the sudden intrusion, flashing aggravated glares. Jolvia blurted a quick apology to them, showing her badge and shuffling in with the Plusle.


    And there, in the museum…


    ‘…uh oh…’


    Vizon and Rikzyod both stood at attention by the Water Pearl.


    And in front of them stood the Mightyena and Scilopede from before, Team Clockwork.


    It sounded like Kahrei was speaking loudly.


    Avery gave Jolvia a quick look, and rushed in.


    “Uh…V…Viiiizon? What’s going on-?”


    The Scilopede and the Mightyena stood tall over the other members of his team. The moment Avery spoke, he saw Kahrei’s head turn. A fierce glint shined from the Mightyena’s fiery crimson eye.


    Vizon was sweating.


    Even Rikzyod looked uncomfortable.


    Jolvia frowned, looking worried.


    That glint in Kahrei’s eye intensified. More…more.


    She slowly turned towards Avery and Jolvia. The Plusle could feel the weight of his disobedience. The shame of abandoning his post. The guilt of going behind Team Clockwork’s back.


    A million excuses flashed in Avery’s head.


    ‘Well, we did what we had to do! We just…we had to do this, to investigate, and it turned out to be thee right call, even if we were lured there by false pretenses-! And-‘


    All of it came crashing upon Avery as Kahrei turned fully. That glint in her eye peaked…as the shimmer slowly revealed itself to be…




    Kahrei was crying.




    “Aaaaa, AVERY!!!” She shouted, RUSHING over alarmingly fast! She tackled Avery to the ground, SMOTHERING him in Mightyena fluff. Avery squeaked, falling down underneath the Mightyena and pressing feebly at her as she kept him pinned beneath her. “Oh thank Arceus you’re safe I was so worried when I saw you were gone!!!”


    “Gang, please, my poor heart can’t take that much stress…!” Euno begged, the Sciolopede looking close to tears himself as Kahrei snuggled Avery all over, hyper-affectionately. Jolvia backed off, cocking an eyebrow.


    Through the fluffy hug Avery could see other Elites in the other exhibits of the museum, looking at the display and grunting, seemingly annoyed at Clockwork’s behavior.


    “W-wait hold on I’m…w-we were…summoned by the High Captain-!” Avery tried to say. “I just…I uh, I reeeally have to have a very important team meeting with Azure-! I-I’m okay…!”


    But under heavy and thick Mightyena fluff it sounded more like “Mm-mm Mmophf mo! Mmmpgm mpmg Kmgmpf! Mmmmmmf mmfmfm mfmfmf fmfm! Mgm mfmf!!”


    Kahrei sniffed a long, snorting sniff, drying her tears on her foreleg, getting up and smooshing Avery’s cheeks together.


    “You gotta let us know when you run off, ok, superstar?” She sniffled, eyes practically wobbling with sadness. “Yahneri Port can be a super scary place…!”


    “Ms.Kahrei…?” Vizon piped up. “I think he wanted to tell us something…”


    “Huh…?? Oh, yeah…!” She sniffed, slowly getting up. Euno let out a deep, deep sigh, the Scilopede slouching…nearly flattening on the ground. “What is it, Avery? What did you learn on your…”


    She sniffed, giving a wobbly and supportive smile.


    “…on your…s-super top secret mission?”




    Avery brushed a bit of very noticeable black and grey fur off of his coat. He was about to start talking, but…his eyes flicked to Kahrei and Euno.


    He couldn’t say this around them…right?


    “It’s….kind of a…Team Azure thing,” Avery said slowly. “We…”


    His eyes flicked towards Vizon and Rikzyod. The Riolu’s eyes sparkled at that…probably at the idea of this information being exclusive.




    …visibly deflated. Avery cast her a look. This was no doubt something to try and keep from the elites, that was for sure…




    ‘…Are we really going to be able to get away from these Clockwork guys, though? That seems…like it’d be hard, from how…worried Kahrei was. And with how all four of us are going to disappear this time, she might literally have a heart attack.


    She reminds me a bit of someone, actually.’


    “We, uh…learned…something interesting…about the Water Pearl…and if we’re going to make sure the Conduicy gets it, we…need to act quickly-“


    “Oh…!” Kahrei sighed. “Well…if it’s about the Pearl…it should be a team effort! Right, Euno?”


    “Sure should be, Kahrei!” Euno said, lifting himself from the ground. Though, now he looked a little more subdued. “We all gotta work together!”


    “But, privacy is also important among teammates!”


    “That’s different from secrets!”


    “Yes!” Kahrei agreed, looking at Avery. “Plus, we’re Elites! And there’s nothing big, strong Elites can’t do!”


    Vizon sighed, brow furrowed, shrugging at Avery. The Plusle tilted his head, confused, but…took that as a sign to go ahead and just say it.


    “Well…Vizon, we were right,” Avery began, admitting defeat, “but…not in the way we thought. See, uh…we were wrong thinking they wouldn’t have us guard the Pearl…turns out that Team Clockwork and the Elites actually would have us guard the real, genuine Water Pearl.”


    “Wha-? Of course we would! Kahrei said, confused, almost looking hurt. “C’mon…! This whole operation is a team effort! So what if we put you behind several lines and checkpoints worth of defense? You’re still guarding the real thing…!”


    “…The problem….is that we were right about the other thing, and this…” His folded fingers indicated the display. “…isn’t…the real, genuine Water Pearl. The…real, genuine Water Pearl is…in a cave. And the Thieves Guild, through eavesdropping and spies, found out at the exact same time that Jolvia and I did.”


    Vizon was dumbstruck. Rikzyod looked ecstatic. The Riolu rushed up, grabbing Avery by the arms.


    “What do you mean it’s in a cave?!” Vizon gasped, eyes wide. “So it’s not here?! What cave where?? Avery, we have to get to it!! We can’t let Xamao get another pearl!”


    Kahrei shrank back a little, ears folding back.


    “Oh…I thought you were guarding the read thing…” She whispered. Euno looked horrified!


    “Eavesdropping? Spies? Why those no-good cowards and cads! Those bullies! Those thieves!” Euno shook a stubby leg as though it were a fist.


    “Aha!!” Rikzyod shouted. “And so now the true mission today BEGINS!! The blight on this accursed Museum!!”


    “So…that’s the Azure Twist we were looking for-” Avery clapped his paws together. “Problem is that I’m pretty sure that the cave is about…what did he say?”


    Avery glanced to Jolvia with a wince.


    “Ten hours away…?” The Plusle shrugged, to which the Nidorina nodded. “So…I don’t know how we’re going to get there before the Thieves do because….uh, again, we found out the same time they did but I don’t think they had to do correspondence before rushing off after them-“


    “But they’re still going to be held up by the port blockade.” Jolvia pointed out. “Slipping in and out no doubt takes time, and that’s time we don’t have to spend since we have the Elites on our side.”


    “Huh…” Kahrei said, tilting her head. “Gee, that was good observation. You know what that means?”


    “Hm…?” Jolvia raised her eyebrows, looking up at the Mightyena, who was now smiling wide and encouragingly.


    “You…get a gold star!” Kahrei exclaimed taking a little glittery star-shaped sticker and pressing it on Jolvia’s nose. “Boop! Way to go!”


    Jolvia stared at Kahrei for a while. Then, finally, nodded.


    “Thank you very much.” Jolvia said at last. Noticeably, she did not bother to remove the star sticker from her nose.


    “So, er…gang?” Vizon began, Team Clockwork perking up at his ‘participation’. “Is there a…commander or something we can talk to?”


    “There sure is! He should be up in the Museum’s curator office, just down the hall! Said he wanted to be right next to the Pearl at all times!” Euno turned at once,Kahrei bounding up beside him so the both of them could begin a jaunty stride toward the office. “C’mon, let’s go together, team!”


    “Wait wait wait!” Avery called out to the pair, raising his paws for a second. “How is this going to go, though?”


    Kahrei and Euno’s confident march paused at once as they both looked at the Plusle curiously.


    “Because….I’m going to be honest, I’m very much thinking that the guy’s just going to dismiss us outright.” Avery pointed out, gesturing towards the patrolling elites and security measures. “Sunk cost fallacy, you know? Conduicy’s put all this effort to controlling Yahneri Port and the forest, razing the whole woods for a superhighway…and then some upstart guild team says that the Water Pearl is fake? I don’t think that’d go over well.”


    Kahrei gasped.


    “What, no, no! He’d…”


    Her voice tapered off. Her ears subtly folded back.


    “…he’d listen…”


    Euno squirmed, looking back at Avery as Kahrei seemed to shrink back sadly. Jolvia folded her arms, frowning a bit herself and sighing. Avery glanced around, seeing the other patrolling elites.


    He could see, in their gruff and hardened faces, looks of contempt toward Team Clockwork as they passed.


    ‘The attitude of the soldiers and the Elites certainly don’t inspire confidence that we’ll be listened to. Even worse, that commander might even put in measures to specifically hinder us, considering we’re already being treated as “that dumb guild team that lost the Lightning Pearl”…


    …and I guess some part of me still wants to cover for that High Captain guy, even if he was a jerk.’


    Avery tore his gaze from the other elites, back to Clockwork, tapping his chin. At least Kahrei and Euno would believe in them and help. Still, if they only had one team to rely on then that presented a few obstacles.


    “…I don’t know if we have any other options.” Avery mused aloud. “The only way we’re going to get out of here and on the Thieves Guild’s trail is to be quick…and under the Commander’s nose.”


    Kahrei and Euno both shot straight up, spines tingling.


    “Wait, y-you don’t mean we…”


    “…should just help you leave?”


    They were both sweating. Shaking.


    “Wh-wh, but! We have to say something before we go!” Kahrei whined. “We can’t just not tell the Commander! Thats…!!”


    “That’s dishonest!!” Euno sobbed, panicked. “We can’t do that! We’re good beans! We top the ‘good bean’ roster every month back at the Commission office!!”


    “W-W-We’re the only ones who ever compete!!” Kahrei stammered, shivering.



    “We don’t wanna be bad beans!!” The pair cried together, slumping on the floor.


    Vizon…slid closer to Avery, visibly freaked out by the display. Jolvia sighed, watching the pair and shaking her head.


    Avery was…kind of shocked.


    “…O-oh, so…so you two really are just…like this then-” the Plusle whispered.


    That…made a lot of sense. From how other Elites seemed to regard Clockwork…Avery saw now that the disrespected, bottom-rung Elite Team Clockwork was left to babysit the disgraced Team Azure…


    ‘…and they still relished in it. Genuinely…’


    Avery took a deep breath. Ironic…Clockwork were now the only Elites they could now count on.


    ‘Alright, then how are we going to do this…?’


    Slowly, Avery stepped forward, trying to speak comfortingly to the Elites.


    “Well, I can’t say I don’t understand where you’re coming from,” Avery said softly, bending down on his haunches to meet them – which was…well, comical, as even being down on the ground as they were, the Elites were still pretty tall compared to Avery. Which…made his whole sympathetic pose a little more ridiculous. “Being good…g-good beans…is good! But…remember, your number one reason to be here is to get the Water Pearl back safe. And…being a bit of a bad bean might be…important, in order to be a good bean down the road…!”


    ‘Did…that make any sense? They…do seem to understand that the Commander might…stop us with his pride alone.’


    Both Euno and Kahrei pouted sadly, looking up at Avery like lost children looking for their mothers as he explained to them the gut wrenching morally ambiguous situation.


    Euno sniffed, sitting up.




    He stopped, looking to Kahrei, the Mightyena getting up as well.




    They both looked at Avery…then to each other.


    “Kahrei…you realize…if we do this…we might lose one of our good bean stars.”


    “And it might go on our permanent records…” Kahrei whispered fearfully. Vizon frowned, crossing his arms.


    “And we might be impossible to be trusted once we break a promise.”


    Kahrei nodded mournfully. Euno took a deep breath.


    “But that might have to be the sacrifice we make to help these children…!”


    “I’m in my mid-thirties.” Jolvia muttered. The Elites took no notice.


    “Euno…!” Kahrei sobbed. “With our friendship…we’ll get through this. Like all the other times our friendship power was put to the test.”


    They both shook and shuddered, until at last Euno burst, eyes screwed shut, waving his little legs in the air as he blurted out, taking the plunge!




    Avery jumped, shushing the two, looking over his shoulder.


    “Hoo boy, maybe we keep the volume on damper when we’re going on covert ops-” Avery said, cringing from Clockwork’s lungs. “…Don’t worry…! If we do this right, I’m sure they’d understand!”


    The pair of Elites nodded resolutely, wiping away their tears. Avery sighed, wiping his forehead.


    “But…yes! Alright! We need to hurry though, so…let’s not waste any more time…!”


    “Alright…!” Vizon cheered…quietly. “Xamao won’t get another one over us! Now it’s our turn!”


    “Nngnghhg-Yeah!!” Kahrei whisper-cheered. “That’s the spirit!”


    “Alright!” Rikzyod said, smashing his fists together.


    A palpable energy electrified the air, as they all quietly cheered so the other elites wouldn’t hear.


    They all nodded to one another. Vizon squeezed Avery hand as the call to adventure presented itself to Azure once again.


    At last, resolute in their course, Rikzyod spoke up:


    “Now then!” The Geodude smiled wide, putting a hand on Avery and Vizon’s shoulders. “How shall we get there?”


    Vizon perked up with a smile.




    He paused.


    Everyone else paused with him.


    A hush fell over the group.


    A very long, uncomfortable hush.




    Team Clockwork squirmed.


    Vizon bit his knuckle.


    Jolvia closed her eyes, arms folded.


    “Do…either of you have a boat?” Vizon asked Team Clockwork, to which the Scilopede shook his head.


    “No…we rode in by carriage…” He admitted.




    Another silence cut the conversation.


    “…uh oh.”


    Another gap in the conversation. Avery squirmed, feeling the drive quickly fizzle amid the group.


    “…We…” Avery looked between everyone, his voice turning to a squeak. “We, uh…we aren’t…going to have to borrow a boat, are we…?”


    “No, no, no, that’s far too extreme.” Jolvia shook her head.


    “Whatcha mean? Borrowing is okay, so long as you give it back and ask nicely!” Kahrei said, perking up, no double meaning in her voice.


    “But Kahrei…we’re already breaking a promise. Who could trust us with a boat?” Euno asked.


    Kahrei gasped.


    “You’re right…oh no, I’m not ready for bad bean life…” She whimpered. Jolvia patted the Mightyena’s side, continuing.


    “Ah, be that as it may we might not need to borrow a ship anyway.” Jolvia explained. “Walking through this town, the general sentiment I get is that everyone would rather the elites and the army be out of Yahneri port as soon as possible. I can imagine there’s no shortage of traders and merchants who’s happily lend vessel and crew to get us passage to Yahneri cave and end this nightmare for them.”


    “Wait…they don’t like us…?” Kahrei asked quietly, as though her heart was shattering even further. “Commander told us that it was just that everyone was too busy to talk…”


    ‘Oh my god-‘ Avery thought with a wince.


    “So, what, Jolvia?” Vizon asked. “We should find some sailor’s hangout and try to find a captain that’d take us aboard?”


    “Take us aboard…preferably on a fast and nimble ship…and they’ll need to be stupid, insane or both in order to even attempt to not only puncture the sea blockade but also sail the dangerous crags near Yahneri Cave.” Jolvia explained. “But…that’s currently our only possible option.”


    Vizon was sweating, hearing that.


    “That’s bad.”


    “Yes, it is.”


    “But if we want to get there fast, that’s what we need to do,” Avery said with a nod. “Kahrei, Euno, is there a way that we could get through the blockade easier? Any sort of password or code word that we could use once we get to the blockade? If we can slip through there easier than the thieves…”


    Avery blinked.


    “Actually…we should probably file reports for the suspicious Pokemon so the blockade knows who to look for, right? A Pinsir, a Mandibuzz, and a Krookodile. Any of those guys could have been the spy…or all of them.”


    “Oh yeah! Good thinking, Superstar!” Kahrei cheered. “Okie dokie, so a suspicious Poke’mon report will need a form from the Commander, his subordinate aaaand one by the presiding regional commissioner, either one done thrice one both sides in cursive-“


    “Ok, so, basically, we don’t have the time.” Vizon cut in, grasping Avery’s hand and tugging.


    “As for passwords, nope!” Euno replied as Vizon began guiding Avery toward the Museum doors. “The blockade specifically has no safety word or signal that can be faked! They only operate by pre-determined schedule with no way to put in schedule changes for the duration of the blockade! They’re here for another six days!”


    “Cast-iron system…” Jolvia noted, nodding.


    Avery thought it funny how much information Team Clockwork was basically giving away to a mole, unbeknownst.


    …Not that the system mattered much when spies got in so easily anyway.


    At last, Vizon opened the doors outside, looking over at Jolvia and Team Clockwork. The guards at the front paid no mind to Team Clockwork departing.


    “So…you guys know Yahneri Port the best” Vizon said to the Elite pair. “…do you know a place sailors hang out?”


    “Oh that’s easy!” Kahrei smiled. “There’s a bunch of cheap bars down by the northern wharf! We should try there!”


    “Cheap bars…” Avery gave the two of them a careful look. “There’s going to be a lot of rowdy Pokemon there. Do you two think you’re going to be able to handle that?”


    The Elites wobbled their mouths, glancing at one another.


    “No problemo, gang.” Euno said at last.


    “We’ll be strong, kids! Just like Elites should!”


    “Alright. Then let’s DO THIS.” Vizon cheered.


    It was a long walk, bringing their group far, far away from the Museum. The ranks of soldiers noticeably thinned here, and more signs of life decorated the streets. Yahneri Port natives sat on the sidelines, wary of anyone coming down the road (namely, Azure and Clockwork).


    A salty scent was carried on the warm air. Soon, the open sea and the towering masts of cargo ships greeted them as they came to their destination.



    Just as Kahrei had said, a whole line of slightly shoddy bars lined this road overlooking the docks. Each of them had a handful of very tough and burly looking Pokémon, each wearing black, rubbery cloaks. They sat on scattered stools under high thin steel sheet awnings, as though the bar was constructed from spare parts.


    The only thing to do now…was to start asking…


    Avery surveyed the patrons at one of the bars. Most of the burly sailors didn’t didn’t seem all too remarkable. Most were in uniform, milling about by themselves in silence, looking more like regular employees than anything.


    However, at the end of the bar Avery could see an astute looking Marshtomp flipping through ledgers and idly sipping a drink.


    Out from under the awning stood a Raichu in a decidedly captain-looking hat. His rubber coat looked a bit ratty and well-used.


    Finally, sitting atop the stone railing, facing the ocean, was an extremely tough looking Buizel, tattoos festooning her arms.


    The question was…who could actually help.


    “Alright…” Avery flexed his wrists. “…Should we stick together? Or try splitting up to figure out who would want to take us? Remember, time’s of the essence here, so we have to be quick.”


    He looked to the others.


    “Are you guys confident in your ability to…y’know…coerce sailors to say ‘if you help us the elites’ll leave quicker’?” Avery paused. “…Uh, no offense, Clockwork-“


    Kahrei’s ears folded again hearing that, so Euno spoke for her.


    “We should all go together. As a team-“


    “I don’t think the sailors will be too keen on talking to elites…” Jolvia cut in before Euno could finish, making Kahrei let out a soft little whine. “But he’s right on one front, Avery. Let’s move as a team, minus Clockwork, to appear more like a cohesive, competent team. Someone might let us on easier if we do that.”


    “Oh…okay…so, then…” Euno cocked his head. “Kahrei and I will…keep watch! Yeah!”


    He nudged the sad looking Mightyena.


    “Because we need to keep the elites off our team, right Kahrei?”


    “Yeah…right!!” Kahrei said, standing up straight. “We’ll do that! We’ll…trust you to handle things!”


    Jolvia sighed to herself and gave a smile.


    “Alright…” Jolvia said, crossing her arms…then, perhaps as some reward, the Nidorina humored the two. “…One, two, three, team…break.”


    Kahrei’s eyes sparkled.






    With a renewed pep in their step, the pair of Elites turned to stand guard a little ways off across the street, just enough so the bar didn’t look like it was under watch.


    Some part of Avery was feeling a little…bad for them, seeing how sweet the pair seemed. Still, it was nice that they were happy with the task now.


    Already there were a few eyes on Azure, as they were a group of Poke’mon without cloaks, golden badges gleaming in the sunlight as they walked to the bar. To say they stood out was an understatement.


    Avery turned back towards the bar and looked between the three noteworthy Poke’mon, turning his attention to the Marshtomp first.


    “…He looks like a quartermaster,” The Plusle muttered to his team. “…Guy who takes charge of numbers and stuff. Definitely hurting from the blockade, might be willing to help, would have at least partial authority about it. But he might also look for pay, which…we can’t give at the moment.


    “…Quagsire’s a captain. Maybe of the same boat the Marshtomp works…?” Avery mused. “Hard to tell what he’s like at a glance though…”


    “And the Buizel looks tough. Maybe the kind who’d get a kick out of ‘sticking it to ’em’, so to speak. Should we just…go down the line, see how we fare?”


    Vizon nodded, as did Jolvia, both of them looking toward the Marshstomp. As they approached, Avery saw the Marshtomp jump in fear as a massive Poke’mon in a black cloak and hood beside him slammed on the table for a drink. The Marshtomp breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the large burly patron only asking for a drink. He was clearly a bit out of his element among the rougher Poke’mon. The seat to his left was open.


    ‘…Hm. A little more meek but…that’ll be fine!’


    Avery tried to jump up onto the seat beside the Marshstomp….and had to kick a little to get up there, but he managed.


    The Plusle tried to keep it pretty cool. He wasn’t sure how…recognizable their group was, either as Team Azure or as guild members, so…he had to play level, just in case.


    He casually leaned on the counter, turning to glance at the Marshstomp beside him.


    “…Hey there. Blockade’s…causing a lot of problems, huh?”


    “Hmmm??” The Marshstomp looked over at him, hastily closing his book, peering at the Plusle over his thick round glasses. “Oh, it’s been dreadful. Absolutely dreadful. Nothing in or out. I’m told there’s no less than twenty of my company’s vessels held up at port down at Seaking Pennisula! Pah!! Think of that! Pounds and pounds of good Quayoffi iron and lumber sat rotting away! Oh, I’d give anything for those horrid blockade ships to…”


    He paused, shaking his head, looking at the group.


    “I’m sorry, you are…?”


    “Team Azure of the Arceali Guild. We’re looking for a crew to secure a precious artifact that’ll get the Elites out of Yahneri Port as soon as possible. We need a ship to get where we’re going…”


    The Marshstomp laughed at that. Vizon rolled his eyes.


    “You need a ship, do you???” The Marshtomp laughed, the commotion making a few of the patrons around the bar lift their heads before returning to their drinks. “There’s a blockade, don’t you know? Or have you forgotten in the some odd sentences we’ve traded?”


    The Marshstomp looked to Vizon.


    “Is this one yours?” The Marshstomp asked the Riolu, jabbing a finger at Avery. “Is he touched in the head?”


    “So is that a ‘no’, then?” Vizon huffed, folding his arms.


    “Is it a-?! Of course it’s a ‘no’! What do you expect me to do?! Ram one of my precious cargo ships through a blockade of heavily armed iron ships? Scuff the paint? I should think not and good day to you, sir!”


    ‘…Alright, yeah, that was a fair point.’


    Avery looked back to the others and shrugged, slipping off of the stool.


    “He raises a good point,” He said. “…Not of me being touched or whatever, but…How we’re going to get a ship past the blockade. That’s…The whole point of the blockade.”


    Jolvia sighed, scratching her head in thought, looking about, Vizon doing the same.


    Rikzyod, meanwhile, looked about the bar…then looked to Avery.


    “Avery, I require your money. All of it.”


    Vizon perked up, looking at him.


    “What, why?”


    Rikzyod smirked, looking over.


    “I have a plan.”


    You…? A plan? Does it involve beating someone up?”




    “Getting hurt?”


    “We will see, but so far, no.”


    Vizon squinted, unsure.


    “…” Avery looked to Vizon. “I mean…We brought money here for a reason.”


    Turning back to Rikzyod, Avery pulled out the coin pouch, staring down at it. And he raised his eyes to look up at him.


    “…How sure are you that this’ll work?”


    The Geodude smirked, making Avery reconsider. This was Rikzyod with a plan. That didn’t involve immediate boisterous violence.




    Avery sighed and handed the money over. Rikzyod nodded, taking the money satchel in hand…and turning to the barkeep.


    He took a deep breath…and dropped the money on the counter.


    “BARTENDER!” Rikzyod roared joyously. “A full round to all the men and women putting up with those WRETCHED elites! And may we all belch it up onto their ROTTEN blockade!”


    “Hey…!!” Avery heard Kahrei whine from across the street.


    The sailors and captains all laughed, giving a whoop as the bartender nodded, setting drinks down and getting more to pass about the bar. Rikzyod took a tankard and shoved it in Avery’s hands, taking one for himself.


    THAT is what I like to hear! The cheers of a people who do not take kindly to spooks stomping all over what is theirs, uh?!”


    Everyone stamped their feet. Those who had tankards took a swig.


    “Now who will be HARD enough to show their true nature in the face of this thin strip of iron litter floating in this once lovely bay?!”


    Rikzyod CHUGGED the tankard down to the last drop, DROPPING it to the floor as the sailors did the same. He nudged Avery, whispering.


    “I have primed them. Find your ship captain quickly. This swill will not buzz them long.”


    Avery gave Kahrei a sympathetic glance, but quickly gave a nod.


    “Alright…!” Avery shouted, stepping up. “If we’re going to get past this blockade, we’re going to need a crew ready to work, and a ship small and fast enough to slip by unnoticed! Anyone got anything like that?”


    “Why sir!” a voice shouted over the chatter, the sailors taking swigs. From the other end of the bar, the Raichu with the captain’s hat waddled up. “I’ve a ship! Full frigate bought off the Illaminian Navy! Fast, sturdy, and I’ve a crew of 200 itching fer their sea legs!”


    “Aye!” A voice called from a table.


    Vizon sighed in relief, patting Avery on the shoulder.


    “That is the spirit!!!” Rikzyod shouted, slamming the Raichu on the shoulder.


    “Ol’ Thunderbolt shan’t do you wrong, good sir! Swear she’d PUNCH a hole right through that blockade and make it out with nary a scratch!” The Raichu boasted. “If you knows a way to get these bloody feckin’ elites out of my home town then I’d sail with you to the ends o’ the Earth!”


    They’d found someone! Rikzyod’s plan had worked like a charm! Though Avery supposed with the Geodude carousing like he did in the Lower Market District he probably had more of a connection with people like this than the Plusle. Thank Arceus for that…


    “Yeah! Team Azure!” Another voice shouted. Their reputation preceded them. No wonder they were all so on-board.


    “Now tell me, my lad, what’s beyond the blockade?!” The Raichu said, a WHOOP among the sailors, watching the start of the adventure. “Where shall we set sail to? Say the word!”


    “Yahneri Cave!” Avery said confidently, looking up at the Raichu as he approached. “We’ve got our eyes on the treasure the Elites have been lookin’ for, along with some other…less savory parties. We get it before they do, fork it over to the Elites, and they leave, quick and simple!”


    Like a spell had been cast, a hush fell over the bar.


    The cheering stopped.


    Every voice silenced.


    There was a quiet cough.


    “Yahneri Cave…?” A voice muttered.


    “…treasure…?” Another uttered, as though they were saying something most offensive…most…vulgar.


    The Raichu’s face had fallen immediately the moment the words ‘Yahneri Cave’ passed Avery’s lips. He stared at him a while, bringing the both of his hands to his Tankard.


    “Yahneri Cave y’say…” He meekly whimpered. Vizon glanced at Avery, confused. “Sail through the harshest crags ‘o the eastern sea? Tread through cursed waters? In the name of seeking treasure most blackened by fate and Arceus himself?”


    “The cursed black hoard…” A voice muttered. Every other sailor shuddered at the words, each of them crossing a paw over their bodies, whispering a prayer to Arceus.


    The Raichu looked at Avery a moment longer…then hastily put the tankard on a nearby table.


    “Nay, not that. Naught but one man shall ever be able to put his rudder to those waters.” He said. “Thank you fer the drinks, gentlemen. Usuai! We’re goin! Now!”


    “Aye, Cap’n…” One of the sailors said, shuffling after the Raichu. The other sailors immediately turned away, now refusing to look at Avery’s group, pretending they didn’t exist.


    “A…Arceus’s…black hoard?” Avery said, a little..stunned by the response.


    ‘What was he talking about?’


    The Plusle looked at the others in confusion. All of their chances were going up in smoke!


    “I don’t know, I have no idea what a ‘black hoard’ is…!” Vizon muttered frantically.


    “Well we better find out quick, our options are running out…” Jolvia hissed, looking about. Rikzyod scratched his head in confusion.


    More and more backs were shown to Avery, every face turned away in fear, the hush returning to the bar. Vizon grit his teeth, stepping up and waving his arms in frustration.


    “What’s going on?! Why’d everyone give up all of a sudden?!” The Riolu shouted. The patrons only pulled down the hoods of their rubber cowls.


    “Vizon I don’t-“


    “C’mon! We’re not scared of some curse! What even is the ‘Black Hoard’?” Vizon called out, whipping his head around, starting at each of the patrons.


    “You won’t find one captain or sailor who’ll take you on those waters.”


    Vizon and Avery’s ears perked, the both of them looking toward the wall overlooking the ocean. There a tough Buizel woman sat, starting at them with an aggravated look, one that Vizon matched.


    “Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Vizon said, his voice almost…challenging.


    “Because The Black Hoard isn’t just some pile of gold. Nay, Yahneri Cave contains a sin most foul: the greed of Poke’mon.” The Buizel grunted, taking a long swig of her drink, one many of the patrons mimicked.


    Each of them looked so…fearful.


    “Within Yahneri Cave sits a grand mountain of treasure. Gold, diamonds, rubies, gemstones, coins, pearls, everything in Tulaan with a shimmer an’ a price tag gathered by Quayoffi Cyclone pirates of old, built up from years of terrorizing the Quayoffi countryside, killing and maiming, taking hostages, stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down.” The Buizel spat. “There it sits, the Black Hoard: a blood soaked monument of ill-gotten gains and a testament to the bestial avarice in the hearts of all Poke’mon!”


    Jolvia whistled. The patrons around the bar shuddered as the echo of the Buizel’s voice tapered off.


    “‘Tis’ cursed and abandoned by Arceus! The Water Pearl left, an accursed artifact that runs the sea red with blood if ever it’s disturbed, such is what befell the very Cyclone Pirates that amassed the Black Hoard…”


    ‘Ouch…okay, well that probably explains why nobody’s keen on taking us there…except…’


    “But wait…” Avery began, looking around. “…even though it’s so scary…hasn’t the trip been made once? Somebody got the Water Pearl into the museum, right?”


    “Aye…and that’s the other reason none will sail those waters.” Another hooded patron grumbled beside Avery. “Cursed treasures, dangerous rocky waters, great danger…all that might deter your average pencil-pushing merchant or greenhorn pushing their first schooner out into the sea…”


    There was a murmur among the patrons.


    “But Poke’mon of real sailor’s valor? They’d jump at that adventure in a heartbeat.”


    “So…what the heck is the issue? Vizon huffed, aggravated. His response was a few grunts, the patrons stirring.


    At last, somebody spoke up as they swirled the drink in their tankard.


    “No Poke’mon in all of Yahneri Port would set one inch of their ship into the waters of Yahneri Cave…out of respect for the first man to do so.”


    Vizon glanced at Avery, Jolvia and Rikzyod looking to one another.


    Another voice piped up.


    “Old Salt Manikas.”


    The very name seemed the hush the waves, still the wind. Every syllable was spoken with such utter reverence.


    Even the mumbling patrons were brought to a brief moment of respectful silence.


    “Those are his waters and his waters alone.”


    Avery furrowed his brow, looking around the bar of hooded patrons.


    “…He sounds like a big deal, especially if all you skilled sailors won’t touch the sea for his sake…” The Plusle’s gaze returned to the blockade.


    A cold breeze blew over the bar, carrying the scent of salt.


    At last…Jolvia asked the question that ran through their minds.


    “Where could we find this ‘Manikas’, then?” The Nidorina asked. “It’s a matter of national emergency we get to Yahneri Cave.”


    The reaction was immediate. The voices took an aggressive edge, multiple patrons sitting up, mugs knocked over.


    “Oi, what? Hand ‘im over to a spook like you?”


    “He’d thump you, pencil pusher!”


    Jolvia’s eyebrows raised as she backed off, looking behind herself.


    “Erm…Rikzyod?” She asked, the Geodude nodding.


    “Apolgies for my more formal friend. We look for Manikas so he may punch a hole in the blockade and get these elites out your town!” Rikzyod said with a smile. “If only one man may traverse the waters of Yahneri Cave then SO BE IT!”


    That’s more like it…!” The Buizel on the wall said with an emphatic nod. She paused, lifting her head, looking over at the bar. The other patrons sighed gruffly, settling back down.


    One of the patrons at the bar, one of the largest, the grand lump of a Poke’mon that sat by the Marshtomp pat a hand on the bar counter, getting another tankard delivered. The Poke’mon’s rubber cloak fluttered in the strong wind.


    “He’s a mite closer than you think.” The Buizel woman muttered, slowly averting her gaze, seemingly refusing to stare at the massive cloaked Poke’mon for too long.


    Avery’s brow furrowed. Slowly, he turned his head toward where she was looking.


    He saw the Marshtomp get up off the seat, leaving an open space by the large cloaked Poke’mon. Avery heard a gruff cough come from him. None of the other sailors said a word.


    Vizon looked that way, slowly approaching, holding Avery’s hand tight. Jolvia and Rikzyod followed close behind.


    Whatever he was…he was big. Even hunched over the counter Avery could tell he was an imposing, barrel-bodied Poke’mon. His only movement seemed to be his small, polite sips from his tankard. A far cry from the chugs of the younger sailors.


    The bar was silent.


    Vizon squeezed the Plusle’s hand, unsure…but was at last the first to speak.


    “Uh…Old Salt Manikas, sir…?” Vizon asked, leaning over, trying to get a good look at the Poke’mon in question.


    The grand lump perked up…small, fluffy ears flicking toward the four of them. A grand, gruff voice emanated from him.


    “…Aye, thas’me.” He said. “Appreciate the free round, friends.”


    “Hah, of course!” Rikzyod said, folding his arms. The large Poke’mon lifted a bit, turning to face them all.


    “Now then…how can an ol’ sod like me help you gentl’men?”



    Chapter 31.1





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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