The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Ezera almost dropped to the floor. “That’s a dynamax? Oh my God!”

    “This should be impossible,” Reuniclus said, fumbling to take out her aethoreader controller. “I didn’t discern any Wishing Star on her.”

    Outsiders… GOOOOOONE!” Oddie roared, facing the sky.

    “Oddie, please, calm yourself!” Chesner insisted.

    Oddie responded by discharging a flurry of leaves toward the assembled pokémon. The group ran and took cover behind a boulder.

    Chesner scooped up Bip. “That’s no ordinary dynamax. She’s not aware of herself. I’ve got to warn the others. If Oddie leaves this area, it’ll be disastrous.”

    “But- but- but, we can’t leave her like that!” Bip argued, trying to squirm out. “She’s my buddy and I’m not leaving her!”

    “It’s not safe for you! You need to wait back at the village.”

    “Let me go with you. If you can spare a few ‘mon I will bring them here to help us calm her,” Reuniclus stated.

    “What do you want us to do?” Litleo said, peeking out the side of the boulder. Oddie stomped around in a furious circle, rambling incoherent words.

    “I hate to impose this upon you three, especially Ezera, but I need you to keep Oddie occupied. She must not move from here,” Reuniclus elaborated.

    Litleo and Dewott instantly nodded, while Ezera gulped.

    Leave it to us,” Dewott signed, crossing one arm over his chest.

    Can’t… control… outsiders must GET RID OF THEM!” Oddie repeated to herself.

    Chesner and Bip began running back to the settlement. Reuniclus followed suit, but paused and cast one last look at her teammates.

    “Good luck, adventurers. You will need it.” She then took off.

    The remaining three pokémon turned to each other.

    “How do we even begin fighting her?” Ezera said. He balled his hands to stop his intense fidgeting.

    “Dewott, have you fought a dynamaxed pokémon before?” Litleo asked. Dewott shook his head. She sighed. “Then this is all our first time dealing with it.”

    That was all the time they had to strategize. Their rock cover shattered into chunks as one more wave of Oddie’s powerful Razor Leaf battered it.

    Oddie scowled. “NO GAMES!”

    Litleo retaliated with an Ember. “I’m going to try and flank her. Cover me!”

    Dewott obliged and shot a stream of pulsing water at Oddie. It splashed harmlessly against Oddie’s body, but still grabbed her attention nonetheless.

    “Please let this work,” Ezera mumbled, building energy in his chest. He successfully launched a Dragon Rage toward their foe, striking Oddie’s lower body. “Oh thank goodness!” His thankfulness quickly disappeared when Oddie released bright yellow spores from her leaves. “Nonono, I’ve had enough of this paralysis nonsense!”

    They dotted the air in a wide area, paralyzing Ezera on the spot. He was defenseless to block the razor sharp leaves from pelting him. He winced as small cuts scored across his body. Dewott unclipped his scalchop, a watery scythe-like blade forming on its tip. He sliced through the spores and leaves and tackled Ezera aside.

    “Th-thanks,” Ezera said. “We’re going to ne-need Litleo’s bag.”

    That, or it wears off soon,” Dewott signed.

    Meanwhile, Litleo had managed to flank Oddie undetected. She charged as much heat into her mane as she could before releasing a fierce Ember. Litleo immediately rushed in and bit down on Oddie’s right foot with a mouth full of fire. The combined flames left painful burn marks.

    AAAARGH!” Oddie wailed. She pivoted to the left and flung Litleo off, cutting off her chance to retreat.

    Litleo flew several feet across the dirt, crashing into a playhouse made out of sticks. She was too dazed to notice the venomous liquid sailing to her, but a Water Pulse blasted it midair. Dewott sprinted forward to buy his occupied teammates time.

    Oddie hopped back and summoned another round of sharp leaves. “STAY BACK OUTSIDER!”

    Dewott took a deep breath and ignored the attack hitting him. Golden sparks of energy briefly flashed above his head. The claws on his hands glowed light blue and he swiped in quick succession. His Fury Cutter made Oddie stumble, and he rounded off his attack with a Razor Shell. Suddenly, Oddie’s body began glowing. Balls of light left Dewott and into Oddie, restoring her health. Dewott grimaced and withdrew.

    “Hurry, take this,” Litleo said, rolling Dewott an Oran Berry. She and Ezera had just finished eating their own.

    “Please tell me she isn’t going to stay in this dynamax form the entire fight,” Ezera groaned. “This SUCKS.”

    “She should’ve been out of it by now,” Litleo said, eyes narrowed. “What’s happening here is something from a nightmare.”

    “Whatever the case, I say we attack as a group from now on.” Ezera glanced up to see a batch of Stun Spore raining on them. “Starting NOW!”

    Ezera’s Dragon Rage and Litleo’s Ember burned away the spores. Dewott sent a stream of water at Oddie. Oddie took it, not caring, and countered with poisonous sludge. They scrambled away to avoid it.

    LEAVE OUR HOME ALONE!” Oddie screeched.

    “You better worry about what I’ll do to you instead of your forest!” Litleo snarled. She unleashed a Noble Roar, causing Oddie to flinch.

    Ezera and Dewott seized the opportunity and closed the distance between their foe. Pale yellow light coated Ezera’s hand and he performed one continuous Slash. Dewott joined him, slicing and leaving light blue claw marks along Oddie’s body.

    NONO!” Oddie moved her big feet to kick them back. The problem with being large however, made her movements slow and easy enough to dodge. She tried recovering her energy, but the constant barrage of attacks proved overwhelming.

    “We’ve almost got her!” Ezera yelled, swinging his tiny claws.

    Dewott cut a small gash using his watery blade. Litleo joined them by ramming her head into Oddie, then following up with a Fire Fang. Burns arose on Oddie.

    AAAAAHHH!” Oddie screamed. Her body glowed light green and she spat out three giant seeds into the floor. The seeds hummed vibrantly with energy.

    Ezera glanced behind with a worried expression. “Um, what move is that? Bullet seed?”

    “What? That’s… I think that’s one of the special moves from dynamaxing! We have to find cover!” Litleo ordered.

    Alarmed, Dewott grabbed Litleo and Ezera and started fleeing. But knowing they weren’t fast enough, he shielded the two with his body. Green light flooded their vision as the seeds exploded. Plumes of dirt erupted into their faces, knocking them to the ground. The smell of soil permeated the air. Litleo struggled to stand, coughing.

    She looked about, but the area was filled with dust. “Ezera? Dewott?” No response. “Ugh…” She ate another Oran Berry. “Crap, that’s the last one,” she muttered. “Ezera? Dewott?” Litleo called again.

    RIGHT HERE!” Oddie responded.

    Litleo yowled as Oddie’s foot came in on her left, kicking her like a ball. She tumbled several feet away, cursing all the pointy branches and pebbles she hit. Purple venom splattered her fur not a moment later. Poisonous bubbles surfaced from the warm, goopy sludge.

    Litleo growled. “I’ve just about had it with you!”

    The dust finally settled, revealing the clearing trashed beyond repair. Scattered pieces of bark and stone littered the area. Ezera shakily got up and saw Litleo engaged with Oddie. He turned to find Dewott lying unconscious a few feet away.

    “Crap!” Ezera said. His body begged him to stop moving, but he forced himself to go to Litleo’s aid. “Litleo! Dewott’s down,” Ezera exclaimed, running to her. A weak blue fireball struck Oddie’s side. “It’s down to us two.”

    They both dived down, narrowly evading a Razor Leaf.

    “Not exactly,” Litleo replied with a pained wince. She handed him a brown seed. “Put the Reviver Seed in his mouth. He’ll be up quick. Go!”

    Ezera didn’t argue and darted to Dewott. Oddie stepped to intervene but wasn’t given the chance.

    “No you don’t, you overgrown idiot!” Litleo hollered. Warm energy piled in her chest. A harsh heat gathered in her mouth and spewed out, dousing Oddie in a wave of fire. Oddie howled in agony. Joy entered Litleo’s mind as she recognized the attack as Flamethrower.

    Oddie stumbled about to smother the burning wounds. Litleo pounced and latched onto Oddie’s outer leaf with her mouth, flames licking her teeth. Her eyeballs danced as Oddie thrashed to shake her. She clamped down harder instead. Litleo lasted a good few seconds when the swinging became too much and she was thrown off. She landed on her feet, but her legs caved.

    On the other end of the field, Ezera managed to feed Dewott the Reviver Seed. He woke in a matter of seconds.

    Thanks,” Dewott signed.

    “No problem,” Ezera said. “Come on, we still have to help her.” He offered his hand. Dewott took it and they hurried to their teammate.

    Oddie glared at Litleo and raised a foot to step on her. Litleo sucked in a painful breath and rolled to the right. Her tail barely missed being crushed on its tip. Her vision faded in and out as the poison sapped more of her strength.

    “Gah! Where are they…?” Litleo groaned. She rose up on one forepaw.

    A razor cut the side of Oddie’s right foot. She spun to Dewott and ate a fireball, then a couple scratches. That didn’t deter her body from being coated in pale green light again.

    STAY DOWN!” Oddie bellowed.

    “You’re kidding! We have to stop that!” Ezera said.

    A pink psionic beam whizzed by them, striking Oddie right between the eyes. The impact knocked Oddie down and interrupted her. Reuniclus floated out from the trees, accompanied by Chief Chesner, a whimsicott, and a ledian.

    “I hope we aren’t too late!” Reuniclus proclaimed. Her eyes glowed blue as she fired off a telekinetic force, pinning Oddie.

    “You’re here!” Ezera cheered. “Just in time.”

    “Perfecto. Now, let’s see to it that our adversary is knocked down a peg.”

    “I’m sorry, young Oddie, but this is for your own good!” Chesner roared, slamming into Oddie with his body. Oddie staggered backward, still reeling from Reuniclus’ Psychic. White light covered Chesner’s arm as he brought it back. He swung it forward with full force, making sure to aim the spikes directly onto Oddie. The pain awakened Oddie from her stupor.

    ACKWHYIM PROTECTING US!” Oddie cried. “THI-!”

    A series of rapid punches from the ledian prevented her from saying more. “Sorry cuz’, but your method is soooo not rad.”

    “Definitelyyyy. Totally killing the chillax vibe we got going yo’,” the whimsicott added, blowing cotton spores. They attached to Oddie, slowing her movement.

    Litleo gulped down the last of the Pecha Berry and wiped her mouth. She padded forth, mane burning up. The wildmon saw her approaching and withdrew, giving her a clear shot. Oddie looked up in time to see a surge of fire engulf her view. Her shriek pierced all the pokémon’s ears, then went silent.

    Ezera, Litleo, and Dewott panted heavily. They tensed, waiting for the flames to dissipate. When it did, Oddie laid face up, slowly shrinking to her normal size.

    Reuniclus held the aethoreader controller in her hand. “I believe we have subdued her enough.”

    Sighs of relief escaped all the pokémon. Chesner lumbered to Oddie and gently picked her up. He faced the group, half puzzled and half worried. “What is this? She’s glowing.”

    A hint of yellow blood trickled from Oddie’s mouth. A pale orange aura emanated from her.

    “Uh, I’m assuming that’s not what happens when a dynamax ends?” Ezera asked.

    Reuniclus floated up to Oddie. “No… she should be back to how she was before dynamaxing. However, this was an unusual case of it to begin with. There might be some effects we aren’t aware of.”

    “Chief? Is that you?” Oddie said.

    “Yes, young ‘mon. You’re safe now,” Chesner soothed, caressing her head in gentle strokes.

    “Is Bip here? I… I want to see him.”

    “He’s back at the settlement, waiting for you. Rest now.” He moved his hand over her eyes. “When you wake up, he’ll be right by your side.”

    Oddie closed her eyes. “Oh… okay.”

    Should we try giving her an Oran Berry?” Dewott signed.

    Litleo shook her head. “I’m out. Does the settlement have a healer?”

    “You’re right. We must make haste, Chief Chesner,” Reuniclus agreed. “She requires medical attention straight away.”

    “I know what she needs!” Chesner snapped. He inhaled deeply. “Sorry. We have a medicine ‘mon.” He handed Oddie over to the ledian. “Take her there at once.” The ledian and whimsicott streaked off into the trees. “Come, folks. Our medicine ‘mon will patch you up as well.”

    They all began trudging to the settlement. Ezera stuffed his weariness into the corners of his mind, focusing instead on putting one foot in front of the other. He noticed Dewott come up on his right.

    Dewott’s one paw circled over his heart before motioning downwards. “Sorry for letting you and Litleo down earlier,” he signed, eyebrows a little scrunched. “We almost lost because I knocked out.

    Ezera peered over at Litleo. She stuck next to Reuniclus, relaying the battle’s details. “You didn’t let anyone down. In fact, I’m pretty sure you did more than me in the battle.”

    Dewott played with the edge of his scarf.

    “It was a team effort,” Ezera continued, trying to meet Dewott’s gaze. “Messy, yeah, but we got through it. And don’t think we’re not grateful for you trying to protect us from… whatever that seed move was.”

    A teensy grin hit Dewott’s lips. Ezera returned the grin and rubbed his fingers together. ‘But we barely scraped by as it was. Is being here really better than when I was at home?‘ he thought.

    They reached the entrance to the settlement. The guards, Neal and the leavanny, said no words as they let the group through. Had Ezera not been so tired, he would’ve been excited to find the wildmon’s home not as simplistic as he imagined. The trees had been cleared out to make room for the huts on the ground. A thin fiber laced the sticks and leaves together, allowing the huts to retain their tiki shape. A lengthy pond bordered by small rocks spanned the leftmost hedge. Up in the trees, wooden platforms and railings connected treehouses to each other.

    The settlement’s residents warily observed the group walking in. A chestnut colored squirrel scampered to Chesner. His left ear seemed to be replaced by a stub.

    “Ay Chief, Oddie’s with Lilia in the medicine hut,” he stated. His puffy cheeks puffed out even further upon seeing the guild members. “Who’re these? They prisoners? Do we get to beat’em up?”

    “Calm, Svet,” Chesner commanded, holding out a hand. “These folks are from the guild.”

    “Oh.” Svet didn’t bother hiding his disappointment. “So they with the towners?”

    Reuniclus frowned. “The guild doesn’t align itself to any party. Regardless, I have some questions while we wait for news of Oddie’s condition…”

    “Of course. Let us chat a bit aways from the medicine hut, so yours can get healed,” Chesner suggested.

    He led them to a shack tucked away in the northwest corner near the pond. A blanket of moss covered its entryway. Ezera, Litleo, and Dewott sat themselves down next to the water’s edge.

    “You may speak,” Chesner said, plopping down on the right side of the hut.

    Reuniclus went straight to the point. “You are aware of the aetherless spot near the south entrance, correct?”

    “Aetherless?” Svet piped up. “Speak normally, lady.”

    “My apologies, Skwovet, I forget myself- oops, slip of the tongue.” She quietly mouthed his name. The rest of the pokémon watched in strange amusement as she practiced. “S… S… So-vet.”

    “It’s Svet! And assistant chief to you!” he corrected, raising a tiny forepaw angrily.

    “Er, right. Anyway, the ‘lifeless’ spot is what might be more familiar,” Reuniclus said.

    Chesner scratched his head. “That disturbance? It’s been the talk of the forest lately.”

    “Yes, that! Did either of you happen to see or know anything that might have caused it?”

    “I got nada,” Svet commented.

    “Hmph. I heard a flock of pidove was there to witness it,” Chesner said, stroking the fur on his face. “They’re gone now.”

    Reuniclus levitated the notepad out of her backpack. “A shame. I doubt we’ll be able to contact them.”

    Litleo perked up as she remembered the pidove that ran into her outside the pub. “Wait. I… might’ve met one of the pidove.”

    “Truly? How?”

    “It was the same day I foun-” She cut herself off. “No, I was leaving Passimian’s Pub, and she was on her way to the guild. I ran into her and investigated the spot myself.”

    Ezera crossed his arms. ‘Where she saw me.’

    “Pidove mentioned flashing lights,” Litleo went on, “and… I think some rumbling? That’s all she said.”

    “Uh huh, uh huh…” Reuniclus said, dotting the paper. “This information is a good start.”

    Lights and rumbling? Ezera was sure he didn’t cause any of that— on purpose in any case. He tapped his forehead in thought. Was it a pokémon, or something else entirely for it to have put him there?

    The moss blanket on the medicine hut rustled. A lilligant emerged, fanning herself. Ezera stared in awe at the two scarlet flower crowns budding on her head.

    “Lilia! What’s the status on Oddie?” Svet asked, holding his tail.

    Lilia hugged herself. “It’s hard to say. I tried a more potent Synthesis, and that healed her normal wounds. But the glow around her stayed. I gave her some older medicinal remedies. They didn’t remove it either… I really don’t know what to make of it. Oddie’s very warm to the touch too. On the bright side, she’s resting soundly.”

    “When I find out who gave her this ‘power’, I’ll kill them,” Chesner growled, cracking his knuckles. He slammed the ground. “No ‘mon messes with my members and gets away with it.”

    “I can get behind that, Chief!” Svet joined in.

    “Tsk. Haven’t had enough violence for the day?” Lilia said. “Is there anymon else I need to see in the meantime?” Chesner motioned to the three pokémon sitting by the pond. She laid a leafy arm on Dewott. “I can only make do with a quick Synthesis for each of you. I’m quite tired and the weather today is not favorable.”

    Golden dust sprinkled over Dewott’s head. A tingle spread throughout him, mending all of his injuries. Lilia performed the same process on Ezera and Litleo.

    “There,” she said, backing up. “I’m going back in, Chief. I better not hear anymore pained ‘mons coming in.”

    “We’ll be heading back as well,” Reuniclus announced. “Thank you for your cooperation and hospitality, Chief Chesner. I promise the guild will get to the bottom of these incidents. Our regards to Oddie, too.”

    Chesner shook Reuniclus’ hand. “Be well.”

    Reuniclus grabbed a shiny blue orb from her backpack. Ezera raised his brow.

    “What’s that?” he said.

    “An Escape Orb. It’ll teleport you to any mystery dungeon’s entrance when you use it,” Reuniclus answered.

    “The one item I keep forgetting to restock,” Litleo mumbled.

    The moss blanket rustled again, and this time Oddie staggered out. Bip appeared promptly afterward.

    “Oddie, stop! Lilia said you need to be cool and resting,” Bip said, antenna twitching.

    Lilia whirled around. “That’s right! Haven’t you exerted yourself enough?” She reached out to grab Oddie. The tip of her leaf touched Oddie and she flinched. “Eek! She’s as hot as a magcargo!”

    “Where on the continents does she think she’s going?” Svet said, head tilted.

    Oddie stopped further down the pond. She stared into the water. “It’s so warm…”

    Bip advanced to Oddie, but shied away when the aura around her glowed brighter. “Oddie, please, just do as Lilia says! We can start playing again as soon as you get better.”

    “Bip…” She turned around. “Okay, buddy.” She moved one step when her breath caught and her body seized.

    Ezera’s stomach dropped. “Hol- hold on, is she having a heart attack?”

    “Chief, shouldn’t we do something?!” Svet exclaimed.

    Heated air blew into the group’s faces. The aura encased Oddie’s frame, becoming a brilliant light. The sound of something sizzling hissed. Orange light trailed out of her eyes and mouth. Then, the heat inside Oddie ignited, vaporizing her into soft orange wisps. The wisps trailed toward the sky and disappeared.

    “Od…” Bip’s lip quivered. He collapsed, shaking. “Oddie…?”

    Lilia instantly went to Bip and wrapped her arms around him. Ezera gripped his tusks. ‘What… the hell did I just witness?’

    A drop of water hit his forehead. He tilted his head up to the clouds. The drop gave way to a sullen drizzle, and all stood silent as the rain drowned out Bip’s cries.

    The trip back to the guild was a sulky one, made worse by the fact that they had to walk in the heavy downpour. Reuniclus had asked Chief Chesner if they needed anything, but he quickly shoved them out of their home and sent them on their way. Litleo watched Ezera out of one eye, the other blocked by her wet mane. He wore a visibly disturbed expression.

    I don’t think any of us was prepared for that,’ Litleo pondered. ‘Ezera might’ve been, if he had something to do with it, but… At this rate I’m convinced he’s as much in the dark as us.‘ She flicked her tail. ‘Not that I would let him know that.

    They crossed into the guild lobby. Helin sat beside the aethoreader in the center, drumming her paws impatiently.

    “Where have the four of you been?” Helin demanded. “For a trip to Verdan Forest’s entrance you sure took your time!”

    “Helin, not now,” Reuniclus sighed.

    Litleo laid down her bag and shook the water off herself. “You didn’t tell her, Reuniclus?”

    Reuniclus’ eyes widened. “In my haste to grab reinforcements, I might’ve forgotten to alert the guild.”

    “Tell me what?” Helin said.

    “Let me grab the Guildmaster and Vicemaster first,” Reuniclus proposed. She floated into the hallway.

    “Don’t leave me hanging for the third time today!” Helin scurried after her.

    Ezera wiped some of the droplets off his face. “How you guys holding up?”

    “Ignoring that depressing event, I’m tired. I can still feel my head spinning from Oddie flinging me,” Litleo replied.

    I’m okay. You?” Dewott signed.

    “Haha… I guess that makes me both of you, tired and okay.” Ezera gazed at the Zacian and Zamazenta statues. “I just… feel really bad for Bip. He didn’t deserve to see that.”

    No ‘mon does,” Dewott added.

    Litleo slicked her mane back. “I’d say there are a few who deserve it.”

    “That’s pretty harsh though, don’t you think?” Ezera said, frowning.

    “Too many harsh things happen to good pokémon. Why not let it be the other way round for once?”

    “You’re not actually implying Oddie deserved to… pass on like she did?”

    “I never said that,” Litleo countered, turning defensive.

    “Then what?” Ezera huffed. “Because a big reason she did what she did was because of us. Not including you, Dewott.”

    Litleo stepped toward Ezera, tail raised high. ‘This compassionate act of his is really starting to get on my nerves!’

    “‘Because of us?'” she repeated. “Are you kidding? Oddie took matters into her own accord and faced the consequences. She could’ve seriously harmed, killed us even, and you want to defend her?” She narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, what happened is awful. But I’m not about to lose sleep on it.”

    Ezera crossed his arms. “Gee, is this you putting your own advice to work?”

    “Yes it is. And if you were smart you’d do the same. Otherwise you’ll end up exactly like- him…” Litleo finished, speaking low so only she could hear.

    Dewott looked between the two. He hesitantly moved his paws to sign something but dropped them back down to his sides. Reuniclus and Helin arrived with the guild leaders, breaking the tension.

    “Welcome back, dears. There is some news that has to be shared, I believe,” Rapidash said. “Are we interrupting something?”

    Litleo stepped back and glanced to the side, shuffling her paws. “No.”

    “Alright, alright. Cough it up, Riu. I want the news NOW,” Helin said.

    Reuniclus summarized their findings, beginning with the aetherless spot. She paused to let Litleo and Ezera explain their battle, then resumed. Rapidash and Helin’s faces paled when Reuniclus ended, describing Oddie’s last moments. Sirfetch’d seemed to be unfazed.

    “How unfortunate…” Rapidash commented.

    “Dynamaxing without a Wishing Star. Where and how did she accomplish that?” Helin scratched the inside of her frill. “Not that it matters if you die afterward. I fail to see how that’s helpful.”

    “Why is the Wishing Star so important?” Ezera asked.

    “I think it would be beneficial if you reminded us, Reuniclus,” Rapidash stated.

    “It’s because it acts as the catalyst for the transformation,” Reuniclus responded. “My apologies, but I’ll try to keep this lengthy explanation as simple as I can. You remember how we are composed of aether, yes?”

    The gathered pokemon nodded.

    “Using our abilities draws on our aether, and in a sense burns it out. It is why using a certain move over and over will make us unable to use it for a time, and more so the reason our biology typically allows four moves to be known at a time. Unless you are proficiently skilled in reducing your aether usage, or drink an Elixir to restore that burned aether, you will need to wait for it to replenish.”

    “Taking this into account, there are currently three known specialties to exist in our world,” Reuniclus continued. “The first, mega evolution, rearranges your aetherial composition into a different state. It changes your appearance and grants you power. The second, z-moves, gathers the surrounding aether to expend it in one large attack. The third, dynamax, adds the ambient aether to your own, which produces the well known giant effect and access to select few moves.” She took a deep breath, examining everyone’s faces. “Are we all still following?”

    Litleo noticed Sirfetch’d had clocked out, still staring unfocused elsewhere.

    Rapidash cleared her throat. “For the most part.”

    “The commonality these specialties share is requiring an item of sorts,” Reuniclus said.

    “A Mega Stone, Z-Stone, and Wishing Star respectively,” Helin added.

    “Precisely. These catalysts are paramount in making sure the user has control over the influx of aether and doesn’t overextend themselves. So, for Oddie to perform such a process without the needed item and stay in it for a long amount of time, but not entirely be herself… Why, it’s almost an eerie callback to the Days of Ruination.”

    “Surely you’re not suggesting it’s happening again?” Rapidash said, uneasiness creeping into her.

    “Definitely not. Eternatus would have to be active for such a thing to happen, and they’re gone,” Reuniclus said. “Which means some other force is active here.”

    Dewott raised his right paw.

    “Yes, Dewott?” Reuniclus prompted.

    We all saw those purple sigils floating around Oddie when we got there, right?” he signed, mimicking the runes with his paws. “What were those?” 

    Reuniclus smacked herself. “That detail had entirely slipped my mind!”

    Helin clicked her tongue. “What doesn’t slip your mind?”

    “Unfortunately I’ve never seen those symbols in my studies. But they may hold a clue to the ‘power’ Oddie referred to. I’ll get started researching it right away.”

    Rapidash nudged Sirfetch’d. “Your thoughts, Guildmaster? You’ve been awfully quiet.”

    “Hrm?” Sirfetch’d said, deep in thought.


    Sirfetch’d ruffled his feathers. “Eh-hrm. Yes. We’ll need to be extra vigilant for the coming days. No doubt word will soon reach others of a dynamax attempt. Until it does, we carry on as normal.”

    “We don’t want to issue a warning?”

    “A warning about what? There’s no evidence of a pokémon behind this. We certainly can’t warn that a chance of dynamaxing is possible. That would incite panic.”

    Rapidash took that into consideration. “You’re… surprisingly right about that.”

    “Of course I’m right! Now it’s time for Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff to get their rest.”

    “I’m in agreement,” Rapidash said. “Ezera, congratulations on clearing today’s test. You’ve got another big day tomorrow.”

    “Oh, I’d totally forgotten about that,” Ezera admitted.

    “Good job to all of you as well. Sad as the situation may be, you prevented others from being harmed. A true example of the guild’s purpose.”

    Litleo rolled her eyes. ‘And what about us getting hurt? Whatever. They can concern themselves with the dynamax. I’m not losing sight of my goal.’

    “If it’s alright, me and Helin will be going to the lab. I’d like to start documenting,” Reuniclus stated.

    “Helin and I. It’s Helin and I,” Helin corrected.

    “You’re thinking small again,” Reuniclus said, levitating the aethoreader and making for the stairs. Helin followed behind, bickering.

    “We’ll see you in the morning, dears,” Rapidash bade to the remaining pokémon. “And a bit of parting advice, we’re all on the same team, no matter our differences and beliefs.” Satisfied her message got across, she and Sirfetch’d left toward the hallway.

    Ezera and Litleo stared at each other while Dewott watched. This kept up for a minute, until Ezera decided he had enough and sighed.

    “Okay, I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier. I guess this whole ordeal is putting me on edge,” he said, shaking his head.

    Litleo’s tail curled around her. “You don’t have to apologize. You were speaking your mind and so was I.”

    “Yeah well, it got heated. And… you do have a point. We still friends?” He extended his hand to her.

    “Friends? No. Acquaintances? Sure,” Litleo said, pushing his hand down.

    “You’re really going to be like that?”

    “Look, I don’t know about you but I’m starved. Do you want to find something to eat or not?”

    “You’re- you’re actually inviting me? Wow, I’d be dumb to turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity,” he said, exaggerating his bow until his face almost touched the floor.

    “Another word and I’m leaving you behind.”

    Ezera imitated zipping his lip and turned to Dewott. “Although, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to eat much. What are your plans?”

    Dewott blinked in surprise. “I’ll… be going back to Applin.

    “Can he come with us?” Ezera asked Litleo.

    Litleo waved a paw. “Up to him.”

    Dewott tapped his scalchop before signing, “I’m good. You two go ahead.

    “Are you sure?” Ezera said.

    Yeah,” Dewott signed, though Litleo could see he obviously wanted to go.

    “Okay, no problem. Definitely next time though, and you can’t say no,” Ezera reassured, smiling.

    Dewott gave a small grin. “Sure.

    “You know the Empress isn’t going to like this result.”

    Orbeetle hovered down to Sling’s face. The rain pattered against them as they walked.

    “It’s our first time, there’s still plenty of adjustments we can make,” Sling waved off. “Plus, I quite enjoyed seeing that last spark of life. Did you see her? First she was there, and then she wasn’t! Poof! Gone!” He wiggled his paws in the air making a wavy motion.

    “What is wrong with you? These are real lives we’re talking about! She made it very clear they aren’t to be trifled with.”

    “She’s not here, is she? I can do and talk as I please. You don’t have to be so worried. We’ll get the correct result eventually. Unless, you want to be the next subject?” Sling suggested, cracking a sinister smirk.

    Orbeetle cursed under his breath. “What do you think went wrong?”

    “Oooohhh… Oddie probably burned too much of her aether. The spell wasn’t stable enough to keep it in. If I happen to forget, remind me to increase the potency next time.”

    “Remind you? Are you even taking this seriously?! Or is this all some giant playground for you?”

    Sling threw his left paw over his chest. “I’m hurt! I’d never do anything to compromise our objective. Honest.”

    The border of Verdan Forest’s north entrance loomed ahead. The array of trees ended, returning to hilly fields. Orbeetle flew further and stared out in thought.

    “Next time we won’t only increase the potency, but the power and speed too. We can’t forget she got beat by guild newbies,” he said.

    “Oooooh, I like the way you think. Maybe we’ll even get those three to fight our subject again,” Sling said.

    “Huh? Why them? We should be looking for stronger opponents.”

    “A tingle in my tail is telling me they will be a good measure.” Sling cupped his paws together. “And… one of them isn’t just a newbie. I think the Empress will be delighted to know our good friend Litleo is back in action.”


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