The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Of all things, making a joke like that. I should leave him to wander alone in there,‘ Litleo debated. She watched Ezera get swallowed by the plants. ‘You could, but you’re in charge of his test, remember?‘ She bit her lower lip. Regardless of her misgivings toward Ezera, she had an obligation to watch over him unless proven otherwise. ‘There’s no reason to be so rude with him… and yet I can’t shake the feeling he means trouble.

    Litleo opened her satchel. The scarves’ blueish-gray color appeared darker under the canopy. She turned one of them over to look at the main insignia stitched into it: A single sphere containing an inverted white triangle.

    She could practically hear her partner’s words. “Come on, don’t be like that! We’re in a position to help, so let nothing stop us but skrelp!

    A smile tugged the corners of Litleo’s mouth but dissolved a split second later. ‘And look where it got us.‘ She closed her bag and shook herself. ‘Enough. You have a pokémon to be watching.‘ She paced around and double checked the shrubs. Like before she found nothing that resembled a Flower Sweet. However, there was clearly something off about the condition of the shrubs themself. ‘These all have branches torn off of them. Has somemon been here already?‘ Litleo straightened up in alarm. ‘If they’re still here, Ezera might run into them! Of all the- I knew I shouldn’t have agreed with his stupid plan!

    Litleo sprinted up ahead cursing herself. She hoped Ezera didn’t wander too far in or worse, taken one of the diverging paths. Her eyes widened as a pained yelp reached her ears. Gritting her teeth, she readied fire in her mouth. The backs of a Morgrem and Zigzagoon faced her when she arrived.

    “Look at him, he’s bawlin! Easy, ain’t it Zigzagoon? I told ya nothin can stop us,” Morgrem boasted.

    “I feel bad for him,” Zigzagoon muttered. “He doesn’t seem expur… expercyinced.”

    “Bah, who cares? We only need his tusk.”

    From what Litleo could see, Ezera appeared to be pinned under Morgrem’s grip.

    “Hehe, no need to worry. We can do ya a favor and knock ya out for it. I hear axew tusks grow back… most of the time!”

    He raised the side of his hand to perform a Throat Chop, but Litleo didn’t give him the chance. Fierce embers raced from her mouth, scorching Morgrem’s backside. He howled and released Ezera. He ran about for a couple seconds before throwing himself to the dirt to snuff out the flames. Zigzagoon whirled around in shock. Litleo charged in with her head lowered and knocked the raccoon into Morgrem. Having created enough space between them and Ezera, she turned to check on him.

    “I leave you for five minutes and already you’ve gotten yourself into trouble. I knew listening to you was a bad idea,” Litleo chided.

    “Nice… to see you too,” Ezera weakly replied, rubbing away tears. “Can we save the ‘I told you so’s’ for another time?”

    She dropped him an Oran berry and rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Then I can hit you with ten Embers instead.”

    “Get off me ya dolt!” Morgrem growled. He pushed Zigzagoon off and stood up. “The dragon has a friend after all. Or was ya happenin to pass by?”

    Litleo padded forward, heat building in her mane. “Wrong on both accounts. It’s your lucky day though. Once I take care of you two, I’ll have you arrested for interfering with guild affairs.”

    Zigzagoon looked to Morgrem. “Is- is she part of the guild?”

    “Urk… yeh. Too confident not to be,” Morgrem said, narrowing his eyes. “So what? Ya not scared are ya? We still got the advantage cuz the dragon ain’t a fighter.”

    Litleo shot more embers their way to make them separate. If Morgrem was the leader, knocking him out first might make Zigzagoon surrender instantly. She ran toward the imp readying a Fire Fang.

    Morgrem coated his hands in purple light, turning to meet her. Litleo gasped and steered right, changing her target. Zigzagoon had already distanced himself, however, and let out an aggressive Snarl. Dark energy rings phased through her. Shivers rippled across her body. A rush of wind grazed her back and she instinctively ducked. Morgrem’s hands made a resounding SMACK as they met nothing. Litleo kicked her legs behind her before jumping out of the way to avoid the oncoming Pin Missile. Morgrem hunched over clutching his gut just as the missiles soared right into his face.

    “Pwuh- AGH! Watch where ya aiming ya dimit!” Morgrem shouted.

    Zigzagoon’s ears drooped. “Sorry Morg! I didn’t realize you were going in- EEP!” His sentence was cut short by more flames sailing to him. He cried out trying to soothe his singed fur.

    “I had enough of this Litleo,” Morgrem said, spitting. “Team Punker ain’t goin to go down to some stupid guild!” He tilted his head to Litleo, gathering dark energy.

    “And I’m not losing to a pair of lousy crooks!” Litleo shouted back. She unleashed a Noble Roar but it was too late. Morgrem’s ray of darkness fired from his head, not giving Litleo any time to dodge. The ray struck and exploded, sending her skidding a few feet away.

    “Gah!” She winced and recomposed herself.

    “Litleo! You good?” Ezera had risen to his feet.

    “Ask yourself that. I’m fine,” Litleo said, huffing fire through her nose.

    “What’s this? Is the dragon lookin for one more beatdown?” Morgrem sneered.

    “Morgrem we really need to leave… We’re at a dee… a deesadvantage,” Zigzagoon urged. “They have supplies like Reviver Seeds.”

    “That makes the plan simple. We nab her bag too.”

    “Go ahead and try!” Litleo responded. She sent more flames toward Morgrem. Fire gathered in her mouth while she ran in.

    Ezera glanced at Zigzagoon. He could dwell on his mistakes later. Right now he had to take some of the pressure off Litleo. Ezera dashed into Zigzagoon’s line of sight, glaring him down.

    “Your fight’s with me now,” Ezera said. “No more uneven odds.”

    Zigzagoon answered with a barrage of pointed missiles. Ezera banked left and closed the gap. He swung his claws but met nothing as Zigzagoon reeled away. His foe then rammed into his chest. Ezera grunted and pushed Zigzagoon away, immediately following up with a Slash. A clump of Zigzagoon’s fur fell by the wayside. Zigzagoon yipped and retaliated by licking Ezera’s face.

    “Eugh!” Ezera staggered and wiped the wet saliva off his cheek. “Even worse than a dog’s lick…” he muttered. A familiar tingle spread throughout his nerves. “Are you serious, again?!”

    “Sorry not sorry!” Zigzagoon yelled.

    With Ezera preoccupied with the paralysis, Zigzagoon bounded over to Litleo. Litleo’s flames met Morgrem’s beam of darkness mid-way. A burst of gray smoke clouded the air. Zigzagoon used the cover to blindside Litleo. She flew sideways into a bush, groaning as the thin branches pricked through her fur and into her skin.

    Morgrem appeared from the smoke and grabbed hold of her satchel, trying to yank it off her neck. “Give it here!”

    “Rrrgh… Back. Off!” Litleo bit down on the strap and pulled in the opposite direction.

    Zigzagoon soon joined the tug-of-war, leaving Ezera to watch. He struggled to raise his locked muscles, anger rising from his stomach to his chest.

    “Come on…let me he-help her for once!” Ezera’s lungs expanded. The anger boiled over and created a sudden tickle in the back of his throat. Heat like eating something spicy entered his mouth. A second later he coughed, spitting out a sizable blue fireball. The fireball crashed into Team Punker, giving Litleo enough time to pull her bag back and combine the fireball with an Ember. Morgrem and Zigzagoon scrambled to the center of the path in panic.

    “I’m done, Morg!” Zigzagoon exclaimed. “We’re no match for them. This isn’t what you told me we’d be doing at ALL.” He turned tail and sprinted into the forest.

    “Zigzagoon ya can’t lea-! Ugh… ya damn guild always ruinin things for pokémon,” Morgrem said. He ran after Zigzagoon at full speed.

    Litleo took a step to give chase, but one glance at Ezera told her he was in no condition to be left alone again. She looked at her disheveled fur tacked with leaves and dirt. ‘And I’m not doing that great either,‘ she concluded. Litleo slowly approached Ezera, who sat tapping his finger on his leg.

    “Some help I was, huh?” he asked flatly.

    “That last minute Dragon Rage was surprising, but not unwelcome,” Litleo said. “Have you been keeping that hidden this whole time?”

    “I don’t even know what I did,” Ezera said, throwing his hands in the air. “Call it pokémon instinct if you want. The fact is I almost DIED, and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

    “Died? That’s a bit of a stretch. I don’t think they were planning on killing you.”

    “It felt like that to me.”

    Litleo extended her paw to him. “Come on. Get up. You said yesterday you had no fighting experience. Why blame yourself now?”

    “Because I thought I could grasp it relatively quickly, but it’s the complete opposite. And now the test too. Seeing how I did here, you’re gonna fail me aren’t you? All the proof you need I’m not ‘adventurer material.'”

    He’s not going to sit here moping is he? Jeez. I mean, what kind of weird thinking is that? No ‘mon can master fighting straight away.‘ She put her paw down. “Being an expert fighter isn’t a requirement to join the guild. Watchog and Applin are good examples.”

    “Yeah but no offense, I’d rather it be more excitable than that,” Ezera said.

    “Look, the commission may have been a bust, but you tried your hardest to beat those criminals,” Litleo said, motioning her paw in front of him once more. “The guild would let it slide after I tell them what happened here.”

    Ezera’s tail wagged a little. “You think so?”

    “Duh. When have I lied to you? Now are you going to take my paw or not? I’m getting tired over here.”

    Ezera hoisted himself up with Litleo’s paw. “Thanks… for being here to rescue me.”

    Litleo’s breath caught from a memory flashing across her eyes. Rockruff’s blurry outline stood in the center. He was turned away from her. An enormous figure stood over him, surrounded by a grayish haze. Rockruff looked behind but his face was out of view. A hushed whisper traveled through her ears.

    It’s okay, I understand.

    The image faded leaving a light ringing. She blinked and breathed again, heart picking up in pace. ‘Where- where did that memory come from? Why did it appear now?‘ Litleo shook her head, suppressing the shivers. “Uh… um, you’re welcome. Also, if you’re up for it, we could do some sparring one of these days. You can build your skills that way.”

    A smile cracked across Ezera’s face. “Really? Does this mean you’re warming up to me?”

    “No. It means I’ll be able to slam you with even more Embers than you bargained for.”

    “Mm, that’s fine. But you forget I have a ranged attack of my own now.”

    Litleo closed her eyes. ‘I still need to be careful around him. I can’t let him sidetrack me.

    “Speaking of the commission,” Ezera said, “I don’t think it was a bust at all.”

    “What are you talking about?” Litleo asked, opening them again.

    “Just follow me real quick…”

    “Are you sure you don’t need help with that, Electrike?” Ezera tailed behind the dog-like cop, ready to help push the cart of Flower Sweets if need be.

    “I’m okay, thanks,” Electrike answered. He adjusted the yellow badge hanging around his neck so the correct side faced outward. “The training we do at headquarters is much more rigorous. This is no sweat.”

    “Ah, alright.” Ezera hurried up to Litleo in front, who was leading the way to Alcremie’s Bakery. “Remind me what it was you used to call the…” He stole a glance at Electrike. “Police. Your radio link?” If Litleo heard his words, she didn’t show it. Her concentration was preoccupied elsewhere. “Hey, Litleo? What’s bugging you?” Ezera repeated.

    Litleo’s thinking bubble popped. “You.”

    “Oooh, burn,” Electrike commented.

    Ezera crossed his arms and stared off to the side.

    “Come on, you’re a social cue reader. You know I’m kidding. Mostly. What were you asking?” Litleo said.

    “No, hold on. Is that a hint of a compliment I’m hearing?” Ezera said, holding back his grin.

    “Can you get on with your question already? Otherwise I’m going back to ignoring you.”

    “Okay, but I want to let it be known you were about to say something nice. How does your radiolink work?”

    “You mean the Linkbead?” Litleo clarified. “It’s not complicated. You stick the bead to your guild badge and go from there. Us non-electric and psychic-types need a way to talk long distance. Reuniclus imbued the special beads with psychic power. That’s as far as I know.”

    “Then why don’t you wear your guild badge?” Ezera asked, pointing at Litleo’s bare chest.

    She looked down and sighed. “I… took it off for the time being.”

    I’m gonna have to figure out why she gets touchy on these subjects one day…‘ Ezera thought.

    Litleo stopped outside a windowed shop filled with pastries and cupcakes on display. “We’re here.”


    The bell atop the door to Alcremie’s Bakery chimed. Ezera entered first into the pink, glossy tiled shop, followed by Litleo and Electrike. A fresh dough scent instantly flooded his nose. His eyes fixated on the cake and bread slices sitting underneath the main glass counter, some having intricately designed patterns while others were a literal plain slice. A few feet over yonder, a tiny eatery had been established with a couple tables and heart themed chairs.

    Electrike hauled the burlap sack off the cart, setting it on the floor. Alcremie slid down the mini slope next to the counter to greet them. She fixed the clovers on her light green bangs.

    “Welcome sweet cakes! What brings the three of y’all to my shop today?”

    Ezera’s stomach growled as he gazed at the countless deserts. He swallowed the extra saliva watering in his mouth before speaking. “Hi. We’re here for a, uh, commission of yours.”

    “Goodie! About the Flower Sweet I wanted?”

    “Yes, but there’s a sliiight difference in the amount.” Ezera undid the knot on the sack, beckoning Alcremie to take a look.

    “Sweet triple Figy pancakes coated in a mountain of syrup, that’s a lot of Flower Sweets!” Alcremie gasped.

    Ezera re-tied the knot on the sack and stood next to Litleo. “Yeah, sorry… we know you asked for one but we ran into a slight problem getting them. And now we have hundreds.”

    “What problem could cause y’all to get hundreds?!”

    “You’re the only pokémon who can do something good with these. Is it possible for you to take them all?” Litleo asked.

    “I could sugar pie, but what am I to do with so many?” Alcremie said. “I only wanted to give one to my niece. She’s due to evolve soon.”

    “How about adding them to your recipes?” Litleo suggested.

    “It’s not a bad idea,” Alcremie said. She looked to Electrike on the other end of the sack. “Does the town council not want to hold on to them?”

    “We already have half of them back at HQ. Sheriff Manectric figured you’d want the rest for your desserts,” Electrike replied. “Maybe even use them for the upcoming celebrations in a few weeks.”

    “Well, if y’all insist…” Alcremie scooped some of her cream and put it in her mouth, thinking. A moment later she performed a twirl. “I think I’ve got my next recipe planned!”

    “That’s great!” Electrike cheered, turning to Ezera and Litleo. “I think I’ll take my leave now. We’ll make sure to add a Zigzagoon and Morgrem to our Bounty List. What did you say they called themselves?”

    “Team Punker,” Ezera replied.

    “Team Punker. Hm, I’ve never heard that name come up. Must be new to the crook business… Right, have a good day everymon.”

    Litleo waved with her tail goodbye as Electrike took the cart out of the bakery.

    “Sooo does this mean we’re done here?” Ezera asked.

    “Yup. Time for you to report back to Watchog,” Litleo said, stretching.

    Alcremie returned from placing the Flower Sweets in her storage room. “Is Axew on his test right now? I can’t say I’ve seen his face around here before.”

    “Correct. He came in yesterday and started this morning,” Litleo said.

    “Is that so?” Alcremie went up to Ezera and patted his shoulder. “Job well done. You’ll pass those tests no sweat.” She winked at him and returned to the counter. “I’ll send the payment over later today, and some extra for the abundant amount.”

    “Oh you don’t have to do that,” Ezera instinctively blurted out. “The extra, I mean.”

    “What a humble ‘mon you are. But I insist. It’s no trouble for me.”

    “Appreciate it, Alcremie. We’ll see you around,” Litleo said, pushing Ezera out the door. She took him to the side of the building and sat against the wall. “You’re the first I’ve seen try to turn down an extra reward.”

    “Is that a bad thing?” Ezera said.

    “Depends. It’s just the guild runs on the funds by commissions. We take whatever we can get.”

    Ezera rubbed his fingers together. “What? The guild isn’t paid for by the town?”

    “Are you kidding? There’s no way the town would willingly pay us if it meant the wildmon got some benefits out of it. You could say it’s why the guild acts as the unofficial bridge between the two.”

    “That’s lame. You all are pokémon. What’s the big deal?”

    Litleo rubbed the tip of her mane to have it point up. “Deeper issues I’m not versed in. I only want to tell you to lessen the nice ‘mon act a bit, since you seem the type to turn down the main reward in the first place. Your team will be broke if you do that.”

    “My team?” Ezera repeated.

    Her smirk was barely visible under the shade. “My bad. That’s assuming you pass.”

    “I see how it is. But I’ll keep that in mind. If that’s it, I think I’ll take the lead this time. I, team leader, will guarantee that we reach our destination safely.”

    “Pft, be my guest. I can’t wait to see if you get lost.”

    Fortunately for Ezera, he had no hiccups finding the way back, much to Litleo’s disappointment. Watchog bade farewell to a cherubi and perked up as the pair approached from the other side of the desk.

    “Welcome back, adventurers,” Watchog said, tidying up some papers. “I was apprised of your encounter with some unruly pokémon. I hope both of you are faring okay.”

    “We’re good,” Ezera replied. “Though I’m a little bit shaken by it.”

    “Understandable. Fighting on what should be a simple commission is always unnerving.”

    “Not like it’s unexpected in an adventurer’s life,” Litleo added. “If anything ever goes according to plan, it’s not the plan.”

    “That… made no sense at all,” Ezera chuckled.

    “They’re not my words in case you think I’d say something like that.”

    “Sure it isn’t.”

    “I take it you were still successful in your endeavors, sir?” Watchog cut in.

    Ezera nodded. “Yup, gave her even more Flower Sweets than she asked for. She said she’ll bring the reward later.”

    “Excellent,” Watchog said. “I will await her arrival and mark your first test complete afterward.”

    “Is there anything else I need to do at the moment?”

    “No. Consider your first day finished.” Watchog’s eyebrows furrowed as he examined the evidence of battle on Ezera and Litleo’s bodies. “Though might I suggest a trip to Indeedee for a check-up? It would be good to tend to any injuries.”

    “Errr, where is that?” Ezera asked.

    “It’s right before the Guildmaster’s chamber,” Litleo said. “Do you remember the white room we passed yesterday?”

    Ezera scratched his head. “The one filled with the beds? Are they magical or something?”


    “…Is Indeedee the name of a place or a pokémon?”

    “Indeedee is a pokémon,” Watchog said, “known for their exceptional talent at reading emotions. Surely you’ve heard of them once?”

    “How would I-” A cough from Litleo interrupted him. “Uuuh, they never brought it up where I lived.”

    “Curious. Nonetheless, Indeedee acts as our nurse.”

    “Got it,” Ezera commented. “We’ll head over there now.”

    “Adieu, adventurers.” Watchog returned to his papers.

    Ezera and Litleo exited the commission center, going back in through the lobby to the west hallway. Sure enough, the hospital-esque room awaited them in all its sterile glory. Not an object looked out of place. White blankets held by rods divided the few rows of beds. Each one had neatly folded sheets and a pillow, along with a shield styled plush.

    “This is actually kinda modern,” Ezera said, touching one of the beds. “I’m just glad this doesn’t reek of alcohol. Is that peaches I’m picking up?”

    Litleo sniffed the air, catching a whiff of Indeedee’s fragrance. “Her scent is recent. She must’ve just left.”

    “Should we stay here and wait for her to come back?”

    “You can. I’m going to-“

    “My my, don’t the pair of you look worse for wear.” A pear shaped pokémon moved past Ezera, setting down some unknown tools on a bed in the corner. She turned around and clasped her hands, offering a kind smile at the two. “Afternoon! Need some treatment for your wounds?”

    “It’s the only reason I come here,” Litleo said, tail flicking side to side.

    “I wish you came here for the other reason too,” Indeedee pouted. Dust bunnies clung to the tips of her curled horns, barely standing out from the darker tones of her body. She wore an old cloth that wrapped around her.

    “Where did you go?” Litleo questioned, ignoring the statement.

    “Up into the storeroom. Pichu told me there were some hidden medical books in there, but all I got was a bunch of dust and- ah, ah-choo!”

    “Bless you,” Ezera said.

    Litleo stared at him in confusion. “Bless who?”

    “Bless you? Something you say after someone sneezes? Is that not… a thing here?” Indeedee and Litleo shook their heads. “Well, forget I said anything. Um, I’m guessing you’re Indeedee?”

    “Indeed!” she said, giggling. “Gosh, I love doing that. It never gets old. You must be the axew I’ve heard so much about. You’re cuter up close.”

    Unsure how to respond, Ezera only opened and closed his mouth repeatedly.

    “That’s enough about that! Come on, let me see if you’re hurt anywhere,” Indeedee continued. She picked Ezera up without any warning and placed him on a bed. “Mmm, I’m not seeing anything aside from a few bruises and cuts. A quick Heal Pulse should do the trick.”

    She held her arms out, sending a single white light to Ezera’s chest. A pink glow overtook him and filled his body with warm fuzziness. The soreness and cuts faded away, leaving Ezera feeling at ease.

    “Hey, all the pain is gone!” he said, tail thumping on the sheets. “I could get used to this.”

    Indeedee patted her chest. “You’re welcome! I’m here most of the time if you need medical attention. If it’s not medical attention you seek, I’m also happy to listen if you’ve got something troubling you.” At that she cleared her throat and glared at Litleo. “I don’t have these emotion readers for nothing.”

    “That’s really kind of you,” Ezera said. He jumped down from the bed.

    Litleo stepped closer to Indeedee but kept a few feet apart. Her tail cautiously swished behind her. “I’m fine on the floor, thanks. You can heal me from there. I don’t want-“

    “I know, I know. ‘Don’t get close or read anything about me,'” Indeedee finished, holding her hands up. She gave Litleo the same treatment by using another Heal Pulse. After she finished, Indeedee clapped. “All set! Both of you should be good as new.”

    “It was great meeting you,” Ezera said.

    “Likewise. Until next time,” Indeedee said cheerily.

    “And now for the millionth time today, what next?” Ezera asked, walking outside the infirmary.

    “Nothing. You wait for Sirfetch’d and Rapidash to talk to you,” Litleo replied. She began going up the staircase to the resting quarters.

    “Well where are you going?” He followed after her.

    “To clean up. I have enough filth on me to be considered a garboder.” She looked behind her and stopped. “Did I Destiny Bond you? Why are you still following me?”

    “Cause I, uh, I guess I’d like to be clean too.”

    Litleo’s eyes narrowed. “Whatever. Just… give me some space after you finish. I’ve been working alone for a while and this is the most I’ve talked in a bit.”

    Ezera nodded in acknowledgement as the showers came up. A wall split the entrance into two sections, similar to the public restrooms Ezera avoided at the beach.

    “You go right since that’s for males,” Litleo stated. “If you decide to peek at me I swear I’ll char you so bad not even a xatu will know what you are.”

    With that she entered the left section. Ezera stepped onto the tile and made a face at the humid air. Faint traces of steam clouded the baby blue color of the room. Showers on each side had a thin partition blocking the next stall, and tucked away at the far end was a single bathtub.

    I hope no one is in here, or else it’s going to get awkward fast. Maybe I should just leave…‘ Ezera gripped his tusks to stop his hands from fidgeting. ‘Don’t do it, Ezera. How are you going to battle if you can’t handle a damn shower?‘ He chose the farthest stall to the left and went in. The showerhead luckily pointed straight down, giving Ezera ample room to stay out of sight. He stared at the two metal handles in front, unsure which would bring out hot or cold water. ‘Usually left is for warm, I don’t think it’d be any different here.‘ A muffled hissing sound arose after he turned the handle. Freezing water rained down on Ezera. He yelped and covered his mouth, stepping back. He stretched his hand to the stream and waited for it to become warm, but the temperature stayed the same. ‘You’re kidding me. It’s backwards?‘ Turning the other handle, the water soon heated up to a moderate degree. ‘How fun.

    The pressure of the stream removed the dust and dirt off him quickly. A bottle of what Ezera assumed to be soap was placed on his right. He squirted some onto his hand and rubbed it, breathing in the smell of pine. He finished up and rinsed off.

    I forgot to look for something to dry me off. I’m dumb.‘ Ezera poked his head out the stall. Different sized towels were stacked in multiple baskets near the entrance. The largest basket held a pile of seemingly used towels.

    “Those better be the ones I can take. If not I’ll just pray they won’t execute me,” Ezera mumbled.

    He rushed over and picked up the smallest towel. Once dry he tossed the towel into the large basket and hurried out. He leaned on his knees and picked up the distant noise of another shower running. ‘She’s still in there I guess. How do I pass the time here? I don’t have a phone… which makes me wonder if anyone even knows I’m gone.‘ Ezera mindlessly headed to the stairs. ‘Maybe mom and dad have noticed, depending on the time.

    His feet took him down to the lobby again. Out of curiosity he walked up to the dog-knight statue carrying a sword in its mouth. Near its paws laid an inscribed plaque Ezera couldn’t decipher.

    “You. I’ve been wanting to speak to you.”

    Ezera jumped and ran into the statue, hitting his head on the leg. “Aah, owww…”

    He rubbed his head and turned around. The Purrloin he saw earlier in the morning held a bemused face. Except, now that she was closer, Ezera could see she had different features. The area above her eyes was recolored to a pumpkin orange, and her tail rounded off rather than curving into a pointed tip.

    “I knew I was stealthy but I didn’t know I was scary,” Purrloin said, shifting her weight to one leg.

    “Hi. What- why did you need to speak to me?”

    “I saw you traveling with Litleo this morning. It caught my attention as she’s been by herself. Well, ever since Rockruff disappeared.”

    Ezera frowned. “Who is this Rockruff that keeps coming up?”

    “Hmm, you wouldn’t know, huh? Rockruff was her previous teammate, and pretty involved around here.” Purrloin jumped gracefully onto the podium and walked along the edge. “He brought Litleo here as a Fledgling and they moved up fast. The two of them were close. But not lovers, mind you. Really good friends more like.”

    “And what happened to him?” Ezera said, trailing underneath Purrloin.

    She whirled around and raised her right forepaw dramatically. “One day, both of them went out exploring in the early morning. We didn’t hear from them for days. And when we finally did, it wasn’t by Linkbead.”

    Ezera tensed in anticipation. ‘I don’t get why she’s framing this like a play, but it’s interesting anyway.

    “No, in the dead of night,” Purrloin went on, “we found Litleo battered and beaten on the doorstep of the guild. Rockruff was nowhere to be seen. The following morning we asked her what happened, and all she said was…” Purrloin paused, arching her back with both paws up. “‘I can’t remember,'” she said, her pitch higher. “Ever since then… how do I put this?”

    “Ever the dashing storyteller, Pearl.” A stout Corgi arrived next to Ezera. His lime green eyes beamed brightly staring at Purrloin.

    The cat purred happily at the compliment. “Why thank you, Yamper darling.” She leaped off the podium and nuzzled Yamper’s cheek.

    Yamper returned it briefly and broke off the contact. “Maybe this can wait until we’re somewhere more… private, perhaps?”


    “‘Ello, Axew. I hope you aren’t too uncomfortable with our displays of affection,” Yamper said. His tail wagged enthusiastically.

    “It’s alright. Call me Ezera,” he said.

    “Oh, from this morning! You’re a wildmon?”

    “Ye-yeah. I am.”

    “In hindsight, I should’a figured. Not many dragons, if at all, live in towns.”

    “I always say this guild could use more wildmon,” Purrloin added. “There aren’t enough of us here. Have you given any thought about joining?”

    “Actually I went through my first test today,” Ezera said sheepishly.

    Purrloin laughed and shared a look with Yamper. “In that case, congratulations are in order. Feel free to call me whatever is easier to remember. I’m not a stickler for pokémon calling me my wild name.”

    “I think I’ll stick with Purrloin, then. And congratulations? It’s barely anything, really.”

    “You’ll get what I mean eventually.”

    Ezera tilted his head quizzically. “Uh, anyway, what were you trying to say about Litleo before?”

    “Yes… how to say it. How about, since then she’s been ‘looking’ for any traces regarding her partner.”

    “Why the air quotes?”

    “Truthfully, it’s not that I blame the poor girl,” Purrloin said. She put one arm around Yamper. “I just find it hard to believe she can’t remember anything about what occurred or how she made it back.”

    “Maybe she hit her head?” Ezera said, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. Litleo had helped him out ever since he arrived. Yeah, she might not have willingly done so, but he didn’t believe there was evil intent underneath her actions.

    “It’s what we all thought at first. But Indeedee found no evidence of a concussion,” Yamper refuted.

    “Couldn’t Rapidash look into her mind?” Ezera said.

    Yamper nodded. “Technically she could. But the Vicemaster can’t unless given consent.”

    “And obviously Litleo has yet to do that,” Purrloin reproached.

    Like how she explained to me yesterday.‘ Ezera crossed his arms. “Okay, but if Litleo really forgot herself, what could Rapidash see that she couldn’t?”

    Purrloin’s face soured. “That’s the question, isn’t it? Rapidash believes Litleo will come around eventually. Who knows when that will happen. The girl keeps herself away from all of us. Maybe you’ll be the one to crack her. Bottom line is… I’d be careful,” she whispered. “Trust her like you would a sinistea.”

    Ezera rubbed his fingers. “Which is how much?”

    “Not a whole lot is what it means,” Yamper said. “I for one think Litleo’s telling the truth.”

    “Speaking of, Vicemaster in sight. I think she’s coming over here,” Purrloin said.

    “Good time for us to take our leave. Let us away!” Yamper and Purrloin scampered to the courtyard.

    “Wait where are- aaand they’re gone…” Ezera sighed.

    “Hello, dear. I see you’ve been acquainted with Team Chase,” Rapidash commented, looking behind her. “I sense others as well. What do you think about them?”

    “I think it’s cool how everyone here treats each other nicely. At least, from what I’ve seen so far,” Ezera said.

    “We take pride in keeping a friendly environment,” she said, nodding. “In other news, I received word on your completed commission.”

    “You have?” Ezera’s stomach did a flip.

    “Watchog filled me in moments ago. Alcremie has dropped off the payment. Which means you’re done for the day.”

    Ezera blinked, realizing he wasn’t in trouble. “O-oh, cool.”

    Rapidash noted Ezera’s relieved expression. “Is something worrying you, dear?”

    “No, no. Well, kind of. It’s just the encounter I had today is making me wonder if I’m actually cut out for this.”

    “This Team Punker I presume? I wouldn’t worry too much. Your skill will only improve with time. And, if what you say is true about your circumstances, then maybe you were called here for a reason.”

    “I see…” Ezera glanced at the floor. ‘Am I gonna be able to handle it? I almost quit a few hours ago.‘ He straightened up. ‘But I didn’t. And I’m still here.

    “If I may trouble you with one request,” Rapidash said, “please, follow me.” She took Ezera into the Guildmaster’s chamber and closed the door. “I realize this will seem mysterious on our part, but would you be willing to stick with Litleo for the remainder of the test?”

    “Huh? What do you mean?”

    “See, different members would accompany you each day so we can observe how well you get along with others. After all, cooperation is an essential piece of guild work. Litleo however, has had some history and thus closed herself off. I believe you may be what she needs.”

    “Yeah… I uh, might’ve heard some of it now from Purrloin,” Ezera mumbled.

    Rapidash’s mane glowed. “She disclosed her past? How much?”

    “Only the whole ‘Rockruff missing’ thing…”

    Her eyes briefly flared pink before she took a breath and calmed down. “Is that the way of it? I should like to have a word with her later… Nevertheless, are you up for partnering with Litleo in the meantime?”

    “Of course! I like traveling with her as a matter of fact,” Ezera said.

    “I’m glad to hear it,” Rapidash said, smiling. “One thing to note though, I’d appreciate it if you don’t mention what you heard to her. This will all be for nothing if she knows.”

    “I didn’t plan on it. I know everyone needs their privacy. Is that all?”

    “For now, yes. As you are officially in the process of joining the guild, your new quarters will be on the second floor. I don’t want the other members to become wary of you. I trust you understand.”

    “Yep. I want to say thanks for being so accommodating, even if I am uh, not from around here. I’m not totally sure where you all stand on that with the whole danger thing, but I promise I’ll do my best.” Ezera waved and left the chamber with a slight bounce to his step.

    “We wouldn’t ask for anything less. I only hope the peace remains for some time,” Rapidash murmured.

    Night descended upon the guild, and while its members went to their respective quarters, Ezera was already settled in his. The room was a downgrade from Litleo’s, being smaller and missing the counter space. Yet Ezera wasn’t bothered. It still had a window and enough cushions to be cozy. ‘And this yellow color scheme is much cheerier than hers,‘ he mused. He curled around his body and rested the bottom of his head on his arms to practice a new sleeping position. In the midst of it Litleo peered through the entryway.

    “You look like a mienfoo if they were stiff,” she snickered.

    Ezera’s head flicked up. “Litleo!” He sat up, cheeks heating in embarrassment. “What, uh, are you doing here?”

    “I heard from Sirfetch’d I’ll be stuck assigned to you. I wanted to ask if you knew.”

    “Oh, Rapidash told me earlier. Are you… mad about that?” Ezera scratched the tip of his tusk.

    Litleo sighed. “A bit. Relax. In a way, it might be a good thing because who knows what dumb stunt you’d pull next if I’m not here.”

    “Well, I have you to thank for getting me here in the first place. I might’ve quit then and there, so… I’d like to ask you something.”

    “Out with it then,” Litleo prompted, tail curled.

    “Do you hate me?” he asked, meeting her eyes.

    She scrunched her eyebrows in suspicion. “What’s making you ask that?”

    “I know you’d prefer to be doing your own thing, rather than have me drag you around. I’d be kinda annoyed if I was in your shoes. Or paws, in this case.”

    “Ignoring your constant talking and me having to save you, you’re not wrong. But I don’t hate you, if I gave that impression. At least not yet.”

    “Well, in an effort to stay not hated, I will slowly improve on not needing to be rescued.”

    Litleo leaned against the wall. “What about the talking?”

    Ezera hesitantly walked forward. “I can’t guarantee the talking will go away. That’s pretty much a staple.”

    A quiet snort escaped Litleo. “Uh huh. Whatever you say.” They fell into silence for a few moments. She rubbed her foreleg and gazed down the hallway.

    “You know, I still haven’t received those Embers you promised,” Ezera said, smirking.

    “What, you want them now?”

    “No no! You can keep holding off on it.”

    Litleo backed up, yawning. “How many did I say I was going to give you? Twenty?”

    “Hey! You can’t up the count like that. I haven’t even done anything dumb.”

    “Trust me, you will.” She started walking toward the stairs. “I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t put yourself in danger until then.”

    Ezera watched her pad away and returned to his cushion, grinning. He laid his head on his arms once again. ‘Litleo may not be trusted around here, but… I believe in her. If I can show her that, maybe there’s a good chance we can be friends after all.


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