The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The gathered pokémon watching the projection alternated between looks of shock and gasps. Litleo and Roca were affected most of all, too stunned to even react.

    It was Eternatus who went after them? The pokémon responsible for almost tearing the world apart so many years ago?

    The projection fizzled into a new scene. She and Rockruff were clenched in Eternatus’ claws, soaring high in the sky. They flew over what could only be Prosperity Vale.

    It was time. The answer to their— his fate, was approaching.

    And… Litleo didn’t like where it was headed. Not one bit.

    Rockruff vaguely felt wind and rain rushing past his fur. Was he dreaming?

    No, something was gripping him… tightly. He couldn’t move, and an uncomfortable amount of heat radiated above him. Struggling to lift his eyelids, he blurrily made out the darkness covering the land. ‘Nighttime…?‘ A vast jungle laid far below, and further than that appeared to be a long and deep ravine.

    His thoughts were too muddied to form coherent questions. All he recalled was Eternatus and Litleo being in danger. He couldn’t check if she was with him however; his body had no energy, and it wasn’t long until he drifted back to sleep.

    The next time Rockruff awoke, a whimsical voice danced in and out of his hearing.

    “Yoohoo, can you hear me? Hm. He must’ve knocked you out so terribly hard to be this unresponsive. Or maybe it’s because he kept taking some of your aether on the way here?”

    Rockruff’s ears twitched. Could he finally move his limbs? He brought one paw close to his chest, trying to get up. It proved to be painful, but with enough effort he reached a sitting position and opened his eyes. There was an odd lack of weight around his shoulder. ‘Our satchel… it’s been taken!‘ He went to touch the Linkbead on his badge— both were taken too. Rockruff was comforted to know he still had his scarf.

    His sight adjusted to the dim surroundings. ‘I’m… in a cage.

    Clearly he was in a cave too, albeit ‘mon made. Compared to the Rugged Crags ones, the walls were quite smooth in comparison. He had to be situated near the back end of it if the stacked barrels and crates were anything to go by. The weird thing was he couldn’t see where the entrance was.

    On top of that, some pink and purple pokémon stood on the other side of the psychic bars in front of him.

    “Are you a… slowking?” Rockruff asked, finding his throat parched.

    “Sling will do just fine,” he responded with a grin, putting his paws behind him.

    Rockruff turned side to side. “Where’s Litleo? And Eternatus-“

    “Litleo’s currently being evaluated by my colleague. As for our mutual friend… he’s replenishing his aether after you so tired him out.”

    “Friend- you’re working with Eternatus?” Rockruff’s hackles raised as his lips formed a snarl. “But he-“

    “Hey now, just because we didn’t tie you up doesn’t mean you can be aggressive,” Sling warned, clicking his tongue. He revealed one paw holding a purple orb of energy. “Relax. We’ll bring Litleo back soon enough.”

    Rockruff sharply exhaled. “…Why didn’t you tie me in the first place?”

    Sling yawned, undoing his attack. “If you couldn’t tell, this cage should prevent you from going anywhere.” He plucked an Apple and a water skin from a nearby crate. “Feeling hungry?”

    For being a prisoner, he sure wasn’t being treated like one. What was the deal here? “No thank you.”

    The items unceremoniously dropped to the ground. “The Empress can’t tell me I wasn’t hospitable.” Sling whistled to himself as he rocked back and forth on the tips of his feet.

    Should I try using a move?‘ Rockruff wondered. ‘I better not. If I got out I’d have no idea where Litleo would be.‘ “Why do you need to evaluate Litleo?”

    “I’d answer that, but my colleagues wouldn’t like it if I spilled our goals. It’s dreadfully boring to keep it hidden if you ask me.” A glint shined in Sling’s sleazy eyes, his smile still unfaltering. “The planning and secrecy becomes sooo tedious. I’d rather reveal it all and watch the chaos.”

    After hearing more of Sling talk, it was starting to make sense why he would call Eternatus a ‘friend.’

    “But you know what, I like you. I’ll answer one question truthfully, provided it’s within reason.”

    One question… Sure, Rockruff could ask about their ultimate goals: What were they hoping to get out of capturing him and Litleo, why work with Eternatus, how was Eternatus alive in the first place— but receiving answers on those would be meaningless without securing something else first.

    “Are me and Litleo going to be okay at the end of this?” he asked.

    The edges of Sling’s mouth dropped slightly. “Hoohoo, that’s not what I was expecting. A smart question, nonetheless.” He turned his back to Rockruff, staring straight ahead. “The Empress can be ruthless when you anger her. If you define ‘okay’ as alive, then you should be good. Can I tell you Litleo will be okay? That depends on what we find.”

    “What are you looking for? She doesn’t-“

    “I’m very sorry,” Sling interrupted, wiping dust off his cape, “that’s all I’m going to say.”

    Rockruff stifled a whimper. He’d come out relatively scathed, and Litleo was up for debate? Not good enough.

    “Sling! Come help me!” an irritated voice called north of their position.

    The slowking slowly lumbered over. A couple moments later, Sling came back with an orbeetle and an unconscious Litleo floating behind him.

    “Litleo! What did you do?!” Rockruff quickly asked.

    “Bah, I had to put her to sleep. Stupid girl wouldn’t stop resisting,” Orbeetle stated. Some ash covered the side of his head.

    Sling chuckled. “I told you she was feisty.”

    “The Empress is going to want to take a look at her,” Orbeetle continued, glaring. “She’s on the way.”

    “How exciting!” Sling levitated Litleo to the top of the cage. He waved his paw, opening it for a split second, before dropping her inside with a light thud. “You’ll like the Empress very much.”

    Orbeetle yanked on Sling’s cape. “What have you been telling Rockruff?”

    “Nothing!” Sling said, pulling away. He straightened it out. “It hurts to see you think I have no self control.”

    “You talk too much for your own good,” Orbeetle sighed. “I need your opinion on the findings. Leave them and come with me. The Empress will see them soon enough.”

    “Understood.” Sling bowed to Rockruff. “Good luck.”

    “Why are you wishing him luck?” Orbeetle asked as they walked off.

    “I see nothing wrong with saying it. They had the misfortune…”

    Rockruff’s focus went to his partner. He padded closer, sniffing and inspecting her. The image of her underneath the tree during the fight flashed in his mind. ‘She doesn’t have anything broken, does she?

    He wasn’t Indeedee, so he wouldn’t know until she woke up. ‘At least her spirit isn’t broken if she gave Orbeetle trouble.’ That fact gave him some solace. He laid next to her, trying to appreciate Litleo was here with him and not think too hard on Sling’s words.

    Rockruff couldn’t let it get to him. There was always a way— it was just a matter of being open enough to see it. Unfortunately, his mind felt pretty closed.

    While he waited for Litleo to wake up, that closure didn’t go away the more he thought about their options. In fact, it seemed to be getting narrower. The two things he came up with were either: Break the cage, or convince their captors to let them go. The secret third option was to have a miracle.

    None of that was super likely.

    Litleo groaned, yanking him out of his thoughts.

    “Litleo! Talk to me, are you hurt anywhere?” Rockruff questioned.

    “Urgh, I’m fine,” she said, eyes fluttering open.

    Rockruff hugged her no sooner than she replied.

    “Ow- what, what is this?” She slowly turned her head to him, blinking. “Are you hurt? I swear I’m gonna kill them if they-“

    “I’m okay too,” he said, giving her space. “They’re being… oddly nice despite the circumstances.”

    Litleo scoffed. “Nice? They locked us in this cage.”

    “They could’ve made it worse. They could’ve kept us separated.” He received a grunt as her concession. “Do you know what they were evaluating you for? They didn’t do that to me,” Rockruff said.

    “Um… hard to say. It’s clear they want to use me for something,” Litleo replied, standing up.

    “That’s what that slowking seemed to imply.” Rockruff debated mentioning his and Sling’s talk. “He told me it doesn’t look good for us, specifically you.”

    “I could’ve told you that.”

    “They mentioned the Empress is coming to see us. We need to get out of here before that happens.”

    Litleo pressed her paw against one of the bars. “It’s solid.”

    “Think our moves will soften it up?”

    “Let’s find out.”

    Litleo summoned the hottest Ember she could muster, aiming it a singular bar. The attack reflected back at them and dispersed warm air instead. Rockruff flinched, bringing a paw to his nose.

    “No good… let’s see if Crunch works,” Rockruff suggested. If the cage was made out of psychic energy, dark should be effective on it, no? As Litleo stepped aside, dark energy gathered in his mouth, before he gnashed on the bar multiple times. Re-examining the spot told Rockruff he made no damage. “Uh oh.”

    Litleo wouldn’t be deterred. She began checking every corner and the bars of the cage. “What about your Rock Climb? Can you knock the cage around?”

    “It’d make too much noise. The force from it isn’t really that strong either.” Rockruff moved as she got to his side. “Can you feel any openings? This thing can’t be invincible.”

    “Trying, but it’s pretty damn tough!” Litleo gnawed on one bar for a few seconds before giving up. “Ugh!” She smacked it with her forepaw. “Shit, what are we going to do?! Nobody will ever find us down here-“

    “Hey, don’t say that,” Rockruff soothed, reaching out. “We’ll be okay-“

    “You can’t honestly believe that,” Litleo refuted, putting his paw down. “This isn’t the time for your pure optimism. We need something more solid, like a plan or- or-.”

    “Is it optimism when it turns out to be true?”

    Litleo forcefully exhaled, releasing a light puff of smoke. “You’re reallllly testing me right now.”

    “I do that all the time already, what’s new?” he said, faintly smirking.

    “I swear to- Be serious!”

    A light pair of footsteps echoing throughout the cave silenced their chatter.

    Is that the Empress?!‘ Rockruff thought. His tail hid between his legs. Before long, a short and bipedal pokémon appeared, the green bulb on their head drawing most of Litleo and Rockruff’s gaze. Despite their small stature, an imposing air exuded from them.

    “He was right. Your aether IS different,” the pokémon commented instantly.

    “What the hell do you want with us?” Litleo snarled.

    “Hmph, is it normal for your kind to be so rude when greeting?”

    “Gee, maybe I’d be nicer if you didn’t imprison us.”

    The pokémon touched one of the orbs around her neck. Triangle patterns resided in the center of them. “I think you’d agree it was necessary.”

    “Wait a minute,” Rockruff interrupted, ears falling flat, “aren’t you… Calyrex? You helped kill Eternatus and start Kaiyo Town.”

    “The guild keeps up with its history,” Calyrex confirmed, approaching the cage.

    “You’re supposed to be extinct.” Rockruff was surprised he managed to get that out when his mind reeled at this second twist of information. Calyrex AND Eternatus were alive. More than that… they were collaborating? Nothing made sense.

    “Many things are supposed to happen, but you’ll find they don’t always come true.” Calyrex crossed her arms. “Or be what you want.”

    Rockruff frowned, sticking his snout through the bars. “How could you trap us? My pop told so many stories about your benevolence. You help pokémon.”

    Calyrex’s expression went distant for a moment. “Don’t speak about what you don’t know. I still labor for everymon, only in the bigger picture.”

    “Then tell us.”

    “Nice try, young ‘mon, but I am here for your… ‘friend,'” Calyrex sneered, having to force out the word. “She has information I can use.”

    “Like I’m telling you anything,” Litleo argued, scowling.

    “I’ll give you until nightfall to reconsider. Otherwise, I’ll resort to other methods.”

    “You know what she wants?” Rockruff whispered.

    “He doesn’t know?” Calyrex’s lips curled downward. “That sounds about right for your kind. Irredeemable to the last.” She started walking away. “Maybe you can educate him on who you TRULY are, Litleo. You might not be getting another chance,” she said, disappearing through the wall she came in from.

    Rockruff was lost. Educate him on what? He could see the words formulating in Litleo’s mouth. “What is it?” he asked, offering a nervous smile. “Are you an outlaw on another continent?”

    “Rockruff, I-” She faltered, chin falling to her chest. “I’m human,” Litleo uttered.

    It took a moment for the word to fully click. Rockruff whimpered instinctively. ‘Human? Litleo’s… human? How can that be? She told me her family…

    “That’s why Eternatus came after us,” she added softly. “It’s because he sensed my aether.”

    Now he had to add Litleo being human to the list of news to grapple with. “Is- is this what you were waiting to tell me?”

    Litleo hesitantly nodded.

    “I don’t get it. Why keep hiding it?” Rockruff muttered.

    “Because I… I don’t know. I didn’t want anything to change.” She focused on the floor. “After keeping it so long, I was afraid this would happen.”

    “Then, everything you said about your family-“

    “Are half truths!” she blurted out. She quickly realized that was no justification for it. “Yeah, they’re basically… lies.”

    For once in his life, Rockruff had no phrase or quote to lighten the mood. It wasn’t even the fact Litleo was human that was killing him; it was that she felt the need to keep up this pretense around him… for what?

    Everything around him seemed awfully still— from the air, to the flickering torches, to their two stilted breaths. He just wanted to ask one thing.


    Litleo dug her claws into the stone. She squeezed her eyes shut, mane flickering with heat. “Because…”

    He waited for a reply for a minute. The revelation stung, but he knew for Litleo this hurt a lot more. “It was easier?” Rockruff tried finishing.

    “Because I’m stupid, okay?” Litleo said, full of harshness. However, none of it was directed at him, but her. “I told myself that this wouldn’t amount to anything— I’m a human walking around with pokémon, I sure as hell don’t belong here. But I needed to acclimate somehow. And then you appeared,” she continued with a broken, bittersweet laugh, “with your happy attitude and your corny sayings, and it… it made me want to believe your dreams. If it had been anybody else I met in that forest…”

    She leaned her head on the bars, shaking it all the while. Tears stained her cheeks. “Damn it, I just… I’m not good like you, Rockruff. I see the worst and prepare for it. That’s why I can’t be a star.” Litleo paused, breathing in and out for a few moments. “It’s not because I don’t want to… it’s because that’s not who I am. The best I can do is get someone else who wants to be one there.”

    Rockruff let her explanation sink in. He took a seat on the other end of the cage, swapping his gaze to the discarded Apple outside their cage.

    There wasn’t any other way to put it. Litleo saw their friendship as temporary. Everymon had secrets, he understood that, but it didn’t make sense not to say something that important from the get-go. If it were him, he would’ve explained from the very start.

    Then again, that was just the thing. That’s what he would’ve done, and not everymon, if anymon, was like him.

    Rockruff remembered their previous interactions, especially the day he gifted Litleo those scarves. What she said to him then, about being a team and overworking themselves together, did she mean it? Or was that also covered in half truths?

    He pulled down on his ears, sighing. Rockruff hated second guessing— It made life difficult, complicated. How could a ‘mon do anything if they had to question the integrity of plans and pokémon around them? That wasn’t a way he wanted to live.

    The quiet dragged on as both wondered how to proceed. Of all times to be divided…

    How do we get over this?‘ Inhaling, Rockruff thought about what he wanted to convey. Litleo beat him to the punch, however.


    One of his ears perked up. He gave her a sideways glance.

    “Before anything else… I’m sorry,” she began, faintly. Litleo sniffled and wiped a paw across her face. “You gave me a lot and I didn’t return it. Not properly, anyway.” She plodded toward him a little, but stopped. “I just want you to know that I was serious about supporting you. That wasn’t- isn’t, a lie. You’ve got the kindest heart I’ve seen, and it’ll always pain me for walking over it.”

    Rockruff blinked, examining her seriousness. There, deep in her eyes…

    “None of that means much, does it?” she said, biting her lip.

    He didn’t have to second guess that. “Litleo, I’ll accept your apology, but it doesn’t mean I’m not hurt about it. Or that I fully forgive you.”

    “I’d feel better knowing you didn’t, to be honest.”

    He took one step toward her. “I don’t really agree with the way you think. It doesn’t make much sense to me.” One more step.

    Litleo turned her head away.

    “That just means I need to try more to understand. You really are a weird ‘mon- human- uh, hu-mon?” Rockruff stammered, half-grinning at his poor joke. “We’ll need to have a proper chat when we’re out of here,” he concluded, a mere foot away from her face. “Partner.”

    A shaky breath left Litleo. “…Only you’d say that.” A weak smirk appeared on her. “Okay.”

    The two took in the moment of peace. Did their relationship change at this point? Absolutely. But, it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be repaired. If Calyrex’s goal was to create strife between them, she’d be sorely disappointed.

    “Heh, how didn’t I piece you were human together? The way you walked when I met you should’ve been a big clue,” Rockruff said, scratching his ear.

    “I wasn’t that obvious. I made sure to practice looking as natural as I could on my own…” Litleo said.

    “Not natural enough for me.”

    “Says the one who believed it.” She paced the length of the cage. “We still don’t have a way to get out. Unless…”

    “Unless what?”

    “You’re not going to like it.”

    “Try me.”

    “You could pretend to hate me,” Litleo stated.

    “How is that a plan?” Rockruff asked, eyebrows raised.

    “Calyrex is only interested in what I know. You saw how she dislikes me for being human,” Litleo said, growing increasingly confident in her words. “She might not try anything on you when she sees we want nothing to do with each other. And if you can make it seem like you sympathize with her, even better.”

    “No- what?” Rockruff said, shaking his head. “I can’t do that. Your plan only saves me. We can’t talk if you’re left here.”

    “Look, there’s no point if neither of us make it,” Litleo insisted. “We can’t fight them, and they’re not going to be convinced to let us walk out. Wouldn’t you rather guarantee one of us gets to be safe?”

    “I said I would put you first,” Rockruff murmured, ears and tail drooping.

    “And you will by doing this. Please,” she assured, placing her paw on his.

    Rockruff’s brow furrowed deeper. “I- I can’t.”

    “Rockruff, think about who you have here. You have your sister, your pop. I left all mine in my world, and I doubt any of them miss me. Do this for me. Please.” Litleo’s eyebrows trembled, trying hard to maintain a stern face, but in reality wanted to crumble like the walls she put up.

    For her sake, should he agree? Or for his sake, should he disagree? What could satisfy them both?

    “…Okay. You win,” Rockruff said, earning a sigh from Litleo.

    “Do you swear you’ll stick to it?”

    Rockruff nodded once.

    “Thank you.” Litleo composed herself, standing tall. “If she wants information from me, it can’t be good. I’m going to do my best to give her hell, and you put on your best acting skills.”

    Acting, was it? Rockruff always thought it’d be fun to try it once. “I think I can rehearse in my head.” He sat down, patting beside him. “Sit by me, one more time?”

    Litleo wordlessly obliged, albeit tentatively.

    I swore to stick to your plan, Litleo, but I’ll deviate if I have to.

    A little white lie never hurt anymon.

    Team Ardor fell into a fitful rest after a while, figuring whatever energy they could get would help in the long run. Multiple times they woke up, thinking they heard somemon coming along, only to find it was their imagination or a stray pebble dropping from the ceiling. The worst part of it was being unable to tell what time of the day it was. Rockruff assumed night had fallen, though with how much they slept he couldn’t be one hundred percent sure of that. Maybe it was early morning.

    Rockruff’s paws moved up and down nervously. It wouldn’t be as stressful if he and Litleo could stay next to each other, but to ensure their plan worked they separated themselves at opposite ends of the cage. Calyrex could walk in any minute, and they couldn’t be caught sharing a moment.

    …It was interesting, how many different moments they had these last few days. If they had done something else, said something different, where would they have ended up?

    Well, he didn’t dwell on what-ifs. Rockruff didn’t regret any of it.

    “Stay here, I don’t want you doing anything unruly.”

    Rockruff slightly jumped at Calyrex’s voice. He watched her emerge from the fake wall, striding with calm and pointed coldness. Sling strolled a couple paces behind her, and Eternatus entered half of his body through the wall before staying put.

    “Have you made a decision, Litleo?” Calyrex asked upon reaching the cage. “Or is calling you human more appropriate?”

    “Call me whatever you want. I’m not giving you anything. Maybe you should’ve asked nicely earlier,” Litleo snarked.

    Calyrex made an upwards motion to Sling. The slowking momentarily removed the top of the cage, and Litleo was quickly yanked in a Psychic grip. Calyrex floated up to meet her.

    “You will tell me where your world is,” she boomed, an echo amplifying her voice. “I’d rather not force it from you.”

    “Like hell you will,” Litleo retorted, writhing in place.

    “Cooperate or I will hurt your friend.”

    Can’t you see threats won’t work on her?” Eternatus chimed. “Her soul is too stubborn for that. No, she needs… daaaanger.”

    “Silence, you!” Calyrex ordered, glaring at them.

    Litleo fired off an Ember, which Calyrex effortlessly avoided. “You leave Rockruff the hell alone! He has nothing to do with me!”

    “But he does. He’s your partner, is he not?” Calyrex pressed.

    Litleo’s expression fell. “Not anymore, thanks to you.”

    “…Hmph, really?” Calyrex peered down at Rockruff. “What changed?”

    Rockruff made sure his stance portrayed dejectedness. “She lied and used me, just to navigate our world easier. Even after all the promises we made… That’s not a partner.”

    “You’ve seen first hand how cowardly and selfish they are. They’re just the same as they were then.”

    “I wish I left her that first day.” Saying the words left an ill taste in his mouth. He hoped Litleo didn’t take it too hard.

    “He’ll be better off that way, without you,” Calyrex stated to Litleo. “Humans are nothing but a crutch. Perhaps I’ll let him go when I’m done with you, or should he want to join me, that would suffice too.” Her eyes glowed blue. “Sling! Take Rockruff elsewhere. I’ll discuss his options when I’m done here.”

    “As you wish, Empress,” Sling replied, levitating the cage and turning around.

    “Eternatus, see to it I’m not disturbed by the others should they return.”

    The metal pokémon flew further inward. His navy body was present as he spoke. “O- okay. I’ll keep a lookout.”

    Calyrex brought Litleo a little towards the center of the cave. She drew a triangle in the air, causing the ground below her to light up in the same shape. “Since you won’t let me in, you leave me no choice. You brought this pain on yourself.”

    Litleo stiffened, eyes widening as she cried out. “Aggggh!”

    Rockruff’s chest brimmed with anxiousness at his partner’s plight. He folded his ears, resisting the urge to reach out. ‘You don’t care, you don’t care.

    He was almost convinced Sling was taking the cage out as slow as possible to test him, when sunlight blinded his face as they passed through the fake rock. Shying away from the glare, Rockruff mentally marked the directions Sling went. He hadn’t expected streets down here, much less a whole village.

    “Relationships are quite fickle,” Sling suddenly commented, “wouldn’t you agree? To think one action is all it can take to make them fall apart.”

    Rockruff narrowed his eyes. Did Sling catch the lie?

    “Truly, it is a shame Litleo lost her source of protection. Under Calyrex’s strength, her mind might cease to be when she’s done.”

    It took much of Rockruff’s willpower to remain composed. “Why are you saying this to me?” he asked, voice straining.

    “I’m simply thinking aloud,” Sling replied with a smarmy grin. “Cause and effect. Action and reaction. These outcomes do so interest me. With a human in the mix, things are bound to become ten times more intriguing.”

    He only cares about the chaos, everything else is irrelevant…

    “How clumsy of me would it be, were I to accidentally weaken this cage? What will you do? Run off to your guild and warn them about us? Say none of this is your problem and disappear? Save your partner in distress? Or sit here and do nothing?”

    Sling threw his paws in the air, shrugging. “So many hypothetical options to choose from. Some are more boring than others, yet equally fascinating.”

    Rockruff’s breath hitched. ‘What’s the point he’s making? I can’t do any of that.

    They approached a lengthy rectangular structure, where Sling pushed aside the large door curtain. Luminous Orbs flickered on in two corners as they entered, shedding their faded light onto the disheveled interior. A long dining table ran through the room, although it had perfectly crumbled at its halfpoint. Cauldrons and other indiscernible objects cluttered the left side, while the right stayed free of junk, minus the built in fireplace.

    Sling set the cage near the fireplace, dusting his paws as if he wasn’t using his psychic powers for everything. “Since the Empress is busy, I think I’ll take a nap. You should too. It might be a while.”

    “I’ve slept enough,” Rockruff rejected.

    “Suit yourself. Those questions I posed serve enough to keep you awake.” The slowking reached the entry and cast a final look Rockruff’s way. “Hoohoo… good luck.”

    When his tail slipped out of view, Rockruff exhaled, shuddering. Even if he hadn’t really meant what he said about Litleo, the reality that those could be his last words to her stung his soul. Like Spikes that lingered on the battlefield, he’d never feel safe or good moving forward.

    Rockruff put his forehead on the bars, hitting it lightly. ‘Think. Be optimistic. She can hold out. She has to.‘ He was still doing this action when the psychic energy on the cage fizzled for a moment. Rockruff fell back, tail rising. ‘Did it-?

    It fizzled a second time. The pink luster disappeared and reappeared rapidly, buzzing in his ears before ultimately solidifying.

    On the third fizzle, it vanished completely, leaving a basic metal cage behind.

    Rockruff knew the one reason it disappeared. “Sling,” he muttered aloud.

    That he’ll go as far to release me just to see what would happen…‘ Should he take the opportunity? It could be a trap. ‘This was the miracle I wanted.

    He clamped his jaw on the cage’s bars, hearing Litleo’s voice.

    Do this for me.

    How often did he listen to Litleo?

    Rockruff pulled on one side, creating a small opening. He made a promise to her, but…


    He couldn’t keep it. How could he?

    Rockruff pulled on another side, widening the hole and stepping through.

    Litleo wanted to talk about who she was deep down; that she wasn’t a good ‘mon at her core.

    Well, this was who he was deep down. Rockruff couldn’t leave somemon behind.

    He dashed out the door curtain, checking left and right for Sling. The slowking was nowhere in sight. Concerning, but his whereabouts mattered little. Rockruff’s partner needed rescue.

    Backtracking the directions he memorized, he stayed low and cautious of Calyrex’s underlings as he turned corners and went down streets, until the fake wall was ahead of him. Eerie silence sung to his ears.

    Be okay, please!‘ Rockruff peeked inside the cave.

    Calyrex and Eternatus’ backs were facing him. Litleo squirmed in the legendary’s grasp, her face contorting with pain.

    “Anything yet?” Eternatus asked.

    “Be quiet,” Calyrex ordered. “I’m getting there. Human minds are more complex than I’m used to.”

    She’s still holding on. Just wait, Litleo, I-‘ It dawned on Rockruff that he didn’t really have a plan. He also didn’t have their satchel, so if he got knocked out, it would be over for him.

    …It was going to be over for Litleo if he didn’t do something. Then his plan was simple: Free Litleo, and take out Calyrex and Eternatus using whatever means necessary.

    Rockruff tread swiftly and lightly into the cave. ‘Can I get Calyrex with a Rock Slide?‘ His instincts told him no. Eternatus’ large frame was covering her. ‘What else is there?

    His eyes landed on a barrel set to Calyrex’s left. ‘There!‘ Feeling the rock underneath his paw, Rockruff willed the stone to jutt out, flinging the barrel at Calyrex’s head.

    It hit— but not in the way he wanted it to. A light blue barrier shimmered as the barrel crashed into it. Planks of wood and minerals scattered over the floor.

    “What was that?!” Calyrex groaned, locked in Litleo’s mind.

    Eternatus twisted his body, seeing Rockruff. “It’s Rockruff! He’s out of the cage!”


    Litleo managed to open her eyes briefly. “You- What are you doing?!”

    Crud!‘ Rockruff raised his haunches. “I can’t leave you, Litleo!”

    “I don’t care how he escaped. You cannot let him interrupt me. Stop him safely, you hear me?” Calyrex commanded.

    Eternatus flexed their claws, flying lower. “O- okay!”

    Rockruff launched a wave of rocks at the dragon-type. Eternatus deftly intercepted each one, batting some away with his tail while others he caught and threw back at Rockruff. Pebbles pelted his fur as he ran out of their trajectory, using the distraction to launch another barrel at Calyrex.

    Eternatus’ Dragon Pulse immediately blasted it out of the air. “Please stop! You’re going to force our hand.”

    Rockruff ignored his words, lobbing two more crates in rapid succession. Eternatus let one hit him while the other broke on the barrier.

    Calyrex and Litleo yelped in pain.

    “Eternatus!” Calyrex exclaimed in annoyance.

    “I’m trying!” the dragon-type argued. He opened his mouth, charging a large beam of violet energy.

    Rockruff turned tail but couldn’t escape the beam’s sheer range and radius. It reached him in a split second, exploding on impact and propelling him forwards a few feet. Purple light briefly illuminated the cave.

    Rockruff didn’t get up immediately, exhaustion already pervading every part of his being. Eternatus’ strength didn’t bring about the end of the world for nothing.

    Don’t give in, she’s counting on you!‘ he thought. He pushed through the heaviness weighing on his limbs.

    Eternatus shifted on the offensive. Expecting him to dive, two pillars of stone arose over Rockruff’s head to shield him. He winced hearing the Dragon Pulse die out against his makeshift cover, but nothing else. He put down his protection as Eternatus looped around for a second wave.

    Navy Eternatus played safer than the red, he realized. Why? The bright sphere in Eternatus’ chest stood out to him. ‘Zacian and Zamazenta were said to strike there because that’s his weakness. Maybe he’s afraid of it getting hit!

    Feeling the heaviness wear off, four boulders materialized behind Rockruff. He raced in and slung them, pretending to still aim at Calyrex, but in reality threw off center. Eternatus fell for the bait, reaching to destroy the rocks and exposing his chest.

    Rockruff leapt into the air. A column of rock then thrusted from the ground, boosting the height of his jump.

    His teeth made contact with one of Eternatus’ ribs.

    “A- ah!” Eternatus tilted sideways in fright, messing up the boulder Rockruff wanted to conjure. He just needed one shot-

    A claw slapped Rockruff off his metal perch. He fell on his hind leg, drawing a yip in response. “Gagh!”

    Eternatus snapped his tail right after to launch Rockruff further away.

    His paws skidded across the ground, stinging as he clumsily rolled to his feet. A Dragon Pulse battered his face instantly. Rockruff teetered and lurched sideways, but caught himself.

    He was running dry in options. Eternatus could play defense forever, and by that point Calyrex would finish. He glimpsed Litleo’s distraught face, silently begging him to leave. ‘I’m already committed.

    Eternatus prepared for the finishing blow— a point blank Dynamax Cannon.

    A stirring sensation arose in Rockruff’s body as he thought about Litleo. ‘Team Ardor’s story still has a ton to go!‘ He didn’t want this to be the end of their team, and certainly not by pokémon past their time.

    He planted his paws firmly on the floor. Warmth and vigor coursed through him as he hunched down, a soft white glow enveloping him.

    Eternatus only charged the attack faster upon realizing what was taking place.

    He was beginning to evolve.

    Rockruff funneled his newfound vitality into his paws. He took one step before darting forth in a flash. He collided with Eternatus’ bottom jaw, jerking the dragon-type’s head upwards as he bounced away. The beam careened into the ceiling, showering shattered rock and dust. Rumbling ran across the area.

    “What is going on out there?!” Calyrex demanded.

    “He’s evolving! I- I can’t stop it-” Eternatus stammered, swinging their head to pinpoint Rockruff.

    ‘Rockruff’ utilized Accelerock to blink left to right. The dragon-type recoiled, unable to tell where he might end up. ‘Rockruff’ summoned more boulders, sliding under Eternatus and tossing them at Calyrex’s barrier.

    Calyrex and Litleo simultaneously cried out.

    I’m sorry Litleo, hold on a little longer!

    Eternatus, seeing this, desperately dove in and swung their claws. On the backswing, ‘Rockruff’ got what he wanted— an opening at Eternatus’ core. He streaked toward the red sphere, landing a solid strike with his shoulder.

    Eternatus let out an agonized shriek. “No!” he croaked. “You’re… going to let him…”

    ‘Rockruff’ bashed his core again, causing Eternatus to collapse wildly in a seizure. Not taking any chances, he piled on rock after rock until it entombed Eternatus. The glow around him strengthened by the second. His paws slowly started to expand. Every part of his body was wrapped in a comfortable warmness.

    “Talk to me, Eternatus! I almost have it!” Calyrex called.

    ‘Rockruff’ knew the transformation would be slow going; he wasn’t waiting for it to finish. He rammed into the barrier.


    A crack. It was faltering!


    The crack spread further.


    Multiple cracks appeared over the barrier. Just a little more-! ‘Rockruff’ raced to the right, aiming to bounce off the wall for extra force.

    No more!” An invisible shockwave erupted from Eternatus’ position, blowing off the rocks on top of him.

    The light surrounding Rockruff waned, as well as the warm feeling giving him strength. ‘H-huh?!‘ His earlier fatigue returned.

    Rockruff stumbled and tripped, his chin grazing the rocky floor before sliding to a stop. ‘The evolution stopped?!‘ Pivoting one-eighty degrees, his eyes widened in panic.

    Eternatus’ body became maroon as he ascended. “This is why I do the fighting! get results!

    Rockruff’s back pressed against the wall.

    YOU!” Eternatus roared, shaking the cave and blowing out Rockruff’s eardrums. “You are a threat to Calyrex. I don’t care what she says!” he continued, seemingly enlarging. He plummeted toward Rockruff with poison tipped claws.

    Rockruff elevated the stone ahead of him, and another underneath. Bits of rock debris splashed as Eternatus mercilessly clawed through while Rockruff flew overhead. His landing left much to be desired, the chaos messing with his ability to land correctly. Pain shot up his paws as he rolled them over wrong.

    No- not now!

    He tried channeling the speed in his paws again, but nothing came.

    I’m going to remove you, with pleasure!

    A claw gripped the lower half of his body. His world spun as Eternatus whipped around and crushed him on the rock. Rockruff slumped to the ground with a howl.

    You’re not done. She needs you!

    Rockruff forced his legs to get up.

    Again!” Eternatus snarled.

    Eternatus picked him up like a doll, driving him into the already indented wall. His side went numb. Rockruff whimpered, weakly gasping for air. Blood trickled from his forehead into his snout.

    No… So close…!

    “Rockruff!” Litleo sobbed.

    AGAIN!” Eternatus bellowed, his tone harboring on the edge of insanity. His metal tail slammed Rockruff down.

    Rockruff couldn’t voice the agony spilling throughout his body. He lied there— battered, injured, and vastly overpowered, yet amidst the many nerves and voice telling him to give in, he still shakily stood on all fours.

    It’s cute you thought you could evolve while I’m here. Me, the sapper of aether!

    “Restrain yourself, Eternatus!” Calyrex ordered.

    Noooo, he needs to be eliminated.” Eternatus flew away from Rockruff, exposing his core. Light began pooling out of it. His claws hovered over his chest, concentrating the energy into heated form. “It’s time for the final sendoff!

    “I’m sensing an aetheric flux, stop at once!” Calyrex barked.

    Not this time.

    Litleo tried in vain to escape her psychic bonds. “ARGH, DAMN IT!” Litleo’s head reared back as she screamed, “LEAVE MY FUCKING MIND ALONE! ROCKRUFF!

    The light swelled and swelled, coalescing into a blinding ball of pure, fizzling hot red energy. Rockruff watched in a dizzy haze as it surged forth.


    He numbly heard the two screams that followed. Did one come from him? Was this really happening? Time seemed to slow as his paws moved at a slakoth’s pace to get out of the way.

    His thoughts ran marathons about all the ‘mon in his life. The kids who looked up to him. The guild.

    Salna. Roca.


    The beam was getting closer.

    He recalled his first encounter with her. How much she captivated him that first day. His gift. Their…

    Promise me.


    Would she be okay? Would she move on? Would she trust again?

    We won’t ever be separated.


    Rockruff took in Litleo’s widened eyes, bridging the gap between them. He never did get her name.

    Even if we’re far apart.


    In that instant, he held her tight, sending her one last—

    We’ll be…

    …When the searing heat subsided, smoldering stone lay where Rockruff had been.

    All that remained of his existence was a piece of his tattered scarf, gently floating to the ground.


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