The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The next day, Team Rebound and the guild members joining the jailbreak gathered for their final preparations inside the commission center. The restless buzz in the air staved off the chill everyone would otherwise be feeling. They spoke in low whispers, as if anything louder would let the council hear their plans.

    “We’ve got Reviver Seeds, Oran Berries, some orbs, Elixirs, a couple wands, Apples, and the scarves all in here. I’m kind of amazed it managed to fit everything,” Ezera listed off, shaking the satchel.

    Let’s hope it’s enough to get through the fight and journey to Prosperity Vale,” Dewott signed.

    “If we can avoid fighting anything else after today, then it will. But knowing how this place works…”

    Sirfetch’d rapped his leek against his shield, silencing the chatter. “Adventurers! It will soon be time for us to depart. Do we all remember the plan once Lampent is freed?”

    The three teams and Flin’s squad nodded.

    Watchog raised his paw. “Before you leave, there is something I must have everymon, bar the Guildmaster, do.” He flashed multiple parchments of paper from behind his back. “Rapidash would like you to ‘resign’ from the guild.”

    Blank stares followed that statement.

    Pachirisu stopped grooming her tail. “Why does she want us to do that?”

    “By cutting your affiliation with us, the council won’t be able to take any legal action towards the guild. Worry not, the resignation is in name only. Upon your successful return, I will restore your statuses to the way it was.”

    “I get the reason for it, but isn’t that also an easy way to leave us out if we don’t, er, succeed?” Ezera countered.

    Watchog shook his head. “Rest assured it is nothing of the sort, good sir. On the contrary, were the guild shut down, how would we provide assistance then?”

    “Uuuuuh…” Ezera folded his arms. “I guess that makes sense…”

    “Please, take the ink and put your paw signatures here for me,” Watchog ordered. “And one last point, this does mean I need you all to take off your guild badges. Leave the Linkbeads inside your satchels.”

    The few teams went and signed the forms, minus Flin’s group. They then handed their badges over to Watchog. Once that was complete, Sirfetch’d angled his leek to the roof.

    “I want to tell everymon that I am proud of what you will accomplish today. May the sword guide you…” he started.

    “And the shield protect us!” the rest chanted.


    Feeling partially invigorated, their party made for the lobby. However, they didn’t expect to find the rest of the guild waiting in there, and they very much didn’t expect to see Roca.

    Ezera did a double take at her talking uncomfortably with Rapidash. ‘She’s back? Does she want to help?

    “Oh my, a going away party for us?” Purrloin cooed.

    Rapidash took her attention off Roca, who promptly slipped away to the courtyard. “It is a simple farewell. It wouldn’t do to let you leave without saying anything, so, good luck, dears. We shall wait for your good tidings here.”

    “Come back with more than ye left with, ye hear?” Wartortle cheered.

    “Please take extra care of yourselves,” Indeedee warned, wagging a finger. “I don’t want to see any broken bones.”

    Reuniclus floated over, handing Ezera a controller shaped like a magnet. “This will help you open the container the prisoners are in. Should you require scientific advice on your trip, I am but a Linkbead ping away.”

    “Thanks, Reuniclus.” Ezera smiled, and she went off to talk to the others who were leaving. ‘Looks like we’re all taking a moment to say bye.‘ He noticed Dewott pulled aside by Applin, so naturally he gravitated outside to find Roca. Scanning the area, he spotted her paused on the wooden bridge, inspecting the water. “You’ve been all over the place.”

    “I prefer anywhere that doesn’t have townsmon written on it,” Roca said after a moment. “Hard to find around here.”

    “What brings you back?”

    “Wanted to know if you were going through with your stupid plan. Rapidash told me you’re going someplace called Prosperity Vale too?”

    “After we get Litleo, yeah. Wanna help?”

    “She can stay in prison,” Roca spurned, scoffing. “I’m going to Prosperity Vale.”

    Ezera’s brow furrowed. “You’re going to make the entire journey alone?”

    “Hmph, it’s nothing new. I’ll be… more in my element,” Roca said, lifting her head, but Ezera could still spot the doubt in her eyes.

    “You realize you might be clueless when you get there? Litleo is probably the only one who might know what to look for.”

    “Why? Because she’ll conveniently remember something? She’ll say whatever to save her fur.”

    Ezera crossed his arms, resisting the urge to glare. “She may have been like that once, but not now. Not to us or you.”

    Roca’s ears flattened on her head. She turned her back to him, facing the cobble path. “Stop trying to convince me. Pokémon don’t change, no matter how much they try. I’ll see you there if you’re successful. And if I don’t… I’ll take comfort in the fact Litleo stayed a prisoner.”

    The rockruff plodded off as Ezera rubbed his tusks in concern. He had hoped to get her a teeny bit amenable to the situation, but she was persistently adamant about her stance. ‘She’s an even worse Litleo… but if Litleo could pull through then she can too.

    Ezera re-entered the lobby as everyone else had finished up saying their piece.

    “With those extra preparations ready, let us roggenroll-out, adventurers!” Sirfetch’d shouted.

    Ezera didn’t quite appreciate having to lie belly flat among the vegetation of Free Frolick Field. It was pointy and tickling his face, yet he had to stay perfectly still— otherwise he’d draw the wildmon, or worse, alert the police of their presence.

    And while the grass was annoying, not being able to speak was hurting him far more. Silence was golden and all that for stealth, but for him it might as well have been poison. Maybe one of these days he’d get Dewott to teach him the sign language he uses.

    I don’t think I graduated from the regular language yet,’ he mused.

    His attention wandered to Team Piksqueak on his right. The three girls were passing around an electric current using only their paws. Further down, Purrloin lounged on Yamper, picking at her claws. Half of Flin’s crew laid in wait directly ahead of Ezera, the other half on the opposite side of the field.

    That left the Guildmaster, who waited at the agreed rendezvous spot near the end of the mystery dungeon. A part of him wished Sirfetch’d could join them, if only to see how he actually fought. Imagining a basically blind duck cut down a wave of policemon sounded both cool and impossible.

    Wait, is that…?

    Ezera tensed up. Distant voices sounded from the far-off right. The guild members ceased their quiet shenanigans.

    After a few moments, the convoy came into view. Ezera did a preliminary count. Leading the convoy were two magnezone, a pink and blue pokémon resembling a hat, an elekid, a kadabra, a smoochum, two timburr, and four magnemite levitating two metal containers.

    Litleo’s in one of those… All we have to do is get past eleven policemon,‘ Ezera thought. It was then that he also noticed the little pouches each police member wore. ‘Or twenty-two, if Purrloin can’t take their Reviver Seeds.‘ He clasped his hands near his mouth, fearful that the convoy would hear the quiet clinks of the falinks’ armor as they inched closer.

    They didn’t appear to, chatting away with one another as if on a casual stroll. Flin stood poised to act.

    Flin is so close… are they gonna see them?‘ Ezera worried, inhaling.

    For a second, Ezera could’ve sworn the flower stalks slowed to swaying centimeter by centimeter, while the policemon’s steps came down at a crawl. The gentle swoosh of the wind brushed against his back. His nerves went into overdrive. Any second now and they’d be discovered!

    When Ezera exhaled, Flin burst out of their hiding like a coiled ekans ready to strike. Their two squad members didn’t lag far behind, and the policemon barely looked their way before screeching.

    “Enemies!” Elekid exclaimed, only to receive a horn to the face.

    Immediately the pink hat pokémon sprung into the air, releasing a pink mist that scattered over the battlefield. The rest of the policemon surrounded their cargo and took on combat positions.

    There’s Hattrem’s Misty Terrain,” Dewott noted. “Get ready.”

    Ezera nodded, a sweet and ephemeral scent wafting up his nose.

    Elekid and the Magnezone on the front left engaged with Flin, sending a Thunderwave to stop their push. Flin hopped sideways, leaving their two teammates to follow up with their energy-lit horns.

    “Wait, there’s three more of them!” one Timburr shouted a few feet away.

    The other half of Flin’s squad, led by Fink, tackled the other side of the convoy.

    “Get them!” Kadabra ordered.

    With the police’s attention split, Pichu jumped out, sprinting forward with a Blast Seed in her paw.

    “Yeeeeaaah! Our outlaw arc starts today!” she exclaimed, chucking the Blast Seed at the police formation.

    That was one way to officially begin the operation.

    BOOM! Two magnemite instantly fell to the ground, stunned by the explosion. The remaining police scrambled to assess their situation amidst the smoke.

    “How many of them are there?!”

    Bzzt! Attempting countermeasures!

    Panicked bolts of electricity discharged into the air. But instead of hitting anyone, it funneled straight to Pichu. Pichu giggled and threw herself headfirst into the chaos.

    “That tickles! Do it again, do it again!” she yelled.

    “Get’em, great leader!” Morpeko added, running in with Aura Wheel. Pachirisu Quick Attacked after her.

    Purrloin smashed an orb at her feet before ducking into the fray. She became a blur thanks to the increased speed, nimbly weaving through the fighting to pick the recovering magnemite’s tiny pouches.

    Dewott took Ezera in his arms and jetted forth in a surge of water. They quickly arrived next to the first container, where the second Timburr and Smoochum stepped in to meet them. Only, in the next second, Smoochum flew into Timburr thanks to Yamper’s electrified body slam.

    “Pearl, darling!” Yamper called.

    Purrloin appeared almost instantly. Dark energy built in her claws before she slashed the Smoochum. The little pokémon didn’t get up again.

    “We’ve got them, go on, Ezera!” Yamper assured, burrowing underground.

    “Thanks!” Ezera dug through the satchel for Reuniclus’ device. Upon taking it out, he realized his mistake. ‘She didn’t say how to work this and I forgot to ask!

    “We’re about to find out. Litleo! Are you in this one?” he asked, putting his head close to the metal to listen.

    “Let us out!” some other squeaky voice responded.

    Definitely not her.

    “It’s the other one,” Ezera said, signaling to his right. He and Dewott took one step when a pink glow took hold and lifted them into the air. A slow crushing feeling took over soon after. “Ah! What-“

    “A guild raiding party,” Kadabra seethed, twisting his hand to tighten the pressure. “Wait until Duraludon hears of this.” He brought his hand down.

    Ezera yelped as he and Dewott were yanked backwards from the containers. Skidding over the dirt, Hattrem’s flurry of rainbow leaves assaulted them instantly, adding stinging cuts to the giant bruise they just received.

    Ezera and Dewott scrambled up, locking onto their opponents. It seemed they’d have to take out these two themselves. Dewott launched toward Hattrem, while Ezera defaulted to his usual strategy of shooting a Dragon Rage at whoever was currently focused on him. It didn’t work as well as he would’ve liked, since Kadabra simply Teleported out of its path.

    Crap, he knows that?!‘ Ezera thought. A sixth sense told him to turn around. Sure enough, Kadabra was a few feet behind him, sending forth multiple waves of psychic blades.

    “Woah!” Ezera exclaimed, barely bringing his arms up. Despite one striking him, he managed to Protect the rest and push forward. Kadabra didn’t run this time, holding out his spoon. Once more Ezera was unable to move in the Psychic hold. ‘Gah! Okay, try dodging this one!

    Ezera spat a ball of dragonfire. Being so close, Kadabra’s concentration dropped upon it washing over his face.

    “Argh, piece of-!” Kadabra cursed, shaking his head.

    Ezera took that moment of freedom to leap at Kadabra. His hands chopped down in quick succession, scoring two solid hits in the center of the psychic-type’s head. As Kadabra staggered backwards, Ezera fired another point blank Dragon Rage. That one forced Kadabra to trip.

    Ezera beamed inwardly. That combo felt great!

    His moment of glory quickly faded. Kadabra glowed white, and in the next instant, Hattrem appeared in his place.

    Ezera and Hattrem shared a brief moment of confusion before Hattrem screamed. “Get back!” Hundreds of pink lights flashed out of her, dazzling Ezera as he backpedaled.

    Each particle that hit him felt like coals and needles wrapped into a single package. His skin burned, more so than when Litleo hit him with her dynamax fire. Why did this hurt so bad?

    “Haaah… hah…” Ezera groaned, kneeling to keep himself composed. He gritted his teeth. That couldn’t hit him again, so what could he do?

    She doesn’t look very mobile. If I can just kite her without getting hit…‘ Ezera became acutely aware of the bag around his neck. ‘I’ll try blocking the light with the satchel!

    Nearby, Dewott readjusted to the sudden switch of enemy. He sliced through Kadabra’s Psycho Cuts using his scalchop, retaliating with a Fury Cutter to the chest. Kadabra grunted and shoved him back a couple feet, then threw him farther with Psychic.

    Dewott managed to stay on his feet, grinding them into the dirt. Seeing as Kadabra wanted to keep the distance…

    He sprinted straight ahead, making sure Kadabra focused on his charge. The psychic-type readied his hands, eyes glowing, when Dewott hurled his scalchop. Kadabra flinched, halting the scalchop mid air.


    With Kadabra’s energy focused on the object, Dewott was free to ram his shoulder into the psychic-type, knocking him over. Dewott grabbed his scalchop and cut downward the next second, successfully knocking Kadabra out. He glanced over at Ezera’s situation and winced.

    After a painstaking back and forth, Ezera finally closed the distance between his opponent. Now he happened to grab the end of Hattrem’s head and was tussling with the struggling fairy-type. Her Dazzling Gleams fired off into nothing as she twisted and turned to break free. Ezera made sure to stay behind her, Dual Chopping with one hand over and over until she went still.

    Coincidentally, Purrloin bounded over and swiftly picked Kadabra’s and Hattrem’s pouches. “You’re welcome!” she said, before running into the battle again.

    Fairy-types aren’t a good matchup for you,” Dewott signed as Ezera hurriedly limped toward the container. “Sorry for not switching when they did.

    Ezera waved it off. “I beat her, didn’t I? It’s alright.” ‘But I don’t recall fairy ever being a type before… I really should’ve played more than Black and White.

    They reached the container and Ezera scanned to make sure they wouldn’t be interrupted. Half of the convoy had been knocked out, the other half still occupied with Piksqueak and Flin’s squad.

    Ezera took out the controller shaped magnet. He clicked the green button in the middle and watched it attach itself to the metal. A whirring noise came from it, and Ezera only hoped it was working its magic. Low creaking came from the front of the container. Curious, Ezera went to peer at the source and found the door was slowly pulling open.

    Dewott tapped Ezera’s shoulder. “Eat an Oran,” he urged.

    Ezera shook his head. “I wanna save it just in case we need it later down the road.”

    You need it now,” he signed. He frowned and reached to open the satchel himself.

    Ezera held up a hand, pulling out an Oran Berry himself and begrudgingly eating it. The stinging partially faded away. ‘That’s one less for the road…


    Collective yelps sounded from the guild members as they fell to their knees, an aching pain filling their joints. ‘What was that?!

    “Pichu!” Pachirisu shrieked.

    Ezera and Dewott turned to the new commotion, just in time to see Pichu fling somewhere into the patches of flowers. A donphan stared down Team Piksqueak, rubbing their feet on the dirt.

    “To your left, Flan!” Flin exclaimed the next second.

    Flin’s crew fought off several Electro Balls thrown by a large yellow and black bird.

    Were we too slow? Is the backup already here?! But how?!‘ Ezera realized, stomach sinking. ‘Shitshit-

    “Arrest them all! Let no ‘mon escape!” Manectric’s voice rang across the battlefield.

    Oh God.

    Renewed shouts arose from the few convoy members still standing. A pink and gray blur zoomed across the battlefield, chasing after Purrloin and Yamper. Based on the speed, Ezera could only assume that was an accelgor.

    “The door’s only a quarter there!” Ezera cried, his fidgeting coming out full force. “We need some way to speed it up, or else…” He pulled on the metal door, vainly trying to wedge it wider. While doing so, he glimpsed Litleo’s figure inside the dim box. “Litleo! Can you do anything?”

    “Can’t! Something’s paralyzing me!” Litleo responded. “If it’s bad out there, leave me! It’s not worth it to get yourself captured!”

    “Damn it, don’t say something you know neither of us would listen to!” He’d rather fail than let her suffer another day.

    Dewott pulled Ezera to the right. “We have incoming!

    An arc of lightning went over their heads, striking the controller. A loud buzz emitted before it clattered to the ground, sizzling. Ezera couldn’t process that giant issue because another one just presented itself: Manectric.

    Why is Manectric here?! Why would the sheriff accompany them?

    Manectric leveled his gaze with them, hackles raised. “I’ll admit I never expected this. Your leaders have some explaining to do.”

    The rainbow colored stone on his police badge shined. White light enveloped his body, causing his mane to enlarge and his claws to sharpen. Electrical currents coursed through his new form. When the light dispelled, standing before Ezera and Dewott, was Mega Manectric. Storm clouds brewed over the battlefield as he howled.

    Manectric bolted, appearing next to Ezera in less than a millisecond. His claws scored across Ezera’s chest.

    “GAH!” Sharp pain registered in Ezera’s mind as he stumbled.

    Dewott’s green blade swung for Manectric’s head, but the sheriff already had his attack prepared. A blinding flash overtook their sight for a second. Then, a lightning bolt crashed down from above, zapping Dewott on the spot. The otter slumped to the ground without so much as a groan.

    You’ve gotta be kidding me!‘ Ezera cried in his head. “Flin! Need some help here!”

    The falink glanced over, bashing a magnezone unconscious. “I hear!”

    “This is where I draw the line!” Manectric shouted. Volts upon volts of electricity gathered around him as he recklessly charged forth.

    Ezera cringed and braced for impact. The brunt of the Wild Charge thankfully went into the Protect, and Manectric only succeeded in making Ezera slide his feet across the dirt. Still, his arms throbbed, displaying slight signs of bruising.

    Flin retaliated with their own charge, ramming the spikes of their shields into Manectric’s rib cage. Staggering, Manectric growled and whipped around with Iron Tail.

    CLANG! Flin quickly found themself knocked upside down. Manectric sent them rolling away with another Iron Tail, and he returned as Ezera just finished slipping Dewott a Reviver Seed. He wasn’t really sure how effective Dewott would be with his type disadvantage, but more numbers was always good.

    Ezera fired a Dragon Rage at the sheriff, running away from his recovering teammate. Manectric dashed through it, his electrified mane cutting the ball of dragonfire in half. The next thing Ezera knew, his left arm was firmly snapped up in Manectric’s electrified jaw.

    Ezera’s senses were thrown to the wayside as he flailed up, down, and all around. His right arm reached for fur- missed. He Slashed at Manectric’s face- missed.

    DUNG! Ezera’s side slammed against the metal box as Manectric threw him. He fell face first into the dirt, and his disoriented vision made the ground look like the sky. Huge black spots dotted his sight all the while.

    Litleo’s muffled voice came through the metal. “If that’s you, Ezera, buy me some time!”

    I think time is the only thing I can give you right now!‘ Ezera pushed himself up despite his aching everything. He pulled out another Oran Berry and shoved it down, wiping his mouth.

    Flin was on the defensive, their shields blocking every swipe and tackle from Manectric’s onslaught. A watery surge soon struck Manectric from behind.

    Dewott fit in a quick Fury Cutter across the sheriff’s side before hopping away. Manectric roared, summoning a bolt of Thunder on both Flin and Dewott. Flin couldn’t move fast enough, and they collapsed as it crashed down on them. Dewott rolled out of the area, narrowly avoiding his. He briefly made eye contact with Ezera.

    Ezera jerked his head, telling Dewott to bring Manectric his way. Dewott enveloped himself in water, but Manectric darted after the torrent, managing to latch onto Dewott’s leg. Clouds of dirt kicked up as the two tumbled over each other.

    “Why is this guy so fast?!” Ezera complained. He moved to cover Dewott, swinging his claws at Manectric. The sheriff reared on his hind legs.

    “Grah! Enough!” Manectric shouted.

    A rumble echoed across the clouds, and Ezera knew what was next. However, Yamper’s stout body leaped into the air, intercepting the lightning strike. His fur immediately fluffed out, making him appear like a giant cotton ball. He landed next to Ezera, tongue lolling to the side.

    “‘Ello again!” he greeted.

    Manectric narrowed his eyes, preparing to pounce, but Flin suddenly smashed his left side. The falink’s shields pounded into him rapidly, beating the breath out of him.

    Ezera figured Yamper was to thank for Flin’s revival. “Where’s Purrloin?” he asked, sharing an Oran with Dewott.

    “Evading Accelgor. He’s trying to get the Reviver Seeds back,” Yamper explained. “She’ll be okay!”

    Ezera nodded. “Litleo’s doing something in there, we just have to buy her time! Come on!”

    Inside the container, Litleo thanked the heavens for whatever hit the box a moment ago, because it caused a short circuit in the device keeping her down. Yet, her next problem lied in getting out.

    She inspected the hole at the door. ‘My head can’t fit through there yet, it needs a little more space…‘ Pushing on the metal, it was clear it was going to take some sort of move to make it budge. She Headbutt it first, ignoring the headache she’d most definitely feel later. After multiple tries she gave that up and backed away.

    “He- hey, if you let us out we could help ya,” Morgrem said, attempting to sit up.

    “Shut it. What happened to getting revenge on me?” Litleo snapped, biting her lip.

    “Hey! There ain’t goin to be revenge if we’s stuck in here!”

    “Morg, can’t we re- reconstyle?” Zigzagoon said, whimpering. “I’m not sure I can handle prison…”

    “It’s reconcile! And Team Punker don’t do that!”

    “Geez, quiet!” Litleo growled. ‘Focus!

    Metal was malleable when warm, wasn’t it? She didn’t know where she remembered that, or if that even was true to start, but… ‘We’re doing it anyway!‘ Gathering as much air as she could, she aimed the giant Flamethrower at the corner of the door. It hit and spread all around the container, not bothering Litleo but earning some yips from Team Punker.

    “Watch where ya aim that!” Morgrem scowled.

    “Too bad for you.” The metal became a bright red as she repeated the Flamethrower. She Headbutt it immediately, but unfortunately it was still solid. Litleo yowled as she landed on her rear. “Crap…”

    It needed to be hotter, but her flames could only do so much. And while Morgrem and Zigzagoon were an option, she didn’t want their help especially.

    “Hang in there, Dewott!” she heard Ezera say.

    I need to do this, I HAVE to.‘ Thinking about everymon out there, how they were sacrificing their livelihoods for her, got her mane warmed up. Litleo wouldn’t call herself deserving of it, but she owed it to them to accept it.

    And for that? She was done playing damsel in distress. Flames erupted over her fur, and an urge to charge stirred deep down in her. The temperature in the container rose several degrees.

    “What the- she’s on fire!” Morgrem exclaimed.

    “Flame Charge!” Zigzagoon said in awe.

    About time.‘ Litleo crouched, then flung her body at the door.

    Bam! She pushed on it with all her might, roaring loudly as it finally bent under the pressure and widened the opening. ‘A little more!‘ She rammed it again, putting every ounce of energy she had from sitting around into it. Sizzling metal dripped from it when she was done. The fire around Litleo died down, and she gave one cursory glance at Team Punker.

    “Pl- please,” Zigzagoon whined. “We’ll be good…”

    Why am I even considering this? They stole the scarves!‘ Litleo shut her eyes, exhaling sharply. ‘But Zigzagoon’s not like Morgrem… Ugh, I blame Ezera. I just hope I don’t regret this.‘ She torched the corners of the container, destroying the paralysis devices, then leaped out.

    Ezera was picking himself up when he spotted her. “Litleo!” He retrieved his Linkbead frantically. “Everyone, get out! She’s free!”

    Manectric’s eyes widened, realizing their plan. “No!” He targeted Ezera, not caring that the other teams on the field were whisked away by rainbow light. “You won’t get away that easy!”

    Ezera pulled out their Escape Orb, activating it as Manectric collided with him. Blindness filled their eyesight, and when next they could see, Ezera and Manectric spilled out together, rolling separate directions amid a patch of spiky weeds. Litleo and Dewott appeared further away, next to the other guild members.

    Ezera coughed heavily. “Oh no…”

    Litleo went by his side, propping him up. “Can you still fight?”

    “Yeah. Got a second wind now that you’re here,” he said, wincing.

    She scoffed, smirking. “Don’t go down then.”

    Manectric shook his head, ignoring all the pollen they stirred up. He observed the fourteen pokémon staring at him. “Come to my position! They’re all-“

    A white figure jumping overhead caused him to pause. The figure landed in front of Manectric, shoving the sheriff away with their leek shield. Immediately they followed up with an upward swing of their sword, grass energy imbuing its tip.

    Wait, Sirfetch’d?!‘ Ezera recognized.

    “What- the Guildmaster too?” Manectric wheezed, limping backwards.

    “I don’t know who this Guildmaster you’re referring to is. My name is Shire,” Sirfetch’d stated, holding his shield to his chest and his sword pointed to the ground. A black bandana covered his eyes. “And I work for those with a noble cause. Stand back, everymon. I can handle him.”

    Manectric huffed. “Shire or Guildmaster, you won’t get in the way of the law. Let’s see how an old ‘mon fights!”

    Lightning struck down above Sirfetch’d. He dashed left in an absurd burst of speed, easily dodging it. Manectric went to intercept his momentum, lunging for Sirfetch’d’s wing, but ate a mouthful of shield in return.

    Sirfetch’d jostled him back, knocking the pommel of his sword into Manectric’s forehead three times.

    Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! He performed a flourish immediately after, spinning quickly with dark energy. The heads of flowers and weeds fell off just like the sheriff’s confidence.

    Manectric recoiled at the onslaught, unable to launch any counterattacks. “Agh- how?!”

    “Am I old, or are you too young?” Sirfetch’d jabbed, grinning. His sword sliced in a cross hatched pattern, before finishing it off with a thrust to the sternum.

    Manectric heaved, legs buckling. “You’re not so old after all…”

    “Hrmph, that’s right.” Sirfetch’d held his sword to the sun, gathering energy to charge it. “And it’s time to put you to bed.” Once it glowed bright green, he unleashed the Solar Blade.

    Manectric flew several feet, rolling to a stop with his face in the ground. His mega form evaporated, leaving an unconscious, regular Manectric.

    “You did that just to show off,” Litleo commented, frowning un-approvingly.

    Ezera meanwhile, was bouncing on his toes. “That was amazing! You had Manectric on the defensive the entire time!”

    “I can keep up with the youth,” Sirfetch’d claimed, posing.

    “Remind me again, how old is he?” Pichu whispered to her teammates.

    Dewott put his paws side by side, moving them facing outward, before mimicking stowing something. “Are you sure it was okay to show yourself? Rapidash can’t cover that up.

    Sirfetch’d turned around, taking off the black bandana. “As I said, that was Shire. This Guildmaster of yours doesn’t wear a bandana, does he?”

    Will they buy that?

    “If they do not, we will have that issue covered.” Sirfetch’d motioned his leek for everyone to get a move on. “Our plan was successful, and now it’s time to go. Stick to your route and do not stop for too long. Capiche?”

    “Got it, Guildmaster. See you at Prosperity Vale,” Ezera acknowledged.

    Sirfetch’d and Team Chase disappeared into the fields to the left of them.

    “We’re glad you’re back, Litleo!” Pachirisu said, before their team vanished into the ones on the right.

    Flin waddled up to Team Rebound. “We hope you find friend,” they said, looking at Litleo.

    “Thanks. And… uh, thank you for saving me,” Litleo said, rubbing her foreleg.

    “Least we can do after previous time. We hope it is enough.”

    “It’s definitely enough,” Ezera added, thinking how bad it could’ve gone without the extra bodies Flin provided.

    Flin got into formation with their buddies and saluted the best they could with their shield. “Take care!”

    “Thank you, Flin! Stay safe!” Ezera called to them as they left. He, Litleo, and Dewott shared a nod before breaking into a brisk walk, going directly ahead.

    “What exactly is the plan from here?” Litleo asked as they traveled through the thick stalks of foliage.

    “Sirfetch’d, Yamper, and Purrloin are going west. Pichu’s Team is going east, and we’re cutting directly north. We’ll all regroup at Prosperity Vale.”

    “And Flin?”

    “They’ll be hiding out somewhere. Vibrava had contacts to help them or something,” Ezera answered, waving his hand.

    “So we’re basically hiking.”

    “Pretty much.”

    With a side of being active criminals,” Dewott signed, balling both of his paws and shaking them.

    Litleo noted how quick Ezera and Dewott’s pace was despite the battle they just endured, not to mention how Ezera was clutching his left arm. “Are you guys sure you’re okay to go on like this? We could go for an hour then rest. Not like the police will organize something to come after us that quick.”

    “I’ll be okay until the adrenaline wears off. Mostly…” Ezera trailed off, his gaze wandering to her.


    “I’m really glad it worked. It was barely two days but…” Ezera coughed into his arm to partially mask his statement. “I missed you.”

    Litleo’s face and mane warmed up slightly. “I figured you did.”

    “Oh, so you know how much pain you caused me?”

    “Can’t be more than how much you caused me. Still cause me, in fact.”

    “Uh, fine,” Ezera said, frowning. “See how much I care after you get arrested again. I won’t care at all.” He sped up, leaving the two of them behind.

    Litleo and Dewott giggled. She glanced down at her paws, barely mouthing the words, “But… I did miss you too.”

    Inside Duraludon’s office, the councilmon slammed the surface of his desk, even rattling the trophies sitting in his award cabinet. “Those good for nothing scoundrels!”

    “What has got you so worked up, monsieur?” Minne sat across from him on the couch. He uncrossed his legs, laying his cane across his lap.

    “The convoy that has Litleo! It was attacked- by none other than the damn guild!”

    Minne seemed more curious than concerned over hearing that news. “Oh? Do tell me more,” he said, standing.

    “They had a few of their teams ambush it. Didn’t just release Litleo, but a couple others too!” Duraludon squeezed the feather in his hand, bending it. “Maybe we’ve given them too much free reign. Tomorrow I’ll pay them a visit, and when I do-“

    “Take a deep breath, monsieur. Does Manectric know where those teams are headed now?”

    Duraludon stiffly inhaled. “He can’t tell for sure. Says their tracks split up three ways, but it seems to be north.”

    Minne twirled his mustache. “North…”

    “What should I do? Calyrex is sure to be angry if we let Litleo romp freely. A task force to track them might-“

    “They have already proven themself to be above what you will scramble together,” Minne interrupted, fixing his hat. “Non, have faith that Calyrex will sort it out. Fate does not like to be cheated.”

    “…If you truly believe so. Will you be leaving?”

    “Touché. I will see you again at the next festival, monsieur. May Kaiyo Town thrive under your capable leadership.” Minne bowed, taking off his hat.

    “I can feel the time in between will test me sorely. Goodbye, Minne,” Duraludon remarked, his eyes glossing over as he fell into his thoughts.

    Minne exited the town hall, walking onto the brick path. He surveyed the area, and seeing no prying eyes around, slipped into the garden. He tapped his cane down once, displaying a projection of calyrex out of the trident symbol on his cane.

    “Afternoon, Empress.”

    “Minne. This is not a simple greeting, I take it?” she replied.

    “Tis’ a development report, if you are available to hear it.”

    “…Something else has happened? Last you told me Litleo was squared away and out of the picture,” Calyrex said, eyes narrowing.

    “There has been a change on that front. She has escaped.”


    “Thanks to her comrades, they make north, but in search of what, who can say?” Minne said, tapping his feet to a rhythm.

    Calyrex held her head, grimacing. “Why do humans always create such big pains?” She sighed. “Return to base. Whatever they plan to do, it cannot be good.”

    “I was going to make my way there after this.”

    “Then don’t let me stop you. Be careful.”

    “I am heartened to know you care for my well-being. Farewell, my fair Empress.”

    Team Rebound traversed a decent amount of distance by the time the sun began to set. Clouds covered the evening sky, making it a dark canvas of purple and black. They managed to reach the border of Verdan Forest and Mystic Fane, deciding to make camp in the hollow of one of the larger trees in the area. Although, that did mean they had to clear it of spinarak and ariados webs first.

    “You don’t think it’ll rain, do you?” Ezera asked, glancing up.

    They don’t look like rain clouds,” Dewott signed, using his arms to make an ‘X’ and wiggling his digits downward. He then readied his scalchop and set about slicing the webbing.

    Pling! Pling!

    Ezera grabbed his Linkbead.

    Sirfetch’d’s voice came through. “This is a check in. Did everymon make it out okay?

    Yep, yep!” Pichu replied. “Define okay though. My butt hurts after that donphan hit me…

    “Uh, we’re alright, too,” Ezera responded, meeting Litleo and Dewott’s eyes. “We’re setting up camp for the night.”

    Sleeping already? Ha! You guys are no match for Team Piksqueak’s unparalleled traveling skills. We’ll be going alllll night!” Pichu bragged.

    Pichu?” Pachirisu said a second later. “Morpeko fell asleep, can you help me drag her?


    Sounds like one of you is going all night sleeping,” Purrloin snickered.

    Eh-hrm,” Sirfetch’d interjected. “If everymon is safe, then I wish to congratulate you on a job well done. You performed almost as good as my old team. There-

    There he goes. If that’s the cue you’re gonna start blabbering about your ‘good old days,’ we’re leaving! Goodnight!” Pichu exclaimed.

    Goodnight, all!” Yamper piped up.

    Ezera was caught off guard at how quick the conversation ended. “Uh- wait- uh, goodnight,” he quickly added, tapping the Linkbead again.

    Dewott stepped out of the trunk, shaking the webs off his scalchop. “It should be clean now.

    “Cool! So, um, who’s taking what side?” Ezera asked, inspecting the somewhat small space.

    “It doesn’t matter to me,” Litleo replied.

    Dewott shrugged. “I’ll take whichever.

    “Okay, none of those answers help us here, haha…” Ezera said, rubbing his head.

    Litleo rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you pick first then?”

    He gave her a knowing look. “Because I’m also fine with whatever.”

    “Fine. Give me the left since I curl towards my left when I sleep,” Litleo claimed, plopping down in it.

    Dewott pointed at the opposite side of the trunk. “I’ll take right.

    “Guess I have the middle.” Ezera started rummaging through the satchel. “We should probably eat something first before we crash…” He handed out an Apple to each of them, grunting as he sat down. “Ah, definitely gonna be hurt in the morning… You know, it’s crazy to think a few weeks ago I’d be sitting at home doing work for school.”

    “A few weeks ago I’d be blindly searching and getting nowhere,” Litleo replied once she swallowed.

    “That, and also shunning everyone in the guild,” he joked, grinning.

    Litleo kicked his leg. “Shut up.”

    “Ow, you’re gonna break my leg.”


    You both know what I was doing a few weeks ago.” Dewott passed his scalchop between his two paws before signing, “Can I admit something weird?” He put his face in his scarf as Ezera and Litleo gave him their attention. “Being on the other side of the law is… kind of exhilarating.”

    Litleo and Ezera were speechless for a moment, before chuckling softly.

    “Are we gonna see ‘Dastardly Dewott’ on outlaw posters soon?” Ezera deadpanned.

    I can’t give anything away,” he signed, dubiously smirking.

    “Ha, do you have any experience being a troublemaker?”

    A bit,” Dewott admitted, shaking one paw.

    “Seriously?” Ezera said, leaning forward. “I can’t imagine anything else but you being sweet.”

    I don’t know about sweet,” he signed, blushing.

    “I’m serious! Take it from me…”

    Litleo tuned them out. Normally she would tell them to focus, but considering what they pulled off, they kind of deserved to take the short time to fool around. Alas, her mind couldn’t join them, instead drifting to the next things they’d need to worry about. Making the journey, hoping they weren’t being hunted, what awaited them at the end…

    More than that, was it… jealousy that gnawed at her right now? The way they discussed their childhoods left her feeling odd, because hers was quite literally taken by somemon. But would getting her memories back make her a different ‘mon than the one she was now? Would she like the one who appeared from it?

    Litleo snapped herself out of it, returning to the conversation at hand. It seemed like answering any question in her head was scary these days.

    “If you want first watch we won’t stop you,” Ezera said to Dewott. “Is that alright, Litleo?”

    “Oh, yeah. I can take second watch,” Litleo replied, curling up.

    “Alright then.” Ezera scooted up against the bark, closing his eyes. “Too bad we can’t do a real group sleep. I guess it’s called a couple sleep now, but that sounds like we’re-“

    “Please don’t elaborate on that any further,” Litleo sighed, flicking her tail. “If I have to sleep next to you at least have the decency to not make it weird.”

    “I’m decent!”

    No you’re not,” Dewott chimed in.

    Ezera scoffed, shifting in place. “I think that’s my cue to stop talking.”

    Litleo dozed off as the edges of her mouth curled up. Whatever the case, life had deemed her lucky enough to run into Ezera that day. ‘Dork.’


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