The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Rockruff…I’m here…”

    Ezera stirred, rolling to the left on his pillow. He moved a bit more to adjust for his tusk without realizing the counter ended, and experienced a brief moment of falling before jerking himself back.

    Crap!‘ Ezera thought, heart racing and putting a hand over his chest. ‘That’s one way to wake up.‘ He blinked to adjust for the dim room. A faint amount of light crept through the window, allowing him to make out Litleo’s sleeping figure. ‘Great, guess my inner alarm clock works the same here too. What time would this usually be? Six o’clock?

    “Don’t go… Please…” Litleo whimpered.

    Ezera looked at her quizzically. ‘Is she talking in her sleep?‘ He waited to see if she murmured anything else.

    “No… Hang on!” Litleo continued.

    Ezera stared in alarm as Litleo squirmed on her pillow, her breathing becoming more intense. He crawled closer and reached out hesitantly. ‘Should I wake her? I hope she doesn’t Headbutt me into the wall…‘ He placed a hand on her body.

    “Hey, Litleo, it’s just a dream,” Ezera said softly, shaking her. “You’re alright.”

    He shook her some more, but to no avail. Seeing as waking her didn’t seem to be an option, he rubbed his hand along her fur instead. Litleo stopped squirming and her body froze, then untensed. Ezera continued the motion for a few minutes, making sure she was sufficiently calm.

    It’s like comforting a dog, or would it be a cat in her case?‘ He pulled his arm back and scooched away. ‘She’s still sound asleep… I’ll see if she says anything about this later. If I bring it up she’ll probably think I did something inappropriate.‘ Ezera laid his head back against the pillow. ‘Time to wait for morning to arrive…

    Litleo awoke with the feeling that she was being watched. She opened her eyes, blinking the blurriness off. Ezera sat nestled in the cushions, looking at the wall behind her with an unfocused expression. She pushed herself up and stretched her back.

    Ezera’s attention turned to Litleo. “Morning. Did you sleep okay?”

    “Yeah, fine,” Litleo replied, ending her stretch. ‘Strange. Normally I’d wake up at least once, but today I didn’t. Why?’ She fiddled with the strap on her satchel. “How long have you been up?”

    “No clue. For a little bit at least.”

    Litleo looked toward the window to get a glimpse of the sun. “Well, roll call should be starting soon. Have you just sat there this entire time?”

    “Aha… yeah,” Ezera said, awkwardly rubbing his neck. “I have a hard time falling back asleep when I wake up, and I can’t exactly walk around by myself right now.”

    She slipped on her satchel. “I hope you’re not planning on sticking to me like a kanghaskan’s baby.”

    “Um, about that-“

    A knock sounded from the archway. Half of Wartortle’s frame appeared from the side. “Roll call happenin’!” He glanced at Ezera but said nothing. “No Water Gun for ye today again. Bummer.” Wartortle disappeared back down the hallway.

    Litleo hopped down with Ezera right behind her. They went down the same route as last night, hearing several voices upon entering the lobby. A sizable crowd of what Ezera assumed to be the guild members had gathered. He recognized some pokémon like a purrloin and a vibrava, but was stumped by the yellow and tan Corgi lookalike next to purrloin. Litleo settled them in an open spot near the corner.

    Sirfetch’d manned the podium on the stage. Rapidash sat by him, acting as his eyes to let him know when to begin roll call. Once Ezera and Litleo seated themselves, Rapidash leaned into Sirfetch’d’s ear. The Guildmaster cleared his throat.

    “Adventurers!” Sirfetch’d shouted. The room instantly quieted. “Good morning. I’m glad to see everyone is adequately awake.” This drew groans and snickers from the audience. “We have two points on our debrief today. The first one concerns Verdan Forest. To be more precise, it was reported an unknown force had torn apart an area close to the south entrance.”

    “If you would open your Wonder Maps, dears,” Rapidash ordered.

    Litleo rummaged through her bag and swiped out a small, circular device. She tapped the top of it which projected a holographic map of the continent.

    “Woah,” Ezera whispered. “I never expected you guys were tech fancy. Then again, this building is a good example of ‘expect the unexpected.'”

    Litleo rolled her eyes. “Why do you keep assuming we’re primitive? We evolve technologically too.”

    Ezera noted the land’s potato-like shape, and how the lower left section curved out. Litleo used her paw to zoom in on Kaiyo Town and its surroundings. To the north of town, a red ‘X’ was displayed near the forest outskirts.

    “Look closely at Verdan Forest’s entrance,” Rapidash continued. “You will find Reuniclus has conveniently updated your maps with an icon pinpointing the site. We advise all of you to steer clear of the area until we get a team to help Reuniclus investigate.”

    “That also means you must be extra careful of any ventures into there,” Sirfetch’d said. “Second point! Some of you might have noticed a newcomer in our midst. He will be staying with us for the time being.”

    Ezera looked down to avoid everyone’s stares.

    “I hope it goes without saying that you all will treat Axew- sorry, Ezera, like one of us.” Rapidash stomped a hoof on the stage. “This concludes today’s debriefing, dears! Happy adventuring. May the sword guide you.”

    “And the shield protect us!” the guild members chanted.

    “You’re not busy today, are you?” Ezera asked as the crowd dispersed.

    “I haven’t made an agenda yet so I guess not. Why?” Litleo replied, putting the Wonder Map away. ‘He better not ask what I think he’s going to ask…

    “Could you come with me to talk to the Guildmaster real quick? I’d feel better having someone I know next to me.”

    Litleo’s paws itched to run out of the lobby so she could get her day on with. She gave Ezera a half stink eye. “Know? As far as I’m concerned we’re still complete strangers.”

    “In a sense we kinda know each other? I don’t have anyone else to turn to.”

    “Sirfetch’d isn’t a legendary to be afraid of.” Litleo got up, ready to walk away.

    “Yeah, well… this is still new to me. Please, just for now?” Ezera pleaded, putting his hands together.

    Litleo stifled a sigh. They hadn’t even been together for a full day and already he was keen on clinging to her. ‘He said it would be quick. I can do my own thing after and not have to deal with him. Staying here a little longer isn’t going to kill me,’ she told herself.

    “Lead the way then,” Litleo reluctantly said.

    Ezera’s face brightened up. “Thanks. I promise it’ll be fast.”

    The two walked over to the edge of the stage where Sirfetch’d had finished mounting Rapidash.

    “You’re getting heavier by the day,” Rapidash complained, balancing herself with the added weight.

    Sirfetch’d rapped his sword against Rapidash’s head. “What’s bad about that? It means better exercise for you.”

    “One more word and I’ll buck you off into Deoxys’ domain.”

    “Good morning, Guildmaster and… Vicemaster,” Ezera greeted shyly.

    Rapidash grinned slightly. “Please, just call us Rapidash and Sirfetch’d. Only guild members have to call us that.”

    “Is that what’s his name? Electabuzz?” Sirfetch’d questioned.

    “It’s Ezera, but close enough,” Ezera answered. “And funny you should say that, Rapidash. Because I, uh, I’d like to become a guild member.”

    Litleo almost spat an Ember at the wall. “You- are you delirious from being up so early?”

    “I made the decision last night,” Ezera mumbled. He rubbed his fingers together nervously. “Why do you think I asked who could join? You all seem like a nice bunch, and adventuring sounds fun.”

    “The name may have ‘Adventurers’ in it,” Litleo said, “but half the time we aren’t actually hunting for treasures and stuff. We mostly do commissions for other pokémon.”

    “Even better, I like helping people- pokémon.”

    “Not taking the guild’s job into account, but you’ve only just arrived here. Why not think a bit more on the decision and come back to us then?” Rapidash suggested.

    “It’ll be the same answer,” Ezera said. “Look, I’m not going to sit around here and pretend to sightsee. I’d rather sightsee and do something productive at the same time.”

    Sirfetch’d raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Oh-ho, I admire the enthusiasm! Far be it from us to prevent a potential recruit from joining.”

    “If you are absolutely sure, dear. Of course, you will have to pass the test we administer to all incoming members,” Rapidash stated. “We need to ensure you are fit for all the guild’s activities.”

    “The test isn’t going to be intense or grueling, is it?” Ezera asked, wide-eyed.

    “We don’t run a shoddy guild, Electivire,” Sirfetch’d said, ruffling his feathers.

    “Ez-” he started.

    Litleo held a paw over his mouth. “Just accept it.”

    Rapidash flipped her mane so it wasn’t covering her face. “Relax, dear. The test will cover the basics of guild duties over the span of five days. It’s not too strenuous.”

    Five days?” Ezera repeated. “That’s the longest test I’ve ever heard of.”

    “Think of it as four mini tests, and one big test on the fifth day. I did say we have to make sure members are fit enough. Joining the guild is not to be taken lightly.”

    “Rest assured, there are many benefits should you end up joining us,” Sirfetch’d added. “Getting advice from me being one of them.”

    “On what planet would pokémon want to take advice from you?” Rapidash scoffed, shaking her head.

    “Oy! Plenty of them.”

    Ezera could barely hold his own during battle yesterday,’ Litleo pondered. ‘What makes him think he’s fine to take on the guild’s exam? There’s no way.‘ Her stomach twinged as a thought struck her. ‘Unless he has some secret motive behind this?

    “Since you told us early, would you like to start the test today or tomorrow?” Rapidash asked.

    Ezera tapped his fingers together. “Oh, if that’s the case then… I’d like to start today, please.”

    “Alright. Naturally, you will need another pokémon to form a standard party. In this case it will be a guild member because it also works out for them to oversee the test. Are you thinking of the same candidate I am, Guildmaster?”

    “I presume you’re referring to Lapras,” Sirfetch’d answered, pointing his sword directly at Litleo.

    Litleo stepped back in surprise, failing to notice Ezera’s subtle sigh of relief. “Wait, WHAT? I don’t want to babysit him!”

    “I’m not that bad!” he exclaimed.

    “Watch your tone, Litleo,” Rapidash warned, giving her a stern look. “The fact remains you are the only one privy to Ezera’s circumstance. It’s appropriate you should be the one to supervise his test.”

    Litleo smacked a paw on the floor. “But I can’t! I have to find Rockruff. The others are more than qualified-” An invisible force clamped her mouth shut.

    “You have every right to be concerned,” Rapidash said, eyes returning to normal. “However, you aren’t the only one hurting from his absence. Have you not thought the other teams are looking for him as well? Some faith goes a long way.”

    “That will be all the discussion I hear on the matter,” Sirfetch’d ordered, slicing his sword through the air. He lifted his shield up. “As Guildmaster, Elekid’s test has officially commenced! Lapras, if you could show him to the commission center to get started.”

    “Yes, Guildmaster,” Litleo grumbled. She irritably flicked her tail. ‘Great, just what I needed. More wasted time… At least I can watch to see if Ezera tries anything suspicious.

    “We’ll leave you dears to it then. Best of luck!” Rapidash trotted away with Sirfetch’d, going out past the guild entrance.

    Ezera cleared his throat. “Hey, this is a good thing, right?” He got no response. “Or not… Sorry for getting you stuck with me, again. If you want to hit me with an Ember I’d totally understand.”

    “Don’t tempt me. Let’s just get this over with,” she said, doing her best to set her anger aside.

    “Just one thing. Who’s Rockruff, if you don’t mind me asking? You sorta…” Ezera drew a quick breath. “Mentioned their name in your sleep. And now you brought them up again.”

    “No one you need to concern yourself with,” Litleo quickly dismissed. “Follow me.”


    The pair walked to the end of the east hallway and approached a door similar to the Guildmaster’s chamber. However, to Ezera’s surprise, this one revolved instead of opening and closing. He and Litleo went through, coming to an office-like space. Multiple shelves towered over them to their left. The shelves were divided into smaller cubbies, each filled with thick stacks of paper. A long wooden counter had been installed on the right. Thin glass ran along the top of it, providing a barrier between them and the other side of the room.

    “If I didn’t know any better I’d say this place was a bank,” Ezera remarked. “Reminds me of a Wells Fargo.”

    “We already have a bank in town though, and it definitely doesn’t look like this,” Litleo said.

    “Well now you’ve got me curious about it.”

    “And I’m curious about this new face I’m observing,” another voice said, startling Ezera. The figure stepped away from the corner, papers in one hand.

    “Oooh wait I know you! You’re umm… Watchog right?” Ezera guessed.

    Watchog held a hand over his groomed chest. “While yes, that is my species, I am quite confident we have never been acquainted before this moment, good sir.”

    “I’m Ezera,” he introduced himself. “I’m from… Bladed Peaks.” He glanced at Litleo to make sure that was correct.

    “A pleasure, Ezera. I am Watchog, in charge of commissions and documents for the guild. What is it the two of you require of me?”

    “He wants to join the guild,” Litleo responded. “Today is his first test day and you know what that means.”

    “Ah! Yes.” Watchog grabbed more papers from the cubbies and set them down on the counter. “Have you been briefed on your task?” Ezera shook his head. “As per usual on the first day,” Watchog explained, “you will have to complete a basic commission. I’ve laid some out that take place nearby. See if any catch your fancy.”

    “Huh. So these commissions here, they’re from other pokémon?” Ezera asked, moving to the counter.

    “Correct,” Watchog replied. “Our system functions a tad different from the other continents. Instead of utilizing a job board, I organize all the requests brought to the guild. It makes it simpler for us and also inhibits other pokémon from stealing or preventing jobs.”

    Ezera examined the writing closely and motioned Litleo to move closer.

    “What?” she asked.

    “Fun fact. I can’t read these,” Ezera whispered.

    “What do you mean you can’t- oh. Right.” Litleo used a forepaw to bring the pages over to her. “There’s one here from a geodude. They want ten Geopebbles delivered to Kecleon’s shop. And another from… Alcremie in our town. She’s looking for a Flower Sweet.”

    “Mmm… Any pointers on which would be better for me?” Ezera looked to her, almost like a lost kid searching for their parent.

    “It’s your test, not mine,” Litleo said, stepping back. “They’re called basic for a reason. Just pick one.”

    “Erm, in that case, I’ll do Alcremie’s then. Sounds simple enough I think.”

    Watchog grabbed a blank folder out of a stack. “A wise choice. I will create a temporary file for you in the meantime.”

    “Uh, if I fail, is there a punishment?” Ezera asked.

    “Now why ask such a negative question, sir? It would do you well not to dwell on the aspect of failure, or I’d advise you to not begin this at all.”

    Ezera took that into consideration. “O-oh, okay.”

    “With that advice it is time you were on your way,” Watchog said, gathering the papers up. He handed a green copy of the page to Ezera. “For test purposes you have until sundown to finish the job. Please report back to me before then so I can mark it as complete. Adieu, adventurers.”

    “Got it. Shall we get going, Litleo?”

    “See ya, Watchog,” Litleo said.

    Watchog heard them exit as he pulled the ink closer to him, ready to write. “What a strange coincidence,” he said to himself, glancing up. “Litleo started the exact same way, and now here she is guiding a newcomer. What is fate planning, I wonder?”

    “Not that it’s my place to judge, but there’s a lot of alliteration going on here,” Ezera commented as the pair walked through Kaiyo Town’s shopping district. “There’s Passimian’s Pub, Frosslass Finance, and now Sandygast’s Storage. Are pokémon only allowed to open a business if it matches their name?” He chuckled at the idea of humans following that rule.

    “Alcremie’s Bakery doesn’t match. Kecleon’s Wares doesn’t either,” Litleo pointed out.

    “Hm, good to know those exist at least.”

    “I’m failing to see the point of talking about this.”

    “I’m just trying to understand this place. And maybe try to lighten you up,” Ezera said, crossing his arms. “It’s boring to be business all the time.”

    Litleo narrowed her eyes. “If that’s the case, I think it’s time I understand you. Why are you joining the guild instead of figuring out how to get home? For a so-called H, you seem completely fine with the fact that you’re here as a pokémon.”

    “H? Is that a code name for- nevermind, I got it. But uh, who’s to say I’m not joining because I want your guys’ help? I definitely won’t figure it out on my own.”

    “It doesn’t matter if you joined or not, we’d help you anyway cause you’re a special case. It’s basically the reason the guild exists at this point, to help pokémon. Any other reason?”

    She would make for a great interrogator,’ Ezera thought. He wracked his brain for an answer to appease her. “There’s one other reason. I’ve always liked the thought of making a good impact on people’s lives. In this way maybe I can finally start that.” He hoped that was a satisfactory response. After all, it wasn’t a total lie.

    “How noble,” was all Litleo had to say.

    They stopped in front of Sandygast’s Storage, and like all the other shops named after their owners, this one was created to resemble Sandygast. The structure had a dome design, with a red shovel sticking out to the right on top. The tan coloring of the dome almost blended in with the road. Litleo entered the short line in front of them.

    “You might want to stand over there while I do business with Sandygast,” she directed. “I bet it’ll be far more interesting.” The pokémon in front of her finished and she stepped up to order her items.

    Ezera leaned against the building’s wall and attempted to ignore the tiredness in his legs. His feet were sore from walking barefoot everywhere, a concept he hoped he would get used to soon.

    The truth is, I’m not sure I want to go home,’ Ezera pondered, rubbing the tips of his fingers. ‘Sure I’ll miss Mom and my friends… maybe Dad. But home is full of tests and responsibility. Then again, this is a test too, yet I’m not nervous about it. Probably cause I know nothing ever seriously goes wrong in pokémon.’

    The argument with his father played out briefly, with one word hanging on his thoughts.


    As a pokémon I won’t be so-called weak either. I can be strong here, right?‘ Ezera glanced down and moved his hands to the side. ‘Crap, I’ve been fidgeting nonstop since yesterday…

    Litleo walked up to Ezera, closing her bag. “You’re lucky I’m sharing my satchel with you,” she said. “Most of us have to get our own before joining the guild.”

    “Is that so? Thank you then,” Ezera said, still half occupied with his thoughts.

    “Hey, pay attention!” Litleo resisted the impulse to bat a paw over him. “I got what I need, so we can head out now.”

    “Sorry. Where exactly can we find a Flower Sweet?” he said, now focused.

    “The page said they grow on the east end of Verdan Forest. Once you find one you can bring it straight to Alcremie’s Bakery.”

    “You? Isn’t it we?”

    “Again, it’s your test. I’ll be doing the bare minimum.” To emphasize this she slid the Wonder Map over to Ezera. “Don’t you even think about trying to run off with it. You know how to read a map, right?”

    “I mean, I don’t think I’m that dumb. And to clarify, you’re sure it’s the Alcremie in this town and not some other one?” Ezera asked.

    “On my honor as a guild member, yes,” she assured him for the fifth time. “If somehow I am wrong, you can give it to Watchog and he’ll have the guild’s couriers deliver it.”

    “Sounds like a plan.” Ezera turned on the map and took a moment to reconfigure it. “Uh, where are we on here?” Litleo pointed a claw to their location. “Okay, if we’re about here, and we need to head up this way then… I think I’ve got it. Let’s head out!”

    The duo traveled around Verdan Forest’s edge, choosing not to cut through to avoid potential confrontations with wildmon. Plus with the battle still fresh on Ezera’s mind, he wasn’t keen on fighting again until he could figure out a way to train himself. Eventually they arrived at a clearing with another paved trail, albeit more dirty than the one in front of Kaiyo Town. Many leaves rested over the path and roots openly grew on it. The thick canopy filtered out most of the sunlight, making the inside look darker than it was.

    “I’m a big fan of forests, but here is definitely not my favorite. This place is creepy,” Ezera said. “And somehow more green.”

    “You would blend in perfectly with the shrubs,” Litleo said, sitting down.

    “Camouflage, I like it. Although I hope these Flower Sweets aren’t practicing that.” He peeked inside the nearby bushes and searched until a thought came to him. “Wait, all those flowers in the fields we passed could’ve had a Flower Sweet. Why didn’t we bother checking those?”

    Litleo yawned. “No one stopped you from doing that.” She let a few moments pass before saying, “I could tell you Flower Sweets only grow here because of the immense sunlight the trees get, and some other factors.”

    “Interesting dynamic. Still doesn’t make this place any less creepy.”

    Ezera spent the morning examining every bush in sight. He went about in a circular pattern, making his way through the northern shrubs first, before coming down to search the south ones. Litleo stuck behind him, keeping her eye out for any sweets he may have missed. Occasionally wormadam and venomoth moved about in the treetops, causing Ezera to jump. He quickly learned they didn’t care about him, though. They seemed more concerned spreading pollen onto the bushes, and them, to an extent. Ezera’s nose hurt from the scent of ferns as he looked into one last bush and let out a giant sigh.

    Litleo’s tail twitched in amusement. “Did you finally find it?”

    “No. It’s another stupid weed,” Ezera said, hanging his head.

    “That’s strange. They might not be abundant, but they’re not uncommon either. You do remember the description I gave of them, right?”

    “‘Small, orange, and a yellow center,’ yes I do remember. You didn’t lie about this place did you?”

    “Like I would waste both of our time by lying to you. Please,” Litleo scoffed.

    Ezera laid his hands on his hips and frowned. “Okay, then where else could they be? Cause they definitely aren’t here.”

    “There’s a chance they could be deeper in the forest.”

    “I don’t know about going deeper into the forest we’re supposed to be staying away from,” Ezera said, heading back to the path.

    “Up to you. But if you want to be an adventurer, you should try and come up with a plan of your own. Unless you’re giving up, which is also acceptable,” Litleo said, a smug grin setting in.

    “I get the feeling you don’t want me joining the guild.”

    “If you want my honest opinion, I don’t see how you’d fit in,” she admitted. “What I’ve seen from you is not adventurer material.”

    Not like you’re adventurer material either‘, Ezera wanted to say back, but held it in. “You want proof I can be an adventurer, okay. I’ll go look further inside.”

    “How is that-“

    “By myself.”

    Litleo froze. “Hold on, I’m in charge of you. I can’t let you do that.”

    “You can take your eyes off me for ten minutes, can’t you?” Ezera asked. “And you want to see that I’m good enough, so why not? If this will get you to not be so on guard around me, I’d say it’s worth it.”

    “I don’t understand why my approval of you matters so much. It’s ultimately the Guildmaster and Vicemaster’s decision.” She rolled out an apple from her bag. “You’re going to need some strength if you plan on walking some more.”

    “Again with food on the floor! I swear I’m gonna get food poisoning.” Ezera took it and ate it anyway, pleasantly surprised to find himself feeling energetic. “So you’re okay with me going ahead alone?” he asked as he finished.

    “I never said that. I don’t feel comfortable with you-“

    “It’s only ten minutes. Seriously, I’ll be okay.” Ezera looked her straight in the eye. “If I don’t find any I’ll run straight back here. Is that a deal?”

    “Urg…” Litleo rubbed a forepaw across her leg. “Fine. Any longer and you’re getting five Embers to the face.”

    “That’s acceptable. And hot.”

    “Huh?” Litleo blinked. “Did you just- You’re so-“

    “What? Getting hit by five Embers would be hot. You know, literally.” He grinned. “Anyway, start counting your ten minutes. You won’t even know I left!”

    Ezera sprinted as fast as his tiny legs allowed, having to slow down at times to evade the tree roots growing on the trail. He came to a stop when the path divided into two. ‘Here seems good enough to start looking,’ he mused. Ezera hurriedly began his search, but soon discovered something wrong with the plants. ‘Come to think of it, the branches looked weird near the entrance too. Almost like someone had ripped off whatever grew here.

    His head perked up from the sound of voices nearby. Ezera carefully made his way over to the noise and crouched near a fallen log. Peering out, he spotted a raccoon and imp surrounding a pile of clovers and flowers. The imp paced back and forth, pinching their long nose with a hand.

    “Ya dolt! We was s’pose to be pickin a few, not the entire forest!” the imp said, waving a magenta hand in the air. He stopped, crouching next to the mountain of Flower Sweets. “What we goin to do with this many sweets?”

    The raccoon’s black and white tail thumped against the grass. “But you said to grab a handful. And that’s what I did.”

    “Yeh, which is five to six! Not hundreds!”

    “The pile doesn’t look like hundreds to me,” the raccoon said, sniffing and extending a paw to count.

    The imp slapped his paw away. “Ya get what I mean ya dimwit of a zigzagoon!”

    Zigzagoon frowned. “My pop said you shouldn’t call other pokémon deeraw… Deewod… Mmm what was it? Deerodatory nicknames.”

    “It’s derobahtory, and ya new name will be dimwit so it ain’t a nickname no more.”

    “Moooorg! Quit being a meanie.”

    Derogatory,‘ Ezera thought. He pressed himself against the log clutching his tusks. ‘What do I do? These guys are definitely crooks, and I highly doubt they’d let me waltz in and grab a Flower Sweet… I need to get Litleo here.’ He tiptoed away from the log, being mindful of the twigs so he didn’t snap any.

    “Morgrem, you said this job was only me and you, right?” Zigzagoon asked.

    “Yeh. What about it?” Morgrem said.

    “I know my nose doesn’t work most of the time but… I think a ‘mon is nearby.”


    “That log.”

    Ezera paused. ‘Crap! Come on, come on.‘ He quickened his pace and reached the side of the trail. He stepped out, prepping himself to run until a body tackled him from behind. Ezera yelped as he flew forward, sliding face first into the soil. He spat out the dirt and turned to his attackers.

    “Some nerve ya got, spyin on two ‘mons business,” Morgrem said, flicking his bang. “What were ya plannin to do?”

    “Nothing,” Ezera replied, holding his bruised back. “I was just looking for a Flower Sweet.”

    “Why would a dragon-type need a Flower Sweet?”

    “Maybe he wants to eat it,” Zigzagoon said.

    Morgrem lowered his head so his nose pointed straight at Ezera. “Nah. He’s prolly lookin to steal our profits, ain’t that right?”

    “I’m serious, I just want one for…” Ezera faltered. He could tell them he was on the guild test, but what if that didn’t work? They’d still end up battling. An idea struck him. He could pretend he was already part of the guild. That was allowed, wasn’t it? “I want one for a client of the guild. And if you knew what was good for you, you’d know not to mess with us adventurers.”

    Zigzagoon hopped onto his hind legs and shook Morgrem’s shoulder. “Morgrem did- did you hear that? He’s a guild member! You said we wouldn’t run into any out here. Let’s just go. I- I don’t want to go to jail.”

    Morgrem shrugged him off. “Ya really believe this fool? He’s bluffin, typical dragon behavior. If he was a ‘venturer, where’s his badge? Or supply bag?” Morgrem’s lips curled into a sneer. “Less ya tellin me that damned place is lettin in jokesters.”

    So much for that plan.‘ Ezera held his hands up in a defensive position. “Any chance you’ll let me walk away?”

    “We could, Morgrem…” Zigzagoon whispered.

    “Are ya kiddin? And miss the chance to hammer an axew? Think of all the stories we, Team Punker, could tell if we beat up a legendary dragon,” Morgrem said, twirling his hair.

    “But axew isn’t a legendary-“

    Morgrem whirled on his partner. “Quit contordicting me!”

    Ezera used the distraction to bolt back up the path. He hoped he was fast enough to reach Litleo before Team Punker caught up with him. Unfortunately, Zigzagoon’s four legs proved to be superior. The raccoon dashed in front of Ezera in a zigzag pattern, spinning around once he was far enough ahead. Ezera readied his hands and ran full speed at Zigzagoon, swiping his tiny claws. Zigzagoon met his attack head on with a Tackle. The two collided, both ending sprawled on their backsides.

    Ezera wheezed as he rolled over, all the breath in his body gone from the impact. He glanced up to see Morgrem coming in with two hands bathed in dark energy. He covered his face with his arms in an attempt to block it. Morgrem brought his hands down in quick succession, scoring a solid hit. Ezera cried out and feebly scratched Morgrem’s body. Morgrem stepped back cackling.

    “So much for dragons bein mighty. Ya could make a metapod look good.”

    Ezera coughed, rising to one knee. “There’s… not a lot to be bragging about… in a two on one.”

    “I’m sowwy, was ya expectin a fair fight?” Morgrem leaned toward Ezera. “I’ll let ya take a swing, if ya can.”

    Ezera growled and went in for a Bite. Morgrem sidestepped and swiftly clapped Ezera’s face, leaving bright red handprints on his cheeks. Angered now, Ezera channeled a sudden feeling of energy into his right hand. A light yellow glow encased it and he pivoted to Morgrem, slicing the imp’s cheek. Flecks of purple blood soared through the air and hit the dirt. Morgrem gasped and stumbled back. ‘That- that didn’t look like Scratch!

    “Ngh… concealin Slash, that’s nasty,” Morgrem spat, touching the wound. He smirked. “Team Punker’s style. Zigzagoon, let’s teach’im the real meanin of it.”

    I don’t like where this is going!’ Ezera thought. Morgrem lunged and he jumped to the left, not seeing Zigzagoon’s Pin Missile hurtling toward him. The green spikes jabbed into Ezera’s back, sending stabbing pain through his body. Not a second later, Morgrem shot a beam of darkness from his hair. The beam exploded into an X on impact. Ezera tumbled onto his side, vision growing faint. Angry tears formed in his eyes. ‘Damn it! Why did battling have to be so hard?

    “Look at him, he’s bawlin! Easy, ain’t it Zigzagoon? I told ya nothin can stop us,” Morgrem boasted.

    “I feel bad for him,” Zigzagoon muttered. “He doesn’t seem expur… expercyinced.”

    “Bah, who cares? We only need his tusk.” Ezera weakly pushed himself up but Morgrem pinned him down. “Hehe, no need to worry. We can do ya a favor and knock ya out for this. I hear axew tusks grow back… most of the time!” He raised the side of his hand and brought it down.


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