The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A young Ezera zoomed around the driveway on a silver scooter, clutching the blue handlebars and giggling like a maniac.

    Wheeee! Daddy look I’m a pro!” Ezera squealed.

    His father watched from inside the garage, arms crossed but smiling. “Be careful of your speed. And watch your turns!”

    I got it!”

    Ezera in fact did not ‘got it,’ and promptly took a turn too sharp, falling over.

    There was a harsh clatter, causing Ezera and the scooter to slide unceremoniously across the concrete.

    “Ezera!” His dad sprinted over to him as he got to a sitting position.

    Ezera examined his scuffed hands and elbows, which managed to escape injury. What didn’t however, was his right knee, currently bleeding from a moderate scrape. Upon realizing this, he began to cry.

    Ezera, I told you to be careful!” his dad chided, inspecting the wound.

    I thought I waaaasss!” Ezera wailed.

    See what happens when you don’t listen? Don’t cry. Boys don’t cry,” his dad said, picking the scooter up.

    Ezera tentatively placed his hands around his bleeding knee.”But it- it hurts! Waaah!”

    His dad held out his other hand. “It’s okay, you’ll be okay. Come on, we have to use the hose to clean out the dirt, then I’ll put on the alcohol.”

    Ezera whimpered as he grabbed his dad’s hand and got pulled up. “That stings too mu- much! I don’t wanna…”

    Be strong. It only stings for a bit then it’s over.”

    No!” Ezera shouted, putting his weight on the unhurt leg.

    We have to. I don’t want it getting infected.” His dad started pulling him slightly.


    Don’t be a baby-“

    Ezera’s crying drowned out the rest of that statement.

    His father sighed, pulling Ezera close. “Ezera, you can’t avoid things you don’t like. You just… have to be strong and do it.”

    Ezera’s cries subsided a little, but he didn’t say anything still.

    I know it’s tough. That’s life.” His dad patted Ezera’s back. “Tell you what. After we clean your wound, why don’t you tell mommy what you want for dinner?”


    I don’t think that’s enough for dinner,” his father chuckled.

    Ezera looked up, wiping his eyes. “And noodles.”

    That’s quite a menu. But if that’s what you want, alright. Can we clean your knee now?”


    Arc 3: Wavering Strength

    Rockruff… dead? And Litleo killed him?

    Ezera had half a mind to laugh for how out of left field that statement was.

    “You- you’re sure of this?” a bannette councilmon asked, rising up from his chair on stage.

    “Positive,” Minne answered, still dangling Rockruff’s scarf.

    Ezera could barely fathom what was probably going through Litleo’s mind right now. He blankly looked at her, his fidgeting disappearing entirely. In front of him… was a killer?

    All around them, the townsmon backed away, shock and fear spreading through their faces like Calyrex themselves popped in for a visit. The tension spiked across the clearing until it looked about ready to explode.

    Slowly, Litleo broke from her petrified stupor. “I didn’t-” She ran her paws over her face, shrinking to the ground. “I didn’t-!”

    Roca shook her head, concentrating on Minne. Her voice cracked as she backed up. “There’s no chance…”

    “By the heavens, this cannot go unpunished! Seize her! Seize that murderer at once!” Duraludon commanded, fury fueling his words.

    Chaos descended upon the gathering. Mass shoving and yelling broke out as thousands scrambled to leave, while many policemon swarmed in from the outside to make the arrest.

    “Don’t let her get away!”

    “Killer, there’s a killer in our midst!”

    “Everymon, stay calm please!”

    What the hell is happening?! Litleo killed- She’s so scared- They want to arrest her?!‘ Ezera reeled in his swirling thoughts as he and the other guild members were forced to cluster together in the moving tide. Painful jabs from jostling came from his left, his right, and his back. He yelped once as his tail got stepped on. Although, none of it compared to how his heart thudded against his chest. ‘I always believed in her, but if Minne’s right, and she… did kill Rockruff, how can I defend her?!

    People can surprise you. He meant it in the best light yesterday, but it very well could be true of the opposite. Everyone had dark sides— how it manifested was another story.

    “You have to believe me! You have- I wouldn’t-” Litleo repeated, gasping.

    Ezera stared into her frantic expression. He always believed in the best, so why, why now was he faltering in Litleo’s most desperate time of need? He shifted his gaze to Minne standing calm over the panicked crowd. The Mr. Rime fixated on their group, devoid of any compassion or shock. He then spun around and started whispering with Duraludon.

    Was his message only that— a message? What they called, ‘just business,’ with no personal feelings whatsoever?

    Ezera turned to Dewott for solace, but his friend was just as confused. He focused on Litleo again. What the hell did he believe?

    If he had to choose someone, he chose…

    Fuck it, for now it’s not true!‘ he decided. ‘I don’t care if Minne could be right. She needs us now!‘ A person’s eyes were windows to the soul, and in Litleo he saw no evidence of real malice, let alone murder. Call it ignorance, or plain stubbornness, but that was what he believed. Ezera embraced Litleo tightly.

    The guild members formed a protective ring around Team Rebound, glancing between each other worriedly.

    “What do we do, Guildmaster?” Inteleon asked, frowning. “There’s nowhere to go in this mob.”

    “Hrmph, Lampent’s integrity is better than what they claim. I have no intention of sending her straight to the police,” Sirfetch’d replied from atop the Vicemaster’s back. “And none of you should either.”

    “We can take’em all, let us at’em, let us at’em!” Pichu shouted, holding paws with her teammates, electricity crackling.

    Rapidash turned her head to the side. “Guildmaster, might I remind you that the council is watching us?” she said sternly.

    “So?” Sirfetch’d said.

    “Initiating combat would not end well in any way.”


    “I-I- I can’t- feel-” Litleo stammered.

    Ezera held Litleo’s paw, making eye contact with her unfocused stare. She was hyperventilating far too fast to take notice.

    Indeedee pushed her way to Team Rebound and kneeled down on both knees. She laid a hand on Litleo’s chest, wincing. “So many emotions, she’s having a-“

    “A panic attack, yeah. I’ve had these myself,” Ezera finished, squeezing her paw firmly. Memories of his parents arguing came to mind. “Listen, Litleo, we’re right here. You’ve got us, okay? Screw Minne and his shit fortune telling!”

    “Screw Minne?! He said she killed-!” Roca began, hissing.

    Not now, Roca!” Ezera snapped, instantly earning a whine from the rockruff. That came out a little harsher than he would’ve liked, but apologies and niceness were at the bottom of his list for the moment. “How do you know that for sure?”

    “Are you stupid? He’s holding my brother’s scarf!

    “Well until I see it up close, it’s fake!”

    Roca bared her teeth. “You aren’t seriously telling me he’s lying?!”

    Don’t fight, please. It isn’t worth it,” Dewott signed, placing a paw on his sheathed scalchop.

    Litleo continued to be disconnected from the conversation. She shivered, tensing up tightly. Numbness and a buzzing tingle took over her legs.

    Ezera rubbed Litleo’s back up and down in smooth motions. “Focus on us. We know you didn’t do it, ignore everyone.”

    That’s right. We’re with you,” Dewott signed, kneeling beside Ezera.

    Litleo vaguely nodded, sniffling with trembled breaths.

    “They’re getting closer,” Corvisquire announced overhead.

    “Stand your ground,” Sirfetch’d commanded.

    By now the crowd had fled elsewhere in the area. Sheriff Manectric approached with dozens of other policemon behind him, and the guild members readied themselves in turn.

    “Sirfetch’d, Rapidash. I’m going to need you to turn her over,” Manectric ordered, clearly not liking what he was saying.

    “What was that? You’ll need to speak louder, Mankey,” Sirfetch’d answered.

    Manectric sighed. “This doesn’t need to be complicated.”

    “You are right, it doesn’t,” Rapidash added. “We will give her to you, just please allow us a few minutes.”

    “What?” Ezera blurted out. He instinctively held Litleo closer.

    Do not fight me on this. They outnumber us dearly, and we will all be imprisoned for resisting,” Rapidash telepathically said to Ezera.

    Sirfetch’d dismounted Rapidash, resting his leek on his shoulder. His gaze stayed on Team Rebound, thinking under a neutral expression, then faced Manectric. “It is as the Vicemaster says. Give us a few minutes.”

    “Very well,” Manectric replied, relaxing. He gave a signal as he stepped back, causing his fellow cops to give them some space as well.

    “Please tell me that was just a diversion,” Ezera whispered.

    Rapidash panned her head to the left and right. “I’m sorry, dear, we have no other choice. We’re too deep in town grounds to have another option.”

    “It is unfortunately true. We must oblige for the time being,” Sirfetch’d agreed, ruffling his feathers.

    “Litleo’s in no state to be off on her own,” Indeedee interrupted, standing. “If we-“

    “I’m f-fi- fine.” Litleo’s voice cut through the nervous chatter, drawing silence. She gently broke away from Ezera. “Do what you need to.”

    Ezera shook his head, waving his arm in exasperation. “You are definitely not fine, I mean-“

    Litleo put a paw to his mouth. He could feel it trembling to stay there. How it shook and wobbled to keep the last vestiges of strength she had left. “I’ll be fine. Trust… trust me. Please.”

    A somberness set over them, both knowing that wasn’t true but neither wanting to admit it.

    We won’t leave you alone for long,” Dewott signed, putting a paw on her shoulder.

    “…Thanks.” She breathed in unsteadily, looking at Roca. “I didn’t do it, but I’m sorry.”

    Roca couldn’t return the gesture. She shut her eyes tight, sharply inhaling.

    Manectric stepped forward, nudging Litleo in between two magnemite. Litleo shot Ezera a small, sad smile and turned away.

    Ezera rubbed his watery eyes, watching her leave with the police. ‘They can’t do this! She did nothing!‘ He stomped forward when Dewott’s paw gripped his arm.

    Dewott shook his head, a stern and pained expression on his face. “You can’t fight them. Not like this.

    A burning swirled around in Ezera’s core, yearning nothing more than to yell and tear down those cops. Hell, he wouldn’t even mind if he dynamaxed right about now to hurt them. Litleo deserved so much more than this. “But… what do we do?” he choked up. “I- we can’t let her get locked up.”

    Look.” Dewott pointed toward their guild members. “I don’t think anymon wants Litleo to be either. We’ll make a plan.

    Ezera balled one hand into a fist, then relaxed it. “…Okay.”

    As they spoke, Minne strolled down from the stage and toward the remains of the guild, twirling his cane all the while. He also whistled an unknown tune, drawing awkward and confused looks.

    I can’t believe he’s acting like nothing is wrong!

    “May we see the scarf?” Rapidash requested, putting some authority in her tone as Minne got close.

    “You may keep it,” Minne said, holding it out. “Tis’ the least Calyrex wanted to do to bring you closure.”

    Rapidash took the orange scarf in her psychic grasp. Her grave expression burrowed deeper. “This does look to be the same…”

    “Let me see it, please…” Roca uttered, voice quivering. She tenderly put her paws on it as Rapidash lowered the scarf to the ground, and flipped it over to the inside. True to Minne’s word, T, A, and R were stitched into it. “It’s really his…”

    Ezera’s gut sank as he leaned over to check it himself. ‘The evidence is right there. How could Minne have gotten that if not actually talking with Calyrex?

    Minne tipped his hat. “Their spirits do not lie. I am sorry you had to learn this way.”

    “Ruffers…” Roca buried her face into the scarf, muffling her sobs.

    “Is there a chance Calyrex can be wrong?” Ezera asked, grimacing.

    “Calyrex being wrong? Unthinkable.” Minne’s cane slipped out of his hands and fell to the grass next to Ezera. Ezera instinctively moved to pick it up, but Minne stooped down too, and the Mr. Rime whispered uncomfortably close to his ear. “A word of advice, monsieur, keep your distance from shady ‘mon in the near future. Best to leave them and have the higher ups sort them out, agreed?”

    Ezera’s mouth hung open, his eyes darting side to side to see if anyone else heard that. No one. They were either focused on Roca’s quiet cries or looking away.

    Minne dusted his cane and tilted his head upward. “I must excuse myself, monsieurs and madams. The council awaits me. Make the last of the festival count.”

    Make it count, after what you just said?‘ Ezera thought, finally closing his mouth and glaring. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?

    Rapidash cleared her throat, surveying the anxious and unsure faces of the guild. “I would like to have a discussion with the council for Litleo’s release.”

    “I think you mean a physical discussion. No way are they releasing her diplomatically,” Helin curtly added.

    Unless we provide solid evidence she’s innocent,” Dewott signed.

    Ezera fidgeted with the satchel’s strap. “Or prove Minne’s lying.”

    “If it is a ruse, it’s a good one,” Reuniclus commented. “Announcing that in front of the whole town is sure to garner more support for Calyrex.”

    “Do you think he’s telling the truth?” Yamper questioned.

    “I believe there to be a thirty percent chance. But I have more faith in science and fact than the word of spirits.”

    “Do you think Minne would lie for the council? They could use the case to weaken the guild’s position,” Deuce stated, eyeing the council members on the stage. “They’ve been wanting to get rid of us.”

    “And Litleo is the centerpiece. Poor gal, as if she hasn’t had it rough already,” Applin said, exhaling softly.

    Rapidash’s mane slightly glowed as she cleared her throat. “I don’t think Duraludon to be that vile, but… he would seize the opportunity. In any case, let us take this conversation back to the guild. We will make a plan of action there.” The guild members quietly filed out, and the Vicemaster glanced at Roca momentarily. “Roca, dear, I would like you to be there as well.”

    “I’d like to be alone…” Roca murmured, putting the scarf into her sack.

    “That is your choice, then. But do give it some thought.” She clopped away with the Guildmaster.

    Ezera moved to block Roca when she took a couple steps. He had something to settle with her first. “Minne’s shady, I know it. Litleo-“

    “No matter what you say, that asshole Litleo is not innocent. It doesn’t matter if she did it or not. She’s guilty, you hear me?” A growl rumbled inside Roca’s throat. “Guilty for all of this shit!”

    Dewott shook his head and lined up his paws horizontally. “That’s not being fair to her.”

    “Fair would be my brother enjoying this stupid festival, and me back in Rugged Crags where it’s comfortable! But it’s not…” Roca’s breath shuddered as she breathed out. “I’ll go to your damn guild, but only because if there’s a chance Ruffers is still somehow alive, I need to see it.” She shoved past Ezera with her head low.

    Why can’t we ever catch a break?‘ Ezera took one last glimpse at the sun rising higher over the plains. Usually sunrises inspired him, but this time it appeared more bleak than anything. He sighed and shuffled his feet after the line of guild members.

    The majority of them walked at a snail’s pace, making small conversation here and there. No one was exactly eager to return and address the missing elephant in the room. Once back on the cobble trail, they walked for about ten minutes when Ezera heard a faint clink.

    Clink. Clink clink clank.

    That metal sound… he last heard that when-

    “Ezera, wait for us!”

    Oh my God, is that-?” Ezera spun around to see the falink and their chipped blue horn, nervously tapping their shields together. “Flin?”

    Flin blinked for a moment. “You remember. That is good.” The falink eyed Dewott. “Hello.”

    Dewott returned it with a hesitant wave. “Hi.

    “How could I forget you? I thought you got sent to uh… jail,” Ezera said.

    “Yes, but we behave good. Town let us out early.”

    “That’s great! That’s good… Uh, your leader, are they-“

    “Fink give leadership to me.” Flin shifted left, and Ezera recognized the cracked horn falink as the third in line. Fink mumbled something about ‘not being worthy enough to lead anymore.’

    Ezera crossed his arms, raising his brow. “Huh. Well, you deserve it. You’ve kinda caught me at a awful time though-“

    Flin glanced in the direction of town. “We hear Litleo… in trouble?”

    “…Big trouble. I’m not sure we’re getting out of this one,” Ezera muttered, slumping.

    Flin waddled closer to him, their bright blue eyes shining. “We help. We make up to her.”

    “I… couldn’t ask that of you. You could go to jail again, and we don’t even know what to do.”

    “Do not care. You ask if I have good heart. I want to. And Litleo, is she good heart?”

    That’s what I want to think,‘ Ezera thought. He fervently nodded. “…Yeah, she’s got a heart that can’t be replaced.”

    “Then we help.”

    Ezera blinked, a gradual and tiny smile growing on his lips. He shared the smile with Dewott. People could surprise you, both good and bad.

    The announcement of Rockruff’s death weighed heavily on Litleo as she was levitated in the middle of the police escort. Each building and street blurred together, and the only thing she could see were her two paws in front. Inside, she was still battling not to lose all control.

    Thankfully, some of the initial shock subsided thanks to Ezera’s impromptu hug. She dared never admitting that to him, but the mental image gave her enough courage to remain partially sane.

    However, it was hard to pinpoint what exactly stirred in her mind now. Her thoughts drifted like cottonee in the autumn wind, lost with no direction to take them in. Was it denial? Anger? Sadness? Everything? Not even a scream would encapsulate everything she wanted to let out.

    Was there anything worse than being accused of killing your best friend?

    Yeah, actually doing it,‘ Litleo surmised.

    She might as well have, with the way everymon looked at her. Roca especially. ‘Her face… she can’t be okay. Screw that, none of us are okay…

    And Litleo wouldn’t be for a while, at least. Unless Ezera and the others pulled out a miracle to get her free, she’d be in a cell locked away for who knew how long. She was stuck, alone.

    Alone… again. What if Ezera and Dewott believed Minne? They only told her it was fine just to-

    Stop! You can’t go down that road!

    Litleo’s breaths became ragged again, made worse by the paralysis afflicting her. She couldn’t think like that. They wouldn’t lie to her.

    What’s wrong with me…?‘ Dim blue lighting interrupted her thoughts. ‘Are we inside the station?‘ she realized.

    The magnemite holding her passed by a komala attending the clerk desk and a vigoroth guarding the door to the holding cells.

    “Sheriff, who you got there?” the vigoroth asked, un-slouching.

    “Guild member. You missed the giant event. Minne says she killed a ‘mon,” Manectric explained as they walked through.

    “Oh yeah? That’s a done deal.”

    “Duraludon wants her put away pronto.”

    Killed. The word dug straight into Litleo’s heart. Could she say she wasn’t a killer with one hundred percent confidence? She didn’t have all her memories to verify that. ‘Who am I, really…?

    The magnemite took her to the medium sized cells, most likely made for ‘mon of her size. They dropped her onto the only item inside it, a straw bed, then floated out. Manectric shot a thin beam of electricity to something Litleo couldn’t see, and a barrier formed over the cell opening a second later.

    “Do not try to use moves or attempt to break out. Such offenses will warrant extra protective measures to be put in your cell,” Manectric warned. “We’ll be transferring you to the prison center once your record is drafted up. Don’t make your stay here harder than it needs to be.”

    He and his coworkers left, leaving Litleo just as the paralysis wore off. She took in the condition of the jail.

    Surprisingly, the walls and floor appeared recently cleaned. The polished, gray stone in each cell glistened and the concrete beneath her feet was scuffless. Faint hints of citrus lingered in the air.

    It lacked life.

    Litleo rubbed her forelegs half-absentmindedly. She could go for Ezera’s cheesy speech, or Dewott’s stable presence. Or… Rockruff’s chipper attitude.

    She used to thrive on being solo— now she was a mess. Litleo hated feeling so out of control, and weak. Not just for the helplessness she found herself in, but for the number of times Ezera had to come and comfort her too.

    You told him you’d try to open up more,‘ Litleo reminded herself.

    But everytime he does, the more I’m reminded how I haven’t done anything for him-

    “Look what the glameow dragged in.”

    Litleo’s ears angled toward the voice. It came from the shaded corner of the cell across from her. She squinted, making out a pink and green figure.

    Morgrem walked to the barrier, placing one hand on it. “Hey Zigz, looks like the guild ain’t full of upstandin citizens.”

    They’re here too? Ugh, makes sense I suppose…

    “Wha- it’s that Litleo from the guild!” Zigzagoon exclaimed, tongue flopping to the side.

    “That’s what I just said ya dolt!”

    “No you didn’t, you only told me to look!”

    Litleo quietly cursed to the ceiling. “I don’t have the time or the energy to deal with you.”

    “Ya got plenty of time, less ya plan on bustin out of here?” Morgrem gave her a sideways smirk. “I don’t think so.”

    Litleo put her paws over her ears to muffle his voice. She shut her eyes for good measure and faced the back wall of her cell.

    “Ya ain’t better than us if ya in here!” Morgrem sneered, quieter but not quiet enough. “Ya think ya can ignore Team Punker?!”

    Shut up shut up shut up shut up!‘ Litleo repeated in her head. ‘I’ll be fine, it’ll be fine. It’ll be-

    Morgrem pounded once on the barrier. “We’ll make ya get what’s comin to ya!”

    “Morg, let it go…” Zigzagoon coaxed, getting on his hind legs to tug him.

    “Once we outta here, we payin a visit-“

    It’s fine, I’m fine, just-

    “And then we’ll make sure to-“

    Litleo’s mane reached a new high. “Gaaaah!” she screamed, her echo reverberating throughout each cell. She dug her claws into the straw.

    Everything wasn’t fine! Everything sucked! The jail, Minne, Rockruff, her! Why did shit follow her everywhere?

    She just wanted some semblance of peace. Anything to lessen the constant worry festering in her chest. But no, she drew the short stick every. Single. Damn. Time. In the world’s lottery for most ill-fated pokémon, she was winning.

    Maybe this was just her penance.

    Morgrem, put off by her outburst, shrugged Zigzagoon off and retreated to their shaded part of the cell.

    Finally, silence. Litleo curled inward, huffing. Tears trickled down the sides of her face. She didn’t want to think, and given how early they woke up this morning to attend the event, napping was the best option. Though, it wasn’t like she could do anything else anyways.

    Several minutes passed as the drowsiness creeped in, until her mind drifted to a memory she forgot she had…

    We didn’t do anything wrong, he wanted it like that! It makes no sense they took the entire reward away. Idiot. That’s the last time we ever do a commission for him,” Litleo grumbled, walking into their quarters at the guild.

    Thanks to us, I don’t think he’ll ever ask the guild for a commission again,” Rockruff said, unslinging the satchel off his neck.

    Good.” Litleo blew her mane out of her face, staring at the wall with a frown.

    Gee, is it bothering you that bad?”

    I’m just… mad. About stuff other than this too.”

    Why not attack your pillow?” Rockruff suggested. “You won’t won’t wake anymon up, and it’s a lot healthier than keeping it in.”

    That sounds childish,” she said, tail curling inward.

    You could always tell me what you’re thinking instead.”

    Litleo paused, pretending to consider it. “I’ll attack the pillow,” she said with a grin.

    That’s what I thought,” he replied, nudging her side.

    Hey, hands off. You know I’m ticklish there,” Litleo stated, recoiling slightly.

    I know, it would be a shame if I attacked you there…”

    Try it mister, and you’ll be sleeping in the lake.”

    Hehe, sleeping in water always sounded fun to me.”

    The memory faded, ending on Rockruff’s lax smile. Litleo held onto it the best she could.

    Please… be safe.

    She believed. She had to.

    Even if Dewott wanted to speak, he didn’t know what the right words would be to console Ezera. His friend’s hands were fidgeting nonstop since Minne’s announcement. A joke probably wasn’t appropriate, and Dewott thought he reiterated enough that he had Ezera’s back. Being overbearing would be the last thing he wanted to do.

    If it was any consolation, Ezera’s mood slightly improved after Flin approached them out of the blue and offered their assistance. Although, waiting in the guild lobby to discuss what would happen next looked to undo that very quickly. Dewott checked to make sure none of them had run away before the conversation could even start.

    Roca hung out near the archway, while Flin and their buddies stood directly beneath it. The former kept pawing over Rockruff’s scarf.

    Maybe for some things, words wouldn’t ever help.

    “Hey, Dewott…” Ezera said, pulling his attention back, “I know we trust Litleo, but it’s normal to still have some doubts, right?”

    Dewott’s whiskers twitched. He knew plenty about doubting; it plagued him daily. He zeroed in on a singular thought, making sure it aligned with his actions, or otherwise what came out would be grossly mistranslated. “I don’t think you can get rid of doubts entirely. Without them, we aren’t pokémon.

    “Pokémon, huh?” Ezera replied, barely smirking.

    Dewott pointed to his head then motioned outward from his mouth, smirking too. “You get my point.

    “…Yeah, I guess I just feel bad for thinking it,” he said, expression fading. “It’s hard to deny what that scarf means.”

    Litleo would understand.

    “Mm… I think so too. Anyway, you’re my buddy, so hold me accountable if I start wavering, alright?”

    Dewott’s brain short circuited after hearing the word ‘buddy.’ Yes, Ezera called him that before, but it didn’t detract from the giddiness that followed every time. ‘Aaaaagetyourselftogether-‘ His mind too busy to formulate a reply, Dewott pulled the scarf up to hide his face, and gave a thumbs up.

    “Alright, dears,” Rapidash started, stomping on the platform to get the guild’s attention. The Guildmaster placed himself by her side. “I know this morning has been troublesome. Regarding Rockruff’s… status and Litleo’s predicament, I must first see where we all stand on this.”

    “That is to say, do you believe Litleo harmed Rockruff? Those that say she did, stand to my left. Those that say she didn’t, stand to my right. And those of you who are undecided, try to stand in the middle.”

    Naturally, Ezera and Dewott were the first to go to the right. They were followed by Indeedee, Watchog, Reuniclus, Helin, Team Piksqueak, and Team Chase. The rest shifted to the middle. Vibrava stood alone on the left. Roca and Flin watched from their place in the back.

    “Aw come on, now I look like the bad ‘mon here…” Vibrava complained, scowling. “Do any of you have guts?”

    “It’s hard to pick!” Gana defended, accidentally flinging some slime.

    Thievul uneasily wiped it off his fur. “It would be nice to have some facts, but sadly we don’t.”

    We’re going to have to get Litleo on our own,‘ Dewott thought. ‘Can we do it? Can I?

    “Quiet, please. We respect your opinions,” Rapidash began. “I ask this because if we want to release Litleo-“

    “Release her? Leave her there!” Roca spoke up, padding forth to the center. “Minne is trusted by the townsmon. Yeah, I hate them, but how can you ignore one of their most reliable sources of information?”

    “It’s not that we are ignoring him, we are exploring other avenues of interest. Right now, Litleo’s mind may hold the key to uncovering what truly transpired. If we can get her back, we can learn the truth,” Reuniclus argued.

    “And if it ends up the truth is exactly what Minne said?”

    Reuniclus hesitated before opening her mouth. “Then we send her back to jail.”

    “We are getting ahead of ourselves. I stand by my idea to talk with the council. I open the floor to other suggestions,” Rapidash said, searching for raised paws or hands.

    “Could you read her mind at the jail?” Corvisquire proposed.

    “I can, yes. But that requires those in charge allowing us to see her in the first place.”

    Moments of silence ensued Rapidash’s response.

    Ezera’s tail touched the floor. “I mean, is that really it? That’s all our options?”

    Dewott’s chest fluttered as his mind generated an idea. ‘We can free her by force.

    Immediately a part of him rejected it, saying it would never work, he wouldn’t be good enough to pull it off. Another part questioned the morality of it.

    Wasn’t it honorable to stay on the side of the law? It existed for a reason.

    Or was it more honorable to break the law, and save a friend that was potentially wronged?

    Ezera tapped the side of Dewott’s arm. “You’re thinking something. Go on, say it. It could be what we need.”

    Somehow, the laps Dewott’s mind ran slowed down. Moments like this made him think Ezera didn’t need words or sign to communicate. Dewott gathered his nerves and broke his paws apart, then put three digits over his other paw.

    We could break Litleo out of jail.

    Sirfetch’d leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. “A jailbreak? Oho, I would’ve loved to participate in that in my youth.”

    Rapidash scoffed lightly. “Surely you jest.”

    It doesn’t have to be a big thing where we blow up the station. They’ll likely put Litleo in a transport to the main prison. We can attack that and free her from there,” Dewott rapidly signed.

    Ezera’s eyes widened, as did their nearby guildmates. “Wow, how do you know this?”

    I worked there briefly. It was before I came to the guild.

    “I approve of it. We can enact that if you aren’t successful in discussion,” Sirfetch’d stated, scratching his chin with his leek. “Do you approve?”

    Rapidash performed a double take. “No, I do not. Even if talks fall through, this plan is completely irrational— the consequences could have the entire guild disbanded! That’s not even considering how you will be branded as outlaws!”

    “An appropriate compromise to save a colleague, no?” Sirfetch’d replied, unbothered.

    “Guildmaster, this is foolish! If we are wrong-“

    “Which we aren’t.”

    If we are wrong, no organization like ours will ever exist again. The townsmon will be able to do whatever they please!”

    “They already do, Vicemaster.” Sirfetch’d met her gaze dead on. “We will rescue Lickitung and pool our resources to clear her name, through any means necessary. That is my official decree.”

    Rapidash maintained the same level of intensity in her gaze. “If that is what you want, leave me out of it. Excuse me, dears.”

    Rapidash clomped down the hallway until the sound of the door opening and slamming reached them. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have suggested it…‘ Dewott pondered, fiddling with his scarf’s tip.

    “Hrm, I’ve never seen her this mad before,” Sirfetch’d remarked.

    “Will she be okay?” Ezera asked.

    “I’ll talk to her,” Indeedee said, clasping her hands together. “She’ll come around, don’t worry. Continue, Guildmaster.”

    “Eh-hrm. Adventurers,” Sirfetch’d called, “we have a great task ahead of us. It is unconventional, and could very well put us at risk-“

    “You can save the speech, Guildmaster. Just say the word and we’ll execute it,” Inteleon said, folding his arms.

    “Ye, whatever ye say goes,” Wartortle agreed.

    Sirfetch’d nodded. “Thank you. In that case, consider if you want to be on the strike team for this jail break. We can hope it’s unnecessary, but my gut tells me it will be. Take some time to think about it, and we’ll meet again here at noon. Capiche?”

    “Yes, Guildmaster,” the crowd replied.

    “Good. Dismissed.”

    “I guess it goes without saying we’ll be on that?” Ezera said, looking behind to see Roca leaving.

    Definitely.” If they went through with his idea, there could be no mistakes. Dewott gazed at his scalchop.

    He would be worthy of his second again.


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