The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Litleo didn’t have any time to process that new revelation. “I’m-“

    A severe pain pierced her head. The ringing overtook her senses, drowning out everything in the vicinity. ‘Human?!

    I can’t be! It’s not-

    Flashes of different scenes quickly tore through her brain. Black, paved streets. A gated home. Items she couldn’t name spread all across a room. How could these be familiar yet so foreign at the same time?

    The scenes converged onto a final location- a spacious, well lit cave. No one could be seen in it, but voices spoke nonetheless.

    You will tell me where your world is,” a commanding, feminine voice boomed. “I’d rather not force it from you.”

    Like hell you will!” Litleo’s own voice growled.

    Cooperate or I will hurt your friend.”

    Can’t you see threats won’t work on her? Her soul is too stubborn for that. No, she needs… daaaanger.”

    “Don’t listen to them, I’ll be okay!”

    Litleo whined out in the real world. Rockruff! The scene promptly closed to pitch blackness. The voices, including her own, swirled around and around. Each one shouted her failures louder than the last.

    Liar! Deserter! Selfish!

    The cacophony of noise morphed into a single giant roar.


    Solid ground snapped Litleo out of her head. She gasped and blinked, realizing Sling had dropped her outside Verdan Forest. Her body buzzed with adrenaline.

    “What have you done?! We needed her to study!” Orbeetle scolded, pinching Sling’s arm.

    “Ow! We’re studying her right now,” Sling refuted, shaking him off. “I’ve already called the guild here. They will help us see if my changes work or not.”

    Orbeetle flew around erratically. “This is not a game! You’re going to get us caught with your idiocy!”

    “That really hurts me. You want to let my hard work here go to waste?”

    “You better hope the Empress doesn’t discipline you when we return!”

    Litleo took deep, furious breaths to clear the ringing. Here she was, caught in these damned researchers’ experiments, and they had the audacity to treat her like a little pawn?

    I’m not making it out of this most likely...’ But why did it matter? No ‘mon was left to care about her. She had one objective on her mind: Revenge.

    Litleo propped herself up as her body began to swell. The energy coursing in her felt akin to multiple Orans, Elixirs, and every other strength boosting item she’s ever used being stuffed inside her at the same time. Just as her body was charging up, so were her emotions. And to put it simply, pissed described all of them perfectly.

    Her mane lit on fire, burning brightly on her head. Litleo’s mouth filled with flames, and a Flamethrower raced out in turn.

    Orbeetle sheltered him and Sling behind a clear, reflective screen. The former grimaced while the latter spread his arms apart, smiling.

    Who said you’ll be returning?” Litleo snarled.

    Ezera’s hands fidgeted as Reuniclus took him and Dewott to the couch. She placed the book on the coffee table, looking both of them directly in the eye.

    “Litleo is a human,” she said.

    Ezera’s jaw dropped. “…What?”

    “That was our reaction too, but the clues are right here.” She placed a finger on the text Ezera could partially read. “You recall during your history day lesson that humans are comprised of different aether?”

    “Kind of?”

    “Eternatus chased humans for that very reason. They seemed to like that difference. I took it upon myself to look at your aether once more, and closely compared it to Litleo’s.” Reuniclus leaned forward, closer than Ezera was comfortable with. “Despite the odd holes in yours, the density remains quite consistent.”

    Ezera sunk into the cushion. ‘All this time…? Why did she never say anything? Is that why she doesn’t mention her personal life? Wait, if it’s true, how long has she been in this world?

    “Unfortunately, this brings us to a bigger question,” Reuniclus said, closing the book.

    “Like how is Litleo a human isn’t a big enough question,” Helin scoffed.

    “You misunderstand. Now there are two humans in our world, and historically one has only been present at a time.”

    The hum of the equipment in their lab covered the ensuing silence. Helin expanded her frills. “Who exactly… is the first?”

    “I am breaking Rapidash’s confidentiality, but alas, no better time than now to tell you. Dewott, can I trust you won’t share this information either?”

    Dewott nodded. Reuniclus expectantly looked at Ezera.

    Ezera gulped. This wasn’t how he imagined telling his friend about it. He slowly glanced at the otter, hoping to explain himself.

    Dewott gradually went wide eyed, piecing together what that meant. It was now a matter of hearing it.

    “It’s me. I’m human,” Ezera said.

    Dewott loosened his scarf as he absorbed the confirmation. Helin, on the other hand, slammed her paws on the table.

    “I KNEW IT!” she exclaimed excitedly, rattling the glass. “I should’ve guessed by your funny posture and name.”

    “Really, I don’t think my posture is that weird…” Ezera awkwardly replied. He turned his head to catch Dewott’s expression. “Sorry for not telling you. I was tempted a lot of times but it never seemed right.”

    I understand,” he signed by rubbing the side of his head. “Humans are sort of special. It makes sense you’d want to hide it.

    Ezera could see there was more Dewott wasn’t signing. He’d need to ask him when they were in private company.

    It also makes sense why you get along so well with Litleo,” Dewott added, linking his paws together.

    “I must say Litleo has done a spectacular job hiding that fact about her. It’s as if she herself doesn’t know,” Reuniclus commented, looking at the closed book.

    The four pokémon stayed in their own heads for a minute. Each were silent for different reasons, but now more than ever did they need to find Litleo.

    Suddenly, Reuniclus’ body stiffened. Her eyes went blue, staring into space.

    “Riu? What’s the matter?” Helin asked. She shook Reuniclus’ arm. “Talk to us.”

    “We must make haste!” she shouted as soon as her eyes went back to normal. “Litleo is in grave trouble!”

    The three pokémon jumped up.

    “How do you know?” Helin queried.

    “I received a telepathic message from Slowking. They found her… in danger of dynamaxing.”

    A stone dropped in Ezera’s stomach. “…Where are they?”

    “Outside Verdan Forest.”

    Ezera hopped off the couch and dashed out the door, unwilling to wait for them. His and Litleo’s argument left his mind entirely. He had one objective, and that was to save her.

    He came out of the spire and got to the third floor when he stopped. Something was pulling him toward Litleo’s room. Ezera quickly walked into it and let his gaze wander.

    Take the scarves with you! Behind the pillows.

    The voice! He wasn’t crazy! Ezera looked toward the ceiling. “So you are real,” he whispered. “Who are you?”

    Ezera received no reply. A tad infuriating, he had to admit, but he could worry about that later. He climbed onto the counter and pulled the scarves out from their hiding spot, then raced to the lobby as he stuffed them into Litleo’s bag.

    I thought you already left,” Dewott signed, coming up behind him. “Reuniclus and Helin are still packing.

    “Had to grab something.” Ezera gazed at the carpet, shoulders slouching. “I don’t know what to do this time to save her, but will you back me up, whatever it is?”

    Dewott made an ‘X’ with his arms and pointed down, nodding. “I’ll do my best not to let you down.

    He looked Dewott dead in the eye. “I know you won’t. Let’s go.”

    Ezera’s tumultuous thoughts overrode the burn his legs were feeling during the nonstop sprint to Litleo’s location. He put on a brave face for Dewott’s sake, but he ultimately wanted to be back home, in his bed, and forgetting any of the emotional ache the past twenty four hours wrought on him. His human troubles seemed so silly compared to this.

    What am I gonna do?!‘ Ezera screamed inside. ‘Knocking out doesn’t work, using all the aether doesn’t work, what else is left?‘ His heart beat a million times a second. ‘Sit it out and wait for the dynamax to end? Yeah right.’ The voice told him to take the scarves, but what good were those?

    He needed to know how conscious Litleo was. Depending on that, they’d either be forced to knock her out or try and talk. ‘Why do I just know we’re doing the first option?‘ His guess was confirmed as a column of fire soared into the air several hundred yards ahead. ‘They’re already fighting…

    Ezera and Dewott came upon the battle scorched area, with Litleo’s new giant back facing them. She reached the height of smaller trees, being about eight feet tall. Her mane also was, quite literally, on fire. Ezera clenched one hand into a ball, the other fiddled the satchel’s strap.

    Sling spied them approaching. “Ah, and now the fun truly begins!” he announced, still grinning despite the ashes covering his arms and cape.

    Litleo whirled around scowling. “Didn’t I tell you we were done?

    She’s not totally lost, thank God!‘ Ezera thought. “Yeah, but-“

    Then leave. They’re behind the dynamaxes. I’m going to kill them, by myself!

    His relief dissipated as fast as it came. “Wait, they can’t be! They’re the ones who- reported it…” ‘That’s why they were looking for her!

    “She’s under duress, don’t listen to her!” Sling rebutted.

    Quiet!” Litleo snapped, glancing momentarily at him. She refocused on Ezera. “If you step in, I won’t have any issue taking care of you too.

    Dewott’s paw reached for his scalchop. Ezera held out a hand, telling Dewott to back off.

    “You don’t mean that.”

    Just like how you didn’t mean Rockruff’s avoiding me?

    Ezera winced, taking his gaze away. “That was out of line, I know, but you need us-“

    I’ve done just fine without you!” Litleo interrupted, burning the ground in front of her before leaping on Orbeetle and Sling.

    The researchers dispersed into separate directions. Orbeetle’s eyes lit up blue, distorting the air, and he flew high up in an effort to evade Litleo. She angrily blew her flames upward, grazing his legs. Sling readied an Eerie Spell off to the side, conducting his arms like a maestro. Three condensed orbs of psychic energy assaulted Litleo’s side seconds later, staggering her.

    Ezera and Dewott had to wait for the embers on the ground to simmer down. The latter doused what he could to speed up the process. Pink hues tinted their surroundings, drawing confusion from Ezera.

    Psychic Terrain. Careful, some things might be fake,” Dewott signed.

    “Well, we aren’t letting her fight alone, I don’t care what she says. You ready to jump in?” Ezera said when the last of the embers settled.

    They nodded and ran full speed ahead together. Dewott’s Water Pulse zipped through the air. A barrier shimmered in front of Sling’s face, reflecting the water to the floor.

    “Ah, of course you’d trust Litleo quickly. But we aren’t your enemies,” Sling said, retaliating with his own pulse of water.

    Ezera held his arms up, protecting Dewott behind him. “Then why are you killing them?!”

    Dewott hopped over, watery blade at the ready, and sliced straight down. Sling preemptively flinched, drawing one arm over his face. A gash of red ran down his arm. Dewott’s scalchop seamlessly swapped to his other paw, glowing green.

    Peeved, Sling made eye contact with the otter, staring him down. The next thing he knew, the edge of the scalchop simply rubbed Sling’s skin without any force. Sling smirked and thrust a psychic orb from his other paw into Dewott’s stomach. Pinkish purple smoke trailed after his thrown body.

    Ezera grimaced but continued his plan of action. Claws glowing, he went around and sliced the slowking’s back.

    “Rgh, that’s not a way to get an answer,” Sling said, spinning to face him. He began to rotate one arm in a circle. “Those pokémon had weak wills. Hopefully Litleo doesn’t.”

    Weak?! She’s the strongest I know!‘ Ezera angrily leapt forward. His straightened hands moved in a chopping motion, only to sadly phase through Sling’s face. He blinked, realizing that Sling somehow moved a few feet away.

    Multiple purple orbs circled around Sling, blocking any openings in his defense. Moreover, a pink light washed over him, sealing the cut Dewott made. Ezera spat out a wad of dragon fire, only for it to burst into nothing on the Light Screen again.

    Okay, guess we have to resort to melee…‘ Fortunately, Sling’s attention stayed on him while he closed the distance, allowing the recovered Dewott to attack the orbs.

    Boof! A purple cloud of smoke erupted behind Sling. The rest of his Eerie Spell disappeared, sending him stumbling to the floor. Ezera jumped and Dual Chopped his back twice. Dewott joined in with a few swings of Razor Shell before Sling got them to back off.

    You’re not so smart now!” Litleo yelled.

    Orange flashed over their heads. Dirt rained over them as Orbeetle crashed to the ground. “Gah…”

    I told you they were mine!” Litleo shouted, locking onto Ezera. Her roar echoed through the area, causing each pokémon to flinch. She bounded to his position and Headbutt him further away from the trees, kicking Dewott to the side. Ezera flew more than he expected, tumbling over and over across the land. Dull aches registered from the top of his horn and tail.

    “Work with us, please!” Ezera said when he finally stopped, spitting out the soil caught on his tongue. Didn’t she know she’d die if she kept this up? Why did she always have to be so stubborn and refuse to listen-

    Why should I?!” Litleo’s eyes contained a crazed gleam.

    Ezera cowered in fear as her Flamethrower shot out, burning him head to toe. He fell from the intense heat overpowering his senses.

    Stay away!” Hot, red fire spilled out of her mouth, turning the temperature up.

    Ezera’s feet glued themselves in place, paralyzed at the encroaching fiery tornado. That was a Max-Move by the look of it, and it was going to give him nastier burns, or worse, cook him alive! In the next second, a blur of water tackled him. ‘Huh?!‘ He glimpsed through the watery current Dewott’s blurry face.

    The firestorm evaporated their protective veil, but at least they weren’t heavily hurt by the end of it. Their environment could not say the same. Smoke obscured the battlefield. Lingering flames threatened to spread further into the fields and forest.

    They laid sprawled out, catching their breaths for a moment. Ezera hastily checked for injuries. Notably, the sides of his arms had mild burns and Dewott’s backside was singed black. As he watched Dewott struggle to get up, Ezera fed himself and his friend an Oran Berry.

    “What did you just do?” Ezera asked, acting as a prop for him to stand. Whatever it was, it just possibly saved the battle.

    Aqua Jet, I think. I’ve never learned a move so suddenly,” Dewott signed, appearing shocked himself. His eyes centered on the figures approaching them. He tapped Ezera’s shoulder to look.

    “Need some assistance?” Reuniclus asked, eyes glowing. The pink hue surrounding the area faded. “I can’t guarantee its effectiveness, but we’ve brought something that might stabilize Litleo after the dynamax.”

    Ezera’s heart jumped. He’d take any shot in the dark. “Okay, there’s no time to explain, but you have to take care of Sling and Orbeetle first. Me and Dewott will calm Litleo down,” he rapidly said.

    “Take care of them? Do you mean-“

    “There’s no time!”

    Litleo had resumed her rampage onto the two researchers. Ezera ran forth, beckoning Dewott. “I need you to toss me onto Litleo!”

    Dewott instantly obliged, scooping him up under the arms and throwing him. Ezera landed mostly atop her back. Extremely uncomfortable warmth greeted him first, followed by a sensation of sluggishness. It was like basking in the desert heat.

    Fixing himself, he straddled in the center.

    Ugh, why won’t you ever leave me alone?!” Litleo exclaimed, rearing onto her hind legs. She tried pawing at her neck, missing and staggering away from the researchers.

    He held on despite wanting to drop down, mustering all the force he could into his consecutive strikes against Litleo’s neck. “I told you I had your back!”

    Litleo bucked in pain. “GAH!

    While they dealt with her on the other side, Reuniclus and Helin confronted Sling and Orbeetle. Reuniclus stored the device she brought into her backpack.

    “I hope you still believe we found Litleo in this state,” Sling commented, healing up his partner.

    “Did you now?” Reuniclus asked, frowning. She gauged her options to either stay far or close the gap. “You don’t appear concerned about it.”

    “What was that in your hand?” the slowking ignored, cocking his head to one side.

    “Irrelevant to you, I can assure.” She levitated ever closer to him.

    “Hmmm. I like you, truly. But we can’t have you interfering in our work.”

    “Likewise.” Reuniclus swung her fist covered in rainbow light.

    It wasn’t much of a surprise. Sling’s paw reacted lightning fast, catching it mid swing. “Hoohoo, nice try.”

    Thankfully that wasn’t her intention. “Thank you.” Her eyes lit up blue as a jagged, psychic wave blasted his face. Helin immediately followed through with a bolt of lightning.

    Sling skidded back several feet and fell to his knees. To top it off, Reuniclus channeled a Heal Block in between her hands, sending the black orb into his chest.

    “If I wasn’t in much pain… I’d applaud your trick,” Sling grunted.

    Orbeetle flew left, emitting a shrill buzz with his mind. Reuniclus and Helin covered their ears to stop the piercing pain. The bug-type rushed for the former’s backpack, but strafed another direction after Helin launched muddy sludge into Reuniclus.

    “That only hit me, Helin,” Reuniclus chided, grimacing.

    Helin aimed another Thunderbolt at her flying target. “Who’s not thinking big now? I made him back off, didn’t I?”

    Sling clutched his side, hurling a psychic orb using his free arm. It whizzed by Reuniclus as she twirled out of its path, not letting it deter her momentum. She socked his stomach with Dizzy Punch, earning a satisfied groan. Sling went on all fours, heaving.

    Reuniclus cried out not long after. “Ah!” The back of her head suddenly felt as if a drill bored into it. She pivoted, watching Orbeetle fly away and end the pink ray. Her world spun and spawned two of each pokémon in her sights.

    “He moves too damn much!” Helin griped, sending Thunderbolt after Mud-Slap after Thunderbolt into the air.

    “I might be confused, Helin, but I think it’s clear you should stick to research,” Reuniclus sighed. She could say no more as a Water Pulse struck her back, but from which Sling was a mystery.

    Over on Ezera’s side, Litleo finally succeeded in ridding herself of him. His hands grew tired of holding on for dear life, and the heat was getting to him. He landed face side up, something his tail did not appreciate.

    “OW!” All of Ezera’s breath left his body. He turned over trying to get up, providing Litleo the perfect opportunity to step on him.

    She pressed down on his back, crushing the air he regained out. “I’m going to die anyway, let me have this,” Litleo growled, panting.

    Ezera’s bones screamed at the added weight. His vision threatened to fade, but he held on. She wasn’t going to die. She couldn’t. “Aaaagh, there’s- something we can try!” Ezera wheezed. “Just calm down first!”

    I’m not listening to you!

    Fiery teeth bared, she chomped on his body and flung him sideways. His surroundings did a three-sixty spin before he collided with the ground. Battered, burned, and weary, Ezera could barely reach for the bag at his side.

    Dewott raced over, propping Ezera’s head up before slicing an Oran Berry over him. The juices landed on his wounds, slightly healing them. Ezera gave a silent thanks.

    Get up again and I’ll make sure it’s your last,” Litleo warned, exhaling flames from her nostrils.

    A question popped into Ezera’s mind. She wouldn’t listen to him specifically, but perhaps… Here, all bets were on the table. He couldn’t care how much she hated him after, or that she was almost killing him now, he just needed her alive.

    “How are you going to find Rockruff if you die here?! What’s he going to do?” Ezera pleaded.

    Litleo’s eyes squeezed shut, and she shook her head profusely. She ran her paws over her ears. “Stop bringing him up! He’s- he’s- Damn it! I should never have met you!

    A fresh wave of fire blew towards Ezera. Dewott stood firm in its path, arcing his scalchop’s swing upward. The watery scythe sizzled and hissed as it diverted the flames into separate paths. To silence the next wave, Dewott hit Litleo with a rapid spout of water. The fire on her head died down from the sudden douse.

    “Good shot,” Ezera said to Dewott, getting to his feet. He pointed at Litleo. “I’ve got a plan. Rush her mouth on my signal.” This would have to be his game plan. Litleo’s combat skills far exceeded his own, so he’d need to throw her off with the thing she hated— words. “I know what you did with Vibrava! I was wrong! I’m sorry!”

    Stop saying that! You don’t mean it!” she said, still shaking her head. Another Flamethrower blew out.

    Ezera hopped out of its way. “I’ll always have your back! I meant it when I said that.”

    You’re lying!

    She charged in hoping to ram him. Dewott stepped to Ezera’s side. The two sliced in tandem against the coming force, jumping out the way as they did so. Litleo recoiled, hissing as bits of fur floated off her leg.

    “You’re my friend!” Ezera exclaimed, clenching his fists.

    Litleo batted at her head, huffing. “Everyone needs to SHUT UP!” Her chest expanded, taking in all the air she could. The same vibrant red flames piled up in her mouth, awaiting to be released.

    “Now!” Ezera ordered.

    Swirls of water wrapped Dewott up as he jetted forward. Although, it appeared weak and slow at best, and he traveled a few feet before it splashed to the floor.

    “Are you okay?!” Ezera instantly asked as Dewott fell head over heels.

    Clearly embarrassed by the endeavor, Dewott managed to roll upright and fired a Water Pulse at the Max-Move about to release. Litleo flinched, killing some of the flames, though not as much as Ezera wanted. ‘Too late to change what I’m doing!

    The blaze spewed forth in all directions. Ezera ran underneath Litleo and jumped, striking her stomach by altering his Dual Chop into jabs.

    With the move interrupted so abruptly, Litleo could only cough and sputter the remaining embers. One last gush of water on her head was enough to do her in. She flopped to the ground with a thud as her mane returned to its original maroon color.

    “Reuniclus! We’re ready!” Ezera called, looking in her direction.

    Reuniclus fired off a Psyshock, nailing Orbeetle mid-air. The bug-type dropped unconscious next to an equally unconscious Sling.

    “Keep an eye on them!” she quickly directed to Helin. Reuniclus unslung her backpack and pulled out the aethoscanner, floating over to Ezera. “I truly hope my modification works…”

    The device hovered upwards. It clicked twice when Litleo slowly stood up, decreasing in size.

    “Ah, Litleo, stay still please!” Reuniclus said.

    Litleo sniffled. “Urg… there’s no point…”

    Sparks flew off the top of the glass, and the aethoscanner subsequently fizzled out. Reuniclus fumbled the buttons with shaky hands. “Helin, it failed! I need your help!”

    The helioptile scrambled to her. “It doesn’t work? Damn, try-“

    BOOF! Purple fumes clouded where Sling and Orbeetle were. Their rapid footsteps padded off deeper into the forest.

    They’re escaping!” Dewott’s eyes flitted to and from the two groups, clearly conflicted whether to give chase or stay.

    Quite frankly, Ezera didn’t give a crap if they escaped. Sick didn’t even begin to describe what he felt. Numbness took over his fingers and feet. They were out of options and Litleo was about to greet death’s door. An orange aura flickered around her— it was beginning.

    “Litleo…” he started, advancing.

    Reuniclus reached out to grab him. “You mustn’t get close! The dissolving aether might burn-“

    Dewott held Reuniclus back.

    Litleo shrunk away from him as the aura strengthened. She wouldn’t look up. A teardrop fell off her cheek. “Jus- just let me be! You’ll leave me in the end, just like he and everyone else did!”

    Wrong. Ezera tackled Litleo.

    “Let me go!” she squirmed and writhed, unable to break his grip.


    Let me go!

    “I’m not losing you!” he said, resisting the floodgates for his tears. Be strong, be strong! He pulled off his scarf and threw it to the wayside. Ezera hugged Litleo tightly while the aura grew brighter. He was losing, and she was going to burn away. “I can’t.”

    Litleo weakly hit Ezera, burying her face against his chest. “Why?”

    “I said it, you’re my friend. I don’t know why you can’t get that in your head!”

    “I don’t deserve you… I don’t deserve anyone…” she said in between sobs.

    His skin started to sear, but he wasn’t letting go. Not this time. “Don’t say that! I’m right here, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”

    Litleo glanced at him. Deep down, he saw the girl who craved the one thing she tried so hard to push away: a friend. A soul to patch her missing heart.

    Ezera shut his eyes. His grip was loosening. He clutched to her with every ounce of strength he had, hoping, willing for anything to make this outcome different.


    The weight he held grew lighter and lighter. Litleo fell silent, no longer struggling.


    The lower half of her body faded to wisps. Radiant light erupted at the same time the aura encapsulated Litleo. It culminated into a final bright flash, and all went white.

    Ezera gasped, breathing in… nothing? White blanketed the empty space as he opened his eyes. He put a hand over his chest. No heartbeat- Wait a second, he didn’t even have a body! What happened? Why was he here?

    We finally get to meet,” a chipper voice said. “I just wish it wasn’t like this.

    A wisp flickered in front of Ezera’s face, or whatever the heck he was right now. It floated away to give him space. Missing body and mysterious space aside, the wisp’s presence comforted him oddly enough.

    I know you have the basic questions you wanna ask. Who am I being the biggest, but I can’t tell you because your soul would probably break in this state.

    What a fun fact.

    I like your sense of humor! I can tell you where we are at least. This is your psyche. It’s usually a lot more colorful, but I guess this is what happens when we separate.” The wisp paused, seemingly frowning. “Right, I should also explain you and I are connected. In a good way, I hope.

    Connected? How?

    Ah… that kinda goes along with knowing who I am. Sorry. I hope I can still tell you that you can trust me.

    Ezera already did. He listened to them in Rugged Crags, and today.

    I’m glad you understand. We’re alike like that, it seems.

    It occurred to Ezera the pressing issue that was on his mind prior to waking up here: Litleo! Where was she?

    Even though the wisp had no face, Ezera could’ve swore it looked up. “She’s… I’ll let you see for yourself. We’re out of time, anyway. I know we’ll speak again in better terms. Oh, and lastly… thank you.

    Ezera didn’t have a chance to ask for what.

    A serene gust of wind hit Ezera’s face, bringing him back to consciousness. His eyes shot wide open, taking in the dusk light and sky settling over the land. The outskirts of Verdan Forest, while charred and smoldering, looked to not be in immediate fire danger.

    Most importantly, Litleo sat tucked in his tight embrace. Her head rested directly below his chin.

    Reuniclus, Helin, and Dewott gawked at his side, silent and barely moving.

    “Litleo?” Ezera breathlessly got out. His tail started wagging side to side rapidly.

    She stirred ever so slightly, opening her eyes like a newborn for the first time. Recognition crossed her expression. “…Ezera?”

    Water welled up in his eyes again. She was here. He didn’t know how but she was! Alive and good and well and-

    “…era? Ezera? You can let go,” Litleo said, her voice cutting through his thoughts. She directed a raised eyebrow at him.

    He squeezed her as hard as he could, breathing in and making sure this was reality.

    “Okay, I’ve had enough of the hugs… You’ve reached your quota,” Litleo said, averting her eyes to calm her embarrassment. Her tail swished on its own rhythm, however.

    “U- um, sorry,” Ezera said, blushing and backing up.

    “This… this is a miracle!” Reuniclus remarked, mouth wide open. She hesitantly floated toward Litleo. “You faded, and yet you’re still here!”

    “I did? I don’t even remember losing consciousness, to be honest…” Litleo said as she checked herself out.

    “Intriguing. Say something only Litleo would say.”

    “Is this necessary?”

    “Litleo loves me,” Ezera blurted out.

    “I’d rather be dead then, thank you,” Litleo retorted, frowning at him.

    Reuniclus nodded, grinning fondly. “That is Litleo.”

    “Did the aethoscanner work after all?” Helin posed.

    “No, I am sure it failed.” Reuniclus pried off the back of the remote, revealing the inside. She panned it around, confirming the suspicion. The circuitry inside was fried black.

    If not that, where did the flash come from?” Dewott signed, mimicking his paw as a light.

    “Flash?” Ezera’s gaze went to the satchel, catching a low light emitting out of the flap. Once uncovered, the gold specks in the scarves glimmered vibrantly back at them.

    Litleo hurriedly yanked her bag, unfortunately pulling Ezera’s neck with it. She spoke over his pained yelp. “What are you doing with those? Actually, how did you even know where they were?”

    The voice…‘ Ezera remembered, rubbing his neck as he handed the bag over. ‘I actually made contact with them.‘ He gave a look to Litleo, saying they’d talk it out later. “Call it a… hunch.”

    “Could your scarves be partly responsible for saving you?” Reuniclus shook her head. “Nevermind. We have much to discuss once we return to the guild.”

    “Like the cowards who ran?” Helin said, glancing to where they were last seen.

    “We now know Sling and Orbeetle are to blame for the dynamaxes. Once we put out an arrest warrant and bounty for them, it is only a matter of time before they are found.”

    “Are you okay to walk?” Ezera asked, going up to Litleo’s side.

    “I’m mostly fine. Just give me a bath and a pillow when we get…” Litleo began, but slumped back down as soon as she took a step.

    Ezera caught her swiftly, afraid something was wrong, but a snore quelled that fear. “She’s asleep.”

    “It’s understandable. She’s been through much, as have you. We’ll have Indeedee sort all of us out, and wait for the Guildmaster and Vicemaster to see us,” Reuniclus announced.

    Ezera took another deep breath as he looked at Litleo. The hard part was done, now it was time for him to do what he did best.


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