The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “She’s onto us.”

    Orbeetle flew into their temporary quarters, muttering something incomprehensible. They had just finished reconvening their findings with Reuniclus and Helin in their lab. With Breloom, Tyrogue, and Hitmontop’s deaths merely hours ago, all were quick to discuss how they could’ve been saved, though Sling and Orbeetle had different reasons. As luck would have it however, they weren’t able to figure out any solid solutions.

    Sling pondered his companion’s notion by relaxing on the counter. “Who?”

    “Reuniclus, who else? You shouldn’t have left those runes visible. We can’t stay here any longer.”

    “And leave with the info we have now? That’s a disappointment if you ask me.”

    “We don’t have a choice! It’s that or prison, and the Empress will not come for us should we be taken.” Orbeetle grabbed the sides of his large head, sighing. “She’s already busy enough dealing with that thing…”

    Sling chuckled deeply. “She’ll come for me, how else will she get those dynamaxes she needs? I wouldn’t know about you.” He grinned at Orbeetle’s glare. “Hoohoo, learn to take a joke. Might be why we are incapable of dynamaxing without outside help. Or perhaps it’s not meant to be.”

    “Do not say that. I personally will not accept that. There must be a way. Just look at what Axew did,” Orbeetle said, waving his claw in the general direction to where he thought Axew was.

    “Hmmm, yes, he did get through to Breloom’s consciousness. I do wonder why Breloom retained some rationality.” Sling shifted his shell left and right, as if that would get him to an answer.

    “All the extra aether overpowers their senses… Is there more to the components than we thought?”

    “Perhaps we should use more dependable pokémon than nobodies.”

    Orbeetle shut his eyes. “You’ve forgotten that our goal is also for ALL pokémon to have the ability of dynamaxing.”

    “Yes, yes, it’s a nice dream, but for all her brilliance the Empress is naive.” Sling pushed Orbeetle back as the bug-type flew closer to give him an earful. “Doesn’t matter. I vote for Axew as a next candidate— The tingle in my tail says he’s different,” Sling said, rubbing his chin.

    Orbeetle perked up. He kept himself composed, feeling an idea spring off Sling’s conjecture. “Different how?”

    “I don’t know the specifics, but different enough for testing! He has emotional intellect.”

    “I swear you aren’t serious about this…” Orbeetle scolded, now holding one claw to his head. “No, we aren’t using him.”

    Sling shrugged. “Then who?”

    “I don’t want to use anymon else if they’ll end up dead,” Orbeetle spat, regret lacing his words. Things wouldn’t look good for their future if their subjects kept perishing. “A fourth loss will make the Empress outraged.”

    “Not if we go for ‘mon whose memories the Empress wiped,” Sling said, waving his paw.

    “Yes, but we still haven’t changed the core of the spell. We need to pinpoint what makes it…” A quiet gasp hit Orbeetle as the idea became fully formed. “Lethal.”

    “It’s the cores,” they said in unison.

    The excitement in Orbeetle caused him to fly higher and hit his head on the ceiling. “Damn it…” He used a claw to rub the hurt spot. “It’s not only about a stable aetherial structure. This entire time we’ve neglected how emotions influence the cycle of aether. We need an in-depth study of the soul.”

    Sling slid off the counter, a malicious grin forming. “Our research is about to become a whole lot more fun.”

    Ezera awoke ready for a new day the following morning. Or he was ready until he remembered the previous day’s events. Vibrava’s insults sprung to mind, as did Litleo’s silence on it all.

    He pushed himself upright after tossing and turning for a moment, glancing at the blue morning sky through the window. Overwhelming hurt floated in his chest. Or was it anger?

    How could she have left me alone like that?‘ Ezera wondered, gripping and ungripping the pillow he sat on. ‘Does she still want to pair up today?

    To take the sting off, he thought about the activities Dewott introduced him to last night. They laughed and managed to reach a point where he forgot about Litleo entirely. Even better, some of the guild members who were on Ezera’s side joined in.

    But the one person I really care about wasn’t among them…

    The question remained of what to do. Did he confront her about it, and they’d go on their merry way being partners again? Or could he try and make her ask him for a change? Now that he thought about it, was there ever a time Litleo actually helped him when he was feeling down?

    …Not really. That was all Dewott.

    What if she’s only using me to get Rockruff back…? And then after he’s back she’ll leave?

    Ezera slapped himself. ‘There’s no way she’s that evil.‘ Although, that minuscule chance of it being true lingered in the corner of his doubts.

    Ezera opted to walk out of his room. Sitting there ruminating wasn’t going to be productive at this rate. He reached the lobby, already filled out with plenty of the other guild members. Dewott waved him down from the left corner near the arch.

    Morning,” he signed, a smile gracing his face.

    “Hi,” Ezera responded, giving a slight grin in return.

    Dewott tapped his heart and drew a question mark in the air. “How do you feel?

    “Alright, given the circumstances. Thanks again for sticking with me last night. It means a lot,” Ezera said. However, Dewott’s nod was lost on him as he sighted Litleo towards the eastern hallway.

    She watched the podium in thought, not looking at anyone or anything in particular. Her tail lazily swished the floor behind her. Ezera’s hands began to move on their own. ‘What could she be thinking?

    “Good morning, adventurers! I hope you all enjoyed last night. I know I did,” Sirfetch’d announced, grabbing everyone’s attention while he leaned forward on the podium.

    “We know. You ate most of the dessert,” Rapidash teased. She used a hoof to ease him back.

    “Oy! As your Guildmaster it is only fair,” Sirfetch’d said amidst the laughter.

    “Fair that next time, we make a rule you will be the last one in line.”

    The Guildmaster angled his head high, feigning being offended. “Hmph! You will need to beat me in battle if you wish to spheal that deal.”

    The majority of the lobby groaned in response to the pun.

    “Settle down, dears. It’s good to see us all in better spirits. Yesterday was tense, and some of us said things we shouldn’t…” Rapidash paused, eyes scouring the lobby for a certain pokémon. “Oh, I must’ve missed him. Where is Vibrava?” She glanced at Wartortle, which caused the rest of the lobby to stare at him in turn.

    “What are ye all looking at me for?” Wartortle defended, holding both arms up. “I gave him two Water Guns and he said he wasn’t moving.”

    Rapidash frowned, perplexed. “I shall have a word with him. Nevertheless, please remember to keep our values in mind. Without them, the guild simply becomes a name.” She cleared her throat. “As for your main concerns about the dynamax threat, Reuniclus feels she is close to reaching the bottom of it. Expect action to be taken soon. May the sword guide you in today’s duties!”

    “And the shield protect us!”

    What did you want to do-” Dewott signed, but paused midway since Applin bounced over to meet them.

    “Good morning, you two! I hate to bother you, but Dewott, I’ll need your help for a few hours,” the chef explained. “The kitchen’s a right mess and I need your paws if I’m to have it back in order for tonight.”

    “That kinda answers your question, doesn’t it?” Ezera said, forcing out an awkward chuckle.

    I guess it does. Will you be okay?” Dewott’s eyes expressed a good amount of concern behind them.

    “Yeah. If the drama queen does decide to work with me today, I can handle it.”

    Hang in there then. Good luck.

    “I’ll have him back with you soon!” Applin said.

    A part of Ezera died inside watching Dewott walk away. With his second friend gone, he would be back to being a pair with his first questionable friend Litleo. Right on cue, she plodded up to him, yawning.

    “Hey,” Litleo greeted nonchalantly. “I suppose Dewott’s busy with Applin?”

    “Yup.” He waited for her to say more.


    Is she not going to bring up yesterday? That would be typical of her…

    “Aren’t you mad at me?” Ezera inquired. “You made it seem like you have no interest in working together right now.”

    “Still am, but I’m mostly over it. Try it again though and we might have some problems,” she replied, side eyeing him.

    “…That’s it?” Ezera said, keeping his brow from furrowing.

    Litleo raised an eyebrow, staring at him. “Yeah. I don’t think anything else needs to be said. Am I missing something?”

    Okay, maybe she’d bring it up later. He certainly wanted to, but he wanted to try and make Litleo learn basic courtesy first. Why did he always have to be the one to open up the doors of communication? Communication was a two way street, and if she didn’t get that, that meant this was a one sided friendship.

    “I think you are,” he replied.

    “Pretty sure I’m not. Can we go now?”

    Ezera started walking to the commission center, taking deep breaths. “Forget it.”

    Today was going to be a long day.

    Litleo and Ezera found themselves in the foliage of Free Frolick Field, swiping away at every stem that dropped into their faces. Between Ezera who wanted to take it easy and Litleo who wanted something not as mind numbing, they agreed on an item procurement commission, which offered the best of both worlds for them.

    The first thing Litleo picked up off Ezera’s vibe on the way there: he was moody, to put it mildly. Although not entirely noticeable from afar, his brow pointed slightly downward, and his mouth pursed together to form what she would’ve normally called a cute frown. Second, she’d been with him enough to know his mood at any moment, his generally emotive self aside. Third, he hadn’t said a word all day.

    Her stomach brewed with unease. ‘It doesn’t seem like he’s over yesterday.‘ Litleo shook her head. ‘Why are you worrying over this? He needs to fend for himself. Let him simmer out and he’ll be better for it.

    “I’ve been thinking we need a better way of battling together. So far we’ve been doing whatever we wanted,” Litleo said in a half effort to make conversation. It was an important one to have anyway. The battle with Tyrogue made it clear they had little going on in the teamwork category.

    “I’m sure you’ll think of something great for us,” he curtly answered.

    Litleo glanced at him for a second. “You don’t want to help with this?”

    “I’ve barely got any fighting experience, and you like being solo, as you’ve demonstrated.” Ezera continued walking along, not looking at her.

    Her eyebrow twitched uncontrollably for a couple seconds. Anger she could tolerate. But him being a baby? ‘Don’t start now, please…

    “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that so I don’t hit you with an Ember,” she said, rolling her eyes.

    “I’d let you hit me with one hundred if it meant you talked to me.”

    “About what?”

    “Take a guess.”

    Litleo groaned. “Look, I’m not in the mood to play games with you. Why don’t you just tell me and save us both the time?”

    Ezera placed his hands on his hips. “What’s bothering you?”


    After a few seconds, Ezera glanced at his hands and muttered, “And that’s the point I’m trying to make. You’re always avoiding any touchy subjects.”

    Ugh, he doesn’t seriously expect me to talk this out in the middle of a commission?‘ Litleo pushed ahead, closing the conversation and hoping where they needed to be was close by.

    Watchog informed them Silver Powder tended to accumulate where bug-types congregated. It stood to reason then that the few trees growing in the fields would be a natural place for that. Soon enough, Litleo sighted the yellowing leaves of a tree over the tall grass. She went straight for it, not caring if Ezera followed. A couple vikavolt flew away as she arrived at the tiny clearing.

    Good, there’s some here.‘ Scattered bits of silver glimmered across the soil surrounding the tree roots. Luckily their job was to collect it and leave the actual sorting of the powder to more crafty pokémon. Litleo took the pouch Watchog handed them out of her satchel. Using one paw to hold the pouch in place and her mouth to keep it open, she began pawing dirt into it.

    Ezera finally arrived on scene, but instead of taking it from her, he scooped up his own handfuls and dumped them in the pouch. Since her paw held the bottom of the opening and was practically covering it, very little actually got in. On top of that, the dust kept catching in her fur and some of her mouth.

    Litleo wasn’t in a position to say the entire setup would be much easier if he held the pouch because he had hands. He’d probably make her apologize first. No way.

    Once it was painstakingly filled enough, Litleo tightened the string to seal it. “We’ve got what we need.”

    “Whoo,” Ezera flatly cheered. “A-plus team we have here.”

    It took much of her inner strength not to smack him upside the head— he was bordering insufferable. “I’m not going to talk to you if you act like a brat. If you’ve got a problem, stop playing wimpod and say it to my face.”

    Ezera huffed, brow furrowing even further. “I’d say you’re being brattier.”

    Litleo’s mane began to boil. ‘Don’t give in, don’t give in…‘ She pushed the pouch toward him. “Whatever. You carry it, it might spill in my bag.”

    Ezera wordlessly grabbed it and took off.

    This is going to get ugly,‘ Litleo thought.

    Ezera was about ready to scream. He hated passive aggressive people, and hated himself more for doing it. But nothing seemed to get through to Litleo. It was like she still wanted to irk him.

    The pair exited Free Frolick Fields and were back on the path to Kaiyo Town when Litleo spoke up again.

    “What do you mean I avoid touchy subjects? I do not.”

    “You’re doing it right now. You don’t even want to bring up yesterday,” Ezera answered.

    “Because I thought you got my message. It seems you haven’t.”

    Your message? You’re not getting mine either.” Ezera heavily breathed in and out. “Why do you avoid anything that has emotions attached to it?”

    She turned and made eye contact with him. “I don’t need to discuss them with you, end of story. I think you’re only saying this because you’re still hung up about Vibrava, aren’t you?”

    “What do you mean ‘still?’ It hasn’t even been a full day yet,” Ezera retorted, turning his head to the side.

    “I’ll take that as a yes. He’s not going to bother you anymore.”

    Ezera turned back and frowned. “What makes you so sure of that?”

    “I…” She sat down on the sand. “Have my reasons.”

    “Here we go. You’re shutting down on me again.”

    Litleo leaned forward now that the main issue was out in the open. “Again?” Worry passed over her face for a second before it hardened. “What do you mean by that?”

    “I mean that there’s something you should be asking me.” He stared at her, waiting for the one question he was hoping to hear. Ezera let out a fragile exhale. “You know the one thing you’ve never asked me, even after all this time?” he muttered, shaking.

    “What day were you born?” Litleo guessed sarcastically.

    “…How are you. What’s up. What’s wrong,” he answered, growing louder with each word. “You never ask how I’m doing.”

    Litleo had to hold in a laugh at that. If that was enough to get him this worked up, he had a ton of problems waiting for him ahead. “I didn’t know it was that big of a deal. You usually open up to me first so I don’t see the difference in asking.”

    “Jeez, not everyone can afford to be insensitive like you.”

    “Yeah well, have fun being weak.”

    Ezera threw down the pouch, spilling some of its contents. “Maybe it’s time I tell you I’m sick of your crap. I’ve tried and tried to get you to open up and you haven’t budged. It’s not even pulling teeth at this rate, it’s just moving a five hundred pound rock!”

    “Excuse me?” she retorted, more heat surging into her mane. The temperature in the air rose a few degrees. “I haven’t told anymon except you certain things, is that not good enough?”

    “Evidently it’s not! I should start being cold like you, see how you like it.”

    Litleo simply frowned. “Good. Fine by me. That’s what I want anyway.”

    “Ooooh. My. GOD. You’re infuriating!” Ezera balled his hands and exhaled, walking to gain space from her. How else could he get through to her?

    “Work with somemon else if that’s the case,” Litleo growled, baring her teeth.

    “Why are you so against caring?!” Ezera argued, turning back around and poking his own chest.

    “Please, I’m not your mom.”

    “No one is asking you to be! But last night, how come you didn’t back me up?”

    “I’m not obligated to,” Litleo said as she unslung her bag.

    Ezera let his arms fall. What did obligation have to do with any of it? If someone was in trouble, you did what you could to help. “Am I not your friend?”

    “Friends won’t always have your back. You should know that by now.”

    “…That tells me a lot.”

    “Okay mister, you’ve got it all figured out? What does it tell you?” she asked, getting to her feet.

    “That you don’t care about me, or anyone. How do I even know you care about Rockruff?”

    WHAT?!” Litleo shrieked. All her fur stood to attention. “Listen here, if there’s one thing I’ve always been truthful about, it’s anything related to him!”

    “I guess we’ll never know if that’s true, hm?” he said.

    Litleo’s paw shifted against the sand, flexing her claws at the same time. “You can’t tell me my months of searching isn’t caring. I would do anything to know where he is, but I can’t because my stupid, idiot brain won’t tell me! All I have are some vague memories and flashbacks that his caring attitude got us into this entire situation. And now you.” She looked him up and down so disapprovingly not even disgust could capture it. “I hate having to tell myself that you aren’t some copy meant to taunt me.”

    “Now you’re being ridiculous,” Ezera said, his anger breaking for just a second.

    “No, ridiculous is being reminded that you behave just like him! It’s all the same with you two. ‘Helping’ just so you can run off and DIE!” Her gaze lowered to the ground and she sharply inhaled. A soft harshness wrapped around her next words. “What about those you leave behind? What happens to them?”

    Nooooo no no, you aren’t playing any pity card here!‘ Ezera thought. “You can’t come at me with that! You do the same thing.”

    “Where?” Litleo asked, quickly turning skeptical.

    Ezera held out a finger. “I don’t know, when Fink beat you half to death because you decided to deal with it yourself?”

    “And how is that any different from you throwing yourself into danger?”

    Ezera didn’t want to admit Litleo’s point made some sense. He searched for a suitable rebuttal, cringing at how hypocritical he sounded. “Because- because I don’t want others to get hurt! I mean, you do the same thing, but only cause you’re too damn proud to ask for help!”

    “Stop making this about me!” Litleo exclaimed, tail pointing straight up.

    “IT IS ABOUT YOU! Don’t you see? Indifference is your solution for everything!” Ezera shouted, waving his arms in the air. “I have a damn heart! I’m not some cold hardass who tells everyone to screw off!”

    “And I’m not somemon who is so damn intent on proving I can do something! It baffles me you can’t make day to day decisions without asking questions, but not when it comes to conveniently endangering yourself!'” she said, pitching the latter half of her statement in a mocking tone. “Do you even realize how annoying it is to pester pokémon about a million things because you’re too scared to actually try?”

    Ezera stomped forward and thrust his face inches away from Litleo’s. “Why can’t you just admit you did something wrong and say you’re sorry?!”

    “Because I have nothing to apologize for!” she argued, closing the gap to centimeters.

    Ezera backed away, shaking his head. His chest was ready to implode. “I cannot believe you! Holy shit, now I know why Rockruff isn’t here anymore.”

    Time slowed to a crawl. The wind around them died, as if it too were stunned by the magnitude of his sentence. Each of their breaths trembled; One out of fury, and the other in suspense.

    Litleo blinked several times. “What-” she choked up, “what are you saying?”

    Ezera glowered at her. If she thought she was immune to what people said, she’d have no trouble taking this.

    “I’m saying, what if he doesn’t want to be found because you’re so damn unbearable?”

    Litleo’s ears slightly angled outward, in disbelief that she heard Ezera correctly. She bit her lower lip to assure she was still in the present. Iron entered some of her taste buds. ‘He actually…

    “Ro… he wouldn’t do that.” Litleo’s eyes dilated as the doubt snaked into her brain. “He’s not like that.”

    “Maybe a better question would be, how did he stand you for so long? You’re so unhappy that you want people to feel like you,” Ezera further pressed, leaning in.

    Rarely Litleo found herself on the back foot in an argument, so she took the one route she knew to get it back. “You… you need to shut up. Take that back,” she snarled, her mane entering its boiling point.

    Ezera folded his arms. “No. Say you’re sorry first.”

    “Take. That. Back!” Litleo shouted, itching to pounce.

    “He’s avoiding you! There I said it.”


    Litleo pounced on him, catching Ezera unaware. They tumbled over the sand in a rapid exchange of fists and claws. Thin, cat-like scratches scored across Ezera’s arms. Her hind legs pummeled his stomach.

    “Ow- Goddamit Litleo, I’m not looking to fight you!” Ezera said, bringing his arms close to himself.

    “You should’ve thought about that before you brought in Rockruff, you dick!” Litleo shouted.

    She made the mistake of inhaling while still close to him, allowing Ezera to yank her mane downward. Litleo instantly yowled as Ezera uppercut her chin, sending her back with a stumble. She cleared her daze with a shake and blew out a Flamethrower.

    Ezera charged forward, baring it with his forearms in front. The flames diverged around him and allowed him to run up to Litleo. He swung his fist, catching the side of her cheek. Flecks of spittle shot out.

    “You’ve reached a real low, Ezera,” Litleo sneered, keeping her head down to hide the fire on her teeth.

    “That makes two of us, doesn’t it?” he replied.

    Litleo lunged with her readied Fire Fang. He blocked once more using Protect, but Litleo clamped on his arm and yanked her head to the left. Shock entered his face as his body was pulled along, offsetting his stance. A low “ugh” escaped upon him falling to the ground.

    She crouched, struggling to keep the fire in her throat at bay. She wanted to burn him so, so bad. ‘Bringing Rockruff into this, the nerve-!

    Despite his stinging and uncalled for words, Litleo’s conscience flickered with regret, knowing she deserved it. Her act was bound to backfire someday. Who else would be affected the most by it but Ezera?

    Ezera rolled to his feet, panting. What emotions were going through his head? He didn’t have a frown anymore, instead his mouth hung open, and his eyes gazed into hers in a plea.

    All Litleo needed to do was apologize. The flames receded, and her mouth opened… only for silence to accompany it. ‘I’m not in the wrong… Why can’t he understand that?

    “…You know, I really thought you were the same as him. But you’re not. You’re worse,” Litleo said, steadying her voice. She avoided giving him a glance, turning around swiftly and taking a step. “We’re done, Ezera.”

    She broke into a full sprint, holding in her storm of emotions. True to her own word, the sole comfort Litleo would have was her miserable self.

    Ezera grabbed a fistful of sand as Litleo ran out of his eyesight. He threw them into the wind, watching the specks scatter.

    We’re done.

    He wasn’t sure why he expected Litleo to change her mind or even listen to him. Probably some inane belief that a part of her could see his side. That wasn’t who she was, he understood now.

    Ezera would make it on his own. He grabbed the pouch and Litleo’s forgotten bag, starting the trek to the guild. He tried emptying his mind to think of nothing.

    It wasn’t really working. Every foot he put forward brought the water in his eyes closer to falling out.

    She hurt me first. I just did the same thing to her-

    It’s still not right to talk about Rockruff.

    He followed his heart. And if he were strong, he wouldn’t have allowed that moment of weakness to rear its sickening head. ‘What’s done is done. You’ll be fine without her,‘ Ezera lied to himself.

    He trudged through town, reaching the plaza as Sling and Orbeetle happened to stumble upon him. ‘Crap, I hope they don’t stop to talk to me…‘ Unfortunately, they did.

    “Ezera! Don’t you travel with Litleo?” Sling asked, fixing his cape.

    Ezera rubbed his forehead. “Uh, she needed to take care of something by herself.”

    “Ah. Could you tell us where we might find her?”

    “I wouldn’t know. She doesn’t tell anybody anything,” he bitterly replied.

    Sling’s smile fell a little. “Is that so? That doesn’t sound healthy.”

    “You’re telling me.”

    Orbeetle whispered something into Sling’s ear. The slowking let out an audible ‘aaah,’ then smiled again. “We’ll let you be on your way then. I do so hope you aren’t at odds, that would be a shame.”

    Ezera let his cryptic words fly over his head. There wasn’t enough energy in the day for this. “Um, sure… Take care.”

    He continued on, walking around town since he didn’t feel ready to return to the guild yet. He passed the time by people watching, or pokémon watching in this case, for an hour or so. The business dealings and conversation happened quickly and cheerfully. It was therapeutic in a way, even if the world acted like nothing was wrong in his life.

    Eventually Ezera left Kaiyo Town and the face of the guild neared. He let his tail drag behind him as he walked into the lobby. It was a weird feeling since it always stayed above ground— a testament to how gloomy he felt.

    Dewott stood waiting at the east hallway, and Ezera sighed at seeing a comforting face. However, the comfort disappeared when Dewott approached, anxiousness surrounding his body language. He immediately signed, “Have you seen Litleo?”

    Immediately his weariness returned. Ezera dropped the pouch and bag to the side. “Ugh, why is everyone looking for her? Yes, I have…”

    Dewott’s eyebrows scrunched downward. “Did you have a fight with somemon?

    “Sorta,” Ezera muttered, not sure how he was going to explain. He glanced out towards the courtyard. “We argued.”

    Dewott’s eyes widened. His paws stayed by his side, inviting Ezera to elaborate.

    “I don’t care anymore. She can work by herself since that’s what she wants so badly,” Ezera said, scoffing.

    Dewott shook his head, pointing to both his eyes. He moved his curled paw circularly over his other paw. “We need to find her. Have you heard yet?

    “Heard what?”

    Vibrava hasn’t left his room all day. He’s… quite disturbed,” he signed, slightly shaking his paws. “Rapidash has been trying to get him to open up since this morning.


    Vibrava, who was all high and mighty yesterday, stuck in his room? He was fine at the celebrations, drinking and eating like he wasn’t a certified douchebag. What could’ve changed? Ezera didn’t have to wait long for the answer.

    Last night, after the party, Litleo threatened Vibrava and said some scary things.

    Ezera’s head wanted to spin. “Why- why would she need to threaten him?” He gasped a second later. “Is that what she meant when… wait.” Ezera put a hand to his forehead, wincing. “I don’t get it. If Litleo confronted Vibrava about me, why didn’t she step in yesterday?”

    Dewott’s expression softened, and he kneeled to Ezera’s height. “Have you thought about her view? She was understandably upset. She has a lost partner,” he signed, bringing his paws together before separating them. “If she lost you, she’d be worse than devastated. Not to mention…” His paws stopped midway in the air. One dropped to his side, the other hovered over his heart. “I would be too.

    Ezera wanted to say something to counter, except his reply sunk. He hadn’t considered her at all.

    For the longest time, he believed it was better to always put others ahead. And he still did, but…

    What about those you leave behind? What happens to them?

    He didn’t know. Or actually, he did know— Elessedil had done the same thing to him. The abandonment hurt the most, more so than the thought of not knowing what caused it in the first place. ‘And… and I’m risking it to Litleo…

    Ezera sat on the floor, covering his face. “Shit… I just reaffirmed her choice NOT to open up.”

    Dewott stared intently at him.

    “I’m an idiot for thinking she hated me. I used Rockruff against her,” Ezera said, smacking his forehead multiple times.

    Dewott grabbed Ezera’s hand, placing it down gently. “The way I see it, you and her both have things to properly forgive each other for.” He bumped his paws together. “Friends fight. It doesn’t mean the friendship ends because of it. You still want to be her friend, don’t you?

    “Of course I do,” he murmured, peeking up.

    Then we have to find her,” Dewott signed, placing a paw on Ezera’s shoulder.

    Ezera took a deep breath. “What if… she doesn’t change? What happens after that?”

    Dewott pulled Ezera to his feet. “That’s up to you to decide.

    “…I don’t know how I’m going to repay you for everytime you set me straight.”

    We can discuss payment after you resolve things with Litleo.” Dewott held out a fist.

    Ezera returned it. “Alright. But how will we know where she is?”

    Reuniclus might be able to help us.

    They both sprinted up to the higher floors of the guild and ascended the spire’s staircase. Several feet away from the lab’s door, an excited scream came through the narrow corridor.

    “Helin! Helin! I’ve figured out Litleo’s aether!”

    Ezera shared a glance with Dewott and burst through the door. Reuniclus and Helin paid them no mind, continuing to stare at each other, unmoving. They held a book between each other.

    “How is that possible…?” Helin muttered.

    “Uh, Reuniclus?” Ezera called. “We could use your help.”

    Reuniclus’ gaze gradually went to Ezera. “To find Litleo, yes? Perfecto, we need to see her as well.” She floated toward him. “Because after comparing hers and your aether more closely, there is something you need to know.”

    The last time Litleo ran to wherever her legs wanted to take her, was when she woke that fateful day in the infirmary without Rockruff. The audience crowded outside, all chattering and peeking to see what happened. The environment and their endless barrage of questions proved too much for her. Thus, she ignored her injuries and ran out of the guild to gain a peace of mind.

    When Litleo finally came back and debriefed with Rapidash, she knew how it reflected on her. Through their friendly faces it was easy to spot the suspicion they harbored. The funny thing? She didn’t blame them. ‘If somemon else was in my paws I’d doubt them too.

    Her tough skin only hardened in those months. It was either that or fall victim to the incessant doubt, and she would rather jump in lava than do that. Except, as soon as she thought it hardened enough, Ezera came along to break her bastion down.

    Haven’t I lost him too?

    Did she really believe being solo was better? To an extent, yes. ‘But I can’t deny the company is good to have…

    Speaking of company, why did she feel she was being tailed? Litleo checked behind her briefly, spotting nothing. ‘Just keep running.

    Ultimately, Litleo ended up at the beginning of Verdan Forest. More specifically, where she found Ezera. The sound of her panting was the sole noise she heard in the otherwise tranquil forest. Sunlight poked through the thick canopy, offering scarce shade next to the trees that weren’t lifeless.

    Why did she want to come here?

    Litleo ran a paw over the dead grass that hadn’t become dirt yet. It tickled her paw pad, and she leaned in realizing the entire area was partially replanted. At least, the wildmon tried to. The sprouts planted in the center were already withering.

    She went under the shade and laid down, deciding she wanted to rest. The wildmon wouldn’t come to this area, plus it’d be easier to avoid her mind this way. It didn’t take long until Litleo drifted into a fussy nap, and the next thing she knew she awoke with a mild headache. ‘Ugh, are you kidding me? I didn’t even sleep long…‘ She got up as a ringing overtook her ears.

    Riiiiiiing! Litleo groaned, lowering her head to the ground. Did this mean a memory was nearby? ‘I want to be done with this, damn it! I’m so tired-

    A deep, silky voice she identified as Sling’s rang through the trees. “Hellllooo, Litleo! Fancy seeing you in our spot of research.”

    Litleo’s tail curled around her hind leg. “Was it you two following me?” She swiveled in their direction, clutching her head with a forepaw.

    Sling stepped out from a tree with his paws behind his back, and his companion flew in from above. “I’d say we were searching for you rather than following.”

    “Don’t you have research to compile with Reuniclus?” Litleo asked, backing up a step. Her eyes searched for exits, but the ringing made it quite difficult. ‘I knew these guys were trouble.

    “Ah, we finished discussing early. Not much to go off when those we studied passed rather quickly,” Sling nonchalantly answered, picking up some dirt.

    “We were hoping you’d have better insight,” Orbeetle jumped in.

    Litleo frowned. “Me?”

    “You’re an astute ‘mon, and have better firsthand experience than the others.”

    Sling rubbed the dirt between his paws, letting it fall. “You’ve helped us before. Don’t you remember?” he said, grinning.

    Litleo put her paw down, hiding the fact her head was getting tighter. “Why would I ever work with you?”

    “We know you’re looking for your partner. How about you come with us, and we’ll help you out?”

    “I don’t trust shady researchers. I’m not interested,” she responded, building flames in her mouth.

    “That is unfortunate, because…” Sling spread his arms out, and the eyes on his shell gleamed. “We weren’t really asking.”

    The flames in her mouth instantly died out, turning to smoke. Litleo’s eyes widened as she tried summoning another. Disabled. She rolled out of the Psybeam aimed at her.

    “Hoohoo, she still has fire in her!”

    “Focus, Sling!” A ripple fired from Orbeetle’s head.

    Litleo swayed as she got to her feet. The ringing was making her lightheaded. She dove for a bush thinking it was the way to the main path, only for it to phase out of existence and dive on soil instead. Glancing up, the lifeless clearing copied itself everywhere she looked.

    Sling placed his foot in front of her face. “The Empress would appreciate it if you stopped inserting yourself back into the equation, so we’ll do it for her.”

    “I’m not doing anything except finding my partner!” Litleo sneered, springing at his ankle. She connected and bit down with flames, piercing the skin.

    Sling’s defensive instinct kicked in, thrusting his paws downward. A singular pulse of water blasted Litleo’s face. She sputtered as she backed off, feeling a shrill buzz cover her body.

    “That’s the thing. Your search is getting in the way,” Sling said, frowning and sending a ball of light to his wound. “Your kind has always been rumored to be meddlesome.”

    The ringing and sinking feeling in her stomach escalated. “My kind?”

    “Sling, don’t-” Orbeetle started, holding a claw up. A Water Pulse sent him flying away.

    “Let me give you a refresher.” He moved his paws upward and out, summoning a purple pool of liquid beneath his feet. Six orbs, containing runes similar to the ones they spotted on the dynamaxes, circled around him. He sent them forward all at once.

    Litleo couldn’t dodge thanks to her crippling headache. The orbs crashed into her like solid bricks. An evil, dark energy swept over her after each one, temporarily immobilizing her. Sling picked her up by the tail.

    “Agh!” she whimpered. “I don’t understand…”

    He pushed his face up to hers, allowing her to see the slowking’s real eyes under the shell. They were a vibrant green, mixed with swirls of purple in his pupils. “You…” Sling bared an eerie smirk. “Are a human, Litleo. And your presence is the reason everything has gotten mixed up.”


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