The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    After sharing the news that none of the dynamaxed ‘mon survived, the guild returned home. Ezera and Litleo uncomfortably rode the same drednaw, which Dewott managed to ease with his presence, even though he did say nothing the entire way.

    Rapidash awaited them in the lobby, deducing the outcome of the events based on their expressions alone. “How does the village fare?” she decided to ask.

    “They’ll need to rebuild. It will be hard losing their leader in the logging department, but they will manage,” Sirfetch’d replied, being the last one to enter inside.

    “And how are all of you?”

    Scattered gazes and glances met Rapidash’s piercing eyes. Of them, Ezera’s was missing.

    “Been better,” Corvisquire said, flexing his wing.

    “I won’t be able to sleep!” Morpeko pulled on her eyelids for emphasis.

    Pachirisu stilled her teammate’s paws. “What do you mean? You sleep through anything and everything.”

    “I encourage each of you to visit Indeedee. Teams are still out for the day, and celebrations are a few hours away. It may not be the best mood to partake in, but I see we could do with our spirits raised. Rest until then.”

    Reuniclus and her fellow researchers left for her lab, while Sirfetch’d retired to his office along with Rapidash. The other teams funneled into the mess hall.

    “I didn’t take many hits, but I think I’ll go.” Ezera debated on testing the waters with Litleo. “What about you, Litleo?”

    He received no response as Litleo left for the staircase. A twinge of annoyance arose in his chest. ‘You’re gonna be like that, huh?

    Ezera huffed, turning to Dewott. “Anyway, you?”

    Might as well. I’m banned from the kitchen,” Dewott responded.

    They walked the short distance to the infirmary, finding the nurse engrossed in a dusty book. She whistled a quiet, pleasant tune to herself, one that Ezera found he wanted to know more about.

    “Hiya, Indeedee. What’s that you’re singing?” Ezera said, tilting his head.

    Indeedee set the book down, clasping her hands and smiling. “Hey, cuties. It’s something I picked up from the Taser Tappers. They’re a lovely dance and music troupe.”

    I saw them once. Toxtricity’s the star of the cast,” Dewott added, nodding approvingly. “You would probably be allowed to join them. Ezera too.

    “Oh? Why’s that?”

    Ezera’s cheeks heated up immediately. “For no reason.” He mouthed a silent “really?” to Dewott.

    Dewott grinned and shrugged.

    Indeedee got on her knees, gesturing for them to spin. “There’s minor injuries on you, Dewott, but I’ll let time do the healing for that. And you, Ezera. I’ll ease that burn.” She moved her hands in a circular motion, conjuring sprinkles of green dust to lay on his hand. “Aromatherapy should take care of that. Unless you have something else bothering you?”

    “Honestly, uh, I don’t feel like discussing it. Today’s been a little hard,” Ezera said, sighing. That was an understatement.

    “Alright, but don’t become Litleo, you hear?” Indeedee put one finger under his chin and flicked his gaze up. “I can’t have you shutting down on me either.”

    “Oh my God, never. Dewott can make sure I don’t.”

    I can?” Dewott rubbed his neck and glanced elsewhere.

    “I’ve got faith.” A yawn left Ezera’s mouth. “Wow, I’m tired.”

    “You can nap in here if you’d like,” Indeedee offered, patting the bed. “I doubt I’ll have an influx of patients cramming the infirmary today.”

    “Is that really okay?”

    “I’ll pull the curtain. No ‘mon will have to know. These are quite comfy, I can tell you,” she affirmed, winking.

    If he didn’t nap right now, what would he do? Reflect again? He did that yesterday. Bother Litleo? It was clear she wanted to be alone. Do something with Dewott? Ezera didn’t want to keep him hostage because he had no other friends. That really left…

    “Uuuh… I guess it wouldn’t hurt? Dewott, are you-?” Ezera said, climbing atop the bed.

    Dewott pointed to a chair adjacent to the bed. “I’ll sit there, don’t worry about me. I might leave in a bit.

    Ezera’s eyes closed fast once he settled into a comfortable position. His mind wandered, flashing to Breloom’s final moments and Litleo’s blow up. Losing Breloom sucked, but to lose Litleo…

    He hoped that wasn’t the case. ‘I just have to give her space. I mean, what if I was in Breloom’s spotShe’d try and save me…


    Boisterous laughter in the lobby woke Ezera up from his nap. He blinked to get his bearings. The light in the infirmary was off, and Indeedee was nowhere to be seen. Out in the hallway, the Luminous Orbs had activated, meaning dusk befell them. ‘Has the celebration started already?

    Ezera exhaled gradually. Breloom still hung on his thoughts, but at least his head felt clearer. Enough to think about how to reconcile with Litleo. A tall task, no doubt. To his right, Dewott slouched with his head on his own shoulder. “Hah… I guess we were both more tired than we thought.” He slowly shook Dewott.

    Dewott looked about in a daze for a couple seconds. He righted himself, smoothing the cricks in his neck. His eyes widened as his paws rapidly signed, “Are we late?

    “About to go find out.”

    A few steps into the hallway, the conversation reached Ezera’s ears. ‘Definitely Vibrava’s voice.‘ He signaled Dewott to wait.

    “Tell me they aren’t plotting or behind some of this dynamax problem,” Vibrava went on. Another round of the annoying laughter reverberated through the walls.

    Ezera inched up to view the lobby better, seeing a venipede and mothim next to Vibrava. Additionally, Team Ace and Team Chase were there too.

    “You think they’re crooks?” the venipede asked.

    “Think about it. Breloom, Tyrogue, Hitmontop, boom, all dead. That Oddish? They were there too. And- and that dungeon in Rugged Crags! It adds up,” Vibrava continued. His wings fluttered as he hopped in place.

    “We and Piksqueak took care of Tyrogue and Hitmontop though,” Inteleon refuted, waving his hand.

    “So? Doesn’t change anything. There’s even that Bladed Peaks bullshit Axew spouts. Those dragon-types are hardcore of the hardcore. They never leave that place, and he has none of that hardcore energy.”

    “He may not, but just look at him! Ezera couldn’t hurt a cutiefly, both physically and metaphorically,” Yamper said, tail wagging away.

    Dewott tapped Ezera’s shoulder, drawing a question mark in the air. “Are you sure you want to keep listening to this?” he signed, ending it with a fist in one paw. He moved his fist in a circle. “Vibrava exists to stir up trouble.

    “We’ve gotta go that way anyway, might as well confront him.” Ezera approached the group, frowning as he spoke. “Are you talking about me?”

    Vibrava seemed un-bothered that his gossip reached the subject in question. “Yeah. Got a problem?”

    This dude is shameless!‘ “Normal people would find it offensive that you’re talking crap behind their backs.”

    “Does it look like I care? I work with outlaws, I’ve seen scarier.”

    “Doesn’t change the fact you shouldn’t do it,” Ezera maintained, folding his arms.

    Vibrava laughed, eliciting other chuckles from his fellow bug friends. “Okay, mister high and mighty, no need to pretend you’re morally conscious. It’s obvious. You showed up when it all started. You’re the culprit!”

    By now the teams and other guild members started to gather, circling around them like a fight ring. Ezera ignored the whispers traveling in the crowd the best he could. ‘Keep it together.

    “Some of you agree with me!” Vibrava said, looking all over.

    Purrloin leaned on one leg, tapping her chin in thought. “I have to say it’s a good case.”

    “I beg to differ,” Corvisquire argued. He flew up to make sure he could be heard. “Ezera almost majorly hurt himself trying to save Breloom. Why would he do that if he started it?”

    “It could be he’s playing along to throw us off,” Thievul interjected. An assent of whispers followed his point.

    “Yaaah… I’m on the fence about that,” Gana said from across the ring, inching forward and dropping slime. The gastrodon inspected Ezera, conflict written plain over her expression. “I’ve met truly nice ‘mon before, and it’s not that I don’t think you are, but you being everywhere problems are is mighty questionable.”

    “I’m gonna tell you right now, I’ve got nothing to do with any of the dynamaxing! I’m as far from an evil plotter as you can get,” Ezera said, feeling his hands turn tingly. It wasn’t a complete lie, since he actually didn’t know if his human origin brought this upon them.

    He hasn’t done anything wrong. You’re spitting out baseless opinions,” Dewott signed, stepping beside Ezera.

    Vibrava jumped at Dewott’s face. “Why dun you be quiet? Oh wait, you already are, so your opinion isn’t needed.”

    Dewott recoiled in shock. He signed nothing more, instead playing with his scarf, his eyes downcast to the carpet.

    Corla, normally the silent one, floated off Gana’s back glaring Vibrava down. “…Now you’re taking it too far, Vibrava…”

    “Yeah’s” and “yep’s” rang out among the guild members.

    Ezera clenched his fist. If not for his weakening position in the guild, then that jab at Dewott. “You shouldn’t even be a guild member, Vibrava. You don’t do anything except be aggressive and lie.”

    “Er…” He stepped back to get distance from the ghostly corsola. “Tell me I’m wrong then. I don’t see anymon else seriously vouching for you,” he countered.

    Ezera waited for one of the teams to speak up, yet heard nothing. He spotted Litleo behind the bodies of Team Ace. ‘There she is!‘ Their eyes met. Ezera was sure Litleo would step out and say something. But the first three seconds turned to ten, those ten to twenty, and Ezera’s gut sunk lower than he thought possible. If his thoughts were scrambled earlier, they were entirely fried now.

    Litleo narrowed her eyes and disappeared among the crowd.

    “Told you. Gonna cry about it?”

    “You are crossing a thin line, Vibrava,” Rapidash stated, trotting onto the scene. Her eyes and mane glowed in a show of force. “We do not slander our own. Unless you want extreme disciplinary measures from me, you’d do well to keep your mouth zipped.”

    “That is correct. Our guild does not tolerate negative attitudes, much less those with penchants for one,” Sirfetch’d went on, riding Rapidash.

    Vibrava hung his head. “Ye- yes, Vicemaster…”

    “If any of you have an issue, you will direct it to me or the Vicemaster. Capiche?”

    “Yes, Guildmaster,” the crowd answered.

    “Now, with that settled, I suggest everymon make their way outside to the training grounds. We are beginning the celebration,” Rapidash stated.

    The pokémon shuffled outside, chattering to dismiss the tense mood.

    Ezera found it hard to move. The tingle spread all through his body, numbing what he could physically feel. Meanwhile, the inside of his head screamed at everything and nothing. Water blurred the edge of his vision as each train of thought crashed into an invisible wall.

    Gonna cry?

    What was that?

    Litleo actually hates me.

    Are we not friends anymore?


    I can’t believe her!

    He was pulled into reality by Dewott, who embraced him into a hug. Ezera stiffened, taken aback by the gesture and its suddenness.

    “Uh…?” was what came out as he tried to speak. It didn’t take long for him to cave however, and he lightly hugged Dewott back. Ezera broke it off for fear of becoming too attached to his fur. “Thanks, I needed that,” he said, wiping his face. “A lot.”

    Dewott nodded. That hug did all the talking needed.

    Ezera sighed, thinking how lucky he was to still have him. “Let’s see what they’re doing out there.”

    The guild members had assembled at the front of a spacious table, hosting a variety of dishes such as salads, noodles, and what looked to be even rice. The centerpiece of the table was covered by a box. Applin jittered in excitement next to it, practically about to burst out of his apple. Ezera and Dewott spaced themselves at the far end of the crowd.

    “…and as your Guildmaster I make it an order to enjoy this night. May the ancestors bless us with another successful year of protection,” Sirfetch’d finished. He cut the box open with his leek. The halves fell to the side, revealing a three layered vanilla cake. Cream swirls of orange and blue decorated the outer rim. Chocolate and berries filled the actual base, and the top layer displayed the guild’s emblem held up by tiny picks.

    “Ta-da! This year’s official design!” Applin exclaimed. A round of applause and cheering went off.

    “It’s beautiful,” Rapidash said, smiling.

    “Thank you, thank you. This is for everymon’s hard work!”

    “I call dibs on the largest slice!”

    “Me first!”

    And with that, the celebration went into full swing. The guild members dove into the food, quickly making a mess of the grounds. Some initiated games, others chatted leisurely as they ate.

    Ezera and Dewott swiped what they could from the platters, in addition to Applin quietly slipping them two slices of cake. How he cut those, Ezera was afraid to ask. They sat on top of an unused table, eating in silence amidst the noise.

    “You’re free to mingle, you know. At parties like this I thrived being on my phone,” Ezera said after finishing his food. His distant gaze betrayed the upbeatness he forced his voice to have. “You should have fun.”

    Dewott flipped his scalchop over in his paws. “I’m not familiar with what…” His paws tapped his mouth. “You said is, but I know sometimes all we need is company. I’m having fun right here.

    Are you trying to out yourself more? What are you doing mentioning a phone?!‘ Ezera figured Dewott wouldn’t mind if he actually spilled being human this instant, but so nothing could get worse tonight, he changed the subject. “Vibrava’s an ass.”

    Using one paw, Dewott shook it facing himself, then held both paws out in a gesture of emptiness. “Nothing new.

    “He needs a good punch in the face. Two, for good measure.” Ezera side-eyed Dewott, trying to gauge what he was thinking. “Why didn’t you say anything back to him?”

    Dewott pulled at his scarf. “My family follows an honor system. You’re not supposed to argue with those higher than you. Vibrava and I may be the same rank, but he’s been here longer and that gives him more seniority.

    “That sounds more like an excuse for them to walk over you, no offense.”

    It can be, in a way. But it’s what I have to do…” Dewott let his legs dangle over the edge of the table. “Thank you for watching out for me, though.

    Applin drew near to Dewott, stopping below his feet. “Hey you two! How’d you enjoy the cake?”

    “It was delicious,” Ezera answered, offering a small smile.

    Best cake and food I’ve ever had,” Dewott signed. “You don’t need me at all.

    Applin beamed with pride. “I’m glad! You wouldn’t believe the amount of effort it was without your paws, but I sure was up for the challenge! I couldn’t let the berry you retrieved go to waste too. When I tossed that bad boy in, you should’ve seen my eyes when I taste tested-“

    Remember to breathe, Applin,” Dewott signed, moving his arms from his stomach up in a repeated manner, chuckling all the while.

    Applin sighed, fondly looking at Dewott. “I miss having you in the kitchen. But, I’m proud of you, Dewott. For finally getting out there. It makes me happy seeing you adventure.”

    Dewott blushed and covered up his face using his scarf. “That’s enough attention on me. How about we play a game?

    “The three of us?” Ezera asked. “I might pass. Gotta think.”

    It won’t work with two. I have something perfect.

    Dewott jumped down, scooping up Applin in one paw. He extended the other to Ezera to help him down. Ezera’s surprise switched to amusement little by little. Dewott was definitely trying hard to cheer him up.

    Yeah, Litleo would be on the forefront of his mind for the rest of the night. ‘I don’t know where this puts us going forward.‘ Yet… that didn’t mean the crappy day had to end on a sour note because of it.

    Ezera allowed himself to grin the slightest bit. “What’s the plan?”

    Vibrava stumbled into his quarters, half asleep, half high from the sweets he ingested during the celebration. The party went on for a while, evident by the moon high above in the sky. He was about to lie down when a piece of paper crinkled underneath his leg. He squinted, trying to read under the moonlight.

    I’ve got something on a new outlaw. Meet me out behind the guild. I’ll be waiting.

    “Crazy ‘mon,” Vibrava muttered to himself. “Info at this hour? Screw it, I gotta burn this energy anyway.”

    Vibrava proceeded to where the note said, navigating around the trash and tables in the training grounds they’d have to clean in the morning. He had just hovered to the ground when a force slammed him from behind.

    “Agh! What the-” he shouted before a paw muffled his mouth.

    “Hey there, Vibrava,” Litleo said, lips curling into a snarl. “How’s it feel to be on the opposite end of being intimidated? Scream or shout and I’ll toss you into the water.” She lifted her paw off his mouth.

    “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Vibrava asked, twitching angrily.


    “If it’s nothing, why’d you drag me out here and assault me?” He shifted a bit, trying to free his wings. “Careful on the wings damn it, those are fragile-“

    Litleo took that as a cue to press down a tad harder. “Just giving you a warning to back off from Ezera.”

    Vibrava spat to the side. “Axew? I don’t take orders from-“

    “His name is Ezera, and you better remember it.”

    Vibrava’s eyes narrowed. “Is that a threat?”

    “If you want to keep being a dick, be a dick to me. But stay away from Ezera. He’s done more for me than anymon else these past weeks. If you think I’m going to let you ruin that, you better watch yourself,” Litleo stated, quite literally breathing down his neck.

    “You dun scare me. If you hurt me, the guild will bar you and the police will get’cha.”

    “If you’re so fearless, try me.”

    “Whatevah.” Vibrava rolled his eyes. “I’m hearing nothing but empty threats from the lying ‘mon who keeps their missing partner a mystery.”

    Something ignited inside her. Something primal. If they were going to paint her as the bad ‘mon? Fine. She might as well live up to it.

    “You want to know what happened to Rockruff?” Litleo whispered, mustering all the malice she could. “You’re welcome to find out and join him.”

    Vibrava’s wing twitching stopped. “You-“

    Litleo increased her grip on him, putting her face right in front of his antennas. “I dare you. Call me a liar again. I’m this close to letting you see how empty my threats really are. Then we’ll see how well you’ll be able to report me to the guild and police, assuming they find you.”

    “You ain’t sayin- you-“

    “Oh yeah. I knocked him out when he wasn’t looking. Real quiet, no resistance. I…” Her throat threatened to close on itself, but she forced it to stay open. “I charred him so much, he wasn’t even recognizable. When I’m done with you-“

    “Stop, stop!”

    “They’ll think your ashes in the wind are just dust. It might start. Right. Now.” She breathed some fire out for extra flare.

    “You- you crazy! Psycho! Lunatic! You totally did it!” Vibrava squirmed under her grasp, but Litleo held firm. “I won’t say nothing to Ezera no more!”

    “Do I have your word, as little as it means to me?”

    “Yes, Arceus, yes!”

    She hung on for good measure before ultimately letting go, feeling satisfied the message got across. He hightailed away from her, crashing into the wall several times.

    Litleo collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily. All the adrenaline pooled out. Her insides churned like the vortex of a Whirlpool, threatening to empty all the contents in her stomach. What came over her? And where did that description even come from?

    Stupid question,‘ Litleo thought, taking in the moonlight scattered on the lake’s surface. She had scores upon scores of nightmares and thoughts to draw from. Things of which she couldn’t tell came from horrible fantasies or real events.

    The night breeze ruffled her fur, giving her some composure back. ‘The things I do for Ezera even though he pisses me off to no end.

    Ezera couldn’t rely on her forever, or anymon else for that matter. He had to learn that. When they saw each other tomorrow, she hoped he wouldn’t be bothered for not going to his aid.

    Then why do I feel like I’ve cut something real deep?

    Sure she wasn’t the villain, but she sure was beginning to feel like one.


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