The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    On the Veteran floor of the guild, two pokémon moved about in their borrowed room to get ready for the day. Sling slid off the counter, stretching his arms.

    “Everyday I’m still surprised you managed to get both of us in,” he praised, cupping his paws. “I was so sure that messy speech in front of the crowd would have cost us.”

    “I’ve never done well in front of that many pokémon. I was always like that in my stay at the academy,” Orbeetle grumbled. He flew around the room to warm up his wings. It was a spacious dome, with the walls painted a cantaloupe orange but left barren to enable customization. There were plenty of cushions and seating on the sides. A single glass sliding window gave a view of the lake below, spilling out into what eventually was the sea.

    “All this beats sleeping in a horrible tent,” Orbeetle said, opening the window.

    “Do you suggest we do something else today?” Sling asked.

    “No. We continue observing.” Orbeetle turned around. “You realize we have to be careful of our covers? We only get one chance. If they’re blown, our resources and freedom will be very limited,” he said, lowering his voice. “We are lucky the Empress didn’t blow up on us. I’m not sure the same could be said a second time…”

    “I know, I know. Gee, Orbeetle, it’s as if all that brain left no room for trust and empathy building.”

    “Like you have either of those.”

    “Ah, I’m deeply offended you would say such a thing.”

    “Spare me. We’re due to test another dynamax soon and I know you’re eager for it.”

    Sling’s smirk crept out. “You’re quite right. All this prep and cautiousness is leaving me dreadfully bored. Why, I’m almost tempted to go into their rooms while they sleep and-“

    “Quiet!” Orbeetle landed on a cushion, crossing his arms and legs in thought. “Hmph. Once we figure out the formula for dynamaxing without the need of a catalyst, we move on to the next step. Our clock’s started ticking, if you recall what that annoying researcher told us.”

    “The destabilization in Rugged Crags? There you go worrying again. It shouldn’t spread anytime soon. I doubt our friend did that on purpose.”

    “It doesn’t matter. We can’t wait months again. We need to pick up the pace in scouting a subject.”

    “Perfectly fine by me. I’m excited! Will our subject live, or become a light spectacle?” Sling briefly clapped. “Hoohoo, I do so look forward to the answer.”

    “What commission are you thinking we should take today?”

    Litleo stared at the pile of papers Watchog laid out, not hearing Ezera’s question. Her focus was on what she saw during announcements, the subject being Orbeetle and Sling. It had been a few days since their arrival, and in that time frame, she noted how they always left in the morning and returned near dusk. ‘Are they even working with Reuniclus?‘ Litleo thought. ‘Not to mention I still can’t place why they give me the creeps.‘ Ezera’s voice faintly registered in her ears.

    “Oh yeah, she acts like this sometimes. I don’t know where it comes from,” he said, looking directly at her.

    “Who are you talking to?” Litleo asked, snapping out of her thoughts.

    “Just my friend Leolit. She’s a lot more entertaining to be around.”

    “Really? Go work with her then.”

    He shrugged. “Mm, I would, but I like the original better.”

    “If you say so.” She examined a page about a gurdurr who wanted a package delivered to him. “We can take this one. It’s located near Fentil Village.”

    “Drednaw riding. Fun,” Ezera remarked, sighing.

    The revolving door spun as Watchog re-entered the room. “Have you decided on your commission for the day?”

    “This one,” Litleo stated, tapping her paw on the paper.

    Watchog split the paper into its usual two parts, then moved to retrieve another from a tidy box sitting in the cubby. He held it out for Ezera to grab, given that Litleo had no hands. “I doubt that one mission will last you all day, so take this, sir. It specifically requests for you.”

    Ezera shared a raised brow with Litleo. “Really?” He let Litleo see the paper.

    “Falinks would like to meet you at the border of Kaiyo Town,” she read. “Nothing else besides that.”

    “Huh, wonder what it could be about. Do you think it could be that one we escorted?”

    “I doubt it’s any others. Who else would know your name?”

    “Hm… well, see you later, Watchog!”

    “Adieu, adventurers!” Watchog said.

    The pair exited the guild and traveled to Kaiyo Town in amiable silence. There wasn’t much to say, since the day had barely started and all they could do was walk. Litleo knew the peace and quiet wouldn’t last long however. Sure enough, Ezera finally opened his mouth.

    “I was half expecting you to walk into my room last night,” he said.

    Litleo scoffed. “I told you it was that one night only. It was Indeedee’s idea in the first place anyway.”

    “You wouldn’t do it again?”

    “I’m not at liberty to tell you,” Litleo said, repressing a tiny grin. She couldn’t give him the satisfaction after all. The town border came into their sight when she paused. “Do you hear that?” Litleo turned her head to the right. ‘It sounds like… muffled stomping.

    “Hear wha-” Ezera started.

    Suddenly, a formation of three yellow armored balls appeared in view. They charged in unison, moving with surprising speed in spite of their stubby legs.

    “Watch out!” Litleo shouted, going into an attack stance. The three attackers skidded to a halt. ‘Huh?‘ Only then, Litleo realized another set of three were charging them from the left. “We’re being-!”

    Too late. The armored pokémon rammed them both with their blue spikes. Litleo and Ezera were sent sprawling off the road with a shout, and they found themselves surrounded before getting a chance to move. Two of their attackers stood over Ezera, keeping their feet on his back to prevent him from getting up. The rest regrouped a few feet in front of Litleo.

    Litleo slowly rose to her feet, scowling and letting the dizziness subside. “Falinks.”

    Ezera’s eyes widened in recognition. “Wait, but they’re the one who asked us to…” He swapped glances with the two falinks beside him. Of them, one had a chipped horn.

    A large horned falink from the group facing Litleo stepped forward. “You! Shut! Flin, is this her?”

    “Yes, it is she,” the chipped horn falink answered.

    “Flin? What happened to you?” Ezera said.

    “I said shut!” the leader falink ordered. “I am Brass Fink, leader. You. Litleo. You are reason Flin has damage.”

    Litleo looked to Flin. “Damage? You mean the horn? How is that my fault?”

    “On day you escort me, I go into Turntop Cave. But I meet danger. Not safe. I fight and lose badly,” Flin answered, not looking at them.

    “We find Flin, horn missing! They do not wake for days,” Fink continued. “They say you decline to escort. Your fault!”

    “This is ridiculous. That escort happened days ago. So what, come here to scold me?” Litleo argued. With their confrontational approach though, she had a feeling they weren’t going to be exchanging only words soon.

    “We come to fight you and avenge Flin!”

    “‘Avenge.’ Not only are you wasting my time, you’re petty too.”

    Fink advanced, narrowing their piercing blue eyes. “Not petty! You support town. This would not happen if we are towners!”

    Litleo stood her ground, taking a whiff of the air around Fink. “You’ve had a little too much to drink. You’re drunk, okay? The fact is we’re only paid for what’s on the paper, and Turntop Cave wasn’t on it. This is more your fault than anything. If you stopped drinking for a minute, you wouldn’t have this issue! It’s as simple as that.”

    “Litleo! That’s gonna make them angrier,” Ezera warned.

    “You ask for it. Fight us!” Fink growled, stepping back.

    “And if I don’t care to?” Litleo said.

    “No choice for you. Flan hurt your friend if you do not.”

    On cue, Flan readied a horn against Ezera’s back.

    “Aaah… that’s kinda pointy,” Ezera remarked, wincing.

    Litleo gritted her teeth. “Rrrgh…” She inhaled and exhaled. “You better hope I don’t give all of you broken horns of your own.”

    “Come! We fight away from them,” Fink said, moving further out into the grass.

    Litleo started to follow.

    “Wait, Litleo, you can’t take them on by yourself!” Ezera tried to push himself up. “Don’t worry about me-“

    “Please, no resist,” Flin stated. They waddled extra close to Ezera. “Please. I use force if you resist.”

    “What? You’re just gonna let them attack her like that?! I thought- I thought you were nice, Flin!”

    “I follow Brass Fink’s orders. I want no harm to you.”

    “Why me? She doesn’t deserve harm either.”

    “You have good heart. She does not.”

    “Huh? But…”

    Litleo closed her eyes. ‘What would Rockruff think of me right now if he heard that?‘ She shook her head. “I’ll handle this, Ezera. Just stay there.”

    Litleo approached Fink, who was ready in a formation with the three other falinks. Fink kicked the grass. Both parties stood poised to strike, waiting to see who would initiate. Litleo decided she’d go first, drawing in a gulp of air.

    “Behind!” Fink ordered immediately.

    The three falinks moved behind Fink, covering their faces. Fink connected their shields and diverted the wave of fire around them. Litleo rushed in. ‘If they’re lined like that, maybe I can interrupt them!‘ She angled her shoulder and jumped, improvising her Headbutt with a “shoulder”-butt instead. Her shoulder met cool steel, but Fink barely budged. ‘Oops.

    “For Flin!” they yelled, peeking out of their cover.

    Litleo quickly regained her stance as Fink shoved her away. They brought their left shield around, bashing the edge of it on Litleo’s foreleg. An instant throbbing pain arose and she instinctively curled the leg up. Fink’s horn lit up with a vibrant green glow. The next thing she knew, a jabbing sensation dug into her chest.

    “Agh!” Litleo groaned, stumbling. She braced herself on top of Fink’s shell, keeping her chest out of reach from the horn.

    “Forward!” Fink and their squad pushed against her, moving across the field. The horn inched closer to her. Litleo ignored the throb still coming from her leg and settled for the next best distraction- a point blank Flamethrower. The flames showered Fink, earning a pained scream.

    Fink stopped the charge. “Rotate! Rotate!” They retreated out of her Flamethrower and the falinks shifted formation. Each falinks blocked Litleo’s incoming fire using their shields.

    My only windows to attack are when they go offense it seems,’ Litleo deduced, ceasing her Flamethrower.

    Fink now led the falinks in a horizontal line. “No retreat!”

    All four falinks charged, armor brimming with pale orange energy. Litleo waited a second before rolling out of the way. The falinks stopped and pivoted instantly.

    “Break!” Fink ordered. “Box!” Two falinks split from the edge of the group. Litleo kept her eye on them as they ran to the sides.

    So they’re literally trying to box me in. Hmph.‘ Litleo roared, causing each falinks to flinch. “You should really think about having different code names!” She dug through her bag and spat a Blast Seed at the falink on her right. The seed erupted inside their armor and threw the falink to their backside.

    “Brace!” Fink shouted, armor glowing orange again.

    Litleo swiveled around in time to catch the three remaining enemies charging at her. She spun and shoved one falink as they passed her, directing their momentum toward Fink.

    CLANG! Their armor reverberated as they collided.

    “I told you you idiots were wasting my time,” Litleo growled, mane burning intensely. She spewed a load of flames onto Fink and the others.

    “Cover!” Fink said. “Flan! Get here!”

    Litleo looked to Ezera’s position. Flan left Flin to hold Ezera down. They came running in and Litleo hopped back.

    “You’re really trying to drag this out?” she spat.

    “For any of squad, we do what we must!” Fink answered, indignant. The same orange energy flashed on the falinks. “Form up!”

    Whatever move that is, it’s buffing them. I can’t drag this out any longer,‘ Litleo thought. ‘What items do I still have…‘ In her momentary search,Fink’s squad made a square formation. Fink and Flan stood in the backline. CLANG! Litleo’s head snapped to the noise. One falink was hurtling straight at her! ‘What the?!‘ She narrowly sidestepped the speeding opponent.

    CLANG! Fink slammed the next falink, sending them rolling. Litleo gasped.’They’re using each other as attacks?!‘ The falink was on her before she could dodge. Their metal armor crashed and knocked her to the ground. For a mercy, none of the spiky bits managed to hit her. The damage was done, however. Litleo’s left side screamed like it’d been hammered repeatedly. She wheezed, getting on one paw to try and stand.

    Flan didn’t allow it. They appeared, shield at the ready and clobbered her cheek. Litleo fell back down. Her sight blacked out for a second. ‘Need… berry…‘ She used her remaining strength to bare her fire engulfed teeth at Flan, who recoiled in brief terror.

    Litleo plopped a whole Oran Berry in her mouth, its restorative juice taking away some of the aches. Footsteps churned behind her. She sluggishly rolled to her feet and retaliated with a blazing Flamethrower. The falink stopped in their tracks, yelping before tipping over unconscious.

    A blunt force rammed into Litleo’s hips. “Agh!” Litleo groaned. She twisted to see Flan switch out with Fink. Fink’s shields became encased in white.

    “Apologize!” they stated.

    Litleo backpedaled, throwing up her paws. ‘Are they charging? Wait-!‘ Fink’s shields “punched” her paws out of the way. Blow after blow landed on her body rapidly. Fink finished the Close Combat with a powerful bash.

    “Ack!” Litleo fell to the floor once again, teetering on the brink of being KO’d. “I… am not… going to apologize… for something I didn’t do,” she panted, staying low on all fours, “and especially not… to some petty, drunk, toddler!”

    Fink’s eyes narrowed and they stormed head first. Litleo planted her feet and managed to grab hold of their horn in her mouth. The heat in her mane boosted the Fire Fang spilling out.

    “Hrraah!” Litleo grunted, throwing Fink down. They face planted, skidding across the terrain. Chink. All became quiet, save for Litleo’s heavy breathing. Fink stood up quickly.

    “Fink! Your horn!” Flan said, eyes wide open.

    On the side of Fink’s horn, where it connected to the armor, a tiny crack started to show. Fink stared at their teammates in fear. “What? What is wrong?”

    “Your horn, it has break!” Flan responded.

    It took a moment for that to sink in. “It- it does?”


    “I warned you,” Litleo said, resisting the urge to fall over. Her limbs wanted to give up. If Fink was going to attack her, she’d be wide open. ‘The fight should be over. They have to be as tired as I am.

    Unfortunately, she was wrong. Fink’s eyes took on a murderous gleam. “Box!” they ordered. Flan and the third falink instantly squeezed Litleo between them.

    “Ugh, why are you still going? Haven’t you had enough of your ‘vengeance’ yet?” Litleo asked.

    “No! This is vengeance!”

    Fink swung their shield onto Litleo’s left forepaw, hard. Blaring pain shot straight through her paw up to her leg. A wave of nausea washed over her.

    “AAAAAGH!” Litleo exclaimed, squirming. Each movement with her paw brought fresh waves of pain. She panted, staring at it. She couldn’t put pressure on it. And then, her body finally had enough. She slumped to the grass, unable to move anymore. The darkness of unconsciousness loomed closer.

    I’m losing this… aren’t I?‘ Her eyelids began to close.

    “Hey… off…!” a voice said. She glimpsed a familiar shape appear in front before succumbing to her wounds.

    Ezera slowly moved his hand to the guild badge. So far Flan hadn’t noticed his subtle attempts to turn on the Linkbead. If he could just tap it and call for help…

    Suddenly, Flin’s foot kicked Ezera’s hand. The badge flew off his scarf, landing a few feet away. “Do not try. You be free soon.”

    And there goes that idea,” Ezera thought, sighing inwardly. He watched Litleo knock a falink out. ‘Nice! All she has to do is whittle them one by one.

    “Flan! Get here!” he heard Fink call.

    “Affirmative!” Flan responded. “Flin, take spot.” They ran off to the fight.

    Flin didn’t give Ezera a chance to escape. “Stay. Please.”

    Ezera attempted to leave nonetheless. Why did falinks have to be so freaking heavy? “Hey, that’s unfair! You can’t call another.”

    “Brass Fink wants to ensure justice.”

    “This isn’t justice, Flin. It’s plain violence, that’s it!”

    Flin cast a somber glance to the floor, silent. Ezera resumed staring at Litleo’s fight. He didn’t want to leave her to fight them herself. A five on one, how could she win that? His heart jumped as Litleo toppled over from a barreling falink.

    Seeing how she was losing, he was asking to be screwed if he went in. His skills still weren’t up to par. And yet, he took on a coalossal. A dynamax. That had to count for something. ‘But I still can’t shake this thought that I’d be better off staying out of it…

    He saw Litleo get up. She wasn’t done yet! ‘Go, you got it!‘ She breathed a Flamethrower over a falink, KO’ing them.

    “Wait, behind you!” Ezera called out, even though he knew she couldn’t hear.

    Litleo whirled around, getting punched by Fink. However, she took on Fink’s next charge attack, tossing them down. ‘Yes! She might actually- wait, why does Fink seem even more pissed?‘ Ezera wondered. ‘Oh crap, she’s pinned! What’s Fink-

    “AAAAAGH!” Litleo exclaimed, holding a paw up.

    “Oh no,” Ezera murmured, stomach dropping. To his horror, Litleo fell to the ground. He couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not. Not good. ‘If I don’t step in…‘ He eyed Flin, their attention over at the fight too. Ezera could sense it. Flin was like him, and didn’t approve of what was happening either. “Flin, you have to let me go in.”

    “Can not. Brass Fink order me to watch,” Flin replied, averting their eyes.

    “Flin, please.” Angry tears built up in Ezera’s eyes. “Your leader isn’t thinking normally. He’s going to seriously hurt her!”

    Fink maintained their silence.

    Why do I always wait until it gets to this point to try and step in? Am I really…‘ That word again. Now wasn’t the time to contemplate it. Ezera breathed in. “If I have a good heart, where’s yours, Flin?”

    Flin’s eyes widened, trailing to Ezera’s face. They stood still for a few moments. “…Go. Rescue her.” They shuffled away guiltily.

    Realizing it worked, Ezera bolted up faster than he knew he was capable of. “Hey, lay off her!” he yelled. Flan and the third falink saw him, regrouping behind Fink. Ezera reached Litleo and positioned himself ahead of her.

    “You! Out of the way!” Fink said. They raised their shields, spiky ends pointed at him.

    Ezera held one arm out in a placative gesture. The other fiddled with his scarf. “No! You’ve hurt her enough. Don’t be a dick. Just- just leave already.”

    “Can not! She need lesson!”

    “And she’s been taught. Don’t make me fight you too,” Ezera said, trying to steady his voice. Maybe he could-

    Fink pounded their shields together. “You are not scary. If Flin let you go, you face us!”

    Of course he sounded lame. How could he say anything and be taken seriously when his emotions always betrayed the act he put on? Ezera put up his arms as Fink ran in, blocking the Rock Smash. Fink staggered from the recoil.

    “Double up!” they shouted.

    Flan and the falink obeyed, collecting green energy on their horns. Ezera hastily threw up another Protect, wobbling as he struggled to maintain his arms against their weight. ‘Nonono… it’s not gonna hold!

    “Gah!” Ezera grunted, landing on his rear. He glimpsed Fink rushing in with white covered shields. ‘I don’t have time to counter!‘ He sat frozen in place, waiting for the blow to land.

    Except, it didn’t.

    An invisible force kept Fink in place, their shield mere centimeters away from Ezera. ‘Huh…?‘ The same force yanked Fink into the air. Flan and the third falink stepped back in terror.

    “What is this?!” Fink yelped.

    Then, the force threw Fink into their teammates.

    “Aaaah!” all three shouted.

    “Cease your attacks immediately!” a deep, gravelly voice called out. “Any battles on and near town grounds is forbidden.”

    Ezera glanced toward the source of the voice. A bulky, silver… skyscraper, lumbered forth from the main path, followed by an elekid and kadabra. Even from where Ezera was, he picked up an air of snobbishness accompanying the pokémon. But wait, next to them was Flin and… Rapidash?

    “It seems as though every time I see you dears it’s either to reprimand you or find out more troubling news,” Rapidash said, lightly sighing. She came to a stop beside Ezera, levitating his guild badge into his hands.

    “Oh, thank you, Vicemaster…” he said.

    Rapidash eyed Litleo’s unconscious form. “Oh dear. I sense serious injuries.”

    Ezera turned and took his first good look at Litleo. Her cheek had swollen up significantly. Ezera parted the hair on her left paw, revealing a nasty shade of black and blue beneath. Who knew how many other bruises she had underneath all that fur.

    “Vicemaster, how did you-” Ezera began, drying his eyes.

    “I was in the midst of surveying new crop land with Duraludon when Flin stumbled upon us. I am glad he did, otherwise you would be severely injured too,” Rapidash explained.

    “You dare get in way of us?” Fink said. Their squadron had finally regrouped themselves. “You-“

    Rapidash fired a psychedelic beam from her horn. Fink instantly passed out from the hit. “That will be enough out of you.”

    Ezera kept his jaw from dropping. ‘Did Rapidash- did she one-hit KO them, or were they already weak from Litleo?

    “Please, Brass Fink know no better,” Flin excused, rounding up their last standing teammates behind them.

    “As per usual for savages. Another reason we should completely seal off the town,” the elekid said.

    “Would you like me to add this to the list of points for the next debate, Councilmon Duraludon?” the kadabra queried.

    “Hm, set it as a minor point,” Duraludon replied, holding out one of his wide arms. His body had a glossy metal sheen to it, particularly the short red patch on the back of his head.


    Duraludon shifted his steely gaze to Ezera and Litleo. His face was set downward as if to look permanently angry. “And now I must be delayed dealing with these ruffians. Kadabra, tell Escavalier’s assistant I will be late to the meeting.”

    “Done, sir.”

    “May I ask how you intend to deal with these ‘ruffians?'” Rapidash said.

    Duraludon dismissively waved an arm. “Short jail time and a fine for the wilds. For yours…” He paused, examining Ezera’s tear dried face and Litleo. “I won’t waste my time. I leave them to you, but I expect evidence that they do face some sort of punishment.”

    “How kind of you,” Rapidash said, staring him down like that was the only correct answer.

    “I will say,” Duraludon added, oblivious to her true meaning, “try to do better on who you hire these days. We would be arresting them if they had no affiliation with the guild. A shame, really.”

    Rapidash’s expression hardened.

    “Your organization, if a ‘mon could even call it that, is not fit for you. I’ve been saying it, that lazy leek brain makes you run the place.”

    “Have caution with yourself, Duraludon. I’m not the type to take kindly to slander, no matter how honeyed the words are.”

    “Honeyed or not, it is the truth. We will see how much longer your guild sticks around in the future.”

    Is this guy for real? He’s literally insulting all of us and we’re right here!‘ Ezera thought. ‘No… forget it. I don’t care right now. What I need to see is if Litleo is okay.

    “If you will excuse us, we have a ‘mon to attend to,” Rapidash curtly said, as if reading his mind.

    “Yes, take those unsightly wounds out of my sight. I will remain here and see these wilds detained,” Duraludon said.

    “Here.” Rapidash levitated Ezera and Litleo onto her back. “I will run us to the guild. Ezera, can you hold onto Litleo?”

    “Ye- yeah,” Ezera replied.

    “Ezera… tell Litleo… I sorry,” Flin stated, being ushered away by the elekid.

    Ezera blinked, then smiled a little. “Okay, Flin. I will.”

    “Make sure your grip is tight, dear. I won’t be stopping until we get there!” Rapidash said.

    Ezera scooted a little further up on the infirmary bed, stretching to see Indeedee past Rapidash. The nurse worked on Litleo a few beds down, lips pursed in contemplation. Ezera looked at his hands— they wouldn’t stop moving. If they weren’t fidgeting with each other, they were playing with whatever object was in front of him. In this case, the strap on Litleo’s bag.

    “Is she alright?” Rapidash said.

    “I can tell you she has no life threatening injuries,” Indeedee responded, feeling around Litleo’s body. “However, her paw is fractured.”

    “As I suspected. It will heal, though?”

    “It should, but that would require a minimum of a week’s rest after proper treatment. Have we known Litleo to ever sit still?”

    “We have not.”

    Indeedee glanced at Ezera and winked. “You can convince her to.”

    “I think you overestimate how much she listens to me. If she did… she would’ve let me fight with her,” Ezera replied, not in the mood to joke back. He set the strap down and made an effort not to do anything with his hands.

    “While Indeedee treats Litleo, I think it would be good to explain to me what this is all about,” Rapidash commented. “Why take part in a battle she knew she wouldn’t win?”

    “Because Flin’s leader wanted revenge on her. She- we, chose not to escort Flin through Turntop Cave. I wanted to, but Litleo was against it.”

    “I see. Her pride will make her do such things.” Rapidash collected her thoughts for a few moments. “This is a complex situation to navigate through. You aren’t at fault for denying falinks escort, but you are at fault for violating town regulations. As much as I’d prefer not listening to Duraludon, I won’t risk the ire of the council. I will have to dole out a punishment.”

    The fight wasn’t even our fault… oh well. Seeing how snooty that Duraludon was, I doubt convincing him would get anywhere.‘ Ezera momentarily looked at Rapidash.”Er, are you gonna take away our pay? Or make us not eat a night or something?”

    “Goodness, no! Why would I do such a terrible thing?”

    “When you say punishment it sounds pretty harsh,” Ezera said, scratching his head.

    “It is not, I assure you. What I have in mind… is cleaning duties,” Rapidash stated. “A few hours for you, but perhaps a day or two for Litleo.”

    Ezera breathed a little sigh of relief. “Oh. But, Duraludon isn’t here. How would he know we had a punishment?”

    “He will be sending one of his assistant’s here to monitor us, like as not.”

    “You’re including Litleo in this?” Indeedee cut in. “I’d advise against it in her state.”

    “Her other paw works well enough, it will be alright. I am not expecting it to be spotless.”

    “Rayna, any extra exertion-“

    Vicemaster,” Rapidash corrected, mane glowing briefly. She exhaled. “Sorry, dear. This is final. Sirfetch’d is out investigating and I’m in charge while he’s away.”

    “Cleaning is at least waiting until tomorrow. That’s my final decision,” Indeedee said, defiance written plain on her face.

    “I won’t argue with that,” Rapidash said, turning to leave. “I’ll be going. The day is still young, Ezera. I suggest you take advantage of it.” She exited the infirmary, leaving Ezera and Indeedee to the peace of the guild.

    Indeedee straightened her back, inspecting the mini cast she put over Litleo’s forepaw. “I’m almost done here. How are you, Ezera?”

    “I’m okay. The falinks didn’t hurt me,” Ezera replied, caught off guard by the fact she called him by his name.

    Indeedee walked over and placed a hand on his forehead. “Not physically.” She Heal Pulsed him anyway, then went to grab a white rag out of a drawer. “I can tell this isn’t something I can help with.”

    “Ah, yeah…”

    Sitting here, he questioned what help he could give himself. He could build physical ability. Hopefully. ‘But it’s not my goal.‘ Then, if not that, what? Ezera’s thoughts raced to the argument he and Litleo had on the beach. If he had the resolve to escort Flin, they wouldn’t be here. ‘Then again, this is the cause of both of our actions.

    Resolve… was that the kind of strength he wanted?

    Not tearing up whenever I get upset would be nice too…‘ Ezera silently huffed. One thing at a time. “How are you doing, Indeedee? Seems like you have Rapidash on your mind.”

    “Aw, and here I thought you couldn’t get any cuter,” she replied. “Thanks for asking. Don’t worry about little old me. The Vicemaster and I go way back. She means nothing by it.”

    “Were you two on a team?”

    “We were! Hardly seems that way nowadays.”

    “Is it cause you became the guild nurse?”

    Indeedee gazed at the rag she held. “Indeed, we can say it was something along those lines.” The same cheerful smile she always made formed, but this time preceded a certain melancholy. “Sometimes feelings can’t be mended, Ezera. Despite all the talking and listening you can do. When that happens, the best thing is to respect that. Forcing it brings more heartache than it does closure, ultimately.”

    Indeedee…‘ Ezera’s own heart hurt hearing her speak this way.

    Litleo audibly groaned. “Ugh…”

    “Oh, she’s coming to! I have to go grab some water and berries for the last treatment,” Indeedee remarked, returning to her usual self. She walked past Ezera. “Make sure she doesn’t move too much!”

    “Wasn’t planning on it,” he said. He moved two beds over to sit on the one next to Litleo. “We’ve really gotta stop this pattern of you getting knocked out and me greeting you.”

    “At least hearing you means I’m not dead…” Litleo mumbled, eyes still closed.

    “Nah, you died but I followed you spiritually.”

    “Couldn’t get enough of me?”

    “I wanted my turn to call you an idiot. I think I’ve more than earned it,” Ezera said, folding his arms.

    That earned a laugh out of Litleo, who quickly grimaced. She peeked one eye open. “You’re not hurt. Good.”

    “I’m not sure I qualify what you did as good.”

    “They had you pinned and were threatening you. What did you want me to do?”

    “Try and free me regardless? You knew full well you couldn’t beat all four- five falinks.”

    “I thought I could try.” Her head turned to the cast wrapped around her paw. “I already hate what I’m seeing. Is it…?”

    “Fractured,” Ezera replied. “Indeedee says it should take a week with full rest to heal.”

    “Great. Just when I had enough of resting.”

    “Also, Rapidash gave us cleaning duties as punishment. I didn’t think the town was so, uh, uptight about themselves.”

    “Sounds about right,” Litleo commented, tail twitching. “It beats sitting here bored I suppose.”

    “I can’t believe that’s what you’re concerned about, being bored.”

    Litleo locked eyes with Ezera, frowning. “Look, I made that choice on Atlas Coast. The responsibility was mine. The result would’ve been the same if you joined the fight. How I see it, I helped you not end up like me.”

    That might’ve been the case, but you don’t know we would’ve lost for sure,’ Ezera thought. He balled his right hand lightly. “Do you not trust me?”

    Litleo’s tail curled up. “It’s…”

    “You don’t.”

    “I do, and I don’t. It’s tough, Ezera.”

    “Tough? Why?”

    “…You have to remember, I work solo if I have to. I don’t want to be burned again, metaphorically speaking.”

    He glimpsed her get ready to say something more, but she stopped. “Is that really why?” Ezera prompted.

    Litleo took her eyes off him.

    Come on, don’t stop here!‘ “I’m not gonna ‘burn’ you. I wouldn’t do that.”

    “Intentionally, you wouldn’t.”

    “What do you mean?” he urged, this time leaning forward to make sure she could see his concern.

    “Do you remember the question I asked you, after we escorted Flin?” Litleo said, sighing.

    “Um, not really.”

    “That you would do almost anything if a stranger asked you?”

    “Oh…” Ezera leaned back, thinking. “I guess my answer’s changed a little bit since then.”


    “Maybe I’d take more precaution in what they’re asking, but I’ll still do it. We can’t be completely unreceptive to everything. I can’t do that, and neither can you.”

    Litleo traced a claw on the bed, frowning. “And why can’t we? All these things we do are for pokémon who could probably care less about us.”

    “If you really believed that, you wouldn’t be here. I know some tiny part of you likes to see the other half,” Ezera said.

    “You can be so naive sometimes,” Litleo chided. She breathed in. “Look, I won’t lie to you, Ezera. I’m… worried. Worried I’ll have to watch you make a useless, reckless choice you can’t bounce back from. I’m not sure I can take that right now.”

    “You literally did that yourself today. Hypocrite much?”

    “That’s different.”

    “‘Different,’ sure. Well, I swear to try and not do something that’ll worry you too much.”

    “I’m going to hold you to that then. If not, that’s fifty embers to the face.”

    They went quiet. Ezera cleared his throat, busying himself by smoothing out the creases he made on the bed. “Flin says he’s sorry, by the way.”

    “A little too late for that, I think,” Litleo said, rolling her eyes. “I doubt we’ll be seeing them again.”

    Indeedee re-entered the room with a wooden cup and wet cloth. She set the cup on her workspace. “I hope you like medicine juice, Litleo.”

    “Based on the smell I can already tell you I don’t,” Litleo said, using her good paw to cover her nose. “What is in that?”

    “A mixture of ginger, berries, and plants you’ve never heard of. A friend in Mystic Fane recommended this brew to me. I haven’t had any ‘mon come in with broken bones or fractures lately, so you get to be the first to try it!”

    “Can I smell it?” Ezera asked. Indeedee brought the cup to his face and he took a whiff. He reeled back as the scent of moist dirt and ginger hit his sinuses. “Oh my God! That’s revolting,” he said, gagging. “Why does it smell like mulch?”

    “The worse it smells the better it works, I’m led to believe,” Indeedee said. She sniffed the cup and scrunched her eyebrows. “Or… maybe it doesn’t.”

    “Just great,” Litleo muttered, flopping her head down.

    “You should get going, cutie,” Indeedee advised. “Like Rapidash mentioned, you still have the whole day left.”

    Ezera jumped back to the bed with Litleo’s satchel. “Uh, should I finish the commission we grabbed?”

    “Go ahead. It’s simple to complete anyhow,” Litleo answered. “And you won’t need it, but take my bag just in case. Try not to use anything unnecessary this time.”

    “Hey, it was actually needed, okay?” He shouldered the strap and hopped to the ground. “Well, I’ll come visit after I finish.”

    “When you do, bring the books. We can use the time to study again.”

    “More alphabet, alright.”

    Indeedee waved. “See you!”

    Ezera plodded into the lobby only to halt. Recalling his time here, it occurred to him that this would be the first instance of him working solo. ‘I am alone. I’m doing this commission… alone.‘ What a fun realization. He shook himself, getting rid of the jitter building up. ‘Damn, all this does is remind me of walking alone onto campus for the first time. It was scary at first. Yet, after getting it over with…

    “I’m going to do this. No more excuses,” Ezera muttered. He gripped the satchel’s strap and headed out.


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