The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Rockruff stirred. His ears twitched, picking up a hushed voice.


    The voice was becoming clearer. He knew who it was. “Litleo…?” he uttered.

    “LITLEO? Oooooh, I’d give you the shock special but there’s something you need to look at!”

    A pinch of electricity filled Rockruff’s body. His senses jolted to full alert and he scrambled to a sitting position. He blinked, recognizing Pichu’s annoyed face.

    “Pichu. Hi- hiya,” Rockruff said, cheeks flushing. “What’s wrong?”

    That is what’s wrong!” Pichu whispered, pointing to her right.

    He followed her paw to a phantom campsite lurking ahead.

    “There are ghosts, Ruffy! Ghosts!” Pichu cried, gripping Rockruff’s hind leg. Electricity bounced out of her cheeks. “You didn’t say anything about this mission becoming scary!”

    All the ghosts had a blue hue, reflecting the color of the deep blue outside. Varying designs and sizes of tents were set up in the area. A campfire with a pot laid in the middle, attended by a transparent machoke. Similarly, other pokémon walked around seemingly talking and doing tasks.

    “Wow, this is kinda cool,” Rockruff remarked.

    “That isn’t what you should be saying!” Pichu said, gripping him tighter.

    Rockruff frowned as the burning in his sinuses became more noticeable. ‘This smells like… sea water. Right! The current that took us.‘He looked around briefly and sighed in relief. Behind Pichu, her teammates were doing their best to dry themselves off.

    “I’m glad to see all of you are safe,” Rockruff said, letting out a soft whimper.

    “Same to you. But why the sad face?” Pichu asked, tilting her head.

    “What happened in the cave… that’s my fault. If any of you had gotten hurt-“

    “Please, Ruffy! Why are you worrying about it? We turned out okay-ish, see? Nothing gets Team Piksqueak down.”

    Rockruff smiled. ‘Still doesn’t change the fact I endangered them. I’ll need to be careful from here. Anything that happens in here is my responsibility.‘ He got to his feet. “The ghosts seem to be ignoring us.”

    “No sudden movements!” Pichu said. “We don’t want them to look at us.”

    Rockruff raised an eyebrow. “Then what do you suggest we do?”

    “I’m thinking. But I don’t think much so this will take a little bitsies.”

    Truthfully, I don’t think we’re in any real danger. If the ghosts wanted to hurt us, wouldn’t they have done so already?‘ Rockruff noted. He surveyed their surroundings, catching small filters of light casting in from above. On the seafloor, lifeless coral trees grew in many small batches. ‘We’re definitely under water. This has to be Sea Kissed Wastes.’ His tail wagged fervently. A large bubble seemed to be enclosing them, explaining how they were able to breathe. They stood on top of aquamarine stone tiles, and intricate triangle shaped patterns were carved into each square. Rockruff glanced behind. Some ways up, a waterfall poured out of a purple reef. ‘That must be where we came from.’

    “Great leader, I have an idea,” Morpeko whispered a few feet away.

    “What’cha got?” Pichu replied, leaning in her direction.

    “We don’t know if they’re ignoring us, right? Let’s try shouting at them.”

    “That has to be the worst plan I’ve ever heard. But I got nothing, so…”

    “Who gets the honors of being bait?” Pachirisu asked.

    Team Piksqueak stared at Rockruff, putting on their best Baby-Doll Eyes impression.

    Rockruff sighed. “When you look at me like that it makes it really hard to say no. Not that it mattered, since I was going to volunteer myself regardless…” He inhaled as much air as he could. “GREETINGS EVERYMON!”

    The four of them held their breath, waiting for all the heads to turn toward them. But it never came. The phantom pokémon continued on like normal.

    “Whew, they aren’t evil ghosts,” Rockruff said, adjusting his scarf.

    Pachirisu ran to the side to wave at a phantom gardervoir. The gardevoir phased through her, not paying any attention. “It’s like we’re invisible. What is it you think we need to do?”

    “I bet it’s that eerie song we heard earlier from Noivern. Something about a challenge?” Pichu responded.

    Morpeko threw her paws to her mouth. “This is it. The final hour before we-“

    Pachirisu ran back and covered Morpeko’s mouth with her tail. “Morpeko, one more word and I’m eating your entire stash of backup snacks. Any idea how long we might’ve been out?”

    Morpeko patted her stomach. “From how hungry I’m feeling, a few hours.” She took out a soggy berry and ate it.

    “Doesn’t that taste icky?”

    “Food is food!”

    “First things first,” Rockruff interrupted, “if this really is Sea Kissed Wastes, that puts us in a mystery dungeon. Pachirisu, do you have an Escape Orb we can use in case things go sideways?”

    “Yep!” Pachirisu hauled a dull, blue orb out of her item bag. “Or not?”

    “Disabled… I guess that makes sense. This place isn’t on the map, so where would it teleport us to?”

    “We’re super close to having so much Poké that Team Ace will be jealous!” Pichu stated, not listening to Rockruff at all.

    Rockruff chuckled quietly. “Leave it to her to focus on something totally different,” he murmured.

    “Also! Honestly, how can you call me Litleo?! We don’t look alike at all! That just shows you really do like her. Her name being the first words out of your mouth,” Pichu said, growing smug. “Hmm, hmm?”

    Rockruff blushed and went about trying to flatten his spiked fur, courtesy of Pichu. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

    “Uh huuuuh. Now that we’re here, do you have an idea what you’re gonna get for her? A heart made out of jewels? A chest stuffed with Poké, with a note on top saying I loooove y-“

    “I already said it’s not like that!” Rockruff objected, tucking his tail in embarrassment. “I just know I don’t want it to be a basic treasure.”

    “Eh? But what else would you find down here? What if it’s all basic treasure?”

    “Then I’ll keep searching elsewhere.”

    “You say that like it’s no big deal,” Pachirisu said, scrunching her face.

    “Cause it isn’t,” Rockruff replied, looking at her. “I’ll go wherever I need to make sure I find the right gift.”

    Morpeko grabbed her teammates. “That level of friendship sounds like our team’s!”

    “Ooh, ooh. You should tell us how you two met,” Pichu said mid-hug.

    “Hm, okay. How ’bout… no?” he said, winking.


    “Besides, that subject is sensitive for Litleo. Even if she’s not here, I’m not going to expose her.”

    “First meetings can be sensitive?” Morpeko said.

    “Let’s just say… we met under intriguing circumstances.” Rockruff cracked a grin. ‘Mostly intriguing for me because I was laughing the entire time.‘ “Why don’t we split up and see what we find?”

    “I call dibs sticking with Pichu,” Morpeko blurted out.

    “No fair, I wanted Pichu!” Pachirisu argued.

    Pichu’s eyeballs rattled as she her teammates engaged in a tug-of-war, with herself being the rope. “Where’s Substitute when you need it?”

    “There’s no need to do that,” Rockruff soothed, waving a forepaw. “Both of you can go with her. I’ll be fine on my own.”

    “Are you sure-sure, Ruffy?”

    “Yep. Me and Litleo didn’t reach Apprentice rank fast for nothing! And before you know it, we’ll be on the same level as you,” he added.

    “Oh we’ll see about that! Come on, team. Let’s show him how much more efficient we are than all the guild!”

    Team Piksqueak scampered off to investigate the east side, their brief argument already forgotten. That left Rockruff with the west. ‘Worked like a charm.‘ He decided to look near the tents first to start. In the ones with no flaps, he found basic straw beds and mats used for sleeping, but little else. Rockruff approached one of the more complex tents. The triangle patterns found on the floor appeared on the sides. Five feathers had been attached to the top of the flap to make a crown.

    “This symbol, what does it stand for?” Rockruff wondered aloud. He padded forward, expecting to phase through the phantom fabric. To his surprise, it reacted and folded as he pushed on it. He backed out, blinking. ‘Woah. This feels real.‘ Rockruff extended a forepaw and rubbed on the fabric to make sure he wasn’t imagining it. ‘Leathery… hm. We’re allowed to interact with objects?

    A blur of a pokémon burst out of the tent, passing through Rockruff. “AH!” he yelped, falling on his rump. He took a deep breath, calming his racing heart and eyeing the outline of the pokémon. “That’s… a deerling.”

    Deerling continued to the center of the camp, joining the line that had formed for the campfire. The machoke in charge of the campfire was now pouring soup into bowls and handing them out. Rockruff walked over to get a closer look. ‘So many families… A spearow family, a wurmple family… wait.‘ His gaze returned to the lone deerling. ‘Where’s Deerling’s? Everymon here has one except them.

    Deerling stepped forward to claim their meal. Machoke shook their head and pointed to the tent Deerling came from. Deerling stomped their hoof, mouthing something. No sound came out though.

    “I wish I could hear what they were saying,” Rockruff muttered. He watched agitation enter machoke’s expression. The muscular pokémon raised their left arm with an open palm. Rockruff’s eyes widened as machoke slapped Deerling out of line. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!” he growled. Machoke ignored him. The pokémon in the rest of the line seemed to care less. “Rrrgh… crud.”

    Deerling staggered away, turning and running to the tent. They disappeared inside it. Rockruff’s heart fell. Did Deerling have no parents? If that was the case, who was looking after them? He cast a disapproving gaze toward machoke. ‘It definitely isn’t you.

    “I wonder if this is part of the challenge,” Rockruff said. “And I don’t know if this will work… but I gotta try.” Using his mouth, he grabbed a bowl from the stack near machoke. Again, machoke paid him no mind. ‘Okay, now to figure out how I get food in the bowl. If only paws could work like hands.’ He spotted a second ladle lying next to a square log.

    Rockruff clutched the handle of the ladle in his jaw. Tilting his head, he carefully scooped the ghost soup into the bowl. Although it was far from ideal, he didn’t care. ‘As my favorite saying goes, I’m in a position to help, so nothing will stop me but skrelp!‘ He finished scooping the last of the soup into the bowl.

    “Ruffy! What’cha doing?” Pichu asked, approaching him. Her teammates were fixated on the soup. “You aren’t trying to eat that stuff, right?”

    “I’m sure it would phase through my mouth instead of going to my stomach.” Rockruff shook his head. “Er, but that’s not the point. I saw machoke here refuse to give food to a deerling, so I’m going to.”

    Pachirisu exchanged a confused glance with Morpeko. “But the ghosts don’t react to us.”

    “The objects do,” Rockruff said.

    “Oh yeah! We found a secret room. It’s why we came back,” Morpeko stated, nibbling another wet berry.

    “Did you find anything?” Pichu said.

    Rockruff stiffened. “Oops… I might’ve gotten distracted with this.”

    “It’s like he’s totally forgotten why he’s here…”

    “I’m going to deliver the food first, is that alright?”

    “Yeah, the room isn’t going anywhere. We wanna see what happens too!”

    Rockruff slid the bowl toward the tent. Once he reached it, he cleared his throat. “Hiya, Deerling. You probably don’t hear a single word I’m saying, but I’ve brought you something. If you don’t come out, I’m coming in.”

    Team Piksqueak looked at each other and shrugged. Rockruff waited a little longer for a response. Nothing.

    “Okay, I’m coming in,” he said. He pushed the flap open and found a green ball of energy greeting him. “OH-!” Rockruff hopped back as it released, minding the bowl on the floor. The attack flew past him.

    “What was that?!” Pachirisu exclaimed, forming an Electro Ball.

    “I- I don’t know. I think Deerling aimed an Energy Ball at me.”

    Pichu’s jaw dropped. “They noticed you?”

    “Um,” Rockruff called, “I only brought you soup. I’m not looking for a fight.” Another Energy Ball sailed out of the flap. “Stubborn, huh?”

    “Is this worth it, Ruffy? Deerling doesn’t really exist. And they don’t seem too open to you either.”

    “It doesn’t matter if they’re an illusion,” he replied, straightening up. “They might be part of the challenge in the riddle Noivern told us about.” He stood in front of the flap. “Hit me with an Energy Ball if you want, but I’m bringing this food in.” Rockruff pushed the bowl through first, then entered the tent. Deerling stood on all fours, eyeing him warily. “See? Like I said. Just me and some soup.” He nudged it forward. “Go ahead.”

    Deerling used a hoof to pull it toward them. They sniffed it, then stared at Rockruff. A slight smile formed on their lips. They bowed their head.

    Rockruff grinned. “You’re welcome. Somemon is always looking out for you, okay? Take care.” He turned around, not seeing Deerling’s expression fall. He exited the tent and walked to Team Piksqueak.

    “Did they realize they were dealing with the semi-famous Rockruff?” Pachirisu said, grooming her tail.

    “Famous? You know the other teams not living at the guild can’t stand me,” Rockruff denied.

    “It’s why Pachy said ‘semi!'” Morpeko commented.

    Pichu patted her scarf. “Our team is the famous one here. And annoyingly Team Ace too…”

    “Are you sure you don’t mean infamous? I hear things about you messing up the commissions. They say clients actually fear you,” Rockruff quipped, sticking out his tongue.

    “Th- those are rare occasions! It doesn’t happen all the time!”

    “Well, the stories I hear- Ow!” He flinched from Pichu’s electricity.

    “Shoosh, shoosh! Take a look at what we found.”

    Team Piksqueak ran back the way they came. Rockruff followed them to a spot where one tile’s color was a shade lighter than the rest. He pressed a forepaw down on it and the tile vanished. Smooth aquamarine stone awaited below.

    “Did you three go down?” Rockruff asked. He leaned in, searching for a way to safely reach the bottom. Judging from the distance, it wouldn’t hurt to jump. Getting out of it would be a different story, however.

    “We would’ve, but there’s no ladder or something to climb on,” Pachirisu explained.

    “We were also hoping you’d be bait again,” Morpeko sheepishly said.

    Pichu covered Morpeko’s mouth with her paw. “You could’ve said it nicer! Now he’ll think we’re shameless and heartless!”

    “Hey now, how could I think that about my second favorite team in the guild?” Rockruff said, patting Pichu’s head.

    Pichu beamed at that. “We’re really your fav- wait, who’s the first?!”

    “Mine and Litleo’s obviously.” He stretched his legs. “I endangered your team once. It’s not fair to endanger you again. I’ll see what’s down there.”

    “We’ll be right behind you if there’s an enemy. That’s a Team Piksqueak promise!”

    “I’m counting on you!”

    Rockruff jumped to the bottom. He landed and scanned his surroundings. ‘Nothing’s really different here aside from the floor.‘ Barren walls and tiles were all that waited down here.

    “Is it safe for us to jump down?” Pachirisu said.

    “I’m not sure there’s a point jumping down at all. If anything was here it’s gone now,” Rockruff answered, glancing up at them.

    “But I’m here! Here, not gone, present!” a shrill voice cackled.

    Rockruff swiveled about. “Show yourself!”

    “Ruffy, we’re comi-!” The tile overhead solidified, cutting off Pichu.

    “I guess I should’ve expected that,” Rockruff said, letting out a short sigh. The voice that spoke still hadn’t revealed themselves. “Where are you?”

    “Why aren’t you panicking?” The air in front of Rockruff distorted. The familiar outline of Noivern came into view. “Miss me?”

    “Noivern. You do have quite a range for your voice.”

    “I don’t understand. You should be stressed, not calm, anxious. Instead, you compliment me.”

    “On second thought, you might not be Noivern. Your way of talking is different… but you have his body.”

    “This ‘Noivern’ you speak of is a fake I created. The real me…” Noivern spread out his wings. “Is in charge of this mystery dungeon!”

    “In charge? Mystery dungeons can’t be controlled I thought,” Rockruff said. ‘Am I dealing with a mythical pokémon?

    “What is a mystery dungeon to the great, not puny, amazingness, of a riddle maker?”

    Rockruff frowned. “You say you made the riddle, but it’s hard for me to take you seriously when you won’t show your true self.”

    “Not yet, not yet! Another challenge is required before you see me.”

    “And you needed to separate me from the others for it?”

    Noivern flew into the air. “Yes! Go through the dungeon all alone, while your teammates frolic to and fro. Reach the exit and I shall condone, the release of treasures kept in stow. Simple, not hard, easy!” He twirled once and a silver tile appeared in front of Rockruff. “Step, steppity step to begin!”

    I have no other option but to play along. Hopefully the dungeon he’s talking about isn’t too difficult,‘ Rockfuff thought. He walked onto the tile. A big grin crept into Noivern’s face, and a flash of white light blinded him.

    When the light settled, Rockruff’s environment had shifted to the sea floor. Dead coral trees obscured his vision in every direction. A deep, dark blue blotted out everything up above. The only path available was to go forward, and Noivern had unsurprisingly disappeared.

    “Am I in the water now?” Rockruff inspected himself, seeing a mini bubble encapsulating his body. “But can I-?” He jumped, trying to swim up. He floated to the ground, still bound by gravity. “Guess not…”

    What’s the twist here?‘ he pondered as he walked. ‘No way it’s as simple as finding the exit.‘ His movements were noticeably slowed, as if tons of ariados webs wrapped his legs. Any battling would be difficult without items. Worse still was he considered himself more of a supporter than a decent fighter. That was always Litleo’s role in their team. He could do the chatting; she could do the combatting.

    Rockruff turned left, encountering a sleeping form of a pokémon. Their body was curled tight, revealing only a wavy fin poking out on top. The pokémon’s eyes popped open.

    “SUSTENANCE!” they bellowed. Their body uncurled into a long, slender Eelektross.

    Rockruff’s ears flattened against his head. If it weren’t for Eelektross’ abnormally large size, he would’ve laughed at their choice of words.

    Eelektross aimed their gaping mouth at him and lunged with arms outstretched. “GIVE ME SUSTENAAANCE!”

    Rockruff snapped out of his stupor. He strafed to the side, slowed though he was. Luckily, Eelektross soared by him. Rockruff prepared to launch a Rock Slide but remembered his bubble. ‘Shoot, I can’t risk popping it.‘ Seeing the path open, he chose to flee. Eelektross doubled back and fired an electric beam. It nearly struck Rockruff’s bubble.

    “Not cool, not cool, not cool!” he exclaimed, peeking behind. Eelektross was gaining on him. Rockruff grunted and tried raising the ground to block them. The best he got was a plume of sand bursting into Eelektross’ face.

    “SUST- PFFTBLECH!” they shrieked.

    “There’s your sustenance, enjoy!” Rockruff hollered. He navigated a few more twists and turns until spotting a silver tile in an open area. ‘The warp tile!‘ He rushed into the light and heard Eelektross’ voice fade. When the last of the blindness went away, the same sight of coral trees greeted him. Only now, he could go west or north. “Ha… ha… darn…” ‘I guess this mystery dungeon is one of the shifting ones. How many floors does it have?

    Once Rockruff regained his stamina, he pursued the north path. Assuming the dungeon followed normal rules, it didn’t matter which way he went. They all led to the waypoint eventually, and was only a matter of how slow or fast it got him there. One stray basculin and two waypoints later, Rockruff arrived on the fourth floor. He started in a spacious area this time, being given multiple choices on where to go. His stomach growled, a sign he needed to hurry.


    Rockruff whirled around. “Seriously? How did-“

    Eelektross’ shadow passed him overhead. Rockruff looked up and bolted to avoid being smashed. The force as Eelektross slammed the ground propelled him into a series of frontward flips. He managed to skid to a stop just before his bubble touched a spiky coral branch.

    “I’m not food, Eelektross,” Rockruff said, facing them. “I’m a pokémon just like you!”

    If Eelektross understood any of his words, it didn’t show. A sparkling ball of yellow and blue electricity formed in their maw. Rockruff sprinted to his left. A muffled FWOOM sounded out. ‘Wait, that wasn’t aimed at me?

    The attack sailed into the floor. Granules of sand burst everywhere. A ring of electricity spread out from the impact spot, and Rockruff’s limbs seized up. He face-planted along the ground, unable to move.

    “AHAHA, SUSTENANCE!” Eelektross screamed.

    What kind of move is that?! Crud!‘ Eelektross swooped in with glowing claws. Rockruff shut his eyes tight and drew a large breath, ready for the bubble to pop.


    Rockruff opened his eyes. Eelektross had backed off, clutching their head in pain. The ghost Deerling stood defiant in front of him. They released an Energy Ball, forcing Eelektross back further.

    “D-Deerling? How…?” Rockruff stammered. Pink mist spread around him. The paralysis disappeared. “Thanks. But how are you here?”

    Deerling shook their head and bounded to one of the paths. They stared expectantly and motioned him to hurry. Rockruff stuffed his questions and obeyed. Deerling quickly took him to the waypoint and they both went in. The fifth and seemingly final floor was composed of a single space. A swirling white vortex sat in the center. Past it grew a dark coral tree.

    “That must be the end!” Rockruff said. He began walking to it. “Come on, we-“

    Deerling threw a hoof up. They pointed at him, then to the tree coral branch.

    “Um, I don’t follow.”

    Deerling waved her hoof in a circular motion, then did a pop effect.

    “Pop the bubble? I’ve been trying my hardest NOT to, and you’re telling me I should?”

    Deerling nodded.

    “Why use the tree then? I can use my own moves-“

    Deerling stomped the floor and pointed at the tree again.


    “Still following me to the end? I gotta give props for that,” Rockruff sighed. ‘I don’t understand why I can’t just jump into the exit, but Deerling did save me… I’ll trust their word.‘ He ran to the coral tree.

    Eelektross entered the area, zeroing in on Rockruff. Deerling kept them at bay with a couple Energy Balls. Rockruff skirted around the vortex, reaching the tree. He spotted a low hanging branch and inhaled deeply. ‘Here goes nothing!‘ He jumped and the branch pierced the bubble, popping it instantly.

    A chill ran across him as water soaked his fur. His eyes burned and went blurry. Claws gripped Rockruff’s sides, picking him off the ground. ‘Shoot! Did Eelektross get past Deerling?!‘ The claws tightened, forcing air bubbles out of his mouth. Rockruff squirmed to break free. His chest screamed to breathe.

    Suddenly, white filled his sight. The grip around him vanished. Unable to hold it anymore, Rockruff opened his mouth. Fresh air rushed in instead of water. His feet landed on solid flooring. ‘This isn’t sand. Did I exit the dungeon?‘ He rubbed his eyes with a wet forepaw. ‘Another tiled room. No sign of Deerling or Eelektross either.

    He stood on top of an elegant walkway spanning the room’s length. Little canals of water ran by the sides, going upstream to a single silver monolith. Any luster the monolith originally had was long gone.

    “Hey, is that…?” Rockruff padded closer up. Piles of Poké and small trinkets were stashed beyond the monolith. “The myth is real.”

    “Real, not fake, true! Sea Kissed Wastes is the opposite of its name!” A gray stunfisk fell out of the monolith, flopping to the floor. Spikes grew at the tips of his fins. Three green footprint-like marks dabbled his body. “I am the riddle master you seek!”

    The stunfisk statue from the cave flashed in Rockruff’s mind. “The first riddle and the statue, that’s you?”

    “Smart! But I’m disappointed, not happy, sad. You weren’t supposed to get through my dungeon. You needed to stay there, forever.”

    “Gee, talk about menacing…”

    Stunfisk bared his red and white teeth in a grin. “Eheehee! Would you rather I be ‘Noivern?'” He briefly morphed into Noivern. “Does this make me less scary?” He morphed back.

    “You’re not a normal pokémon, that’s for sure,” Rockruff commented. ‘And as much as I’d like to know the secrets of him and this place, there’s another matter first.‘ “Are my friends alright?”

    “They are dandy! Dandy, not hurt, fine! Had some fun with them I did. If you want them free, beat me in a bid!”

    “Another game? What’s the bid?” he asked, tail stiffening.

    “If you beat me, you can pick a treasure or free your friends! If I beat you, you stay here! A win for me either way. How incredible, not lame, fantastic I am!” Stunfisk rambled, jumping in circles.

    I don’t like saying this about anymon, but he’s completely nuts. Litleo would be all for knocking some sense into him if she was here,‘ Rockruff thought. ‘If I have to give up the gift to save Pichu and the others, then that’s fine. I’ll-

    SLAM! The arched, stone door behind him hit the wall. Team Piksqueak spilled out onto the walkway.

    “What did I tell you, team?” Pichu said, pulling up her scarf and beaming. “Nothing is too good for us!”

    “I’m suuuuper hungry, great leader,” Morpeko complained.

    “I could check our supplies, but I think you’ve eaten…” Pachirisu’s voice fell. “Rockruff!”

    The three girls fixated on Rockruff’s stunned expression. “TEAM TACKLE!” they shouted.

    Rockruff blinked. “Er, I’m not sure now is- uuff!” Team Piksqueak’s combined weight knocked him down.

    “We totally weren’t worried you were gone forever. Totally,” Pichu said, sniffling.

    “I’m happy you thought about me, but- ow, could you- ow, watch the zaps, please?”

    “Oops. Sorry.”

    Team Piksqueak shuffled away. Stunfisk slapped the tail-end of his fin on the ground angrily.

    “How? Howhowhow HOW did you escape my genius, not dumb, intelligent design of a riddle?” Stunfisk exclaimed.

    “Your definition of intelligent needs work,” Pachirisu said, checking out the room.

    “The question you asked us? The answer was easy,” Morpeko yawned.

    “Mhm, mhm!” Pichu agreed, nodding enthusiastically. “We’re pranksters, so we know!”

    “I think the conditions on your bid have to be changed, Stunfisk. How about if we win, we take a treasure of our choosing. If we don’t, well…” Rockruff crouched, smiling. “Nothing. Cause we aren’t losing.”

    Stunfisk clenched his flippers. “You can’t hurt me! I have-“

    “Type advantage? You did,” Pichu finished. “Not anymore!” She went down on all fours. Energy surged out of her, electrifying the floor and air. A yellow tint overtook the room.

    Pachirisu giggled. “Thanks for telling us your ability in the riddle. Very helpful.”

    “It- it doesn’t matter! You still lose. You have to lose!” Stunfisk slammed the floor. A hum resonated from the monolith. Water from the canals began streaming into solid shapes. “You will get nothing, not one, zero from me!”

    “What’s the water doing?” Morpeko asked, eyes widening.

    Watery forms of an octillery and swanna arose next to Stunfisk. “Behold my brilliance!” he shouted, hopping up and spitting three balls of mud.

    “Spread!” Pichu ordered. Their group dispersed, evading the Mud Shot. “Morpeko, focus Swanna. Pachirisu, Octillery. Me and Ruffy get Stunfisk. Don’t let them clump!”

    “Roger!” her teammates obeyed.

    “Let’s kick Stunfisk’s butt face!”

    They all sprinted to their respective opponents. Rockruff flung invisible pointed stones at their enemies feet. Pichu charged electricity into her body, nearing Stunfisk. Her Volt Tackle missed as Stunfisk leapt high towards the ceiling. Rockruff shot a Rock Slide trying to snipe him. Seconds later, Stunfisk dropped with surprising speed.

    “Pichu, look out!” Rockruff barked.

    Pichu brought an electrically charged fist up, striking Stunfisk before he pummeled her. Stunfisk bounced away howling. He landed and yelled some more as Rockruff’s Stealth Rock dug into him.

    “Cheap, not fair, uncool!” Stunfisk tensed and a silver sheen ran across his body.

    “Upping defense, huh?” Pichu said. “That’s not stopping-“


    Rockruff and Pichu looked to the left. One of Octillery’s tentacles gripped Pachirisu’s tail, dangling her upside down. Pachirisu discharged lightning to free herself, but Octillery remained unphased. Black liquid spouted from his mouth, covering Pachirisu head to toe in ink.

    “Pachy! Hang on!” Pichu shouted, dashing to her.

    Rockruff glanced back to their foe, only to find Stunfisk gone. ‘Shoot! Keeping your enemy in sight is the number one rule!

    Pichu almost reached her teammate when Stunfisk descended on her from above. He twisted his body to the spiked side and folded inward, trapping Pichu in between the spikes.

    “OWWIIIIEEE!” Pichu bawled.

    Rockruff moved to intercept. Except, Morpeko collided into him. The two pokémon rolled to a stop in the canal.

    “Swanna not… taking damage…” Morpeko muttered, face flat.

    Rockruff grunted and propped her up. “If I had to take a guess, I think that monolith is giving them their power. Breaking it should weaken them.”

    Swanna flew up and dived at them. Rockruff veered right, pelting them with a barrage of rocks. Morpeko released a wave of electricity, but a ring of water instantly washed the damage away. Swanna circled back and swooped in within the blink of an eye, slashing Rockruff.

    “Ah!” Rockruff winced from the cut.

    Morpeko bent over and gripped her stomach. “Sooo hungry…”

    She’s close to hunger mode… I gotta make my move now!‘ Rockruff ran toward the center. Swanna rushed in, extending their wing. ‘Gotcha!‘ He raised the ground beneath, lifting him into the air. Swanna curved up and Rockruff sent a couple more rocks at them. He landed and reached the monolith. Swanna prepared to dive again but Morpeko forced them back with a Thundershock.

    “Ruffy! Help uuuussss!” Pichu yelled. Now she and Pachirisu were wrapped in Octillery’s tentacles. Octillery slammed Pachirisu into the wall, then launched a rainbow beam of light. Pachirisu stayed down.

    “Do you think you’re tricksy, not honest, deceptive? You’re WRONG!” Stunfisk proclaimed, turning away from helping Octillery.

    Hard mud struck Rockruff’s ribs, caking his fur. He grimaced and focused on the monolith. ‘If I can break this, they’ll be free!‘ Stones formed around his tail. However, Stunfisk wouldn’t allow it. A ball of mud battered Rockruff’s face. Stunfisk jumped and snapped his spikes around Rockruff’s left hind leg. Rockruff howled and bit back. Saltiness entered his taste buds. Stunfisk’s Snap Trap tightened, and Rockruff’s Crunch tightened in return. Something warm began trickling down his leg. Probably blood. An urge to bite even harder entered his mind. ‘No! I won’t harm another pokémon like that!

    “Rockruff!” he heard Pachirisu say.

    Rockruff released his teeth and looked up. Pachirisu’s stored Reviver Seed in her cheek pouch had kicked in. She threw a seed that blew up into a burst of fire. Rockruff pivoted to catch Stunfisk in its radius. Stunfisk cried out, letting go and running into more Stealth Rocks. He whirled around and fired another Mud Shot, counteracting the ball of electricity soaring his way.

    This was his chance! Rockruff hurled a wave of stones that smashed the monolith. The top crumbled down into large chunks. Octillery and Swanna grew noticeably smaller.

    “It worked!” Rockruff whooped.

    “NOOOOO!” Stunfisk screamed. “Disgraceful, not admirable, despicable!” He used Bounce to get on top of the monolith. He started patting it using his fins. “My- my phantoms… what will I do…”

    Seeing as how Stunfisk was occupied, Rockruff turned to his right. Morpeko hobbled to swanna, shivering.

    “Morpeko hungry… and now. Is. ANGRYYYY!” she shouted. Her yellow fur switched to a violet purple. Red filled her eyes and she tackled Swanna covered with electricity. Currents ran throughout Swanna’s watery form.

    Rockruff limped to aid her, timing a Rock Slide as Swanna attempted to fly. Morpeko kicked away, forming a red and blue electric wheel. She ran in place then stormed at full speed. The impact detonated Swanna’s form, reducing them to droplets of water.

    Stunfisk busted out laughing. “Ahaha… haHA… AHAHAHA! Perish, not live, die!”

    He leapt from the monolith. Rockruff reared back, dodging Stunfisk’s snapping spikes. Morpeko dashed in with a Quick Attack. Stunfisk flopped backwards and coated himself in iron. Pichu and Pachirisu finished their opponent and approached from behind.

    “Say goodnight you crazy ‘mon!” Pichu declared.

    A four way attack of Rock Slide, Swift, Volt Tackle, and Aura Wheel converged on Stunfisk. A cloud of smoke exploded into their faces. When it cleared, Pichu’s Electric Terrain ended. Tears streamed down Stunfisk’s eyes.

    “How awful! I’ve met my match…” he whispered.

    “ANGRY!” Morpeko roared. The beginnings of an electric wheel formed around her.

    “Morpeko no!” Pichu said, tackling her. Morpeko squirmed in her arms. Pichu absorbed the waves of electricity Morpeko unleashed. “Think about cake! And sweets!”

    “CAKE?” Morpeko stiffened, eyelids drooping. “Cake…” Her fur swapped back to its yellow color. A snore escaped her mouth.

    “Whew,” Pichu said, sighing. “Pachy, got any Oran Berries left?”

    Pachirisu shuffled through her bag. “I have three.”

    “Theeeen you, Ruffy, and Morpeko can have them.”

    “It’s fine, you can have mine, Pichu,” Rockruff declined.

    “Are you serious?! Look at yourself. You’re bleeding!” Pichu argued. She took the Oran Berry from Pachirisu and held it in front of him. “My team has a higher status than you, so I order you to take it.”

    He pushed her paw down. “You know, we could split it…”

    “Stop making this hard! You can be so annoying sometimes. Take it, or I’m telling Litleo,” she insisted, practically pushing the berry against his mouth.

    Rockruff laughed softly. “Alright, alright.” He took the berry in his mouth and ate it, letting the healing course through him. The injury on his leg partially faded away.

    Satisfied, Pichu went and fed one to Morpeko. Morpeko bounced up, full of energy.

    “What did I miss?” she said.

    “Nothing. You were out for less than a minute,” Pichu said, sharing a cheek nuzzle.

    Rockruff stared down at Stunfisk. “If you don’t mind, we’ll be taking a look at your treasures.”

    Stunfisk wouldn’t meet his gaze. “Going to plunder as much as you can, are you?”

    “No. We’re taking one, just like the bid stated.”

    Stunfisk didn’t say anything more, instead moving to rest near the monolith. Pichu took her teammate’s paws and they scampered to the piles of Poké.

    “Hey, this Poké looks weird,” Pichu remarked.

    “What do you mean?” Rockruff asked, joining them.

    “Look at the middle. There’s no ‘P.’ It’s got that triangle looking thing we keep seeing,” Pachirisu replied, holding one up.

    “Huh. You’re right.” Rockruff scanned over a few others. “Is this even Poké?”

    “It has the same shape. What else could it be?”

    “But if it doesn’t have the ‘P’ then we can’t take this! What merchant will cash in an unknown currency?” Pichu said.

    She has a point. It’ll be worthless in everything except sentimental value.‘ Rockruff waded further in the “Poké.” ‘I’m not seeing anything interesting here either… lots of toys and some jewelry.‘ Minutes later, he dug out of a pile of coins and breathed out. ‘I know I said I’d look elsewhere but, I can’t help but be disappointed. Nothing here is what I’m looking for.

    “Please… leave the treasures alone,” Stunfisk suddenly said.

    “Why should we listen to you?” Pichu sassed, paws on her hips. She and Morpeko gathered next to Stunfisk. “You’ve done nothing but play games with us!”

    “It was for fun, not boredom, amusement. It gets lonely down here,” Stunfisk explained, flippers twitching.

    “Cool sob story! Your excuses don’t work on Team Piksqueak,” Morpeko replied.

    “I’ve been meaning to ask,” Rockruff said, approaching Stunfisk, “what are you exactly? To create these riddles, shift into a Noivern, it’s clear you’re special.”

    “Smart,” Stunfisk said. “Not normal I may be, but a pokémon I guarantee.”

    Pichu pulled her ears down. “Not the rhyming agaaaiiin.”

    “Check this out!” Pachirisu shouted from atop a treasure pile. She waved a small journal in her paws and opened it. “The ink’s all faded but I can make some of it out.” She scrambled down to where they were assembled. “There’s a few pages written here.”

    “Ooh, let us see, let us see!”

    Pachirisu laid the journal flat for the four of them to read. She skipped to a page where the writing first became legible. Rockruff leaned forward, trying to discern the faded letters.

    Log Four-
    It’s been a few days since we settled here, wherever here is. We haven’t seen the Revered One since she came in and created the space for us. Some folks are calling this a new home and named it Sea Shine Haven. I just want to go back to the jungle, before all this danger. Mama and I belong there. At least it’s exciting watching new pokémon come in. Mama told me to stop staring at them because it’s rude. I think I’ll keep staring since I’m sneaky about it. It’s like a game of guess the vivillion, but with other pokémon!

    The pages rustled as Pachirisu flipped to the next readable entry.

    Log Ten-
    Mama’s worried about the dynamaxing on the mainland still. We’ve had tremors, but otherwise nothing really scary has happened. I think she still thinks Eternatus will find out about everymon staying here. I think she’s wrong.

    Log Thirteen-
    The Revered One came back to see us today! She announced there’s a plan to take Eternatus down. We’ll be able to go home soon! In the meantime, I’ve been bothering Sunny, a stunfisk! He’s the ‘mon in charge around here. He gets flustered around me even though we’re around the same age. It’s funny!

    Pachirisu flipped through again.

    Log Eighteen-
    We’re relocating our camps deeper inside after water started coming through the entrance. I heard Mama talking with Sunny, saying that the Revered One shouldn’t be listened to. She disregarded the title and called her Calyrex. I’ve never seen her so worked up. The others are looking at us all weird now. I don’t get why Mama would say that.

    Log Twenty-
    I think this will be the last time I write in here, at least for now. We all just heard a super, super loud screech out of nowhere. There’s a lot of rumbling and confusion. I’ll secretly place this in the vault for safekeeping. If somemon else finds this, please return it to Lindee! I’m a deerling!

    “That’s the end,” Pachirisu said, checking the rest of the pages and shutting the journal.

    “This had to be written during the Days of Ruination,” Rockruff said, taking a step back and exhaling.

    “Is that the name the event has come to be known by?” Stunfisk said, finally looking up.

    Pichu scratched her ear. “How can you not know the name of one of the worst time periods in history?”

    “If this was a haven, the ghosts we saw earlier. Are they pokémon who used to live here?” Rockruff questioned, thinking about all the families he saw. They did seem like refugees. ‘And then the mention of Deerling and Stunfisk…

    “You catch on well, not bad, admirably. Many fled here for safety. Yet, when the continent split, this place was attacked by chaotic aether. All who lived here was not spared. Ironic,” Stunfisk answered, shutting his eyes.

    “…That would explain the myths of this place not existing.”

    “You talk like you were there,” Morpeko commented.

    Rockruff sat down. “We all read the same thing, didn’t we? He was.”

    “EH?! I totally skimmed through all that. That makes you…” Pichu held her paws out trying to count. “Old.”

    “I was spared me from the worst of it resting in here,” Stunfisk replied, facing the broken monolith, “to guard the relics. And so I have for countless years, in the silence of phantom ears. To pass the days I spend awake, I make ghosts in this place’s wake.”

    “The ghosts don’t happen to be sentient, do they?” Rockruff asked, raising an eyebrow.

    “How I wish for them to be! It would lessen my loneliness. They only do what I envision.”

    Rockruff’s tail shot up. ‘I highly doubt Deerling helping me was what Stunfisk envisioned. Is it possible Deerling’s a real… ghost? A spirit from that long ago?

    “My phantoms are all gone, and so will my powers now with the monolith destroyed… Doomed to suffer alone, I am.”

    “Stop acting weird and you’ll have some friends,” Pichu stated.

    “But Pichu, you’re weird,” Pachirisu said, slapping her teammate.

    “Am not!” Pichu said, slapping her back.

    “Are too!”

    “We’re all weird!” Morpeko happily interrupted, throwing her arms up.

    Rockruff scooched beside Stunfisk. “Come up to the surface with us. We’ll make sure you aren’t alone.”

    Electric bolts flew out of Pichu’s cheeks. “He tried trapping us here, Ruffy!”

    “Honestly, not lying, truthfully?” Stunfisk said, hope forming in his face.

    “You may have just tried to trap us, but if you can promise not to do that anymore, I’ll be your friend. How about it?” Rockruff reassured.

    They had a million reasons for why they should leave him here. He could easily wreak havoc as soon as they returned to the surface. But deep down, if Stunfisk was still the same pokémon mentioned in the journal, Rockruff would take that chance and blame. He needed to offer, if only to satisfy his own mind.

    Stunfisk gazed at Rockruff’s extended paw. “I… but-“

    FWOOOOSH! The doors to the room ruptured and sea water began pouring through.

    “Oh no! We are not getting swept out again!” Pachirisu shouted, stomping her foot.

    “The bubble created by the monolith is gone, not here, nonexistent. Soon this entire mystery dungeon will be submerged,” Stunfisk elaborated. He flopped to the monolith and pressed his body to it.

    Rockruff glanced at the water rising over his paws. “If we want to find an exit, we’ll have to be quick.”

    “There is no exit. It was lost when this place was damaged.”

    “What about…” Pachirisu dug through her bag, pulling out the Escape Orb. Its light was still dull. “This is a no-go too!”

    A silver tile appeared next to Team Piksqueak. A white portal formed above it.

    “I can draw the monolith’s remaining power to create a warp tile for you,” Stunfisk said.

    “For us? You can’t be staying,” Rockruff refuted, standing up. “That’s enough of living by…” His voice faltered as Stunfisk’s shape flickered and went transparent.


    “You don’t have to tell me twice! Come on, team!” Pichu jumped into the portal.

    “Great leader, waaaait!” Morpeko shouted, following after her.

    Pachirisu waved. “Thank you, Stunfisk!” She went in next.

    “Is there nothing I can do?” Rockruff said, backing up slowly.

    “You already have.” Stunfisk’s form shimmered once, and then was gone.

    “…Goodbye, Stunfisk.” Rockruff stepped into the portal. For a second, he thought he heard the faintest whisper.

    Thank you, for keeping him company. Though these may be little more than old ornaments, please… take care of themThey deserve to see light again. May the Revered One watch over you.

    A flash of a brown furred Deerling skipping over to Stunfisk went through his mind. Deerling stopped and embraced Stunfisk, gleefully smiling. Then Rockruff’s world went dark.


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