The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Keep it together human!

    Ezera exited his bedroom, relieved to be done with homework for the day. He walked across the loft, almost reaching the stairs when he heard his parents downstairs. He crouched and saw his mom prepping ingredients to cook. His dad sat at the dining table browsing on a laptop.

    “Hon? I think we should teach Ezera how to drive soon,” his dad suggested, clicking through a website.

    “Isn’t it a bit early? I thought being sixteen was the minimum you could get a permit,” Ezera’s mom replied, happily chopping away at a tomato.

    “It says here in some states that it starts as low as fifteen.”

    “Oh. I guess he can start looking at those practice guides for the written test.” She set the tomato to the side and grabbed another.

    “I’ll tell him to start looking into those.”

    “Why don’t you ask him first to see if he wants to learn?”

    His dad chuckled, out of disappointment or fondness, it was hard to say. “You and I both know he probably wouldn’t.”

    Ezera’s mom stopped chopping. “So you’ve noticed how nervous Ezera is when trying new things?”

    “Yes. What about it?” his dad replied.

    “I wonder why. Maybe we’ve sheltered him for too long. He lacks initiative,” his mom added, finishing the rest of the tomato. She walked to the pot on the stove and dumped them in.

    “That’s why I keep giving him talks to prepare him. He’ll snap out of it.”

    “Talking and actually experiencing it are two different things though. Maybe that’s why he’s scared. You keep telling him about your experiences and how bad it can be,” she said, turning her whole body to look at his dad.

    His dad returned the look with a frown. “And? It’s the truth. He needs to know.”

    “Does he? If we just let him explore, wouldn’t he be curious to try it out for himself?”

    “You’d rather let him walk blind instead of guiding him?” his dad said, closing the laptop.

    “I’m not saying that. Only maybe we should take a step back, let him take control for a bit.”

    His dad moved across the kitchen to where his mom was. He leaned on the counter, tilting his head to get a clearer view of her face.  “I understand, but it’s our responsibility to give him the knowledge so he can be prepared. Do you want to see him fail?”

    “Obviously not, but failing and getting hurt is part of life. Giving Ezera tips and warnings would suffice.”

    Ezera’s dad sighed. “Do you think he’d do well based on those alone? Just look at him sometimes. He breaks down more easily than others.”

    “You don’t have a lot of trust in your son then,” his mom argued, turning her focus to stir the pot.

    “What the hell are you sa-“

    Ezera didn’t stay to hear more. He returned to his room, closing the door softly. Falling into his desk chair with a sigh, he curled his knees up to his chest and brought out his phone.

    Me:  My parents are talking about me right now and getting into an argument

    Ezera dropped his phone into his lap. Muffled yelling traveled through the door and walls. Their arguments always made him anxious. He breathed deeply, trying not to think about it, lest he proved his dad’s point about breaking down. His phone notification went off.

    Elessedil:  What are they saying?

    Me:  That I’m too sheltered

    I guess it’s not wrong, they’ve always done a lot for me

    Elessedil:  Not to get off topic, but it must be nice

    Total opposite of how my parents treat me

    If you think you’re too sheltered, why not take the first step and do something small yourself?

    Me:  I would, except when I do my parents treat me like I’m still doing something wrong

    It’s like I can’t win


    Then again, I would be lying if I said it isn’t nice not having to worry about things

    Elessedil:  Look at this two sided snake


    You gotta make that change someday, how else are you going to move out?

    Me:  Who said I was moving out?

    Elessedil:  You’re not going to? O.o

    Me:  I’m kidding of course I am

    I know for sure I don’t want to be staying here my whole life

    It’s just idk when exactly I’ll move

    Maybe the start of college?

    Elessedil:  Almost got me there lol

    4 more years for you to go! And 3 for me

    Just do your best and I’ll have your back

    Me: Okayyyy, thanks

    Feeling better now

    Elessedil:  Then what are you waiting for? Stop texting me and go be productive lol

    Stay with me, we’re almost there!

    In the dead of night, coos of sleeping pidove filled the treetops. They rested near the edge of the forest, acting as unofficial sentries for the residents deeper within. If anything were to be wrong, they would be the first to know. And it was no exception this time…


    A violent vortex tore through the air. Purple and red lights flashed the small clearing like sirens, the vortex’s force pulling everything in the vicinity into it. Bark snapped off the trees. Plants and grass were stripped of their roots. Only the pidove were spared an unfortunate fate.

    “DANGER! DANGER!” a startled pidove shouted.

    “FLY! FLY AWAY!” another pidove yelled.

    Flocks of pidove soared into the sky, not knowing whether the danger would follow them. Below, the vortex continued swirling for a little longer. When it finally disappeared, only a small, green pokémon remained in the clearing, sleeping soundly among the tattered mess.

    Arc 1: Navigating a New Reality

    Chapter 1: A Brand New World

    Bright sunlight struck Litleo’s face, eliciting an annoyed grunt from her. She turned herself away from the window, trying to bury deeper into the wool cushion. Dreamland almost returned when a realization dawned on her.

    Wait a minute, it isn’t usually this bright when I get up,’ Litleo worried. She drowsily perked her head up, using a paw to rub the sleepiness away from her eyes. Peering out the window, the sun was well over the horizon. ‘If it’s that far up then midday is only a few hours away… which means I’ve missed roll call! Shoot!’

    Awake now, Litleo hurriedly leapt from her bed. She slipped on her adventurers’ satchel and took one look at the pair of scarves nestled on the other empty cushion. She sighed inwardly before reluctantly stuffing them inside the satchel, then raced out the room. Litleo bounded down the dark blue corridor, making a left to reach the staircase. She descended them half-hoping roll call started late, but the only pokémon in the lobby area were Wartortle and Corvisquire.

    “Finally up, Litleo?” Corvisquire greeted her, pausing the conversation he was having with his teammate.

    “Why didn’t anyone wake me?” she huffed. “Wartortle normally uses Water Gun if we oversleep.”

    “Aye, I do,” Wartortle explained, “but I was under explicit orders not to wake ye up today. Plus, ye ARE a fire-type.”

    “Uuugh, but now I might have to clean out Gana’s room,” Litleo groaned. ‘All that slime…‘ She shuddered at the thought.

    “Why not talk to the Guildmaster about it? He and Vicemaster Rapidash should be outside getting the updated list of outlaws,” Corvisquire suggested.

    “I suppose I can try… See you around.”

    “Next time I’ll definitely hit ye with a Water Gun!” Wartortle mischievously added as Litleo trudged away. “Or maybe a Hydro Pump. Heh, it’d be so funny to see yer react-” A loud THONK echoed through the room. “OW! What was that Peck for?!”

    “Can’t you see she’s not in the mood?” Corvisquire said.

    Glancing back, she saw Corvisquire start laughing and flying in circles to peck Wartortle. His teammate, however, was angrily trying to catch him. She shook her head wistfully. ‘Those two…

    Litleo continued on to the guild entryway, passing under the stone arch and stopping in the courtyard. Sure enough she recognized Sirfetch’d’s white feathers up ahead. He was sitting atop Rapidash’s pink and blue colored back, both of them listening intently to Sheriff Manectric. She started approaching the three pokémon but paused.

    I should wait until they finish up, otherwise they definitely won’t rethink the punishment,‘ Litleo concluded. Her tail swished along the ground in anticipation. With nothing better to do she plopped down and gazed at the exterior of the guild.

    The building itself was settled on a mound of land in the middle of a lake. Its center was a silver square base, with the corners rounding out to form columns and give it a castle-like appearance. A dark brown and beige pattern colored the sloped tile roof. From the top, two spires rose into the sky, one being shorter than the other. Circular structures also connected to the left and right of the base.

    Litleo’s eyes focused on the gray tapestry hanging above the archway. In the center the guild emblem was woven in – An orange shield with a vertical, cyan sword going through the center.

    How long ago was it that he guided me around..?

    “Take care now, Manectric!” Litleo heard Rapidash shout.

    She spun around, relieved to see Manectric finally heading out. ‘Okay, here goes.

    “Hi Guildmaster, about missing roll call-” Litleo began.

    “Ah hush, Aron. We figured you needed the rest,” Sirfetch’d cut in. “You’ve been working yourself to the cubone lately.” He let out a hearty laugh at his own joke. “Eh-hrm, all the other members are struggling to find enough work since you’ve done a lot already.”

    “It’s Litleo,” she corrected, ignoring the pun.

    “That’s what I said.”

    “Are you still thinking about Rockruff, dear?” Rapidash asked somberly, eyeing the scarves in Litleo’s bag.

    Hearing the name shot a Needle Sting through her heart. She closed the satchel’s top. “Ah… not as much. I’ve just wanted to do more, honestly,” Litleo lied, shuffling her paws.

    Rapidash’s eyes narrowed. “Everymon is worried about you. It won’t do any good to keep all those thoughts inside.”

    Whatever, even if she has good intentions I’m still not comfortable sharing.‘ Litleo flashed her a forced smile. “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Give me some more time and I’ll be back to my old self.”

    “That’s… not what I mean but fine, dear. I won’t push you,” Rapidash conceded.

    “Speaking of pushing, young Lairon,” Sirfetch’d said, “you are to not push yourself by taking any requests today. It’ll be strictly rest for you.”

    “Litleo,” she corrected once again, ears drooping at the order.

    “Same thing. Capiche?”

    “Yes, Guildmaster,” Litleo muttered.

    “Good! Why not start by hopping into town? Manectric was telling us about Alcremie’s special for the day- A Razz Berry swirl cheesecake topped with Mago Berry shavings. Mmmm, I think I’ll have to get one myself later…” It looked as if drool were about to fall from his beak.

    “You’re going to be the main course for Applin’s cooking soon,” Rapidash snorted, bouncing him lightly.

    “Hrmph! I’ll offer you up first,” he stated, pointing his leek sword to the sky. “Anyway, best you run along now Aggron.”

    “I told you it’s- ah, nevermind. Thanks Guildmaster,” Litleo said.

    She departed for Kaiyo Town, crossing the bridge connecting the guild to the mainland. Once a speck in the distance, Rapidash spoke up.

    “Do you think she’ll listen to your request?”

    Sirfetch’d stared blankly at the peaceful green scenery in front of him. “Most likely not. I’ve got a gut feeling something else is going to catch her attention today.”

    Litleo hated nothing more than wasting time— The time spent “resting” could be used looking for answers to her friend’s whereabouts. Nonetheless, she couldn’t exactly disobey orders from the Guildmaster, as lenient as he was. Litleo kept on the cobble road until Kaiyo Town was visible up ahead. Uniform homes composed the majority of the town. Their same design of rectangular foundations and arched roofs lined the residential districts, while the shops and stalls served to break the monotony with their unique architecture and bright assortment of colors.

    One such standout was Alcremie’s Bakery. As Litleo passed the wooden fence that acted as the boundary of the town, the bakery’s bright pink appearance further down immediately caught her eye. It was settled in a good spot, since weary travelers passed this road frequently, and the allure of baked goods was often enough to make them stop by. Litleo herself was tempted by it. The smell of fresh dough greeted her nose, and she couldn’t help but salivate at it. The image of crunching on the buttery bread-

    No, I can’t get distracted. What if he’s in trouble?‘ she thought, shaking her head. Litleo came to rest at the plaza, observing the lanturn fountain spewing out water. ‘Ugh, maybe Sirfetch’d was right about resting. That trek from the guild to here already has me tired.‘ An idea struck her. ‘Wait, he said I couldn’t take any requests today. He didn’t say anything about getting information. But where do I go? It’s either the shop stalls or Passimian’s Pub… pub it is.

    Litleo looked out across the plaza, searching for the pub’s signature green berry-shaped roof. She immediately found it on the opposite side of the fountain, and proceeded over to the door. Once inside, her nose crinkled at the overripe berry odor. ‘Gross, this place still smells just as bad as I remember it.’

    The pub’s flooring was made out of light yellow sandstone. Similarly, the walls were painted a creamier shade to give the place an island atmosphere. Wooden tables were scattered about, acting as “trees” for pokémon to sit at. Litleo went over to the counter and hopped up on a stool to call Passimian over. The bartender was in the midst of mixing a drink, not hearing Litleo’s voice until she shouted, “Passimian, all your customers are leaving!”

    At that, Passimian dropped his mixture and spun around frantically. Realizing no immediate danger, he made direct eye contact with Litleo and bounded over.

    “Yo, yo, yo! If it isn’t my favorite adventurer Little Leo,” Passimian welcomed. “Although, not quite sure I appreciate the jumpscare.”

    “Could’ve been avoided if you looked up and not down all the time,” Litleo replied.

    “True, I guess that one’s on me. You could be a ghost-type, y’know that? Anyway, I had this suuuuper poppin’ idea for a new mix and just had to make it right now. Or, have to remake now that you made me drop it. Care to try?”

    Litleo suppressed a shiver at the thought of trying a new drink from him. “Er, maybe another time.”

    “Suit yourself! So then, what can I do for you?” Passimian asked, grabbing another set of berries from his shelf.

    “I was hoping you could do me a favor. It’s about-” Litleo’s breath caught, but she gathered herself and resumed. “Rockruff, my missing partner.”

    “Ol’ Rockruff? He’s been gone for some time, hasn’t he? I miss that little guy. Sure. I still owe you two for catching the thief that took my berry supply. What’cha need me to do?”

    “Could you keep an ear out for anything that might have to do with him? You have lots of pokémon coming in and out everyday, surely one of them might know something?”

    “For sure, for sure. You wouldn’t believe how willing folks are to talk after one drink.” Passimian emphasized this by pouring the now finished mixture into a bowl. “Consider it done! Anything else I can do for you, champ?”

    “That’s it, thanks. I’m going to check out a few more areas of town.”

    “Alright, good luck! I’ll send something over to the guild if I hear anything interesting.”

    Litleo hopped off the stool, eager to leave the overwhelming berry smell behind. She barely stepped outside when a small, gray figure barreled through and knocked the wind out of her. Teeth bared, she regained her stance and faced the attacker, only to realize it was a frightened pidove.

    “Oh sweet combee, I’m so sorry!” Pidove exclaimed. “I was so panicked I didn’t think of where I was going, and then there’s the fact I was flying with…” Pidove’s eyes widened in realization of Litleo. “I recognize you! You- you’re from the guild! Oh perfect, I was just heading there but since you’re here I can just ask you!”

    “I really don’t think I can help you ma’am,” Litleo said, sidestepping to get away. “I’m kind of busy at the moment-“

    Pidove intercepted her path instantly. “But you haven’t even heard my request!”

    “Yes, because I’m sure whatever it is must be pretty serious,” Litleo argued, sidestepping again. “So I think you’re better off asking the more experienced teams-“

    Pidove flapped her wings in exasperation. “They might not find it worth their time! And I can’t offer any reward… Please, it’s a really small matter.”

    Litleo’s annoyance rose at her persistence. ‘I could always pretend and say I’ll do it…‘ She pictured Rapidash somehow finding word of that. Not a good idea. “Fine, what’s wrong?”

    “Oh thank you, miss! See, my flock and I were resting in Verdan Forest last night when a sudden quake woke us. There were these strange lights, and we got so scared we flew immediately out of there. Now that it’s day, is it possible for you to inspect the place? Make sure there’s nothing wrong?”

    This is a small matter?! There’s no reward, and I’m not even supposed to be doing anything today. Still, strange lights and some rumbling?‘ Her fur bristled. ‘This could be a trick of some sort. But if there’s a chance Rockruff is there, I have to go.

    “Do you remember where you were in Verdan Forest?” Litleo questioned.

    “Mmmm…” Pidove tilted her head. “We settled inside the entrance not too far from here. Once you go in there should be a ring of bushes to the right, that’s where the light came from.”

    “Got it. I’ll head over there now. You stay here and I’ll come back once I’ve finished.”

    “Thank you again, miss! Please be safe!”

    Litleo nodded and raced to the north side of town. She weaved through the crowds of pokémon, being wary of potential guild members who might see her leaving. Once she passed the northern fence, she sprinted even faster toward the most interesting thing she’d heard in months.

    The run released any tension Litleo had held up to this point. She thought nothing, letting her legs take her across the small hills up to the outskirts of the forest. She caught her breath as she arrived at the opening in the trees. Various pawprints and footprints in the ground indicated this was the entrance.

    Litleo walked forward, noting how the area seemed to take on a pale green hue. Shadows covered most of the path thanks to the canopy up above, giving her further respite. Along with the cool breeze against her fur, the soft dirt underneath, and the rhythmic swishes of the branches, it was no wonder so many pokémon liked calling the forest their home.

    Pidove said there was a ring of bushes on the right, is it further down?‘ Litleo wondered.

    She plodded on, watching carefully for any wild pokémon. The last thing she wanted was to encounter an angry pangoro. ‘Not when I’m so close to finding a clue about him.‘ After a few moments, Litleo found the ring of bushes by crawling through the undergrowth on the side of the trail, where she gasped at the grisly mess before her.

    The shrubs themselves were barren. Their leaves had been torn away, scattered over a patch of dirt that was once healthy grass. The surrounding trees were in a similar condition. The bark on them had been strewn and ripped about.

    Did a pokémon do all this?‘ Litleo’s nose twitched. Her heart jumped. ‘Hold on… there’s somemon here.‘ She took a few steps forward before her hope was dashed. In the center of the patch was a short, olive green tail that stuck up beside the leaves. She followed the tail to the body, then to the dark green horn on its head. Two tusks sprouted from the mouth.

    An axew? In Verdan Forest? That’s strange already, not even considering the state of this place. Were they the one to rampage all over here? I have to be careful…‘ Litleo watched Axew, looking for signs of breathing. ‘They don’t look dead so I suppose I have no choice but to wake them.

    She scooped up a branch with her mouth and tossed it at Axew. “Hey, wake up.”

    The tiny dragon stirred. “Mmmm…” Axew murmured.

    “Hey, could you stop dreaming? You’ve got to get up, it’s not that safe here. Are you hurt?”

    Axew’s eyes fluttered open. “Who’s… What the- I don’t remember falling asleep here.” He pushed himself up to a sitting position. “Why do my arms feel so weird?” He looked down and let out a yelp. “HOLY CRAP!”

    “Keep your voice down!” Litleo hissed, flicking her tail in irritation. She didn’t need this idiot making her sour mood worse. “Do you want to attract every pokémon that lives here?”

    Axew turned to look at her. “Wait wait wait waaaaiiit… Did you say pokémon? Like the ones from the games?”

    “What? You’re speaking nonsense and I want NO part of it. Besides, can we please discuss your mental state somewhere less dangerous?” Litleo insisted.

    Axew glanced down at himself again and felt his legs. “…Uh, sure. Then we can discuss your attitude. Lemme just, stand real quick…” He rocked back and forth, gathering momentum before standing up… and falling face first. “Oof! Why are my limbs so stupidly short?” He used his arms this time to thrust back, wobbling a bit, but his tiny stature balanced his center of gravity quickly.

    Axew pivoted to face Litleo, sizing her up. “I mean, I’ll admit I haven’t been totally caught up with the series after Black and White… so I haven’t got any idea what you are,” he remarked. “Interesting dream to make up my own pokémon though.”

    Just great. Why did I have to meet this crazy ‘mon? Was he hit with a super boosted Psychic or Confusion?‘ She warily eyed him. “You’re not dreaming. I’m Litleo, part of the Kaiyo Adventurers’ Guild.”

    “It’s not? I guess it does feel a little too surreal… then again it could be my mind psyching me out. But Litleo, huh? Nice to meet you,” Axew said, taking a small step closer to her. “I’m Ez-“

    Heat built up in Litleo’s mane as she backed away. “Stay right there. I don’t trust you if you caused the destruction to this area.”

    Ezera frowned, looking about. “Excuse you, I just woke up here, there’s no way I did this.”

    “Uh huh. You got a name?”

    “I was gonna tell you before I was rudely interrupted. It’s Ezera.”

    “I’m assuming that’s your wild name and not your Kin name?” Litleo clarified. She’d never seen an axew up close before, so it was hard to tell if he had any features that distinguished him from a wildmon or townsmon.

    “My… what? Ezera is my one and only name,” he answered.

    What is wrong with this guy?‘ She sighed heavily. “No, if you’re a townsmon you go by species name. Then you have a Kin name for those special to you. But you’re a wildmon so you don’t follow that rule, correct?”

    Ezera continued staring at her like she’d committed murder. “A wild what? Sorry, you’re kinda saying too many things at once.”

    You,” Litleo enunciated, “are an axew, are you not?”

    Ezera examined himself for the third time, then touched his tusks. He briefly turned around and went wide eyed seeing his tail. “I’m an axew?! Woah, how did I not realize that sooner?”

    What. A. Complete. Idiot,‘ Litleo groaned inwardly. She inhaled, keeping her composure. “And you call yourself… Eh-zur-uh.”

    Ezera lightly chuckled. “I’m not about to call myself something different after eighteen years.”

    Litleo tensed, flexing her claws. “Okay, so you are a wildmon. Where do you live?”

    “I… don’t think you would know the place,” he said, half smirking.

    He’s definitely suspicious,‘ she thought. “Tell me, how did you get here?”

    “How’d I get here? I, uh…” Ezera paused, smirk fading. “I, uh… I’d just finished reading, and we were going to watch a movie. And then… then what did I do? I can’t remember.” He scratched his head.

    Movie…? Must be some dragon-type culture.‘ “You’re being vague. Who’s we?” Litleo demanded, patience growing even thinner.

    “My parents and I,” Ezera answered.

    If Litleo knew Rock Throw she would’ve used it on Ezera right then and there. “Who are what? Fraxure? Haxorus?”

    Ezera shook his head. “No, not other pokémon. They- WE, are humans.”

    Litleo’s legs buckled. ‘Ack! A human?‘ Her head tightened at that word, producing a ringing sound in her ears. She gritted her teeth. ‘Why do I feel like I should know this?‘ The ringing stopped, allowing her to recompose herself.

    “Now it’s my turn to see if you’re okay. What happened to you?” Ezera asked worriedly.

    “Nng… Nothing.” ‘It’s probably just a hunger pang since I didn’t eat this morning.‘ She jerked her head in the direction of the path. “A bold claim to say you’re human. If you really are one then I’m going to take you to the guild. You don’t seem to be dangerous, based on how clueless you are.”

    “You don’t believe me?”

    “Why would I trust your word when I don’t even know you? Now for the last time, move so we can get out of here.”

    Ezera reluctantly headed toward the undergrowth. Litleo watched him crawl through first, then followed suit. As she marched behind him, something immediately became clear to her. To say Ezera walked funny would be an understatement. Instead of simply putting one leg in front of the other, he kept… raising each leg in an outward circular motion, much like a ‘mon who was trying to avoid the tiniest rain puddles on the ground.

    Litleo decided to keep quiet. ‘I’d rather not hear anymore nonsense come out of his mouth.’ She was inclined to believe his parents accidentally dropped him off a mountain cliffside as a child. The pair continued in silence until Ezera halted a few feet in front of the forest entrance.

    “Sorry, but do you have a mirror? Or is there some water nearby? I’m still not convinced this is real,” Ezera stated.

    Litleo eyed him flexing his tiny fingers. “I could hit you with a nice, real Ember,” she proposed.

    “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.” Ezera widened his stance and placed his hands on his hips. “Okay, hit me.”

    Litleo’s jaw dropped slightly. ‘Why would he willingly want to get hurt by an attack?‘ She blinked before saying, “I was being sarcastic.”

    “And I was being serious,” Ezera reassured, patting his chest. “If there’s no pain then I’ll be fine, right?”

    “I’m not going to attack you so close to town. That’s grounds for a fine if you decide to trick me and say I harmed an innocent civilian.”

    “I barely know how to walk right now. There’s no way I’m going to pull something on you. Come on, I’m literally giving you permission,” Ezera pleaded, letting his arms hang.

    She couldn’t help but think that blasting him with an Ember sounded good. ‘Maybe he’ll start behaving normally if I hit him hard enough.‘ “Alright, you asked for it,” Litleo conceded. She inhaled, gathering warm energy in her chest. The familiar feeling of heat rising in her throat came. In the next moment swirls of fire unleashed from her mouth. Ezera watched in awe as they sailed to his location. He shouted as the swirls struck and knocked him onto his rear.

    “OW, OW, OW! That’s- that’s really hot,” Ezera stammered, rubbing the areas where he got hit.

    Litleo snickered at the sight. “Are you still convinced this is fake?”

    A dazed look sat on Ezera’s face. “No, wait… can you- can you hit me again?”

    “I’m going to ignore the fact you might actually enjoy pain and say no.”

    Ezera resumed staring off into space. “This is… legit… I’ve been made a pokémon? This…” His brow furrowed as he rubbed his fingers together. “How can that…?”

    He’s still delusional, so much for that.‘ She swiped some dirt at Ezera. “Hey, you got your answer. You can have your crisis at the guild later.”

    As Litleo finished her statement a rustling in the bushes echoed in the air. Her tail shot straight up. She peered out, searching for the origin of the noise.

    “What was that?” Ezera whimpered.

    “Shush! This is exactly why I wanted to get out of here. Quick, let’s dash-“

    The swooshing of leaves interrupted her sentence. Ezera looked in terror as large hedges grew from the ground, trapping them in a box-like area. An Oddish and Blipbug leapt from behind the bushes. The Oddish’s middle leaf was yellow, and Blipbug had a missing antenna. Their beady eyes glared at the duo.

    “They’ve trapped us in their Grassy Terrain,” Litleo hissed. “We’ll have to fight them.”

    “Wait, I don’t know how to fight! I need a beginner’s tutorial or something,” Ezera said, panicking. “Why not try reasoning with them?”

    “Destroyers of the forest! We’ll teach you to mess with our land,” Oddish growled.

    “What she said!” Blipbug added.

    Litleo bared her teeth. “Do they look open to reason? You’re a dragon-type and a so-called human, you’ll figure it out. I’ll take Blipbug.”

    “At least tell me one thing!” Ezera begged.

    But Litleo had already charged into battle.

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    1. May 18, '24 at 11:24 pm

      So here I am with some of my thoughts for the Diner’s P-Wheel event.

      To start, I like the glimpse we get into Ezera’s human life. Getting to see the normal goings on of our protagonist’s household. A not bad, but not great relationship with his parents, and his online friend that he seems to confide in. And it all has me thinking how his relationships with them could possibly shape his actions though the rest of the story, as his dad seems to want a version of him that just isn’t who he is.

      I find it interesting that the mysterious vortex appears between a circle of trees, kind of giving me the implication at the time that this has possibly happened before. So by the time chapter 1 rolls around, after what happened with the vortex I quickly got some ‘Oh crap, why is the sun rising at 2am?’ vibes when Litleo’s part began… At least until I read it further. So yeah, that had kinda me there in the first half for a bit. Now as for Litleo’s missing partner, a nice little spot of intrigue to spur things on after whatever seems to be going on in regards to the vortex appearing.

      A bit of a rough introduction between our two heroes, Litleo thinking that the human turned Axew is a crazed moron, and Ezera being confused out of his mind… I think they’ll be good friends. And we end things off with our titular human getting tossed right into the deep end with his first battle. But I’m sure he’ll be fine, as he’s paired with a determined and reliable- and she’s already charged into the fray. Another thing, as I type this out I can’t help but think about the fact that Ezera being kind of a softie is coupled with him turning into a dragon type. As these pokemon are often depicted as being quite the opposite.

      Overall I think this is a pretty fun read so far, and is definitely something I’d like to check up on sometime.

      Last edited on May 18, '24 at 11:29 pm.