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    Cover of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Sigil of the Shards
    StoryActionAdventureDungeonExplorationHorrorMusicRomanceSlice of LifeSupernaturalSurvivalAlakazamHaxorusMudkipQuilavaScorbunny

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Sigil of the Shards

    by thechargingrhino

    The Sigil Shards were once a powerful artifact that could smite legends and repel evil forces. Lost to history, these items now only exist in legends and myths. But what if I told you that they still existed? Would you believe me?

    Heavily inspired by the Legend of Zelda series, Sigil of the Shards intends to be a story brought to life with a complete soundtrack and various art pieces. Join Rune and Zay as they navigate the vast world of Hylios and learn that some ancient myths and legends are indeed very real…

    1. No chapters published yet.