The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Silence. Everyone was gathered in the main room of Pokétopia’s agent base, yet all was silent. Heads were hung, some had their eyes closed, and any shuffles were kept to a minimum. Even Kuri was leaned against the wall in silence.

    Eventually, Marina began to shift forward a bit, and nodded her head as if struggling to keep a hold of herself. She did fall forward completely, but she was caught and held by Athens. He struggled to lift her, but after a shudder and a sniffle, she picked herself back up.

    “Marina,” Athens muttered.

    “It’s okay. It’s okay. I knew this day was coming. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon,” she said. Her tone was unbearable. She opened her eyes and they were filled with tears, yet she maintained a straight face. It was morbid to look at. “We don’t have time to waste. We have to focus now.”

    “Mum,” Lute whispered.

    “You don’t have to be so strong you know. No one here is judging you,” Kuri said without looking at her.

    “Are you sure?” Marina whimpered. No one replied, but their sorrowful appearances were an answer enough. Seeing that, the Vaporeon sniffled once more and then leaned on the table with her paws by her eyes. Tears streaked down her face and weak hiccups strained her voice, which echoed throughout the room. “She’s gone. I can’t believe she’s actually gone.”

    Lute couldn’t look at her. He had seen Marina get emotional a fair share of times, yet this time it felt the worst. He hadn’t ever considered Marina and Silver to be close friends, yet here she was, staining the floor and the table with tears. She sounded like she was trying to say something more, but all those words were lost to her wails.

    He felt guilty, even though he didn’t do anything. Or perhaps that was the problem, the fact that he didn’t try harder to help Silver, and in a way, contributed to her death by attacking her. No matter what way he thought about it, he regretted his actions. Both the out of character decision to attack her, but also the self-defence feelings that made him stay quiet in the first place.

    “Silver fought so hard against Spirle for all this time. S-she dedicated everything she had to them. Even though we were far apart, I always knew,” Marina said, unable to stop her tears or stabilise her voice. “Perhaps if I hadn’t run away back then, all those years ago, things could have turned out differently. Perhaps I could have really understood how she felt and made her happier.”

    “It’s not fair to blame yourself. You were protecting you and Lute,” Infia reasoned.

    “Besides, it was all because of Spirle. You came back and helped, even though you were suffering all that mental pain,” Esther added. “Ya’know? Like, you let Lute and that lot make a team. And then you started working with the agents again, too. You weren’t scared at all; you just did what you could.”

    “And now, thanks to Spirle’s twisted ambition, you’ve lost one of your strongest,” Kuri joined in. “The only regretful thing you could do now is refuse to finish what she started.”

    “Kuri?” Marina replied, surprised that he approached.

    “Lassic is away. Silver is gone. The only one left who can steer this ship is you,” he stated. Marina gulped and sniffled. “So finish it. When your head’s clear, review all the information and come up with a plan.”

    Marina shuddered and took a deep breath. She had to blink her eyes dry. “You’re right. I know you’re right, and still… you’ll have to forgive me. I need an evening.”

    “It may be for the best if we drop this here,” Athens suggested, and helped to guide Marina away. He stopped in the doorway. “I suggest you all remain here for the evening. You are free to go where you wish, but do not leave Pokétopia.”

    Lute finally glanced up at everyone. The only Pokémon present were his group, Athens and Marina who had just left, and then a few other agents who had come to hear their report. Storm had been apprehended and locked up, but claimed he knew nothing that they didn’t already know.

    This was a cast he had gotten used to. Outside of his friends, the agents usually retained a professional stance of no emotion whatsoever. Even they were slumped forward and looked ready to punch a wall and throw themselves into bed. Frustrated frowns, heads leaned in paws, and all else across the board.

    “I need to clear my head, too.” Sophitia suddenly stood up and left before anyone could say anything.

    “Sophitia,” Lute glanced back and forth.

    He ignored the few awkward glances he got and followed, although she slowed down once she left the room. She didn’t say anything when he caught up, either. He was concerned that they were leaving the base through the lifts. They went in, and even when the door shut, she didn’t press anything until a moment of silence. She let out an angry huff and smashed the button for the roof.

    He groaned a little, and tried not to look too miserable. Stood this close to her, he felt her cold trembles and every little huff she let out. He wanted to say something, anything, but no words came. Because of that, the lift felt far longer than it ever did. No one came in or out, nor did it stop on any floor. Yet it felt like a dozen minutes before it finally opened up to the roof lounge.

    They walked slowly over to the clearest edge of the area, the one part with benches and the shortest hedge. No one else was here, so they sat right at the end.

    Silence again. Silence besides the distant crowds below going about their business. He had been so busy with everything going on that he had forgotten about Pokétopia’s twilight aesthetic. The navy blue, night time hue made exciting thanks to the show lights that illuminated every street. All those neon shop signs and happy crowds of Pokémon doing their thing. This city never slept. There were always crowds around, crowds that clearly weren’t worried about Risen or Spirle, or existential crisis’.

    He was brought back to focus by Sophitia forming her sword. Just her sword. She held it out and glared at it with concentration. This was his first time getting to look at it so closely, despite it being used so much. It was a glowing pink blade with a handle that melded right into the skin of her feeler. Despite the feeler’s floppy, light, and flexible appearance, the blade was long, stiff, and heavy. Yet she could hold it up and swing it around without breaking a sweat.

    “If I knew how to use Return, I might’ve been able to save her,” Sophitia said. He flinched back and realised he was staring.

    “D-don’t blame yourself,” he stuttered.

    “But I failed everyone. I actually failed everyone,” she shivered. “That was the hardest battle I’ve ever had to do.”

    “Really?” he said.

    She frowned further, and then gave him a look. “What?”

    “Yeah… really? Was that really the hardest battle you’ve ever had to do? Silver was going to beat us when she wasn’t a Risen,” he clarified. She turned back to the scenery.

    “Tsk. We would’ve figured something out. That wasn’t going to end like that. But this, I had to use an attack that I don’t know how to do. And I couldn’t figure it out. I-I freaked out, so I just… attacked,” she admitted. “I could have just taken her attacks. They were dragon moves; they wouldn’t have hurt me.”

    “Don’t blame yourself,” he raised his voice.

    “But it was my fault, Lute!” she cried.

    “You did what we couldn’t do. You’re always doing what the rest of us can’t do,” he looked down. “It’s pathetic, really. I promised I’d help you get your memory back and find out who you really were and stuff. I promised I’d protect you, too. Yet, you’ve done everything.”

    “Well blaming yourself isn’t going to make this any better, either,” she tapped him.

    “But it’s true. You’ve saved us on so many occasions. You stop arguments, you lead us in the right directions, and when the going gets really rough, you always do the boldest things. I’m trying, yet I can never keep up with you. Or anyone else, really. Even Infia’s come into her own more than me,” Lute explained. He turned away. “The one time we really needed to help you out and do what you couldn’t do, and I couldn’t do a thing. I failed you.”

    “Lute, this is about Silver, not me or you! Don’t be so selfish,” she snapped.

    “I’m not being – no, this is totally about you!” he cried. “Sophitia, you had to make a decision for everyone’s sake, and we failed you!”

    She gave him an angry look, so he shook himself and came closer. “If it was possible to save Silver, you were the one thinking about it most. But all of us were also in danger. You had to choose to struggle and save Silver, or save us and spare everyone the pain. You took it on yourself.”

    “Oh, whatever. I just feel like shit. I could’ve saved her, I really could’ve, but my one shortcoming stopped me. I can’t not be frustrated about that,” she said, and turned back to the scenery.

    Her body went stiff so much that she was trembled. She breathed loudly, but she didn’t say anything. He raised a paw to say something, but all of a sudden, he choked up. He didn’t know what to say. She was right, after all. If this Return move could have saved Silver, then her not knowing it, despite the fact that Diancie tried to teach her the move, was a major shortcoming. It was such a massive shortcoming that it cost someone else’s life.

    And now, they had to deal with a heartbroken Marina.

    He kept trying. He ran all sorts of words through his mind, but nothing made a sentence. He even opened his mouth to just blurt something out, but not a sound came. In the end, he just squeezed right up to her and hugged her leg instead. The instant he did, her stiff shivers came to a complete stop.

    She relaxed after a moment too, and when she did, he shut his eyes. He soon felt a bit of shuffling, and then the two of them were huddled close. She sat up and cradled him from behind, keeping him between her hind legs, and her face down close to his. Without even thinking about it, he brought up a paw and linked it to one of hers.

    “Thanks,” she whispered.

    That was it. They sat like that for a while, cheek fur lightly brushed together, paws linked, and bodies loose and relaxed. He still didn’t know what to say, but that seemed to be okay. Like this, his own frustrations of not being useful didn’t seem to matter.

    He was so quiet and relaxed that he could have slept right there. He had forgotten how plush and warm her body felt. Perhaps it was fairy magic that soothed him every time. Being this close to another Pokémon that wasn’t family was always such a cringey situation, yet with her, it felt right. As if he could do this with her at any time and it would keep him happy. He instinctively began to nuzzle her a bit more, but her response to that was to pull away a little.

    “No. Not now,” she mumbled as she broke away. He glanced up to see a little smile on her face. “You’re a real rascal, you know that?”

    “What did I do?” he replied.

    “Never mind, you little fluff ball,” she said, and ruffled his head fur. She got up to reposition herself, settling down on her front and prompted him to join her. “We both screwed up. And all we can do from here on is try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

    “By… learning Return? I-I could try and help you learn it,” he tilted his head.

    “One thing at a time, Lute. You need to learn how to use your own moves well before you start tutoring anyone else,” she said.

    “Yeah, you’re right. Especially when it comes to keeping up with you,” he sighed.

    “You said it, not me. But also, if we don’t stop Lassic, we might not even have the chance to do that,” she said, staring at the Pokémon below.

    “You think it’s Lassic, too? The King of Spirle. We haven’t actually seen them yet, and Storm didn’t know, either,” he stared as well.

    “To be honest, no. I know it’s possible, but until I see it for myself, the real King of Spirle is just a mystery to me. It’s just easier to think of it that way. Lassic is easier to say than Spirle King,” she said.

    He paused. “Sophitia, are you okay?”

    “You’re asking me that now?” She smiled.

    “I don’t know. You seemed really upset before, but now you just seem like, casual? I don’t know, I don’t get it,” he said. “I… I feel like you’re trying to do what Mum was trying to do earlier. But you don’t have to be strong now, too. If something’s bothering you, we can talk about it, you know? I mean, you have a lot going on.”

    “No I don’t. I have just as much as you guys,” she said.

    “You have your missing memories which have come back a bit thanks to those visions. There’s Diancie, and the fact that you have a sword and shield. We still haven’t figured out like, any of that,” he said with a frown. “I feel like you’re just being really casual about that stuff for some reason. You always have, but now it’s all built up and it’s kinda serious, you know?”

    “Well, it’s not. It is what it is. I have these cool powers, and I’m using ‘em to be a heroine. Just like how you’re using your powers to be a hero,” she explained.

    “What’re you talking about? You just admitted that you not understanding your powers is what made you attack Silver,” he raised his voice. Her face twisted sharply, and she sucked in a breath so suddenly that it looked like it hurt. He realised what he just said, and his chest tightened. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

    “Oh shut up,” she said, and pulled him into her. He yelped, but froze when he realised that she had only brought him into another cuddle. “That’s it. Right there. That’s how you do it.”

    “How I do it? What?” He started to blush. She kept him close with her feelers and glared down at him endearingly. She batted her eyes at him, to which he groaned and shuffled away. She let him go, but only to trot around him while teasing him with her feelers.

    “You finally talked to me on equal. I’m your leader, yet you didn’t hold back. Finally. You finally talked to me like a hero would,” she said, stopping in front of him.

    “Er… okay?” He tilted his head.

    “Don’t you get it, Lute? I’m not going to spell it out for you. But that, right there, is something I’ve been waiting for you to do for so long,” she confessed. “Now you tell me. Tell me how you really feel about this whole thing.”

    “How I feel?” he said. He looked down at his feet. Now he was confused, but the question was clear. If she was asking, then whatever was wrong with her, it might actually help her to be honest. “I don’t really know. Everything’s been happening so fast. And when I think about it, it’s gotten really crazy, too. But the main thing is, I’m really glad you’re here, still?”

    “Go on,” she said with a half-lidded gaze.

    “Er… None of this ever would’ve happened if I didn’t follow you that day, back then in Everend. Or if you decided not to stick with me. Nothing’s actually gone that well in hindsight, but despite that, you’ve stuck with me and helped me even when I was at my worst. I’m still scared, and I’m still angry at myself for being so weak. But I’m also okay, because I know that you’re here, and that makes me feel like everything’s going to be okay?” he continued. He slowly looked up at her, but blushed at her smile and rubbed his face. “That’s probably a bad thing to feel. Sorry, Sophitia.”

    “Don’t apologize, just go on! Keep telling me how awesome and special I am,” she joked.

    “Wait is that what this is about?” He slumped forward.

    “Maybe,” she giggled.

    “Your ego’s as big as your belly sometimes,” he said with a groan. That set off her laughing, and she danced around him a bit more.

    “But that’s fine, isn’t it? I’m fine knowing that you’re fine. Yeah this is probably super big headed, but knowing that you look up to me so much keeps me going, y’know? I can be confident because you have nothing to complain about. You and the others. When the time comes and I do really need you guys’ help, I’ll make sure that I do. But until then, I’m gonna make sure that you can rest easy,” she stopped by the edge of the roof once more. “Hey. We’re definitely going to be headed to one huge battle very soon. It’s best to make sure that you don’t have any regrets going into a battle this huge. Y’know, make sure there’s absolutely nothing on your mind.”

    “Nothing on my mind,” he mumbled. “The only thing I can think of is, I wish you didn’t say you don’t want to need us. We’re your friends, we’re here to help.”

    “Oh never mind that, that’s not what I mean, silly,” she said.


    “I mean nothing you wanna say. To me. About stuff. And how you’re feeling,” she leaned into him. He leaned back and blushed again. There was a moment of silence.

    “Nothing.” He scratched his face.


    “Yeah. There’s nothing else I really wanna talk about.”

    Absolutely nothing at all?”

    “Uh, nothing. Sophitia, is there something you want to say to me?” he cocked his head. Her face went bright red.

    “N-no. Nothing at all. I-I mean, I’m perfect, so there’s no regrets I could have going into this. I just thought because you cuddled me back there and all that, that maybe there might’ve been something you were trying to tell me,” she admitted with a sway of her head.

    “I just copied you, actually. You’d do that when I was feeling bad and it always made me feel better,” he rubbed his face.

    “Oh. Of course. Figures.” She looked away.

    Then there was a moment of silence. He snickered at her to break it. She was about to tell him off when a peculiar, futuristic noise burst through the area. It made the two of them keep quiet, stand up, and look around.

    An unnatural silence began to replace the usual chatter of Pokétopia. Lights began to go out in a wave across the city, causing the streets below to look like the depths of a dark dungeon. Worried chatter started up and muffled screams echoed as gondolas stopped in mid-flight. The city fell to complete darkness.

    “The power’s out?” Sophitia said.

    “But how? Everything’s V-Wave powered,” Lute said, glancing back and forth. “This is bad. We should get back to the others.”

    “Wait, look!” she gasped.

    He followed her gaze down to the dark roads below, not seeing anything for a short while. Soon, that strange sound began to vibrate the entire world around them. A sinister red glow began to tear through the ground in a stream of blood-red particles that ran through the planet in a gradually enlarging crack. It was like a giant fissure was opening up below Pokétopia. Red energy flooded out in a massive eruption that briefly reached the sky of the Pokétopia dome.

    “What is this?” Lute whispered, frozen stiff with a gawk.

    The red energy settled below their height, just below the height of the rooftops, but the red particles flew high enough to turn the sky red. A few moments later, Lute’s team badge began to vibrate nonstop, and he scrambled to pull it out of his belongings. Even after her took it out and mashed the button, it wouldn’t stop vibrating, and the screen wouldn’t show up, either.

    And then the worst of it came. It hit him almost when it felt like it was too late. A severe lack of air. He was breathing through his nose, but he didn’t seem to get any oxygen from it. He gasped a dry breath, coughed, fell forward, and then resorted to deep breaths aloud, keeping his paws by his neck. Only with this maximum effort was he getting air, and even then, it was just about enough to stay energized. He was literally suffocating.

    “Lute? Lute hey c’mon, get a hold of yourself,” Sophitia gasped.

    “C-can barely b-breathe. You’re okay?” He forced himself to speak.

    “I’m… fine,” she said, going blank. She snatched the badge from him and held it out, but the screen still didn’t appear. “Damn it, c’mon already.”

    The screen suddenly popping up made her jump back, and she juggled the badge on her feelers. There wasn’t anything on the screen except for grey static, however. She froze to stare at it, and after stabilising his breath, Lute joined her. A voice came through clearer than expected.

    “Pokémon of Aseria. Many of you must be in a panic now, but you must stop and calm down. Please, heed my words and listen to me very carefully,” the voice said.

    “It’s Lassic,” Sophitia whispered.

    “Many of the older generation will remember this. Twenty years ago, Aseria was struck by a seemingly endless rain of meteors made of fire. These destroyed a great percentage of the world, and left the rest bathed in insatiable flames. It was a time where our world was nearly completely and utterly reduced to ashes. But thanks to our cooperation and advancing understanding of nature, we were able to save ourselves and rebuild the world,” Lassic spoke. “Since then, I have worked tirelessly in an effort to evolve the world of Pokémon. The meteorite event nearly made Pokémon extinct, because they weren’t prepared to face such a crisis. However, I refused to stand idly by. I researched, and tested, and evolved our society into a state where such a crisis would never take our world ever again.”

    “What’s he talking about? What’s going on?” Lute huffed.

    “Shh. Just listen,” Sophitia ordered.

    “But the meteor event was just a taster of what was to come. The worst natural disaster Aseria has ever suffered is soon to befall us. It is a rapture, a complete and total eradication of all life on this planet,” Lassic continued. Their eyes were wide. “The red particles you see around you, stripping you of air are no greater than V-Waves, at a density so high that it physically hurts Pokémon. The world of Aseria intends to drain itself of these V-Waves, disabling our technology, our powers, our very life force, in attempt to bring Pokémon to extinction.”

    “But why am I fine?” Sophitia whispered, clutching her chest. She glanced at Lute who was still struggling.

    “But I am prepared once again. I can save you. I can stop this rapture, but only if you as Pokémon cooperate with me. It is time for us to evolve once again, as Pokémon, as a society, as a world. I have discovered the deepest secrets of the ancient phenomenon of the V-Wave, and now have gained total control over it. I will not allow it to destroy our world,” Lassic announced. “Pokémon! You must cooperate with me. You must all come to Pokétopia. By any means possible, make your way to this dome in the centre of Aseria. Those who can fly, carry as many possible across the skies. Those who can swim, ferry all you can across the seas. Your powers will be nullified, but whatever your situation, you must do absolutely everything you can to reach this place. Here, within the dome’s walls, I can save you. Unite here and I can ensure your survival. Those who cannot make the trip, do not fear. You must gather as close as you can get to Pokétopia or the region surrounding it. The closer you are, the better.”

    “What is this?” Sophitia whispered. “A rapture? How and why would something like this happen?”

    Naivie popped out of Lute’s mane. “If you guys needed any kind of proof whatsoever, here it is. This guy’s nuts. Does he seriously think he can get the whole Pokémon world into this one dome? And how does he really plan to save everyone? What, with a shelter or something?”

    Just like that, a light bulb exploded in Lute’s mind. It wasn’t a pleasant flick, but a terrifying revelation of what was truly to come. He trembled hard, and his eyes flushed into focus. “That’s it. It’s actually true.”


    “He doesn’t plan on saving everyone. He can’t,” Lute stated. He breathing scarily, and shook himself to summon the strength to stand talk and speak loud. “I-is he causing this with the Mega Stone? Is he going to wipe out everyone not in Pokétopia by controlling the V-Wave?”

    That state flicked Sophitia into the same mood. “We need to get to the others. Now.

    In a flash, the red lights and the particles vanished, replaced briefly by a faded, sky blue light instead. Seconds later, all had returned to normal. Lights came back on, the gondolas resumed, and Lute’s breath returned.

    “The range of my salvation currently only extends to Pokétopia and the region surrounding it. I will do my utmost to spread it further, but you all must help me by gathering within it. And you must hurry, for the second wave of this rapture will be significantly harsher than the first. I will not be able to save the whole world, besides those who make it this far. So you must do absolutely everything you can to reach here and help as many Pokémon as possible,” Lassic instructed.

    “Riots have been reported in towns all across Aseria. Even some parts of Pokétopia are reporting record-high levels of aggression from the locals. Meanwhile, those red lights haven’t left anywhere else. The number of Pokémon being hospitalised is rising by the second,” Athens read aloud. His eyes were glued to a computer screen and his paws moved at light speed, tapping away at the screen. “The common facts in the reports are that the red lights are stopping Pokémon from using their powers. No attacks or abilities are working, and many Pokémon are struggling to breathe. Machines also aren’t functioning. Gondolas are frozen, doors are fixed shut, and more.”

    “So it’s just like what happened to you, the suffocating thingy,” Sophitia said. Lute nodded.

    “These red lights, this ‘rapture’, is all over Aseria right now. It’s all well and good that Lassic has told us all to congregate here, but there’s no way we’ll fit the entire population within the dome. With the gondola system down and Pokémon unable to use their powers, there will be millions incapable of making the trip. This is a surprisingly flawed plan for Lassic,” Athens remarked.

    “But I don’t get it. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Why is this happening?” Marina whispered. “Lute, Sophitia. Does this have anything to do with your legend?”

    “Not in the slightest! Unless you count his using of the Mega Stone,” Naivie cried and fluttered around. “He’s causing this, but we can straight up stop him if we just go to the Mega Stone and beat him up, right?”

    “That’s the spirit. And we have Genesis, too. So we can get there!” Esther cheered. “Genesis, where’s the Mega Stone?”

    “I guess I have to get used to you all calling me that now, huh?” the Meowstic replied, and rolled her eyes. “I underestimated him, though. He got there very quickly, and learnt how to harness and control the V-Wave faster than I expected.”

    “That’s Lassic for you. Always proficient when it’s for himself,” Kuri commented.

    “If it really is Lassic, then just why? It just doesn’t make any sense,” Marina said anxiously. “Why cause all of this? Why make Pokémon suffer? I thought he wanted to use the V-Wave to help Pokémon?”

    “And that’s what he intends to do. The rapture must be something that we simply cannot stop, but survive, as Pokémon. Like he said, he’s doing everything he can to help us,” Athens said. “Him being at the Mega Stone is what gives us this chance to survive the rapture. He only ever intended to get it so that he had a source of unlimited V-Waves.”

    “Gods, you really believe that?” Genesis replied. Her face was livid. “He’s got you idiots eating out of his paws.”

    “Your comments are meaningless, now. Let’s see… a small portion of the fields outside of Pokétopia are functioning, so we can still use the gondolas for a little while. We’ll have to spread agents to the different regions carefully, and have them aid in the evacuation of Pokémon. We can have our construction workers make shelters to expand Pokétopia as well,” Athens muttered as he returned to his computer.

    “Wait are you serious? We’re not just gonna go after the Mega Stone?” Esther cried.

    “Of course not. If Lassic really is there, then it is best not to disturb him,” Athens said, not even looking at her. Lute and friends exchanged shocked glances.

    “Athens,” Marina said, her eyes shut. Her tone made him pause. “Who is the one that we agreed was in charge now?”

    “… You,” he said, and stepped away.

    “So please don’t go creating disagreements within our group. King’s Shield functions on a cooperative effort, not an offensive one,” she said. She jumped on top of the table. Her face was stern and furious. “I don’t know what to believe. Lassic and the rest of our group were great friends to me. But as things stand, I need to know the truth about everything going on. I believe that if Lassic is there by the Mega Stone and truly has control over V-Waves, then he should be able to prevent this sudden crisis he just reported.”

    “That’s more like it. Some logical thinking.” Esther folded her arms.

    “What would you have us do?” Phoenix said.

    “All of us are to go to the Mega Stone. Every single agent and scientist. Kuri and Genesis, you as well,” Marina ordered to everyone’s surprise. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this. So please, Genesis, where is the Mega Stone?”

    There was another pause, mostly from the Meowstic’s hesitation. “You’re going to find that difficult. The area is dense with V-Waves. Only those connected to the Ancients could get near.”

    “Well, Lassic has supposedly found a way after you diverged the information to him. So tell us, and we can do the same,” Marina stated. Genesis sighed. “I know, this is pretty sacred information that you and your family have had to keep secret from since time immemorial. But now we face—”

    “I know, you don’t need to get all deep and convoluted on me. I already told the Spirle King to stop myself from getting tortured,” Genesis replied. She turned to Athens. “You there, Meowstic. Don’t you get it? I was the only Pokémon in existence who knew where the Mega Stone was. I only told the Spirle King. Now, Lassic is supposedly there and all of this crisis with an apparent rapture is happening. Why would he be there when I only told one other totally unrelated Pokémon?”

    Athens mouthed a response, but his face turned fierce and his paws clenched. Genesis cleared her throat and fixed her neck fur. “Exactly. The evidence is piled up so much that we have enough to make this information public. But the way Lassic has built up this world, even if we do, no one would even listen to you guys.”

    “You’re derailing. Hurry up and tell us where the damn stone is!” Esther said. Genesis hesitated. “Genesis!”

    “You know, I don’t think I really care anymore. I’ve spent way too long trying to protect this world. I told him in hopes he would understand enough not to tamper with it, but here we are, on the verge of his rapture,” Genesis said. She sighed, and shut her eyes. “The Mega Stone is in the centre of Planet Aseria. It is the planet’s core.”

    “The… core?” Sophitia tilted her head.

    “That’s right. The source of all V-Waves wells that energy up through the planet and expels it through giant flowers connected directly to it. It is the source of all energy on the planet, the very stability of the planet itself, the thing keeping everything held together,” Genesis announced. “Tamper with that stone, and only the gods know what will happen.”

    “If it’s in the core of the planet, then doesn’t that mean it’s in Moand Dia?” Marina said.

    “Precisely. Only those connected to the Ancients could go,” Genesis confirmed.

    “You really gave up?” Kuri said. “But what about rebuilding Angard? And our future. If you give up, the whole world will die.”

    “Lassic pretty much made everything public. If we go down there and take him down, we’re still against the whole world. Even if we win, we will never be able to live in the peace we want,” Genesis explained. She hung her head. “You know how much that hurts, Kuri. This world doesn’t deserve us and the effort we’ve put into protecting it. It’ll destroy itself even without our efforts.”

    “Will you guys stop?” Lute shouted, and stepped forward. “We’ll go. And we’ll stop this rapture. Whatever the truth is about what’s really going on, what matters now is that the world’s in danger and we’re Pokémon who can save it. So we’re going to save it and we’re going to do our best to do that, no matter how hard it looks!”

    “He’s right, you know. Sooner or later, Pokémon are gonna have to swallow their guts and see the truth about the world Lassic created for them. And when that happens, they’ll see that you guys were right. You guys will get to live in peace, like you’ve always wanted,” Sophitia added. “And besides, a lot more’s been done than you realise. We finished growing those Ancient Flowers, you know.”

    “Wait, you’ve done that? All four of them?” Kuri and Genesis gasped together.

    “Yep. The world can go back to being the ancient world it was supposed to be whenever we give Naivie the A-OK. But we don’t wanna do it right away, not while Pokémon are still relying on technology so much. It’s a little complicated, but we’re already on track to making everything better. Pokémon will have to listen to us, in which we can put you on the platform you need to tell everyone the truth,” Sophitia said. “But before we can do any of that, we need to stop Lassic’s rapture. So let’s stop wasting time and get going to Aseria’s core!”

    “And this isn’t anything any of us can be scared of. We’re all in, aren’t we? Let’s do our part and actually be the heroes of Aseria,” Lute said. Kuri and Genesis exchanged glances, and a cheeky smile went on their faces. Kuri shrugged while Genesis giggled and pinched him.

    “I guess it is that easy, isn’t it? I’m definitely curious to see how far you’ll carry those words. So that’s it – I’m counting on you now, Lute. I’ll make sure we can get there quickly,” Genesis promised. “I told the Spirle King where the stone was, but I didn’t tell them exactly how to get there. We do it using the Teleportals.”

    “Are we going right now?” Infia said.

    “Yes, if the lot of you are ready. The Teleportals are all interconnected, but each of them leads to somewhere in Moand Dia. Whether it’s the temples or the places outside the temples or whatever, if you can properly command the Teleportals, you can go anywhere,” Genesis explained.

    “And you can do that?” Infia wondered.

    “Of course I can. I’m princess, aren’t I?” she said with a wink.

    “Princess,” Infia muttered and held her skirt down.

    “What, you thinking something naughty?” Esther teased.

    “No! C’mon Esther, now’s not the time.” She blushed.

    “You guys were off to save Genesis, now you’re going back down there to stop the rapture. I feel awful for relying on you so much, but it’s all we can do now,” Marina sighed. “Lute, Sophitia, everyone else. Please be careful.”

    “Hey, you guys have to be more careful. That red stuff really pinned down Lute. So don’t do anything crazy until we stop Lassic, ‘kay?” Sophitia nodded. “I’ll make sure you don’t have to suffer again. We’ll bring Lassic back here alive, I promise.”

    “Sophitia,” Lute muttered. Marina didn’t reply, and her face remained straight.

    “What? It’s true, just like Esther says. We’re gonna beat that guy up and drag him back here if we have to. We’re all in this, aren’t we?” she said with an eager smile.

    “If that red stuff is all over Aseria and it does turn out to be his fault, then of course! I dunno what this is gonna be like, but it can’t be any tougher than the other Spirle battles. And to be honest, a trip to the planet’s core might give me some crazy inspiration, so I’m already looking forward,” Esther remarked, pumping her fists.

    “You have to admire that enthusiasm. But this is not a simple mission to a new locale. Please do not do anything reckless,” Phoenix said. “Do not think this is an act of vengeance in any way. But I do wish to see Lassic brought to justice for everything he has done. For everything he and Spirle have taken away from me. And for everything they have taken away from everyone else affected by them.”

    “I’m in this. I’ve come too far to stop now. And if I’m one of the only Pokémon that can go to Moand Dia, then that means I have to go, doesn’t it? It would be selfish of me not to,” Infia said.

    “Spoken without any uncertainty. Infia, you’ve really come into your own,” Lute praised, to which she blushed and started playing with one of her pigtails. “Sophitia, you didn’t need to ask if we were ready. Like I said before, you can count on us. So don’t feel like you have to do everything yourself, okay?”

    “Yeah… you’re right,” she said, smiling warmly at him. She had to look for Genesis and Kuri, surprised to find them already stood on the Teleportal.

    “You guys really are kids. But something about that just gets me going too, fills me with confidence about this,” Genesis admitted. She waved at them. “It’s you guys who’ll be keeping up with us, I hope you understand that.”

    “Oh is this a race now, is it? I hope you’re not underestimating me,” Sophitia said, and smugly trotted over.

    “What is with you today?” Lute sighed.

    “If she’s challenging us to a battle, then we’ll show her who’s boss,” she said, eyes closed and head raised high.

    “She’s not challenging us; she’s just saying not to underestimate her. We know how strong Kuri is already.” He rolled his eyes.

    “Oh Lute, someday you’ll understand grownup language,” Sophitia said with a giggle. And then they were off in a beam of light.


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