The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The morning sun slowly arced across the sky, shining its radiant glimmer through the large stained glass windows that adorned the walls of the room. The light reflected upon many of the golden surfaces scattered around, helping spread illumination throughout the circular chamber.


    A tiny fox lay curled up alone on the relatively oversized bed, stirring lightly in the harsh sunlight that shone down upon his gold-edged fur. 


    “Ughh… Ah… W-what…?”


    It took a few short moments for Alan to finally snap out of his daze. The events of the night prior, as well as his supposed ‘training’ with Necrozma, hit him like a brick wall. He shot up, tails raised in alarm. 


    “The dinner!” Alan exclaimed, his panicked voice dry and raspy. His throat screamed for water. Fortunately, a glass of water was placed on a bedside table to his left, seeming set aside just for him. A crumpled note fell off his tail as he rushed across the comparatively large bed towards the glass of water.


    With his throat now refreshed, his surroundings became clearer to him. An oval room, golden decorations, and furniture lined the edge of the room. In the center, a small sundial stood, golden rays of sunlight shining through the giant stained glass window behind Alan cast upon the gnomon. 


    As the Vulpix shifted to read the sundial he noticed the note, now cast aside halfway off the bed. He turned, immediately distracted by whatever new thing came into his field of vision. 


    The crinkled sheet of yellowing paper had only a few simple words scratched into it. The handwriting was horrible tears stained the ink, blotting out multiple words into a scratchy near-unreadable mess. Even with Necrozma’s blessing, the words struggled to rearrange themselves into something legible for Alan. After a moment, he could just barely make out the sentence hastily scribbled onto the page.

    I’m sorry for last night. I did something bad and I regret it. 


    I’m going out to think. Sorry.

                                                                                              – Melissa


    “Ah! You’re finally awake, Your Majesty!” Hikaru said as he entered the bedchambers. He was already dressed in his full armored attire, similar to their first encounter. Chai lagged behind the Lucario, his body covered in tiny imprints, left by Hikaru’s armor. It was apparent they were busy cuddling for a while before Alan awoke.


    Alan held up Melissa’s note, a look of genuine concern plastered across his face. Perhaps they knew more about this?


    “Uh, Hikaru? Where did… Where did Melissa go?”


    The Lucario appeared confused for a moment, before noticing the paper in Alan’s paws. “Oh! Apologies Your Highness, I forgot about your memory issues.” He said, bowing lightly. “Her Highness has a tendency to leave the castle when she is upset. She is most likely somewhere around one of the royal gardens behind the castle.”


    “A-and she will return, r-right?!?” Alan worriedly asked.


    “Ahhh…” Hikaru paused for a moment to recall. It had been a while since the last time Melissa had bolted out the castle in such fashion. Nowadays, she tended to take her anger and disappointment out in other ways…


    “Hmm… Generally, yes.” Hikaru could hear a loud sigh of relief coming from the Vulpix. “She generally returns before sundown. If you wish, we could send out a search party now to retrieve Her Majesty immediately.”


    “N-no, let her come back when she wants to.” Alan said, rubbing his head. He attempted to untangle his bedhead, to no avail. “W-what even happened last night… After, I uh…”


    “Worry not, your grace. The situation has mostly been quelled. Every guest last night has been asked to keep quiet about your… uh… c-condition… last night.”


    “Uh huh… Let’s forget about that for now.” Alan dismissed. “Anything important I need to attend to today, Hikaru?”


    “Doctor Sharron has advised you to shy away from extreme physical exertion today, so aside from paperwork and a small physical exam in the afternoon, you have no duties to attend to, Your Highness.”


    Alan scratched between his ears. “That’s… sure nice of him…” He glanced back over towards the sundial. The shadow cast shifted slightly in his few minutes of conversation with Hikaru, yet it still pointed towards a tiny glyph on a rising sun. 


    That’s still pretty inaccurate… I had hoped this world would have invented clocks or something similar…


    Chai whispered something towards Hikaru, stepping up to replace him as the Lucario fell back before quietly sprinting away. His demeanor seemed awkward and restrained, like he wasn’t so used to acting with such grace. 


    “Y-your Majesty, i-if I may…” The Breloom bowed, his tail swishing around clumsily, nearly knocking over a few glass bottles placed on the nearby bedside table. “While we may not have an immediate solution f-for your memory p-problems, may I suggest a visit to the library? T-to refamiliarize yourself with your kingdom, I-I mean…”


    “Sure. It would be nice to understand what the paperwork you have me sign are talking about…” Alan joked, smiling warmly at Chai. The Breloom didn’t seem to notice, head kept low in reverence and eyes locked at the carpeted floor.


    The Lucario came sprinting back, a velvet pillow clutched in his arms. He carefully stepped back in front of Chai, kneeling and presenting the pillow for Alan to climb onto. 


    “I’m curious, Hikaru.” Alan inquired. “How do you so easily know what to do with me? I mean… I’m sure I now must have much different needs to me as a Serperior…”


    “O-oh! Well…” Hikaru, clearly caught off guard by such a question, stumbled slightly as he answered. “W-well, in your past lives you were always reborn as a Snivy, so s-shortly before you passed Madame Celeste instructed me to educate myself on proper procedures in caring for Snivy, Your Highness.”


    Alan hesitated. He felt weird, being entirely pampered and spoiled like this, given what he witnessed in the dungeons the day prior. He felt… guilty, almost. Contemplating for a moment, Alan recognized it would be easier for him to just go with whatever he was given for the time being. He sighed, before hopping onto the pillow, curling up under his robes as the Lucario carried him away.


    The Lucario remained as stoic as always, steady and calm even after sprinting down the long hallway that connected the bedroom to the rest of the castle. The descent down the castle was agonizingly quiet. Neither Chai nor Hikaru dared their usual banter in the presence of the king, while Alan also shied against unnecessary interaction lest he accidentally reveal the truth to the pair.


    The small, cramped hallways soon grew into grand walkways, the ceiling stretching far above Alan’s head. The doors guarding the entrance to the library were also similarly grand, blocky waffle-like patterns engraved onto the wooden doors. A small, flat model of an open book hung above the door to differentiate this doorway from all the other doorways that sporadically lined the main hallway of the castle.


    It took the combined effort of both Hikaru and Chai to push even just one of the doors. Remarkedly difficult in comparison to the doors leading towards the throne room or the bedroom. 


    Alan hopped off the pillow, peering into the Library. Huge piles of books, paperwork, and other written works piled atop one another. A pack of Ariados workers skittered about, clambering around the piles of books and neighboring bookshelves. They efficiently plucked books from beside them, quickly scanning them before tossing them towards their fellow workers, slotting them into place within seconds.


    As the Vulpix marveled at the working Pokemon, Hikaru stepped away to rejoin Chai at the door. Alan’s ears twitched, no longer sensing the presence of the Lucario behind him.


    “Hikaru? Chai? A-are you not coming in? I could definitely use your help in picking out some books”


    “There is no need for our presence, Your Majesty. The head Librarian is posted just around that bookcase. He will be of much greater help than we could ever provide.” Hikaru said, Chai nodding fervently in agreement.


    He smiled gently, picking up the pillow Alan had left on the ground, “I would much prefer to stand guard outside, your highness. May you find your book in this place.”


    Alan turned away, heading deeper down the pathway lined with stacks upon stacks of books that towered far above. He relaxed slightly as he rounded the corner, before gasping in marvel and shock at the sight that beheld him.


    Hundreds of bookcases, masterfully stacked atop one another, slowly extended away from the center of the library where the Vulpix now stood. Ladders and staircases wrapped around, a few workers dotted atop them, dragging around massive carts filled with books, placing and replacing books with untold efficiency.


    In Alan’s awe, he entirely overlooked the Pokemon that had crept up beside him. Its head stretched down from high above, the two sails attached fluttering wistfully in the air as it patiently waited for a moment to address the king.


    “May I help you, your grace?”




    Alan scrambled away in a panic, tripping over his robe and knocking his crown off his head. The Aurorus watched, giggling quietly to himself. He helped the Vulpix back up, returning the crown to its original place, atop Alan’s head.


    “A-ah.. Good morning… Mr. Librarian… S-sorry, I’ve been struggling to remember…”


    “No worries, your highness. I have already been informed of your… plight.” The dinosaur assured. His soothing tone helped immensely in placating the permanently anxious Vulpix. “I am Aurorus Alexandrus, head librarian and bookkeeper. Pleased to be at your service.”


    The icy dinosaur bowed deeply, so his head tapped softly on the carpeted ground. Both his sails folded into one another, still waving lightly in the soft winds that blew around the library. 


    “R-right, Alexandrus… I-I was looking for something… a-anything to aid in recollection. What would you recommend?”


    “Hmm…” The Aurorus craned his neck upwards. He stepped over the counter, towards a nearby bookshelf across from their general location.


    The rock-type’s dexterity was near unmatched, him adeptly checking the covers of multiple books at once with only his mouth. A few frustrated clicks alongside the clatter of books dropping onto the hard wooden floor later he returned, a relatively small book now balanced atop his back.


    “I assume you also have no recollection of this, but… in your previous life, you also tended to spend a large amount of time in here, your highness. I could bring you to your favorite reading corner if you would like…”


    He pointed his head towards the ceiling, Alan’s eyes following the direction his snout pointed towards. A small entryway jutted out, connected to the rest of the library by a singular pole, one assumedly used exclusively by the late king himself. 


    “If I may…”


    Before Alan could reply, he felt a tug on the scuff of his neck. His legs fell limp and he lost control of his body, as he gently swung around in the air. 


    Alan yelped as he was hoisted higher and higher above the carpeted floor. He could only wriggle his head and torso weakly, unable to move anything below his shoulders at all.


    “Wuh- ah! A-Alexandrus! What are you doing?!?”


    Suddenly, the tension on his neck was released. He felt himself soaring through the air, having been tossed up towards the cove hanging from the ceiling. Alan curled up, tucking his head in between his arms and bracing for impact as he was flung directly into the entrance of the cove. 


    His landing, however, was surprisingly soft. He unfurled his body, peeking his head out, cautiously scanning his surroundings. 


    A well-decorated, warmly lit room surrounded the Vulpix. It seemed entirely untouched since Edward’s passing. Velvet pillow lay strewn about, and multiple stacks of books both stood and lay toppled over. Alan could barely make out the art that populated the covers of a few of the books that lay closest to him.


    A Treecko and a Green-eyed Riolu sat in a grassy plain, smiling at one another. Another, a grinning Pikachu flanked by a long-haired Snivy, Rockruff, and Audino. An office, populated by a Marshtomp, Riolu, Tyrunt, and Roselia. A trio comprising of an Eevee, Sobble, and Litten, ready to explore. 


    One final book tumbled into the entryway behind him, haphazardly thrown into the cove by Alexandrus. Through the opening, he could barely hear the faint words of the Aurorus standing below.


    “Summon me once more when you are ready to leave, your highness. I’ll present to catch you at a moment’s notice.” 


    Alan picked up the book now laid in front of him. Blowing away the rest of the dust still managing to hang on after being tossed around, he could barely make out the text on the cover.


    Krux: A General Review of State of the Kingdom, its Population, and its Geography

    Written by Igetia Punnam


    An incredibly boring title for an incredibly boring book… Alan lamented. It didn’t matter though, he had to stomach this either way. He needed to fit in if he wanted to keep his secret safe. He began to flip through the browning pages, each threatening to crumble under Alan’s grip. 


    Krux City

    The shining centerpiece of the illustrious Krux Kingdom. Those who inhabit this city are said to live the most fulfilling lives in the Kingdom, lead directly under the genius leadership of His Majesty the Everlasting King. A castle stands atop an island contained by a natural lake, fed and drained by the Poltok River. Vast fields of wheat and berry trees sprawl far out the walls of this town. Resources are plenty. Live here, and you shall never face starvation again.


    Population: approx. 300,000~ 

    Mystery Dungeon status: Tamed
    Guild presence: Headquarters


    Ashton Town

    A small settlement located approximately two days’ worth of walking away from Krux City. It is mainly inhabited by Grass and Bug types, as well as a small number of those hailing from the neighboring continental islands of Koria and Sotoria. Its population are said to be content and somewhat well-fed.


    Population: approx. 4500~

    Mystery Dungeon status: Active, stable

    Guild Presence: Yes


    Agave Town

    Located deep in the dry and nigh uninhabitable Aureolin Desert, this town is almost always enshrouded in an intense sandstorm. Travelers to this town are advised to wear protective gear lest they are willing to be torn apart by the unforgiving sands. The harsh environment and location make for poor living conditions. 


    Population: 1600~

    Mystery Dungeon status: Unknown

    Guild Presence: No


    < – – – > 


    Chessen Town

    A mining town, growing in size between years 37G and 39G, the population ballooned as those willing to brave the mines delving deep into the core of the Poltok Highlands or the equally unforgiving icy mystery dungeons that surround the inhospitable frozen wastelands. Over the years, it has grown to become Krux’s largest producer of metals and other rare commodities. Ice and Steel types are best known to live here, able to weather the blizzards and avalanches that threaten the town on a near-daily basis.


    Population: 12,000~

    Mystery Dungeon status: Active, Growing

    Guild Presence: Limited


    Paray City

    The largest of the five documented settlements dotted around the dense Verdigris Jungle, lovingly referred to as the “Krux of the South” by its denizens. The hollow yet thick-based trees of the jungle are perfect for above-ground settlements and treehouses, connected by a complex network of self-built bridges avoiding the ground entirely. Mainly inhabited by Flying and Normal types, Paray has grown to become the kingdom’s biggest producer of wood and other resources found around the lush jungle that encompasses the southwestern region of Krux.


    Population: approx. 150,000~

    Mystery Dungeon status: Tamed

    Guild Presence: Yes


    < – – – >

    Hmm… Interesting…


    Alan continued to flip through the book, skimming each entry as best he could. Knowledge was power in 

    his current state, whatever he could retain was sure to help him in the not-so-distant future, he was sure. 




    He yawned, tails swishing around and fanning the warm stuffy air permeating around. I think I’ll just… 


    Before the Vulpix had even finished his thought, the warmth carried his senses away once more. He faceplanted into the still open book, body slumping under the sweet embrace of the unconscious.



    Hikaru grunted as he shut the door leading towards the Library. As required by protocol: two guards must be assigned to guard outside whichever room his majesty was located in at all times. On most occasions, he and Chai were the ones to be assigned this role, given their familiarity with the castle, alongside their unfamiliarity with the outside world.


    “You know…” said the Breloom, playing around with his spear. “I’ve always wondered, why are we the ones who get assigned guard duty the most. Plenty of other guards are just as capable with guard duty as us…”


    Hikaru kept his head locked forward, instead judgmentally glaring at Chai. “Are you not satisfied with our assignment, Chai? Have you no respect for his majesty’s command?”


    “No! No… I just… When was the last time we got to go outside, Karu?”


    “Well, that would have been our little excursion to retrieve the king 4 days ago.”


    Before that, Karu. I mean… when was the last time we actually left the castle grounds on our own volition?”


    The Lucario broke off of his focused gaze, turning his head towards the Breloom, then down at his own feet. He couldn’t remember…


    He furrowed his brows, shifting uncomfortably in his armor. “Uhm… Hrm. I… do not recall…”


    “Exactly! Don’t you find that a tiny bit suspicious ?” Chai inquired. “We never get days off like the rest of the guards, always assigned to watch over his majesty, always kept inside the castle. Don’t you feel like maybe they’re keeping us in for a reason? I suspect– ow!”


    Chai flinched as a light-blue bone of aura poked at his ribs. “Hey! What was that for?!?”


    “It’s to get you to shut up about it.” Hikaru half-joked half-warned. “You always complain about the same issues when we’re on guard duty.”


    Hikaru twirled the bone in his hands, its glow slowly weakening before eventually vanishing from view entirely. 


    “Besides, it’s not like I yearn for the outside anyway. I am already content, Chai.” The Lucario flashed a tiny smirk towards his partner. “Why explore the world, when my entire world already stands alongside me.”


    “Oh…” Chai blushed, positively astounded. “K-Karu… I… me too…”


    He rested his spear on the wall, before lunging at Hikaru standing on the opposite side of the door. The Lucario was entirely caught off guard, tackled onto the ground by the bipedal mushroom.


    “Chai! What are you doing?! Go back to your post! We’re on duty here!”


    “Oh shush. No one’s gonna know if you don’t make a scene~” said Chai as he buried his face into Hikaru’s armored body. The hinges between the metallic plates nicked everywhere around his torso, but he didn’t care. He continued to nuzzle the canine, now blushing heavily himself.


    “C-chai! I…” Hikaru paused to consider. “I suppose… It’s certainly been a while since we were granted time off…”


    “Yeah! Celeste won’t mind if we goof off a little~”


    “Alright.” Hikaru threw aside his spear, freeing his other hand and bringing the Breloom into a strong hug. He leaned in, softly kissing Chai on the forehead as the Breloom continued to nuzzle the Lucario. Both their tails wagged strongly, while their cheeks both remained flushed red


    Chai giggled, returning Hikaru’s kiss with one on his snout instead. “I’ve been meaning to say this for a while but… we’ve just been so busy. So…”




    “I think… I-I love you… Karu…”


    Hikaru chuckled. His breathing quietened, eyes locked upon the beaming Breloom.


    “I know~ And… I love you too, Chai.”

    “Ah… I’m glad.”


    They grasped each other’s cheeks, taking one last look at each other before their eyes closed, and snouts touched. They had to break off eventually, sure. But, for the time being, this moment would never end. 


    Art by Weebawoof

    Hikaru and Chai | Art by Wizardofwoof


    An Aggron sat at his office table, papers strewn about without care all across the circular office. Lorenzo absentmindedly stared at his study’s walls, adorned with golden decorations and random artifacts that he fancied. Another small piece of metal adeptly flicked in between his short, stubby fingers, the fidgeting being the only source of sound in the otherwise stuffy, silent office. 


    Loud stomping originating from outside the gold-lined doorway snapped the daydreaming Aggron from his stupor. He sat up in anticipation, snatching up a pen beside him, scribbling randomly across the empty page in front of him.


    The door burst open, an aging green lizard imposing her presence upon the near-empty office. Her claymore remained slung behind her back as she took off her coat, revealing her well-built yet heavily scarred torso. 


    Celeste casually strode up towards Lorenzo’s desk, mockingly snatching the piece of parchment from the table.


    “Oi! Can’t you see I’m busy?!” The Aggron annoyedly reached out to grab the paperwork from Celeste’s grasp. “And get your ass off the carpet, at least! Your swords’ dripping blood everywhere !”


    “Oh cut the crap, Lorenzo. We both know your dumbass isn’t ever working anyways. Like, look at this…” said the Sceptile, pointing at the paperwork, now returned to its rightful place on the desk. “I’m not an idiot, you know. I can see you’re just scribbling random nonsense on that blank form.”


    “Nuh uh!” replied the Aggron, defensively. He stepped around the table, walking up towards Celeste and nudging her away from the carpet, now stained a dull, reddish-brown from the still-fresh blood dripping off her weapon. 


    “Git! Off! You!”


    Lorenzo stared longingly at his now ruined carpet, annoyedly grumbling in Celeste’s direction. “Look at what you did! Who even did you beat to a pulp to coat your sword in that much blood!?!”


    “Oh, you know, just our local flowery apothecary … He’s experienced, he’ll be fine ~” 


    “Oh Arceus…” 


    The Aggron bent over, rolling the now bloodied carpet and tossing it behind his desk, out of sight of any future visitors. 


    “Look Cel… I know you find pleasure in beating the lights out of anyone who dares cross you… But please , you need to tone it down. A lot.” Lorenzo held out his arms, claws pointed up at the ceiling in a calming, soothing gesture.


    “What’s gotten into you anyway? This past moon alone you’ve sent eight different Pokemon to the infirmary, then beat up the head of the medical ward himself!”


    Celeste’s eyes widened in sadistic glee, candlelight reflecting off her smiling beak. “It’s for his Majesty, of course! There shall be zero tolerance against dissent; You said that yourself, no?”


    The Aggron facepalmed, the metallic clang of his face clashing against his palms ringing across the room. “Dissent against Edward is unacceptable, yes, but whatever this is… no. This is dangerous, Cel. You’re using His Majesty’s name to exact your revenge on those who wronged you !”


    “Well of course! My will is His Majesty’s will, after all.” Celeste unsheathed her claymore, pointing it at the neck of the metallic dinosaur. “You dare… suggest my disloyalty towards King Edward? I’ll have you forcibly reincarnated back into an Aron for that, you know.”


    Lorenzo hesitated for a moment, before releasing a groan in defeat. Whatever mental ‘plague’ was affecting Celeste, he wouldn’t be able to root out the cause so easily. Especially with the royal cabinet’s only competent medical professional most likely lying unconscious wherever Celeste had tossed him aside.


    “Whatever. You win, ya crazy lady.”


    The Aggron relented, stepping back and returning to his seat behind his desk. “Why are you even here anyway? You never stop by my room nowadays, Cel. Do you need me to find more people for you to beat up? You know the royal dungeons are always open for you.”


    “No… No…” Celeste sighed, returning to her usual demeanor. “Just… It’s…”


    “It’s what.”


    “I-It’s Edward, Lorenzo. Haven’t you noticed?” 


    “You mean last night? Come on Cel, we all saw that. If you’re concerned about the coverup, don’t worry. I’ve got it all under control.”


    “N-no…” Celeste fumbled with the strap on her chest. Eventually, her claws managed to grip upon a button, releasing her claymore from her back, allowing it to loudly clatter on the ground behind her. “It’s just… he’s not acting like himself, you know?”


    “I’m not following.”


    “Look at him! He was always our confident leader, right out of the hatchery! But now, he’s no more than a forgetful bundle of overly stimulated nerves!” The Sceptile shouted, before quieting down and slumping into a half-kneel. “What if what Sharron said was true, Lor… What if he’s truly gone for good?”


    “Cel. Look at me. He’s not gone. Imagine waking up one day and no longer being a Sceptile, How would you feel? Give him some time to adjust to his new form, as well as the amnesia that we-”


    That Sharron caused… ” Celeste clenched her fists tightly, smacking it into the ground in front. “Honestly I don’t think I beat enough sense into that flowery boy…”


    “Stop it. That’s that and this is this, let’s move on.”


    The Aggron stood up, stepping back around, looming above the kneeling Sceptile. He continued, stretching out an arm in the meantime. “We have bigger issues to deal with at this moment, Cel. We’ll work through this together, one issue at a time. Like the good old days.”


    “… The good old days, huh…”


    Celeste grasped Lorenzo’s outstretched hand, helping herself up back into a standing position. She should have stood up on her own, yet something about him… It reminded her. A time before all the political tension, a time before the accident. It warmed her, reminiscing about the good old days.


    The Aggron pulled her close, dragging her into a tight hug. Celeste relaxed, letting Lorenzo pull her around, controlling her body weight. The dinosaur grabbed the end of his cloak, wiping down the blood from her blade, now back in the lizard’s grasp. 




    “Don’t worry about it, Cel. Just… please try to stop beating up our workers, just for a little bit. Alright?”


    “Alright, I’ll try,” Celeste smirked. “Like the good old days…”


    “Like the good old days…”


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