The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Warning: TW//Forced Alcoholism, Small mention of Blood! — You can hide marked sensitive content or with the toggle in the formatting menu. If provided, alternative content will be displayed instead.

    The throne room was still in peaceful solitude as Alan’s senses returned to him. He was groggy and thirsty, yet he stubbornly continued to stay huddled under his royal cape. 


    He peered around the room. The candles, once standing tall and mighty, were burned down to the wick. Thick white lines streaked down the side, the wax having dribbled down and solidified in a pool below the dim candle flame that remained.


    Alan yawned. Edward’s advice echoed in the back of his mind. Was he truly happy to have found his purpose? Or was this just more of Necrozma’s manipulation? 


    His ears twitched, a distant shuffling echoed down the nearby hallways and into the throne room, now nearly fully in the dark as a few of the candles began to extinguish.


    Celeste stepped into the throne room, catching the attention of Alan, still absentmindedly pondering his conversations with Edward and Morgan. He perked up, memories of what occurred in the ritual room flooding back. It was a stark reminder for Alan to switch back to a more royal image.


    The Sceptile kneeled on the ground, bowing her head to the slightly groggy fox. Instead of the simple black robe, she now sported a much thicker well-worn leather cloak. Similar to Alan’s robe, her cloak also featured a fluffy wool collar. It was however much dirtier, a deep uncleanable filth entangled deep within, dyeing the initially white fluff a dirty mix of gray and brown. Multiple holes riddled the tail end of the cloak, years of warring and combat giving her clothing a battle-scarred finish.


    Over the cloak and across her back slung a huge claymore, similar in length to her height. The faint yet unmistakable smell of fresh blood wafted the tip of the unsheathed blade into Alan’s nose, prompting a reaction from the Vulpix.


    “C-celeste? Why do I smell blood? May I ask what you have been up to for the past few hours?” 


    Celeste glanced at her claymore before lightly gasping, realizing she had forgotten to clean her blade before entering. “Oh! My deepest apologies, your grace. I was merely training a few rookie guards while you were taking your nap.”  She bowed before quickly producing a piece of cloth, wrapping it around the handle in an attempt to mask the smell of blood.


    “Uh huh… Training…” Alan mused, not willing to pry deeper into her guard’s training regiment, mainly out of fear. “Say, what brings you here anyways, do I need to dismiss you for the day or something?”


    Celeste broke into a light chuckle. “Nothing like that, your grace. I am just here to inform you of tonight’s feast!” she exclaimed, cloak flipping backward grandly. Her booming voice echoed about the entire throne room.


    “Feast? For what reason exactly?” said Alan. “I’ve been back less than a day and barely have any recollection of things, is this truly the best time to be celebrating?”


    Celeste’s eyes seemed to shine in the dying candlelight, her flame of excitement not dampened by Alan’s questioning in the slightest. “Of course it is! Just being graced with your presence once more is a cause for celebration, your Majesty!”


    “U-uh… if that is alright with you then…” Alan replied. His acting so far had been passable, but he didn’t know how long he could keep this up for, especially at a larger social event like a feast where he would most likely be expected to interact with others constantly. “What time is it anyways, how long until the feast is set to begin?”


    “Preparations have already been completed your Majesty, only your presence is required.” said Celeste, pulling out a cushion similar to the one Alan was resting on. “May I?” 


    Alan nodded, wordlessly hopping onto the cushion, curling around his tails. The two of them set off, silently heading down the castle halls. Traveling down the long corridors, Alan noticed an increasing number of Pokemon mulling about, wearing increasingly extravagant clothing. The smell of food hit Alan like a truck, a diverse range of colorful aromas surrounded the fox. When was the last time I ate an actual meal? I don’t remember…


    The pair entered the dining room, and Alan could only marvel at the extreme level of opulence offered within. The table stretched across the entirety of the hall, plates, and dinnerware perfectly laid out. Each silver knife and fork were polished until they shined against the fresh candlelight populating the walls and table.


    Celeste carried Alan over to his seat at the head of the table. Two massive, conjoined seats sat at the head of the table. One was decorated with only simple, velvet cushions, while the other was nearly covered top to bottom with pink ribbons, intricately twisted into beautiful spirals coiled around the chair.


    As the Everlasting king of Krux, the Vulpix was seated at the head of the table, still snugly curled up under his royal dress, the rest of the cabinet and nobles began filing into the dining room. 


    Melissa, the queen of Krux, was the first to enter. She barreled down the long hallway, appearing beside Alan, picking him up and violently canoodling him, forgetting he was but a frail little icy Vulpix now. 


    “Oh Eddie∼ I’ve missed you sooooo much! You promised you would come back to our room after you were done!” she hollered as she roughly swung the comparatively tiny monarch around. His crown flew off his head, Hikaru snatching the headpiece before it hit the ground. 

    “A-Ah Melissa! Please! Put me down! It hurts!” 


    “Not until you say sorry for ignoring me you meanie!” the Lurantis replied. She brought Alan into a tight hug, crushing him under the overwhelming weight of her oversized claws. 


    Not wanting to cause a scene, Alan only quietly whimpered as he struggled in the grass-type’s grasp. “A-ack! Melissa! I-I’m sorry! Please! You’re hurting me!” he desperately squealed, still trying to keep himself from screaming in pain. 


    Melissa, finally satisfied with the answer she received, released the Vulpix. He lay splayed out on his oversized chair, gasping for air. “Haaah… It’s… good to see you too Melissa … Just please… don’t do that again… I’m not the Serperior I once was.”


    “Hmmph! I suppose if you stop being a meanie as well then I won’t hug you as hard next time!” Melissa pouted, childishly bouncing up and down her own chair, one much more fitting of her abnormally large stature in relation to Alan. The King himself settled down alongside the Queen. He climbed back onto his cushion, peeking over the table


    The rest of the royal cabinet seated themselves near the King. Celeste, Hikaru, and Lorenzo were to his left, while Sharron and Astar sat together on his right. Chai and Kirlia seem to have not been invited to the dinner… Alan noticed. It’s too bad, they were the only ones that seemed to actually care about me… he further moaned internally, wistfully staring at the line of nobles, filing in one at a time, seating themselves in their practiced, orderly fashion.


    A few of the nobles, however, did not immediately seat themselves. They instead carefully approached Alan, head constantly lowered out of respect, quietly shuffling down the hall amidst the chaotic chatter of the rest of Krux’s nobility.


    First in the small group of Pokemon to approach was an Azumarill, body covered with a silk cloth with an impressive sheen. Gold lined the edges, giving what Alan assumed was a silk toga a refined yet extremely expensive finish. Head lowered, he introduced himself. “Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you once more. I have heard of your severe memory loss, but worry not my lord! I am more than overjoyed to be able to introduce myself to you again!” 


    The plump blue rabbit paused for a moment, pulling a small metal emblem from inside his robe. He placed it in front of him before continuing. “I am Coniglus, head of major house Melodia. It is a pleasure to be at your service.” he bowed grandly, before returning back to his assigned seat.


    The same sequence of events repeated. A noble would approach, and introduce themselves in a similar fashion to the Azumarill, before returning to their seat. Ampharos Raslan, head of major house Baaken. Swalot Chapla of major house Loricho. Infernape Fotus, heir to major house Avarus. Milotic Thalas of major house Tenat. Alan could barely remember each of their respective houses’ names, let alone their members’ names. He could only pray that any conversation they had he could stumble through without too much trouble. 


    After the nobles finished their various introductions, the chatter in the hall began to gradually die down. Melissa, taking notice, roughly nudged the anxious Vulpix. “ Psst! Eddie! Ya big doofus! Everyone’s waiting for you!”  


    “O-oh! Uh… My apologies.” He turned his head, staring down the long table. “Thank you all for attending. Uh… I do not have much to say, other than to please enjoy tonight’s course. Without further ado… Waiters! Chefs! Commence the festivities!”


    Simultaneously, every servant stood to attention, scrambling from their positions into the kitchen adjacent to the dining hall. Conversation filled the air once more, nobles discussing various random topics amongst each other. 


    An Audino in chef’s whites approached alongside the first wave of dishes that left the kitchen. The fluffy pink Pokemon itself held a dish in both of its paws, pridefully shuffling up beside Alan, presenting him with his first dish.


    After serving the dish, the Audino quickly introduced himself as well as the food in front of Alan. “Your Majesty, allow me to introduce myself. I am Audino Mafira, head royal chef and your personal waiter tonight. In front is the first dish of the night, grilled Tamato berry, served alongside Rawst berry leaf and Bruxish tartare, with Cheri sauce on the side. An appetizer and palette cleanser. Please enjoy” The chef promptly stepped away, allowing Alan to analyze the plate in front of him.


    His dish was absolutely gorgeous, to say the least. Each slice of the blood-red berry was grilled to perfection and carefully stacked on top of one another. A thin layer of pinkish, ground Bruxish meat separated each slice, while the small leaves folded on top gave the plate a nice, minty aroma. 


    It’s… beautiful. Looks like some crazy 3-star Michelin dish I couldn’t afford back home… Alan thought. His stomach growled, bringing light chuckles from Melissa and Celeste, both also being served a similar dish to his. Here goes nothing…


    His first bite left him without words. Each distinct flavor of the dish exploded out of the Tamato juices that had been simmering under its crunchy, charred skin. The Rawst leaves helped counteract the spiciness of the dish, leaving Alan’s mouth completely cooled and refreshed, ready for the next course. Alan finished his first course in only a few minutes, Tamato juice dripping down his cheeks, flushed in satisfaction.


    “A fast eater as always, your Highness” Celeste commented, still slowly enjoying her appetizer, cutting up each slice into smaller pieces, cleanly enjoying each piece before moving on to the next. The others were similar, slowly enjoying their food as opposed to the Vulpix. “Was it to your liking, your Majesty? I hope the spice was not too overpowering for your young body.”


    “Oh it’s amazing! Do be sure to give Chef Mafira my compliments!” Alan praised. While he may still be acting, his enjoyment of the food was fully genuine. “Now, this seems like the perfect time for casual conversation doesn’t it?”


    Melissa, being the first aside from Alan to finish, took the opportunity to join in. “Awh Eddie~ How you feeling so far in that new body of yours? It’s gotta be hard going from barely 2 limbs to having 4 legs doesn’t it?”


    “Well… It’s fair to say it’s been somewhat challenging. This body is uncooperative at times, and I feel very fatigued even after walking just a short distance.” he complained, twirling his hair with his paws. “I do believe, however, that my incomplete memories are an unlikely boon to this, helping me adjust to this new form much more rapidly.” 


    Lorenzo, also having finished, interjected. “Ehh you’ll get used to it soon. It was weird when I evolved from a Lairon for the first time as well. Cel could tell ya about all the times I’d just fall face-first into the ground.”


    “Hmm, while on the topic of overexertion. Edward, you’ve ought to be more careful with how much you’re overworking. I heard you walked all the way back from the dungeons today? No wonder you are complaining about fatigue! It’s like a 2-hour walk for you!” Sharron scolded, adjusting the Gracidea flower pinned to his body into a more stable position. 


    “It’s like nothing’s changed, you’re always charging in to do things in person… I’ve reminded you every life and I’ll keep doing so. You’re king! You can delegate things to other people you know? Heck, we’ve taken so much responsibility off your shoulders, and you still find ways to make your own life difficult!”


    “Uh… Y-Yeah… I’ll keep that in mind…” 


    “Wait, Eddie… You went to the DUNGEONS???” said Melissa, halfway out of her seat and nearly climbing over on top of Alan. “You didn’t get hurt right?? There’s so many bad Pokemon locked up in there!” She pet Alan with her claws, their size difference and Melissa’s lack of control leading to the pets feeling more like light punches to Alan.


    “No worries Melissa. The prisoner I visited wasn’t like that. Honestly, I’m not even sure why he’s in there to begin with…” or any other prisoner there really…


    The royal cabinet eyed Alan suspiciously. “Your Majesty… Prisoner A-119 was arrested for murder… He also injured 4 other royal guards during his arrest. I was there to witness it in person, he is dangerous .” said Celeste, the bitterness in her voice growing.


    “I understand Celeste, but please understand his perspective as well. He was forced into doing that, it was between his family and the tax collector. Have you ever considered how the taxes we levy onto the lower class is too heavy?”


    Lorenzo slammed his fist onto the table, a few spoons flying off the table and clattering loudly on the ground. “DON’T YA BLAME MY TAXES FOR THIS, EDWARD! FIFTY PERFECT OF YOUR INCOME IS PERFECTLY REASONABLE FOR THE LOWER CLASS! HE PROBABLY JUST MISMANAGED HIS SAVINGS OR SOMETHING!”


    Before the Aggron could continue, Celeste held up a claw, interrupting the steel-type. “Okay Lorenzo, we get how very… passionate you are when it comes to your duties. But please, refrain from raising your voice like that.” She paused to give a quick side-eye to Alan. “Especially to his majesty himself.”


    Lorenzo crossed his arms and pouted under his thick steel helmet. Glaring at the now shaken king he shook his head in annoyance, quietly returning to his meal instead.


    That was his reaction?? Alan was completely shocked. I was just testing the waters and I already nearly blew my cover…


    He rubbed his snout in frustration, clearly dismayed by how easy it was to set off both Lorenzo and Celeste. “A-ah no it’s fine. I had forgotten what duties I was responsible for. T-that was clearly me overstepping my boundaries…” he backpedaled, trying to defuse the tense atmosphere that had enveloped his end of the long table.


    That’s more like it, your Majesty.” Celeste smiled. “I nearly thought you had forgotten your duties all of a sudden.”


    “Hey look! That’s our second course!” said Melissa excitedly, nudging and as a result, nearly knocking over Alan for the third time. The same Audino, chef’s whites slightly more yellowed, reappeared out of the kitchen. In his hand he held an exotically shaped plate, while a smell just as unique wafted over alongside. 


    “Your Highness, the second course of the night.” Mafira carefully laid the dish on the table, which due to its unique shape wobbled for a moment, threatening to spill its contents over the pristine white tablecloth. Thankfully, it instead stabilized itself, eliciting a quiet sigh of relief from the Audino. 


    “Paras shrooms served on Paras carapace, alongside chopped Rindo berry and grated zest of Kebia berry. A secondary appetizer, and a perfect transition into the upcoming main course.” Mafira cut his bow short as he could hear a few disgruntled shouts originating from the kitchen. He spun back in a panic, nearly tripping as he rushed back to command the chaos escaping the kitchen.


    Discussion picked up again as the rest were served their own plates. Downtrodden, yet determined, Alan motivated himself. It’s ok, that was only one mistake, gotta keep my act up!


    “A-anyways, Celeste! How about telling me more about that recruit training you mentioned?” Alan redirected, wresting back control of the conversation.


    The Sceptile grinned pridefully, slapping the sheath of her claymore. “It was just a normal intensive training session for a few lucky cadets, that is all.” 


    “To translate, your grace. It means, simply put, she beat most of our new recruits half to death today.” Hikaru interjected, a tiny smirk forming across his face. He had been silently nibbling away at his food until now, his presence so small to the point where Alan had completely forgotten about the Lucario entirely.


    Celeste glared at the Jackal. “It’s part of the training process! You and I went through it just fine! Why can’t the other recruits do the same then?”


    “There are so many better ways to go about it than sending like them to medical every other day Cel!”


    “They have to learn Hikaru! It isn’t really training until you begin to bleed!”


    “Well, your ‘real training’ keeps costing us all these potential recruits that just quit because they can’t take it anymore!”


     As the two of them bickered Alan turned to ask Melissa. “Do they always fight like that? Should we… stop them?”


    “Ehhh… They’ll tire out eventually… probably…” Melissa shrugged, tone shifting to a more playful one. “Don’t focus too much on them Eddie~. You used to always try to mediate their arguments. A real joy to watch~.”


    Heeding Melissa’s advice he tuned out the squabbling in the background, instead turning his attention to his plate of food. Aside from the Paras carapace used as plating, the dish itself was a basic combination of plump, grilled diced mushrooms surrounded by what seemed like 3 podded green beans. As he slowly dug into the food, he turned his attention back toward the rest of the diners.


    As expected of a social event, most of the nobles were now huddled into small groups, discussing their current political situation with those situated around them. Occasionally a few nobles would shuffle around the room, getting out of their seats in search of other Pokemon to converse with.


    Celeste and Hikaru were still in the middle of their heated argument, the topic at hand now having changed to the optimal allocation of the training budget. Lorenzo, whose expertise in economics was matched by no other cabinet member, also joined in, discussing the possibility of further raising taxes on the middle class to satisfy both Celeste’s and Hikaru’s visions. Sharron and Astar were both out of their seats, entirely ignoring their food and whispering quietly amongst themselves. 


    “Eddie? Are you feeling okay? You’ve barely spoken tonight…” Melissa’s tone shifted to one more of worry and concern than the stubbornly confident, bubbly attitude she had been constantly exuding at every moment she was around Alan. “Normally you would be all over everyone’s stuff… All over me…”  


    She shifted closer towards Alan, her expectant yet delicate tone giving way to a dimmer, more threatening one. “But now you’re just… there. What’s wrong honey? You’re not acting like any Edward I know…”


    Alan visibly recoiled at her remark. Am I done? Did I fuck up my acting that badly? He feared for the worst.


    “Urk! I uh… n-no dear. It’s just… I-I don’t know Melissa…” His attempt to defuse her suspicion only led to him pulling more of the grass-type’s suspicions on him. He kept fumbling his words, praying for any outs he could find from the Lurantis. “I feel different now. F-Forgive me, I just can’t… can’t muster up that energy anymore… I’m sorry.”


    The Lurantis hopped over, scooping up Alan and tucking his miniature form into her embrace. It was unexpectedly warm, given her appearance. Alan purred instinctively as Melissa rubbed her claws delicately over his back and head, easing the awkward wall of tension building up between the two monarchs.


    “Oh Eddie… don’t take it like that…” said Melissa, guiltily shrinking back. “I shouldn’t have…


    The main course was served shortly after. A Miltank Tenderloin steak grilled perfectly medium rare, thinly sliced with utmost care and precision. One side of the steak was drizzled in a thick layer of Morelull cream sauce, while a few slices of smoked Tepig salami were piled on the other side. The presentation was beautiful, and its smell even more heavenly. 


    Alan continued to dine in relative silence, a few of the nobles attempting to initiate conversation, only to be shooed away by an increasingly defensive Melissa. Another waiter, a silver-horned Indeedee dressed in a matte black suit and tie, cradling a golden bottle of wine, introduced themselves.


    “Good evening, Your Majesties. I shall be your sommelier on this fine evening.” said the Indeedee, his horns glittering as he bowed deeply, the bottle of wine shifting in his grasp but refusing to fall out. 


    “I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, I hope you may forgive me for my tardiness. The wines I have chosen for tonight will surely enhance tonight’s feast.” 


    His eyes glowed a deep ethereal purple as he uncorked the wine telekinetically. Both the bottle of wine and a jewel-encrusted wineglass floated over, a deep red liquid gracefully poured in along its short journey towards the King and Queen. 


    “For the steak, I have picked out a vintage gold Razz Berry wine from the Crino Valley winery in the Asullan region, aged 44G39. A rich, fruity blend of sweetness and alcohol, perfectly counterbalancing the creamy Morelull sauce alongside the fattiness of the steak itself. Please enjoy.”


    Before Alan could reply, the Indeedee scurried away, hurrying over to serve the other guests, leaving the Vulpix in a confused daze, and a half-filled glass of wine sitting in front of him. 


    “Uhm… Melissa?” asked Alan, uncertainty leaking through his professional, kingly voice.


    “Yes, dear?”


    “Are you sure I am able to drink this? This body is of a newborn, need I remind you. You should drink this.” answered Alan, sliding the glass over towards Melissa.

    The Lurantis giggled. “Oh Eddie, you silly goofball~” said the mantis, reaching over and grabbing Alan with one claw and the glass of wine with her other. 


    The Vulpix squirmed in her claws, his frail newborn body too weak to break free from her grip. “H-huh? Melissa? What are you doing? Could you please put me down?” 


    “Don’t be such a downer Eddie. A little wine never hurt anyone~”


    “Melissa?! Melissa!! Put me down! I don’t want to drink this! Please listen to m-mmmm mmph!” The ice type was silenced as the glass of wine was shoved into his muzzle. A small amount dripped out of the glass and onto his fur, but most of the liquid stayed trapped in the glass. 


    Alan held his breath for as long as he could, swiping at Melissa’s claws, desperately hoping she would change her mind and free him. But her grip only strengthened, keeping the glass locked tightly on Alan’s face. 


    Time was running out, and he was running out of options. He tried to cry for help, but only gurgles came out as the wine began to fill his mouth. The taste was sweet and mellow, unlike any alcohol he had ever tasted in his human life. But that didn’t matter, he could feel himself nearing his limit. He needed air, badly.


    So, he relented, quickly gulping down the wine as quickly as he could. The alcohol burned his throat as it traveled down, tears welling up at the same time. As soon as he was done the Lurantis dropped him back down, Alan gasping desperately for air. 


    “What the hell was that for?!?” he screamed, grabbing the attention of every cabinet member aside from Astar and Sharron, who were away on the other side of the hall, interacting with the nobles. “No means no Melissa! I nearly drowned just now!” Alan’s face flustered a bright cherry red, through both a combination of rage as well as the alcohol he had just downed. 


    Melissa shrank away, in shock at Alan’s assumedly unexpected reaction. “B-but… the wine was good right…?”


    “That doesn’t matter! I didn’t want to drink it, and you tried to drown me in it!” Alan was about to lay down further upon the Lurantis, but she was already on the brink of tears. I can’t stay mad at her… She’s excessive and impulsive, and downright annoying a lot of the time, but I just can’t stay angry… Another effect of Edward’s influence, I suppose…


    “I… Look dear, I’m not mad, ok? Please… don’t cry.” Alan could feel himself losing control of his emotions as well. He had only drank a single glass-full, but given his size and physical age it was pretty much guaranteed he was drunk already. 


    “Y-you’re not angry?” stammered Melissa through the tears welling up in her goggled eyes. 


    “Not anymore. Let’s just… forget that happened and-” Alan struggled to balance himself, the alcohol quickly taking effect. His vision blurred as he tumbled over, barely able to catch the table and stabilize himself. “Ugh… This is why I didn’t want to drink it, Melissa. I think it’s pretty fortunate I haven’t passed out by now.”


    “Your Majesty? Shall I assist you in retiring to your bed-chamber? You seem quite… unwell.” asked Hikaru, his argument with Celeste and Lorenzo having been broken up by Alan’s sudden outburst.


    “Ah don’t worry about it. Just like, let me chill out a bit and I’m golden.”


    The Lucario raised an eyebrow at that remark. “Pardon, your grace?”


    “O-oh!” Suspicion was growing, and Alan knew it. “I-I simply meant not to worry about me, I am well.”


    “Very well, Your Highness.” 


    The feast continued, and the rest of the cabinet returned to their usual, interacting with nobles or with each other. Alan was struggling to stay conscious himself, barely able to stomach the rest of his steak.


    “Your Majesty? If I may introduce your second main course.” The chef’s intrusion pulled the drunken Vulpix out of his daze. The Audino held a plate, on it a small mountain of crispy golden wings lay stacked atop one another, and at the base of the mound surrounded a black, featureless cream, drizzled with a glossy yellow sauce. 


    “Wuh? Huh? O-oh sure… go ahead.”


    “For your fourth dish, Marinated and Fried Archen wings on ground Pincurchin, coated in a sweet Sitrus berry sauce. Enjoy.” recited the Audino.


    Gruesome images of the Archen he encountered in the dungeons resurfaced. Its dead, unmoving eyes and hanging body, softly swaying over a pool of its own dried blood. It sickened Alan now more than ever. 


    “Wait!” Alan blurted out before the Audino could turn away and flee back into the kitchen. “Did you say… Fried Archen?”


    “Y-yes your grace. Is something wrong?”

    “And where were these Archen sourced from?”


    “Uh… I am unable to answer that, your Majesty. The sincerest of apologies.”


    “So there’s a chance…” Alan mumbled to himself. “Uh… disregard that. You are dismissed.”


    Alan reflected on what had occurred over the past few hours. What am I doing here? Enjoying myself… Indulging in all this… Luxury… I shouldn’t be here. I should be helping Morgan. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be here


    “You shouldn’t be here, Alan” a voice rang out nearby. 


    Alan, in a panic, whirled his body around, a few utensils clattering on the ground as he desperately searched for the source of the new voice. “W-who’s there! Show yourself!”


    A translucent Archen materialized atop his plate, staring down at the distressed Vulpix with a disappointed frown. “I’m here Alan. You recognize me, don’t you?”


    “No… You’re not real! You’re just an illusion! A hallucination! What are you?! W-what do you want from me?!?”


    The ethereal Archen only chuckled in response, jumping off the plate and landing behind Alan. 


    “Get away from me! I have nothing to give you!”


    I may not be real, but the sins of your past are. You cannot hide. You cannot run. Give up, Alan and Edward.” The Archen’s image warped, eyes bleeding a void-black liquid. It shifted in size, towering over the panicking Vulpix. Multiple tendrils sprouted from its misshapen neck, slowly approaching where Alan stood, each repeating the same two words:


    Give up.


    Give up.


    Give up.


    Alan backed away from the congregation of birds, slipping off his seat and onto the floor. “No… No! Please! I don’t want to die!” he cried, curling up with his paws covering his ears, but that didn’t drown out the Archen’s chanting, echoing endlessly in his mind.


    Give up.


    Give up.


    GIVE UP.


    Celeste was the first of the cabinet to notice Alan’s distress. “Your Majesty? Are you alright?” The Sceptile’s words were ignored, the Vulpix much too far in his drunken panic to reply. Glancing over to Sharron for an explanation. The Shaymin had already rushed over to inspect the trembling monarch.


    “No… go away… don’t touch me…” Alan weakly whimpered as Sharron placed his paw upon the trembling fox. Sky-blue rings encircled both the Shaymin’s paws as well as Alan, hypnosis cast to quieten down the Vulpix. The Sceptile stepped in, gently scooping a now unconscious Alan, and wrapping him up with her cloak. 


    “Astar! Sharron! Explain!” Celeste seethed, keeping her voice hushed to not grab the attention of the nobles. “What did you two do with him!?!”


    “I warned you about this, Cel!” Sharron snapped back, raising his voice only a minuscule amount louder than Celeste’s. “He’s mentally unstable! He probably has some memory of what happened repressed somewhere. I told you the ritual was a bad idea!”


    “You said the chances were low!”


    “And would ya look at that! We hit the jackpot! Congratulations!” Sarcasm bled from his tone as he stormed off, leaving the rest of the cabinet to deal with their unconscious ruler.


    “Ugh! That fucker!” the Sceptile spat. She hastily removed her cloak, swaddling Alan tightly before passing him over to Melissa. “Take him to your room, he probably just needs some rest. I’m going after that little shithead.”


    She slung her claymore over her back, storming off after the Shaymin. Melissa, left paralyzed after the events of the past few minutes, was escorted out through a joint effort between Hikaru and Lorenzo. 


    “Was this… was this all my fault?” Melissa cried as she rocked Alan back and forth. “I… I just wanted you to be happy for once Eddie… I love you… P-Please forgive me… I missed you so much… Please… don’t leave me again… Please…” The Lurantis’s crying echoed down the hallways for hours after, only quieting down as the mantis tired, cuddling Alan as she collapsed into a deep sleep as well.


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