The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “We meet again, Morgan”


    Morgan’s eyes widened in dreaded recognition. That Vulpix, the same Vulpix that had been dragged out of his cell just yesterday was now back, donning the Everlasting King’s signature crown. 


    You…. YOU!! ” Rage overtook his better judgment and rationale. This was the last straw. King Edward’s policies and neglect of the kingdom were the root cause of his family’s generations-long struggle, his lifelong torment as a discolored, ‘cursed’ Pokemon, his imprisonment, and subsequent torture. The cause of all his pain, standing within reach of his claws, flaunting his freedom. His eyes flared to life, fangs bared and what was left of his claws ready to pounce.


    Alan could do nothing but silently signal Morgan to calm down. The footsteps walking away were faint now, but the two royal guards were still in earshot.


    Morgan’s body glowed a hot orange as he rammed his whole body into Alan. The Vulpix barely reacted in time, but was too slow to dodge, only barely able to turn his body sideways before the dragon slammed right into his torso. He was thrown into the wall, his cloak absorbing most of the damage but the pain still shot through Alan’s body. He stifled a quiet squeak, still weary of Celeste and Hikaru, their footsteps now barely audible over Morgan’s rage. 


    “Please Morgan, calm down, it’s not what you think!” Alan said, slightly louder this time. 


    Unfortunately, his words were completely ignored by the Jangmo-o. “Shut up! You did this to me! All my suffering! I’m sitting here being forced to repent for crimes I didn’t want to commit and you have the gall to stroll in here and make fun of my situation?!?”


    He stood back up, in pain but still determined, and cautiously tried to approach the raging dragon. Its body still glowed a bright orange but the bonds held tight, keeping it back further assaulting Alan.


    The Vulpix put his paws up, trying to stroke Morgan’s heart-shaped pink scale. His poor attempt at consoling Morgan only further aggravated his reaction. He dug his fangs deep into the paw offered in front of him. Alan recoiled in pain, nearly stumbling over backward as he pulled away his paw, blood messily pooling on the ground around the paw.


    A claw flashed into his field of vision. Without any time to react it sliced deep into his cheek and flipped him over, his crown slipping off his head, clattering loudly on the floor beside him. 


    Alan jumped back, wincing in pain as he felt even more fresh wounds form on his body. Ah fuck, I need to calm him down…. somehow… He thought back to his first encounter with Morgan, back to the powder snow that he shot at the dragon in his desperate panic. A cold aura began to permeate through his veins and muscles as he attempted to replicate the same attack he pulled off. 


    His body stiffened, muscles tensed, tail curled up. He took a deep breath, picturing in his mind the most powerful powder snow attack he could, but…


    “Fuuuuuu…” Nothing’s coming out! What am I doing wrong?!?


    Fuuuu…. Fuuu…. Fuuuu! GRAHHHH!!” He attempted to attack over and over, yet he was unable to produce a single snowflake. “Ugh! Why am I so god damn weak?!?” he cursed to himself. Morgan continued his mindless thrashing, body still glowing red hot in outrage, the chains connecting him groaning under the strain yet still managing to hold back to raging Jangmo-o.


    “GRAAH!! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!! RELEASE ME YOU GODLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!” Morgan roared, the glow on his body rapidly dissipating. His eyes unfocused, as his body slumped back onto the ground in front of Alan. He curled up, hiding away the bleeding remains of his claws, crying bloody tears into the rotting straw under him.


    “Please… Please let me go…” Morgan whimpered. “I didn’t mean to– I didn’t want to kill your men! Please… My family… Momma… Save me…”


    “No… Morgan I–  I’m sorry Morgan…” Alan’s heart resonated with the crying dragon. A flame of determination, no doubt fueled by Edward’s influence, reignited inside him. He wanted, he needed to save this dragon. It wasn’t for Necrozma anymore, it was personal now.


    An Oran berry landed in front of Morgan, its sweet scent grabbing the attention of the crying Jangmo-o. “Please listen to me Morgan, I’m still Alan… You’re safe, I’ll… I’ll get you out of here. Please, calm down.” Alan soothed, his reassuring tone alongside the warmth of Alan’s body as he snuggled up next to Morgan releasing all the tension between them. “I snuck this berry from the castle, eat it quickly. I hate seeing you hurt like this…”


    Morgan took a few labored breaths before messily biting down on the plump blue fruit, its juices spilling down his jaws and onto the ground. A muted yet radiant glow enveloped his body, cuts and bruises replaced by healthy yellow scales, blood stains fading away alongside the rest of his injuries. 


    “T-thank you… But h-how??”


    “How what?” said Alan, also biting down on another Oran berry. 


    “How… e- everything? I-I don’t get it… I thought they were gonna kill you! How are you… king?”


    Alan paused. How did he get here anyways? He teared up, countless memories and visions of the past few days of his life flooded back. The hours he spent chained to the pole in that room, the excruciating pain he experienced. They all echoed so loudly inside, his mental distress compounding further and further.


    Overwhelmed, he felt his heart beginning to beat with greater intensity. He was free, yet he felt so trapped.


    Ice formed a ring around his chest as he fell apart. “I-I’m sorry!”  he half-screamed, half-cried. “It… I’m… He… I didn’t… H-hurt…” Sobbing mixed with rapid, shallow breaths rang out as Alan repeatedly failed to keep himself coherent, the memory of his lowest moment resurfacing, clouding his mind. He curled up, silently mumbling apologies to himself.


    The warmth from a paw shattered the growing ring of ice on his torso. Alan shuffled closer to the source of the warmth, letting Morgan rest his entire body upon the sniffling fox. The Vulpix relaxed slightly, he was safe now.


    “U-uh, I-”


    “Calm down kiddo. Let’s take five.” said Morgan, softly. 


    The two of them cuddled in silence for a long while, occasionally glancing at each other in support. Alan’s breathing slowed, his anxiety melting away into the warm sea of tranquility that now permeated the cell. After a while, Morgan spoke again. “You feelin’ better?”


    “Y-yeah, a little,” replied Alan, his mental cloud clearing away. “I’m sorry, by the way. I’m sorry for what he’s… what we’ve done to you.”


    Morgan tilted his head slightly in confusion. “I’m not following kiddo, how bout’ you start from the top, from when we got separated.”


    “A-alright… They took me back to the room with the rituals. Celeste… She kept saying that my memories were gonna get replaced. But something went wrong again… it didn’t hurt like last time, I barely felt anything at all…”


    Alan paused for a moment, debating how much of his experience in that weird realm of fog he should reveal to Morgan. 


    If Necrozma wants me to break him out so much, it’s better if we both know as much as possible. He concluded, glancing at the Jangmo-o softly stroking Alan’s back, patiently waiting for Alan to continue. 


    “I woke up again in this weird fog… Like a dream that was never supposed to be…” Alan continued on, recounting his experience with Necrozma, and what little information he was given he shared wholeheartedly.


    For a moment, Morgan’s eyes narrowed slightly as he self-deprecatingly sighed to himself. “I can’t say I’ve heard about this ‘Necrozma’ being you’ve met, but it’s a little suspicious he wants a nobody like me alive…” 


    “I’ll be completely honest here, Morgan, a lot of what I’m doing now is also for my own gain. I… I really need my memories back. But…” Alan abruptly stopped. No, not yet, that’s not important right now.


    “But what?”

    “N-nothing important. What is important is that when he left, King Edward also showed up to talk”


    Morgan hissed at the mention of King Edward, scales on his side flaring up in instinctive defense. 


    “W-wait Morgan! Edward’s not what you think he is!” Alan shuffled back slightly, unsure how Morgan would react next. “He… He was forced into this! His royal cabinet trapped him, melding his influence and power for their gain. When I was sent here, Necrozma merged my soul with Edward. He… We are one now. I have to fix whatever mess he started.”


    “And for that…” Alan deeply prostrated in front of the sitting dragon. “I’m sorry. Sorry for your unfair treatment. I’m sorry for whatever happened, whatever Edward did to get you and your family here. Please, accept our sincerest apologies.”


    Morgan looked away, faintly blushing. “O-oh… N-no Alan, you didn’t have to! I get it, and I promise, we’ll get out of this together, alright?”


    “Then I promise, with my life, I’ll get you out of here Morgan.” said Alan, determination filling his gold-tinted eyes. “But aside from that, what about you? What do you plan to do now?”


    Morgan’s expression darkened, eyes firmly locked down to the ground. He fiddled with his claws in deep contemplation.


    “I can’t do much in my current position other than to just hold on.” he finally replied. “But if you’re wondering about once we escape, my highest priority is probably to find my family, or at least, confirm that they’re still alive.”


    “I…” Alan looked down as well, eyes locked onto the Jangmo-o’s claws. “I’ll do my best to help, I-if I can… I don’t know what Necrozma wants from me next.”


    “I appreciate it, Alan.” Morgan looked up, a tiny smile forming on his face. 


    For a few moments longer, Alan felt his stress melt away. He could forget about all the pain and his purpose for just a bit and focus on the warmth instead. He’ll take their escape one step at a time. 


    Morgan sighed, they both knew staying together any longer would be suspicious. “It’s best you get going, your majesty. Stay safe out there, alright?” 


    Alan took one last glance at the cell before making his way out. The guards at the front were quick to return to their original posts upon noticing the king’s departure.



    Emerging from the Mystery Dungeon, he slowed his pace considerably, taking the opportunity to absorb the surrounding scenery. This was the first time since he had hatched that he finally felt in control once more, no longer being kept knocked unconscious or kept imprisoned in a dimly lit room somewhere. He knew it wouldn’t last long, but just for a moment… He was free.


    He strayed off the paved pathway, onto a nearby grassy hilltop overlooking one of the royal gardens that surrounded him. Atop the mound, he marveled at the full extent of Krux’s power. The castle stood proudly in the center, its exterior walls as well as the surrounding moat seemingly glistening in the late afternoon sunlight. It seemed so large, even at a distance. Alan reflected on that thought for a moment, it hadn’t even crossed his mind how large everything was in his new body. 


    It’s so beautiful… This kingdom, their people, the world as a whole… Why must there be so much garbage hidden alongside… A contemplative tear rolled down Alan’s cheeks. He understood now why Edward had so desperately begged him to save his kingdom, and he was determined. He wanted to save this kingdom. No… he needed to save this kingdom… just like Morgan. 


    His golden eyes gleamed, reflecting the light of the setting sun. He felt… satisfied, like an invisible weight being lifted off his shoulders. He had found his purpose, a goal to look towards, some feeling to wake up towards, unlike the fear and dread he was subjected to throughout the past week of his new life.


    The rest of his journey back to the throne room passed by uneventfully. The grassy fields of the royal gardens soon turned to smooth cobblestone roads extending all the way back to the castle. The sun was quickly setting below the horizon, urging the Vulpix to hurry his pace. His slow, relaxed stride turned into a light jog as he approached the castle exterior.


    A Frogadier and Dewott, both suited with light metal armor, stood guard in front of the grand wooden doors of Krux castle. Their short stature against the much larger, more imposing entranceway made it hard for Alan to feel in any way intimidated. It did not help that both of them seemed to be asleep, leaving the gateway unmanned and unprotected and allowing the Vulpix to easily sneak inside.

    Dim candlelight illuminated the silent grand halls, each footstep echoing between the walls adorned in gold decoration and portraits of the royal cabinet. Many of the portraits featured the same Serperior, donning a similar velvet robe and golden crown to the one Alan was currently dressed in.


    Now that I’ve got the chance, I should explore around a bit. Alan mentally noted down his path as he turned each corner, details imprinted into his mind like landmarks on a map. The castle was designed like a maze, with many branching pathways only leading to dead ends or cramped rooms at the end of most corridors.


    He noticed the workers inside the castle seemed to actively avoid him, his presence in the castle accounted for yet not obstructed. No matter, however, roaming the countless grandiose corridors of Krux castle was a task much easier completed alone. 


    Forming a mental map of his surroundings proved much easier than he had expected. Was it due to his new form’s natural instinct to explore or was it another power bestowed upon him by Necrozma and Edward he could not answer, but he did not care either. As long as it helped him achieve his goals, he fully welcomed it. 


    Each hallway he traveled down felt nearly identical, only the height of the candles and torches lining the walls seemed to change. However, as he neared his destination, everything felt much more grand and opulent. More gold lined the walls and ceiling while the dim torches and candles were instead replaced by beautiful crystal chandeliers, swaying melancholically in the majestic yet slightly stuffy hallways of Krux castle.


    The throne room stood out against every other entranceway lining the golden corridor. Multiple gems were embedded into a massive archway and doors, the flickering candles atop the chandelier causing them to sparkle. The light that emanated from the room was blinding compared to the relative darkness of the corridors that led to it. Without much left to do, Alan pushed aside the sparkling doors with relative ease and entered.


    A deafening silence permeated the now empty chamber. Lorenzo, Hikaru, and Celeste seemed to have gone off to fulfill their duties elsewhere, leaving the Vulpix alone with the same stack of unread papers, seemingly having doubled in size in the few hours he was away. Alan had no interest in reading any more paperwork, however, instead hopping onto a pile of documents, using it as a ramp instead.


    Stepping onto his throne, the tiny Vulpix felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. The cushion puffed up as he laid atop it, wrapping his fluffy belly in soft and comfortable leather and foam. It was still much too large for him, a reminder that this wasn’t really his throne to begin with. He was a pretender in the end, no one other than Morgan and Necrozma knowing his true identity. 


    Yawning, Alan felt his mental strength collapse. The wave of fatigue grew exponentially in strength, him now struggling to keep his eyes open. The warmth from his robe and cushion only compounded the effect. 


    His thoughts fragmented, brain shutting off one at a time. Can’t… fight off… sleepy… damn this body…. He smiled as his head drooped. Alan was in bliss. For the first time since being reborn in another world, he was finally able to fall asleep naturally for once.



    Alan reawoke to the same dense fog gradually parting, revealing the same dull gray landscape extending in all directions around the fox. His immediate surroundings had been modified, however. Where once was a barren, featureless wasteland now stood a singular long dining table. Alan was positioned at the head of the table, the throne where he lay in the conscious world transferring over to this still unfamiliar world of fog. 


    Directly opposite lay sat Edward, coiled up. He was staring off into the barren wasteland behind the Vulpix when both their gazes met. Alan glared back, the memory of seeing the Pokemon imprisoned in the dungeon, as well as Morgan’s initial reaction to his presence reigniting a deep, burning rage inside him.


    “Alan… I’m sor-”


    “You’re what? Sorry? You gonna make more excuses about how you haven’t been in control of your past few lives? You could have stopped this centuries ago!” yelled Alan, his sharp tone causing the usually well-composed monarch to shrink back slightly. “You can’t keep shifting the blame to your cabinet Edward! You caused this! Morgan is suffering in there because of your policies!”


    Edward prostrated himself before him. “Alan I… It wasn’t supposed to be like this! No one told me it was this bad! They’ve been keeping me in the dark as well Alan!”


    Alan jumped off his throne and strode across the wooden table towards the trembling Serperior. “They, they, they ! It’s always their fault, isn’t it? Why can’t you see that it’s as much your fault as their own?!?”


    “A-Alan please, calm-”


    “Can it, snake.” Alan interrupted, now standing on the opposite edge of the table, staring down at Edward, head still lowered. “None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for your stupidity! You have no one to blame except yourself! This entire situation we both find ourselves in, this is all your fault! It’s not fair I have to fix your fucking problems!


    “I know Alan! It’s all my fault! You don’t need to keep repeating it!” Edward snapped back, startling Alan, the Vulpix’s tail drooping in response. “This… All of it… I know I caused all of it… The prison wasn’t the only thing that I screwed up, Alan.”


    Oh fuck… I didn’t mean to come off that aggressively… He’s been through so much already… A few moments passed in tense silence, neither knowing how to react properly. Edward hid away his face from Alan, stuffing it in between his coiled body.


    Alan hopped off the table, landing next to the Serperior, snout nuzzling Edward’s dull gray scales. Two vines picked Alan up, placing him in the center of Edward’s coil. He tensed, causing the coils to wrap around his entire body more tightly.


    As Alan embraced Edward’s unnaturally warm body, he could hear Edward’s muffled sobbing and muttering echoing around him. “I’m sorry, Alan. It was never meant to be this way. I wish I could do more to pay for my neglect…”


    “But… It’s too late for that now. All this is karma for my past actions, my punishment for my failures I must atone for. I’m sorry I got you sucked into this mess as well, Alan. You probably wouldn’t have had nearly as hard of a time had I been less reckless with my management.”


    “Oh, Edward… No… I didn’t mean for that to come out so harsh…” Alan watched as Edward’s head popped back out, the both of them guiltily looking at each other.  “I’m sorry as well.”




    The two of them stayed folded on top of each other, each silently looking at the other, quietly working up the courage to start over. Alan was the first to speak up. “Look, Edward… I need ideas. Morgan, he…”


    “I saw. His situation is precarious. But your situation is much, much worse, Alan. I’ve seen those looks Celeste and Lorenzo gave you before, in my final life. They are preparing something, something to bind you to that throne forever. Something to keep you under their claws for the rest of eternity. You need to get out while you still can.” said Edward, his cautionary tone instilling a deep uncertainty in Alan’s mind.


    “So what? You’re suggesting I take the nuclear option?” 



    “N-nevermind that. Human expression.” Alan quickly corrected. “You’re suggesting I escape as soon as possible? How would I even get away from Celeste and Hikaru, let alone the rest of the castle? I’m sure you know a lot more than me about how capable your entire cabinet is…”


    “You’re underestimating your capabilities again, Alan.” A vine shot back out of Edward’s collar, pointing at the Vulpix. “You have my energy to tap into, you have Necrozma’s support as well.”


    “Edward, did you even see me against Morgan earlier? He was chained to the wall, and I still nearly got my ass beat! I couldn’t even produce a powder snow reliably!” Alan whined. He was beginning to feel increasingly frustrated at all the expectations placed upon him by both Necrozma and Edward.


    “You are still physically young, Alan. Your body was never supposed to be subjected to so much trauma this early, if at all ever. I believe something is subconsciously locking those powers of yours away”


    Alan looked around, confused. “Uhm, sure. So do you have any ways of going around this ‘subconscious lock’ of mine then?” He questioned, uncertain how he should react to his current situation. 


    “I’m highly certain Necrozma would have a solution to your problems, being a god and all.” He leaned in, whispering as if someone else was listening in to their conversation “ I would like to wager it was him who caused this block in the first place.”


    “I’m sure he’s not making my life more difficult, that would also ruin his plans as well y’know.” Alan defended casually, not wanting to put too much thought into the motives of a god. 


    Noticing the lack of a reply from the former monarch, the Vulpix continued. “This world just feels so… confusing to me. Like,  I get the concept of Pokemon, I get the idea that y’all have kingdoms and shit, but just… Mystery dungeons? Rituals? It’s all gone over my head honestly.”


    Edward chuckled, bringing Alan into an even tighter embrace. “Oh, sweet child…Forgive me for this, but I’ve seen fragments of your memories when we merged. They’re… blurry at best, but they do give me insight into your world.” Edward sighed, continuing in a much more somber tone. “Your world. It’s much different from this world. Humans… Humans everywhere, and not a single Pokemon in sight. I do not know where you have encountered our kind before, but it is nowhere to be seen in the few memories I was able to see.”


    “Heh… Yeah. Weird…” Alan awkwardly murmured in agreement. An extended silence followed, the Vulpix struggling to continue the conversation.


    Noticing Alan’s internal struggle, Edward took the opportunity to probe further. “Alan… Is something the matter?” He asked, shifting to a much warmer tone 


    “N-no? Edward wha-“


    “For the sake of our prolonged cooperation, I shall answer that for you.” He interrupted. “You are conflicted, Alan. You have found a purpose in this world, but are fearful of following that path.”


    “Your situation is unique. As much as I’d like to help you, my inexperience with your issue limits my usefulness. However, I will impart you with a small bit of advice. You do not owe anything to Necrozma.” 


    Noticing Alan’s concerned and confused stare, Edward clarified. “He may have some of your memories Alan, but have you considered why he took those from you? Could it be that those memories were actively harming you? Would it be better now that you have parted from them?”


    Alan stared at Edward, his cloudy eyes deep in contemplation. What has Necrozma been hiding from me? Had he only picked my happiest memories to aid me in adjusting to this new world? Why would he give me the option to regain what he had taken then?


    “I-I… I don’t know….” he eventually replied, the uncertainty in his voice much more apparent than before. “I’ll need to think about it. Nothing makes sense to me yet.” 


    His tail and ears dropped even lower, prompting Edward to pick up the little vixen with his vines, pulling him up to face-level so that their snouts were touching.


    “Take as much time as needed Alan, I will always be here to support you. We are one being now, whatever helps you helps me as well.”


    Edward smiled. Alan returned it with a smaller, more restrained smile. “T-thanks Edward, I appreciate it.”


    “It is best for you to awaken now, Alan.” The Serperior urged, noticing a faint rumbling in the distance. He placed Alan back atop the throne he appeared with. “But a thanks to you as well, for providing me with the opportunity to atone.”


    Alan’s body began to dissolve, alongside his golden seat, into an amorphous blob before gradually disappearing into the ground. 


    He gave one last look around the barren wasteland that was his subconscious realm, before allowing the darkness to fully consume him once more as he descended back into the conscious world.



    Edward watched longingly as the last of the golden throne descended back into the misty, undefined ground alongside the little Vulpix. Yet, he found himself unable to collapse the subconscious dimension and return to watching the world through Alan’s eyes. That’s intriguing… The last time control of this realm was wrested from was… oh… oh no….


    The Serprior’s blood ran cold as he realized what was going on. A prismatic glimmer in his peripheral vision caused him to turn, vines violently whipping in the general direction of the light. He was too slow however, the prismatic eyes glittering against the background proved too agile, effortlessly weaving between the constant barrage of attacks Edward desperately tried to fling at it. 


    Necrozma’s form scattered, leaving Edward alone in the foggy wasteland once more, still unable to escape back into Alan’s mental realm.


    That’s enough. Playtime’s over.


    Edward’s muscles were forcefully relaxed as control of most of his own body was also stolen from him. He collapsed onto the floor, only able to move his eyes to stare at the floating pile of ink-black crystals that had materialized over him. 


    “Urk…” Edward grunted as he struggled to retake control. Even speaking was a struggle for him. “Nice… to see you… again… Ne-c-crozma…


    Necrozma replied with only a pitying glare back. He continued watching Edward struggle for a while longer, silently chuckling to himself. 


    “Were you… listening… in o-on our conversation?” Edward choked out, each word sapping what little energy he reclaimed against the god-like being’s pressure.


    I was, and I must say, you are pathetic Edward.” Necrozma spat. His multicolored eyes flickered between crimson and an even deeper cerulean, crystalline claws clenched tightly, his disappointment and rage so clear.


    Atonement? Tch. Pathetic. Your attempts at escaping your past are futile. You will never clear your conscience. I will make sure of it.


    “I do not care, Necrozma. You have taken all I have already. Leave me and Alan be.” Edward huffed, breaking into a coughing fit, muscles were still locked up from Necrozma’s influence. “I know… what… you are doing to… Alan… and I-I will see to it that you… d-do not succeed.”


    Necrozma’s illusory form flickered. He growled and his cold inky claws squeezed into Serpeior’s neck, choking him. Vines claw at the crushing grip and his tail flails around in desperation. Necrozma lifted him into the air, where overwhelming psychic power twisted and coiled his body into a grotesque ball. Edward’s muscles strained as he used all his strength to wiggle and push back against the force, only for it to smash him into a table. It cracks with a boom and thousands of splinters shoot everywhere, many piercing his ivory hide. He hollered in agony.

    Murky liquid seeped from his mouth. It trailed down his beaten body and pooled around the table’s remains.


    Insolent scum. Do not hinder me any further. You are nothing but a vessel for my servant, you shall act like it.


    “You humor me, Necrozma. For a god, there’s surprisingly little you can do to me in your current state.” the serpent mocked, eyes glaring back at the seething deity. “As you said, I am his vessel. You need me to reach him, and you cannot do anything about that.”


    We will see about that. But fine, enjoy your relative freedom for now, your Majesty .


    The pressure pressing down on Edward released as Necrozma’s image flickered and vanished. Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, he slowly melted back into the misty ground as the barren wasteland around him collapsed back into Alan’s subconscious.

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    1. Mar 3, '24 at 1:03 pm

      I’m back for more! This is a review for chapters 4 and 5. This is getting quite interesting, I have to say I love this story so far, not even because of the lore, but because I enjoy seeing how things turn out for Alan and Morgan, I guess I enjoy the angst and the comfort moments or something. Melissa’s behavior was quite funny, being this creepy obsessed lady with that quirky attitude towards the king, that was surprising. I’m worried about what could happen whenever Alan goes to the bedroom with her…

      That dream with this weird god that took necrozma’s appearance was so mysterious. What the hell is its deal? It wants Alan to protect Morgan at all costs, but what kind of role does he play in this story? That made me really interested, even if it’s just because he’s “destinied to be Alan’s partner” in this story or something. Of course, Alan wants to protect Morgan not just for the mission, but because he cares about him, which was really sweet.

      All this made me wonder… What’s Alan’s age? Since the first scene in chapter 1 made me think he was like a young adult or at least a teenager, but whenever he’s treated like a kid he doesn’t correct anyone. I guess that would make sense if he doesn’t remember much from his past life, but still… it’s strange. And now it kinda feels like Alan sees Morgan kinda like a parental figure? Not sure I got that correctly, but if that’s it then it’s an interesting way to make a partner dynamic, something I never saw in a pmd fic before.Or maybe just like a big bro. No idea.

      Their initial confrontation was painful to see, I really didn’t want to see Morgan suffer like that but neither did I want to see Alan being treated like all of that was his fault. He really didn’t deserve it, and now he has to face the consequences of someone else’s mistakes. It’s like “oh hey, I’m guilty for this, well not exactly, but there’s a new soul mixed with mine now and that soul is guilty for this, so it’s my fault too, even if I did nothing”. Poor Alan.

      And then, king Edward… Wow, those scenes with him in Alan’s dreams were really good. I expected something different, not just a king that actually wants change and regrets all what happened. Him wrapping his body around Alan and comforting him… Awwww that was sweet. I still don’t get why the mention of grey scales, if he’s supposed to be a serperior, I think I missed some detail, but anyway. The confrontation between Edward and Necrozma was weird… I’m really wary of Necrozma now, I don’t know what its real purpose is, but I don’t trust it now. I expected to trust Necrozma more than Edward, but now it’s the other way around, so that was a cool way of subverting my expectations.

      I really hope Alan can change this kingdom, starting with stopping the massacre happening in that dungeon, because holy shit, that’s horrifying. I’m looking forward to see Alan interacting with the other members of the royal…. thing, especially the quilava and the shaymin. Those seemed nice. Anyway, great fic so far, it got me enjoying every little moment, I don’t know what it is but it’s the most I’ve enjoyed reading fanfiction in quite some time, along with Tangled Feet. Keep it up ^^