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    Alan awoke to a light dimly shining around him, barely enough to pass through his shut eyelids to stir him awake. It was cramped and claustrophobic, limiting any and all sorts of movement Alan tried to make. He wasn’t sure how he ended up like this, but being trapped in this tiny prison of sorts definitely was not what he wanted to wake up to.


    He could roughly work out the dimensions of his prison from the inside, using what little room he had to move his arms around. They were more difficult to move and less responsive than expected, but he chalked it up to just being asleep for so long. The walls were smooth and slippery, curving upwards and rounding off directly above him. An ovoid structure, exactly how the inside of an egg would feel.


    How the hell did I end up inside an egg? That’s the last time I’m going out drinking with friends… Alan internally grumbled. Even in a situation like this, he stayed surprisingly calm, he was always known for being the thinker of his friend circle, keeping the entire group out of trouble as best he could.


    If I am truly inside an egg, I should be able to easily break out, like a hatching duckling right? he reasoned.


    Squirming around for a couple of seconds, Alan felt a tiny crack in the otherwise smooth walls brush up against his left leg. At the same time, he could feel some instinctual urge rush up his throat, taking control of his head and repeatedly telling him to kick and kick and kick.


    Alan obliged, not being able to think of any other solutions. He thrashed around violently, focusing his efforts on a single point near the tip of the egg. The membrane and shell were exceedingly tough, much more than what he was used to with chicken or duck eggs, but he could feel the crack widening as he continued attacking the shell.


    Tiny shards of eggshell fell upon his still-closed eyelids, he had not been able to open them even now, to his benefit. The crack widened, glaring sunlight leaking in from above. After some more intense effort, a front leg shoves past the gap, followed by a powerful burst of energy originating from somewhere inside the egg.


    The egg trapping Alan promptly disintegrated, showering his surroundings with varying sizes of shell and leaving him laying in a ball on the orange rock, reeling from overexertion.


    The burst of energy also left him temporarily blinded, but he quickly recovered. As his vision slowly regenerated itself he slowly registered it to be a forest clearing of sorts. The wall of trees loomed over him and seemed massive even from a distance, separated from Alan by a massive lake, tiny waves rippling on the surface.


    Attempting to stand up, he quickly started stumbling over as his hind legs were unable to support his body. It genuinely feels like I’m a newborn again… What’s going on? Alan wondered. As he toppled over and lay face up on the ground, he tried to think back and remember what he did last night.


    Ok, so I was definitely out drinking with friends… Wait… What even are their names… No… His eyes widened and tightened as he struggled to recall the names of any of his friends. What the hell… I KNOW I have friends, but I can’t remember any of their names?


    As Alan continued to search his thoughts, the extent of his memory loss became all too clear. This… It feels like I’m an outsider to my own mind…. He couldn’t help but begin to whimper as the crushing reality of his situation dawned on him.


    He closed his eyes and felt tiny droplets of tears forming around his eyes. He could remember the fact that he was someone, but not what he looked like. He could remember that he had friends, but couldn’t remember anything else about them. He could remember the emotions he felt throughout his life, the what… but not the why, the reason, the events that had spurred them.


    Sharp stinging pain suddenly shot up his throat, a dire sense of thirst overpowering his attempts at memory recollection. He flipped over and attempted to stand again, this time on all fours. It just felt more natural to him, that natural inclination to act more as an animal than a human winning over, similar to what he felt when he broke out the egg.


    Confused initially, it took only a short glance at what he thought were his arms for him to reveal the problem. Instead of 2 cream-colored arms resting in front of him, all he could see were 2 tiny snow-white legs, wobbling intensely as he attempted to slowly crawl towards the lake.


    W-what? These aren’t my arms… Where are my hands? As he panicked, his front legs gave way and Alan tumbled to the ground once more. The burning in his throat quickly reshuffled his mental state. Whatever. Water first, then I’ll figure out what the hell happened to me.


    Fortunately for Alan, it only took less than a minute of struggling for walking to feel natural again. He still felt like moving was a massive burden to him, but he was already happy enough that he could walk in the state he was in.


    The moment he was within reach of the lake, he plunged his entire head below the surface of the water, gulping mouthfuls of water without a second thought. Relief washed over him as the extreme burning in his throat immediately dispersed. Now much calmer, he pulled his head out of the water and composed himself.


    He tried looking back at his fragmented memories once again, attempting to recall them chronologically instead this time. Mentally dull images of his childhood passed by, each having barely enough clarity for him to grasp its contents generally. Watching cartoons on a Sunday morning, eating a sundae with someone familiar, his first rollercoaster ride. Progressing to his teenage years, his memories were now so clouded that he was only able to only just distinguish peaks in emotion from the sea of blankness, progressively getting more overpowering as he cycled through more and more memories. At some point, when he was about 21, he was completely unable to recall anything further, only white noise permeating the rest of where his memories should have been. He could still remember the ideas of most objects, like a car or a grilled cheese sandwich, but he couldn’t call back to any example of him having experience with any of them. Alan quickly stopped again as the lack of tangible memories left him frustrated and mentally fatigued.


    Satisfied with whatever he was able to recall, Alan focused his vision back onto the surface of the lake, once again peaceful, near perfectly mirroring his own image for himself to see.


    He was no longer human. Snow white fur coated the entirety of his quadruped body, save for small parts extending about 3 inches from his paws, being a light cerulean blue instead. His 4 legs were attached to a tiny frail body which, relative to the blades of grass around him, Alan approximated to be about 2 feet long. His face was also fully covered in white fur, still damp from him diving his head into the lake just moments prior. A canine-like snout extended from his face and was rounded off by a tiny black nose. Sliding his focus up, his eyes were relatively large compared to the rest of his face, a singular cloudy sky-blue color filled his lenses, blank shiny eyes staring back at him save for a noticeable golden tint around the edge of both of his eyes.


    An overgrown ball of long white fur drooped down to eye level from the center of his head, able to cover part of his eyes if Alan angles his head perfectly. Sandwiching the furball are two relatively massive pointed ears, stretching out and down to about halfway down his face. A similar golden tint lined the edge, shining against the white and dark gray ear and making the ear seem to glow against the dark forested surroundings. A lone similarly colored tail stood resolute, peaking above the tuft of hair before curling on itself tightly, shining golden fur coating the tip of the tail.


    Alolan Vulpix? Alan recognized. He could recall the concept of Pokemon, and many different species of Pokemon, but was uncertain where he had encountered them before. He however distinctly remembered seeing a few of them on the TV as a child, whether it was a show or a documentary he was unable to ascertain.


    So it seems I was reborn in this world for some reason, but I don’t remember dying though… Internally sighing, he kept analyzing his situation. Something has removed or is somehow fully suppressing my memories as a grown adult, it means something wants me to be here. Is it possible I have a role to fulfill here? He flicked the damp wad of fur covering his eyes backward, a satisfying wet slap echoing from behind.


    Movement in his peripheral vision shattered his train of thought in an instant. Whipping his head around, he could no longer spot what was approaching him. What? Did I sense something? Alan was sure his senses were not this sharp when he was human. Another effect of my reincarnation… He sensed movement in his peripheral vision again, from 2 distinct figures approaching from much closer this time.


    Eyes widening, Alan quickly spun around to face the two figures, this time not disappearing from view, but still approaching his location at a casual pace. Unconsciously, he dug his claws into the ground and got into a defensive position in an instant. I’m… this… this isn’t me… I can’t control my instincts… He wasn’t going to fight it however if it was keeping him safe he was content with just following along with it.


    The two shadowy figures seemed locked in deep conversation, their voices now able to be heard over the light background chatter and bristling leaves.


    “…and her majesty has been requesting all guards leave her room except me, and I’m literally not allowed to tell you what happens next.”


    “No, no do not worry, I am very much able to imagine what Melissa is doing with you.”




    “I am just joking Chai.”


    “I’d appreciate it if you at least gave some respect to her majesty, maybe she would actually stop disliking you so much.”


    The taller one of the pair suddenly held its paw up, instantly quieting the other. “Shush. I spot something ahead…”


    As soon as they approached the forest clearing their pace slowed. The figure craned its neck to study the tiny Vulpix, trembling lightly but holding steadfast. A flame of recognition lit its crimson eyes as it flickered from reality, reappearing in an instant directly in front of Alan, the other figure scampering frantically behind.


    “Its… I-Its truly you… your majesty” The navy-blue bipedal canine was kneeling in reverence now. Alan, still disoriented from the sudden turn of events, barely composed himself and looked up at the kneeling knight in front of him, towering over his tiny stature, black stripes lining its tightly shut eyes. Four black tassels dangled behind, tied up with a torn-up black ribbon, drooping down low enough to brush against its fluffy tail splayed across the grassy dirt. Thin gray armor fitted around parts of its body, bumps and scratches coating every part of the dull metallic surface. In the middle of its chest, the armor parted way to reveal a chest spike, adorned in all matter of golden decoration. A Lucario. Alan noted in his confused state.


    The other figure came running out of the trees in a frenzy. “Hikaru what the heck? You just ditched all your stuff with me and bolted!” hissed the walking mushroom, stubby red claws flailing around, irritation clear in his eyes. Unlike its partner, they weren’t wearing any armor, only a simple black scarf matching the ribbon on the Lucario, a single golden medallion pinned proudly to the center of the scarf. Two brown leather bags slung behind its back, filled to the brim with a multitude of items Alan wasn’t able to recognize. That’s a really small Breloom… or that Lucario is just massive…


    Before Alan could further react, Hikaru, still kneeling, snapped his head around and barked at the Breloom, now standing a short distance away from the two of them. “Chai! Not now! He’s back!”


    What? How can you tell so fast?” Chai questioned, eyes narrowing suspiciously.


    It’s the eyes and tail Chai! Look at that beautiful golden tint! Your majesty, you truly are still alive!” Hikaru exclaimed as he turned back around, facing Alan with his head tilted downwards once again.


    Chai took a moment to study Alan as well before the same flame of recognition also struck the Breloom, head diving to the ground in an instant. “B-But how?? Didn’t the ritual fail?” said Chai, his weakened voice not heard by anyone else.


    Alan wasn’t sure how to react to any of this, he hadn’t even the time to process that he had been reborn yet. His face scrunched up into a confused pout, legs still rooted firmly to the ground. He turned his head around, trying to see if the two Pokemon were instead talking to someone else instead. Unfortunately for him, however, they were not.


    The Lucario, now directly looking at the little Vulpix, spoke once again with his calm composure. “Your majesty, I am not sure how you ended up in the form of a newborn Korian Vulpix, but I am honored to be graced by your presence once more”


    Chai stayed silent, head still glued firmly to the ground, prompting a small jab from Hikaru’s backhand spike. Suppressing a small yelp, he continued where Hikaru left off. “Y-yes it is truly an honor to have found you so quickly, we only just heard recently about the possibility of your reappearance.”


    Hikaru spoke up once again “We were tasked with divulging your possible location, however even we didn’t expect your return to come so early”


    “The failure of the reincarnation ritual had sent the royal palace into disarray, your presence there would greatly reduce the chaos, we need your leadership your majesty” Chai pleaded.


    Alan was sure he was being confused with a different Pokemon for sure now, but when he opened his mouth to try and explain his situation, all he managed were a weak whimper and a couple of silent growls. Shit, I can’t talk at all! I’m not a king! Or… at least I don’t remember being one… what the fuck do I do?!


    He kept on trying to form something, anything with his mouth, but instead only a few light pants followed by an uncontrollable hacking cough. His vocal cords were not developed yet, he had no way of getting his point across. A familiar instinctual urge began to rise up his throat once again, this time screaming at him to escape, to leave, be anywhere, just not here.


    Alan scanned his surroundings, spotting the entrance to a cave not too far off his left side. Chai, picking up on his abnormal body language, whispered to Hikaru. “Hey, I highly doubt he can understand us right now… I think we need to take his majesty back by force.”


    “Chai?!” The Lucario scolded, completely caught off guard by the suggestion. “Are you suggesting we assault the king of Krux!?!?” He was standing up now, staring down at the Breloom, visibly irritated.


    Alan, spotting the opportunity for an escape, dashed past the Lucario, back turned and distracted. Hikaru however, having sensed his intentions many moments ago, only deeply sighed in resignation.


    “He’s heading towards the mystery dungeon Karu! Do something!”


    “Fine Chai, but you will have to explain why we brought His Majesty back unconscious with a bruise on his head” Hikaru grumbled, rolling his eyes before slapping his palms together, forming a massive ethereal bone, masterfully being swung around.


    Alan made it about halfway to the cave entrance before he could no longer run, his abysmal stamina causing him to slow down to a walking pace. Feeling a rush of wind from behind, he was only able to turn his head slightly before the Lucario was upon him, the bone sword accurately landing upon his head with a mighty reverberating THUNK. His sight blurred, colors slowly consumed by a strangely familiar all-encompassing darkness.


    The aura bone clattered on the ground, collapsing on itself immediately after. The Lucario followed, prostrating himself in front of the limp Vulpix body. “Apologies Your Majesty, I sincerely pray for your forgiveness for this act of violence.”


    Chai wordlessly followed suit, walking over to Alan’s unconscious body and kowtowing himself nearby. Getting up, he began to form bright purple spores in his mouth and lightly blew them onto Alan, turning his fur a faded lavender color.


    “That should keep him down for a while” he coldly stated, turning back to look at Hikaru, now rummaging through one of the two bags they carried with them. A small transparent box emerged out of the impossibly small bag, being plopped onto the ground as Alan was scooped up and gently placed into the container. A soft click signified the box was locked, before being picked up and swallowed by the bag, warping in size to accommodate its new contents before returning back to its normal size.


    The two Pokemon slid back into the trees, speeding away from the forest clearing and into the shadowy background once more.


    The lakefront would return to peace once more, but not before a blinding flash of electricity appeared and disappeared in an instant. A vivid yellow feline stood over the aftermath of the brief battle, lightning-shaped tail flicking impatiently as it inspected the spores on the ground. As quickly as the figure had appeared, it vanished again, leaving nothing but the shattered remains of an egg on the ground as evidence of anything taking place there.


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