The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Pâro – The feeling that everything you do is always somehow wrong—that there’s nothing you can eat that’s actually healthy, nothing you can say that isn’t problematic, no way to raise your kids that won’t leave them traumatized— which makes you wonder if there’s some obvious way forward that everybody can see but you, each of them leaning back in their chair and calling out helpfully, “Colder… colder… colder…” 

    – The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows



    The Vulpix stirred, unfurling his fluffy robed body, groggy and disoriented. A deep, dreamless slumber, interrupted only by the soft shuffling permeating his surroundings. He rubbed his eyes, wiping the drool off the corner of his mouth, waiting for his vision to return from a blurred splash of colors back to normalcy.


    He groaned, closing his eyes, attempting to return to sleep. A pair of claws, however, wrapped under his head, keeping them propped up and preventing him from falling back into his slumber.


    “Urngg… Five more minutes… please…” Alan begged as he tossed his head around, attempting to pull himself away from the claw’s grip. 


    “I truly apologize, your highness…” Celeste’s smooth voice rang in his mind. “You may return to your slumber soon, but there is something special you must attend to right this moment, sire.”


    Alan shot back up upon hearing the Sceptile’s voice, knots of hair tangled over his tired eyes, blocking his vision. 


    “Where…” His eyes darted around alarmedly. “Guh! I… Ah! Celeste! H-how am I…”


    “Don’t fear, your Majesty. I simply found you… ah… napping… in a book.” Celeste giggled, bringing up a claw and covering a tiny smirk that had formed. “In the library, at your old reading nest, even.”


    Alan pawed his face in embarrassment. “A-apologies… Celeste. I-I hope it wasn’t too much of a struggle to fish me out of there…”


    Celeste smiled as she caressed the Vulpix’s hair, returning it to its original, fluffy bloom. “I have served you for generations, your highness. I am adept in taking care of your every need from the day you hatch to the day I am reincarnated. It is natural that your infantile form requires more sleep, after all.” 


    All Alan could muster in return was a respectful nod and a stifled yawn. Through his still blurred eyesight, he could see Lorenzo heaving a massive stack of books, the same books that were scattered around him where he had collapsed. 


    “A–Ah! Thanks Lorenzo…” Alan pointed towards an empty spot beside his throne surrounded by paperwork. “You can leave those here, I’ll be sure your efforts aren’t wasted.”


    “Don’t ya worry about it, sir! I’m happy to carry a hundred more books later if you want!” Lorenzo bowed, the stack of books sliding off with grace. So peanut-brained, yet so graceful… Alan thought to himself. 


    Shoving his fatigue aside, Alan slid off his throne. He stepped around the pile of paperwork, now expanding off the sides of his throne and down onto the carpet lining the center of the throne room. 


    Lorenzo walked towards the fox, lowering himself in front of the monarch. Alan, finally familiar with the royal cabinet’s body language, stepped into his cupped arms, allowing himself to be picked up by the Aggron. Celeste inched closer to the pair of Pokemon. She faced Alan, gently combing his unkempt hair, helping it return to its original fluffy form. 


    Alan purred, his consciousness wavering in the arms of the robed Aggron. He held on as hard as he could, trying not to drop the crown balanced atop his head. 


    Celeste chuckled. She understood, empathized even, with the struggles the Vulpix faced. After all, she also remembered needing to be taken care of in such a manner. Reincarnation, even successful ones, was a tricky affair after all. She was still frustrated that her king was reduced to such an embarrassing form, but she couldn’t complain. He surely was having it much worse than she could ever. The best she could do was help him get back on his feet, both literally and figuratively.


    Neither the Sceptile nor the Aggron said much more, only warmly smiling at one another as the crowned Vulpix fell back asleep in Lorenzo’s arms. They quickened their pace to a hasty shuffle, traveling down the long carpeted corridors of the royal palace.


    Soon the cramped, isolated corridors opened up to larger, more well-lit halls. Glass lined the top edge of the hallways, allowing the midday sunlight to flood into the passageway. Workers scampered in between the stone archways off to the side of the main path, pausing just for a moment to marvel at the slumbering Vulpix before hurrying off to their next task.


    A few short moments later, the hallways opened up further to an expansive atrium. Red curtains partially hid massive windows of stained glass, the tapestry etched upon the fabric perfectly mimicking the different colored patterns of the assembled mosaic below. 


    The center of the room was barely decorated, lightly dusted training grounds, sectioned off by white lines painted atop the compacted dirt. In the center sat Hikaru, patiently waiting for the trio of Pokemon to arrive. 


    Lorenzo set the Vulpix down gently, allowing him to naturally wake. Simultaneously, Hikaru stood, breaking off from his meditation in preparation for what was to come. A glance at his partner was enough to fill him with the confidence to keep going.


    Alan felt incredibly groggy and disoriented. He felt the cold dusty ground underneath him, paws scraping against the dirt until his vision returned. A singular Chesto berry lay in front. He quickly chomped down upon the berry, his blunt teeth barely able to penetrate its hard skin. It didn’t matter, however, for it was barely enough to reinvigorate his tiny body. He kept on attacking the fruit, feeling the drowsiness melt away he gulped down more and more of the dry-tasting berry. 


    He wiped the bits of berry off the corners of his mouth, looking up to see Hikaru patiently waiting for him. A crowd had begun to form around the training field: Nobles, workers, guards. They all congregated around the sides, none daring to cheer loudly but all watching in tense anticipation. 


    The Vulpix only managed to reorient himself before his hind legs gave out. They had not fully recovered from last night’s episode, that was evident enough. He glanced behind his back, looking for any form of support he could get. Only a Shaymin, clad in bandages, stared back with concerned eyes. 


    “Hikaru… w-why are we here? Why is everyone watching us?” Alan stammered, shrinking away into the center of the field. “D-don’t they have more productive things to d-do?”


    “Well sire, today is a momentous occasion for everyone witnessing!” Hikaru answered, confidence overflowing from his tone. “We regularly conduct aptitude tests, and your first one each life tends to garner the most attention. Additionally, with your new… form … the results are bound to be much different than usual. We can move to a quieter facility, for more privacy if you so wish, your Highness.”


    “No… T-that’s not–” Alan shook his head. “W-what? A test? I-I don’t even know how… Can’t we leave this f-for later?”


    He motioned to his hind legs left splayed out on the ground. “Surely there’s another way than–”


    A Pokemon in rich, golden garments shouted from the growing crowd. “Nonsense! His Highness would never back down from such an offer!” Others agreed, mumbling their own opinions, a few cheering the Vulpix on. 


    Alan was about to speak again when the share glare of a Sceptile forced his mouth back into closing. Celeste had reappeared, taking a seat alongside Lorenzo at the front row of the now-packed arena. His ears drooped, sighing in resignation as he turned back towards the ever-so-patient Lucario facing him.


    “Never mind that…” The disgruntled Vulpix growled. “Let’s just, get this over with…


    “Very well, sire.”


    The Lucario stepped up towards the middle as the cheering intensified. His voice was filled with boundless courage and enthusiasm, yet he seemed to act in the complete opposite manner. His eyes danced back and forth, frequently glancing back at the Breloom cheering him on. The plates of metal that encased his body creaked as he shifted back and forth in place. 


    Lorenzo rose, towering high above the rest of the Krux nobility surrounding him. A quick exchange of nods with Hikaru signified his turn to speak. His voice boomed over the chittering Pokemon around the hall, pulling all their gazes off the crowned Vulpix and onto him instead.


    “Welcome! Welcome all! Please, settle down!” He motioned at the crowd with his arms, reducing the loud echoing racket to all but the lightest of murmurs. Unfurling a scroll from under his cape, the Aggron began to recite. 


    “Ahem! The bi-generational royal aptitude exam will now commence! His Majesty King Edward shall be the examinee for the day! Due to his current situation, special considerations have been applied for this exam. Lucario Hikaru, Deputy Head of the Royal Guards shall be the conductor of the exam; While I, Aggron Lorenzo, Head of Industry and Finances, and Sceptile Celeste, Head of the Royal Guards, shall be invigilator and judge.”


    Lorenzo returned to his seat amidst the crowd of Pokemon buzzing with excitement. “Scoring shall begin once the candidate makes their first move. You may begin, your Highness!” 


    With the snap of his claws, the roaring flames of the hall were extinguished, plunging most of the battleground into darkness. Only the sunlight piercing through the glass ceiling remained, shining down upon the pair of battlers like a spotlight in a play.


    Hikaru’s facial expression remained stoic, the fear in his eyes wiped away by overflowing determination and confidence. Alan, on the other hand, shuddered in the light. He tried his best the take his mind off the now hundred-Pokemon large crowd, yet he still felt each and every single one of their judgemental gazes breathing down on his back.


    The Lucario bowed, prompting Alan to return the action. He clumsily lowered his head, front legs slipping on the ground below. Before he could raise his head he heard a quiet chuckle, a few hushed gasps from the audience accompanying it. Hikaru had disappeared, the spotlight above shining solely down upon Alan.


    He felt an odd sensation gripping him, encasing him, warning him. A similar feeling to his encounter with Necrozma only a few hours past. He allowed his instincts to take over, cleansing himself of all conscious thought.


    A dodge to the right, and a blue sphere of aura to his left whizzing past. The attack rebounded, bouncing off of nothing and colliding directly into Alan’s left side. It fizzled out upon contact, his robe absorbing most of the aura sphere’s strength. The robe, however, failed to absorb the attack’s momentum, the collision sending him flying. 


    “GAH!” he yelped as his body skidded across the room. The attack had kicked up some dust on the battleground, obscuring his vision. 


    As he reoriented himself, a faint blue glow shone nearby, its source smashing onto the ground beside him. Instinctively, the cold in his throat rose, coalescing into a small icicle flying out of his mouth. The Lucario parried the ice shard with his bone, shattering it into pieces with ease.


    My ice! Why is it so weak!?! My strength! Why isn’t it-


    Hikaru reappeared through the dust, sweeping his legs below Alan and knocking him upwards. A force palm connected with his side, launching him to the edge of the impromptu stage created by the sunlight beaming down. 


    “Ughh..” Alan groaned as he struggled to pick himself back up. His robe had done its job, preventing his bones from shattering. Yet, he was still bruised and incredibly fatigued, unable to lift even his head off the ground. 


    As the dust settled he watched Hikaru approach, both of his paws shakily gripping his bone. Two more desperate ice shards weakly clinked off the Lucario’s armor, him barely even noticing the attack. 


    Alan’s head felt heavy. His hind legs, unresponsive. He curled up, paws covering his head as he readied himself for another beating. 


    A voice in the darkness rang out. Quiet and directionless, though growing in intensity. Indecipherable yet perfectly understood by the Vulpix. 




    …My strength…


    Alan felt his legs move by themselves, forcing himself back into a standing position. A warm yellow glow enveloped his lower body, slowly creeping up his torso as he stared down Hikaru. The Lucario’s approach halted, him curiously staring down the reinvigorated Vulpix.


    Use my light…


    Our souls intertwine…


    The glow crept up toward his neck and head, forcing him to stare at Hikaru. His vision began clouding up, the glow rapidly intensifying into a radiant shine. Alan could only watch as a familiar sphere of light began growing above him. He attempted to cry out,  but the words of warning directed at the Lucario were lost as his jaws locked in place.


    Our strength shall rule supreme!


    Light That Burns the Sky!


    The ball of light shot forward, rapidly closing the distance towards Hikaru. The glow that propped Alan’s legs up dissipated as he collapsed into a barely conscious pile on the spot. 


    Hikaru eyed the attack racing towards him. It left streaks of broken ground as it flew towards the Lucario, its path of destruction wobbling heavily as it neared. He formed another bone of aura in his hands, crossing them both in an attempt to parry the raging sphere of light. 


    A loud crack sounded, then a panicked grunting from Hikaru. The light swallowed the Lucario whole, taking with it the pained screams that came in his last moments. 


    Alan’s consciousness was wavering, though he tried his best in keeping himself awake. The sound of quiet murmuring was cut short by Chai’s desperate crying, him rushing over to his unconscious partner.


    “Karu! Karu! Stay with me! You’re gonna be ok! Please! Karu!”


    Alan tried to apologize, yet nothing more than a quiet squeak came out. Still paralyzed, his muscles refused to cooperate, his struggle amounting to no more than some tiny squirming on the cold hard ground.


    Celeste dashed over, shoveling up the Vulpix from the ground while Lorenzo led them through the confused crowd of Pokemon, shoving them to one side with little warning. The Breloom’s cries gradually became more muffled as the trio of Pokemon broke through the crowd, sprinting down back to the throneroom as quickly as their legs could take them.


    “C-cel… I’m… s-sorry…” Alan squirmed in Celeste’s leafy arms. His strength was returning, though the cold still blanketed his entire body. The bags under his eyes deepened even further, yet he didn’t feel like sleeping anymore, only tiredly watching the burning candles in the hallways pass by.


    Lorenzo no longer trailed the two of them, him having slowed down and wandered off elsewhere a fair while ago. 


    “I… didn’t mean to…” Alan sunk his face into the Sceptile’s arms, quietly sobbing to himself. “Hikaru… he’s–”


    “Save your words for later.” Celeste interrupted, reducing her pace to a jog. “We will discuss this tonight. You have a lot to explain, Edward.” 



    More paperwork filed into Alan’s right, much faster than he could skim through and approve. His paws were numb from repeatedly stamping them on so many documents. In front of his throne, Celeste paced back and forth, glaring daggers into the Vulpix.




    Alan, accustomed to exclusively being addressed by his title, glossed over the Sceptile addressing him. He continued to silently skim the contents of the paperwork laid out in front of him. Celeste tried again, this time a little louder.


    Edward .”


    Still no response. The Vulpix continued on, dipping his entire paw into the bottle of ink beside him. 




    Celeste swung her claymore into the ground, shattering the stone below with a loud crack. Alan yelped in surprise, nearly knocking the bottle of ink his paws were stuck in as he stumbled back up to face the Sceptile.


    “A-Ah! I-I hear you, Celeste. S-Sorry…” he stammered. Celeste’s glare struck deep inside, his eyes forced down to stare at his stained paws. “H-how can I help you?”


    The Sceptile pinched the bridge of her nose with her claws. “Damn it, Edward! What’s wrong with you? Aren’t you going to tell me what happened back there?” Her expectant glare turned back into her usual crazed stare, yet she still loomed tall over the Vulpix.


    “I… I don’t know… I-I didn’t mean to…” Alan felt tears well up in his eyes again. He turned away, trying to wipe his face with the tiny bits of his paws that weren’t covered in ink.


    Celeste rolled her eyes. “Oh don’t even start with that crying act of yours again. What’s being a sobbing mess on the ground going to do, huh? Hikaru’s in the medical ward. His sad, clingy excuse for a partner is glued to his bed. Basically every single member of the nobility saw what you pulled. Tell me Edward, how are you going to explain whatever you just did back there to anyone?”


    Alan stepped backwards, pressing himself to the back of his throne. His lips trembled while his eyes darted around, avoiding Celeste as he racked his brain for excuses. 


    “Um… Uh… L-Look… I mean… C-Can’t we just f-forget about thi– Ah!”


    The Sceptile snarled as she grabbed Alan by the scruff of his neck, leaving him desperately kicking the air as he dangled in her grasp.


    “Cel! What in Arceus’s name are doing!?” Lorenzo screamed as he rushed towards her. He grabbed her shoulder, attempting to stop her from injuring the Vulpix further. 


    Celeste swatted away the Aggron, tightening her grip around Alan’s neck. “Fuck off, Lorenzo. Go back to playing with your coins or whatever you do instead of actually doing your job like the rest of us.”


    Lorenzo stood his ground, tightly gripping onto her leafy arms. “Cel. I’m going to say this again. Look at who you’re choking. Drop him. Now.


    The Aggron’s words fell upon deaf ears as Celeste tuned out his threats. She turned back to Alan, desperately gasping for air as her claws dug into his neck. Blood streaked down his neck, mixing with the tears streaming down his face, staining the white fluff lining his robes an ugly crimson pink.


    “Ack! Aughh… S-Stop…” Alan begged as he struggled. Both of his paws clawed at Celeste’s arms, trying to pry them off his neck. Dark spots began forming around the edge of his vision as his consciousness began to waver. “D-Drop…. Help…”


    “Tell me, Edward! What the hell did you do?” Celeste interrogated. She raised her arms higher, Alan’s legs now dangling above her head. “I don’t care how much you’re struggling! Answer me damn it!”


    She released the Vulpix, hurling him into a pillar across the room. There was an audible crunch as his ribs snapped in half, followed by a crash as his body crumpled on the ground below. He remained motionless on the ground, body trembling with each slow, painful breath he took. Tears and blood pooled in an ugly puddle of vermillion underneath him.


    “Oh, Arceus forgive us…” Lorenzo muttered under his breath as he slowly inched towards the barely conscious Alan. A large claymore prevented him from further approaching the Vulpix, however.


    “Back off Lorenzo. I’m not done yet.” Celeste stepped towards Alan, lifting his chin up enough to shove an Oran Berry into his mouth. Though his wounds may have closed, tears continued to stream down Alan’s fearful eyes. 


    He braced himself, yet no further beating came to be. Celeste still stood over him, however, claw clasped over his chin.


    “Now Edward, I’m going to give you one last chance… ” Celeste snarled, shooting daggers at Alan. “You’re going to tell me exactly what the hell happened back there.”


    What do I even say? Would she try to kill me if she found out?! Alan panicked. Time was running out, her claws beginning to dig into his flesh once more.


    “I… I don’t know!” he blurted out. “I really don’t. I-I’m telling the truth! I swear! It hurts so much… S-Something controlled me, I c-couldn’t move! I wouldn’t ever try to kill Hikaru!”


    Alan’s entire body shuddered as he neared another breakdown. He just wanted to shut his eyes and pretend nothing ever happened. Loudly sobbing, he struggled off Celeste’s weakening grip and into a tightly curled ball. 


    Celeste froze. Reason seemed to return to her eyes as she stared silently at the Vulpix on the ground. Lorenzo took the opportunity to swoop in, cradling Alan as he rushed towards the exit. 


    “Alright, let’s call it a night here… I’ll get you cleaned up, sire. ” He turned to glare sharply at the Sceptile, staring blankly into the distance. “And you Cel Go get yourself a drink. We’ll talk about this later.”


    “I-I didn’t mean to…” Alan continued hysterically sobbing in the Aggron’s arms as the pair of them hurried away from the throne room. 


    The hell was plunged into peaceful darkness once more as the last of the candles blew out. At the center stood Celeste, frozen in terror. She remained motionless, staring absentmindedly at the monarch’s throne, ink slowly dripping from the bottle overturned in the commotion. Tears streamed down her glassy eyes as the last of her mania dissipated, clarity hitting her like a brick wall. She fell to her knees, wasting the night away silently wallowing in despair and guilt.



    The next few days passed without incident. Little by little, the stack of paperwork that had accumulated began to slowly shrink, allowing the Vulpix more time to himself. He spent his rare moments of solitude wandering around the castle, etching more and more of its winding hallways into his memory. 


    Melissa still had not returned, yet none of the royals aside from Alan seemed to heed any mind towards her disappearance. The nobles seemed to have returned to their duties as well, leaving only the multitude of workers mulling about the castle at any given time. 


    Hikaru had almost entirely recovered from the incident a few days prior. There was still a slight wobble in his step, yet with the support of Chai he managed his return to his post well enough. The pair of Pokemon resumed their duties of shadowing Alan, assisting him whenever needed. 


    Celeste felt the most distant from Alan. She remained in the throne room whenever he worked, occasionally barking orders at others. Yet she felt… distant and reserved, avoiding any form of extended interaction with the Vulpix. 


    More papers filed in, Alan sighing tiredly as he hopped back upon his cushion. The last few days of monotonous stamping were fatiguing, each seal seemingly placed upon something less and less important. 


    Is this all that Edward did in his past lives? Alan thought to himself. Neither the Serperior nor Necrozma had contacted him at all in the last few nights. 


    A small thought bubbled to the top of his mind. What if this isn’t how I’m supposed to take things… What if I failed both of them? Edward… he wanted to see Melissa one more time, yet she hadn’t set foot in the castle since that night. Necrozma… Morgan’s still rotting in the dungeons, and I’m barely doing anything to help him at all…


    He rubbed his eyes with his un-inked paw, trying to push away the paranoia and stress that had spread across his mind. Yet, no matter how hard he pushed back, the same thought continued to resurface. Frustrated, he slapped his own cheeks, accidentally swatting the nearest pile of paperwork in the process.


    “S-Sorry!” He apologized as he slipped off his throne, hastily gathering the papers that had fluttered across the room. A familiar picture froze him in place: A yellow Jangmo-o, pink scales chipped and dented, restrained with layers upon layers of chains. The document the image was tied to was marked with a red “URGENT” symbol. Without wasting a moment, Alan brushed away all the other documents piled atop it so that he could read its contents.



    DATED: 45G0 2WA 4





    PRISONER ID: A-119









    “N-No… N-Not like this…” Alan stumbled backward, still clutching tightly onto the piece of paper. He looked around frantically, racking his brain trying to come up with any solution. “There has to be a way… There has to be a way!” 


    Celeste rushed in to assist the Vulpix, face laden with concern. “What’s wrong, your Majesty?”


    “T-This has to be a mistake!” Alan stammered, pointing towards the document in his paw. “I just met him recently! He’s not a threat to us at all!”


    The Sceptile narrowed her eyes. “I believe you are mistaken, sire. A-119 is a threat to all those who serve you, and therefore by proxy your own safety and well-being. I was the one to recommend his execution, we cannot risk the integrity of your throne in any way, your Highness.”


    “No! I-I don’t accept!” Alan replied. He was panicking. My one objective! I can’t lose him! There has to be another way!


    “It is clear your judgment may still be misled by that visit. Let me reiterate one more time, your grace. He is dangerous . He killed one of your workers, and I have reason to suspect you will be next provided the opportunity arises. He must be purged.”


    Malice shone in Celeste’s gaze, her crazed stare sending shudders rippling down Alan’s body. His desperate determination prevailed, however, as he steeled his nerves to reply.


    “No! I refuse! I… I use my power! I won’t sign it!” Alan shouted. His reply stunned the Sceptile, who stepped back to process the Vulpix’s response. “I’m heading down to him right now. I’ll prove to you he’s not what you think!”


    He began making his way towards the door, though before he could leave a strong tug on his robe sent him tumbling backwards. Celeste, regressing back to her psychotic self, smiled creepily at Alan. 


    Oh, Edward… I thought we went over this~ You don’t have a say in this…”


    “I don’t care! I-It’s my right! Let me go, Celeste!”


    You have no rights, Edward!”


    Alan fell backward, unsure of what to make of the Sceptile’s words. His facade was fading, the situation was even less in his control now. 


    “You relinquished them the moment you allowed us into your life! ” A pause. “ And now you’re going to sit the fuck back down and sign that Arceus-damned document. Understand?


    A voice in the back of his mind beckoned for him. A familiar tone, repeating familiar chants. It compelled him, washing away his hesitation and fear, replaced instead by confidence and delusion. His body began to glow with the same familiar, warm light. Alan returned Celeste’s manic stare with a determined glare of his own. 


    “Y’know… I think I’m done…” He lifted himself back up, knees bent, eyes locked on the exit. “…I’m done faking it! I’m gonna go see him, and you can’t stop me!” 


    His last few words rang out as he kicked off. He burst through the doorway before the Sceptile could react, zipping down the hallway in a blur of golden snow. 


    “Stop him! Block his way! Do something!”


    The glow that encased Alan dissipated, yet the Vulpix continued to sprint down the hallway at full speed. He couldn’t afford to slow down, especially with Celeste’s crazed screaming echoing down the hallway.


    The workers stood by and watched with confusion as Alan raced past. A few attempted to block the way, but Alan simply weaved past, their movements slow and clunky compared to the Vulpix’s desperate sprint.


    Utilizing his mental map etched into his memory he bolted down the long, winding hallways. The panicked and confused screaming behind him grew louder and louder as the hallways grew larger and larger in size. 


    More guards stood in his way, a few pointing spears in his direction but most having cast their weapons aside, arms wide in preparation to catch him. 


    “B-By the decree of the king! Let me through!” Alan screamed as he skidded to a halt. A few of the of the guards closest to him hesitated, conflicting orders scrambling their minds. A Dewott stepped in from the left, spear pointed at Alan.


    “Your grace! F-Forgive us… there have been orders to ignore you…” He bowed slightly, eyes remaining locked upon the Vulpix. “As much as I wish to disobey, we must capture you here…” He raised his spear, signaling his compatriots to surround Alan. 


    Ah. So that’s how Edward had it… Alan thought to himself. He eyed the Dewott as they inched closer, readying their own spear in preparation for combat. 


    In the corner of his vision, Alan spotted a cloud growing. The cloud darkened rapidly as it shadowed the group of Pokemon, just as suddenly pelting everyone surrounding the Vulpix with shards of ice and hail.


    “Gah!” The Dewott cried, dropping his spear to cover his head with his scalchops. “How can it be hailing in– Sire! I-Is that Snow Warning?!”


    The Vulpix took the opportunity to break free, freezing the Dewott’s legs to the ground with a well-placed powder snow. The other guards backed away in fear of the same fate possibly befalling them.


    “I’m sorry… But I need to go.” Alan coldly stated, rushing past the half-frozen dewott, still continually pelted by the hailstorm locked above their head.


    In time, he located the castle entrance, squeezing past a tiny gap left wide open and unguarded in the ongoing commotion. He paused for a moment, panting the adrenaline flowing through his burning muscles slowly dissipating.


    The sun cast long shadows across the courtyard. Alan took just a moment to reorient himself, a combination of fresh air and sheer determination reinvigorating his fatigued self back into a running pace. He hadn’t been allowed to leave the castle since he last met with Morgan, it wasn’t like he could stop to appreciate the smells and sights now anyway. 


    He slowed his approach as he reached the dungeon’s entrance. Fortunately, the Pokemon that once guarded the entryway was nowhere to be found, likely whipped up in the frenzy that had now taken hold of the entire castle’s populace. The cells that lined the walls remained mostly unchanged, holding near-unconscious prisoners bound in chains. 


    They no longer mattered for the time being, however, for the only cell that did stood in front of him. The same notice that Alan read was pasted in front, the bolded red “URGENT” only further fueling Alan’s determination. 


    Mustering every last bit of strength the mysterious light could provide him with, he pelted the doorway with his ice shards. The door burst open with a loud crash , fragments of ice and shrapnel raining down upon his surroundings. 


    Morgan laid on the rotting nest in the center of the room, stirring from the commotion Alan had caused. Only a single chain tied around his neck attached him to the looplets on the back wall. Another well-aimed ice shard zipped past, slicing the metal in half with ease. 


    In a panic, the Jangmo-o whipped around, fangs bared, prepared to attack. Yet, his eyes widened with recognition as the Vulpix approached. 


    “A-Alan?!? What are you–”


    “Morgan, we have to go. Now.”


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    1. marshscarf
      Feb 19, '24 at 7:57 am

      Hello Marshy Pro here and for the review event, I am leaving a review for the hit project moon x pmd fic, Royal Replacement made by our beloved Turkey pro. Sorry in advance for my poor grammar, I am Filipino and English isn’t my first language.

      P.S I’m very sleep deprived, if I sound weird and the review is kind of incoherent, I am so sorry in advance Turkey pro.

      General Opinion
      I love Royal Replacement(especially Teshin my babygirl <3) it’s one of my favorite fics and one of the reasons why I have recently returned to reading pmd fics as a whole(you’re a real one for this Turkey pro) and helped reignite my passion and love for the PMD Franchise. This fic even while suffering from a few glaring flaws(that I will get into later) has those said flaws compensated by honestly the amazing atmosphere, lore and detail(which I will get into later) and admittedly some of the most fascinating characters I have ever seen in my entire lifetime as they are the kind where I want to put them in a operating table and with a scalpel open up their brain and inspect them in detail because oh my god…HOW DOES THIS MANIACAL MENTALLY ILL WOMAN EVEN EXIST, WHAT A LAD. Anyways, the fic is one of my favorites and while in a subjective tierlist, I’d put it at a 10/10, in a slightly biased objective way of looking at the fic, I would give it a solid amazing 9.3/10(Genuinely rare for me to give a rating this high, only other fic was like DLPP). ‘Tis a guilty pleasure fic.

      A. Setting and Introduction.
      .The fic immediately drops us off with a super depressed, asian american killing himself and being isekai’d into a place far worse than a normal pmd world, a pmd world comparable to the brutality, relentlessness and grittiness of The City from the hit indie game series, Library of Lobotomy Company from Project Moon. Complete with monarchy, geopolitics, interesting lore, mentally ill people(omg Celeste :33333333333, I’m not a simp, I swear, pls trust) genuinely disturbing scenes(That dinner scene will never leave my head, jesus christ, will also get onto that later), Interesting characters and a really intriguing plot. This fic is really unique and I’m not saying this out of bias, because I legit have never ever seen a pmd fic before be about a depressed guy being isekaid and being a royal replacement of a failure of a king who fucked everything up and now has to deal with a angsty Necrozma, beta male Serperior(Bro’s as much of a failure as Ayin), alpha gaslighting gatekeeping girlboss, falsely accused Jangmo-o that has numerous death flags, potential love interest(also why is he so southern????), the homosexuals and other mentally deranged people that you normally see in a C-drama or K-drama about the medieval period. I know the actual inspiration of this fic because you told me in VC the drama this is loosely inspired off, but this heavily reminds me of Mr Queen a K-drama and scratches a lot of the itches, I have for medieval hijinks stuff like this, me always likey from the start. And if you’re asking if you did a great job using the setting wiseley, I can confidently say that yes you have cooked pretty good, admittedly it’s a little bit burnt like burnt toast, burnt, but its still really really tasty and regardless of the burnt edges it’s still a very good fic, especially from someone who is a first timer in writing, good job Turkey pro!

      B. Characters, plot and everything in between, the good!
      First of all, Alan is great, genuinely good and cool portrayal of a human in a pmd fic and is a very cool realistic depiction of what the average pathetic ordinary joe would do in a setting where even making a minor mistake in his charade as King Edward(which he did break eventually from what i recall correctly in the most recent chapter and is also a genuine miracle that he is somehow still alive) would get him killed or worse, he is forced to adapt to these circumstances, and while he does still somehow succeed in fooling everyone that he is King Edward, he does it in a way that feels realistic, he doesn’t just pick the crown up with with confidence and do it first try as if it was just a mere inconvenience, he stumbles and make mistakes(alot of mistakes, way too many mistakes even) he has meltdowns and breakdowns, and understandably panics and is unnerved from all this, ultimately he’s not really a hero, not even a survivor, hard to even consider him a living person. Because really, and I’m even sure of it that most people in the fic see him as a pawn, as something to be taken advantage of(like they did with beta bitch Edward) to be used for their ownpersonal purposes, the kingdom has a need for Alan, Necrozma needs Alan, King Edward(what a fucking bitch) needs Alan, and they all force Alan into genuinely uncomfortable situations that feels completely alien to him and he understandably freaks out about it, like for example that very peak and genuinely disturbing dinner scene, the dinner scene by the way is the true hook of the fic for me to keep on reading, because as soon as I read that segment of Royal Replacement I was instantly sucked in to its world and read until the very end of it(the latest chapter) that chapter and the chapter before it(the prison one) perfectly encapsulated how fucked the world of RR is with how each chapter after, showing how in the grand scheme of things that even as the supposed king, he’s simply powerless to face his newfound situation, but even then he doesn’t have to face it alone, he has Morgan to help him. Morgan is an interesting character for me, a Jangmo-o that’s a commoner and represents their struggles in the world of Royal Replacement, he has virtually everything he has taken away from him and more(especially since racism exists in that world against shinies) and seeing his raw misplaced rage against Alan, mistaking him as the one who took everything away from him…on that moment I felt genuine sympathy and pity for him, good job on making me feel bad for a cowboy, Turkey pro. Considering the context and the buildup laid throughout the entire fic, I’m genuinely excited for Morgan becoming a actual partner for Alan and I’m excited for how their dynamic and interactions will go, considering the few interactions we had with the both of them were nothing short but sweet and fun to read, like they actually have chemistry for each other levels of sweet and good(you making them gay?). And as a obvious antagonist to the both of them, while I’m not exactly a fan of said character, I really really like how you use Celeste for the story, she’s this weird motherlyish figure(some people unironically call her mommy too) that can aggressively turn to a genderbent version of Jeffrey Dahmer, absolutely horrifying and simultaneously sexy af to witness when she gets mad, like she’s genuinely so interesting to watch and her presence is legit so overwhelming to the point that I consider at the moment, Necrozma to be just a side villain compared to her lmfao.

      P.S I still can’t get over how good the dinner scene is though, it wasn’t just horrifying with the reveal of pokemon in the Royal Replacement world casually partaking in cannibalism in a really fancy way in complete casual haughty jest but the sudden massive quality spike of the descriptions, how you described each dish actually made them seem very delicious and unironically wanted me to try to eat those dishes, like i’m pretty sure blud was watching masterchef videos nonstop while making those, you making them look like a delectable snack, just as delectable as that Teshin gyatt.

      1. marshscarf
        @marshscarfFeb 19, '24 at 8:08 am

        B.2 My interpretation of the true meaning and themes of Royal Replacement.

        One of the things, I appreciate about the fic the most is probably its underlying theme regarding innocence(I hope I’m not tripping on this analysis, what also doesn’t help is that Alan is a Alolan Vulpix and snow and ice is a common allegory for innocence) The fic’s themes heavily remind me of Demian by Hermann Hesse and Alan vaguely reminds me of Emil Sinclair. Alan right now can be likened to that of a lost innocent baby bird(he is literally a baby) one that even in his human life had no control over himself and his fate, shackled to the preconceived notions and rules that his royal retainers impose on him, with the only semblance of help and assistance to grow and live is both Necrozma and King Edward. Alan at this state cannot live by himself, he cannot choose for himself, forced to only abide by what Necrozma, and King Edward consider to be correct and proper. However, even then both of them are not exactly good, both being corrupt in their own ways seeking to exploit Alan with Necrozma being more direct about it and Edward being more subtle about it. I believe that the main goal of the fic is for Alan to grow as a baby and develop past his innocence and become a true king, maturing and being able to finally choose for himself what is truly good or bad and not have Necrozma and King Edward choose for him, that while maybe his choices won’t exactly be perfect, they are still his very own and that he has truly grown up, finding a purpose and drive in life. Likewise, I believe the same could be said for Morgan, Hikaru and Chai(possibly other members of the Royal Cabinet too) where for Morgan, while his innocence has been stripped away and his life utterly ruined by the degeneracies of the kingdom’s rules, with the help of Alan and himself, he can still grow and live a happy life. For Chai and Hikaru, I believe that they can break free from their masks their chains that dictated their life, that they don’t have to play as servants to royals and that they can live their live the way they want to, able to do gay things together.

        B.25 Appreciation for the small things.
        Wow, I just love and appreciate the amount of detail this fic has, like I rarely see fics go the extra mile of looking tax documents and other official documents look pretty facking legit, like I stood there for a moment in awe, like I even had my tita(aunt in filipino) who’s a banker and she said that you did a pretty good job regarding those documents. I also really love the card game you had Sho and Teshindaddy play with each other, when you sit down and actually interpret the meaning like you explained to me, it adds so much to the experience of the fic and gives you a bigger idea of the plans the republic has for Alan. Also just in general, grammar, spelling and formatting is very clean for your fic, its really clean and easy to read, good job there.

        C. My grievances, the flaws and stuff that might need tweaking(I want to see the electric gato tweak ngl) and how it can be better, but ultimately its all up to you. The bad.

        Unfortunately this fic does have some glaringly bad flaws that affect my overall experience on reading this fic, first and foremost let’s start with a very big offender.

        C.1 Chapter 1
        Chapter one isn’t exactly a bad chapter per se as you might believe it to be, it just could be legitimately, way better. Like it does do its job pretty decently well as a exposition chapter to hook but the scene before the end of the chapter, namely the suicide scene might as well be bloat that can be trimmed off(iirc I did hear you once in VC talking about how you might plan to either rewrite or trim this section completely) It kind of just provides next to no value in the chapter itself, like how do I say this…there’s something bad about a suicide scene, when instead of feeling any emotion whatsoever, I legit yawned and nearly slept while reading the scene, like hard to describe but it was just boring and honestly unnecessary, it had no emotional impact or weight whatsoever that made you share some degree of empathy, actually I’m pretty sure I nearly even laughed at it.

        C.2 Chapter 3(Only the first half, second half was actually pretty lovely, like Teshin’s face)
        All the other chapters are amazing but this one had a first half that took me quite a while to process, to summarize, uhh…it was really disorienting and hard to follow with the fact in practically roughly 600-1500 words, I was introduced to a whopping six new characters(technically four but Im hella sure the names of Hikaru and Chai weren’t mentioned in the second chapter) the lack of context clues and time to process it made it much more difficult than needed, like it genuinely wouldn’t have hurted to add more to that part of the chapter and take it a bit slower, and made who is who more obvious…like seriously, who the fuck was the Quilava and Shaymin again? Shrenne and Yostar right????

        C.25 Characterization and dialogue(sometimes)
        Wanna know, why I only praised a few characters for the entirety of the review, that’s because a large portion of the royal cabinet(including the homosexuals, face it like the only interesting part right now about them is how madly gay they are, and also melissa to some degree, but she’s kinda cray cray so she’s cool), like genuinely no offence has practically no personality and are really flat(seemingly flat at least). Like as you have said, they do feel extremely samey, and I know that you are heavily restricted right now, due to something something, this isn’t their true selves and it will be revealed more in part two, but you and I know it can and could be better, even with the restrictiveness, you could still work on having Astar, Sharon, Hikaru, Chai, Lorenzo leave stronger first impressions and not have them be nothing more than a mere afterthought, you could present them better, they can have a personality, they can be a person, y’know. Like the fic doesn’t revolve around Alan, Morgan and Celeste, y’know.

        This section was planned to be much more harsh, but after a quick reread, I realized that I might have just been under the weather when reading the earlier chapters, they were actually way better than I remembered them to be, like genuinely for a first time writer, you’re actually hecking amazing and really should stop beating yourself up, like you’re doing everything but dialogue spectacularly.

        You have like certain scenes in the fic that uses numbers like 7 instead of the word form like seven, like the scene where Lorenzo was preparing the ritual and playing with a piece of steel, trust me seven looks better, cleaner and much more professional, I recommend changing the numbers in your fic’s scenes to the word form.

        I was planning to actually include this in my grievances, but it really wasn’t too bad but remember the card game that Teshin and Sho did, while I do love how peak it is…admittedly it is a bit hard and difficult to follow, especially as a person that doesn’t play much card games in their life, it was really exceptionally hard to imagine the whole scenario, I recommend like clarifying and describing the cards and what’s happening a bit better, its genuinely way too easy to get lost while doing so.

        Final thoughts.
        Wew, that should be all, if you could tell, I really love your fic Turkey Pro, it’s genuinely amazing and a true star of the city that shines above all other pmd fics, there are hiccups that I tried to point out(turns out the hiccups themselves weren’t too bad, I was just exaggerating them) Ya should pat yourself on the back Turkey pro. Although…please make the Royal Cabinet more memorable, I beg you.

        Hopefully, I covered everything about the fic with this messy incoherent review of mine and didn’t miss anything