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    Cover of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Royal Replacement
    StoryActionAdventureDungeonIsekaiMysteryPsychologicalAggronAlolan VulpixBreloomHaxorusJangmo-oKirliaLucarioNecrozmaQuilavaSceptileShayminZeraora

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Royal Replacement

    by turkeyuwu

    Hello there! Crossposting this work from AO3, FFN, and TR so no need to panic if you’ve seen this over on those sites before!

    The AO3 version remains my “main” and “superior” version, meaning I am more likely to see comments on that site. However, this site may also become something I check on often, meaning that leaving comments either here or AO3 is perfectly fine! Any and all comments are appreciated!

    PMD: Royal Replacement is an original PMD story set in its own world with no connection to the main PMD setting. The tone and atmosphere is dark and slightly intense with some elements and inspirations of real-world societal structures and issues. All trigger and content warnings are posted below, as well as in every chapter that applies.

    Rating: Teen and Up
    Trigger/Content Warnings: Suicide, Depression, Scenes depicting torture, Swearing, Blood

    Following a reincarnation ruined by a fallen god, a human and Serperior find their fates intertwine as they are reborn in a body unfamiliar to them both. An insignificant human trapped in this world alongside a struggling monarch, Alan must stay on the move, rediscovering his past life’s memories while escaping the clutches of those who still think of him as their ruler.

    NOTE: The following text descriptions of each character may contain spoilers/unreleased content. This page will be continually updated as more characters are added or as old information is edited or removed.

    Team Escapists

    Alan – Alolan Vulpix

    Age: Human – 27 years | Current Form – ~1 month
    Gender: Male

    A Human soul taken from Earth by Necrozma and forced into the reincarnated body of Edward, the Everlasting King. Though not a Snivy like how the other royals expected him to be, he still displays Edward’s signature golden pupils and hair tufts. He dons a velvet robe and crown, struggling to distance himself from the King’s influence.

    Alan is relatively shy, making decisions based on what leaves the smallest impact on the people around him. He despises attention, preferring to hide away in the background if possible. Due to his troubled past as a human, he struggles with a debilitating fear of heights, though his current spell of amnesia prevents him from understanding exactly why.

    Ability: Snow Warning
    – Powder Snow
    – Ice Shard
    – ???
    – ???
    Special: Necrozma’s blessing – Light that Burns the Sky

    Morgan – Jangmo-o (Shiny)

    Age: 25 years old
    Gender: Male

    The eldest brother in a family of Kommo-o, he inherited his pink and yellow coloration from his father. Growing up poor and always on the edge of starvation, Morgan is proficient in doing whatever it takes to help himself and his loved ones survive. Dumpster diving, stealing, begging, even murder, nothing is off the table for Morgan if it means he and his family get to survive another day. His scales are chipped and scratched, and an Everstone is embedded into his tail scale.

    Morgan comes off as crass and impulsive to the outside observer, hiding away his vulnerable caring side for those he knows he can trust. As a ‘discolored’ Pokemon as well as a non-Kruxian native, he is often subject to discrimination and xenophobia. While he pretends to be unfazed by such in truth he is hurt deeply by said comments and actions. Ever since being imprisoned and meeting Alan, his one and only goal is to reunite with his family, by any means possible.

    Ability: Overcoat
    – Tackle
    – Bide
    – Outrage
    – Dragon Tail

    The Royals

    Edward – Serperior(?)

    Age: ~2500 years | Current: N/A
    Gender: Male

    King Edward, the Everlasting King. He has lived many lives, reincarnated over and over to fill the same position as he always had, the figurehead of the Kingdom of Krux. However, his existence is threatened when an accident occurs during reincarnation, with Edward’s soul and mind eventually merging with Alan’s.

    Presently, he spends his days locked away in Alan’s headspace, both unable and unwilling to break free and take control of what was once his body. He expresses remorse for his past actions, allowing corruption to fester within even what he considered his closest friends and allies, treating his current situation as a way for him to atone for his failures.

    Melissa – Lurantis (Alpha)

    Age: ~2500 years | Current: 32
    Gender: Female

    Queen Melissa, the Everlasting Queen. She has lived alongside Edward as his loving wife since the King’s first life. Current events have put her in immense distress, now turning even more violent and impulsive than ever. She craves attention and always strives to be in the spotlight, yet is easily overwhelmed and very emotional. She takes after her husband, running away from the problems she created herself with no consideration for others.

    Though she may not look it, she cares deeply for Edward. Presently she spends her time using what little influence she has left in the castle to try and find a “cure” for Edward, whatever it may be. She is stubborn, hopelessly determined, and incredibly desperate.

    Celeste – Sceptile

    Age: ~1700 years | Current: 36
    Gender: Female

    As head of the Krux Royal Guards, she is responsible for ensuring the safety of the King and maintaining peace in the rest of the Kingdom. While not present during Edward’s first few reincarnations, she was brought on due to her near-legendary levels of strength and proficiency in combat. She prefers to wield a large claymore while in combat, though she is also able to take down her adversaries with her vines or claws.

    Celeste struggles with controlling her violent tendencies, often attacking her underlings or colleagues. Over the years she has developed a reputation as the most dangerous among the Royal Cabinet members, willing to send anyone and everyone to the infirmary for even the smallest of reasons. She is also the most influential of the Royal Cabinet, having strategically siphoned power away from the Crown across Edward’s later reincarnations. Like Melissa, she is also looking for a way to bring Edward back, though for much more nefarious reasons than the Queen.

    Lorenzo – Aggron

    Age: ~1700 years | Current: 56
    Gender: Male

    Greedy, lazy, and self-centered. On the surface, Lorenzo seems like the ultimate stereotypical Minister of Economics. He is easily distracted, seemingly almost always doing something other than what little work he is responsible for every day. Underneath his outward personality, however, lies an experienced fighter with an even more storied past. He holds a long and complicated relationship with his colleague Celeste, the two are often seen bickering when not in the presence of King Edward.

    Lorenzo makes his intentions clear: He cares not for the king, only the power that controlling them would bring to the Aggron. He is willing to stick around for that reason, assisting in any way he is needed. But he makes it clear that he will be compensated properly, a true businessmon at heart.

    Hikaru – Lucario

    Age: 32 years
    Gender: Male

    Quiet and reserved, Hikaru seldom speaks to anyone aside from Celeste, Edward, and his partner Chai. Officially he is the Deputy Head of the Royal Guards, though Celeste makes it clear that his title is purely cosmetic. He mainly serves alongside Chai as Edward’s main bodyguard, and as such is rarely seen outside the castle. He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and wears a thick suit of armor at all times, even while sleeping or in his downtime.

    Hikaru is indebted to the Krux royal family, and as such cares deeply for King Edward. He merely wishes for normalcy in the castle, hoping for a quick resolution to the situation so that he and Chai can once more return to their duties as His Majesty’s loyal bodyguards.

    Chai – Breloom

    Age: 32 years
    Gender: Male

    A true support, weak and uninterested in combat yet still Hikaru’s perfect partner. Chai truly shines only when he can work alongside Hikaru, using his quick thinking and diverse skillset to support the Lucario. Having been friends for as long as Chai could remember, he believes it may be time to take it a step further with Hikaru…

    Though similarly indebted to the royal family like his partner, Chai is only truly loyal to Hikaru. He tolerates Edward and the rest of the royal cabinet, whatever to keep Hikaru happy. He is content in going wherever the Lucario goes, whether that involves the monarchy or not.

    Sharron – Shaymin

    Age: ???
    Gender: Male

    The royal family’s longtime doctor. As a mythical Pokemon, Sharron’s past and hometown have been lost to time. All that is known is that he has been fulfilling his role as Krux’s head of medicine for longer than Edward’s reign. Given the current situation and his vast knowledge of rituals, many blame him for his failure to ensure the safety of the king.

    Sharron constantly strives for more knowledge and has taken a deep interest in the failed reincarnation. His goal is to recapture and study Edward, to find the true cause of the incident.

    Astar – Quilava

    Age: 15 years
    Gender: Male

    The newly appointed Head of Rituals, and Sharron’s disciple. Astar spends most of his days cooped up in his studies, rarely interacting with the other cabinet members or even his master himself. He feels immense guilt over the failure of the reincarnation ritual, blaming it on his lack of skill and experience with the matter.

    Astar is immensely shy yet caring to a fault, taking the blame for any fault or mistake Sharron or Kirlia makes in hopes of allowing them to escape punishment. He hopes to hide away until the situation blows over, so that he may be forgiven for his failure.

    The Republic

    Teshin – Zeraora

    Age: ~100 years
    Gender: Male

    Known as the “Disappearing Thunder”, Teshin is constantly on the move, carefully avoiding being spotted under the Monarchy’s watchful eye. As the head of the Republic Scouts, he is responsible for the organization’s reconnaissance efforts, specializing in tracking and capturing his targets. Though originating from a powerful tribe of Zeraoras, Teshin’s electricity is relatively weak. He is also unable to maintain his electricity, golden lighting constantly leaking out and surrounding Teshin in a weak barrier of lighting energy,

    Teshin despises Edward, his life ruined by the incompetent king multiple times. He actively works towards orchestrating the downfall of the monarchy, whether that be raising the next generation of Republic members or capturing the newly reincarnated Edward, he will do anything.

    Sho – Haxorus

    Age: 64 years
    Gender: Male

    The leader of the Republic, Sho is the face of rebellion against the monarchy’s rule. Like Teshin, he too lays low, careful not to leave himself too exposed to the king’s goons. Sho prefers to work from the shadows, using underhanded tactics to gain any advantage possible, though he is still proficient in hand-to-hand combat, wielding his diamond-encrusted tusks to subdue his foes with one powerful slash.

    Sho also despises Edward, for eliminating both his and Teshin’s livelihoods. He wishes to see the king dethroned and under his control, so that he may experience what it feels like to be ruled over. He is aware of the pain and trauma that has been inflicted on his partner and hopes the destruction of the monarchy is enough to help Teshin recover from his afflictions.



    Age: ???
    Gender: ??? | Male pronouns

    The fallen Lord of Imagination, banished into the mental realm many millennia ago by the gods of old. Necrozma took a gamble, pouring most of the power he accumulated throughout his imprisonment into controlling two unlucky souls. Though he hates to admit it, Alan is the only hope he has at returning to the material plane, back to the realm of consciousness where he can once again reign over the minds of Pokemon. Therefore Necrozma is willing to share the last of his strength with his human, nurturing him into the strongest servant he could manage.

    Necrozma is narcissistic, manipulative, yet extremely desperate. He is willing to step over anyone and do whatever it takes to escape his banishment. Yet Necrozma is not vengeful. He does not wish for the death of his accusers, for in his absence he has already made them suffer so greatly.

    He is incredibly protective of his memories, the last of his possessions still with him in the present day. As the God of the Mind, he is also capable of manipulating memories, Alan’s lost memories being his greatest asset in keeping his only follower loyal. Only until he is no longer of use to Necrozma, that is…

    Other named characters (list)

    Kirlia – Kirlia
    Astar’s childhood friend and assistant. She discarded her name out of shame and as a response to all the abuse she received from the royal cabinet.

    Igetia Punnam – ???
    As of current only mentioned in passing as an author of a book.

    Mafira – Audino | The Royal Chef
    Alexandrus – Aurorus | Head Librarian of the Krux Castle Library

    Coniglus – Azumarill | Noble
    Raslan – Ampharos | Noble
    Chapla – Swalot | Noble
    Fotus – Infernape | Noble
    Thalas – Milotic | Noble

    1. Chapter 1 – Prologue
      Warning: TW//Suicide, Depression 1,762 Words
    2. Chapter 2 – Unfamiliar Familiarity
      3,106 Words
    3. Chapter 3 – Regal Rituals
      Warning: CW//Mental Distress 4,830 Words
    4. Chapter 4 – Illusory Impressions
      Warning: TW//Torture, Blood 8,556 Words
    5. Chapter 5 – Tumultuous Histories Part 1
      5,128 Words
    6. Chapter 6 – Tumultuous Histories Part 2
      Warning: TW//Forced Alcoholism, Small mention of Blood 5,525 Words
    7. Chapter 7 – Diminishing Aptitudes
      4,940 Words
    8. Chapter 8 – Aces Wild
      2,884 Words
    9. Chapter 9 – Surreptitious Secrets Part 1
      4,731 Words
    10. Chapter 10 – Surreptitious Secrets Part 2
      5,613 Words
    11. Chapter 11 – Unchivalrous Escapade
      8,748 Words