The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    “Wait, this is…” Kayla muttered as she came to a halt. The group stopped behind her, also surprised to see the hill leading up to RSE. It was still raining and so the sky was quite dull, but it made the Stealth Rock fences stand out. “We followed the river, how the heck did we loop back to the academy?”

    “I warned ya. This dungeon likes to spin you round and around and around without it being fun like a merry-go-round,” Kari sung, spinning on one leg until she made herself dizzy.

    “But that means,” Kayla glanced behind her. Pachirisu and Blissey were still with her, to which she slumped. “Uh oh. This looks like it might not end well.”

    “So the dungeon looped us,” Blissey stated.

    “Sorry about this,” Kayla grumbled.

    “Chin up. Just means I get academy accommodation fer a day, heh heh,” Blissey gave a gruff laugh.

    “Yeah, but the other guys…” she turned back to the front.

    “KAYLAAAAA!” roared Gema. The floor quaked as he stomped over while keeping himself upright, despite how goofy that run made him appear. The group leaned back, but the Tyranitar skidded to a stop before them just in time. “You’re alive! You’re okay. Are you hurt? Say it isn’t so!”

    “Gema, get a hold of yourself!” Uxie appeared beside him. “I don’t sense any harm or hostility from them.”

    “Ye-yeah… we just… did our thing and came back, see?” Kayla was leaned back the whole time. Kari finally got too dizzy to stay upright and fell, gurgling gibberish.

    “But it was an emergency! It was dangerblous, and, and there were monstblers and, BLAHAHAHA,” Gema started wailing with waterfalls coming from his eyes.

    “Oh no, Gema! Don’t cry, everyone’s okay?!” Uxie started to panic. “It’s okay, they’re fine, see? You just have to discipline them better. All of you, apologize to Headmaster Gema right now!”

    “… Am I having some kinda weird dream?” Kayla leaned back even further, and couldn’t close her mouth.

    “Ack! Why’s it gotta be Gema with you? You’ve been super normal with all the weird Pokémon and powers you’ve seen since coming here, but you draw the line at a crying Tyranitar?” Pola complained. “I’m sorry, Headmaster Gema. She was outta control! I tried to stop her, I promise!”

    “herseglublurblgur,” Kari gurgled, still dizzy on the floor.

    “I guess you have a point,” Kayla returned to normal.

    “I… see. Ahem,” Gema stopped crying in a flash, stood tall, and tucked his arms behind his back. “Well, we are especially fortunate that the rain started when it did. The fire has mostly been taken care of, while our emergency forces will help to quell the rest of the issues.”

    Will they? I didn’t hear ‘em even on my way out, Kayla cocked her head.

    “Kayla. Contrary to my relief that you and your roommates are fine, I am severely disappointed with you and your actions today,” Gema began. “You disobeyed direct orders from a superior, acting rashly in a way that needlessly endangered both yourself and your allies. You must learn that in times of emergency such as this, one must calmly conduct themselves. On top of all this, you brought the client of your mission into it, too.”

    “Blissey was fine with it, though. He was prepared to help us—”

    “SILENCE!” Gema’s voice boomed louder than lightning, and his left eye gleamed red. “It matters not whether the client offered their aid. Clients are to be protected! You must stay within the realms of a job description, always! Unless ordered by a superior.”

    “So my only way of proving myself is to only do exactly what you and the other teachers tell me?” Kayla turned away.

    “Kayla, c’mon! You’re not makin’ this any better for yourself,” Pola whined.

    “Kari and Pola, you two as well. You two accompanied Kayla in this ordeal instead of following my orders,” Gema continued.

    “Aww what? I had no choice, I had to protect her from her own stupid stuff,” Pola argued.

    “SILENCE, ALL OF YOU!” that thunder boomed again.

    “You’re not making this any better for yourself, Pola,” Kayla mumbled slyly.

    “… Bitch,” she spat.

    “If you had returned, you could have reported to us the situation firsthand, and Kayla would become a rescue mission. Blissey’s safety would have been guaranteed, and far more capable Pokémon could have been sent to deal with the situation,” Gema explained. Silence fell, so he gave a gruff sigh. “Since you are still considered new, I cannot be too harsh on your punishment, but I cannot let you go either. We have a reputation to maintain. I’ll settle for a twenty-four-hour food lock.”

    “Ack! Wa-wait, anything but that!” Pola cried.

    “I’m already starving,” Kari moaned and slumped.

    “Quiet. By tomorrow morning, you will have a new objective registered in your names. Keep a close eye on your PET,” Gema instructed. “You are prohibited from consuming or purchasing food until this time tomorrow, effective immediately. Maybe with this, you will consider your actions more carefully, and refrain from challenging your superiors. Have I made myself clear?”

    Kayla didn’t respond or even look at him, while the other girls groaned in obedience.

    “I said, do I make myself clear?” Gema raised his voice.

    “I get it. I understand,” Kayla snapped.

    “Hmpf. We will have to work on that attitude of yours as well, young lady. But for now, dismissed. I suggest you return to your dorm to assess what you’ve done,” Gema huffed. “Uxie, will you help out Blissey, please? We will need to give him accommodation for the evening, and sort out a new escort tomorrow. If that is alright with you, sir?”

    “A free room at RSE is a privilege, Headmaster,” Blissey commented as he was happily directed away. A moment later and it was just Kayla and her roommates.

    “Uuuggh, no dinner, no breakfast? Just for following this big head? Fuck off,” Pola kicked the floor. “You’re gonna make up for this y’know. I ain’t letting ya off the hook!”

    “Hey, er… should we get outta the rain? My bed sounds real good about now,” Kari said nervously.

    Pola growled at her, but one look at the way she twiddled her paws and feet, and Pola retracted. “F-fine… whatever. I’m beat, too.”

    “I…” Pachirisu stuck out a paw to stop everyone. “I wanted to talk with everyone, anyway. I-I doubt I’m allowed in your dorm, and it sounds like now’s not the best time, so…”

    “Hmm… you’re the guy I met at the Waking Wake, right?” Pola frowned.

    “So you remember. I’m Shannon. Shannon Snowjerry,” Pachirisu nodded. Pola continued to stare at him, making him a bit nervous. “U-um, it’s really important, so would it be best if we plan a time to meet up or something?”

    “The Waking Wake? That was… that place Gema spoke about this morning, right? Something about an incident there?” Kayla asked.

    “You shut the fuck up. Don’t wanna hear another word outta you,” Pola spat. Kayla grumbled.

    “Come with us,” Kayla grinned at Shannon, surprising the others. “You can’t sleep in our dorm, but we can at least hear you out. And somethin’ tells me you’d prefer a little privacy.”

    “Are you sure? I don’t want to impose on your trust,” he was surprised.

    “If you got any ideas, you’d regret it,” Kayla assured, half-lidded.

    “Why…?” Pola mouthed in disbelief. Kayla ignored her completely and led the way, but Kari realised and took the lead.

    RSE wasn’t as hectic as this morning, but even at the presumably late hour, the activity didn’t drop. Pokémon and chatter filled every hallway and room all the way to the dorms, which still had Pokémon actively going in and out. It looked like the nocturnal species were beginning to wake up, while others, groups and teams alike, hung about here and there. Some had drinks and snacks in the hallways, which in her current state, attracted Kayla’s eyes whether she wanted to or not. It was difficult to feel negative with how cosy and casual everyone was.

    Back in her dorm, Kayla couldn’t help but groan as she lay back in bed. They’d been out for longer than she thought, and having put all that effort into the fight and the exploration, she was more tired than she realised. Dinner would have been the best thing right now.

    “Alright, out with it. I wanna chill tonight if I can, so get to the point, weirdo,” Pola began. She hopped up to the windowsill and started kicking her feet.

    “Straight to the point… fine,” Shannon sighed. He put on a stern look, and approached her directly. “I want to learn Visionary Magic.”

    Pola froze.

    “Wow, is Pola famous or somethin’? You came all this way just to learn it. Twice too,” Kari remarked.

    “I know how dangerous and powerful Visionary Magic can be, but that’s exactly the kind of power I need. I don’t have much in the way of offering, but I’m willing to bargain. Will you teach me?” He requested.

    “Ugh, I… why?” Pola complained. She stared at him for a moment, but his determination didn’t waver at all. Her pale eyes brightened for a moment, and she started blushing a little.

    “You’re the only Visionary I’ve met on my long journey. Please, teach me how to use this power!” he begged.

    “… You’re cute, but I dunno if you know what you’re gettin’ yourself into,” Pola turned away and sighed. “You’re an ordinary Pachirisu. If I teach you how to use Visionary Magic, you forfeit that status.”

    “That doesn’t matter to me. The goal of my journey would have me sacrifice everything for this kind of power. No matter the cost, I want to learn,” he stated.

    “That’s easy as shit to say heroic garbage any normal Pokémon can spout. What I mean is, you don’t get it. If I teach you Visionary Magic, your entire life will change. You won’t be considered a normal Pokémon anymore,” Pola explained, coming off the windowsill to approach him. He was taller than her, so she had to look up to him. “Prejudice and discrimination would become justified against you. The entire world would want to kill you just for merely existing. Are you really prepared to give up your pampered, comfy little life to become the world’s most hated, just for these moves?”

    “Whoa, Pola got serious all of a sudden,” Kayla whispered, sat up.

    “If you can really teach me, then do it. Whatever this entails, I’ll do it,” Shannon promised with a nod.

    “Hmm… I like you. Up close, you are actually pretty hot, not just cute,” Pola winked. Shannon uttered a noise at that, and stood as straight as a board. “Alright, so… I’ll teach you. But it’ll cost ya.”

    “I’m curious about this Visionary Magic stuff, but first… it’s your turn,” Kayla spoke up, and nodded to Kari. The Furret had been prodding and playing with her paws since the walk back, and flinched as the attention turned to her. Her cheeks were flushed. “What’s got you all quiet?”

    “Oh, that’s just hungry Kari. She’s always like this. Pretty soon her stomach’s gonna start talking for her,” Pola rolled her eyes.

    “Uh-um… well yeah, I’m really hungry, but…” Kari squeaked quietly, only for her stomach to do just that, rumbling louder than her voice. She moaned and shrivelled up in embarrassment.

    “Well, have I got just the thing for that,” Kayla got up with a smug grin. She hopped up high and stomped down in the middle of the room, then began stomping around and shaking her waist with all the force she could. The others were clearly about to shout at her until her stash fell out of her fluff skirt. Slices and chunks of carrot, alongside berries and other small goodies. “Oh would you look at that. It’s not a glamorous dinner, but it’s more than enough to share around.”

    “What the- when did you- how?” Pola gasped.

    “Shh. Remember at breakfast?” Kayla remained smug.

    “Ugh, it’s probably stinky with sweat and fur, gross,” Pola spat. Kari was totally silent as she observed for a moment, and then snuck towards a few of the carrot chunks to gather them up. She gave it a sniff, and then a nibble. “K-Kari?”

    “Honestly, these teachers have a really backwards way of going. How’re we supposed to study or train or whatever if we’re hungry?” Kayla commented. She attempted to kick up a tiny Oran Berry, but she couldn’t slide her foot beneath it. Seeing that, Kari nervously swept it up and held it out for her. “Thanks.”

    Pola slid over, but couldn’t take her eyes off the duo as Kayla happily ate the berries out of Kari’s paw. Without even looking at her, Kari held out a couple of Cheri Berries for her, which she nervously accepted. “What the heck… it’s like, not sweaty or hairy… so what, is that fluff of yours actually a pocket or something?”

    “Hee hee hee, lady’s secret,” Kayla went half-lidded.

    “So, what exactly is this? You a rebel or what?” Pola started playing with her weave.

    “I just did what I thought was right. And I don’t agree with getting punished for that, considering basically everything worked out,” Kayla sat back on the bed. “There’s lots I’m curious and confused about. If I just spend all my time following orders, I’m never gonna satisfy that curiosity. Stuff like Mathildaath, that Visionary Magic stuff you guys are on about, Kari’s powers, and now Netherworld. Weird stuff’s happening in Twinight Woods ever since I came here and I’d be boring to not to try to get to the bottom of it.”

    “Well gettin’ on the teacher’s bad-side ain’t gonna win ya any awards. It’s just gonna lose us our dinner. Seriously, you owe me, big time,” Pola put her paws on her hips.

    “Trust me, it’s noted,” Kayla turned away with a cheeky grin. “If it actually turned out to be Mathildaath, I’d have run, just putting it out there.”

    “I’ve decided!” Kari announced aloud, drawing all eyes to her. Her cheeks were red, but it was her turn to look determined. “Kayla! I want you to be our leader!”

    “Me?” Kayla’s eyes widened. “Wait, huh? Leader of what? I thought you girls weren’t a team?”

    “Yeah whoa hold up, after today? For real? Why the hell would Kayla work as a leader?” Pola argued, leaning forward.

    “Me and Pola have been trying to pull off this whole team of adventurers shtick for years now. But to be honest, we’re not very good at it,” Kari became casual.

    “Well yeah, that’s ‘cos you run off on your own and fight all weird and stuff,” Pola pouted. “Also, don’t ignore me! This fat bunny’s an awful choice!”

    “I felt this when I first met you and we went through Twinight Woods together. I dunno why, but when I fight by your side, I feel like I’ve been fighting beside you for like, forever and ever! Your stuff sorta just floooows really well with me,” Kari explained. She started getting nervous and prodding her paws together again. “Plus, what happened earlier… me and Pola can never decide what to do in dungeons or emergencies and stuff when we’re together. But when you led us, you just did everything without a second thought. And it was kinda… it was cool, okay? How you were all like ‘let’s just help everyone’ and stuff.”

    “I really am surprised you feel this way. I got you girls in trouble. Serious trouble, from the sounds of it,” Kayla said.

    “You haven’t said a single thing I disagree with since I met you. I just think… I just feel it in my belly. You’re the one. Y’know, when you just feel like, ‘this is the one’, the one and only… you’re the leader I can trust who’ll do really cool stuff!” Kari pumped her paws like fists. She couldn’t stop blushing. “S-so how about it? Will you be our leader?”

    “There’s a lot of ‘we’ and ‘our’ going on here. Why would I wanna listen to this fat fuck?” Pola raised her voice. “If you’re gonna feel this way, at least give it a few days first.”

    “Pola, she didn’t even get weirded out by your powers. She’s the coolest Pokémon we’ve ever met! What’s there to worry about?” Kari argued.

    “I’m kinda flattered, honestly,” Kayla stepped in before they argued. “Joining an academy and scoring team leader position one day into studying, that’s gotta be a world record. But there is stuff to worry about.”

    “H-huh?” Kari replied.

    “Humble all of a sudden, are we?” Pola grumbled.

    “Zude. That Arboliva,” Kayla frowned. “It’s true that I almost put you all in danger by fighting her. I really did underestimate her. I couldn’t damage her at all.”

    “Oh never mind that. If we were in a team and could fight properly, we would’ve been fine,” Kari reasoned, turning casual again. Her tail was doing its usual weird wagging. “Pokémon in teams can’t hit each other with their attacks unless they’re like, healing and support stuff, right? So if we were a team, I could use my extraordinary powers without worrying about hitting ya, and Pola could use her magic, too. We could’ve knocked her into next week!”

    “I appreciate the enthusiasm, but seriously, I hit her head on and didn’t even trigger Seed Sower,” Kayla said, and growled at the floor. “If I’m not pulling my weight, then how can I lead a team? I just… I might be weaker than I thought I was.”

    “Hmm… To be fair, I think something fishy was goin’ on,” Pola folded her paws and turned away. “You hit twice pretty dang hard. You should have dealt some damage. Then when Kari was fighting her, it almost seemed like Zude was turning into a statue or something. Some of Kari’s attacks hit, but some looked like they just bounced off. And she didn’t even trigger Seed Sower, either. There was no consistency between what worked and what didn’t work.”

    Kayla’s eyes widened at her. “Almost like an extraordinary power?”

    “Many extraordinary Pokémon turn to crime and stuff thanks to the way Isnomia discriminates against them, so it wouldn’t be a shock to learn one was a General for Netherworld,” Pola shrugged. “The bit I’m worried about is choosing to fight even after learning she was a General. She wouldnt’ve hesitated to fucking kill us, dude!”

    “That, too…” Kayla went even more quiet. “Emergency forces sure took their time to come rescue us, didn’t they? Even when the rain started and we went back, where were they?”

    Pola raised a paw to argue, but growled instead.

    “Even when Gema found us, where were they?” Kayla challenged.

    “Alright, get off your high horse. I’ve been here for two years. Kari’s been here for like, six or something, right? If there was some fishy stuff goin’ on, we’d know about it. Stop with the conspiracy theory stuff,” Pola complained.

    No… I know that there’s something. Ever since my weird dream with Jirachi, weird stuff’s been happening. Wait a minute- my dream! Kayla’s eyes widened as her mind lit up with a lightbulb. She started gawking at Pola. This Plusle!



    “I envy how you’re not nervous about this. I mean, this is gonna be a pretty tough battle, ya’know? We could die here,” Plusle began, twirling her singular weave of headfur around a digit.

    “I guess I get it. We’re doing this, ready or not and whether we like it or not. I kinda wish they’d hurry up so we can get a move on then. In this house, we jump straight into the lava!” Plusle pumped her fist. “But well, that’s me. I’m nervous and I can’t help it, but what about you, Kayla? You’re always being playful ‘n stuff, but you’re not usin’ that as a mask to hide your nervousness, are ya? ‘Cos if ya are, you don’t need to just ‘cos you’re our leader ‘n all that. I’d feel way more comfortable if I saw you being yourself.”

    It’s just like Jirachi said… it’s not going exactly the same, but my dream is coming true. There’s no way this isn’t the same Plusle, right? Kayla calmed down, but continued to stare at her. Her name is Pola, and I’m pretty sure she hates me. Kari wasn’t anywhere in that dream, either. Well, if I’m seriously being given the opportunity, let’s see where this goes!

    “Uh, you okay there? Is there something on my face?” Pola asked softly all of a sudden.

    “Yeah. A little passion I never knew you had,” Kayla joked.

    “The heck do you mean by—” Pola cut herself off.

    “I just gave it a bit of thought, and I’m alright with it. Let’s give this whole team thing a shot,” Kayla nodded.

    Kari gasped. “Really? Y-you really? Really? Really really? You really mean it?”

    “Yeah. It’s easy to make teams using a PET, right? If it doesn’t work out, we can just cut it off,” Kayla nodded again, and hers popped out in front of her.

    “It is! Everyone who wants in just has to point their PET at each other!” Kari pulled hers out. She held the badge flat, pointing a button on top against Kayla’s. “A little tappy tap here and there, and yep! The app’s ready to send our registration to HAPPI! They make it this easy so anyone who recruits in a dungeon can instantly take part in the current mission, too.”

    “Makes sense. I won’t complain about convenience,” Kayla smiled. There was a pause as Pola didn’t add her PET. “What, you don’t like fun all of a sudden?”

    “Getting a ban on food isn’t my idea of fun,” she pouted.

    “As if you’re the most model student. I might have to drop a hint about drinking habits, might make me look like a better student,” Kayla turned away, half-lidded.

    “Don’t you fucking dare!” Pola hissed. “There’s nothin’ in this team rubbish for me!”

    “… There is, actually,” Kayla became serious. “I dunno exactly how this Visionary training stuff’s gonna go, but I think there’ll be a lotta raised eyebrows if a guy suddenly starts hanging out our room.”

    “… Yeah, we do need to talk about that,” Pola glanced at Shannon, who seemed as interested. “Go on…”

    “If Shannon were to join the team, he’d have every excuse to train under you. And given RSE’s equipment, you’d have a little freedom to train properly, right?” Kayla explained.

    “That actually would resolve a lot of complications. Normal Pokémon aren’t allowed to enrol at RSE, but if it were known I was a member of a team there, no one would bat an eye,” Shannon explained. “I… would still feel more comfortable having separate sleeping arrangements, though.”

    “Oh no, we flirted! Don’t tell me you’re gay?” Pola cried.

    “H-huh? What’s that got to do with anything?” Shannon sighed. “I just don’t want anything awkward to go on, you know? A guy sleeping in a room with three other girls raises too many implications, team or not.”

    “This also means I’m sorta dragging you into this – you’ll have to actually help us on missions and all that. You fine with being part of our team?” Kayla asked.

    “I’ll do what I must. Anything to learn Visionary Magic. I only ask that when the time comes, I be allowed to deal with my own end goal,” Shannon answered. Kayla nodded.

    “And there we have it. A team of four and your little Pachi student helps us out as payment. Seem like a good enough incentive?” Kayla grinned.

    “That helps you, not me. Ugh. Good thing it’s just as easy to quit as it is to join teams these days,” Pola grumbled, playing with her weave again. “What’re we even naming ourselves? That’s a basic must.”

    “Oh, right. I didn’t think that far ahead,” Kari squeaked. “Team friends? Team Sillies? The Pinkie Pies?”

    “At least go with something not cringe,” the Plusle slumped.

    “The Mane Six? The Avengers? Furret’s Enforcers… How about Game Freak?” Kari fired out words.

    “I’m not even gonna begin to say what’s wrong with those,” Kayla laughed awkwardly. “You two got any ideas?”

    “Don’t look at me. This is your thing,” Shannon leaned away.

    “Uh uh, you’re a member. We come up with stuff together!” Kayla laughed, and kicked him back into the huddle. “RSE will give him a PET, right?”

    “Should do. But seriously, can we come up with something cool?” Pola had a paw on her hip.

    “Friendship stuff is cool! Team Pokepals, Team Best Friends- oooh, Team BBFAE?”

    “The fuck’s the last one?” Pola’s raised an eyebrow.

    “Bestest Buddies Forever And Ever!” Kari cheered.

    “Ewurgh. I think I’m gonna throw up,” Pola turned around.

    “Something cool… S-sorry, I honestly don’t have anything. Names aren’t my strong suit. A-and we all just met, so I can’t name it after all your features or anything,” Shannon admitted.

    “Features?” Kayla giggled, to which he grumbled. “How about Team Daybreak?”

    Silence fell.

    “Uh… was that bad?” she leaned away.

    “That… I like that, actually. It’s simple, it’s when we get up in the morning!” Kari agreed.

    “Please don’t make it cringe. But yeah, it sounds cool enough. Not really up for spending all night on this,” Pola added.

    “It’s not really my place to say,” Shannon said quietly. Everyone stared at him, and his face grew hot. “Uh-um, I-it does sound cool, though. I like that it’s not edgy.”

    “Wow, got it in one. Going once, going twice… and there we have it. Kari, put us in as Team Daybreak!” Kayla announced.

    “Way ahead of ya!” the Furret giggled as she tapped away on her device. “Ooh I’m kinda all giddy and excited now. Our adventures are gonna be even cooler than the past two days, I just know it!”

    “Calm down, we’re still runnin’ on fumes here. I can’t live off scraps from this fatso’s stash,” Pola groaned. “And tomorrow, too. The teachers are gonna be breathing down our tails even more now that we roped in Shannon so fast. The next few days are gonna be so annoying.”

    “Now that I’m actually responsible for you girls, I’m gonna make sure I pay you back. For my first point of order: please drop the fat comments,” Kayla slumped.

    “You want my respect, you earn it!” Pola snapped.

    “Something tells me it’s gonna take more than that,” Kayla rolled her eyes.

    “Alright everyone! Put your PET in the middle!” Kari instructed cheerfully. She laid her paw on hers, while Pola pouted a bit as she did the same. She didn’t face the group, and tried to hide a blush as she put her paw above Kari’s.

    “Uh…” Kayla mouthed. Her PET moved into place, but moving her arm was another story. Kari quickly realised, and moved to hold Kayla’s paw.

    “I hope this isn’t too weird!” squeaked the Furret, blushing lightly.

    “It’s fine, I can’t help it. I appreciate it,” Kayla smiled sheepishly.

    Shannon was last, but he was still fidgeting with his thoughts, so Kari quickly pulled him over, too. With all four of their paws above the PET, the screen lit up, and the group exchanged looks.

    “Any objections?” Kari asked, smiling at everyone. Everyone exchanged glances once again, this time with upbeat smiles. “Then here’s to Team Daybreak!”

    “Yeah!” the group cheered, raising their paws all at once. The PET screen lit up again, and a holographic orb flew off of it with their movements.

    “And that’s that. Our applications officially sent!” Kari jumped up high. “Aww, you didn’t bring any drinks. This is the perfect moment for a toast!”

    “Well we’re not a team right this very minute, right? We can have a proper celebration when we get it,” Kayla smiled. “For now, we should sort out Shannon’s PET and where he’s gonna sleep and stuff. Before it gets too late.”

    “Oh yeah, good call! I think the night classes are gonna start soon. It’ll get super awkward if we wait any longer,” Kari slapped her paws on her cheeks. She ran a circle around the Pachirisu before snatching his paw. “Come with me, mister! Quickly, quickly!”

    “Wa-wait, I’m coming!” he cried as he was dragged off. Kayla could barely lean after her, while Pola dived to stop the door from slamming against the back wall.

    “W-wow… she’s really fast,” Kayla commented.

    “You got her excited, what’dya expect?” Pola grumbled as she carefully shut the door. Kayla watched the Plusle as they went back to the windowsill, where they sat and stared out at the scenery. It didn’t look comfortable to her, but it must have been, since she hung and kicked their feet in what felt like leisure. They eventually felt Kayla’s stare and glared back, clearly bothered. “What?”

    “N-nothing more, I guess,” Kayla started sweating.

    “Oh no ya don’t, that’s my bed y’know. I never gave it up for you,” Pola snapped before she hopped on. “Honestly, sleeping in someone else’s bed… don’t you feel grossed out?”

    “Not at all, but,” Kayla trailed off. The bottom bunk was easiest to hop on, and she had the bed on the opposite wall which belonged to Kari. If the Furret minded too, that mean hers was the top bunk – the one that was difficult to reach. “I don’t think I can get there.”

    “You got hands. Climb the ladder, stupid,” Pola raised an eyebrow.

    “I couldn’t even if I tried. My arms don’t work,” she informed. Pola was even more sceptical. “No I’m serious. I can’t move my arms or feel them, basically at all.”

    “That why Kari had to feed you earlier?” Pola wondered.

    Kayla nodded. “Everyone thinks it’s to do with my extraordinary power, but nothing good comes outta it. So I hate to be a stickler, but could I use one of the bottom bunks?”

    “Then Kari should swap hers,” Pola walked over to throw herself into bed. “Mine’s got grooves. It took months to iron in those grooves, can’t be having a big bunny undo ‘em.”

    “I hope she doesn’t mind,” Kayla muttered as she sat down in Kari’s.

    Silence fell again. She tried to look elsewhere, but there was nothing to do now but go to bed. Pola seemed to agree on that as she pulled up the covers and rolled her back to Kayla. Seeing that, she tried to do the same, only her feet did a much poorer job of kicking the covers up to herself. It didn’t feel too cold tonight, besides the rain tapping on the window making things feel a little chilly.

    Now that she was laying back too, everything started to settle in. Even with the snacks she’d shared with everyone, she still felt hungry. Pola’s bitterness couldn’t be ignored any further, too. And if Kari had an ulterior motive, she’d been strung along for it, hook, line and sinker. The danger of encountering a Netherworld General was only the beginning of what dangers she could come up against. Mum wouldn’t be there to bail her out like usual, and neither would other adults, if today was any indication. She was prepared to do her best, she knew she would, but ignoring fear and loneliness was a bad move right now. It was Kayla versus these strange events, and no one else. At least until she knew she could truly trust these other Pokémon.

    “Why’d you do it?” Pola finally asked. Kayla rolled over, but the Plusle hadn’t turned around.

    “Do what?” Kayla hesitantly replied.

    “Everything. Challenge the General, the teachers, decide to play along with Kari…” she added. Kayla paused again.

    “It just felt cool,” Kayla admitted. “I came here because I wanted to get stronger and open up my life more. Be able to live and do cool stuff, you know? And being in a team sounds like it’ll lead to cool things.”

    Pola sighed and rolled over at last. “Don’t tell her I told you this, but she’s just doing it to lie to herself, y’know.”


    “That girl’s been here for something mad like fourteen years,” Pola said.

    “Fourteen?” Kayla gasped. “But she’s—”

    “Yeah I know, seventeen. She’s a failure, so she jumps the gun and tries to big up herself to all the new students. Her greatest wish is to achieve something big, or somethin’ like that. She’s likely gonna cock all this up, and all Team Daybreak is gonna go to shit,” Pola explained. “Just warnin’ ya now. So don’t hesitate to back out. You wouldn’t be the first, or even the tenth.”

    Kayla faced the ceiling in disbelief. “I’ll find that out my own way, thank you. But if that’s how you feel, why’d you join?”

    “… Because you’re pissin’ me off.” Pola grumbled.

    “Uh… what?” Kayla turned to her again, only to lose any jest. Pola appeared genuinely angry.

    “You’re fat. You don’t have a proper goal, and from today’s mission, I know you’re pretty fucking stupid, too. Yet still you act like you’ve got something going. You’ve got like, no shame at all,” Pola rambled. “It pisses me off. So I wanna see where it all comes from.”

    “I… do hope this means you’ll put effort into things, too. I don’t wanna work knowing I have to impress you all the time,” Kayla complained. What am I saying? Why should I care what she thinks?

    “Yeah yeah, I’m not gonna throw missions and stuff. You’ve seen my powers, you know I’m the real deal,” Pola swayed a paw. “I’m sayin’ that I’m gonna keep doin’ my thing until I see a leader worth sucking up to. It’ll give Kari something fun to play with for a little while. For a leader, I want someone who has pride, makes actually good decisions, is fit as a—”

    “You are really bothered about my weight,” Kayla groaned.

    “It bothers me that you’re not bothered by it!” Pola snapped. Kayla paused.

    “I don’t understand how someone who lives under constant scrutiny for being different to other Pokémon can further scrutinise someone of their own kind for being different to themselves,” Kayla stated. Pola coughed. “And what, would you wanna live your whole life depressed just because you’re not proud of your body? For having Visionary Magic?”

    “I am proud of my body, my body’s good! It has nothing to do with Visionary Magic,” Pola cried.

    “Well I’m proud of mine, too. It does everything I want it to, so I’ve got no reason to conform to what somebody I don’t care about says,” Kayla explained. “If you understand that, then I don’t wanna hear another word about it. You do your thing and I’ll do mine.”

    “What? Ugh, don’t go acting all smart and – oh just shut up and go to bed. Fucking weirdo,” Pola grumbled, curling back up into her covers. Kayla watched her for a little while, and then did the same.

    Dang. That could’ve gone better, she sighed at her thoughts.


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