The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    As far as Shannon ever knew, quests were meant to fun. There were always stories of adventurers seeking treasure or personal goals, and the many scenarios that gave them names of fame and good word on the street. Sure, there were bad stories, but they were mostly Pokémon-turned-outlaw due to bad upbringing, or some twisted framing case where the adventurers are the good guys in the end. Either way, journeys were meant to be fun.

    Nobody ever talked about the unavoidable visions that pop up every time you sleep, or the months and months of fruitless progress. The Pachirisu lay in bed on top of the covers, sleeplessly staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night. He’d taken off his cloth and let his tail hang off the edge of the bed, and he was still too hot. He wasn’t prepared for the summers in Repose Town. At least the Inndeedee here was cheap. Maybe that’s why it was so hot.

    He attempted to close his eyes, but the moment he did, there it was. The knife. The dead Pachirisu bodies. Those countless bodies, a pile of white corpses simmering in a pool of blood. The sigh of bother from someone who didn’t care came from behind him. His vision turned greyscale after a while, blurred by noisy static that hurt his eyes and chest immensely. This scene assaulted his conscious the moment he tried to sleep. He did his best to think of something, anything else, but all that did was drown the colours in saturated crimson. He cringed hard and turned to his side, but he was stopped from falling off the bed by a thick arm.

    “Can’t sleep?” wondered his partner. The soft, dozy tone took him right out of the nightmare, but he couldn’t hide his sweat from her. “It’s alright. I’m here, and I’ll always be here.”

    He rolled over to the opposite side to face her. The caring words belonged to a Pawmot, a short woman with slightly longer fur than a normal Pawmot. The tips of the fur on her head were dyed pink, while her beady eyes glistened like violet marbles.

    He sighed as he returned to his back, but she kept an arm over him, keeping him close. “That’s the least of our worries.”

    “Yeah… we’ve had a rough patch since we started, but not having a good night’s sleep isn’t going to help it,” Pawmot replied. He didn’t respond, besides the slight narrowing of his eyes. “Hey, you can chat to me. What kinda partner would I be if I didn’t try to help?”

    “You’ll just forget again,” he sighed.

    “If it’s about you, I won’t forget. Promise. You mean too much to me,” she said softly. There was a pause. “It’s the bad memories again, isn’t it?”

    He rolled so his back faced her.

    “See, I don’t forget! When it’s about you, it means everything to me,” she boasted. He didn’t reply, so she shuffled over to try and bring him close again. “Perhaps we should try a different approach.”

    He wanted to ignore her, but she was too strong, so he was easily rolled over to face her. She had a silly smile on her face as she cuddled even closer. “Urk- Genius, what’re you doing?”

    “Relax, will ya?” she pulled away a bit. “Relax and nuzzle.”

    He made a little groan. Just the suggestion made him even more nervous, but for different reasons. Genius was way too pretty for him. Being this close to a Pokémon he didn’t deserve always made him nervous, even if it was for important utility reasons. All they were meant to do was press their cheeks together while discharging electricity, and their energy would share between one another. Doing so was like exchanging contacts, only it gave one another a live radar; Shannon would always know where Genius was as long as her electricity was stored in his pouches, and vice versa.

    It was her obvious affection and delicacy that made it hard not to feel bad. Genius sat them up with a grin, arms held loosely over Shannon’s sides while he instinctively did the same. They cuddled and nuzzled their cheeks together, and all the feelings attacked at once. Genius was quite built for a Pokémon so short, and her strength was more than a testament to that. Despite that, her fur was smooth and pleasant to touch, addicting even, less that of a Pokémon with bulky muscles and closer to someone who pampered themselves in hot springs or steam rooms.

    There was the electricity, too. The striking, enticing feeling of having zing being put in your body. It was excitingly sinful, a thrilling moment where he knew he shouldn’t be there, yet it felt so good that there were instincts not to stop. With a shaky breath, he accepted her hug and shocked the best he could, causing sparks to crackle between their cheeks. Before he knew it, they both broke away, chuckling lightly while their fur sizzled with excess electricity.

    “Eeek Shannon, you don’t have to go so hard. You always fill me with so much juice!” Genius pawed at her face.

    “Ack! Why do you have to word it so weirdly?” he snapped, feeling his face heat up even more.

    “Weirdly?” she cocked her head. “What’s so weird about it? Don’t Pokémon say batteries run outta juice?”

    “Well- yes- but- er, when you’re talking about… just don’t put it that way,” he sighed and slumped.

    She put a digit to her lip and got up to twirl around. “I’m the battery, and you’re juicing me up?”

    “Stop!” he demanded. She obeyed, but not without that signature adorable smile of hers. “What’s your plan, anyway?”

    “Plan?” she cocked her head again.

    I’m not good enough for a cute woman like her… just stay on target. Stay focused, he told himself continuously, but she still made him blush. “You just… you already forgot. You had a plan? Something about relaxing?”

    “I don’t think I did. But now that we’re all buzzed up, we should go explore town! I bet there’s lots of nocturnal Pokémon that have what we’re looking for!” she got off the bed to bounce on her toes.

    “Right… if we can’t sleep, might as well use the time and energy. But why the nuzzle?” he wandered over, grabbing his cloth in the process.

    “Aww, you silly Pachi!” she sung. She hugged up to him again. “You’re the forgetful one. You know it’s because I like you!”

    “N-nng… we use it to radar, though,” he grunted. She positioned herself to his side to hold his paw in hers, again with that delicate, loving touch of hers. His heart raced and his cheeks flushed, but she wouldn’t let go, so he caved in and held back, interlocking his digits with hers. The moment he did, she faced forward and swung their arms excitedly.

    “C’mon, let’s go! We’ve got a whole new town to explore!” she cheered.

    “Shh, not so loud! There are probably others sleeping, you know,” he groaned, swinging with her.

    He said that, but he was quickly proved wrong by the number of species down in the inn’s lobby. They all looked like young adults like himself, but many of them were dolled up in hip accessories or provocative clothes, a total change from the loose pink cloth he wore. A few of the groups took off in a hurry, while others looked chill as they chatted and laughed amongst one another. It was typical loud street life stuff he preferred to keep away from, until he realised Genius was strolling straight towards them.

    “Hey, what’s up guys? What’s going on over here?” she greeted with a jolly wave. Of course it was loud enough to draw eyes from all over the lobby.

    “Huh. Check out the cute chus,” a Liepard responded. Shannon couldn’t make eye contact and prayed she didn’t think him rude for looking away. “Not seen you two around here before, I don’t think. New in town?”

    “Yep! Anywhere for a cool night of fun?” she asked.

    “Lots of Pokémon. Anywhere with lots of Pokémon. We’re looking for someone specific,” Shannon interjected.

    “Oh sure, we know a few places I guess,” Liepard glanced at her friends, a Persian, Meowstic and Weavile.

    “Teensy place like Repose doesn’t have many special Pokémon, unless you count RSE school,” Weavile added with a shrug. “But they’re extraordinary Pokémon. Doubt you’re looking for those.”

    “Any deets you can give us?” Meowstic said.

    “Uuuuhhh… buddy?” Genius turned to him with a sheepish grin.

    “You forgot already,” he sighed. Judging by the way they worded it, if I mention it’s a Visionary we’re after…

    “We’re not quite sure yet exactly. Theres a few tasks we need help with so it’s a fair few Pokémon. We’ve put requests up on the digital boards, but no pain in scouting too, right?” he lied. “So just somewhere with a lot of Pokémon.”

    “Only populated place you’re gonna find at this time of the night is the Waking Wake,” Liepard rolled her eyes. “We’re headed there now since it’s club night. A cute couple like you’d fit right in, but if you’re there for business, good luck.”

    “Oh we’re there for fun baby! What’re we waitin’ for?” Genius started bouncing.

    “It is business. Very important business,” Shannon stated. The Pawmot froze in midair to give him the mother of all leers. “… We can do both. But business first.”

    “Ehehe, yeah, you two’ll be a riot,” Persian went half-lidded. “It’s east from the town in the middle of the woods, that’s your right as you come out the Inndeedee. Big sunken ship stickin’ out the ground, you can’t miss it.”

    “See ya there,” waved Weavile as the group took off.

    “Shannon,” Genius sung. He looked at her tiredly. “You’re not relaxing.”

    “Let’s just get this over with,” he sighed as he walked ahead. She kept his paw held and smiled. “I doubt we’ll find a Visionary at a nightclub, but at this point I’m willing to search anywhere.”

    “Anywhere, you say?” she sung in an even sneakier tone.

    “You are planning something. And why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like it?” he slowed down. She merely giggled however, so he sighed and dismissed it.

    Outside was more like he imagined a town at night would be. Streets were empty, while market stalls and shops were folded up and guarded by tough material. Squeaking Rattata and other mice Pokémon scuttled between those stands and the houses, nibbling or hoarding leftover scraps, while a cool wind howled and ruffled the tarp protecting the market stands. The wind was a relief from the heat he still felt. Very few dim glows from candles or streetlamps helped to guide the nocturnal goers like themselves.

    “This way!” Genius pointed as she began her march, once again swinging their arms.

    Forest surrounded this part of town on seemingly all sides, but their destination was clear as day. Through the thick tangle of woodland, show lights waved back and forth to light up the sky, while a bright glow came from deep within. He could faintly hear the chatter of a crowd of Pokémon, and as they got closer, the floor vibrated with heavy bass music.

    He expected to have to fight to some degree. The forest wasn’t a mystery dungeon, but that didn’t stop feral Pokémon from attacking them on the way here. Genius carried on without a care in the world however, humming to herself as she kept them walking straight towards the light. Just another reminder that he didn’t deserve her. Her forgetfulness was annoying, but at times like this, such a jolly and carefree outlook stopped him from hurting himself.

    He’d be in denial if he didn’t feel this was pleasant. Few things were more calming than a waltz through a quiet forest beside a beautiful woman. A small part of him, a teensy, tiny inkling in the back of his mind, wanted something to happen that would make them walk like this forever. To forget about all his stresses, hold Genius’ paw and just, take in nature. Lucky him, scoring an exciting date with such a cute Pokémon-

    No. This is not a date – don’t get carried away you pathetic idiot, he shook his head. His face became stern again. We get there, we split up, and we search. We don’t find a Visionary, we leave. That’s my mission.

    As they drew close to the light, the jaunty music was unmistakable. Genius giggled as she sped up, dragging him the rest of the way. They stopped once they breached the woodland and into a clearing, where Shannon gawked.

    When the Liepard mentioned a ship, he didn’t think she meant an actual ship. An enormous sailing ship, the kind you would expect the rich to cruise around the world in, lay partially lodged into the ground right here in the middle of the forest. It was clearly in ruins after being sunk or something, with broken portions, cracks, rusted paint patterns, even parts where the iron skeleton of the interior jutted out. Yet it also had a degree of refurbishment to it, like an obvious main entrance made out of the ship’s hull, rotating lifebuoys with show lights strapped to them, and a host of staff Pokémon wearing matching uniforms.

    Genius sped them up into a giggling sprint, only to spring off the belly of a far larger Pokémon, sending the couple to the floor. Shannon groaned as he stared up, intimidated by the stern stare of a Sealeo in sunglasses. “You two aren’t a team, are you? Gimme ID.”

    Figures a nightclub needs some sort of age identification, Shannon shuffled into his belongings. He became restless when he couldn’t find what he was looking for however, and pulled his tail to his front to dig into it. Everything he had was deep within his fur except the one card he knew he needed. “Did it fall out somewhere? No, those dark-types—”

    “Oh right, sorry. Here ya go!” Genius perked up, revealing two cards. Shannon froze while the guard examined the cards, remaining agonizingly silent.

    “… Here,” he eventually slid aside to let them in. “Have fun.”

    “Why do you have?” Shannon whispered as she handed his card back to him.

    “You dropped it earlier when we nuzzled,” she giggled. “Your tail was wagging super fast!”

    Shannon felt his face heat up, so he sighed and snatched his card back. “Stop saying these things out loud.”

    He was surprised they got away with that, what with Genius’ card right there to compare his to. Pokémon that didn’t have PETs or weren’t in teams had to have ID cards they received once they reached a certain age, and you had to get a new one if you evolved, so everyone had one… except Shannon. His was forged as it was impossible for him to have one. Did Genius even know or realise? He felt gross thinking this way, but she was probably too dim to care, or maybe she figured it out sometime and simply forgot. Either one made his life easier.

    “Next time, try to tell me earlier, please,” Shannon sighed again as he walked in.

    If there was a party, it hadn’t started yet. The base was heavy, but the music was chill, arranged by a Bruxish who had their own water tank and DJ set. There was a bar with a Gardevoir bartender, a few groups of varied Pokémon lounging around there, and an empty stage for performers. Perhaps there was someone playing tonight, since a few Pokémon there were performing maintenance on amps, drums, speakers and other equipment. It was a trio of an Eevee in a purple scarf, a Litten with a green bowtie, and a Sobble in an orange bowtie. At least he wasn’t the only small adult here.

    “I guess we’re early! A good time to stick around and chill too,” Genius walked right over to the bar.

    “If things are calm, it’s easier to do what we came to do,” Shannon corrected, forced to follow her.

    “Yeah. To chill,” she said, half-lidded.

    “But we came here to—”

    “To chill,” she sat him down on a stall.

    “New faces. Welcome to the Waking Wake,” Gardevoir greeted them, absentmindedly wiping a wine glass. Her psychic dealt with that while she leaned over the counter at them. The stalls were tall enough that the trio could have level eye contact. “It never gets easier to say that, so you’ve probably heard others call it ‘The Wake’ or something similar. Call it whatever’s comfortable, Pokémon will know what you’re on about.”

    “I’m really nosy. How’d something like this come about? It’s proper wedged into the ground,” Genius asked, playfully kicking her feet.

    “This ship is said to be many thousands of years old. Many debates are had about how it sunk. The only fact we know for sure is that Isnomia’s oceans have shifted across the planet as the millennia went by. This place would have been underwater,” Gardevoir explained. “What can I get you two?”

    “Go big or go home?” Genius turned to Shannon.

    “What? Gods no, start light!” he gasped. “Thunder Shock cider. I’d prefer a non-alcohol base.”

    “Aww whaaat? C’mon man, live a little!” Genius whined.

    “We have a job to do,” he groaned.

    “For me?” she bat her eyes at him, making him gulp. Gardevoir’s half-lidded grin didn’t help, either.

    “… Make it grape base. Still starting light,” he sighed in defeat.

    “That’s the spirit! Forget the Visiona—”

    “Genius!” he hissed, and she slapped her paws over her mouth. An awkward glance at the bartender and there was no doubt they drew a picture. They were surprised, yet returned to half-lidded.

    “Vision of Spinda! And don’t gimme that little ochoko. I wanna down stuff!” Genius pumped her fists.

    “Oh my, you’re serious about going big,” Gardevoir giggled and turned to get to work. “I can’t legally serve bigger, but if you’ve got the coin, I can’t say no to more than one drink.”

    “You’re drawing too much attention to us,” Shannon muttered.

    “No I’m not, I’m gonna share it with ya,” she grinned. She leaned on the bar, walking her paw over to him. “We’ll have a little drink and take a look around, see what’s cool.”

    “Why are you like this?” he rolled his eyes as her paw reached his chin.

    “What, don’t like me when I get a little silly?”

    “I Just… I do, but…” he muttered.

    “Buuuut?” she sung, leaning closer.

    That wasn’t a lie. He felt pretty gross since alcohol was involved, but he also knew she had a high tolerance for these things. She was adorable company whether she was influenced or not, again, company he didn’t deserve. She obviously wanted him to forget the mission to find the Visionary tonight, and doing so would probably make her really happy. However, he would never be the man to keep her happy through life and he knew it, so it was more respectful to keep her focused and helping on the mission and nothing else. He nodded to these thoughts and faced her.

    “If you’re planning on knocking them back this hard, one of us has got to be designated. We’re in a new place, after all,” he reasoned. That sounds like a good enough excuse.

    “Shannon,” she groaned and swayed her head. “Not saying I’m gonna knock you out, but you need a good night’s sleep. So that Vision of Spinda’s for you, silly!”

    “… Wait what? But you just said—”

    “So take a load off! Cut loose, chat about what’s on your mind, have fun tonight! Just do what you wanna do,” she patted him on the back. “I’ll take us back to the Inndeedee when it’s good, don’t worry.”

    “Why would you- I definitely can’t be searching if I—”

    “Shannon… I’m not gonna take no for an answer, y’know,” she went half-lidded.

    “Why? We have a job to do, c’mon,” she sighed.

    “Look- talk to me. You wanna sleep well, right?” she asked.

    “Why would partying at a nightclub help me sleep? When have I ever wanted to do that?” he argued.

    “I’m trying to come at this from a different angle. Massages don’t work, nuzzling doesn’t work, venting doesn’t work, even all you can eat doesn’t work… it’s not something we’re gonna try more than once,” she answered. She put her paws together and sighed. “I love you, Shannon. And I’m really, really worried about you lately. The nightmares are getting more frequent, and you’re getting more… I dunno, distant? Empty? Darker?”

    “Genius…?” he gawked.

    “I just… I know how important your mission is to you. But we’re in it for the long haul. If you don’t take care of yourself and something starts happening, what good is it if… if… ugh, if god forbid you get hurt or get caught up in somethin’ hellish before we even get to start? If you hurt yourself and end up in hospital, then what is it all for?” the Pawmot couldn’t face straight forward as she spoke. “I just… I want you to take care of yourself and live. So that when all this is over, we can have a happy ending.”

    Shannon looked down, making all sorts of struggled grunts under his breath. “Because it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what I think or feel. All that matters is that I get strong enough to finish you-know-who.”

    “It doesn’t matter?” Genius cried.

    “If I have to exhaust my body to dust to kill that Ditto, then I will. That’s all that matters in my life, and all that ever will. That’s why all that matters to me is focusing on—

    He was cut off as she brought him close into a hug. He grunted and squirmed slightly, but a sniffle brought him back. Just then, his body felt empty and lifeless, fuelled by anger, like he wasn’t being taken seriously, that the tool Genius was to him was no longer going to be useful. But the moment he heard that sniffle, the other side came back. His honesty hurt her, and the guilt was going to damage him.

    “Please stop talking that way. That’s not true,” she huffed between stifled tears. She pulled away, but kept their paws linked. There was no hiding the glint in those violet eyes, but at the same time, her face was so determined it was impossible to turn away. “I’m sorry if I came off like I didn’t care earlier. I don’t ever want it to seem that way.”

    “But my mission… the things you want…” he muttered.

    “They’re mine, too. I mean it, Shannon. I love you so much. I want to destroy that Ditto just as much as you do, and get strong enough to do it, too. But if the past few months have told me anything, it’s that we can be more than that. We can’t be more than that if we let someone else control our entire lives,” she explained.

    “I…” Shannon turned away, but he couldn’t stop glancing back at her. What he wanted was right there. Right there in his face. All he had to do was try to return that affection, but he didn’t deserve it. He knew he didn’t deserve it. Genius would never be happy with a useless Pachirisu like him. All that mattered in life was killing that Ditto. Nothing came between or after that.

    “Forgive me for daring to interrupt,” Gardevoir spoke up. The couple slowly turned, and their drinks were served. “I’m privy to confide in information, being a bartender and all. You two are searching for a Visionary Pokémon, correct? The ones said to launch Pokémon moves as mighty magic?”

    The couple detached from one another, faces stern and fists clenched. That made Gardevoir grin, and she stood back a bit.

    “Things are about to get interesting around here. If you two are members of Sunrise, you will not get very far causing a conflict around these parts. Consider that a threat,” she began wiping another glass. “There is a Visionary here in the club right now.”

    “There actually is?” Shannon gasped and leaned on the bar.

    “One of my most valued customers, no less. A very pretty Plusle named Pola. Got here just before you two showed up. Girl’s got more wits than me at times,” Gardevoir explained. Shannon and Genius exchanged the widest gawks. “If you two are honest about your intentions, then you should be a good customer as well.”

    “You mean…?” Shannon looked over at the drinks. His glass of cider and the Vision of Spinda, served in an ochoko – a sake cup and a jar to hold it all. This was a challenge. “You poisoned this?”

    “Shannon!” Genius squeaked.

    “The girl is right. Take it from an experienced woman… if a girl is giving herself up to help you on a lifelong mission, that becomes a stage in your lives. You return what she’s giving with your own effort at equal value,” Gardevoir stated.

    “I wouldn’t say giving herself up… You’re here of your own volition, right?” Shannon cocked his head.

    “Yeah. I know your story; I made the choice to be here. I’ve got my own reasons too, but like I promised, I wouldn’t forget your quest,” Genius said quietly. “I know we just met and stuff, but don’t underestimate Shannon, either. He’s not a selfish idiot.”

    “Hmm… Well, you come here on party night, you come to chill and have a good time with everybody.  You make trouble, that poison’s going off. You relax and start living your life, and you’ll find what you’re after,” Gardevoir answered. “Consider that little Future Sight a free sample.”

    Is there a poison that actually works that way? Shannon’s eye twitched at the mere idea. Of course not. And even if there was, it wouldn’t matter. A Visionary is actually here. I have to find them and add their power to my own, no matter what it takes!

    With a growl to brace himself, Shannon patted his cheeks hard enough to make them jiggle, and sparks crackled out. The best electric move he could use was Thunder Wave, and while he didn’t need it to be full power, it wasn’t the best move for preparing this drink. Yellow bolts flew from him, visible as vibrations in the air that gave everything a yellow tint. Once they hit his glass of cider, the volts surged through the liquid and cooked it. The flat juice quickly fizzed up into a glossy concoction topped with froth that spilled over the side of the glass.

    Shannon didn’t wait for any reactions. He snatched the glass with both paws and downed it in a single swig. The fizzy textures scratched his throat, but that wouldn’t detract from the grape flavour he loved too much. The weirdest part about Thunder Shock Cider was how it was like shocking yourself from the inside. He belched aloud after he put his glass down, and then an energizing voltage pulsed through his form, as if a bomb went off in his stomach that made him shiver. Nuzzling earlier gave him the energy for the night, now this made him hyperactive.

    “We’re gonna need a second cup,” he pointed at Gardevoir as he poured from the jar. The Spinda’s Vision was a completely different drink, a clear, almost jelly-like liquid that spread about the bowl-shaped cup.

    “Whoa okay, c-careful! I got it strong, y’know!” Genius warned. He didn’t pay her any mind and sipped up.

    “Well don’t have the rest to yourself. I’m gonna start looking around!” he said, bouncing off the stool. A few more groups of Pokémon had shown up and the place was starting to look a little more packed. He had to move soon, and preferably before either of those drinks kicked in.

    “Eek! Hee hee, wait for me!” Genius called out. Gardevoir put a cork in the jar as she handed over the second cup, letting the Pawmot take it all with her. The whole time, that expectant smile never left her face.

    Where do I even begin to look? Visionary Pokémon look just like ordinary Pokémon. No surprise they want to hide themselves, Shannon’s thoughts raced almost like he was in a panic.

    Problem with places like this was being a Pachirisu. Even though he was tall for his species, big as well apparently, the vast majority of Pokémon stood over him. The best way to scout for the Plusle was to weave and peek between the legs of taller species, and for the really big ones, scuttle across their backs to get around them while hoping they wouldn’t notice. It wasn’t polite, and it was sure as heck grounds for being creepy, what with so many wearing skirts, tights, and other accessories prohibited for a Pokémon his height. He was playing a dangerous game of hopscotch, slaloming between Lopunny and Tsareena legs.

    It had only been a few minutes, or perhaps Gardevoir really did put something in his drink. That or it had been a while since he had alcohol in his system. Whatever it was, things were starting to blur a bit. His sight, his thoughts, everything felt like it was either faster or slower than it should have been. He had to stop and blink to regain his position. He was on the other side of the main hall opposite the bar, and some sort of jazz was playing. Beside him was a stairway with a cool wind coming from it. That sounded like a good idea right now.

    “Uuuh, okay hold on. You okay?” Genius asked. Her voice was surprisingly clear despite all the Pokémon around.

    “I… yeah. I’ll say something if I do feel weird,” he shook his head. He gestured the drink to her, so she poured him another cup. I’m still here for now…

    “You got real fast, y’know. Ehehe, would fresh air keep you here a little longer?” she giggled.

    “I’m not drunk or tipsy!” he cried after downing the cup.

    “Sure, whatever you say mister,” she held his paw again.

    “Wait. Genuinely, it might be best if we split up,” he suggested. “Plusle could be anywhere on this whole ship, and it’s pretty big. Er, we’re at the left side now, so you search the right?”

    “And what do I do if I find them before you? You’re the one who wants to talk to ‘em, after all,” she asked.

    “Hmm… the bartender said they’re a valued customer, so I guess offer them a drink back at the bar to wait for me? Be back there in say, half an hour? And if you find her, then…” Shannon instructed. He gave his cheeks another tap, and sparks sizzled across them. Even though she didn’t do anything, sparks came from Genius’ own cheeks in similar fashion, surprising her. “Radar me.”

    “Oooh, you wanna fuel up there, too?” she went half-lidded.

    “Don’t make this weird again,” he sighed and slumped.

    “Just a little. To make sure we can actually radar,” she said. He gulped but stood up, so she moved in for the attack. Just like she promised, it was only a short nuzzle this time, one that left both of them snickering and rubbing their cheeks in joy. “Good luck Shannon!”

    “Uh, yeah,” he replied, but she was already off into the crowd, giving him a goofy wave. She walked backwards so she bumped into a couple of Roserade who leered at her as she apologised. He sat there for a moment, almost regretting his own suggestion. Get it together, you idiot. The plan’s in motion, and I can’t be tempted by more drink.

    That said, his view was starting to fuzz a bit. The stairs looked big enough to wear him out if he climbed them. Surely there was an accessible slope or something, but all he could spot were more silhouettes of provocative Pokémon. A pleasing treat for the eye, but none as colourful as a Plusle.

    “She really did put something in that drink. She must’ve,” he growled as he smacked his head. It hurt, but it jittered his brain more he would’ve liked. Double-images he was seeing returned to one, and the staircase didn’t look like a never-ending mountain anymore. It’d do for now.

    That’d didn’t stop the staircase for being long and not at all suited for a Pokémon his height. In fact, it almost felt like they weren’t suited for a Pokémon at all, and when he reached the next level, he was willing to gamble that the whole ship wasn’t. He’d reached a dining hall of some sort, filled with round tables, chairs, and a number of divine hallways. They’d been dressed up in fancy cloth, and each table had a potted Roselia rose on it, but they were all far too tall and condensed for Pokémon. The quadruped Pokémon on this floor weren’t even sat down, nor were the flying types. Instead, they lounged down the aisle in between the fancy seats, while some hung around close to counters that actually served the food.

    One look at the food from this distance and Shannon had to smack his forehead again. No wonder that drink’s going straight through me… I’m starving…

    It was better than being poisoned or whatever he thought Gardevoir did to him. As he wandered the floor to sneakily glance between the groups for the Plusle, he couldn’t help himself recognising the foods on offer. A lot of it smelt amazing, and it wasn’t as fancy as the décor let on. Pizza, potato fries, probably some cheesy pasta dishes… on closer inspection, a fair range of biscuits were on offer, while condiments were complimentary. He’d definitely order something If he stayed here, so he made for the nearest staircase and headed up another level.

    This was the centre of the ship, the main deck. A barricade surrounded the edge of it, but the bars were so far apart that a Munchlax could slide through if they were inclined. Thanks to the way the ship was lodged into the ground, the floor here was slightly slanted, which wasn’t helping with his influence. He kept himself focused with another shake of his head, and then began to walk around the area. There weren’t many Pokémon here, sadly.

    “Where?” he muttered. If Plusle wasn’t here, then either Genius found them, or he missed them somehow. He rubbed his cheeks, but no radar went off. Glancing back at the stairs he came from, he noticed the main deck continued behind those stairs, granted the way was thin enough that only a Pokémon his size could make it. With his desperation to find Plusle it was worth a check, so he snuck over, having to brush himself against the chilly metal of the barricade as he passed. That was an irritating clash against the summer heat, even if out here was a little cooler than indoors.

    It led to a whole other deck, though it wasn’t as maintained as the rest of the ship. The floor was dirty while parts of the barricade were rusted and even broken, while not a single piece of modern decoration was there. Only one Pokémon was here too, the very Plusle he must have been looking for. They were leaned over the barricade opposite him looking out over the forest. The moment he realised, his heart began to race, and he slowed down.

    “Um,” he raised a paw as he approached. They didn’t hear him as they were humming to themselves, swaying their head side to side. “Hello?”

    The Plusle flinched and spun around, only to sigh in relief. “Geez, don’t scare a girl like that. I could’ve fallen over.”

    “Right. My apologies,” he replied quickly and quietly. Plusle, Pola as the bartender called her, was shorter than him, but little about them implied they were a magical Visionary. She was pretty cute at first glance, dressed in a short, bright purple shirt adorned with stars. She also wore a segmented, triangular cape of the same colour, tipped with white.

    “Actually… looking as cute as you, you’re forgiven,” Pola offered him a half-lidded grin as she twirled a weave of loose fur in her paw. “So, what’cha here for?”

    “Oh, um… ah,” Shannon stumbled back a little. This Plusle was the Visionary he was looking for, and yet just like Genius, she looked way too good for him. She wasn’t just cute, her body was well endowed and pampered, but not to the extent she looked pompous. Out of all the good-looking Pokémon at this club, she had her appearance down to a T. Get it together, what’s wrong with you? Just ask, you already know she’s a Visionary!

    “Shy about something? If it’s a dance, I’m waitin’ on somebody already. They got me drinks, so I sorta can’t stand ‘em up,” she tucked her paws behind her head and began to sway. “Ehehe, not gonna lie I might’ve overdone it before the party started. But I won’t say no if you’re up for more later.”

    She’s like this, is she? Shannon went half-lidded. “It’s not that, it’s… wait, you as well?”

    “Hmm?” she slowed.

    “I’ve only had two sips and I feel like the world’s rushing past me,” he rubbed his head. “Pretty sure I’m not a lightweight, either.”

    “So it’s not just me! I came out to get some fresh air and wait, but it feels like I’m falling into a whirlpool or something,” she smiled. “They just made ‘em strong tonight, I guess.”

    Good. Just, be natural. Make normal conversation, Shannon tried not to panic.

    “What brings you here? I know a lot of the faces around here, but this is the first time I’ve seen yours,” she asked, coming closer. “I’d definitely remember a handsome chu.”

    “I’m a traveller. Searching for someone, but tonight’s a treat,” he replied, walking around her as she checked him out.

    “Figures, with that whole sage look goin’ on, hee hee hee. You’d look better in a suit, y’know,” she remarked.

    “You gonna wear something special for me, too?” he replied, half-lidded. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, tone it down you idiot!

    “Oh? Heh, like what you see?” she posed for him, and he started sweating. “You’ll have to wait your turn, pinky.”

    Focus Shannon, FOCUS. Just get on with it! He cursed to himself. “This cloth of mine… it’s actually a modified dungeon item.”

    “Ho, so it’s fancy in itself? What like, a Defense Scarf or somethin’?” she asked, and he nodded. “You’re brave, bringing something like that to a party.”

    “… It enhances magic by drawing in the energy for Pokémon attacks. It’s said to, anyway,” he explained, looking out at the view. Nothing but dark forest and night skyline from here. The light from the Waking Wake made the stars invisible, but Isnomia’s two moons still peaked through as faded spheres. “However, I can’t use it. I’ve been searching for someone who can.”

    Pola didn’t reply, but her smile was gone.

    He faced her seriously and clenched his paws into fists. “Don’t worry, I don’t mean harm. But I got a tip from the bartender. You can help me, can’t you?”

    “… I can’t help you. I-I have another date already,” she began to back off quickly.

    “I don’t mean trouble or any harm, I promise. The bartender already warned me,” he stuck a paw out, and she slowed. “I promise. I just want to learn.”

    The floor shook all of a sudden, not with music, but with strong vibrations. The duo glanced down, then at one another, and then Plusle flinched in angst. Shannon instinctively spun to face her direction and had to blink continuously to catch what had just happened. Before he could register it, the duo were surrounded by a swarm of flying bug Pokémon… they looked like Larvesta, but they came equipped with large sets of mechanical Yanma wings. Each one blended into the dark scenery almost like a camouflage, but there was enough of them that it sounded like a helicopter was nearby.

    “What?” Shannon gasped and stumbled back.

    “Shit… who the hell are you, and what… do you want?” Pola growled. Her balance was uneven and she grabbed her head. “Argh, n-no… this can’t be…”

    “What’s wrong?” Shannon gasped, glancing at her.

    “Good. Looks like my little secret ingredient is working,” a proud, gritty voice entered the scene. Behind Pola came a family of Maushold, each equipped with a strange set of bronze, mechanical armour. “Figures. A Visionary is said to be smarter than the average Pokémon, and yet you failed to calculate for the simplest trick in the book… never leave your drink unattended around strangers.”

    “Damn… Fuck you,” Plusle growled.

    She was gradually struggling to stand, unable to take her paw off her head. Shannon glanced at her and the Larvesta, and just as she looked like she was about to fall over, dashed between her and Maushold to hold her up. He glared at the normal type, which stopped them from making a move.

    “What did you do?” Shannon asked viciously.

    Maushold hesitated. His face was exposed, and yet it was impossible to tell his thoughts behind that blank expression of his. Beady eyes and a tiny mouth so close to his nose it was practically invisible. The only thing he could draw was the stillness of the armour on his arm… the normal type was clenching that armour tight.

    “I do not want trouble… you aren’t part of this equation. Step aside,” Maushold demanded.

    Pola grunted in attempt to respond. He was careful not to touch her anywhere uncomfortable, but she clearly couldn’t stay awake so much that she had to lean on him. Whatever she’d been drugged with, she was fighting it intensely.

    “You don’t want trouble, yet you surround us with an army while dressed in, whatever the heck all that is,” Shannon responded. He set off his radar, praying Genius would come up here instead of the bar like they planned.

    “I don’t need to explain my theories to the likes of you,” Maushold replied. One of their many partners scuttled beside them and squeaked something in his ears. “So, you’re not an accomplice, but another searching for a Visionary as well?”

    Shannon didn’t reply. He just kept sparking his cheeks.

    “This is part of the process for the peace of Isnomia. If you don’t stand aside, it will be necessary for us to engage in conflict,” Maushold leaned forward.

    “Maybe if you just told me who you were and what you were after, I might comply… but I doubt it’s any good. What kind of guy drugs someone he’s after and then says he doesn’t want trouble?” Shannon replied. Pola grunted again and slumped, so he patted her cheeks. “Hey c’mon. I know it’s hard, but stay with me. You have to stay awake.”

    Maushold sighed. “We need to solve this fast before the staff come at us. Larvesta!”

    The buzzing of the bug types grew with their excited cheers, pushing Shannon into action. He released Pola as they swarmed across the deck, each one trying to tackle him one after the other. Pola fell to all fours while Shannon stumbled side to side to dodge, though his movements were random. Many of the fiery bugs came from behind him, so he had no idea whether he would avoid them or not. All he knew was they buzzed and blitzed across his view faster than a blur, until a sharp hit to his side knocked him down.

    Shannon’s slight drunkenness was an advantage. Although his sight was blurry, adrenaline fuelled him, so he fell to all fours even though pain split cross his side. He used the stance to launch back to Pola’s side, where he grabbed her, pulled her away from two more Larvesta, and then released her to take one head on. His paws clutched their red horns, antennae, whatever they were, and held it in place. With a growl of annoyance, the Larvesta’s eyes glowed, and it blew an Ember attack straight in his face. Shannon yelled as the force of the fireballs knocked him into Pola, downing them both at last.

    “Argh… damn it…” Shannon growled. His adrenaline continued as he scrambled to his feet, but stopped on all fours again. Pola looked like she was in agony, but if she really was a Visionary, she was his ticket out of this.

    Why am I doubting? If this guy wants her this badly, she HAS to be a Visionary. I’m gonna hate myself for this, he hissed in his mind. He grabbed her and pulled her close as he rose to his feet, and then with all his electrical might, nuzzled her cheek. He put his all into feeding her electricity, and as if driven by feral instinct, Pola responded in kind, returning just as much electricity. She gasped right away and jolted awake, yet allowed him to continue in his aggressive manner until he broke away. “I need you for this. Don’t hold back, and give them everything you’ve got!”

    “But I… you just—” she gasped.

    “Quickly, before it wears off!” he shouted. “Just hit ‘em with a spell, something, anything!”

    Pola’s eyes darted around the scene, but it looked like she got the picture. She became as focused as he was and stood back-to-back with him, which made Maushold and the Larvesta hesitate. Seeing that, she slowly raised a paw to her mouth, positioned uniquely that her digits made a hand sign.

    “Ack- here? You would really unleash a move here? Calculate your options carefully!” Maushold staggered back a bit. His family stood guard over him, each one equipped with a bronze shield. The Larvesta made a formation around him in the air, glaring down at Shannon and Pola with their horns glowing.

    Pola ignored all of it. She began to recite an incantation with increasing volume, and with it, the gem on her necklace gleamed a bright red. Crystals and glitter formed in the air around the battle, which promptly swirled towards the Plusle.

    Shannon stood back in mesmerized fear. He had no idea what she was casting, but it was working – real magic was taking place right before his eyes. The grand, angelic tone of her voice combined with the glistening chime of the crystals to make for an incredible performance. Pola was the conductor and the diva, while the crystals were her orchestra and the enemies were her audience. As her cast went on, the swirling crystals drew patterns like waves of the sea, changing colour between white and blue, all before they finally gathered as a large orb in her paws.

    “Nature power: Surf!” she shouted with an energetic raise of her paw.

    The orb burst from her as that very Pokémon attack, Surf. A massive wave of water rose high over Maushold, the Larvesta, and the peak of the Waking Wake, leaving that entire party screeching in disbelief. It spared none of them, crashing down with such force the whole ship shook and groaned, and Shannon even felt the floor tilt.

    He had to shield himself from a huge splashback, but that seemed to jolt him back to full awareness. The Larvesta lay scattered around the area in crackling, water-damaged machines that stunned them like swatted flies, while Maushold and its family were indented into the metal of the ship. They twitched and groaned so they were alive.

    “Incredible… Visionary Magic is real,” Shannon gawked at the result, and then Pola. She gave him a concerned frown, to which he raised his paws high. “I swear I’m not with them. I have no idea who they are!”

    “It’s not… ah,” she huffed.

    “Pola!” he cried as she tripped forward in attempt to stay standing. She wound up hugging him close, but his awkward pose had him hug her back to retain balance. “Uhh…”

    “Urf… R… RSE…” she said on a strained breath.

    “RSE?” he replied.

    “Take me back… to RSE…” she grunted, and then slumped completely. Shannon was dumbfounded and barely standing thanks to her weight.

    “Shannon?” a familiar voice made his heart jump. With a squirm, he was able to look over Plusle’s shoulder to find Genius looking just as dumbfounded. “I got the radar, but…”

    “A little help here?” he replied, half-lidded.

    “What did you do to her?” she asked as she nervously wandered over. “And all those guys… and it’s all wet here, and…”

    “I’ll explain on the way. Can you carry her? We need to get her to RSE,” he informed, doing his best to stand up tall.

    She had no trouble carrying the Plusle over her shoulder, but put a finger to her lip as she scanned the area again. “With all these dead guys around, this is sure gonna look suspicious.”

    “They’re not dead! But you’re right, we do have to use the back exit,” he suggested, leading her to the edge of the ship.

    “There’s a back exit?”

    “No, but we’re making one,” he said, glancing over the side. The only thing that would shield them from the fall would be the treetops, if they were thick enough. With a gulp and a brace, he leapt over the edge.


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