The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Stop!” Kayla shrieked and flew up. Her head bashed into Kari’s, sending her right back down. “Ack- you gotta be kiddin’ me- again?”

    Her body still felt like it was being crushed while drowning, so that hit was extra agony that silenced her wails. She wrenched all over her bedsheets in a useless effort to soothe and stifle the pain, but it still took several minutes for it to subside. As her senses returned, she first took note of how light it was.

    Okay… get it together now Muffin, she growled to herself as she got up. She had to shake tears out of her eyes. It looked like it was morning. Dull light came through the window, shining directly down the centre of the room. Kari was there, sprawled out on her back with eyes as swirls. Wait… the wall… all that was a dream – a nightmare? Thank God.

    “Grraah… your headbutt packs a real boulder…” gurgled the Furret. In a flash, she stood back up and bounced over to Kayla. “Does that mean you’re really smart?”

    “Wha-huh?” Kayla replied.

    “If your head is really big and super hard, that means you’re super smart, right?” she asked sheepishly.

    “I have a big head?” Kayla gasped.

    “Aww no I didn’t mean it that way! Don’t worry about it. Your head is a super strong secret weapon, I won’t tell anyone! Unless you can shoot eyebeams, too. Can you shoot eyebeams?”

    “I can’t shoot eyebeams! What’s with everyone at this school and eyebeams?” Kayla cried.

    “Aww, oh well. We’ll settle for strong head!” Kari backed off with a giggle. She crouched and wiggled her tail, and then leapt up to the top bunk. “Alright, your turn! Don’t care if you’ve been havin’ fun, it’s up and at ‘em time!”

    “Huh?” Kayla murmured as she got up. There was a squabble under the sheets of the top bunk as Kari wrestled with someone, but she couldn’t make out what was being said. Not as she was still half-asleep, anyway. Her body was still adjusting to being back in reality. It didn’t feel like she’d been asleep all that long, but there was light, so it must have been early. One minute she was relaxing in her thoughts to lull herself to dreamland, the next, Jirachi was calling out to her again. Her recall was cut short as Kari was ruthlessly tossed off the top bunk, landing flat as a pancake on her front.

    “Geez, you have to get so weird and ew about it!” a slightly deep, gritty voice complained. They sounded around her age, if only a little younger, with a hint of coolness to it. “I’m up! Okay? Actually give a babe a sec to get herself together!”

    The second roommate, Kayla took in a breath as she shuffled back, staring up at the top bunk. All she could see from here were lumps shuffling underneath the covers. Eventually the Pokémon flipped over the side, landing in a cool pose on one paw.

    “Oh… you’re still here. The brat who stole my bed,” she said as she put her paws to her hips. It was a Plusle, a rather shapely one who clearly took exceptional care of her body. This one wasn’t thin like most of her species, she was taller, ever so slightly wider at the waist and the arms. Even though she had just woken up, everything about her was supple – a fine fur coat that shone in the dull light, complimenting her glistening, lavender eyes. She even had straight eyelashes and a loose weave of fur by her right ear. She twirled that loose fur around as she delivered a bothered gaze. “So, you gonna intro yourself or are you gonna keep staring at the goods?”

    Kayla shook herself into focus. She normally didn’t care for the beauty types, in fact they normally detracted her, but something about this Plusle hit the right notes. It was the most difficult to look away from her face, which contrary to her bothered gaze right now, carried an attractive appeal. It wasn’t caked in cosmetics, nor did it have puppy eyes. There was something about her, something Kayla couldn’t grasp right now. She’d think of it, she hoped.

    “Say hello toooooooo?” Kari popped up between them, shimmying her paws towards Kayla.

    “K-Kayla. Newest student here. I arrived yesterday,” the Buneary smiled.

    “Hmpf. Yeah, and stole my bed. Kari, stop that,” Plusle complained as the Furret’s shimmying arms veered toward her. “They gave you our room, though? I might’ve been told about it, but I don’t remember.”

    “Eheh, yesterday was sorta hectic, to be fair. Not just the welcome party, I mean,” Kayla’s grin turned sheepish.

    “Figures, you look like the type who gets their fill a lot,” Plusle suddenly leaned forward to give Kayla’s belly a little jiggle and squeeze.

    “H-hey!” Kayla flinched back.

    “Heh. That’s the wrong reason to go to parties, y’know. Then again, as long as you’re a Buneary, there’s gotta be guys all over who’d want a piece of your action,” Plusle snickered. Kayla couldn’t help a bothered look now, which only seemed to make this Plusle even more confident. “The name’s Pola. Pay your bills, clean up after yourself and we’ll get along just fine. I guess, don’t think I’ll be sharing my food with ya, either.”

    “Great. There had to be someone to make fat jokes, didn’t there?” Kayla slumped.

    “If you don’t want ‘em, maybe you should lose it. Just normal things,” Pola shrugged as she turned to leave.

    Something flicked inside of her. “Keep partying the way you do, and you’ll get it too, precious.”

    The Plusle had reached for the door but froze. That did it. They slowly turned around and their smile was gone. “This is how I look naturally. Jealous?”

    “I dunno. You tell me. I’m the Buneary here,” Kayla became smug. “Just, when you put so much effort into trying to look like a Lopunny, it’s pretty cringe.”

    “An ass like mine makes Lopunny jealous. Not that you’re anywhere close to learning how it feels to be as good looking as me,” Pola walked around her, running her paws up and down her body in a flirtatious fashion.

    “I don’t need to be a Lopunny to be happy with myself. I don’t need to look like I’m needy for attention, either,” Kayla shut her eyes and turned away.

    “Needy for attention? Gods, how old are you? Good looking is staring you right in the face and offered you advice.” Pola leaned toward her with both paws on her hips now.

    “Is it? Damn, the threshold for good looking dropped last I checked,” Kayla faked a snicker. “Then again, every mirror probably breaks when you look in it.”

    “Oh you bunny-fucking whore!” Pola gestured rolling up her sleeves. “You wanna have a go at it, huh?”

    “You sure? Wouldn’t wanna ruin that good looking face of yours, precious!” Kayla leaned forward.

    “Aaaaand that’s all folks, great to see we’re wide awake and getting along!” Kari hung her paws around their backs to bring them both into a huddle. “It’s a new day and we’ve got a new friend! So let’s show ‘em the ropes!”

    “Kari- okay, okay, I get it, geez you get so close for comfort sometimes,” Pola was first to duck out. “Also won’t that be your job? I didn’t meet ‘er until now, after all.”

    “NAH, that’d be silly. We’re all roommates, we all look after each other, right?” Kari replied. “So let’s get some breakfast. I’m starving! Race ya there!”

    In a flash, the Furret was out the door so fast it would’ve hit the back wall, but Pola leaned over and caught it. Kayla was surprised her reactions were that good, let alone she could stretch that far. “Yeesh, I swear to gods, that rat sometimes… Ya coming?”

    Kayla was hesitant.  Do I keep my distance, or do I—

    “Look, I’m not gonna be all bubbles and rainbows like she is, but I’m gonna do my job properly. You lead, I’ll point shit out,” Pola suggested, holding the door open. Kayla grinned.

    We’ll see how well this goes, she told herself as she walked out, only to immediately stop. “There’s no one here. And it’s… dark? Wait what time is it?”

    “Real fricken’ early. You want a good breakfast? You look like a girl who likes a good breakfast,” Pola closed the door carefully. “You rise early. Trust me, that’s winning rule number one around here.”

    “Well I get that but like… there’s not even nocturnal Pokémon,” Kayla muttered. The last time she was awake this early was… well, she’d been up this early at some point for sure.

    RSE’s halls felt as homely as the early morning Repose Town, if not, homelier due to being indoors. Everything was toasty and cosy, with a certain level of familiarity. Kayla didn’t know her way around yet of course, but the place looked easy enough to navigate, with its straight halls and clear to read signs and posters all over the place. She could already see herself waking up a few days later to dozily run through a routine, and that was blissful.

    Numbered rooms on the left and right, none of which had windows, separated by pinboards. Some of those pinboards held logos and advertisements for the teams presumably staying in the dorms, while others simply held achievements like grade papers or artwork. The occasional Luminous Orb hung from the ceiling connected by a long bundle of cables, but none of them were turned on, leaving the school with a dusky light.

    “By the way, what’s this about bills? Kari briefly brought it up last night,” Kayla asked.

    “Huh? Did you forget or not pay attention or what?” Pola asked with a furrowed brow.

    “It never got explained. Seriously, I got here, Gema shot Dragon Pulse at me, and then there was a party,” she said.

    “Wow, they didn’t explain shit, huh? Ugh, where do I even start?” Pola slowed to fold her arms. “How old are you?”

    “That’s as bad a question as asking someone’s extraordinary power,” Kayla shut her eyes.

    “I’m trying to help here, yeesh. I’m sixteen, it’s not a big deal,” Pola spat.

    That was awfully casual, Kayla straightened up. “Seventeen.”

    “Seventeen and still a Buneary. Wow, boyfriends are really hard to get, huh? Trust me, lose the weight and you’ll get more luck,” Pola shrugged. Kayla went straight back to a half-lidded groan. “You’re old enough to get billed here. Basically, everyone gets a budget for the month, and you use that to look after yourself at the academy.”

    “The heck do we have to pay for?” Kayla wondered.

    “Everything. Food, electricity and water you use in the dorm room, academy services like taxis… y’know, just like the adults in the city,” Pola twirled her weave around her paw as she picked up walking again. “The budget is never enough to pay for the average meals for the month, so you take up requests to earn everything you need. That way, everyone’s working and learning what they want to do while getting paid and living independently.”

    “Wow that’s… actually kinda cool. But isn’t this an academy? Aren’t there like, lessons and lectures and stuff?” Kayla cocked her head.

    “There are. They happen almost anytime. You check the schedule and just show up to stuff you wanna learn about. It’s up to you to plan what you wanna go to and what to learn. Technically the lectures and all that stuff are free,” Pola continued. “Ah, wait… did they at least give you your own PET?”

    “I’m learning a lot already,” Kayla grinned.

    Pola tipped her head back with the mightiest groan. “Wooooow, they really didn’t explain anything. Had to pick a morning where I was hungover, didn’t they?”

    That jolted the Buneary a bit. “Er, didn’t you say you were—”

    “Shh. If you know what’s good for you, keep that under wraps,” Pola looked like she wasn’t playing with that one, so Kayla sighed. They reached the dining hall which had already been stripped of its party décor. “It stands for PErsonal Terminal. The PET is like… you must’ve seen the adults with ‘em. Those big gold badge-like thingies with the screen on ‘em?”

    “Oh, that can do the hologram calls and stuff?” Kayla cut in. Pola nodded. “Mum has one. So I’m guessing we can see timetables and stuff on that?”

    “Good, you’re not a complete Slowpoke. If you get into a rescue team, an exploration team or any of that stuff, you can use it to track your rank, missions and all that… surprised your mum has one. You come from a team or something?”

    “All I know is she needs it for work. If we get a PET for free, neat,” Kayla tried to shrug.

    “You guys are super slow! Goooosh, what happened to all that buzz in the bedroom, huh?” Kari popped up beside them. “C’mon, my tummy’s makin’ all kindsa noises. Let’s eat already!”

    “What happened to helping the new kid around? Seems like I’m doing all the talking here!” Pola snapped. Kari kept bouncing around them, so she quickly gave up. “Whatever. Guess we’ve gotta find someone to give you your budget somehow…”

    “Oh that’s kinda been sorted already. Check your PET!” Kari held hers forward.

    Pola lazily checked hers and tapped a few buttons on it. “Oh, there’s extra money and… so they’re sorting stuff out, but at the same time they didn’t tell you anything?”

    “I got an extra 500! More than enough for Kayla’s breakfast!” Kari squeaked.

    “Same here, meaning 1000 Gald between us to look after the newbie. What a roundabout way to do things,” Pola grumbled.

    “You look worried about something,” Kari giggled.

    “Well, this,” Pola grabbed Kayla’s belly again, making her yelp and hop away.

    “Okay seriously, if you wanna get along, paws off the goods,” Kayla demanded.

    “Why? You clearly don’t have any shame in it,” the Plusle rolled her eyes.

    “Whether I do or don’t, doesn’t matter,” Kayla argued. “You were at a party last night, right? With boys and stuff? Would you be okay with boys touching you up there?”

    “Ack, pipe down! I said keep that under wraps,” Pola hissed, glancing left and right. What few Pokémon were around didn’t pay them much mind.

    “Won’t be secret for very long if you keep that up,” Kayla warned.

    “Alright, alright, I get it! Geez, just… If it’s us paying, I don’t want it all going on food,” Pola turned away.

    “You’re about to learn something new about big Pokémon, then,” Kayla shut her eyes. “And besides, Kari ate more than me yesterday, and she’s still thin as a Furret.”

    “That’s ‘cos she’s Kari,” Pola groaned. Kayla paid attention at that, but a clear as day signal from Kari stopped any more words. “Whatever, let’s just actually get food. Whaddya want?”

    I’m letting her get the better of me… keep it together now, Muffin, she was still hesitant to respond. “You’re gonna show me what you’re all about someday, right Kari?”

    “Ye-yeah, I guess. Maybe someday you’ll see it. But it’s not a big deal, really!” she squeaked. Even though she said that, she playfully bounced up to the counter without them.

    “You’re better off not being nosy about that one. Trust me, that girl’s always like this,” Pola shrugged.

    What could be so strange about her extraordinary power that she doesn’t want to show me? That just makes me even more curious, Kayla cocked her head. “Uh huh. Sure, let’s just see what they have this morning.”

    “They sorta make everything,” Pola bragged as they approached the counter. A delicious array of pastries lined the shelves behind glass, while a glass fridge at the far end had bottled drinks and fresh juices. Another vending fridge had energy drinks in various flavours too, even elusive types like Rawst PP Up and Rabuta Elixir.

    “You can go premade or have the chefs make somethin’ fresh for you. It’s the same price either way,” Kari introduced. A device on the edge of the counter clearly fit the PET, so she assumed that was for paying.

    “They really do have everything… is that the menu? It’s as thick as a history book!” Kayla gasped. “And there’s more than one!”

    “One for meat eaters, one for without, and the all-inclusive vegan options,” Kari held out the vegetarian one. It took her a moment to remember Kayla couldn’t hold it, so she started flicking through pages for her.

    “L-let’s just stay simple for now, yeah? I treated myself last night, so I’ll stick to plain carrots. Large plate so I can store ‘em for later,” she got nervous.

    “You sure you’re not gonna regret it?” Pola teased her.

    “Seriously, quit it. You’re just being annoying, now,” Kayla went half-lidded.

    “I’m going extra extra-large for me. If I don’t, I just get so hungry!” Kari cheered.

    “After everything you had last night?” Kayla leaned away.

    “Yup! You too Pola, you’re gonna need lots of water,” Kari sung.

    “Don’t remind me,” the Plusle slouched over to a table.

    Kayla ended up leaving Kari at the counter as the Furret’s order didn’t seem to end, leaving her with a moment to sit down and admire the vibes. RSE’s dining hall kept up the cosiness of the dorm hall even as Pokémon filtered in. There must have been at least a hundred earlier risers here right now, yet chatter was quiet. It felt more like a camp between a couple of buddies than it did a school hall. The benches were spread apart nicely, with plenty of space for cushions or floor mats Pokémon could use. As more Pokémon woke up, a line formed from each of the five counters, while the Gothorita cashiers grew frantic taking more and more orders. Kayla could spy Smeargle chefs in the back darting back and forth restlessly, too.

    Turning back to the table, Pola’s hangover was more apparent. The Plusle gurgled a groan as her form slumped uncomfortably on the table, paws sprawled out beside her head. Her face looked a bit pale too, a total contrast to the pretty girl show from earlier.

    “You… okay there?” Kayla asked.

    “Don’t start. Just… keep quiet. Or get me some water or something,” she grumbled.

    “I would if I could… but I’m serious,” Kayla lowered her voice. “Did you really go out to a party last night? With boys? And alcohol?”

    “I know, I know, I’m too young, it’s not safe, yada, yada, yada… pfft, it’s dumb noise at this point,” Pola made mouth signs with a paw, and then slapped the table beside her head. “You won’t stop me, so don’t waste your breath.”

    Kayla pondered her words carefully this time. “You’re currently holding my spending budget while being my ticket around, so I sorta have to worry.”

    “Oh it’s like that, is it?” Pola pulled herself up. She still had to rest her head in her paws. “Look, I know how to have a good time, yeah? Unlike half these uptight wannabes.”

    “I didn’t know there were places for a proper party around here. Mystery dungeons, a town, and places to go clubbing… what doesn’t this place have?” Kayla mused.

    “Oh it’s not near the academy. What, you interested?” Pola’s look became sly.

    “I…” sighed Kayla. She lowered her voice even more, briefly checking to see if anyone could listen in. “Look, Mum’s been on my case about some stuff, so I might as well humour her. I don’t plan on drinking or anything, though.”

    “Oh really? Cool, I can let loose next time. You can be my designated escort home,” Pola proposed. “Then I won’t charge ya.”

    What am I getting myself into? Kayla blushed slightly.

    “Pola!” Kari cried as she sat with them. “Don’t be a be a bad influence.”

    “Her idea,” the Plusle swished a paw.

    “Aww no, really Kayla?” whined the Furret.

    “Again, I don’t plan on drinking or anything. I don’t even want a boyfriend. Just… sorta so I can say I tried,” Kayla turned away. “You’re not the first person to come out with the Buneary Lopunny stuff.”

    “I won’t lie, it is a surprise someone your age hasn’t evolved. Is it part of your extraordinary power?” Pola leaned forward this time. Kayla sighed again.

    “No. And it’s not because of my belly, either. I’m just not interested in boyfriends or any of that. Plus, I prefer Buneary to Lopunny. I just wanna do cool stuff in life,” she reasoned. “I’m not 100% on what I want to do, so I might as well try lots of things out, right?”

    “But those parties are like…” Kari was prodding her paws together.

    “Have you been before?” Kayla wondered.

    “Yeah. There’s lot of older Pokémon so it’s a bit scary,” Kari recalled. Their food arrived just then, yet she didn’t get distracted. “The time I went, the food was really good, too. But then that made everyone mad.”

    “Urk, well duh! That was when you ate out the whole bar and stuff. E-everyone would be mad at that,” Pola replied.

    “It wasn’t that though! They were mad because I was an extraordinary Pokémon,” Kari looked up. “Kayla’s power isn’t visible and neither is yours, but we’re still sorta not welcome there. And to be honest, I’m not all that comfy with adults who let you drink underage.”

    “To be fair they don’t, I just lie about my age. Look sexy enough and guys will do anything for you,” Pola leaned into Kayla to nudge her. “Trust me, follow my lead and you’ll get treated real cool.”

    I definitely need to keep my wits about me with this girl. Way to foul my first impressions, Kayla replied with a nod anyway, and crunched on a carrot. “I won’t go right away. I’d rather build up good with the academy first. So what do you guys do for earning?”

    “I’m everyone’s friend, that’s what!” Kari got excited. “I help out everyone I can, and sometimes that means I help on rescue missions and stuff. I’m here and there, helping out the teams, doin’ deliveries, plannin’ surprises, sometimes it’s even simple stuff like cleaning. I do everything!”

    “She says that, but she’s just a big dumb errand girl,” Pola swished a paw around. “Stuff Pokémon can’t be asked to do, she does it all for ‘em.”

    “Hey, it pays! And it’s helpful. Do you know how much Pokémon appreciate havin’ their errands done? Especially when they’re planning parties and celebrations and stuff?” Kari happily stood up for herself. “It’s fun! And everyone gets to be chill!”

    “Me, I’m way more fun. I’m a living turret for hire. I get requested, then I back up teams on tough dungeons with my powers,” Pola bragged. “Don’t ask for a preview. It’s too big for the school.”

    “She says that, but she’s just a fallback when other Pokémon dropout of missions,” Kari said, half-lidded.

    “Hey, at least I get my work done,” Pola pouted.

    “When was the last time you got called out?” Kari got a sly grin.

    “Does that matter? I get it done!”

    “Sounds like someone’s outta work,”

    Neither of them are in a team, nor do they work together, even though they’re roommates… but it also sounds like Pola’s out to those parties a lot, so Kari’s probably alone a fair bit. At the very least, this means my options are open, Kayla rambled to herself as the girls descended into bickering. Kari seems easy enough to stick around with, but I doubt I can help on these errands without being able to lift stuff. Urf, these first few days might be a bit iffy…

    “Pola! Pola, Pola, Pola, where’s Pola?” the highest, shrilliest, squeakiest of a squeaky voice squealed across the hall.

    “Oh no, here comes the other noise,” Pola slammed her head into the table.

    “What in the world is that?” Kayla gasped.

    “Over here, over here!” Kari waved.

    Kayla had to look where she was waving, but spotted it after a moment. A sunshine form Cherrim was bouncing around the hall like an Igglybuff in a pinball machine. Once she spotted the girls, she bound over almost as fast as Kari. She was adorable, tiny, and brighter than anything else in the hall right now.

    “Oh my goodness, she’s adorable,” Kayla gasped, blushing hard. Just as the Cherrim bounced up to their table, Pola slammed her down with a paw without even looking. “P-Pola, what the heck?”

    “Go away,” Pola grumbled without lifting her head.

    “You really need to stop being mean to Sprite,” Kari scratched her ear. “Sprite look! We have a new friend.”

    “A new friend? A new friend?” the Cherrim squeaked repeatedly. She slowly turned to Kayla and got even more excited. “Yay, you’re the fun friend everyone’s been talking about!”

    Every word hit pitches Kayla didn’t know were possible to hit. She couldn’t stop blushing at them as a result. There was no doubt about it: this Cherrim was the embodiment of cute, like your favourite plush toy in mobile form. Even though Kayla was a small Pokémon, Cherrim was a fraction of her height. If she could, she would hug and nuzzle them and never want to let go.

    “U-um, I’m Kayla,” Kayla squeaked herself.

    “My name’s Sprite! Nice to meet you, Kayla,” Sprite bounced up to her.

    “God make it sto-op,” Pola wailed.

    “She was calling for you,” Kari giggled.

    “A call from the deepest reaches of hell ought to be better than this right now,” Pola pulled her ears down against her head.

    “Oh, I almost forgot. Pola, there’s someone at the door for you,” Sprite informed.

    “Huh?” the Plusle dared to lift her face.

    “There’s someone waiting for you at the door, hurry, hurry! They said you promised them something last night,” Sprite clarified.

    “Alright, alright, just, shut up. You’re gonna make my head explode,” Pola moaned.

    “They’ve been waiting a while, so please hurry!” Sprite warned.

    “Shut. Up,” Pola growled louder.


    “Aaargh!” Pola hopped up to the table and kicked the Cherrim away like a football.

    “Oh my gosh, was that necessary?” Kayla gasped as she stood up.

    “Yes. Yes, it really was!” Pola closed her fists.

    “It’s not her fault you made yourself hungover. Seriously… I know I just met you, but get a grip. That was just cruel,” Kayla stood up to her.

    Pola was surprised for a moment, and then retaliated with a thunderous glare. “You do not wanna fight me.”

    “I wouldn’t wanna fight me, neither,” Kayla returned in kind.

    “Alright, that’s enough! I’m acting more responsible than both of you right now, and that’s really funny!” Kari pushed her way between them. “I know what it looks like Kayla, but Pola and Sprite are like this all the time. It’s no big deal, really.”

    “Yeah, the little shit can take a beating and she knows it’s coming when she bugs me. Don’t mess with the system,” Pola argued.

    “The system?” Kayla’s brow furrowed. “What, would you like to kicked in the face just for telling someone you have a visitor?”

    “Well- uh, she er, doesn’t have to be so annoying about it,” Pola sat back down and crossed her arms.

    “Better go and not keep that Pokémon waiting,” Kayla suggested bitterly.

    “Ugh, get your head out your ass,” Pola grumbled. She still didn’t move, getting Kayla’s concern.

    “You’re really not going?” she asked. Pola didn’t reply.

    “Er… the last time this happened, it was some creepy guy who wanted to—”

    “For god’s sake Kari, don’t tell her!” Pola raised her head in annoyance. “It’s bad enough just having guys chase me down here. I don’t need a lecture from a newbie. Just stick your head down and get on with academy stuff or something.”

    Kayla gave it a moment, and then leaned in again. “Somebody from the party last night?”

    “I dunno, probably. If I promised them something while I was drunk, it’s never gonna go well. Not in the mood for any shit today,” Pola pouted. There was another pause.

    “They’re gonna keep coming unless you stand your ground. C’mon. If he gets touchy, I’ll kick ‘em into next week,” Kayla promised.

    “What?” Pola looked at her, so she made sure to give them a confident grin.

    “I’m a Buneary. I’m no stranger to this stuff,” Kayla reasoned.

    “She’s got a point about ‘em not giving up. Plus, telling them no is just being a nice person,” Kari agreed. The Plusle’s nervousness was clear, but they eventually stood up with a hoarse sigh.

    “Show me what you got then, big girl.”

    Kari stuffed the rest of her food into her cheeks, while Kayla took another carrot. Tipping her plate with her feet, the rest of the carrots slid into her fluff skirt where they were hidden perfectly. Pola was sceptical but brushed it off as she led the way, walking impatiently. The now busy activity of the dining hall faded into the morning tones and muffled quiet of the entryway. Similar to the hall of dorms, instead of doors to bedrooms, the hall was wider and lined with boards of accolades. Quotes from famous Pokémon, graduated students, and similar.

    The double doors were open, and standing toward the left side was a lone Pachirisu. The bright light from outside made him hard to look at, but he walked in when he saw them coming. He was taller than Kayla and wore a loose, pale pink, sleeveless cloth that went down to his feet. He had loose head fur, short but spiky and roughly styled.

    Something about this confrontation brought Kayla to a chilling halt. He was just a Pachirisu. A tall Pachirisu with the shortest eyelashes, bright pink eyes, and the lightest gold glint in those eyes. He didn’t look happy to see them, but he also didn’t look like he had aggression, either.

    No, it was something else.

    It wasn’t the androgyny in the dress-looking cloth, the pink colours, not even the eyelashes. This guy had his own world, just like Kayla. When Kayla went into battle, she brought her world upon the enemies, where scenery shifted into psychedelic patterns and audio cues drove most of her actions. This was just like that; except she was being brought into Pachirisu’s world. Silence, darkness, the undeniable presence of a grim, ulterior motive. Kayla felt herself tense up so hard she practically stopped breathing.

    “You’re here,” Pachirisu began, unveiling his surprisingly deep voice. “Is this your team?”

    “Aww, he’s cute!” Kari remarked. “This is a guy you dated? You have good taste!”

    Does she? Man, I really don’t get it, Kayla cocked her head.

    “Look ima level with you. I was drunk as hell last night, so whatever I said to you, I don’t remember it, and it’s probably a no right now,” Pola replied with a brushing motion.

    “I figured, but it’s important to me. Do you remember anything?” he asked. His voice may have been deep, but it was also smooth and cool, something similar to a good actor. He spoke naturally however, so the voice wasn’t put on.

    “Not a thing,” Pola folded her paws and turned away.

    “You’re Pola, right?” Pachirisu asked.

    “Who’s asking?”

    “Shannon. Shannon Snowjerry,” Pachirisu bowed. “I helped bring you back here after helping you out of a squabble with Sunrise. In exchange, you promised you would teach me about your Visionary Magic.”

    Pola shivered hard the moment he said that. Kari seemed surprised, too.

    “You showed me that you know how to use Nature Power, too. I want to learn Visionary Magic. In all of my travels, you are my best bet,” Shannon explained.

    Pola can use Nature Power? That move’s way out of a Plusle’s league, Kayla snuck a glance at her. Pola’s breath had become panicked however, and she made no attempt to hide her angst.

    “I don’t. Y-you must’ve been drunk too, if ya think a Plusle can do Nature Power,” Pola replied. Shannon opened his mouth to speak again, but she cut him off. “I’m late for an important lecture, so if you’ll excuse me!”

    “Am I to take this as a broken promise?” Shannon asked. He motioned to reach after her, but Kayla and Kari also shifted in the way slightly. “You’re my best chance. Please.”

    “Should we stop her?” Kayla glanced between him and Pola. Kari moaned a bit, and shrugged. “I’m sorry. This is a really bad morning for this.”

    “You two are her team, right? Or at the very least, friends? Please, if you can convince her to trust me at all… it’s imperative that I learn Visionary Magic, and she is my best chance,” Shannon requested. “I can assure you, I’m not a part of Sunrise. I need the magic for my own reasons.”

    Visionary Magic? Sunrise? I am learning a LOT this morning, Kayla groaned in her head. All she could do was turn to Kari, who shrugged again.

    “I can try, but honestly, it’s up to her. I wouldn’t press her too hard either, she’s had it kinda rough lately,” Kari scratched the back of her head.

    “I’ll be staying in Repose Town for a while. It might be easier to come to me, if you would prefer to meet on neutral ground. I know they don’t take kindly to extraordinary Pokémon, but I couldn’t care less what those Pokémon think,” Shannon proposed. “I apologise for taking your time this morning, too. Good luck with your studies. Please tell Pola I wish her luck as well.”

    Just like that, he was off, walking on all fours. The girls watched him until he was a blur in the distance, where Kari moaned and danced on her toes. “I hate it when I get dragged into weird stuff like this!”

    “Is it weird? He actually seemed really polite and patient,” Kayla remarked. What is strange… I sensed a whole other thing from him, but that went away just like that… Pola, Sprite, and now Shannon and this Visionary Magic stuff… There’s a whole lot of interesting Pokémon here.


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