The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Alright, no more fucking around,” Pola stood up. She wiped her mouth of sauce and curled her paws into fists, then stood on her toes to try and lean over Kayla. “We’ve had food, door’s shut, everything. Start talkin’.”

    “Oh cut out that attitude. You’re acting like I’ve committed a crime,” Kayla turned away.

    “There was a friggin’ human, Kayla. A human! This close to RSE Academy. This is a literal emergency!” Pola threw her arms up.

    “Keep shouting like that and the whole school’s gonna find out,” Kayal sighed and slumped. “I don’t think they were close. If they followed us, we’d hear a ruckus by now.”

    “Oh just get to the point already!” Pola prodded her hard. “You promised you’d tell us!”

    “Easy now, Pola. This isn’t an interrogation,” Ashe lightly pulled the Plusle back.

    “I’m afraid I’m with Pola on this one, kinda,” Kari said worriedly. “I dunno where that portal came from or if it’ll be there again, but a human this close to RSE is pretty bad news.”

    “Look, I know that,” Kayla replied, turning away again. Shannon was opposite the others and had an intense look on his face, even though he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at Jirachi, who only now was stirring awake. “Jirachi…”

    The little white legendary made curious sounds at their new surroundings. Even with him, Shannon and Ashe here, their dorm retained its cosy vibes and had plenty of room. Jirachi himself had been set down on a first aid mat with a pillow, where his wounds had been treated the best they could manage. Ashe put in amazing work there, though a few cuts and bruises remained. Hopefully they’d heal over time.

    “Oh, Kayla!” Jirachi bounced up to her on the bed. He had the cutest, happiest smile. “Thank you so much for saving me!”

    “Uh, sure. That’s part of the job at this point,” she replied blankly as he shook her hand. She couldn’t feel a thing, which felt upsetting right now. “I know you just woke up, but I’m hoping we can get to the bottom of all this.”

    “Of course. Anything for you. You are Kayla’s friends, right?” Jirachi sat down and looked over everything. He was half Kayla’s height, making him smaller than everyone. Granted Kayla was taller than the average Buneary, that still wound up being a very cute thought. He didn’t sound like one, but Jirachi was practically a baby.

    “On the day I was meant to come here to RSE, I had a very weird dream. I’ve been having dreams since, and each one feels really real,” Kayla began, looking over everyone. Arms were folded and backs were settled, implying she had the floor. “It’s like I’m not even asleep. And in all of those dreams after the first, Jirachi kept telling me to find him. But I didn’t understand anything, so I feel like I lucked out finding him now.”

    “What’s in those dreams? You were super freaky this morning, you know. The whole crying in your sleep thing,” Pola cocked her head.

    “The first dream’s the most important one. I still don’t get it, but I guess I was in a team or something,” Kayla looked up to recall it. “We were in a desert. Pola, you were there, even though I’d never met you.”

    “Huh?” Pola shifted forward.

    “There was another Pokémon too, but Kari wasn’t there. B-but the human was. Now that I think about it, it was the same one that attacked Jirachi – but she was on my side. We all got to ride on a Reshiram into this pyramid, where in the centre, there was this really cold room full of fog. I couldn’t see anything, but we were attacked by some psychic type. They had three eyes, and they were like, scary and golden,” Kayla explained. Ashe’s eyes widened, and she became serious. “We were defeated, and then Jirachi spoke to me. He told me we’d meet again, and wondered what I was gonna do with the dream, like it was important. Whether I made it come true and stuff.”

    “This is really cool! A giant magical mystery,” Kari threw her arms up, before shrivelling down to rub them shyly. “But it also sounds really creepy and scary. Are you gonna be okay?”

    “I am now that I’ve eaten,” Kayla grinned.

    “Ugh. Focus, fattie,” Pola rolled her eyes.

    “Since then, they’ve just been these nightmares that feel super realistic, where I wake up when I die. Usually by drowning. No surprise there,” Kayla continued. She turned to Jirachi, who was sat beside smiling up at her. “In each one, Jirachi told me to find him. But I couldn’t, and I didn’t understand the hints.”

    “But you still managed to find me. I am so relieved, Kayla! We finally get to meet,” Jirachi said happily.

    “Okay… but it’s all you from here. What was all that? The portal, the human, and why me?” Kayla cocked her head.

    “Because you are a Dreamer, Kayla. And it is up to you to save the world,” Jirachi’s smile faded. He hopped off the bed and floated in front of her at face level.

    “Please start from the top. I seriously don’t get one bit,” she frowned and shook her head.

    “I suppose I should. Since the rest of you are here, you are going to help her too, are you not?” Jirachi looked over at everyone. The way he spoke was strange – words came out loud and clear, but his mouth didn’t move an inch.

    “Maybe. Saving the world sounds like a chore,” Pola folded her arms. “What’d be in it for me?”

    “I dunno, it could be fun! I just wanna make sure Kayla’s okay right now, though,” Kari replied.

    “I… I’ll only do what’s required of me as a teammate. I have my own reasons for being here,” Shannon turned away. Ashe didn’t say anything.

    “Are you all aware of how the world of Isnomia works?” Jirachi began. Everyone implied they were all ears. “Isnomia is two planets, two halves of a single world, directly next to each other and split by the walls of a dimension. The human realm and the Pokémon realm never interact with each other, and most do not know that the other exists.”

    “Well we know about the human world. And how humans are the most dangerous thing there is,” Kari added. “They normally can’t come here, though. There’s only stories about humans somehow getting lost here and being executed, right?”

    “There exists a world where the human and Pokémon worlds are joint. That is my realm, the Dream World,” Jirachi continued. “The Dream World is growing and shrinking constantly. It is made of people and Pokémon’s dreams. Whenever you fall asleep and have a dream, you are subconsciously in the Dream World. Everyone gets their own small sector of the Dream World that is their own personal dream, and they wander it until they wake up.”

    “That makes sense, I guess,” Kayla tilted her head. “It’s just what happens when you go to sleep and have a dream.”

    “Every one thousand years, the dreams of people and Pokémon gather together in the real world. This physical manifestation of dreams takes shape as a thing called the Millenium Comet. It’s shaped like a crescent, and you can see it in the same place from both the human and Pokémon realms of Isnomia,” Jirachi continued. “After seven days of the comet reaching maximum size, I get to wake up and absorb the power of the comet. That power lets me make dreams come true.”

    “I get it! They say that Jirachi can grant wishes. That is the actual process of your wish granting?” Ashe gasped and came forward.

    “Yes! You understand,” Jirachi nodded happily. “I don’t just let anyone’s dreams come true. I get the most powerful and sought out wishes in the comet, and from many, many people and Pokémon. I get to choose which ones to grant, and then I go back to sleep for another one thousand years to do it all over again.”

    “Guess anyone wishing for stupid stuff like world domination or some shit gets ignored,” Pola put a paw to her hip with a smug grin.

    “There are a few. To tell the truth, the wishes I do not grant are the ones I do not understand, like wanting to rule the world. I do not know how to grant that as a wish,” Jirachi admitted. The group went quiet.

    So technically, we’ve been this close to some pretty weird and dangerous stuff happening. This kid just doesn’t know how to grant them, Kayla started sweating. “So what’s this got to do with us? That whole saving the world thing, and why that human was trying to kill you.”

    “Across the world, there have been many people and Pokémon who can physically enter their own dreams. Normally when someone dreams, only their subconscious goes into the dream. In this case, the person physically goes into the Dream World,” Jirachi explained.

    “Subconscious? Physically? Can I get a dictionary on what those mean here?” Kari asked.

    “I’ll tell you later. I get it, so continue,” Kayla said.

    “Those who can enter their dreams are known as Dreamers. There are many Dreamers, but they normally go their entire lives without realising that they have this power,” Jirachi explained, and then appeared saddened. “However, recently, a few have begun to discover this power. It is very powerful, and not to be used by the wrong hands. Until now, all was peaceful in my Millenium Comet.”

    “Is the time of the Millenium Comet upon us?” Shannon asked.

    “Soon, yes. That is what makes this situation even worse. Because a Dreamer can dream whatever they want and then enter that dream, they can make their dreams come true. Though there are limitations, there are heavy disturbances to the real world. These disturbances threaten me and my cycle, so I am awake early. I do not know what else bad could happen, but the stability of Isnomia is surely at stake,” Jirachi continued. He turned to Kayla with a determined frown. “Kayla, you are a Dreamer! Please use your power to stop the disturbances to the real world. You must save Isnomia!”

    “So that’s why my dreams feel so real? Not that I’d wanna drown myself,” Kayla replied with a furrowed brow.

    “Admittedly that was me attempting to contact you. When realms of dreams intersect – that is to say someone enters someone else’s dream realm – some very strange realities are created. I apologize for the pain I have caused you,” Jirachi bowed.

    “Well that’s water under the bridge now, I guess. But this is pretty cool,” Kayla gestured a shrug.

    “Hold on. You can make your dreams come true and like, actually live in them and stuff? And your reaction is just, ‘cool’?” Pola perked up. “Kayla, this is like, the most awesomest awesome thing to ever be awesome!”

    “Is it?” she grinned.

    “You can dream anything you want to and live in it. Anything! There just so much you could do with that. You could make yourself the perfect Pokémon, oh and have the perfect boyfriend! And live in this really big house…” Pola trailed off. Her eyes sparkled brighter and brighter by the second.

    “Somehow, I doubt it works that way,” Kayla snickered awkwardly.

    “Plus, a boyfriend? Dream bigger, Pola! We could live in a world where extraordinary Pokémon are normal!” Kari bounced on her tail. “And then make yourself this giant, invincible super Pokémon!”

    “These are realities that you could dream and experience, yes,” Jirachi nodded.

    “Wait, really?” Kayla gasped.

    “Of course. They are your dreams made manifest. As long as you can dream it, anything is possible,” Jirachi explained. Kayla couldn’t close her mouth. “The limitation is how those dreams affect the real world. Dreamers cannot alter reality, but they can manifest things in their dreams and bring them into reality. I believe this is how the disturbances are threatening Isnomia. Kayla! You must find these disturbances and stop them before the Millenium Comet reaches its full power.”

    “Okay, okay, lemme try and get this straight,” Kayla hopped off her bed. “I’m a thing called a Dreamer. I can physically enter my dreams, where I can do anything I want to and make any world I want to.”

    “As long as you can dream it, yes,” Jirachi nodded.

    “Because those are dreams, they don’t affect the real world. However, if I dream of say, an Oran Berry, and bring it out of my dream, that Oran Berry will be real?” Kayla asked.

    “Yes. As long as it does not alter reality, you can bring things from your dreams into reality,” Jirachi confirmed.

    “Won’t that just be like, an illusion then? Since that Oran Berry would be affecting reality. It could heal me and stuff,” Kayla reasoned.

    “Incorrect. Remember the relation to the Millenium Comet, which I can use to make any dream come true. A Dreamer’s dream is a fork of that power,” Jirachi explained. Kayla’s eyes widened. “Bringing items to reality, especially when those items already exist in the real world, is one of the simplest things a Dreamer can do. You could even create that perfect boyfriend that Pola wished for if you were inclined and could dream it.”

    “Holy shit. Kayla, my best buddy! My main gal. My main. You know what you’ve gotta do, right?” Pola leaned over to nudge her.

    “Uh,” the Buneary leaned away.

    “That’s incredible, Kayla! You can make your dreams come true! And like, everyone’s wishes!” Kari cheered.

    “I think I get it. If Pola’s idea of a perfect boyfriend was something like, a Pachirisu, I could make him? A real Pokémon? But if I tried to do something like, a world at peace without mystery dungeons, I couldn’t?” Kayla asked.

    “Wait why me?” Shannon leaned away.

    “’Cos you’re hot as fuck,” Pola stated, making him choke.

    “Yes to the Pachirisu, no to the world peace. That world would exist in your dreams, but brought into reality, would attempt to twist the minds of other Pokémon. This is something even I cannot do with the full power of the Millenium Comet,” Jirachi explained.

    “Okay. This is starting to really click for me, now,” Kayla gulped. “Last example. If I dreamt that my hands started working?”

    Jirachi paused this time, and stared at her. “If you dream it, you can do so. However, that would physically affect you in the real world, so you could not.”

    “So that leaves my shortcut out of the equation. I couldn’t get Kayla to dream me up a bunch of superpowers,” Shannon said.

    “If she can dream you with those powers and you enter her dream realm, then you will have those powers. However, they will fade once you return to reality,” Jirachi stated. Shannon clicked his teeth.

    “Then there must be loopholes,” Ashe finally came forward, getting everyone’s attention. “I’ve been thinking about this conversation, and it sounds like your initial dream was a premonition of some sort. I’m sure of it, that psychic monster with the three eyes that attacked you in the fog was Mathildaath.”

    All eyes widened now.

    “Wait, but I dunno what Mathildaath looks like! How could I dream of her?” Kayla gasped.

    “That’s why I think it’s a premonition. Jirachi, can Dreamers enter other Pokémon’s dreams?” Ashe asked.

    “Yes, they can,” he answered, and everyone jolted back this time. “There are limitations still, but because a Dreamer can freely explore the dream world, their ability to generate anything can expand into the realms of others.”

    “Mathildaath has been terrorizing Isnomia with all kinds of strange phenomenon. The drowned orchard, the endless night, the blue moon… if she figured out that you were a Dreamer that could stand up to her, then it makes sense she would try to stop you,” Ashe explained. “Even if she didn’t, it seems clear to me that her powers come from this ability to dream.”

    “The crystal cavern! Kari! The crystal cavern, you remember, right?” Kayla gasped. Kari slapped her own cheeks and screamed silently. “That giant Orbeetle we fought. He must’ve been a Dreamer, too! He kept mentioning stuff like his dreams and powers.”

    “Did you defeat him?” Jirachi asked.

    “Yeah, somehow,” Kayla nodded. “There hasn’t been anything like him since.”

    “Then I believe we have our destiny!” Kari pumped her paws up high. “We’ll stop Mathildaath and save Isnomia. That’s it, that’s Team Daybreak’s first big adventure!”

    “Heh, you’re right. That’s quite a first quest, huh?” Kayla grinned.

    “Before we do that, I was serious about the boyfriend thing,” Pola went half-lidded. “If you can like, literally grant wishes, nothing against us abusing that power for a little while, is there?”

    “If that is what you want, then you can. I cannot stop you. As long as you stop the disturbances, you can do as you wish,” Jirachi stated.

    Everyone froze, even Pola in mid-air. “Y’know, I was expecting some sorta grouchy strict ‘you mustn’t abuse your power’ sorta shit, but you’re really okay with us gettin’ what we want?”

    “Is there any harm?” Jirachi cocked his head. “I do not know. I do not have a boyfriend.”

    “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shiiiiit,” Pola started bouncing on her toes. She slapped her paws on Kayla’s cheeks. “You! Perfect boyfriend. NOW!”

    “Wh-whoa, okay. I er, how do I do this?” Kayla gawked. “I guess I have to sleep, right? Uh, how does this work?”

    “When you sleep with the intent to use your powers, you will generate a door to your realm called a Dream Pool. You must then wake up and enter it,” Jirachi instructed.

    “I’m guessing it’s like the portal we found in the nursery,” Kayla swayed in thought.

    “There are some limitations here, too. If something or someone does not belong in that particular realm, the particles encompassing the Dream World will attempt to remove it in order to keep the dream exactly as the one dreaming it imagines. This attacks the very life force of a living being,” Jirachi added. “Put bluntly, if Kayla does not dream of each of you being in this dream properly, the atmosphere will put you in extreme pain until you leave. If you stay there for too long, you will vanish.”

    “Like when we rescued you, too. That must’ve been someone else’s dream, so we couldn’t stay there,” Kayla realised. “Mmm… okay, I’ll give it a go. Perfect boyfriend, right?”

    Pola nodded enthusiastically, tongue out and all.

    “You’re actually going to do it? Doesn’t this just seem… uh, I don’t know…” Shannon cocked his head.

    “Shut up, let ‘er sleep,” Pola snapped.

    “What exactly is a perfect boyfriend to you? Kinda a big question to be asking ya,” Kayla grinned cheekily.

    “Ah come off that. You know, don’t you? The perfect guy!” Pola snickered.

    “… Yeah, that’s subjective. My only guess is they’ve got cheek pouches? Like, Pikachu or Minun and stuff?” Kayla cocked her head. “I don’t know you. I dunno what you’re into.”

    Pola sighed. “It’s so obvious… y’know, like… he’s gotta be heroic. Strong. Cares a lot about me, but is cool! Has money, maybe some muscles. Ain’t afraid to be adventurous in the bedroom, either.”

    “Okay you lose me with that stuff. I guess I get the picture with the first half,” Kayla sighed and shook her head.

    “Oh and they’ve gotta be fit, too! No chunky chus like you,” Pola pointed at her.

    “You’re kinda tactless sometimes, y’know that?” Kari giggled.

    “Shut up!”

    A perfect boyfriend… might as well get this outta the way, Kayla threw herself into bed. Jirachi didn’t quite tell me how to do this exactly… I guess I just imagine the thing I want perfectly, and sleep with it…

    “Will she even be able to sleep right now? It’s like, midday,” Kari pointed out.

    “Not if you keep talking!” Pola hissed and hushed her.

    Silence fell, which only served to make things a little more awkward than Kayla would’ve liked. They were her friends, but they were watching her sleep. There was no way such a thing couldn’t be awkward, right? Perhaps if she were more privileged, she would be okay abusing the situation to ask for a better bed or something.

    I guess the perfect boyfriend is… Ugh, I don’t even know. C’mon Kayla, pull yourself together. You have to care about something you don’t care about. And the best way to get me to care is for it to be similar to something I care about, she rambled to herself, keeping her eyes shut as she relaxed. That actually makes a fair bit of sense. Go me.

    Her surroundings darkened and faded. She didn’t exactly eat a lot, but she filled her belly, so maybe it was a food coma that was making it easy to sleep. How long had passed became lost to her, as did her surroundings or anything her friends were saying. Even with the silence, she couldn’t so much as hear their breathing. Just the relaxing cradle of the blankets and pillow. It was warm and cosy here, as warm as her old bedroom.

    “So tell me, Kayla,” a familiar voice made her heart jump. He eyes shot open and she slowly rolled over. Mum had their back to her, but turned and smiled. “What would make you care about a boyfriend?”

    “Ugh, as if I’d talk to you about something like this,” Kayla rolled her eyes as she got up. She was back in her old bedroom after all. Large, carpeted, and furnished in a fair array of fancy wooden dressers and cupboards. There was a tub full of toys, a large mirror built into the wall, and even an on-suite bathroom. “Wait, I’m back here…”

    “You still haven’t thought about it, even when I asked you?” Mum sighed.

    “You’re gonna bug me until I do, aren’t you?” Kayla groaned. “It’s because I don’t know. What would make me care about boys?”

    “Start more fairly than that. What would make you care about other Pokémon in general?” Mum asked. She came over to run a nail through Kayla’s fur ever so lightly. The scratches were relieving, so Kayla downed her ears to give her more access, letting Mum stroke her head and fur.

    “I care about other Pokémon. What gave the impression I didn’t?” Kayla’s challenged.

    “… You don’t have many friends. Not even girls. That’s what the teachers tell me, anyway,” Mum answered. Kayla felt her heart weigh, and she didn’t answer. “I’m just worried a bit. You don’t have to do what you don’t want to do, but having other Pokémon you care about can be a wonderful feeling.”

    “I know that. I care about you, after all,” Kayla pointed out.

    “Yes but that- oh I should hope so, I’m your mother, after all!” giggled the Hatterene. “But Pokémon your age. Pokémon you can talk to and be yourself around. Pokémon you can confide in, things you can’t even tell me, things only Pokémon your age would get. Those are friends, Pokémon you care about.”

    “I don’t care about others because that lets me be free,” Kayla turned around and folded her paws. Mum stopped stroking her. “If I make mistakes, then they’re my mistakes. If I achieve stuff, then they’re my achievements. I go my own way, and if I get lost, I find my own way. That’s living.”

    “You don’t get lonely living that way?” Mum replied, clearly saddened. Kayla turned back to face her, though her eyes were closed and her arms were still folded.

    “The perfect boyfriend in my eyes would be someone who let me keep living like that, going about my own way,” she stated. “I don’t have to dress, I don’t have to date, I don’t have be who they want me to be. Someone who just, lets me get on with it.”

    “Kayla, don’t you know what you’re saying? You can’t live like that, that’s selfish!” Mum cried. Her claw was bared like she was going to attack.

    “How am I selfish for wanting to live my own way rather than the way others want me to live? I’m literally not hurting anybody!” Kayla snapped. “If nobody like that exists, then I don’t want to be with anybody. This doesn’t have to be that that deep and meaningful. I go through life my own way and enjoy it. If some guy wants to stick around and let me be me, then I’m happy to have him around. I don’t expect him to do anything for me, and I won’t do anything for him. Simple as.”

    All of a sudden, the scenery began to stir. Kayla’s eyes widened and her thoughts became groggy. Colours and shapes fluctuated, swirling and waving out of focus. Even the floor began to fade out, replaced by pitch-black nothingness.

    “… How can I make you understand? That it’s selfish…” Mum sighed, and tear fell from her eye.

    “Kayla, Kayla! Are you okay?” Kari’s screech pierced everything. Kayla got up quickly, finding herself still in bed back at the dorm. Everyone stared at her with concerned looks. Kari sighed from relief too, though she still appeared worried.

    Let me guess, Kayla blinked as she tried to feel the bed below her with her feet. It wasn’t damp, but her face was. “I was crying again? Crying with my eyes closed?”

    “Yeah… it’s really scary to see. Are you alright?” Kari leaned over her.

    “Yeah, I’m fine. Seriously, you don’t have to worry,” she brushed the Furret away with an ear. Although, why did a dream like that me cry?

    “If you’re okay, then uh… how’d it go? Where’s the Dream Pool?” Pola asked.

    “Pola!” Kari pinched her.

    “What, askin’ the important questions here!” she yelped.

    “How did you even fall asleep so fast? Or dream about… er, boyfriends?” Shannon cocked his head.

    “If Dreamers could not sleep when they wanted to, then they would not be Dreamers,” Jirachi pointed out. “I can confirm that the Dream Pool has in fact appeared.”

    “Did it? WHERE IS IT?” Pola grabbed the little legendary.

    “I do not know!” Jirachi cried as he was shaken.

    “Whaddya mean you don’t know? The perfect guy is waitin’ for me!” Pola cried.

    “Pola please! Yeesh, and you don’t want me to think of you as thirsty,” Kayla groaned. “We didn’t really think this through, did we? It’s cool and all that I can be a Dreamer, but if we dunno where the way in even appears, then I might as well not have the power.”

    “True. Perhaps other Dreamers could even be aware of their power, but be unable to use it since they never find their Dream Pools,” Ashe agreed. She put a hand by her mouth. “If only there was some kind of way to ensure the pool ended up near us when Kayla slept… it wouldn’t do to have it show up randomly around the academy and have other Pokémon find it. They would get killed by the Dream World’s atmosphere.”

    “Aaaaand, sleeping anywhere ain’t healthy. I wonder if we can make like, a portable bed?” Kari added.

    “Well we’re allowed to do what we want at the academy, right? I’m sure it’d be fine to come back here to use the power each time,” Kayla turned to her.

    “If you’re okay with that…” Kari mumbled.

    “… So no boyfriend?” Pola said. Complete silence fell, and no one even bothered to look at her.

    “If I may…” Shannon came forward. “There’s a lot of concerning things about this power, both mechanically and personally, that we don’t know about. I think it’d be best for us to learn more about it, and how to use it, before we go about trying to abuse it to grant wishes.”

    “Oh you’re just sayin’ that ‘cos you want me to do your stupid training,” Pola spat. “I’m not doing it today!”

    “And that’s fine. I still feel this way,” he insisted.

    “Shannon is right. Though I am sure Mathildaath is the source of those disturbances, we can’t confirm it based on theory. Without being able to go to the Dream World freely, our fighting chances are low,” Ashe explained. “We’re talking about other Dreamers here, Pokémon who can enter their own dreams and do just as Kayla can. It’s unthinkable what they can do if we go in unprepared.”

    “So then what do we do now? Ooh, do we go back to nursery duty?” Kari squeaked.

    “I suggest we split off and try to find out as much as we can for a few days. Girls, don’t worry about the nursery today. I will mark you as a job well done. Instead, please try to find out how to use Kayla’s powers,” Ashe stated. “At the same time, these powers are way too much for a normal person. Please don’t tell anyone else, or let anyone see you use it.”

    “Like super secret agent spies,” Kari bared her claws giddily.

    “Yeah, like super secret agent spies. It’s all of our secret, okay?” Ashe proposed just as eagerly.

    Who died and made you boss? Not that I disagree… it’d be a pretty big headache if I had strangers hounding me for ridiculous stuff, Kayla thought to herself. “Okay… where do we start? Something tells me you don’t know, Jirachi?”

    “Of a way to ensure your Dream Pools stay close to the Dreamer? I am afraid I do not. If such an ability were easy to obtain, then perhaps there would be many more Dreamers,” he replied with a plain smile.

    “Also true… hah, what do we even do with you? We can’t just leave you here all day, can we?” Kayla slumped. Scratch that, this is already a headache.

    “No one comes into the dorms at all, not even the teachers and stuff. Everything in here’s private, I guess that’s why Ashe chose here,” Kari explained. “It’s up to students to keep everything clean and stuff. We made a big deal about it before, remember?”

    “You didn’t, but I got it. Bathroom’s still clean, ain’t it?” Kayla swayed.

    “Yeah, Jirachi’ll be fine here, as long as he doesn’t do anything weird. That includes getting bored, too,” Pola clarified. Jirachi cocked his head, keeping that plain smile. “Thaaat is a look of a menacing little shit.”

    “If the worst comes to it, we could take it in turns taking care of him,” Shannon suggested. “Rotate on standard team missions, and spend our evenings researching the Dream World.”

    “If you are concerned, I do not require nourishment. As I am awake early, I may spend more of my time asleep. Like soon… I am very sleepy right now,” Jirachi confessed.

    “I have to go now, so this sounds like as good a time as any. Um, I don’t know if it’s possible, but try to avoid using your powers until we’re surer about all this,” Ashe suggested.

    “But what do we do now?” Kayla asked.

    “It’s cool, I’ve got an idea!” Kari bounced up.

    “I have to go back to the children now, so please don’t do anything rash. If you find something out, please come and see me. I will do my best to help,” Ashe said.

    “We will. Miss- um, Ashe, thanks for your help. It’s been big,” Kayla nodded to her. She responded with a gleeful smile and a light wave. She left after that, making sure the door was shut well. Kari went and pressed her ear against it for some reason, literally squeezing herself against the door.

    Kayla could get that, though. Even though they’d helped, she hadn’t forgotten her initial encounter with the Jigglypuff. They were quiet too, even at the prospect of getting their wishes granted. She smiled at the thought that Kari didn’t trust Ashe too, enough to wait until they were sure the Jigglypuff was gone.

    “’Kay, so I’ve got a good idea about how to jump ahead with all this. But first of all,” Kari sung excitedly, before suddenly calming down. “Kayla, are you okay with all this?”

    “Huh?” Kayla’s eyes widened.

    “This is pretty hefty, ain’t it? All this stuff about going into your dreams, granting wishes, fighting Mathildaath… you said you were scared of Mathildaath, too. But no one here asked if that was what you wanted to do or not,” Kari prodded her paws together.

    “Oh I just said that to get Gema off my tail. I don’t think I’m ready to go after some mighty archfiend right now, but I also don’t wanna sit and twiddle my feet while the region’s in trouble. Even before I was a Dreamer, I felt that way,” Kayla swayed side to side.

    “Are you being serious or are you just trying to gloat?” Pola replied. “They’re not kidding, y’know. Mathildaath is real bad business.”

    “So we should let her win by doing nothing at all?” Kayla argued.

    “No, I’m saying we shouldn’t have anythin’ to do with it. Leave it to the bigwigs and the authorities,” Pola waved a paw about aggressively.

    “And how long are they gonna take?” Kayla sighed. Pola grit her fangs. “They took forever to help the nearby fire, they’re gonna take forever with this.”

    “Wait you’re actually serious?” Pola hissed.

    “Big archfiend’s in a region of Isnomia occupied by extraordinary Pokémon, right? When’s the last time the bigwigs of Isnomia actually did anything helpful for us different Pokémon?” Kayla continued. Pola’s growl got even more intense. “You know as well as I do that to the normal Pokémon of Isnomia, as long as that non-aggression treaty is upheld, we basically don’t exist. As long as Mathildaath is in our region, she’s our problem. And I believe that if you want something to change, you’ve gotta make that change yourself.”

    “Kayla…” Kari said quietly.

    “Like I just said, I’m not gonna drag us to the orchard to fight them blindly. But I do plan on getting to the bottom of this and doing something about it. All this Dreamer stuff just gives me more of an excuse to get started on it. You don’t have to come with if you’re scared,” she stated.

    “Oh don’t try and spin that crap with me,” Pola turned away to fold her arms. “I just… don’t wanna break my back over stupid stuff. A body like mine’s delicate, y’know what I’m sayin’?”

    “I’ll ask you again when things get going,” Kayla smiled, turning to Kari. “As for the wishing stuff, it doesn’t seem like too much of a hassle. But I guess it just like, doesn’t feel real right now? If I really can grant you girls’ wishes, I wonder how well I can actually do with ‘em? What’s your wish, Kari?”

    “M-mine?” squeaked the Furret. “I-it doesn’t matter right now, does it? We can’t grant it anyway. For now, you’re just a really cool Buneary.”

    “Aww, thanks,” Kayla smiled. There was something weirdly honest about that…

    “I mean it, too. It’s fine. I don’t really have a wish right now. I sorta get it like you, this is all so sudden I dunno what to wish for,” Kari scratched her back. “For now, I just want Team Daybreak to kick off.”

    “So, about that idea you had…” Kayla mumbled.

    “This ought to be a laugh,” Pola snickered.

    “Oooh yeah, right! Uuhh, I know Ashe said to keep it secret from everybody else, but would it kill us if we told just one other Pokémon?” Kari asked.

    “The more Pokémon find out, the more this is going to spread. If Kayla gets swamped with selfish wish requests, we’ll never hear the end of it,” Shannon warned.

    “Shannon’s right… so it depends who. Who’ve you got in mind?” Kayla cocked her head.

    “It’s not someone you’ve met. But there’s this reeeeeeaaaaaaally smart Pichu—”

    “Oh gods no. Her? Seriously? That stuck-up bitch?” Pola snapped.

    “Uh…” Shannon gawked.

    “Pola doesn’t like her, but she’s like, super duper smart. She’s the one who programmed the school app network system and invented custom PETs. She probably helped to make yours too, Kayla!” Kari bragged.

    “I thought that was Mesprit?” Kayla cocked her head.

    “Nah. It was probably made with Mesprit’s power, but the one who actually makes all the tech is May. May Curtiss, she’s this veteran Pichu who makes all kindsa gizmos and gadgets you could only imagine!” Kari threw her arms up. “I bet if she knew the full story, she’d whip up the perfect thing for making Dream Pools nearby. Probably do something about that portable bed, too.”

    “A veteran Pichu? We’re not mixing up words here, are we?” Kayla replied.

    “Nope! May’s a bona fide Pichu veteran inventor. No one knows how old she really is, but she’s been here for over twenty years and was already an adult when she first arrived, so most Pokémon chalk it up to her being extraordinary,” Kari explained. “If anyone can make something special for us, it’s her!”

    “But she’s also a bitch. Like, the world’s most dislikeable, hateable, cringiest know-it-all cuntfest you stuff into a single Pokémon,” Pola complained.

    “Pola!” Kari squeaked.

    “What? It’s true. She’s probably gonna report everything to the teachers the moment we tell her,” Pola grumbled.

    “Oh yeah? Got any better ideas?” Kari snaked around Pola.

    “Oh go away. This ain’t my thing. Just, anybody but her. I couldn’t deal with taking shit from her every time she came by,” Pola turned away and folded her paws.

    “I don’t mean to jump to conclusions, but is it just that you don’t get along?” Kayla asked. Pola muttered under her breath. “If she’s the one who invented the PET, she’s sorta our best chance. Kari, go get her.”

    “Aye aye captain!” Kari saluted.

    “What are you serious?” Pola cried.

    “We might as well try. Better than searching aimlessly,” Kayla reasoned. “If she does leak the Jirachi stuff, I’ll deal with it. If I run away from the school with Jirachi, they can’t catch me.”

    “You’re prepared to leave the whole school over this?” Pola gasped. Kayla answered with a cocky grin, which seemed to quiet her. “You’re outta your damn mind, chubby.”

    “Chubby this, fat that, does my belly stick out that much?” Kayla complained.

    “Tch- heh heh heh, ‘stick out’, the jokes write themselves,” Pola snickered. Kayla slumped and sighed.

    “We might wind up stalling for a while either way, you know,” Shannon stepped in and pointed away from them. Back on the first aid mat, Jirachi was fast asleep, snoring silently.

    “He really was tired. He’s still recovering anyway, so I don’t blame him. Maybe we should take today off and ask May in the morning? Gives us time to slide into routine,” Kayla suggested.

    “That’s fine by me, boss!” Kari saluted again.

    “Just call me Kayla. It feels weird being called boss,” she snickered.

    “And do what in the meantime?” Pola replied. Kayla stared at her, and gradually grinned.

    “I think it’s time we settled a thing or two,” she said.

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    1. May 12, '24 at 7:57 pm

      This first chapter of arc 2 is a very important chapter plotwise, where the prophecy is revealed. It’s also an exposition on the nitty gritty of Kayla’s power. The tone is quite serious, as the main cast’s world has been turned on its side. However, some of the characters hardly talk as if this fairytale-ish situation just happened.
      Specifically, Pola’s attitude is a bit overdone and explicit. She initially acts rashly curious about the situation, but quickly grows disinterested.

      “Maybe. Saving the world sounds like a chore,” Pola folded her arms. “What’d be in it for me?”

      She is a cynic, a “live fast die young” sorta girl, and you’re playing into it well. But the way she delivers these lines during a tense scene like this is out of place, especially after being so adamant on getting the details. When she finds out about Kayla’s power, her enthusiasm returns.
      I like how you used this bit of exposition to give more personality to Kayla. Until now, she seemed to have the vanilla MC syndrome, but her newly revealed hyper independence hints at what interactions are to come between her and her team. That’s exciting.
      Just wanted to give some quick thoughts on what I percieve to be an essential, albeit a bit uneventful, chapter.