The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Not long ago, in a town much like yours, there was a young woman who was very happy.

    She had a strong body, invaluable friends, and the talent to rule the future. She had it all.

    And yet, one day, her heart broke.

    Her heart broke violently and her wails echoed across the world.

    She became weak. No one came to her aid. She lost the meaning of the word hope.

    The woman fell into despair. A long, deep slumber, filled with wishes.

    And dreams.

    Her disappearance marks the beginning of our story.

    Right here, in a familiar world, yet nothing like your own.

    But let me ask you something. Do you dream?

    Do you remember your dreams?

    Have you ever felt that your dreams have miraculously come true, without explanation?

    Maybe it’s your superstition. Or maybe you believe it’s the work of the almighty. Or perhaps you don’t believe in dreams, and instead put your time into making your dreams come true.

    Whichever kind of person you are, I would like to know. But don’t answer me. It will be interesting to see how those feelings will make you react to this story. I doubt you can relate to these characters, but somehow, I think some will find them very familiar.

    Especially our fallen heroine.

    Now, before we begin, there are some things you need to know about this story.

    It will be graphic, with scenes of violence and death. And in those scenes, gore may not be censored out.

    There will be swearing and other grotesque dialogue. Likewise, many characters may refer to or act in adult ways, and all without restraint.

    They won’t just be talking about those grownup things, they’ll be acting on them too, so apologies in advance if they make you feel a little uncomfortable. These characters are much like you, yet all different, after all.

    If you are not comfortable with this kind of content, then please, do not proceed. This story has not been marked as adult due to the general nature of the fandom it’s based on.

    Oh, and one last thing…



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