The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Rough scales grazed Noctum’s arms, telling him he’d gotten Valkyrie. He yanked her through the rift, but not before searing pain shot across his arms. Yowling, the black charizard fell on his back, with a dazed Valkyrie flopping onto his armored belly.

    Up on the rooftop, giant dragon wings swirled around in a blue-purple vortex. A few panicking dragons on the ground fled from near the building, pointing and shouting. Debris rained down from the rooftop.

    From his cramped confines by the child’s side, Noctum saw a dome of multicolored, prismatic light erupt from Time. It blotted out the sky, rift and all.

    “What the—” Noctum slid back, blinking rapidly and wincing. Nicks and scrapes covered his arms down to his claws. “That’s gotta be a Dynaforce attack, right?” And was it making him see things?

    “The dragon one,” Cyril said before unseen hands grabbed Noctum and pulled him to his feet. “That’s your king, right?”

    Noctum’s violet flame rippled uneasily. “That’s what the queen’s saying.” He glanced to his right, where the dragapult directed some dragons to form up around her. She struggled to keep a straight face. “But it sounds like… he got hit by Malice or something.”

    “Nah. It’s Halvus.”

    Valkyrie got to her feet, groaning. “Halvwho?”

    “One of the Paradigm.” The cosmic zoroark spotted three Eternatus Gunners halfway between them and Halvus taking aim. He slung a Shadow Ball to his left, growling when they successfully scattered. Seifer and Biff raced in from Cyril’s left, downing them before they got their attacks off.

    “Halvus is some kind of munitions expert. But he’s also lazy. Rarely gets involved in things directly. Don’t know why the emperor would send him after us.”

    Noctum saw Seifer running toward the side of the League building. “What do you think you’re doing?!” the keldeo cried. “Stop! There could be innocent people inside!”

    “Aww, how cute! The rebel is trying to look like a hero!” An Eternatus Bombardier appeared from around the building’s corner. Lightning crackled in its cannons. “But we evacuated everyone! Besides, we can rebuild it! We have the technology!”

    The massive duraludon laughed and slammed his right hand against the League Headquarters. With a terrified whinny, Seifer galloped away.

    “Look out!” Noctum again went for the rift option… but the energy fizzled out as quickly as it materialized. “What?! No, it worked before!”

    Noctum flew around the center of the black and purple rift, right arm raised. Time glared back from across the rift. Noctum raised his arm, but no energy formed. “This is your fault!”

    “Don’t blame me for 
    your failures!” Time snarled back.

    “Seifer!” Cyril vaulted over the now-disoriented black charizard, lobbing a Shadow Ball with two hands like a baccer ball. It dampened enough of the boasting Bombardier’s dual Thunders for Seifer to escape them and the rubble that poured over the scorched ground seconds later.

    “Thanks!” The keldeo reached the trio, panting heavily. Noctum stared blankly at him. Why was he seeing faint outlines of metallic claws on Seifer’s hooves?!

    Cyril put his hands on his hips. “Now who’s being the reckless dummy?”

    Seifer’s face reddened. Valkyrie got between the two. “Keep it in your fur. We’ve got bigger problems here!” She jerked her head behind her.

    “All this running. So tiring, don’t you think?” Halvus’ voice was surprisingly higher-pitched than Calcifer’s, despite the giant size. “Why don’t you relax? Let me sweep your troubles away!”

    His eyes flickered purple. Blue-violet wind ripped up the grass around them. “Run!” Valkyrie jetted to her left. It was faster for Noctum to fly backwards, so he had to separate from the other three. Like before, giant blue-violet dragon wings spun around inside the vortex. Even though Noctum avoided the blow, fatigue gripped him. He folded his wings in and stumbled across the grass.


    Noctum scarcely had time to look up before electrified rocks battered him from above. The black charizard staggered back with each strike, before a lightning bolt struck him square in the gut. He fell to his back. Sparks jumped around his armor plate. The world spun around him.

    The tachyons pummeled Noctum’s right shoulder. Roaring in pain, he floated back. Threw his left arm over his pink shoulder gem. “You’ll pay for that!”

    “Try it!” Time reared up on their hind legs, temporal energy gathering once more in their maw.

    “—ver me, damn it!”

    Blurry flashes around Noctum caught his attention. Scaly arms grabbed his left shoulder and fuzzy ones yanked his right, hoisting him to his feet. Then the juiciness of an oran berry filled Noctum’s mouth. The black charizard forced himself to chew before he could choke on it.

    Blinking away the last fuzziness from his vision, Noctum saw Seifer and Biff zigzagging toward Halvus by ground and air, respectively. Aeon dragons backed them up from the far right, shooting Cosmic Blessing’s rainbow waves at the Eternatus Troopers.

    “Something’s wrong.” Noctum rubbed his head. “That daemon’s attack…”

    “It’s Halvus’ specialty,” Cyril growled, running yellow claws through his starcloud mane. “He saps your energy. Makes it harder to use whatever your last technique was in a battle. I call it Dyna Depletion.”

    Valkyrie frowned. “It’s just Spite, then?”

    “If Spite hurt like a bitch.”

    The mega garchomp’s snout wrinkled in disgust. “Lovely. What the hell do we do about it?”

    “Personally?” Cyril glanced over his shoulder. “I’d say keep your distance.”

    “Sheesh!” Halvus swatted the ground. Seifer barely managed to leap over his giant duraludon arm and sling an Aura Sphere at the middle of his head. Halvus took a step back from the blow. “All the nervous energy in the world can’t help you idiots. You’re working harder, not smarter.”

    Noctum shifted uneasily. “I can’t fight from this far.” And Calcifer was still in there. He had to be. “What am I supposed to do? I won’t give up on the king.”

    “No one’s giving up on him,” Cyril cut in. “We gotta reevaluate our approach.”

    “By doing what?” Noctum could only watch Seifer and the others hopping around like frenzied spoink for so long. He noticed Biff swooping beneath a Rock Blast flurry and uppercutting an Eternatus Gunner. It pinwheeled toward Halvus. The giant duraludon spat a burst of metal at it, destroying it instantly.

    “That’s it!” the black charizard said. “We don’t approach directly. We hit ’em with his flunkies. Like Iron Jugulis.”

    A growl escaped Valkyrie’s snout. “Great.” The garchomp hopped forward, then shot a Dragon Pulse ahead at an Eternatus Gunner. It burst apart. “Hmph. Did the emperor send the Troopers made of tissue paper or something?”

    Shrugging, Cyril strolled away from them. “You’re bright. Bet you’ll come up with something.”

    Noctum was sorely tempted to talk back to the cosmic zoroark, but he saw Halvus gearing up for another attack. The black charizard flew into the air. Rather than a Dragon Pulse, he spewed some Dragonbreath at an Eternatus Bombardier. It held up its blasters to shield itself, but that gave Noctum the opening to swoop in. He swiped it with Metal Claws.

    “Gah!” The Bombardier tumbled through the air, striking Halvus’ long, building-like torso.

    “Gnrk!” Halvus rested his left arm against the somewhat destroyed League building. “Nah, you ain’t taking my load off, rebel scum! Troopers, fall back!”

    The Gunners and Bombardiers taking aim stopped and looked at Halvus. “Are you sure?” one Gunner asked.

    Blue-violet winds swirled to Halvus’ right, around Seifer, Biff, and several of the Troopers. They hastily flew away, mechanical arms and tentacles flailing.

    Noctum kept his distance, biting his lip. So much for his bright idea. Maybe they really did learn from Iron Jugulis.

    “Anyone else got anything?” Valkyrie charged across the uneven ground. “Because I’m about to start ripping this place up with Earthquakes.”

    Seifer’s tail frazzled. He jumped toward Biff. The buzzwole grabbed him and shot skyward. True to her word, Valkyrie slammed her scythe-like arms onto the ground. Fissures raced toward the corner of the building.

    Halvus’ right foot sank into one of the gaps. His growl reverberated through the area. “All that effort for so very little!

    The giant duraludon’s eyes sparked pink. As his left leg also sank into the ground, he unleashed another Dyna Depletion. Noctum tried to throw open a rift and get to Valkyrie, but it fizzled out like before. Neither Biff nor Cyril could get there, either. The mega garchomp dove into the fissures her Earthquake made. Noctum’s purple tail flame flickered in surprise.


    Yiazmat unleashed a flurry of Dragon Darts from Noctum’s far left, over by the rift. Goodra and Noivern flanking her added Dragon Pulses. Seifer fired an Aura Sphere from the tip of his prosthetic horn. Noctum added his own Dragon Pulse.

    “Waste of effort!” Halvus flicked his right hand. Giant metal spikes erupted from the crevices Valkyrie’s Earthquakes carved. A few punctured the League building, flinging more rubble around. More disappointing, however, was when the spikes blocked the team’s combined attacks.

    Seconds later, a roar rang out. Another metal spike burst from the ground, knocking Valkyrie back. The mega garchomp rolled to a stop. Her mega evolution vanished in an orange flash, leaving the large gash along her left side all too visible to Noctum.

    The human stared Time down. Their most ferocious attack charged in their mouth.

    She gripped Noctum’s ball tightly. Could he do this? His previous clashes with Time had gone poorly for him…

    What was Noctum doing? He had to fight through these stupid mind games!

    “Valkyrie!” The black charizard dove down from the air.

    “So much energy wasted.” Halvus’ laughter rumbled through the area. “I’m telling ya, relax. Don’t you think it’s time you had yourselves a break?

    Noctum landed beside the garchomp. Jeez that wound was bleeding. She needed orans right away. Or a healer. “Heeey! Help!”

    Bag, bag, where was her— there!

    He lunged for it, flopping over her in the process.


    Valkyrie’s arms dug into Noctum’s sides. “Sorry, sorry! I just gotta grab the— got ’em!”

    Noctum had an oran in each hand. All he had to do was feed them to her.

    “Get out of there!” Cyril cried. “You’re sitting ducklett!”

    He looked up and saw Halvus conjuring more blue-violet wind. Another Dyna Depletion. Noctum had to lift Valkyrie up and get her away. But even without the mega evolution, she was heavy. Biff was still carrying Seifer, so the buzzwole was out. The best he could do was throw himself over the garchomp and hope to guard her that way.

    Except instead of the attack, there were a couple of loud caws, followed by metallic thuds. Warm light washed over Noctum. Valkyrie shoved him off her. Much of her large gash was healed. But how?

    “Do forgive the discourtesy of my fashionably late arrival.”

    Valkyrie shoved Noctum further off, giving him a clear view of Vegna. Gold mist seeped through cracks running between the dusknoir’s fingers. Vegna didn’t acknowledge him any further, pivoting and waving his right hand.

    “Slice! Burn!”

    “Hey, Tin Can, how’s about I introduce you to Can and Opener? Ha ha haaaaah!”

    Noctum lumbered to his feet. Near the building, Griffon darted around Halvus, swiping at the giant duraldon’s trapped legs with his talons. Flames struck Halvus from behind every time he tried to strike Griffon, disrupting his rhythm. Talonflame’s Flare Blitzing form crashed into Halvus’ right arm, then darted away from a retaliatory swipe.

    “Thanks for the save,” Noctum said. It didn’t look like Vegna’s birds were doing much other than annoying Halvus, but it was giving everyone else room to pepper him with equally tiny attacks.

    “Give me my husband back!” Yiazmat roared from over by the rift. Instead of Dragon Darts, rainbow bursts of Cosmic Blessings emerged from her horns.

    “Don’t you have a giant dragon of your own to summon?” Valkyrie growled. She was still a bit dazed and slow to get up.

    “I can’t summon Zekrom and heal you with Morning Sun.” Vegna’s right hand trembled until the gold fissures sealed themselves. “Pray forgive the inconvenience of my frail, crumbling body.”

    Noctum frowned. “Why does a dusknoir even have Morning Sun?”

    Vegna turned away from them. “A story for another day. Do you want to strike down this daemon or not?” He drifted higher into the air, making small hand gestures that translated to Griffon and Talonflame circling up around one another.

    “Right.” The black charizard winced. “All these strikes and he’s still standing.”

    “It’s almost as if he’s giant and tanky.” Valkyrie looked down at herself. “And my mega’s gone.” She snorted out blue-purple embers. “I can still Earthquake, though.” The garchomp held her arms at her side. “Everyone get clear!”

    A quick flap of his wings was all Noctum needed. Valkyrie ran forward, feinting right, then darting left in case Halvus tried to intercept her. Yiazmat directed her dragon troops even closer to the rift, aiming Cosmic Blessings at Halvus’ face to keep him distracted.

    “C’mon, dear! You can’t let him control you like this!” she pleaded.

    “Shouting. Attacking. Wasteful, wasteful, wasteful! Halvus braced his left arm against the half-destroyed building. “I’ll make all of you relax!”

    Blue-violet winds stirred. This blue-violet vortex covered half the field between the rift and the building! And Valkyrie was charging right into it! The garchomp saw it, but the ground was too torn apart for her to dive underneath like before.

    She hurled his ball forward. Noctum had one shot— one chance to protect them from Time’s wrath!

    Noctum concentrated on the Malice Crystal in his gut. Sure, his energy was depleted. But it wasn’t that far. Just one rift. One rift. He could do it. He had to do it!

    He hit the stone ground of the temple and braced himself. Spacial Rend… he needed as strong a Spacial Rend as he could muster! Human temple for the Creator be damned!

    His belly burned. A sudden power surge swelled through him. With a mighty roar, Noctum clawed at the air. He pried a rift open behind Valkyrie, then yanked her back. But the attack would carry through the rift if he left it open. So, the black charizard dove through it.

    The Roar of Time raced right toward him. Noctum raised his arms, then thrust them forward.

    “Noctum, no! Don’t be an idiot!” Valkyrie cried.

    He shut the rift just as the giant dragon wings erupted from what was left of the ground. Arms crossed, Noctum threw up a Protect shield. He doubted it could deflect a whole Dynaforce attack, but at least only his Protect power would get depleted.

    His claws slashed through the blue beam. Shimmering rifts collided with tachyons.

    “What the—”

    Where was the pain? There should’ve been dragon energy slicing through Noctum. But all he could feel was that burning from his belly getting hotter and hotter and hotter.

    The humans scattered with startled cries. An explosion engulfed Noctum and Time. Broken pieces of the temple’s roof and stone pillars careened down the sides of the sky-piercing mountain.

    Noctum thrashed his head back and forth. The burning was getting worse with every second! Like an invisible force stabbing him in the stomach over and over again. Noctum wanted to double over but forced himself to hang tough.

    Anything to protect her. Anything to save Calcifer.

    “I… must… proteeeeeeeeect!

    Noctum floated in a black void. Where were his arms and legs? Why couldn’t he feel anything?

    … Ah, wait, there! A small mote of light!

    He got closer. It was… a tail flame? From a charmander?

    There were shouts outside of the Dyna Depletion. Was someone saying something about absorption?

    The charmander was thin. Frail. Its tail flame tiny, yet vibrant against the backdrop of the black void. It looked up at Noctum and smiled.

    He recognized that smile… because it was 
    his smile.

    Charmander turned and walked away. Noctum followed, trying to call out to it.

    Noctum snapped out of the vision to find his Protect’s blue glow absent. Noctum was standing there, arms crossed, watching the Dyna Depletion funnel into his belly. Cracks spread along his armor until it shattered, metal pieces dropping by his feet.

    “Wh… at…”

    He was back in the void. Charmander was walking faster. There was pink light in the distance. Getting closer and closer.

    Charmander walked up to the light. It was… an orb. Different shades of pink swirled around inside it. The orb pushed and pulled the pink light around it like waves lapping against a shoreline.

    Every push and pull had a noise. Lub-dup. Lub-dup.

    Noctum sank into the torn ground. His knees were down in the dirt. The burning in his stomach was at a fever pitch.

    The Dyna Depletion faded away. Halvus yelled something Noctum couldn’t make out.

    Charmander turned to Noctum and smiled. “I found it.”

    Noctum somehow found his voice. “Found what?”

    “Our lustrous heart.”

    Charmander gave Noctum one last serene smile before dissolving into the orb… which 
    slammed into Noctum’s belly.

    The burning in the pit of his stomach erupted! Noctum arched backwards with a frenzied roar. His Malice Crystal melted into his gut. Blue scales painted over his tan ones as the charizard shot forward. Violet flames crackled in the corners of his vision. Had he mega evolved?

    Noctum sliced apart Draco Meteors from the heavens, giving the human time to hurl balms at Time’s Creator-esque torso.

    It didn’t matter! It was time to put an end to this!

    Noctum raced toward Halvus’ foot. Purple, starry Dragon Claws were at the ready. Noctum drove them into Halvus’ leg.

    “Waaaaaarrrgggh! Cut it out! Chill!” Halvus raised his arms up to squash Noctum like a bug.

    But Noctum concentrated on that strange power swirling through him. Halvus froze in place. Pink, shimmering lines crisscrossed the giant duraludon’s body. Horror set in on Halvus’ face as Noctum yanked his claws out and the lines shattered the very air— no space surrounding Halvus.

    A pained roar escaped Halvus before distorted energy poured out of his mouth and the wound in his leg.

    “Y… ou! Re… b…” He was shrinking down, taking more chunks of the wrecked building with him. His voice was deepening, too! Had Noctum done it?

    “I wi… ll remember…”

    What looked like a small card drifted out of Calcifer’s back and dissolved into the air. Calcifer staggered toward Noctum. He shakily held his right arm out. “Thank you.”

    He fell forward, head resting by Noctum’s feet. “Vegna! Get over here!” Noctum said, waving both hands since he had no idea where the dusknoir went off to.

    “Yeah, yeah, keep your horns on!” Griffon cawed. The corviknight landed beside him. “V’s got it covered in spades. But ain’t you gonna turn off your mega before you go cuckoo for Choccy Puffs?”

    “Huh?” Noctum blinked, then glanced at his jagged-looking wing. “Uh, right. Lemme just…”

    He took a calming breath. Then another. But he didn’t feel any different. Noctum checked his wing again. Still jagged.


    “And your flame. It’s all galactic!” Griffon leaned over. He glanced at Noctum’s belly. “Maybe your belly ate your crystal and now you’re stuck as a mega?” The corviknight hopped back. “You ain’t feeling all murdery, right?”

    (Art by Honey_llemon)

    “Of course not!” Noctum’s now-starry tail flame flickered rapidly. “I don’t— That is—”

    Realization set in. Those visions weren’t from Halvus’ attacks at all. They were from deep inside. Because Noctum was… he was…

    “Aw, shit.” Griffon rolled his eyes. “He’s totally about to pass out, ain’t he?”

    The last thing the cosmic charizard heard before his head struck the ground was the corviknight cawing, “See! Told ya!”


    Green and light blue this time. Complimentary enough colors, but boy were they obnoxiously bright. Not that Wyndon Stadium’s lights were dark by comparison, but the switch from nighttime to an unbearably bright anomaly core threw Yuna off.

    As did the small white snowflakes falling all around her.

    … No, that wasn’t right. The dragapult reached her right hand out and caught one.

    “A feather?” Yuna examined it in her hand. It was as soft as any altaria’s wings. “Okay. Leo, where’d you go?”

    “Over here, Mom!”

    Yuna pivoted right. The cosmic arceus stood atop a bundle of feathers vaguely resembling a flying heracross. It wasn’t alone, either. Other bugs made of feathers drifted around it. A couple of pinsir here. Some ribombee and cutiefly there.

    “God, this is weird.”

    She kept looking right, until she found a familiar braviary silhouette walking along a spiraling centiskorch.

    … Also made of feathers. Because of course.

    “Hmm.” Alder stroked his chin. “These cores are spawning out of Ginnungagap. And Ginnungagap is the mystery dungeon between worlds. Perhaps it’s best to think of the anomalies as mystery dungeons after all.” He hopped into the air, gliding after Leo. “Since distortion spreads out of each core, affecting the dimension around it. Expanding the dungeon, in a manner of speaking.”

    Yuna blinked slowly. “Uhh… okay?” It wasn’t like that changed anything about the current situation, though.

    “Congratulations on your evolution, by the way!” Alder’s psychic feathers shimmered. Yuna wondered if that was the projection showing his happiness.

    “Oh, right. Thanks, I guess.” Yuna glanced at her feet — God, that was going to take some getting used to — then flew off to follow Leo. “It just sorta happened.”

    After a second, she looked back at her feet. Namely, the gold-amber claws on them. It was enough to snap her out of the autopilot she’d been in since shooting out of the river.

    This wasn’t right. Dragapult didn’t have claws like this. And why were there similarly-colored rings around her tail?!

    The amber crystal in her chest sparked with light. Yuna stared aghast at it, like it was going to suck the life out of her.

    Everything came rushing back. The ruined temple. Chaos, that titanic daemon. Apparently a giratina? Or maybe multiple giratina all mashed together?

    Then there were the visions— no, memories. A whole other life she lived. She sounded confident and determined back then! What had happened to her? And that icepix…

    Were we… together?

    Yuna shook her head. Change the subject, now.

    “So, does your magic dimensional lore book have any explanation for why there are gonna be two plates here instead of one?”

    Alder’s pink feathers stuck up straight. “Two in one core?” He looked around. “Hmm. That would explain the look of things, I suppose.”

    “Bugs and birds! Bugs and birds!” Leo chirped, happily hopping across feathered dustox and beautifly. Two pillars of light shimmered in the distance. Undoubtedly the two plates.

    … Wait, what was that golden glimmer between the two of them?

    Alder sighed. “Truthfully, I’m not sure what that indicates. Perhaps the anomalies are being drawn toward one another? If there’s a plate in each one and the plates belong to POV-2020, then it’s pos— hey, wait for me!”

    Yuna flew over a blue and green abyss. She was much faster than before, easily passing Leo while he jumped between feathered platforms. The dragapult reached a giant frosmoth made of feathers without issue. Though closer inspection showed it was a giant frosmoth made of tiny, feathery snom.

    Maybe Yuna should have counted her blessings two Whispers and Zodiark’s projection were the worst things to have leaked out of this anomaly core. Could you just imagine if this thing turned people into feathers? A shiver ran up her ectoplasm.

    The two plates floated in front of her. Blue feathers surrounded one. Ethereal cutiefly flew around the other. Yuna cautiously flew to the other side. Gold light spilled over her body. Her inner shadows tried to force her away from the plates.

    I should’ve asked about that.

    Yuna could berate herself later. First, the text on the plates. Then the weird gold light behind her. Yuna went for the light blue plate first.

    The being poured the remains of its power into stone and buried it deep.

    Well, that gave her little to go off. Was that saying these plates were supposed to be buried underground? Shaking her head, Yuna turned to the other plate.

    Where all creation was born, that is the being’s place of origin.

    That one sent a fresh chill down to Yuna’s tail. Because given what Chaos had told her… wouldn’t the “place of origin” be that tower from her past memories? Where she had clashed with Zodiark in the past? Was that somehow Leo’s true home?

    Come to think of it, Chaos did sound a lot less… certain when they talked about attacking the Red Chain and losing their powers to Bahamut. Were they still hiding something from Yuna?


    Leo’s golden wheel sparkled as he landed next to Yuna. “So, Mom, what do I do? Eat one first? Eat ’em both?”

    Yuna had no idea how to answer. With a shrug, she gave a, “Follow your heart.”

    “Okay!” The cosmic arceus stood up straight. His wheel flickered. Then both plates were hastily pulled toward him like pieces of meat grabbed by the burly arms of a famished kommo-o. Sky blue and lime green lines rippled across Leo’s starcloud fur.

    His wheel flashed. Feathers coated his right foreleg, while chitin crawled up his left.

    For a moment, one of Xeromus’ chain-covered forelegs superimposed itself over Leo’s. Yuna abruptly shook her head and turned away from him.

    “Those are taken care of, so let’s see what—”

    She cut herself off the moment she saw a familiar gold cylinder impaling the feathery frosmoth. A green and white crystal eye stared back at her.

    “No.” Yuna held her arms up and waved them in front of her face. “I’m hallucinating. That’s not real. It’s not a Needle in this anomaly core.”

    “Dungeon core!” called Alder. “And I’d say that’s a Needle!”

    Leo blipped in between Yuna and the Needle. Even though she floated in the air, Leo was almost at eye level with her. Which spooked her enough to send her new legs shooting up into her torso.

    … Clearly, some habits died hard even after evolving.

    “Is this the part where you pull an Aunt Nikki and flip the Needle off?” The cosmic arceus lifted a forehoof. “I can totally join you if you do.” His golden hoof shimmered and chitinous claws replaced it, courtesy of his new plate.

    Yuna fought not to have her torso suck up her much longer tail, too. Why was Leo’s voice deeper? And why the enthusiasm for acting like Nikki?

    Book pages fwipped from behind Yuna. “Interesting. It appears… reclaiming his plates lets Leo age?” Alder mused. “I’ll have to go over the archives carefully to see if there are any records of that.”

    “Pssht. Sure.” Leo strutted past Yuna. “You do that. I’m gonna fix this thing.” He tapped Yuna on the shoulder. “That means you’ve gotta yank it out, Mom. Since I’ve gotta send everyone back home.”

    The dragapult’s mind was still racing. Leo’s aging and the Needle’s presence wrestling for her undivided attention. And the revelations brought by Chaos lurked in the back, waiting to strike. She definitely couldn’t hide her link with them anymore. Reshiram would never shut up if she even tried.

    … And it affects them, too.

    “C’mon, Mom! Standing here’s getting boring.”

    But you loved the feathery bug platforms just minutes ago.

    She couldn’t help but wonder if Yiazmat felt this way when Yuna stopped playing with all her favorite childhood toys and instead wanted to be left on her own.

    Sighing, Yuna approached the Needle. Behind it, the familiar circles and triangles Leo had made with the previous cores traced themselves through the air.

    Yuna forced the grappling thoughts back, focusing on what memory this Needle would give her. And which Sage she was about to meet.


    Chiron truly did not understand the point of “adventuring.”

    Perhaps she would have gotten more out of this experience if she had legs. Or didn’t float everywhere she went.

    But, no, she was a lunala. Hovering beside a steep mountain trail. Watching with a bored expression as Shaymin leapt from jagged spire to rocky crag, gliding around with his tiny antler-ear-wing things.

    “Remind me why we’re here.”

    Shaymin glanced down at her, smirking. She hastily continued, “And don’t you dare say ‘adventuring.'” Chiron pointed an accusatory right wing-claw.

    “Harsh.” Shaymin wrinkled his snout. “You should be grateful I brought you along. Isn’t this view bodacious?”

    Chiron’s right eye twitched. She had seen 
    plenty of mountaintops in her time. This one was no different. “Yup. Tons of dirt and rocks and no trees because we’re past the tree line already.” The lunala folded her wings. “And only clouds below us because it’s overcast.”

    Chuckling, Shaymin leapt up a few more spires. “Look, Moonbat Dudette, it’s boring if I go right wherever Baha Blast tells me to. Terrible job. Nothing about the day to be 
    grateful for. Y’feel me?”

    Chiron did not feel him. She silently hovered up the side of the mountain, keeping her wings wrapped over her torso. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

    Shaymin rolled his eyes. “A’ight. Chillax. I’m fetching a little star piece that fell from the sky.”

    “A star piece?” Chiron quirked a brow.

    “Baha Blast thinks it’s too small to be a meteorite.” Shaymin hopped up two more rocky outcroppings. And there 
    was something glistening several meters above him. “So, I’m here to snag it. A classic Shaymin mountain climbing adventure!”

    He resumed leaping and gliding over rocky spires until he reached the twinkling part of the mountaintop.

    Shaking her head, Chiron followed. The lunala still wasn’t sure what Shaymin meant. “So, you think dawdling on an assignment is a 
    good thing? What if there was something actually dangerous?”

    “Then Baha Blast would send another Sage.” Shaymin lazily waved a foreleg. “I’m not the action dude. I’m the 
    adventure dude.”

    Chiron wondered if it was truly worth pressing Shaymin on that point. “I think… we’re going to have to agree to disagree,” she lazily gestured to him with her right wing, “on whatever you call this.”

    Shaymin poked around where the light was. His forepaws glowed green. He dug into the rock with them. “Heh. Gratitude is all about taking in what life has to offer. Everyone wants to, nrrgh, worry about the future and stuff.” The light grew brighter. Shaymin scooped something with a forepaw. “But how can you look to the future if you don’t appreciate what the present has to offer?”

    He turned around, clutching some sort of shiny fragment in his mouth. “Gawt duh staw peas!”

    The lunala mulled over Shaymin’s words. Echoes of conversations with a lucario. togekiss, or roserade played back in her head. Always emphasizing working hard 
    now for a better tomorrow.

    Maybe he has a point?

    Shaymin managed to glide down to a patch of rocks near her. He’d placed the glistening shard in his small bag. “Ready to head back?”

    Chiron nodded slowly. “I’m assuming you want to take the scenic route.”

    “Heh. Fast learner.”

    Winking, Shaymin leaped from his perch, gliding along the mountain trail. Chuckling, Chiron hovered after him.

    Maybe it wasn’t a 
    total waste of a day after all.


    Roaring, Necrozma staggered back through the gemstone cavern. Shadows swirled around his humanoid form. He threw his crystalline hands over his head. Necrozma froze the moment his crystal tendrils brushed against the cavern wall.

    He knew this feeling well by now. It hadn’t bothered him the first time. Or even the second. Now, though, he knew something was wrong.

    Someone was taking his power from him. Necrozma doubted it was the rebellious spirit. No way it could keep its feeble form together anymore.

    Which just left the one he’d sensed traces of amidst the planetary rubble. The one Mewtwo stopped him from getting to.

    Necrozma’s tendrils scraped against the gemstones in the rock wall.

    “Chiron,” he hissed. “That power is mine. And I will reclaim it.”

    It didn’t matter what Necrozma had to do. This was the only way forward. Might made right.

    He slowly started forward. Just a bit more rest… and he’d be able to open his next portal. Then Necrozma could give Earth another visit.


    ~Il Paradigma, No. XVI: Halvus, the Tower~
    A mighty fragment that forged fearsome strongholds and weapons to keep the peace within the Benefactor. His work was always effective. A great spike in his presence and power followed Matriarch’s disappearance. But as that upheaval subsided, so too did his presence within the Benefactor. Paradox’s work reduced the need for his powers over time. His behavior changed, favoring whatever yielded the best result with the least effort.


    Path of Valor Almanac
    In demonology, Halphas (sometimes listed as “Malthus”) is an earl of the underworld within the Ars Goetia and Lesser Key of Solomon. He is typically depicted as a stock dove with a hoarse voice. Amongst his powers, Halphas can create weapons and ammunition to stock towers with.

    The Tower is the sixteenth of the major arcana. In the upright position, it symbolizes distress, indignance, calamity, deception, and ruin. In the reversed position, it symbolizes abstinence, carelessness, apathy, and distraction.


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