The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Everyone, please! Stay in line! We’re getting you onto the ships as fast as we can!”

    Despite a human policewoman talking into a megaphone from atop a hovering metang, Seifer saw people pushing and shoving. Some humans had smaller humans in their arms. Others carried pokémon. A few rode larger pokémon like mudsdale that were unnerved by all the activity.

    “What exactly is the problem that we can help with?” Seifer asked, clinging to Jade’s back as best he could. He wasn’t even sure if the salugia could use any psychic powers like Gene. Not that he knew what good ESP would do in this situation.

    “Getting people on the boats,” Molayne responded. He pointed far ahead, where more police officers directed scared humans of different shapes and sizes down two wooden docks toward a couple of gray boats. “We have boats in the harbor on standby, but we only have two docks. It’s not quick enough.”

    Seifer looked over his shoulder. A couple of pelipper flew in the opposite direction from him and Jade. “Couldn’t you… fly people out to the other boats?”

    “With what pokémon?” Molayne sighed and rubbed his temples. “The pelipper mail carriers are the best we’ve got and they can fit, at best, two adults in their beaks.”

    “With me!” Jade chirped, holding her head high. “I can fit a bunch of people on my back. I bet I can lift more with some psychic energy, too.”

    Seifer blinked. “You actually have those powers?” he whispered. “I thought you lost them and became poison.”

    In response, an unseen force lifted the whinnying keldeo off Jade’s back, only to plop him back on a second later. “Okay, okay. You still have them,” he said.

    “Yeah, sure. Great idea.” Molayne hardly sounded enthused. “Let’s make your big entrance, then. Maybe it’ll calm people down.” He tapped Magnezone lightly with his foot and drifted down closer to the ground. Jade glanced back at Seifer, who shrugged, assuming Molayne wanted them to follow. The salugia descended. It didn’t take long for them both to hear the gasps and see the humans pointing at them, shock and awe sprawled across their faces.

    “Please remain calm! Keldeo of the Swords of Justice is here and brought a friend to help you all onto the boats!” Even Molayne’s megaphone shouting sounded tired. “His friend will fly waves of you to one of the other boats in the harbor, all right? No pushing or shoving! We’re working as fast as we can!”

    Molayne gestured toward an open area between the two docks where Jade could safely land. Seifer hopped onto the stone ground. There were a lot of human eyes on him, some pleading, others filled with intrigue. He’d experienced this before when he showed up with the Radiant Guard, but this time felt… different.

    He knew Molayne understood them earlier, but Seifer feared a talking pokémon would spook the crowd even more. So, he simply raised up on his hindlegs and funneled some energy into his prosthetic horn. It lit up and he pointed it to Jade, who seemed to pick up on the gesture, because she lowered herself to her belly and folded up her wings to let people climb aboard.

    Seifer pointed his horn at the closest people and they ambled their way toward the salugia. No pushing or shoving. Most were dumbstruck by Jade’s presence, though for all Seifer knew the salazzle traits could have been the reason.

    “Good, good. Now, you lot over there, you’re heading on the next ship,” Molayne said through the speakerphone. Magnezone lifted its two magnet hands and formed a glistening light screen in an attempt at making a proper divide.

    Boat horns blared behind Seifer. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the ship to his right backing away from the dock. Another ship moved in, but left enough room for the departing ship to keep backing up. The keldeo briefly recalled Widget’s concerns. Would this boat even be able to get anywhere?

    A glance up at the sky told him it didn’t matter. The lava only hung over parts of the city. As long as everyone got onto the water, they would be okay.

    “Everyone hanging on to something?” Jade said, looking back at the humans and pokémon who had climbed aboard.

    “You can talk?!” exclaimed one dark-skinned human with shoulder-length black hair. The togetic in his arms gazed at Jade in awe.

    “Of course I can. I’m a lugia!” Jade grinned at them. “Now, let’s just get some of your, uh, citymates along for the lift.” She glanced at Molayne, who scratched his head, then pointed in front of the salugia.

    Magnezone hovered in front of them. “Lugia’s going to levitate this group over to one of the ships,” he announced. “I want you all to relax so she can concentrate.”

    Nodding, Jade’s eyes lit up blue. A blue outline surrounded about a dozen people, lifting them up. Jade flapped her wings to join them in the air, and it wasn’t long before she was off toward the ocean. At the same time, the new ship had docked and lowered entry ramps. Two policemen tapped their arcanine companions, who both howled loudly.

    Molayne jolted. “Okay, Group A, please board the boat. Single file. No pushing,” he ordered, with Magnezone shifting the Light Screen to keep the cordoned off part of the crowd in order.

    Seifer couldn’t make any barriers of his own, but he could at least try to help with dividing the crowd between the other dock and Jade. The keldeo lit up his horn and approached a point to his left.

    Fortunately, Molayne caught the gesture. He said something into his radio and, within seconds, two policewomen on metang had hovered over. The metang put up light screens of their own.

    The keldeo nodded his approval and stepped back, while Molayne hovered toward him atop Magnezone. “Quick thinking,” he said, hardly sounding appreciative.

    Seifer bit his lip. Crisis situation or not, Molayne’s attitude irked him in a way he was struggling to put into words. But that half hearted attempt at a compliment finally got Seifer’s thoughts together.

    “Are you okay?” Seifer said, raising a brow. “I understand this is a delicate situation and all, but people are looking to you to reassure them and ease their fears. Even if you’re tired, you have to try and keep up a positive appearance, or else their faith in you will waver.”

    Molayne pressed the bridge of his goggles, sighing. “Seriously? Is my sense of justice not pure enough for the great Keldeo? Look, I’m just trying to get through this thing in one piece, okay?” He glanced up at the static volcano in the distance. “None of this makes any sense. Lanakila Volcano has been dormant as far back as recorded history. Why is it erupting now? Groudon couldn’t—”

    Seifer tilted his head. “Groudon?” He didn’t recognize that name.

    “One of the super-ancient pokémon?” Molayne’s words dripped with disbelief. “Waged an endless war with its water-loving equal, Kyogre, until the mighty Lord Rayquaza quelled them both, spreading out Kyogre into the world’s oceans and putting Groudon’s body to rest as Lanakila Volcano while both their souls slumbered within the core of the planet?”

    The only one that stuck out was Rayquaza, having a title showing reverence for him like what the Aeons did.

    “C’mon, man, don’t they teach you about this in legend school?” Molayne scratched his head. “Whatever. Lugia’s back. Let’s get the next set of passengers ready.”

    The second loading process went much faster. And the boat on the second dock backed away for a new one to take its place. Thanks to the metang and their light screens, loading more people from the newly-dubbed Group C onto the next boat didn’t prove much of an issue, especially with Seifer keeping an eye on them to make sure they stayed calm.

    That left them another moment of respite. “Why join the police then?” Seifer asked, scanning the crowd to make sure people stayed under control. It had thinned out a bit thanks to their efforts and the lava remained frozen in midair, to the keldeo’s relief.

    “Why does it matter to you?” Molayne fired back. “Your justice sense gonna keep you up at night if you don’t get an answer?”

    Seifer frowned at the Nikki-like response. Hardly the kind of attitude an officer should display. Though Seifer wanted to stand his ground, he realized that wouldn’t make any headway. “Because it sounds like our situations are reversed.”

    “What’s that supposed to— never mind, back to work.” Molayne pointed toward a returning Jade, as well as the ship loading Group A backing away from the dock.

    “How we looking back there, Rola?” Molayne asked into his radio.

    “Getting smaller by the minute,” a female voice chirped. “We got extra fliers from Akala and Poni and the whole Poké Ride Fleet came out in force!”

    Seifer glanced up while Jade loaded her next pack of people. Sure enough, the sky was full of assorted flying types. Some tropius here, some talonflame there, and lots of charizard. Even some birds with giant, striped beaks that Seifer never saw before. Pokémon that didn’t exist on Etherium, perhaps?

    After helping Jade, Seifer turned back to Molayne. “I know this will sound crazy, but we’re from another dimension.”

    He paused, awaiting Molayne’s disbelief, but he merely yawned into his elbow. “And?”

    “You’re not surprised?”

    “Clearly they didn’t teach you about Ultra Wormholes in legends school, either,” Molayne mused. “What’s your point?”

    “I was the head of my country’s military in my own dimension,” Seifer explained. “Until the queen had me take the fall for something that wasn’t even my fault.” The keldeo lowered his head. “And I loved that job. Or at least I thought I did. So, seeing someone who has what I lost…” Seifer tensed up. “I feel like my sense of right and wrong is all messed up. So, I thought that seeing you in action and talking to you might remind me of what it means to fight to protect people.”

    “Well, you wouldn’t be the first person I’ve disappointed,” Molayne said, slouching against Magnezone’s railing. After an awkward silence, he continued, “My parents wanted me to be a police officer because most of my family is on the force. But I wanted to be an astronomer.”

    “Yet it sounds like you followed their orders,” Seifer said. Much like he did with his own family’s history of the Radiant Guard. He never considered other occupations because he was sure that was where he’d end up.

    “No.” Molayne gripped Magnezone’s railing tightly. “The problem is I couldn’t get accepted to any university with an astronomy program. I kept screwing up the college admissions test, because I’d fall asleep studying. I never wanted to join the force, but I needed money to get my own place, so my folks made some calls and here I am.”

    “But you’re a lieutenant now,” Seifer pointed out. If he was that disinterested, he’d never get promoted, right? “And besides, couldn’t you find another job?”

    Molayne sighed. “That takes effort. It’s easier to stay where I am. It’s family connections that have gotten me promoted in rank. Besides… sometimes there are moments where the job’s worth it. When people thank me for helping them or pokémon are happy I helped them with a problem. Almost makes me feel like I made the right decision.”

    He looked up. Jade was on her way back. “Almost,” he whispered.

    Seifer looked at Molayne, then Jade, then up at the sky. “Well, I’m just a stranger to you, but for what it’s worth, if you can make it through this crisis, I think you can make it through anything.” The keldeo tapped a forehoof on the ground. “Including this university entrance exam.”

    Jade landed behind the two. “How many more trips am I making?” She lifted her right wing. “I’m doing okay. But I might need to do a few stretches.”

    Molayne quickly glanced at Seifer. “Tell you what. If we get through this… I’ll think about it.”

    Seifer nodded his approval and Molayne hovered back up on Magnezone to direct more of Group B to board Jade. He focused his attention on the people from Group C heading toward the nearest ship. Seifer was about to direct them to stop when an emerald gleam caught the corner of his eye.

    He turned left and saw an emerald streak charging right through the lava like a knife cutting butter. “What the— who’s doing that?”


    There was no smell of sulfur. No orange embers drifting through the air. Ash didn’t choke the sky and cloud the bright red and orange hanging over Yuna’s head. Yet thunderous booms sounded from atop the mountain, suggesting something was going on.

    To say nothing of the rumbling ground. Rocks ranging from the drakloak’s size to larger than a mamoswine tumbled down, only to run into a pink wall a meter in front of Gene. The mewtwo held both hands up, concentrating intently as he plucked out panicked turtonator one by one and suspended them higher in the air.

    He’d already sent the officer watching over the area away and ordered Widget to go find somewhere he could safely deliver everyone without an issue.

    “I still can’t believe he could transform like that!” Leo chirped, flying in excited circles in front of Yuna. “He was all blue and shiny.” The fake dreepy clapped his hands together. “He kinda looked like that Miraidon guy from Mr. Gene’s scrapbook, don’t you think?”

    “Yeah,” Nikki said, scratching her head. “Which is a can of wurmple I don’t want to open right now when there’s freaking lava suspended over us!” The toxtricity tapped her right foot on the grass. “Now that we’re here, can we let Space Noodle out to take a closer look?”

    Yuna silently agreed. Particularly because the atmosphere around the volcano struck her as… off. Maybe it was the time anomaly. Or the fact that, according to the police lady Gene shooed away, the volcano was supposedly the dormant body of some super duper old pokémon god. She glanced at her Soul Dew. Are you okay with lending us a hand?

    “I can at least take this requested look,” 
    Rayquaza declared. Nodding, Yuna focused on that glimmering spark of light within the jewel and mentally tugged on it. Rayquaza emerged at full size, corkscrewing his way into the air to a chorus of surprised turtantor noises.

    “Found a place for the turtanator!” Widget shouted, zooming through the air. His Miraidon-esque form replaced his hind legs with jet boosters similar to Gene’s ship, letting him effortlessly close the distance with the others. “There’s an empty beach to the south. We can drop everything off there!”

    (Art by Stoat)

    “We?” Gene grunted, arms shaking slightly. “I don’t… see you… carrying anything.”

    “Then cut the quips and follow me!” the type: full said, reversing the direction of his jet boosters to fly away from Gene. With a strained grunt, the mewtwo took to the air, dragging all the rocks and turtonator with him.

    “They make a great couple,” Nikki quipped, earning a stink eye from Yuna. The toxtricity raised her hands. “It’s the nerves, Princess. Trying to do whatever I can to not think about the lava.”

    “Right.” The drakloak wrung her hands together. She didn’t blame Nikki, because she was doing the same thing. Albeit for different reasons. Why didn’t this volcano sit right with her? No matter how much Yuna tried not to think about it, she kept looking up.

    “Mom, are you okay?”

    Leo waved a fake dreepy hand in front of her.

    “I’m… thinking,” Yuna responded, gently pushing Leo’s hand away with her rectangular head. “I can’t shake the feeling we’re missing something here.”

    “Because the lava has a weird aura?” Leo said, tilting his head.

    “Huh?” Yuna blinked. “How do you know that?”

    “Dunno.” Leo tilted his head up. “I just don’t get a real lava-y sense from the stuff up there.”

    “The hell’s that supposed to mean?” Nikki’s mohawk crackled. “You saying it’s not lava? If it ain’t lava, then what the hell is it?!”


    A black streak charged toward them, then abruptly stopped. Rayquaza coiled his serpentine body around nervously. “Tis not flames hanging above our heads, but fists! Giant fists of red and orange!”

    “What.” Nikki stared blankly at Rayquaza. “Say psyche right now.”

    “Nay. Tis not psionics, but fighting energy.” Rayquaza punched the air with his tiny black hands. “Something is making literal fisticuffs.”

    The mountainside rumbled yet again. Nikki struggled to stay on her feet. Everyone looked up to see a sudden burst of red-orange light. What looked like another fireball sat frozen high in the sky.

    “Okay, fine, whatever.” Nikki waved her hands in front of her face. “Let’s say Space Noodle’s telling the truth. Then he can do something about it. Flying trumps fighting.”

    Leo and Yuna looked hopefully at Rayquaza. “I… still fear my base form is not enough to help,” he said, looking down guiltily.

    “Seriously?!” Nikki smacked her forehead. “What, do you have performance anxiety? Can’t get it going? I hear they make pills for that.”

    Rayquaza had a response ready, but Yuna didn’t hear it. All the drakloak heard was ringing in her head as she slowly looked up from her bickering teammates toward the fighting energy blanketing the sky.

    If it wasn’t lava, then was it actually frozen in time? Or was someone or something putting it there deliberately? If only she could get Rayquaza to power up. Then he could charge right at the strange energy!

    Trance. Mega evolution. Powering up.

    Powering… up…

    Rock spires surrounded Chiron. A tomb that would collapse on her any second. She had caught a brief glimpse of Matriarch’s form — a one-eyed lucario — before having to contort her slender form to avoid the Stone Edge spears shredding her delicate wing membranes apart. The lunala recognized the boisterous laughter on the other side. He had such a penchant for showing off.

    And her psionics were currently failing her. Likely Matriarch’s doing. So, Chiron had no ESP. No wormholes to throw the Stone Edges back at their creator.

    But that was fine. This was what that training was about. She never bonded with her Soul Dew, but she had watched the Sages carefully. And by digging into her Eterna energy, maybe she could…

    She could…

    Yuna hadn’t realized the inky blackness had pooled into her hands until she thrust them in the still-arguing Rayquaza’s direction and shouted, “Vgeg zong!”

    Rayquaza suddenly stiffened. Shadows briefly draped across his serpentine body, hidden well by his black scales. Then orange light engulfed Rayquaza. “Ye gads!” he cried, voice deepening. He shot out of the orange light, holden tassels fluttering and an emerald sheen lighting up the ground below him.

    “Whoooa!” Leo’s eyes sparkled. “Is that Uncle Ray’s mega evolution? It’s so long! He’s a super noodle, now!” He shook his head. “No, wait, mega noodle!”

    Nikki shot Yuna a suspicious look. “What did you do to him, Princess?”

    “I, uh— I don’t know?” the drakloak squeaked. She quickly tried to save face. “Do you think you’re up to dealing with the magic fists now?

    “But of course!” Rayquaza’s tail lashed with eagerness. “I hath not felt this alive in years!” He coiled around and gestured for Yuna to climb aboard. “Or, more accurately, centuries!”

    Yuna flew forward and grabbed onto one of Rayquaza’s black fins. Leo positioned himself on Yuna’s head once again.

    “Right, then. Tally ho!” Rayquaza declared.

    “The hell?!” Nikki scrambled across the ground. “Don’t leave without mee-eee-ahhhhhh!

    The toxtricity managed to grab the fins on Rayquaza’s tail seconds before he shot into the air. His golden tassels straightened out on either side of his torso. Brilliant emerald light spilled over his body from his golden horns. Truly, Rayquaza was an emerald arrow surging up through the sky.

    “Now, foul energy, taste the true might of Dragon Ascent!”

    The intense winds whipping up around Rayquaza drowned out Nikki’s screams and the emerald light blotted out Yuna’s view of the strange orange fists. She focused on keeping hold of Rayquaza’s fin through bouts of turbulence. Nothing she couldn’t handle, but a bit of jostling. As if two dragons were headbutting one another in a contest of strength. Hopefully that meant Dragon Ascent was doing something…

    That turbulence continued. Yuna’s attention remained on the fin. Leo said… something. Yuna didn’t hear him. She thought her X-transceiver might’ve gone off but it was hard for her to tell with the constant howling and whistling all around her.

    Reshiram, do you see anything?

    “Rayquaza’s back and some emerald light,”
     he responded. “I don’t have a magically increased line of sight compared to you.”

    Yuna wondered how fast they were going. The Aeon scriptures described Mega Rayquaza orbiting the planet in only an hour or two. She doubted it was that fast. Otherwise she wouldn’t be able to hold on. But she still felt like Rayquaza was covering a great distance. Was he effortlessly carving through the fighting energy? How much of it was left behind?

    The drakloak soon got a concrete answer when Rayquaza abruptly stopped and fired a Dragon Pulse straight toward the mouth of the volcano. Yuna quickly looked around her and found clear skies.

    … Well, mostly clear. Some orange still remained closer to the volcano. And, now that the sky was clearer, Yuna spotted a swirling vortex of distortion hanging above it. How much you want to bet that’s the source of our anomaly?

    After a beat, Reshiram added, “I don’t have any money, remember?”

    “Can we puh-lease land somewhere?!” Nikki hollered, clinging to one of Rayquaza’s tailfins and kicking at the air with her legs. “My arms are cramping up!”

    “Tis not safe atop the volcano!” Rayquaza declared. “A foul beast doth tried to knock me out of the sky!”

    “You’re damn straight I did!” a loud, booming voice shot back. “No one turns out the lights on Chernabog without Chernabog’s say so!”

    It was tough to make out at first, but Yuna soon spotted a large machamp standing on the rim of the volcano. He pointed accusingly at them with an upper right hand that looked more like volcanic rock than the bluish-gray Yuna was used to seeing. Another mega evolution? It didn’t look that impressive compared to Rayquaza’s.

    “Hey! I’m talking to you chumps!” Chernabog shook his upper right fist at them. His other three arms… flexed, with the lower ones pointing to a belt that had a red, fist-shaped crystal inside it. “No one gives the champ the quiet treatment!”

    Even at a distance, Yuna got that same sinking feeling in her ectoplasm that she got when staring down Runerigus, Baptiste, and Exodes. Which could only mean one thing…

    “Um, Gene?” Yuna squeaked. “I think one of Paradox’s goons is here. Does the name Chernabog mean anything to you?”

    “Oh, that blowhard?” Gene groaned. “Give us a minute. We’re almost done here. Just keep him talking.”

    Yuna frowned. Nikki was better suited to that idea, but was too busy clinging to Rayquaza for dear life. “Can you fly around to the other side of the volcano?” she said, before blinking and shaking her head. “No, wait. I have a better idea.”

    But first, she had to distract the machamp. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Yuna shouted. “We’re just trying to keep the people in this city safe!”

    The drakloak immediately focused on the other side of the volcano from Chernabog. She opened a rift in front of her and tapped Rayquaza’s back. He hastily flew through it, dropping Nikki onto jagged, rocky ground. The toxtricity stumbled forward, relief flooding her face.

    “Oh, sweet, glorious land!” Nikki dropped to her knees. “I’d kiss you but I’ve no idea where you’ve—”


    A furious twister whipped up, deflecting a giant orange energy blast into the mouth of the volcano. Rayquaza flew in front of Nikki, assuming the closest thing to a protective stance a serpent could muster.

    “Chernabog thought something stank!” The machamp slowly stomped toward the group. “The kind of stink that only a dirty traitor could make!” He flexed his large pecs, then pointed directly at Yuna. “That’s right, Chiron! Maybe your noodle friend let you outmuscle Baptiste and Exodes, but now you’ve got the champ to contend with! Hoo-hah!” Chernabog punched the air with his lower arms and flexed with his upper ones.

    Yuna didn’t flinch. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard one of Paradox’s thugs throw Chiron’s name around. And, given the strange visions, it probably wouldn’t be the last. Just another punch the drakloak had to roll with.

    The difference this time was that Leo was around, so she had to keep a safe distance from Chernabog.

    “I don’t like him, Mom,” the fake dreepy whispered. “He’s the real stinky one.”

    “I know. Let’s stay on our toes,” Yuna whispered back.

    “Uh, technically neither of you have toes,” Reshiram interjected.

    Not now!

    “S-Sorry. Couldn’t help it.”

    “The hell are you ranting about?” Nikki said, shrugging at the oversized machamp. “You’re the one who sent an entire city into a panic, aren’t you? Doesn’t seem very champ-like to me.”

    “It ain’t the champ’s fault if they’re a bunch of haters!” Chernabog countered, flexing all four arms. “Chernabog was in the middle of getting ready to wow his Chernamaniacs back home, when suddenly he appeared up here.” He glared at Yuna. “He bets the traitor’s behind this! But you can’t take Chernabog to the mat! Not when he feels stronger than ever! Oh yeah!”

    Half the things Chernabog said went right over Yuna’s head, but his belt crackled with orange energy at that last statement. She also noticed Leo looking intently at Chernabog’s belt. Yuna doubted it was a coincidence, but it wasn’t safe to look any deeper into the matter.

    “First, Chernabog will smash ya! Hoo ha!” The machamp punched the air with his lower hands. “Then he’ll punch a hole right back home to where his adoring crowd of Chernamaniacs is waiting!”

    So that was it. It wasn’t a volcanic eruption. This meathead seriously thought he could punch his way out of the dimensional anomaly!

    “Now then,” Chernabog cracked his knuckles. “It’s time for dirty traitors to smell what the champ is cooking! Ohhhh yeeeeee—”

    Several bursts of pink energy slammed into Chernabog’s pecs. He staggered backward, waving his arms around. Yuna looked up to see Gene and Widget emerging from a rift. The mewtwo slowly clapped.

    “Nice makeover there, chumpion.” Gene flashed a toothy grin. “But I think you’re a bit turned around. The children’s party in need of a clown is on the next island over.”

    “You!” Chernabog thumped his chest. “Of course, it all makes sense! The traitor and the rebel teaming up. History repeating itself with the ultimate heel combination!”

    The machamp jogged in place, his belt sparking with orange energy. “The champ’s got only one thing to say to you, kitty cat.”

    Gene tilted his head in amusement. “And that is?”

    Chernabog took a deep breath and bellowed, “Where ya gonna be… when Chernamania comes for thee!”

    The sky above Team Bastion suddenly darkened. Yuna looked up and yelped in surprise.

    Dozens of giant orange fists threatened to smash them into the volcano.


    GL Exploration Log: Malie City, Alola (Dimension POV-2409)
    I’ve gone to a few Alolas already and always found them a bit unsettling with their dedication to solgaleo, lunala, and necrozma. I knew this one would be quite different from the start, since history-related stuff I found in Hoenn didn’t talk much about this world’s Groudon and Kyogre. It turns out that the two super-ancient pokémon waged a great war early on in the planet’s history. Their clashes led to the formation of various continents, but eventually Rayquaza swooped in and ended their fighting. Kyogre’s spirit dispersed into the oceans while its body sank into the dark underwater abyss. Groudon settled in what became Ula’ula Island, its body becoming the massive, but perpetually dormant Lanakila Volcano.

    A bunch of Johto and Kanto immigrants filled out the island, though I’m not sure why they built their city so close to the volcano. Maybe its height lets them be closer to Rayquaza? Like draconids and Sky Pillars in dimensions where those are present.


    Path of Valor Almanac
    Yuna’s cry of “Vgeg zong” is a rough Enochian translation of “strong winds.” Enochian is an occult language from sixteenth-century England that, according to creators John Dee and Edward Kelley, was constructed based on messages received from angels.

    Chernobog is an alleged Polabian Slavic deity that is classically known for being portrayed as a god of misfortune in Helmod’s Chronicle. A variation of him appears in several Disney productions — most notably Fantasia, its sequel, and Kingdom Hearts — as a large, winged demon.


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