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    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Noble Dungeoneers

    Act One – Freedom



    It was an endless drum.


    Never ceasing, not even for a moment.


    Seemingly getting slower as the seconds refused to pass.


    As suffocating as the room itself, entirely designed around the octagonal table in the center, intricate design covered by scattered papers.


    The only noise that accompanied the monotone voices and their rehearsed speeches, the endless repetitions of the same play, day after day. Everyone in this room was just an actor.


    The clock itself stood in a corner, uncaring, face glinting as the sun slowly moved by, changing light giving the thing endless permutations of that same, dismissive stare. The world was reflected in that clock. A world that never changed.



    “…and 8% will be allotted to the ongoing sewer renovation project. Any objections?”

    The eight at the table went silent for a moment. The script called for a beat. A moment of waiting, then continue. The pauses were rehearsed as well as the lines themselves.

    “Yeah. I’ve got one.” A ninth spoke up.

    The eight at the table snapped their heads towards the intrusive voice: an Eevee, sitting in a seat the corner across the clock. She closed her eyes and took a pained breath, already knowing the result of this deviation. But she tried regardless.

    “8% seems a bit much for how little’s going on down there. I think it would be better to give some of that to supporting the businesses in the Occipital Corner. Most are pretty new and experimental, but are big with younger folks. Helping them grow could be a major draw for the town. The kind that could revitalize it for years to come.”

    The eight said nothing, gazing back at the Eevee with a perfect imitation of the clock’s face. There was nothing more annoying than a girl who went off-script.

    “Thank you for your input,” one said coldly, before they all turned back to each other. “8%. All in favor?”

    A chorus of “ayes” drowned out any possible dissent.

    The Eevee sighed and slumped back down in her seat. Why she even bothered was beyond her at this point. With drooping eyelids, she returned to watching the clock as the eight continued onward to the next topic: some estate dispute involving old money. She felt the minutes pass. Then the hours. Then the days. Then the weeks. Then the years. Then the centuries. Then the millennia. All while trapped in that same room, where nothing new could ever happen.

    The girl felt a familiar pull as part of her left. The sounds of constant ticking and bureaucratic debate began to quiet, muffled by the rustling of wind across rolling plains. Stars sparkled in the sky, comets streaking by every few moments. Cottages dotted the land, each one built with countless additions that turned them into mansions of unplanned halls and mazes. They were difficult to navigate, but always hospitable. Trails and pathways stretched out, winding in every possible direction and all leading to something incredible. She started down a familiar one, the road to a sunken city, the magical technology of its lost empire still glowing under the ocean. Today could be the day that she figured out the password to—


    The Eevee stirred as she was brought back to the dull room. Wonder faded and was replaced by familiar monotony, though the feeling lessened as she slowly brought her eyes to the Taillow who had approached her. Not one of the eight. Another intruder.

    “…What?” she murmured, voice still drifting off.

    “You have a letter.” The Taillow stuck their head into a bag on their side, pulling free an envelope with their beak.

    Ennea blinked, unsure if she was fully back in this world. “Huh?”

    The Taillow messenger nodded their head upwards, nudging the envelope closer. Hesitantly, Ennea grabbed the letter with a paw, gently tugging it to let the Taillow release their grip. Their job complete, the messenger bowed and leaped, taking off into flight towards the door.

    “Oh,” Ennea called before they left, speaking too loud for the eight, but saying something far more important. “Thank you. Have a good day.”

    The Taillow turned back and gave a polite smile before being shooed out of the room.

    Ennea turned the letter over in her paw, worriedly looking for a familiar seal. Was today finally the day…? She relaxed as none was present, a relaxation that was immediately replaced by curiosity. If this mail wasn’t her doom, then what else could it be? The Eevee tore open the top, revealing a single page letter of rushed handwriting. She began to read, and as she did the voices went completely silent while the paper drew closer and closer to her face.

    Ennea brought the letter down from its position touching her nose. Her eyes were suddenly wide awake and glowing with something long missing from this room. She flitted her gaze to the clock, bouncing a leg and swishing her tail rapidly as the device marched on at a glacial pace. She held her breath, practically praying for each second to pass. Her only worry now was that time would stop and rob her of the future that lay ahead.

    Today, unlike the many that had come before it, would be a day to remember.

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    1. Jun 23, '24 at 9:35 pm

      Ennea is finally invited to Smash Bros