The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    At the early hours of dawn, a vessel bearing a familiar symbol sails the oceans. Would be just another calm day at work, if it were not for what they were currently carrying at the time.


    A lowly Pawniard yells as he scurries off to the deck, soon joined by more screams and muffled sounds of destruction.

    CAPTAIN: The hell do you want, runt? What’s with all the ruckus going on over there?!
    GRUNT: It’s… It’s Megiddo! It woke up!!
    CAPTAIN: What do you mean it woke up?!

    Their conversation would not have time to continue, as the specimen they were housing, a creature of both light and dark, made its final move.

    Thus sealing their fates.

    GRUNT: !!!

    A vessel and its inhabitants, destroyed by a blinding flash of light.


    ???: Huh!! What’s this supposed to be??

    Hours later, that afternoon, a young Gligar named Ouka sits on her humble Treasure Town home. Today just happens to be her sixteenth hatchday, and is spending it with two of her friends.

    After she finishes admiring her last present for the day, Ouka puts the shining crystal around her neck.

    OUKA: It’s so pretty though, thank you Trip!!

    TRIP: Slow down dudette, this ain’t mine. Ruby was the one who found it, but she couldn’t make it today… She wanted me to give it to you, y’know?
    SUNE: S-She needed to go back home quickly, to take care of an injured Pokemon. W-Was being attacked by one of these W-Wild Ones.
    OUKA: Ugh!! They’re such a pain. Things were going so well before these weirdos started showing up…
    Ouka raises her fists in the air in a bout of confidence.
    OUKA: If I had a D-Nexus to use with my Wonder Cards, all of these fools would be on the ground!!
    TRIP: Hey now, don’t get too pumped up… You know these things cost a fortune and are usually reserved for professional Explorers, right?
    Trip scratches his chin, looking over Ouka and not very impressed.
    TRIP: Besides, sis, I’m not sure if you’d be up to the task… No offense.
    OUKA: Some taken!!
    Ouka pouts for a moment.
    OUKA: And hey, I wouldn’t be alone, ideally!! All of the great Explorers have partners, and only the GREATEST had a human partner!!
    TRIP: Oh no sis, you are NOT dumping your fanfiction on us again!
    OUKA: Hey, it’s not fanfiction if it really happened!!
    SUNE: W-Well she’s got kind of a point there…

    OUKA: Remember that Meteorite crisis all those decades ago??
    TRIP: We weren’t even born yet!
    OUKA: A human, straight from a fairy-tale, being summoned here to save the world with their trusty Pokemon partner!! Isn’t that the most fascinating story??
    Ouka sighs contentedly.
    OUKA: One day, that’ll be me…
    TRIP: I think you should keep that as your notebook scribbles dudette… Ya shouldn’t get so ahead of yourself.
    OUKA: You guys are no fun!!
    Trip holds out his arms, defensively.
    TRIP: I’m just being realistic! What are the chances of another world-ending catastrophe for that to happen again? That kind of stuff can’t happen more than once in a lifetime, can it?
    OUKA: Urgh!! You’re insufferable when you’re like this!!

    Ouka, frustrated, makes her leave to unwind.
    OUKA: I’m leaving for the beach, don’t make too much of a mess on my room.
    With that, the Gligar closes the door, leaving her two friends behind.

    SUNE: N-Nice one man, and on her h-hatchday too.
    TRIP: Ah, shut it!

    Ouka steps outside her modest residence. It is a relatively quiet afternoon on her home of Treasure Town, a port town off of the west coast of Hadas where travelers and Exploration Teams often wound up at to rest.
    The nearby beach, with its scenic sights, is her comfort place she liked to stay at whenever her emotions overwhelmed her, which happens quite often.

    On particular days like these, the air surrounding the town is filled with a coat of beautiful bubbles, which was her favorite time to lay down and admire the distant ocean and skies.

    As Ouka watches the setting sun, a sense of melancholy washes over her. She sighs.
    OUKA: One day…

    OUKA: Huh??

    That day, OUKA witnessed an unexpected sight at the Treasure Town beach; an unconscious figure lying on the sand.
    OUKA: O-Oh my god…

    OUKA: It can’t be!! It’s just like one of the stories I wrote!! A a mysterious Pokemon, suddenly appearing before their future partner in crime, claiming to be a human…!!
    Ouka poked at the Espurr’s unconscious body. This Pokemon could be dead, but she was too excited about her fantasies to care about silly things such as death.
    OUKA: Hey!! Wake up, friend!! Are you a human?? You must be!!

    Ouka was so excited, she was just punching the poor thing awake by now.
    ????: Hnghgrh
    The downed Espurr groggily reenters the waking world, getting up slowly and clutching their head as if they suffered from a headache not long ago.

    ????: Where… Where Am I?
    ????: It Is So Bright…
    OUKA: Good afternoon, silly!! Welcome to the World of Pokemon!! I’m assuming you’re a human sent on a mission??
    ????: Uh I Knew That, I Think, The World Of Pokemon Part
    ????: But What Is A Human
    OUKA: Sheesh, amnesia hit you hard huh??
    ????: What Is Amnesia

    Ouka pauses for a second.
    OUKA: Uh… It’s when you lose memories, forget about large parts or your life, things like that…
    OUKA: But er, enough about that!! My name is Ouka. Ouka Yotsuba!! What’s yours??
    ????: My What
    OUKA: …Your name?
    ????: I Do Not Have One
    Ouka raises an eyebrow. This was way more difficult than what she imagined it would be.
    OUKA: Um… I guess that complicates things…
    Ouka’s face lights up as she gets an idea.
    OUKA: Oh! I know!! How about we give you a new name, right now!! Let’s see, are you a boy, a girl, or…??
    ????: I Do Not Know

    OUKA: …Okay, we can work with this…
    Ouka lifts a hand up to her chin, lost in thought for a moment as she scrambles for cool names this Espurr could have. What could this gift from the stars be named?
    OUKA: Oh, I got it!! How about…

    This young Espurr’s name is Nova. Most of their life has been a blur so far, only seeing darkness when they try to think back. Due to this, they’re a Pokemon of few words. Waking up in an unfamiliar place and with limited knowledge of the world, Nova wonders if this could be a new opportunity at life?

    NOVA: I Like It
    NOVA: Thank You
    Nova’s mouth curls into a slight smile. Seeing this, Ouka is overjoyed.
    OUKA: YAY!! I’m glad you liked it, I’m sure we’ll be the bestest of friends!!
    Ouka takes Nova’s hand, squeezing it harder than it would be comfortable out of excitement, but the two wouldn’t have the opportunity to go anywhere before two Pokemon approached them.
    ????: Not so fast, whoa-ho-ho…

    Two sketchy-looking fellows interrupt Ouka and Nova’s meeting. They seem to have their eyes on the Gligar’s crystal.

    BOWLHEAD: You have something interesting over there, girlie! Hee-hee-hee!

    OUKA: Huh?? Wait, I know you!! You’re Team Skull!!
    NOVA: Who
    OUKA: Some team of slackers that do nothing but be assholes to other people, no one you should pay any mind to.
    BENSON: Now that’s just rude, isn’t it? We just want to take a closer look at that shiny thing you have ’round your neck… Whoa-ho-ho…!
    BOWLHEAD: That thing looks like it’d sell for a hefty price! If ya aren’t using it for anything, we’ll take better care of it! Kueh-hee-hee!
    Ouka quickly clutches the crystal in one pincer, fully intending on defending it from the two Team Skull goons.
    OUKA: Like hell!! This is a gift from a good friend, I’ll never let any of you hooligans get your filthy appendages on it!!
    BENSON: We were just trying to be nice, girl… [Benson’s expression turns more menacing.] If you insist on being so mean, we’ll have to teach you that our requests are non-negotiable… Whoa-ho-ho.
    NOVA: You Give Me Bad Vibes
    Benson and Bowlhead turn towards Nova with curiosity, a face they didn’t recognize from around these parts.

    BENSON: And who’s this kid, whoa-ho-ho?
    BOWLHEAD: Kueh! Some new weakling around this block. Nothing to fret over, Kueh-hee-hee!
    NOVA: You Are Annoying
    NOVA: Shut Up
    BENSON: Huh?! What’d you say, vermin?! Whoa-ho-ho!

    BENSON: Oh shit

    Everyone involved is taken aback by Nova’s sudden outburst.

    BENSON: Whoa-ho-ho! What the hell was that?!
    BOWLHEAD: Kueh! I don’t know man, but I refuse to deal with whatever this kid is! Let’s scamper off, Kue-hee-hee!

    Team Skull quickly abscond in fear after such a close call, leaving Ouka and Nova in relative peace once again.

    Ouka trembles nervously.
    OUKA: W… What was that?!
    Nova’s hidden eyes shift to a more concerned look as they frown, worried that their momentary loss of control scared the friendly Pokemon they just met.
    NOVA: I Am Sorry
    NOVA: I Did Not Expect To Get So Overwhelmed
    The Espurr puts their hand on Ouka’s shoulder.
    OUKA: It’s… It’s okay. I just got caught off guard. That… That was actually pretty awesome!!
    Ouka’s face lights up as she quickly sits up and grabs Nova’s hands, excited.
    OUKA: You know what this means?? The cosmos have gifted you awesome power to help with whatever crisis we’ll face soon!!
    NOVA: What
    OUKA: We’ll be invincible together!!

    Before Nova could say anything, Ouka drags them by hand to the town.
    OUKA: Come on!! I’ll show you around town!! Wait, I guess you don’t have a place to live, huh? We’ll figure something out!!
    NOVA: Ok

    It wouldn’t be long before the newly-formed duo met up with Ouka’s friends in the middle of Treasure Town, clearly concerned with the blast heard earlier.

    TRIP: Hey, Ouka, what the hell was that on the beach just now?! You aren’t hurt, aren’t you?!
    OUKA: Yeah, don’t worry about it, I’m fine!! My new friend here helped me against some of these Team Skull weirdos!!
    NOVA: Hello
    TRIP: Huh. Who’s this dude?
    SUNE: T-They don’t look to be from town…
    OUKA: They’re a human!! It finally happened!!
    Trip’s expression soured. Had Ouka really gotten so absorbed in her daydreams?
    TRIP: Oh no sis, you are NOT just picking up random people from the street and claiming they’re human now. It is not a thing you are currently doing for real.
    OUKA: It’s true!! They were passed out on the beach and have memory loss!! This is how it all starts, Trip!!
    SUNE: W-Wouldn’t a safer assumption be that they were injured in some way, a-and ended up washed up here…?
    TRIP: Yeah! This Pokemon might need help, we can’t go parading them as some sort of mythical creature!
    OUKA: Urgh! Have some faith in your good friend Ouka, will you?? Just give it some time; everything will fall into place soon enough!!
    ????: Now, now, what are you kids doing getting so worked up at this time of the day?
    The group turns to the source of an all-too familiar voice.

    SUNE: M-Mr. Maeda! W-What are you doing here?
    MAEDA: I’m a normal Pokemon too, Sune. I was just running some errands over on the shopping district.
    The teacher’s eyes glance over Nova, curious at the gang’s new incorporation.
    MAEDA: Say, who’s this new friend of yours?

    NOVA: My Name Is Nova
    OUKA: They’re a human I came across on the beach!!
    MAEDA: Hmm. Aren’t you a little too old to believe in these things, Ouka?
    OUKA: Not you too, teach!!
    Ouka’s mouth forms a pout as she crosses her arms in indignation.
    MAEDA: In any case, this Espurr seems to have a rather strange way of communicating. Were they already enrolled in a school by their parents?
    NOVA: What Are Parents

    TRIP: Oh my god, dude.

    OUKA: IT’S GOOD. It’ll all be fine. They lost their memory and we have no idea where they are from, for now.
    MAEDA: Right.
    OUKA: I’ll talk to my father and we’ll figure something out!! It will all turn out just dandy.
    Despite this not-at-all normal conversation, Maeda still keeps an air of professionalism as he pats Ouka’s head, giving her a warm smile.
    MAEDA: All right. I trust you and Mr. Yotsuba to get things done. You may be a bit scatterbrained at times, but you’re a good student, Ouka.
    Ouka smiles at the half-compliment, as Mr. Maeda prepares to leave.
    MAEDA: With that said, I can’t be here all night. You kids be good, alright?
    As Maeda walks away, he gives a wave to the group.
    MAEDA: And remember, smiles go for miles!
    TRIP: Later, teach-dude!
    Trip’s face sours as he realizes just how late it is.
    TRIP: Aww, I guess I gotta jet too. Don’t wanna hear my geezers bitching all day because I was out late.
    Trip pats Sune on what would be his shoulders as he scurries off, signaling his best friend to follow him.
    TRIP: C’mon, Sune, gotta go! Hey Ouka, thanks for having us, by the way!
    SUNE: T-Thank you…! A-And happy hatchday!
    OUKA: Thanks for all the presents, too!! See ya tomorrow!!
    Ouka sees her friends off, leaving her and Nova in another awkward silence.

    OUKA: So. Uh… I guess you really have nowhere to go right now, huh?
    NOVA: No
    OUKA: Then it’s decided, you’ll stay at my house!! I’m sure father won’t mind!! C’mon, it’s just around the corner!!

    The duo make their way to Ouka’s home, Nova trying their best to keep up with the Gligar girl’s fast pace. As the moon rises, they arrive at the Yotsuba residence.

    OUKA: Here we are!! It’s not much, but it’s a roof to live under!!

    OUKA: Come on friend!! You’ll like it, I promise!!

    Ouka is naturally quick to enter her own abode, but Nova is more hesitant. After being bathed in light after so long, the Espurr isn’t sure whether to go back to the confines of four walls. They look back, in thought.

    The streets are quiet. Nova feels the soft breeze of approaching summer in their fur. A familiar feeling stirs within the Espurr; one that signals the start of a grand tale.

    The Restraint Pokemon contemplates as they look at the sky. They felt an unusual degree of trust and attachment to this Gligar. It was her hatchday, wasn’t it? Not that Nova knows what that even is, or how old they are, for that matter. Their sense of time has been completely diluted by living so many years in darkness.

    In the end, Nova decides to go with Ouka. They feel like it’s going to be a long few months.


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    1. May 18, '24 at 9:53 am

      Heeeey!! I just finished reading this story aloud to my friends on a Discord call! And let me tell you we all LOVED it!!

      Right off the bat I’m noticing the Homestuck style emulation. And it’s not just ‘kinda similar’ – I can tell a lot of scrutiny, research and time was put in to achieving the look: The 100% hardness brushstrokes with small brush size + the photoshopped assets (like the boat on the waves) + the 2 frame animation GIFs + the proportions and angles of the shots. It’s a very thorough effort and the amount of thought put into it isn’t lost on me.

      But what gets me is that it’s also trying to emulate the SCOPE. I mean Jesus Christ, this is an IMPRESSIVE amount of art for one chapter, to then be followed up by a WHOLE FRIGGIN YOUTUBE VIDEO with music and logo and EVERYTHING. Passion radiates from this project in just the first chapter and we were all so blown away <33

      The story itself is starting pretty strong — the world crafted here is such an interesting amalgam. It *seems* like it takes place after PMD2:EOS, maybe years and years in the future. Treasure town is more advanced and they seem to have more technology. But at the same time, events like Koffing and Zubat trying to rob a kid on the beach are still happening again. (Real "They would find each other in any universe" energy hehehe). We've also got Team Rocket and Team Skull as bands of Pokemon rogues.

      It's obvious Nova was probably on that ship — making him a 'creature of light and darkness'. Makes me wonder what Team Rocket was exactly planning to do with this god child.

      I'm so so so interested in where this is going, if only because I'm so in love with Ouka's character (the art really sells them all – it's so EXPRESSIVE). I just wanna see these two go on wacky adventures so so much. ; w ; To me, that's a wonderful opener for a PMD story: just giving characters you WANT to see on their journey, whatever it ends up being!!


    2. May 15, '24 at 6:00 pm

      This Espurr reminds me a lot of Kris from Deltarune…