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    Content Warning: Arachnophobia.

    Searching a dungeon in preparation for an upcoming festival, the new Nightscale runs into an old friend of Ivan’s. However, it appears they are not alone.

    Ivan ran his claw through the lush, unkempt grass beneath him. His face nearly touched the ground as his eyes intently scoured the dirt.

    The Grovyle frowned before rising to his feet. He craned his neck toward Galena, who was a short distance away. She had Nightscale’s black and green scarf on her neck and an empty glass jar in her hands. The Goodra was also busily searching the grass.

    “Found any yet?” Ivan called.

    She looked at him before shaking her head. “Nothing, I’d tell you if I did.”

    The Grovyle sighed as a warm breeze blew over him. In need of a short break, he looked around at his surroundings.

    They were in an idyllic but overgrown expanse of dense grasses and flowers of every color. Scattered throughout were the remnants of brick pathways, mulched flower beds, wooden benches, and dilapidated fences. The room was framed by an endless forest, its vibrant tropical trees and untamed undergrowth creating a tangled barrier.

    ‘No wonder they call this dungeon Gnarly Gardens,’
    he thought.

    Galena moseyed up to Ivan with a bored look on her face. She adjusted a bag hung over her shoulder, tucking it under her arm. “You sure we’re in the right place?”

    The Grovyle’s eyes swept across the field as though to confirm for himself. “Yeah… ever since I was a kid, everyone has said nectarwort grew here.”

    Ivan suddenly froze. His gaze locked on a lone yellow flower hiding in the grass. He grinned before throwing himself to the ground and reaching out to pluck it.

    He ripped the flower out of the dirt and brought it to his face. But as he studied it, his smile disappeared. “Oh. It’s just a dandelion.”

    “Why have a holiday based around a flower nobody can find?” Galena grumbled, crossing her arms.

    The Grovyle shrugged. “It’s weird, I thought there’d be lots growing because of dungeon magic. Maybe we’re late? Nectardrop festival’s in just a few days.”

    ‘The festival is held in the plaza every summer, but this year I want to help, get Nightscale’s name out there in a good way,’

    he thought before smiling.

    ‘I remember it from when I was a kid. The music, the crowds, children laughing. And oh, the nectar.  Mom and Dad would always buy a jar for me, and it put a smile on my face every time. The festival needs lots of nectar, for food, drinks, potions, jewelry, everything. If we brought back a bunch of jars, it’d be a great service to the town.’

    “Well, there’s none here. We should keep moving,” Galena replied.

    “Yeah,” Ivan said with a nod.

    The two walked a short distance toward and through the room’s exit. The next hallway was obstructed by massive, hanging vines and thick leaves. Ivan ducked under them, weaving through effortlessly. However, due to her height, Galena was unable to keep from hitting her head on a dense vine.

    “Ow, son of a— What’s with this place? These plants are out of control,” she spat before rubbing her snout.

    The Grovyle frowned as he looked back at her. “You know mystery dungeons. Apparently they tried to make a park here years ago. But the landscapers didn’t know it was a dungeon and the layout kept shifting. They abandoned the project, but the dungeon’s magic mutated the plants, native and introduced. Everything grows like crazy.”

    “Bet someone was fired for that blunder,” Galena muttered before rolling her eyes.

    He nodded. “Pretty big mistake, yeah. But hey, works out for us, as nectarwort can grow here undisturbed. Allegedly.”

    “You guys on Alma are lucky,” the Goodra remarked. “Nectarwort doesn’t grow on Perla, so I rarely had the nectar growing up. Stuff’s amazing though, love using it for baking. Gonna save a few jars for myself, assuming we find some.”

    “Oh, you like to bake?” Ivan asked, raising his brow in intrigue.

    “Like to? I’m a pro,” she bragged with a smirk. “My family back home runs a bakery, and my brother and I would help. Baking’s in my blood.”

    Ivan grinned.

    “Finally learning more about my teammate! And one of the first things I learn is she’s a wizard in the kitchen!’

    “That’s cool! I’ll have to taste your cooking sometime,” he enthused.

    Galena nodded confidently. “Oh, if we’re living together you’re going to. Just don’t expect much salt in my cooking— it’s poison to Goodra.”

    “Will make a note of that,” the Grovyle assured. “Either way, great to know that about you. Guess I’m not the only one here who picked up a parent’s trade.”

    “Oh yeah, you said your Dad was a rescuer, right?” Galena asked. “You lucked out. Perla’s organization was small and didn’t have much for me, and my parents were shocked when I told them I wanted to rescue.”

    His face drained of color as he wrung his claws. “Sorry if it’s a sensitive subject, I—”

    The Goodra waved her hand. “Nah, it’s all good. My family was hella supportive. We’re a close-knit unit, nothing gets in the way of that. But when I was moving last month, they got all emotional. So, they gave me this.”

    She picked up her necklace by its Luvdisc charm, the rosy metal glinting in the sunlight. “It’s a  parting gift I got before the boat trip here.” She pointed at the arrow piercing the fish. “Kind of says, ‘It hurts to see you go, but we love you,’ you know?”

    Ivan gave her a soft smile. “You guys do sound close. Is it rough being away from home?”

    “Rough?” Galena murmured as she looked down. “I guess a little. Sucks not being around loved ones.” She picked her head back up and smiled. “But it’s no problem! I’m a free spirit, and I knew rescuing was what I wanted in life. To go on adventures, stand up for the little guys! My hometown Corsa couldn’t give me that, so here I am in Alma. I still write to my fam of course, they’d die of worry if I didn’t.”

    The Grovyle chuckled. “Oh, I get that. My mom moved back in with my Aunt in Arelport a while ago, but we still write all the time. Me being a rescuer makes her nervous.”

    Galena grinned and shook her head. “Oh, my Dad nearly fainted when I told him my plan. But they know I’m made of tough stuff, I can handle myself.”

    Ivan smiled back. “Sure can, if our first mission was proof enough.”

    “What can I say? I’m awesome,” she boasted.

    The two pushed through another thicket of hanging and twisting foliage. As they breached through, they found themselves at a long, open field brimming with plants.

    Ivan put a hand over his brow before scanning around. He spotted several forms walking through the grassland— there was an Espeon, a Machamp, a Sawk, a Noctowl, and a dozen more in the group. They each were equipped with containers and expedition gear.

    “Guess they beat us to the punch,” Ivan said with a sigh.

    The pair strolled into the room, inspecting the other visitors while keeping an eye out for nectarwort.

    But as the Grovyle looked ahead, his gaze settled on a trio of Pokémon in the center of the field. His attention turned to a pink and white humanoid man with a round face and belly, and two blue horns jutting out from his head

    Ivan’s eyes lit up. A goofy smile appeared on his face.

    ‘No. Way!’

    He swiftly walked over to the Mr. Mime, and Galena tried her best to match his pace. Once closer, the Grovyle waved his hands in the air excitedly. “Chief Chastain! Is that you!?”

    The Mr. Mime turned. He was dressed in blue shorts and two navy pauldrons with hanging golden threads. His torso was wrapped in a maroon sash decorated with badges of different sizes, one of which representing AIRTA’s shield. The wrinkles on his face betrayed that he was aging gracefully.

    He looked at Ivan with his silver eyes, which matched the hue of a lone surviving hair drooping over his face. He smiled ear-to-ear.

    “Ivan? It can’t be!” he uttered in a jolly, high voice.

    The Mr. Mime strode up to Nightscale. The Pokémon beside him, two Meowstic with a blue and white fur coat respectively, exchanged a glance before following. They wore matching sashes, though the male sported jeans and the female a navy skirt.

    Ivan threw his arms out in invitation and Chastain reciprocated, leaning in and embracing him.

    As the man pulled away from the hug, he patted Ivan on the head. “Ivan, my boy, how great to see you! Didn’t expect to run into you here!”

    The Grovyle blushed, embarrassed as his teammate was watching. “Couldn’t be better! You wouldn’t believe what’s happened to me lately.”

    “I think I could wager a guess,” Chastain replied. “Hm, let’s see. I bet you… became a rescue team leader overnight, recruited at least one teammate, and made this old bag of bones proud?”

    Ivan’s eyes lit up, and his cheeks glowed red. “You heard!?”

    The Mr. Mime laughed. “A little Chatot at Team Affairs told me the funny story he heard, yes. Good riddance to those crotchety old rapscallions. Gosh, look at you, you have a leader’s glow too!” He looked up at Galena and nodded. “And who would this lovely lady be?”

    “Chief Chastain, this is Galena, my new teammate. Galena, Chastain is the chief of Alma’s enforcers!” Ivan said, gesturing between the two.

    “Dang, not someone you meet every day. Nice to meetcha,” the Goodra said before holding out her hand.

    Chastain bowed and took her hand. Once he could feel it was free of slime, he vigorously shook it. “A pleasure, my dear!”

    Galena laughed. “Do all new recruits get this treatment or?”

    “Oh, no my dear. But you’re with Ivan, and I happen to know him very, very well.”

    “My Dad and him were close friends,” Ivan added. “He’s actually my godfather!”

    “With that in mind, there’s no need for formality. You can call me Uncle Chester!” Chastain remarked with a wink.

    Ivan nodded. “Maybe once we’re off our current business.”

    “Of course,” the Mr. Mime replied. “Speaking of which, what brings you—”

    “We’re here, too, sir,” said someone behind the Mr. Mime in a flat, female voice.

    Chastain turned to see the white Meowstic with her arms crossed. Her piercing orange eyes stared through him. The blue Meowstic stood next to her, smiling politely as he looked at Nightscale.

    “Nice to meet you both,” he greeted, his voice soft like a whisper. He was slightly taller than his counterpart and had two tufts of blue fair sticking out from his cheeks like a mustache. His eyes were gentle, one brown and one olive, though both surrounded by a sea of soft green.

    “Forgive me,” Chastain said with a curtsy before turning back to Nightscale. “Ivan, Miss Galena, these are my deputies, Psymon and Sasha!”

    Sasha scoffed. “Took you long enough.”

    “A pleasure!” Ivan replied.

    “I take it you’re looking for nectarwort for the festival too?” Psymon asked. He motioned toward the other Pokémon combing the room. The Grovyle now noticed that each one wore a glittering badge.

    Galena sighed. “Yeah, no luck though.”

    “Same for us,” Chastain remarked, rubbing his chin. “Hmm… perhaps the magic is strongest deeper in. We’ll have to keep looking.”

    Ivan’s eyes lit up. “Why don’t we go with you? More eyes that way.”

    “Or more hands to steal our share,” Sasha hissed.

    Chastain put his hand on her shoulder. “They’re trustworthy, Ivan’s like a son to me!”

    She flinched in surprise but gave only a quiet, resigned growl in complaint.

    “We could split up, and communicate through our thought compasses!” Psymon suggested.

    “Splendid idea!” The Mr. Mime cheered, clapping his large, glove-like hands. “Are we in agreement?”
    Galena nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

    “Whatever,” Sasha grumbled.
    “Great!” Chastain uttered joyfully. “Let’s make like a Tropius and leaf!”

    “See anything?” Psymon asked.

    He and Sasha kneeled in the grass of a small room, searching endlessly for the elusive flower. The grass threatened to swallow the enforcers, engulfing them like an ocean of green.

    The white Meowstic huffed as she crawled into a stray clump of silk. She swatted it away angrily. “Obviously not, Psy. I swear to Arceus I’m gonna lose it if we’re here much longer.”

    The man smiled softly at her. “Just have to be a little patient.” He looked up to the pristine blue sky above. “At least it’s a beautiful day.”

    “You and your incessant positivity,” she scoffed before pulling another wad of string from her fur. “What’s with these webs? I get there are thousands of bug types on the Isle, but can’t make their nests away from where we’re walking?”

    “We’re in their home, not the other way around,” Psymon reminded her. His eyes swept the whole room. There wasn’t a nectarwort in sight.

    “Can we look somewhere less gross?” Sasha muttered before patting down the fur on her head. “Ugh, my hair is a mess.”

    “I think it looks perfect,” he said under his breath as he gazed at his colleague. He blushed as his eyes studied her elegant coat and lean figure.

    “H-hey, so Sasha,” he stammered. “I was wondering, I know this is like, the fifth time I’ve asked, but… after work, d-did you maybe want to get a drink or something? As friends, of course! If you don’t like the alternati—”

    “Shut. Up,” she interrupted without facing him.

    Psymon flinched in shock. His eyes fell to the ground. “I’m sorry, I won’t ask again, I—”

    “Stop. Talking,” she whispered. She stood up and put her paws to her temples. Her eyes glowed blue with psychic energy before gazing at the trees around them. Her ears unfurled, revealing two eye-like patterns, which also shone. “I hear thoughts… two minds, near. Definitely hostile. But they’re mad ravings, I can hardly make them out.”

    Silently nodding, Psymon unveiled his third and fourth eyes. Sensing one of the minds moving to the other side of the room’s border, he spun around. Sasha walked backward slowly until the two were back-to-back.

    The hidden Pokémon’s thoughts flowed into Psymon’s mind like a raging river.

    ‘Intruder. Home. Protect. Capture. Eliminate.’

    “We should be safe if we combine our safeguards,” he whispered as a blue reflective shield manifested before him.

    Sasha sculpted the rose-colored rim of a similar barrier. “Yeah. Just remember. Whatever you do, don’t let down your—”

    Before her shield could take form, a huge white mass flew out from the trees. Sasha gasped as the mass fell over her. It was a giant ball of silk, meticulously woven like a net. It instantly ensnared her, covering most of her body. The web was yanked back with great force, pulling her toward the trees.

    “—GUAAAAAAAAAARD!” she screamed as she was carried away swiftly into the brush, disappearing completely.

    “Sasha!” Psymon yelped. He frantically reached into a pocket on his sash before pulling out his thought compass. He fumbled with the stone before pressing it tightly to his forehead.

    “All units, Chief! Sasha’s been abducted by a spider Pokémon!” the Meowstic cried. “Species unknown, send help! Send help!”

    Behind him, there was the loud whoosh of something flying through the air. He turned and looked up in horror, helpless as another net descended to swallow him.

    “Come on little guy, off!!” Ivan spat as he kicked his leg. A Spinarak had wrapped around it, holding on for dear life as its mandibles chewed on him. The Grovyle winced before charging his breath attack in his mouth. He shot it, blasting the spider with flames. It screeched as it fell and hit the ground on its back. It struggled before flipping itself over and scuttling away.

    As the Spinarak fled, Ivan inspected his leg. It was covered with bites from various bloodthirsty bugs he had encountered in the last few rooms.

    “Good thing we brought antidotes,” he muttered.

    “We’re certainly one with nature here!” Chastain joked before walking up to Ivan. He placed a hand on his shoulder. The Grovyle rolled his eyes, but a small smile crept onto his face.

    Galena lumbered up with a jar of blue Oran elixir. She handed it to Ivan. “I’m just happy nobody wants a mouthful of Goodra.”

    Chastain studied his body, which was also covered in bites. “I’ll admit, it’s quite nippy for summer.”

    “Quite the comedian, aren’t you?” Galena said with a chortle. “Good that you can make jokes after being an appetizer all day.”

    The Mr. Mime grinned proudly. “If I’m known for one thing, aside from locking away outlaws, it’s my sense of humor! These jokes won the heart of my husband, after all!”

    Ivan’s eyes lit up as he rubbed his bites with blue ointment. “Oh, how is Chance? I haven’t been to the AIRTA library this week. Been busy with missions.”

    “He’s noticed,” Chastain said with a small laugh. “You’re there all the time, so he was starting to worry. But he’s well, I’ll let tell him you said howdy ho!”

    Ivan smiled. “I’ll have to swing by later and do that myself!”

    “You’re a good kid, kid,” the Mr. Mime said as he patted Ivan on the back. “That reminds me, I plan to bring some nectar home for Chance. A morning cup of nectar tea would make his day!”

    “That’s sweet. Literally,” Galena remarked. “it’ll be a great gift. I once dated a guy who was crazy about the stuff, put it in everything. His sister was like also that. I know ’cause I dated her too.”

    “I hope not at the same time!” Chastain jested.

    Galena playfully rolled her eyes. “Nah, but it made family gatherings hella awkward.”

    “Sounds like you’re pretty popular, Galena,” Ivan remarked.

    The Goodra flipped her antennae and put a hand on her hip. “I do well enough for myself.”

    Chastain giggled. “I like your gumption, Miss Galena! Good to see young rescuers with such confidence, enjoying life with your ‘Pick Flicks’ and stylish scarves and trendy dance moves. You kids remind me of when I was young, a long, looong—”

    Suddenly, a high, shrill noise cut him off. The Mr. Mime reached into his sash pocket and pulled out his thought compass, which vibrated erratically. He frowned.

    “An emergency transmission? What the— uh oh,” he uttered.

    Ivan raised a brow. “Is something wrong, Chief?”

    Chastain grimaced as his eyes went wide with alarm. “It’s Psymon! He’s in trouble, and Sasha’s been kidnapped!”

    The Grovyle’s mouth fell open. “That’s awful! Where are they?”

    He placed a hand on his temple before squeezing his eyes shut. “Not too far, but… oh, Arceus. Psymon stopped communicating— Wait, another distress call? Three— FIVE more!? What in gobbledygook is going on!?”

    “Sounds like a real problem out there. Need some backup?” Galena asked.

    The Mr. Mime, now shaking with dread, nodded. “If you two would be so kind, I might need it…”

    Ivan gave him a determined look. “Anything for my godfather and the enforcers. Lead the way!”

    Chastain and Nightscale burst through a thicket of rainbow-colored vegetation and into another hallway, barreling as fast as their legs would permit.

    “Are we…. almost… there?” Galena asked the Mr. Mime, panting.

    The Mr. Mime put his hands on his forehead, though keeping up his pace. “I think… just through this passage!”

    The three rounded a bend in the route before skidding to a halt. There was a tangled blockade of branches and thick webs in the way. Chastain began to bite at his fingers.

    “It appears they knew we’d come,” he uttered, fear choking his voice.

    “We’ll get in, don’t worry,” Ivan assured as he searched the wall for weak points. “I could cut it, but that would take a while. Maybe I could…”

    His eyes fell to the bottom. There was a small hole in the webbing, just small enough for him to squeeze through.

    “Aha! I could crawl through that gap!”

    Chastain inspected it. “Hmm. Yes, but I wouldn’t want you to go alo—”

    “Chief! CHIEF! Is that you!?” Called someone behind the foliage in an unfamiliar male voice.

    Before anyone could utter a word, there were the whooshing and ripping sounds of a blade tearing apart the webs and vines. A Gallade emerged from a newly cut hole.
    Chastain reeled back in surprise. “Sheath! Thank goodness you’re unharmed. What’s happening!?”

    The Gallade threw his arms up and shook his head vigorously. His eyes were wild with panic. “It’s two lunatic Ariados, Chief! They ambushed us and are tying us up! They’re picking us off left and right!”

    Ivan winced. “That’s crazy, do you think they’re just being territorial?”

    “TERRITORIAL!?” he screeched. “They’re insane, probably cannibals too! Why are you all standing there, freaking help— ack!”

    He yelped as something flew from behind and onto his back. He turned, and his jaw dropped. There was a long string of webbing securely stuck to him.

    “N-no! Please! I just paid off my student loans, I can’t go like this!”

    Despite his pleas, the strand snaked and tightened with breakneck speed, throwing him to the ground and pulling him back.

    “REMEMBER ME!” he screamed as he was plucked through the webs, swallowed by the vegetation.

    Chastain gasped. “My colleagues, my dear friends.” He scowled in anger. “No more goofing around! We have to get in there, now!”

    Ivan’s blades gleamed and stiffened as adrenaline surged through his body. “We’ll get them out, don’t worry.”

    “You can count on us,” Galena added confidently.

    “Alright,” the Mr. Mime replied, balling his fists tightly. “Let’s make these web spinners’ heads spin!”

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    1. Mar 6, '24 at 11:21 am

      Another multi-chapter. I sometimes forget they’re like that when reading. Oh well, the comments and thoughts take the previous chapters in consideration and such.

      Once more, starting the chapter with a good tone setter. The interactions between the two are much brighter and less awkward, understandably so, with Galena even sharing more about herself, to the delight of Ivan and myself. A small thought passage dedicated to Ivan’s past lets us both know the context of the setting and chapter, as well as get some insight on his past. I find it interesting how you manage to blend these little thoughts surprisingly well with the narration or dialogue without breaking that flow.

      What a way to introduce another character and give a good impression of them; having Ivan lead the introductions— literally so, this time. By doing so, it brightens the mood of the scene and the general character. It leaves the reader looking forwards to meeting the character again in the future, I sure know I do. And, of course, adding a bit more of character depth to Ivan with his past and connections to other people.

      As opposed to Chastain, the two Meowstic are less welcome, but not nearly enough to leave a sour taste on their introduction. Flat and straight to the point, they share no pleasantries with the main duo, a good insight on the characters in just meeting them. They’re cold, but not understandably so, it’s just business.
      One thing I will note is you should probably keep dialogues in separate paragraphs and lines for different characters, it might make more lines than necessary, but it’s better than getting lost on who says what in a single sentence.

      Oo, lovely foreshadowing~ Both with the silk and the interactions of the two Meowstic, showing their dynamic and somewhat breaking the reader’s heart in sympathy for our man. And, ooop, she’s gone. Given the silk and the content warning, the reader’s mind is ready for the surprise and it’s not hard to guess what’s really happening. I’m not sure if it was the intention or not, but I don’t particularly find it scary, and I think it’s due to the straightforward writing and lack of good setting to work with, like previous times. It’s not like it impacts the scene all that much, but I think it’s worth noting down.

      Back to the leading trio for the chapter, and we’re welcomed by an assortment of puns and jokes. They’re normally the bane of any reader and audience, and almost single handedly by modern superhero movies, but in here it’s somewhat manageable for the time being, though long exposure to them might sour the opinion of Chastain; I already get the vibes of an overbearing but well-meaning uncle. That kind of archetype might be uncomfortable to some, myself included, but at the moment it’s not too serious enough of a problem. I feel as long as you address that it might be annoying later on with the characters themselves reacting poorly to the joking things might be smooth sailing. And the monologue is cut at just the right time, I feel. We get to catch a glimpse at the character in a panic, if mild, and yet they manage to keep their jokester demeanor, which might be telling of their own experience as a rescuer.

      And to end the chapter, a good blend of mild horror and comedy to wrap things up, displaying the threat at the turn of the corner, and even introducing a character’s brief appearance— one whose personality, once more, you manage to display on full with just a few lines, and one that the reader might relate to very well. You will be remembered, Sheath.

      All in all, it’s a nice chapter that blends the tension of the upcoming threat and the bright introduction of new characters, coupled with the display of a few new dynamics and interactions that leaves the reader with an exciting resolution to look forward to.