The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Ivan returns Bennett to his mother, then prepares to take over as leader of Nightscale officially.

    “I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” the Lopunny standing before Ivan said. 

    It had been two hours since Ivan had packed up the camping supplies from the mission and left for town. Though the experience had been horrible for Bennett, Ivan had managed to keep him happy during the walk back to Florei Valley, holding his hand and chatting to keep the Buneary’s mind off of everything. 

    Now the boy was nestled tightly in his mother’s arms. The Lopunny and Ivan stood in front of a modest cabin in the town’s eastern neighborhoods. 

    The mother wore a plaid top and jean pants- attire mostly designed for mammal Pokémon. Though she was smiling, her makeup was a mess. Black mascara had run down her face, and her rosy blush was dried up and crumbling off. When she breathed, the strong scent of alcohol wafted. She cradled Bennett tightly in her arms. 

    ‘Last night must have been hell for her,’ Ivan thought.

    That wasn’t to say the Grovyle looked much better. Though he had treated his injuries and washed off the blood, he was covered in bruises and still-healing wounds. Though now, his cheeks and forehead were covered in lipstick, having been kissed gratefully by the mother upon Bennett’s return.

    Ivan smiled before looking at the boy in the Lopunny’s arms, who was staring at him with awe. “Don’t worry about it. It was a crazy mission, but Bennett’s safety is more important to me than a few plates.” 

    The Grovyle looked down at his amulet. His smile grew. ‘Besides, I have something more valuable than money now.’

    “You’re a saint, Ivan,” The Lopunny complimented. “ I’d feel awful letting you leave without something.”

    “Yeah! You’re amazing, Mr. Ivan!” Bennett cheered.

    Ivan blushed and shook his head. “My team was greedy and selfish. This is just the kind of thing a rescue team should do, my Dad would have done the same. No need to worry, Ms. Cottstock.”

    The Lopunny smiled widely, touched by the gesture. “After what you’ve done, bringing my boy home safe in the storm and stopping that terrible cannibal, you can call me Catrina.”

    “Okay, Catrina it is then,” Ivan said with a nod. 

    Catrina looked down in thought, frowning. “I really can’t let you go home empty-handed.” She looked back up to the Grovyle. “Do you like candy? I bought a bunch the other day.” 

    ‘That wouldn’t be too selfish,’ Ivan reasoned. “Oh, sure! What kind do you have?” 

    “You like Cinnamon Orbs?” Catrina asked. 

    Ivan grinned. “I do! I like spice, especially cinnamon. It’s the dragon in me.”

    “Dragons are cool!” Bennett enthused.

    The Grovyle gave him a claws-up. “Right you are, little guy.”

    “Great, I’ll grab you some!” The Lopunny said before putting her boy down and looking at Ivan. “Would you mind watching him for one second?”

    “Are you kidding? I love his company,” Ivan said with a laugh.

    Catrina smiled before disappearing through her front door. Ivan lowered himself to look into Benett’s big, brown eyes.

    “Are you still doing okay, buddy?” the Grovyle asked. 

    Bennett nodded. A smile spread across his little snout. “I think I’m okay. Much gooder now that I’m with mommy.” 

    “I’m glad to hear it,” Ivan remarked with a chuckle. “She seems much better now too.” 

    The Buneary hopped up to his hero before looking up at him and hugging his belly. The fuzzy warmth of the embrace seeped into Ivan and spread through his whole body.

    “Thank you for saving me!” Bennett said without removing his head from Ivan’s stomach.

    ‘This is what rescuing is all about,’ Ivan thought, his face aglow with joy. He patted the kid’s fluffy head.

    “Anytime, buddy,” he replied.

    “One bag of cinnamon orbs for the man who saved my son’s life!” Catrina called as she walked out of her house with a lumpy, overflowing bag. A sweet and spicy aroma escaped from it and filled the air. 

    Ivan’s stomach growled as he eyed the bag. “Thank you so much!” 

    “It’s the least I could do!” Catrina said before strutting up to Ivan and handing him the bag. She looked down at Benett, who was still glued to the Grovyle. “Okay, honey, that’s enough. Let’s get inside and get you lunch.”

    The Lopunny scooped up her son again before looking at Ivan. “Did you want me to make you something too? You’re more than welcome to join us.”

    “Oh, I’m fine, but thank you! I’m going to a cafe to celebrate getting my own rescue team,” he replied.

    Catrina nodded. “You do that. But if you need a home-cooked meal or anything while you get all that team business settled, you know where to find us!” 

    “I’ll remember that!” Ivan replied with a grin. 

    Catrina bent down, her child still in her arms, and gave Ivan one last smooch on his forehead. “You’re welcome whenever, sweetheart.” 

    Ivan blushed. “I’ll be sure to visit!”

    “Buh-bye Mr. Ivan! Please come play with me soon!” Bennett said. 

    The Grovyle nodded. “You got it, buddy!” 

    Catrina walked back to her house. She turned and waved, Bennett copying the motion, before shutting the door. 

    Ivan stood in the wake of the crazy but incredible morning, beaming. He adjusted his scarf with a proud smirk and a glimmer in his eyes. ‘The first good act of Nightscale- getting a child home free of charge- complete!’

    He turned and looked down the winding dirt road, then up at the hill in the distance. From here, he could see AIRTA’s headquarters.

    Ivan looked at the building with anticipation. “Next order of business: get supplies from Kecleon Sisters’, then clear everything with the organization!”

    AIRTA headquarters stood proud and four stories tall, overlooking everything in Florei Valley. The warmly lit wood and brick building welcomed Ivan while boasting its strength. By its doors and atop its balconies, Pokémon talked and laughed. 

    Before the structure was a circular courtyard rimmed with hedges, benches, and colorful flowerbeds. Around it rose six flagpoles, each enthusiastically flying a different color: blue, gold, orange, pearl, Alma’s scarlet, and Celestica Archipelago’s regal purple with stars. 

    The sight made Ivan smile. ‘Ah, AIRTA. Like a second home.’

    The Grovyle dug through his bag and retrieved a folder stuffed with papers. He drew in a deep breath, readying himself. 

    Ivan walked across the courtyard and around an elevated flowerbed in its center. An Arcanine and a Scizor shuffled out of his way as he approached its big, open doors. Unable to fight the excitement growing in his chest, the Grovyle crossed the threshold. 

    Once inside, Ivan admired his favorite place on the whole Isle. AIRTA’s reception area was a wide, rustic room lined with desks, plants, and bulletin boards. To each side was a sitting area, a stairwell, and a doorway to a side corridor. In one corner, a Staraptor and a Quilava sat at a table, chatting and sipping coffee. 

    Ivan looked towards the front desk. Five of the six reception areas were occupied by other rescuers, the Grovyle’s eyes landed on a lone Indeedee who was free and scribbling on a notepad. He walked to her desk and stepped up on a stool for shorter Pokémon like him.

    “Good morning, are you able to help me?” Ivan asked her. 

    Once the Grovyle was at eye level with the Indeedee, he studied her workspace. On the desk was a pile of papers, a potted Lily, and a nameplate that said, “Clarise Holmes.” 

    The Indeedee adjusted her glasses before shooting Ivan a bored look. “Yes, love, I am available. What can I assist you with?”

    She spoke with a sarcastic tone and a distinct accent. ‘Regalian , Ivan recognized. 

    The Grovyle cleared his throat. “I was hoping you could help with a transfer of team leadership. My boss and colleagues sort of, uh, quit.” 

    Clarise stared at him skeptically. “That sounds… unusual. Let me see your forms.”

    Ivan nodded and handed the Indeedee the folder. She clicked her tongue as she flipped through its documents. “This is dodgy. What team is this, dare I ask?” 

    “Team Nightscale,” Ivan replied. “The leader, until last night, was Umbrich Gallows.”

    Clarise began to inspect Ivan again but stopped upon noticing his amulet. Its glowing red eye glared back at her. The Indeedee’s eyes widened and her mouth forced itself into a polite, nervous smile.

    “O-oh! Please excuse me, love. You must be Mr. Drakonov. We received Mr. Gallows’s letter of resignation overnight, albeit crumpled up and shoved through the mail slot,” she said with an anxious laugh. 

    ‘Sounds like Umbrich. No care for decorum,’ Ivan remarked in his head. ‘Shocked he even wrote a letter.’

    The Grovyle nodded in acknowledgment. “Oh, great! Yeah, uh… it’s a long story. But since you have that notice, this shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

    “H-hopefully, there sh-should not be any problems!” Clarise stammered before shuffling through the papers. “And if it is true Mr. Chambers and Mr. Axewell have also taken their leave, that would make you the only eligible member to take responsibility for the team. There will be just a bit of paperwork to instate you as leader.”

    Ivan resisted the urge to jump onto the desk and cry out in joy. 

    “Thank you!” he almost yelled as he lurched forward excitedly, causing the Indeedee to wince. “Once I’m instated, how long will it be before I can put out ads for new members?” 

    The Indeedee smiled nervously and shook her head. “O-oh, there’s no grace period, Mr. D-Drakonov. You can recruit members once you’ve agreed to the hiring guidelines in forms 24-A through 27-J, which you will fill out independently and return through the mail. Who and when you hire will be up to your discretion.” 

    “My discretion?” Ivan repeated. The Grovyle suddenly felt taller, as though he had grown two whole feet. As though he was an officially more important Pokémon. His dream was being made into reality as they spoke. ‘Making important decisions, choosing my teammates- it’s almost too much!’ The thought made him feel lightheaded.

    “Yes, Mr. Drakonov. You will be trusted with all responsibilities to your team and AIRTA. Finding suitable teammates, accomplishing missions, paying your recruits as well as your dues to the organization, and so on,” Clarise replied. “ I will need to step away for a couple of minutes to retrieve the proper forms, but then we will instate you.” 

    Ivan grinned and nodded emphatically. “Do what you need! I really appreciate it!” 

    The Indedee adjusted a lever on her chair, causing it to slowly sink below the desk. She hopped off before hurriedly walking out of the room and toward the left hallway, though warily watching Ivan. Once she turned the corner, the Grovyle was alone with the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. They settled on one idea, however.

    “I suppose I need to think about job postings now,” he muttered as he rubbed his chin. ‘What to say? How do I say it? What color paper to write it on? Should I have a catchphrase…?’

    Ivan walked across the creaky floor of Nightscale’s base, following a twisting trail of snack wrappers, shed scales, and lost pool balls. Once his claws were full of garbage, he walked to the corner office and tossed it all in a wastebasket. The trash hit the bottom with a clunk. 

    Ivan grabbed a cloth from the desk and wiped the leftover filth from his claws. He walked to a faux leather office chair behind the desk. The Hydreigon-sized seat was like a giant’s, towering over the Grovyle. The seat cushions were permanently imprinted with the shape of Umbrich’s backside. He pulled himself onto the chair with a groan. As he sat, his body sunk into the soft, worn fabric, the material swallowing him. 

    ‘Big claws to fill,’ he thought. ‘Among other things…’

    The Grovyle’s eyes swept over the desk, which was meticulously organized and covered with office materials, papers, and a glass bowl shaped like a Clamperl shell. 

    Ivan pulled the bag of Cinnamon Orbs out of his satchel before untying the string around it. He tipped it over and the red sweets filled the bowl in a satisfying cascade, creating a ringing melody as they fell into the glass. 

    The Grovyle put the bag aside before plucking a candy out of the bowl and tossing it into his mouth. He moved it around with his tongue before smacking his lips in satisfaction.

    Sweet, but with the right amount of spice,’ he thought. ‘Love that heat. Makes me feel like a fire-breathing dragon.’ 

    As Ivan let the cinnamon candy melt in his mouth, he looked around the base. It was neat, dusted, and reorganized. But it was silent. 

    The Grovyle frowned.

    “It’s been a week since I put out those ads, but I haven’t had any applicants, ’ he worried. “This is prime hiring season for rescuers too. Did I do something wrong?’ 

    Ivan groaned and bit down on the candy in his mouth. ‘I offered good pay with the funds left with the team. Maybe this is normal…did Dad have to wait this long?’

    Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Ivan hopped off his chair and over to a newly added bookshelf behind him. The Grovyle pulled out an old book with a faded green cover. 

    “The Catcher and the Rhydon, classic. So glad I have a first edition copy,” he murmured before flipping to the first page. “Next I need to find an original Anna of Green Gibles…”

    As Ivan opened his mouth to recite the first words, a shrill metallic squeal from outside interrupted the Grovyle. His eyes lit up. 

    ‘That must be the mailbox!’ Ivan thought. ‘ It’s about that time of day. And mail could mean-’

    Ivan dropped the book and sprinted to the door. The Grovyle gripped the doorknob tightly and forced the heavy thing open with all his might. Once it was open, he hopped out and over the front step. He landed on the dirt road before turning toward a Cramorant, whose big green eyes stared at him in surprise.

    Ivan recognized the bird to be one of the town’s mail carriers. The Grovyle grinned and shot out a hand for him to shake. “Hello! You might remember me but I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Ivan, the new leader of Nightscale!” 

    The Cramorant stared blankly through Ivan, giving the Grovyle time to study him. The mailman wore a khaki uniform top with the words “Greater Alma Deliveries” stitched onto it. Underneath the words was a logo depicting a pale Drizzile, a yellow Salandit, and some floating purple lizard creature with a needle on their head. Each mascot was running with a mailbag in hand. 

    Ivan still held out his hand expectantly, but the Cramorant frowned and wiped some spittle from his beak. He lazily looked over Ivan before his eyes landed on the Grovyle’s amulet, its gem gleaming blood red in the sunlight.

    The Cramorant gasped and spun around. He hastily took off into the air, shooting off across town. As fast as Ivan had met the bird, he was gone, his form shrinking into the sky within moments.

    Ivan was left standing there with a puzzled look plastered on his face. The Grovyle blinked as he tried to process what had just happened.

    ‘Was it something I said?’’ he wondered for a moment before shrugging. ‘ He always stopped to talk with Maul. Whatever, could just be busy.’

    Ivan rolled his eyes as he remembered something. ‘Probably cause Maul’s not here anymore. I swear I saw that Cramorant wink at him once.’

    The Grovyle turned back to the mailbox. It was dented and rusted, another ugly part of the neglected base. It let out a metallic groan as he forced it open, the rust on its hinges attempting to keep it shut. 

    Inside the hunk of metal was a pile of envelopes and flyers. Ivan snatched the papers and began to eagerly shuffle through them.

    ‘What do we have here?’ he wondered. ‘Coupon, electric bill, political ad, water bill. Sale at Oranberry Books? Gotta make use of that. Heating bill…’

    Ivan stopped once he reached the last envelope in the pile. It was addressed to him and the base, but the text was more casually, though neatly, handwritten.

    ‘Could this be…?’

    Ivan flipped it over and ran his claw under the seal, careful not to touch the wet spots on the envelope, which he tried not to think about. The Grovyle inhaled and expectantly pulled out the papers inside. As he examined them, his mouth grew into an ear-to-ear grin. 

    ‘It is!’

    In his claws was a packet of official papers. The AIRTA logo, a shield with an A in its center, was stamped in the corner, but handwritten responses filled the pages. 

    Ivan’s eyes, bright with excitement, slowly moved to the top of the form. 

    “Applicant Name: Galena Gooley,” Ivan read aloud. 

    ‘It’s happening! My first applicant!’ he mused joyously. 

    Ivan barely felt the need to read on. It was a real response, from a real person! Someone who, if all went well, would partake in his vision of Nightscale.

    ‘A teammate.’

    This was the moment the Grovyle had been waiting for. His lips pushed themselves into the biggest smile they could manage. “Alright, Galena. Let’s see what you’ve got!”

    Special thanks to youngmanymca on Ao3 and FFN for beta reading!

    I’m so excited to get into the real meat of the fic after a few months of the intro. Hope you are excited to see what’s next as well, I think I have some pretty cool stuff ahead!

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    1. Mar 6, '24 at 11:16 am

      Another comment now outside of the grim ambience of Umbrich’s Nighscale.

      A little display of where Ivan shines the most is really nice after all the dark and general unsavory nature of the Nightscale team. And it shows, the cheerful and bright tone of the scene being a well-earned breath of fresh air for Ivan and the reader, not that it’s been all dark and gloom in the past few chapters. It’s also nice to see that, despite not having money to pay for the mission, the mother still offers something for Ivan, and it’s nice to see that his general good nature is finally rewarded. The direction of the chapter is enjoyable, something nice and lighter that lets us see Ivan at his best, sincerely enjoying himself is just really nice to see. It’s charming, really. Although there is more to the chapter, with the Indedee reacting in an interesting manner to the news of Ivan becoming the new team leader, all the while Ivan is oblivious to the reaction with the idea of leading a team himself.

      The transition to tidying up the base is a nice little segway into the wait of a new teammate. It makes me wonder if the wait has been what he’s been doing this whole time, makes me anxious just to think about it. The addition of the mail delivery pal being anxious about him is yet another nice sprinkle of slight tension that adds a spicy undertone to the chapter, letting the reader know of Nightscale’s infamy and what it means for Ivan to have taken over the way he did in a more clear way than before with the Indedee. I do also like the way Ivan immediately thinks of it being something he himself did being the fault. Just little tidbits of characterizations that add charm to the fic.

      Overall, this is one of my favorite chapters so far, with the lighter-toned surface and some unnerving undertones (for as much as they can be) that the interactions with the characters give. Hits a nice little balance that I like.