The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Nightscale chases after the litter of Purrloin, hoping they will trail them to the lost Buneary.

    Nightscale followed the claustrophobic trail, hurdling over fallen trees and barreling through dangling branches. The path was dim, shielded from what little sunlight was piercing the clouds, but they were approaching a light glowing at the end of the path. 

    The four burst out of the trees and into another room. Scanning the area, they found the Purrloin gathered ahead, no longer running. Instead, they were growling at something in the room’s center. 

    Ivan took a few steps closer to the object they had surrounded. It was a contraption with two legs made of tied-together twigs holding up a longer, sturdier branch. Underneath it was a pile of rocks and grass. 

    On top was a fluffy brown ball of fur bound to the thick branch with vines. It was the lost Buneary, kicking and screaming. 

    Ivan’s heart plummeted to his stomach. ‘ Is that- a fire spit!?’

    “Found the brat,” Lynn said flatly, rolling his eyes indifferently at the horrible sight.

    Ivan’s jaw dropped. “The Purrloin did this? Get him down before they light that thing!” 

    Ivan lurched forward, but Umbrich grabbed his arm. The Grovyle winced as the teeth of his “hand” clamped down.

    “Hold your Horsea, boy,” Umbrich said before gesturing to the rain still spraying down. “They can’t start a fire in this weather. We’ll bash their skulls again and collect our meal ticket.”

    The Hydreigon lumbered ahead. Ivan sighed heavily as he followed his boss toward the spit.

    As Nightscale approached, the clowder warily backed away, though still lingered around the abductee. Ivan crept around, subtly getting as close to the Buneary as possible. 

    “H-hello? Help! Help me, mister!” The boy cried, noticing Ivan. His fur was steeped in rainwater and tears. His brown eyes trembled, barely looking into the Grovyle’s. “I don’t want to be food! I want my mommy!”

    ‘Doesn’t want to be food?’ Ivan thought, the statement an alarm blaring in his head.

    ‘Dear Arceus. Cannibals.’

    Ivan held in a gasp as he outstretched his arm. “You’re okay, we’re here to help! Just hang in there-”

    “It’s rude to take food without asking,” someone lectured from the side, their voice feminine and smug.

    Nightscale turned to see a Liepard strutting through the grass, a few Purrloin gathering beside her. She appeared wildborn, her fur unkempt and her only covering a tattered scarlet cloth around her waist. Her fur was mainly purple and yellow, though black and green hairs on her face sprawled out from around her eyes to resemble a mask. She grinned sadistically as she studied the dragons.

    “I’m sorry, but I didn’t prepare enough for guests,” she said mockingly.

    Ivan balled his fists. He brandished his fangs as he clenched his teeth. “What the hell is wrong with you, wanting to eat another person!? Especially a child!” 

    “I’m treating my children to a picnic,” the Liepard scoffed. “They should enjoy the finer things, not settle for berries and fish. I’m sure you’d love a juicy cut of rotisserie rabbit too-  I see those carnivorous choppers, dear.”

    She growled as she shook off the rain pouring into her fur. “A shame the storm ruined our cookout.”

    Umbrich stepped up, his mouths gnashing as they awaited a fight. “That’s a nice offer, but your dinner plans are canceled. Kid’s coming with us.”

    “Don’t you want my lovelies to grow big and strong?” the Liepard asked with an insincere frown. 

    Ivan began to shake furiously. He felt a blazing heat consume him, his blood boiling. “The boy wouldn’t grow up at ALL! You’re insane if you think we’re not stopping this!” 

    The Liepard shook her head before turning to her litter. “Tsk. So that’s how it’s going to be. Darlings? Help mommy kill these mean, nasty men!” 

    The twelve shambled into a defensive line between Nightscale and the Buneary. They looked at one other, reluctant to attack first. But with a collective grumble, they charged at the team again.

    “We’ll make this quick and painful!” Umbrich roared, spreading his wings to make himself bigger.

    “This is for my face!” The Haxorus yelled as he rushed forward first. He stomped on two Purrloin, including his green-haired friend, each wailing as his feet crushed them with a sickening crack. 

    A Purrloin jumped at Umbrich, but the Hydreigon immediately plucked her from the air. He crushed the cat’s ribcage in one of his mouths, making her cry for mercy, before hurling her over one of her brothers. 

    As the next Purrloin bounded forward, Lynn loudly clattered on his scales. Energized by the cacophony, Hakamo-o pounded the ground with his foot, uprooting several sharp rocks before rapidly kicking them. The stones crashed into the cat, striking and digging into his chest. The Purrloin wailed as he rolled back across the grass, fainting. 

    Umbrich thrashed his wings and shot up into the air before swooping down on the Purrloin, some vaulting away while others were flattened under his feet. He grabbed one of the felines, who whimpered as he swiftly ascended again. He gazed at the other Purrloin before chucking his hostage at them. They scattered as their sister crashed face-first into the earth, splashing water and mud everywhere.

    Frenzied, two of the Purrloin jumped at Ivan as a third glared at him, its eyes glowing with malice. The Grovyle sprinted to the side as he felt the strength siphoning from his body. He sprinted toward them, two blurry copies of himself appearing and following as he ran. Each illusion was mauled by a Purrloin, mouths foaming and gnashing, but they phased through as the copies dissipated. 

    The real Ivan spun around before sliding forward to attack, his leaves glowing green as he slashed down at them. Both felines wheeled and collapsed, leaving the third alone. Ivan inhaled before shooting a stream of violet fire and haze from his mouth, engulfing the Purrloin in his infernal breath. They too toppled with a groan, remnants of the flame still rising from their fur.

    “Tsk. Mommy taught you better than this,” the Liepard sighed as she watched Nightscale throw around her children like Poké dolls. “If you want something done right…”

    She glared at Maul, who was bulldozing over two of her smaller Purrloin. She scraped her claws against a log, magically sharpening them as they glinted. She growled before bolting at the Haxorus. He turned to face her but it was too late- her paw raked across his cheek, engraving the scales. The Haxorus yelped and spun, struggling to keep his balance as the Liepard followed up with violent swings to his face and arms. He staggered as she marred him with cuts.

    Umbrich scoffed as he watched them, ignoring the Purrloin whose neck he was now crushing in his arms. He pitched them to the side before propelling himself forward, aiming to viciously slam the Liepard. She whirled her head and ducked, clawing his underbelly in one smooth motion. Umbrich roared from the pain before whipping himself around. He twisted like an acrobat in the air and dove down at her.  

    Meanwhile, Ivan sprang toward the Liepard. His blades stiffened as he crossed them, ready to slice into her. She noticed and leered at him before slashing at the air between them. Ivan gasped, alarmed by a sudden flaring heat consuming his chest and shoulder. He stumbled to a stop and glanced at his wounds; the psychic strike tore a claw trail across his chest and shoulder.

    Rushing past the Grovyle, Lynn whirled and slammed his fist into a Purrloin, launching them at their mother. They bleated as they collided with the Liepard, who stumbled back frantically. Ivan huffed in relief as he felt the horrible burning cease.

    Umbrich swooped down but missed her as she staggered. “Son of a Beldum!” He swore as he wheeled in the air again and flew at her. She leaped out of the way with a gasp, watching him graze the ground where she had stood. 

    She jumped again but crashed into Maul, who bellowed furiously at her. She raised a paw and smiled venomously before raking at his eyes. Maul whimpered, falling onto his back and throwing his arms out to shield himself, allowing her to wail on him as he lay helpless. The Haxorus roared as her claws dug into him. After one of her swipes, Maul’s head lurched before he bit down into her chin. He swung his neck to throw her off, causing her to slide and struggle to balance on the slick grass. She finally fell on her side, mud engulfing her.

    “Must it be so difficult to enjoy a meal in peace?” She hissed as she spat out the filth. 

    Ivan darted toward the vulnerable Liepard. “You’ll have plenty of peace behind bars!” 

    The Grovyle closed in, aiming to stop her for good but yelped as his feet uprooted themselves from the grime beneath them; he stumbled, flailing his legs to regain balance before he dove face-first into the muck.

    “Shinx!” he cursed, pushing off the ground to stand before his arms gave way. He kicked his legs and thrust his claws down to no avail; he fell again, the attempt barely inching him forward. Rain washed over the Grovyle as though mocking him.

    The Liepard chortled as she watched Ivan bumble. “Are you supposed to be intimidating?” 

    But the amusement faded from her face as three figures loomed over her.

    “Remember us?” Umbrich spat, his eyes blazing, before looking to Lynn. “Get some rope. Let’s shut her up.”

    The Liepard grimaced as she looked down bitterly, cursing under her breath. But open seeing a root sticking out of the ground, her expression warped into a wide, evil smile.

    “No one is tying me up,” she drawled. “But you on the other hand…”

    The Liepard stretched out her paws and prodded the ground, as though rattling it from a deep slumber.

    Ivan finally stood up in time to notice a slithering in the mud. A vine exploded from the soil and coiled around his body, enveloping him.

    ‘Grass Knot!?’ Ivan thought as he desperately chopped at the serpentine vine, but it grew faster than he could cut it down. More burst out, and Ivan hollered as they flogged him, his skin burning as thorns dug into him. 

     Another vine emerged, and another, and another. The rest of Nightscale kicked and chomped and slashed, but to Ivan’s dismay they were ensnared as well.

    Another tendril spiraled around the Grovyle and wrapped around his neck. He wheezed, the plant’s grip tight enough to choke him. As he tried to pry and claw it away, he coughed and sputtered. Tears poured down his cheeks as his lungs screamed, begging for oxygen.

    The Liepard watched intently as Nightscale struggled. She smirked, dusting herself off before waltzing to Ivan. Her litter cautiously slunk around the dragons, gazing up in awe at those who had been their worst nightmare, now prisoners to their mother. The rain seized the opportunity to smack at them while they were trapped.

    The Liepard grinned as she locked eyes with Ivan, whose claws were still fruitlessly pulling at the vines as he croaked. 

    “I hated the useless sluggard I called my father, but this Meowscarada blood is useful now and again,” she sang as she groomed her mask. “It’s obvious I can’t beat you ruffians, but a wildborn knows when to cut her losses.”

    The Liepard turned to her kids, who stared intently at her for direction. “We’ll have to postpone our picnic.” She twisted herself around and eyed the brush to the side of the room. 

    “You can’t- ack- get away!” Ivan choked, tugging desperately at his restraint. The Liepard looked back, smiling. 

    “Too late, sweetheart,” she said before looking to the Purrloin. “Lovelies, time to go. Last one home will become tonight’s dinner!” She rooted her legs before jumping elegantly into the brush. Panicked, her children rushed to catch up, trampling over each other. As they too vanished, the vines constricting Nightscale squirmed and withered, retreating into the earth.

    “Urgh! Shinx!” Ivan gasped, clawing at the deep red imprint on his neck before pointing to the brush. “We have to go after her!” 

    The Grovyle began to run but slipped again, swearing as his arm shot out to stop another fall. 

    Umbrich walked up to him and lifted him by the shoulder. “Leave that loon be. She’s not our problem anymore.”

    Ivan’s eyes jumped out of their sockets. “She’s a kidnapper! We have to catch her!” 

    “Don’t tell me what we have to do!” Umbrich snarled. “Our mission isn’t to bring anyone in, it’s to grab the runt. That was your idea, boy. We’ll let those pretentious pricks you call enforcers deal with her. Now come on.”

    Umbrich dragged Ivan back to Maul and Lynn. They stood over the fire spit, watching the Buneary flail and yell. 

    “Help!” The child cried.

    Ivan scoffed in disbelief. “Don’t just stand there, cut him loose!” 

    “But it’s fun watching him struggle! Tell me this isn’t hilarious,” Lynn laughed.

    Maul frowned. “Ivy’s probably right. He’d be cuter if he wasn’t screaming.”

    “Don’t ever say lettuce head is right again!” Lynn spat, pointing a claw at Maul.

    Ivan shot them an exasperated glare as he approached the Buneary, who was sobbing and sniffling. The Grovyle attempted his softest expression but barely had the energy to smile.

    “It’s okay, that Liepard is gone and can’t hurt you,” the Grovyle assured, gripping the vines. His leaves shined as he began to whittle away at the plant, cautious not to cut the boy.

    “O-oh, okay,” he whimpered.

    As Ivan cut, Maul groaned and rubbed his face. Deep claw marks were engraved into his scales.

    “Not a cat person, huh?” Lynn snickered, holding a claw over his mouth to keep from bursting out laughing.

    Maul harrumphed. “Not anymore I’m not!” 

    “Quit your complaining. None of us enjoyed being a scratching post!” Umbrich scolded before looking to the sky. He scowled. It was slowly beginning to darken.

    “Once Ivan’s done with the kid, we’re getting the hell out of here. We’ll have to set up camp for the night.”

    Hey there! Thank you so much for reading New Dawn Heirloom! Any feedback is welcome, and if you would be super kind as to leave me a Kudos and/or a follow that would be phenomenal. If you don’t know already, this is my first fanfiction series, and so I will (hopefully) continue to improve as I write these stories. I hope, if I’m doing my job right, you have become invested in the characters and world of Arcamare.

    I would like to give a special thanks to a few PMD Writers’ Union folks who have helped me immensely in starting writing. Shoutout to LizardLeilel on Ao3, who has greatly eased my transition into this hobby with their help and knowledge; To Doomhuntley on Ao3 and FFN, for help especially pertaining to story construction among plenty else, as well as being an unofficial beta reader; To wolfboydude52 on FFN for beta reading and providing awesome feedback; And to youngmanymca on FFN for continued feedback as well.

    Additional thanks to Zee112 on FFN/Zee102 on Ao3 for fight advice on this chapter and the last; And to Spy_With_A_Hat on Ao3 and FFN for also beta reading this chapter! :)

    If you’ve liked the story up to this point, believe me— I’m just getting started.


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    1. Mar 8, '24 at 3:43 pm

      Chapter 3

      Geez, those Purrloin are outright cannibals, trying to eat this little Buneary. Then again, in a world of non-Pokémon predators, that would sound about right, for a legion of cats to devour a little bunny like we see here.

      Guess I should’ve figured there’d be a Liepard at the head of all of this. Though by their description, she doesn’t exactly look to be in the best of shape. And the black and green furs do raise more questions than answers.

      Now onto combat, where it feels like a case of enemy mooks being easily wiped out by our protagonists (well, more like protagonist and three soon to be ditched goons). The fight scene here flows well, I think, and also it’s good to see a display of each of Team Nightscale’s strength. I particularly like the little detail of Ivan using Dragon Breath – a good indicator of the move he inherited from his father.

      That Liepard sounds like one cruel mother, the way she scorns her children for falling easily to the might of Team Nightscale.

      ‘Son of a Beldum’ is an…interesting insult. What did Beldum as a species ever do to earn the in-universe replacement of ‘bitch’ for that saying? Looking at a list of Pokémon names, ‘son of a Bisharp’ would work better here, given how alike to ‘bitch’ the species name is. (And as one who writes an asshole Bisharp character, ‘son of a Bisharp’ would fit him very well.)

      And now another instance of ‘Shinx’ to mean ‘shit.’ I have to honestly admit that I’m not feeling all of these Pokémon idioms so far, and nothing would really be lost if you used the original idioms instead of these equivalents which use Pokémon as replacements that risk sounding forced on occasion.

      Interesting how the Liepard’s mastery of Grass Knot is due to her Meowscarada blood. Now I’m almost curious if said Meowscarada might crop up later in the story. Additionally, maybe this Liepard is more than just a First Stage Boss and might make another appearance further down the line?

      And by the looks of it, that might well be the case, with how she and her kids made an escape.

      What a surprise that Ivan’s the one to calm the Buneary down and tell them that everything’s gonna be okay. He’s definitely an asset to them in that way.

      And now time for the team to hunker down for the night in this cold and wet rain. Doesn’t sound like a pleasant decampment at all for them.
      Review continued in the next chapter![/i]

    2. Mar 6, '24 at 11:12 am

      Keeping up with the commenting, dropping chapter by chapter;
      To preface; I have read this chapter (and the whole fic shush) a fair few times, so some critiques of the tension and stakes are probably skewed. The chapter does feel like a part two of the previous chapter, and though it sounds dumb to say, it sometimes happens that chapters are only called like that because of aesthetic, and in here it’s relevant for the comments, since my thoughts from previous chapters also apply to this one in some way, all of that to the benefit of the prose; spending a decent time setting the scene and the stakes of the fight— high, but not necessarily urgent. The opponent being a cannibal is a damn good snippet of the cruelty of the world, if Umbrich himself wasn’t enough of that. The lighter tone of the scene and fight helps alleviate any heavy whiplash or dissonance of the appearance, though it does not stop the scene from being pretty worrying for the little bunny nor does it end without leaving an impression. My heart did start racing by the end of the fight, oddly enough, when it was clear that the Liepard was going to get out scott-free. And overall, the chapter is a second part of the previous one, working as more or less an extension of all the strongest points of it. I do want to note that in an odd twisted way, the characterizations and interactions in the end of the chapter are as revealing as the previous ones, if on the opposite direction, what the rest of the team think of Ivan.