The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The Starfall phenomenon is about to set in, and Florei Valley is aglow with energy. Surely it’s all smooth sailing from here, right?

    As the sun slipped below the horizon, brilliant stars shimmered in the darkening sky in sync with the glinting of festival masks. The renowned band present continued to play, their drumbeats and voices resonating throughout the plaza. Every Pokémon in Florei Valley was still tirelessly reveling. 

    Nightscale’s members were no exception. Ivan wiped beads of sweat off his forehead—though the Grovyle had built up a tolerance for long treks and arduous battles, even he wore himself out dancing to Mercurial’s rhythms. 

    “I don’t think I’ve ever danced this much, heh,” he panted as he looked over at Galena. 

    As though she had just started her fun, the Goodra moved without hesitation or pause, her antennae and tail swaying everywhere. “Come on man, don’t give in now! We gotta dance so the stars want to join the fun!”

    “Is that true? I didn’t know stars like it when we dance!” Lady remarked. She was pressed against Inti as he stepped in a circular pattern, albeit clumsily. 

    The Druddigon smiled and chuckled. “I believe that was a joke, sweetheart. But I must admit, I did not think I would enjoy dancing this much.” 

    “It’s so much fun! We should do it again sometime!” his wife enthused before burying her face in his scaly chest. 

    Inti held her tighter. “Y-Yes, that would be pleasant.” 

    “Hey, if you’re moving to the beat then you’re doing it right. Let’s keep up the energy!” the Goodra encouraged before waving her hands in the air.

    Ivan laughed. “I’m glad we’re having such a good time. And the Starfall is almost here, too!”

    “If I weren’t having so much fun with you all, I’d say I couldn’t wait another minute!” Lady squeaked as she fanned her wings. 

    Galena pointed at the Beautifly. “That’s the spirit! Starfall or no Starfall, it’s our time to unwind!”

    “And best of all, we don’t have to worry about troublemakers!” Ivan enthused with a toothy grin. “We can have a good time without a problem in sigh—”

    “ASSHOLE! YOU, GET BACK HERE, THIEF!” someone in the crowd, her call resounding over the blasting music. 

    A series of gasps and yelps followed from different voices. Nightscale turned to the sources, noticing a small blue form winding through the masses. 

    The Marshtomp clown from earlier burst out of the crowd. His flippers were full of purses and jewelry. Upon seeing Nightscale, his eyes went wide and he dashed across the opening toward another section of the crowd. 

    Before they could process what had happened, a Magmortar emerged, her cannon-like arm ablaze. Her eyes darted over toward the team. 

    “Don’t just stand there, help! That painted pickpocket stole my purse!” she shouted before eyeing Bonbon and pointing her arm, which was stoking a Fire Blast.

    Realizing what she was about to do, Galena shuffled in to stand in the way. “Whoa, ma’am, we’re on it! Just put the uh… arm down.” 

    At the sight of the flames, Lady gasped and flew behind her husband, who growled at the Magmortar. “Use some common sense! You’d injure a lot of Pokémon firing that here!”

    “Then STOP HIM! There’s a lot of money in that purse!” the fire-type pleaded. “He’s getting away!” 

    Ivan planted his feet before looking at his teammates. “Come on guys! Looks like we have work to do after all!” 

    “You and Lady can keep up with that surprisingly quick harlequin. But what are me and Inti gonna do?” Galena asked. 

    “I’ll chase on the ground. Lady will be my eyes in the air, and you guys go around the other way!” the Grovyle ordered. “If we can’t catch him, we’ll at least make him circle the fountain toward you!” 

    The Goodra pumped and nodded at Inti. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s get a move on!” 

    “Alright. Lead the way!” he agreed. 

    Ivan turned toward Bonbon, who was a sliver of blue occasionally popping in and out of sight, then gestured to Lady. “Fly up and tell me where to go!” 

    “Okay Ivy, heeeere goes!” the Beautifly called as she rose. Her eyes locked onto the clown before she shot through the air in his direction.

    Ivan took off and weaved through the sea of bystanders. Pokémon flinched and reeled out of the way as he pursued, quickly closing in on the Marshtomp.

    “Lady, can you get a clear shot off on him!?” he called. 

    The Beautifly scanned around as she flew. “There’s too many people! Let’s keep following!” 

    Ivan took a sharp turn to avoid a group of festival-goers. He found himself and Bonbon in a small opening before making a mad dash for the Marshtomp. He was about to close in when Bonbon stopped and turned around. He opened his mouth wide and spat a jet of water. Ivan gasped before the liquid blasted his face, causing him to skid to a halt. 

    “Hahahaha! Works every time!” Bonbon mocked as he disappeared again. 

    The Grovyle quickly wiped the water from his face and shot his gaze up at Lady. “Which way did he go!?” 

    “He’s going left! I think he’s running to an exit!” the Beautifly shouted. 

    Ivan gritted his teeth before dashing to catch up. “Not on my watch!”

    He swerved around Pokémon until he saw the north entrance of the plaza. The blue bur scurried into an unoccupied opening before the Grovyle sprayed a wall of dragon fire in front of him. Bonbon yelped as his course abruptly shifted toward the fountain. 

    ‘Okay, that worked! We’ll keep up the pressure until we catch him or he runs into the others!’ Ivan knew. 

    He sprinted to close the gap between him and Bonbon. The Marshtomp ran toward the exit again, but Lady flapped her wings and sent a gust of sharp air down at him. The attack exploded on the ground, creating a gash in the brick and kicking up dust. He jolted back toward the fountain, slipping around more Pokémon. 

    “You’ll never take moi alive, you big green connard!” Bonbon mocked, craning his neck and grinning smugly. He began forward again, but he turned his head back to find an Abomasnow in his way. The Marshtomp gasped and stopped in his tracks.

    Ivan leaped behind Bonbon, who turned to find himself cornered. Lady flew down between the Abamasnow and the Grovyle to prevent an escape. The pair loomed over with matching looks of disdain. 

    “You were saying?” Ivan scoffed. 

    Bonbon’s eyes darted between the two as he began to shudder. “Monsieur, dame, I’m s-sure we can work out something! Non need to punish moi!”

    “What you did was wrong!” Lady lectured as she shook her head. “Stealing is never okay!” 

    “N-Never? Even if I say sorry? Even if I say I’m really, really sorry?” he asked with his flippers clasped and shaking. 

    Ivan rolled his eyes. “We weren’t born yesterday. Not like I’d trust a clown, anyway. We should wash that makeup off in the fountain before turning you over to the enforcers.” 

    “Fountain?” Bonbon muttered as he looked behind him. He was nearly leaning against its rim. Its waters were deep enough for a small Pokémon to swim in. 

    A grin returned to his painted face. He tightly clutched the jewelry and the other stolen items. “Funny you say that! I think I shall take un dip into the fountain! Adeiu, suckers!” 

    Before Ivan and Lady could react, the Marshtomp turned and leaped with surprising grace into the water. The pair hurried to the fountain but the Marshtomp was shooting quickly and elegantly through the pool, dispersing water in his wake. 

    “What a brilliant and clever Marshtomp am I! Clown college is finally paying off with all this loot!” he laughed as he neared the other side of the fountain. 

    Ivan seethed. “No! How are we supposed to get him now, I—”

    His eyes locked onto two large forms across the water, one a shiny gray and the other a striking blue. 

    Oblivious to this, Bonbon leaped out of the water and landed on the pavement. He turned back toward Ivan and Lady before cupping his mouth and walking backward. “Try and get me now! Je suis free! Free as a Pidgeot! The winner of this day is Bonbon, the sly and genius—oof!”

    He grunted as he backed into something soft and purple. He slowly turned and looked up, meeting Galena’s gaze as she wiped the water off her belly. 

    “C-C-Clown,” he stammered before gulping. 

    “I don’t appreciate hugs from crooks,” she scoffed. 

    Inti moved in so the Marshtomp was surrounded, then extended his claws. “Whatever you are, you’re in a world of trouble.” 

    “H-H-Hey now… Let’s be reasonable. I don’t look like a bad guy, right? I don’t deserve to go to le p-p-prison, right?” he asked, throwing his jewelry-filled flippers up in surrender. 

    Galena cracked her knuckles. “Don’t ask us, ask the people you stole from.” 

    “Why don’t you ask… my Mud Shot!” the Marshtomp growled He inhaled deeply before spewing mud over the ground around Galena’s feet. In surprise, she gasped and stepped back, allowing him enough room to slip past.

    “I’ll grab him!” Ivan uttered as he bolted over, his claws outstretched. 

    But as he reached Galena, she slipped on the mud beneath her feet, lurching to the side and toward Ivan. 

    “Crap! Watch out!” the Goodra hollered as she fell forward. But her weight caused her to drop suddenly onto him, knocking him to the ground and pinning him. The Grovyle wailed as her midsection pressed down on his back. 

    Inti growled in anger. “For crying out loud—Lady, now!” 

    “I won’t let him get away!” the Beautifly proclaimed as she rose into the air. The Marshtomp began to run across another opening before Lady donned a fierce look. An orb of light appeared and grew in front of her despite the sun’s absence. 

    “Time for you to learn your lesson! Solarbeam!” she shouted before pushing out with her arms. The orb flew down and stretched out into a small luminous missile headed straight for Bonbon. 

    The light struck the ground and exploded behind him, creating a brilliant flash of light. The Marshtomp shrieked as the impact shook the ground and made him fall onto his stomach. 

    As Ivan and Galena remained incapacitated, Inti barreled into the opening and stopped once he was standing over Bonbon.

    The Marshtomp pushed himself to his feet and turned to see the source of the jagged shadow enveloping him. He gulped once he met the Druddigon’s eyes, which were filled with scorn.

    Inti raised a large fist above his head. He lurched and swung it down on Bonbon’s head, causing the Marshtomp to crumple and fall to the ground. He groaned as he lay flat on the stone.

    “Ohhhh… Foiled again,” Bonbon muttered before going limp.

    “Did we… urk… get him?” Ivan asked as he stumbled over, rubbing his aching back. Upon seeing the fallen clown, he huffed and glared down with contempt.  

    Galena followed, panting. “That mud-spitting sicko… is out cold? Good. I don’t usually mind mud, but something about it coming from his mouth… blegh.” She shuddered.

    “That was fortunately one of the weaker outlaws we’ve faced,” the Druddigon remarked before bending over. He began to pick up the stolen, soaked goods, grimacing as cold water dampened his claws. “Although transporting him will prove uncomfortable. He is likely dripping wet.” 

    Lady landed on his head and hugged it. “But in the end you stopped him, my big strong Druddigon!” 

    He blushed. “E-Er… You did most of the work, dear. All I did was strike him once…” 

    “With the power of your hunky dragon muscles!” she remarked, closing her eyes in contentment. 

    Galena laughed and nudged Inti. “Got you wrapped around your claw, don’t you, hero?” 

    “W-Well, if that is true, it is not by any conscious effort,” the Druddigon said sheepishly, looking away and blushing harder.

    “You guys did great! Even if it took longer than expected to do that freaky clown in,” Ivan praised. “Glad our strategy worked out.” 

    The Grovyle pulled out his thought compass from his bag, concentrating on it to let any nearby enforcers know of the thwarted theft. He looked down at Bonbon, noticing a red lump growing on his head. “I’m calling for help… but I think he’ll be out the rest of the night.” 

    “Hey! Did you get my stuff back!?” called someone with a familiar voice. The Magmortar reemerged, wearing an anxious frown. 

    “It should be! Assuming it didn’t get dropped during the chase,” Ivan said before taking a small blue bag from Inti’s hand and presenting it to her. It was drenched, dripping with water. 

    She gritted her teeth and cautiously took it. “Yeah…. good thing I paid extra for waterproofing…”

    “Did they get it?” called another Pokémon. 

    “Hey, that’s my necklace!” cheered another. 

    Suddenly a Midnight Lycanroc, a Cinccino, a Mudsdale, and a Talonflame approached Nightscale. Each of them eyed one of the stolen goods as they formed a line, outstretching a paw, mouth, or wing.

    The team distributed the stolen goods, and the faces of the previously distraught victims glowed with relief. 

    “Thank you kindly, sweetheart,” said the Mudsdale as Ivan fit a bead necklace around her neck. 

    The Talonflame grabbed a coin purse from Galena’s hand. “I wish I could show my appreciation, but I’m tight on cash…” 

    “Thank you lots!” the Cinccino cheered as she jumped and grabbed a locket from Lady’s arm. 

    Finally, the Lycanroc took a locket from Inti’s claws and held it to her chest. “Thank Arceus! My son’s puppy picture is in here!” 

    “No need to thank us! It’s all in a day’s work for rescuers doing their share of good!” Ivan proudly remarked, grinning and placing his hands on his hips. 

    Galena crossed her arms and chuckled. “Yeah, we’re just awesome like that. No big deal!” 

    “I’m glad we could help and make you happy!” Lady remarked with a joyous flap. 

    Realizing that his team had drawn more than a few stares from the crowd, Ivan stood tall and raised a claw into the air. “That’s right! What matters is the benefit of the Pokémon of the ball, as it’s our duty to keep you safe! But if you must match a name to our deeds, remember us… as Alma Isle’s own Team Nightscale!” 

    The Grovyle waited eagerly for cheers, clapping, or some other show of admiration. But his expression fell as the Pokémon around them went quiet. 

    The Mudsdale’s face turned white. The Talonflame gasped and flew away. The Lycanroc and Cinncino glanced at them with looks of concern and confusion. 

    “Uh… G-great!” the Magmortar woman uttered as she began to slowly creep away. “T-Thank you… I juuuust realized I have somewhere to be that’s not right here so… goodbye!” 

    She took off and disappeared into the crowd. Most of the nearby Pokémon turned away, but some whispered to each other or stared daggers at the team.

    Ivan grimaced. “What just happened? We’ve done a good thing… right?” 

    “Y-Yes, a splendid thing, I reckon! N-N-Now, I oughta find my husband, preferably while uninjured! Bless your souls!” the Mudsdale exclaimed before bolting off as well. 

    The Pokémon broke out into more murmurs, with some of them pointing at the team with looks of contempt and disgust. 

    “That’s Nightscale!? What are they doing here?” 

    “I’ve heard of them! They’re thugs!” 

    “I bet they took money from those bags!” 

    Ivan’s face flushed as he processed their words of scorn and suspicion. ‘N-No, it can’t be… They’re… they’re…” 

    His head fell in defeat. ‘They’re afraid of Nightscale. Even after everything we’ve done…’ 

    The onlookers began to disperse, leaving a wide berth between themselves and the rescuers. Each member of Nightscale bore a sullen expression. 

    “That… is not what I expected to happen,” Inti said with a frown. 

    Lady tilted her head. “They don’t seem happy, but they should be…” 

    “I guess Nightscale’s reputation precedes it, even more than I thought,” the Grovyle croaked, his eyes still fixated on the ground. “I can’t believe we just saved the day, but everybody thinks we’re trouble.” 

    The other three looked at each other before Galena waddled up to him. “Hey. Don’t let them get you down. We did a good thing today. And that’s what matters, right?” 

    Ivan exhaled. “I guess… I was just hoping we could get our team’s good name out there, without reactions of fear and disgust.” 

    “Keep your head up, green bean,” the Goodra said, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Let’s focus on the fact we just helped a bunch of people and stopped a would-be-thief. We shouldn’t have to feel like the bad guys. Sound good?” 

    Lady swooped in to give him a big hug. “We’re with you Ivy! Those people might not think we’re nice, but we’ll show the whole isle we’re the bravest, nicest team around!” 

    “Yes, what my darling said. I will do my part to ensure our actions reflect well on Nightscale,” Inti added with a small smile. 

    “You guys… thank you,” Ivan said, perking up. He patted Lady lightly on her back so she knew to pry herself off him. “We’ll keep doing the right thing, no matter how people see us.”

    Galena shook his shoulder and smiled. “It’s what we’re here for. Now let’s get back into party mode. We’ve got plenty of this crazy night left, so let’s make the most of it!”

    “While I am not the audacious sort, I agree with Galena. What those Pokémon think can’t be helped. It would be better to enjoy this time as a team, for the moment,” Inti remarked.

    Lady floated back and landed on her husband’s head. She raised a stub to the air. “Yeah! We made a lot of others’ days better, so let’s reward ourselves with our own fun!” 

    Ivan chuckled. “Can’t argue with you there. It is the Starfall Ball, and the best of the night is yet to co—”

    The multitude of Pokémon collectively gasped, interrupting him before hundreds of paws, claws, and wings pointed upward. The Grovyle followed their gazes, staring up at the sky. 

    A brilliant purple aurora spread across the night, the stars framed within it glimmering brilliantly like a thousand beacons.

    “Woooooooah!” Lady squeaked, looking up in awe.

    Galena’s jaw dropped to the ground. “That’s what a Starfall looks like?” 

    “No—Well, that’s part of it,” Ivan corrected with a big grin as he watched. “Like I said, the stars will eventually cascade like water. It’ll be mystical.”

    The shrill sound of a microphone and the mutterings of a deep voice filled the air. Nightscale and everyone else in the plaza turned to see the Exploud announcer, who bore an enormous grin as he walked to the edge of the stage.

    “Happy Starfall, everyone! The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here! To ring in another Starfall, here is Mercurial’s final song of the night!” he declared, gesturing to the band. 

    The Thwackey and Toxtricity began to coax music from their instruments, and the Obstagoon pumped a fist before opening his mouth wide. 

    “I lost my way, long long ago… Felt powerless, felt so very low…”

    “A fight was due, I tried to hide… But I’d forgotten the power waiting inside!” 

    Pokémon swayed and clapped to the beat. Ivan looked on, fixated as he felt the rhythm resonate through his chest and into his soul. 

    “I climbed up mountains, swam against tides… Took every obstacle and challenge in striiiiide!” 

    As the music played, something above caught the Grovyle’s eye. At first the sky looked no different than before, the aurora still sprawling and the stars glistening. But then he noticed that a few of the stars beginning to descend. It was a slow exodus, with dozens more following. “Ooh”s and “aah”s resounded throughout the plaza, nearly drowning out Mercurial. 

    “Holy focaccia,” Galena uttered as she watched the lights flow down. “That’s insane!” 

    Lady’s eyes locked onto the spectacle, reflecting the starlight. “Oh my goodness… It’s so beautiful! Like the stars are off on some incredible journey!” 

    “This is unlike anything I thought I would ever see. It is… wonderful, that my darling and I had the fortune of being here tonight,” Inti remarked, shifting his head only slightly upward to avoid interrupting her view. 

    A sudden warmth filled and invigorated Ivan’s body. “It is an amazing sight, but I never really thought much of it, as I was raised here. Seeing it with friends… is a whole other feeling.” 

    “It’s so special to be here with you all too! It wouldn’t be the same without my hubby and friends!” Lady cheered. 

    Galena nodded. “Can’t have a party without good company. Especially company like you guys.”

    “I am thankful for you all, really,” Ivan replied, looking up at the sky again. “There have been some doubts filling my head tonight, but one thing I’m sure of is that I’m lucky to have you.” 

    The stars continued to fall and converge, creating a radiant curtain sweeping down and across the night. The band played while the thousands of lights flowed like the tide. 

    “Weeee shall emerge victorious! Daaaance through the chaos and glory! 

    Ivan was torn from his stargazing when Galena playfully bumped him with her hips, smirking. The Grovyle couldn’t help but laugh as the pair began to dance independently. Lady and Inti resumed their earlier whirling, the Druddigon still stumbling a little as they moved. But his spouse didn’t seem to care as she buried herself in his chest once more. 

    “Of our journey, the world will be curious! Call so they all know your story!” 

    The band’s Toxtricity strummed his instrument and chest powerfully, sending a feeling of strength through everyone in attendance. Ivan smiled, uplifted by the rhythm. The triumphant music pulled at his thoughts and emotions, coaxing nostalgia and hope from his memories.

    ‘We’ve helped a lot of people. Bennett and Catrina, Eruca and Weaver, that Ariados couple… Uncle Chester and his enforcers, even Thresha Garnett,’ Ivan reminded himself. But he then stared at the ground, frowning. ‘But as long as we have the name of Nightscale, people will associate us with Umbrich and all its other members who worked for their own gain. I know what we’re doing is right. But what can we do about this? Maybe Dad would’ve had the answer…’

    As the stars left a shimmering trail down toward the horizon, he noticed how they illuminated the darkness of the night, enveloping the sky in a breathtaking golden glow. 

    A thoughtful glimmer appeared in his eye. “Wait. The answer is so obvious. I think…’ 

    He inhaled and stood taller, an epiphany falling onto him like one of the hundreds of stars. 

    ‘I think I know what to do.’ Mercurial blasted their instruments as their song reached its climax. The Obstagoon singer was bellowing, heralding a conclusion to their set and the spectacle.

    “We have emerged victorious! We danced through the chaos and glory!”

    “Of our journey, they’ll tell to the curious! Stand proud cause they know… your stooooooooryyyyyyyyyy!” 

    The musicians wailed their final notes before the music petered out, replaced with hundreds of cheers and claps. The stars had fallen below the horizon, leaving glittering residue all over the sky. 

    “Thank you Florei Valley! You’ve been a great crowd!” called the Obstagoon singer as his band put down their instruments, waved to the masses, and left the stage. Many Pokémon began to shift and funnel through the four exits of the plaza. 

    Galena sighed. “If only that could’ve lasted all night. Oh well, that was a memory that’ll last until I’m old and crotchety.”

    “I’m really glad you had a good time. The same goes for everyone,” Ivan remarked with a smile. 

    She cracked a sly grin. “So, now that the show is over, how about that drink you owe me?” 

    The Grovyle chuckled. “Holding me to that, huh? Sure, we’re most definitely off the clock now anyway. Hopefully the bar won’t be too crowded.” 

    “Me and Inti can come too! Maybe they’ll have some more of that delicious lemonade!” Lady enthused, her antennae standing up excitedly. 

    Inti nodded. “I suppose we could stay out a little longer, especially if my darling is parched.” 

    “Of course. I’m treating after all,” Ivan agreed. “The Starfall may be over, but the night is still young. So, what are we waiting for?” 

    The four spotted a small tavern nestled into the corner of the plaza. They proceeded toward it, weaving through clusters of people marching to the exits. 

    Ivan looked at the gold-and-purple-painted sky, then to the gleeful looks on his teammates’ faces. His smile widened. Those looks were all he needed to assure him of his idea.

    ‘Tonight, as a good-hearted, closely-bonded team, we have fun. And tomorrow…’

    He clutched the crimson amulet around his neck, the symbol of his victory against Umbrich, of the shift to a new Nightscale.   ‘Tomorrow, I’ll begin work on my idea. We’ll show Alma Isle who we truly are.’ 

    Special thanks to youngmanymca on Ao3, FFN and PMD Fanfiction for beta reading per usual!

    This has been a story point I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’m happy to finally share it with you! And notably, this week is the 1 year anniversary of Chapter 1! Thank you for reading to this point and supporting my first ever story. It means a lot, and the PMD Fanfiction community means a lot to me. I hope to keep up the pace and push out more fun chapters soon!


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