The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Ivan takes his team to a yearly festival, hoping to boost Nightscale’s reputation and have a fun time with the team. He also runs into some familiar faces.

    Ivan stood on his tiptoes to reach a paper on a signboard. He eagerly scribbled on it with a pencil.

    ‘Team Nightscale, 4 Members, 6:00-11:00 PM,” the Grovyle had written. He took a few steps back and looked up at a familiar scene—AIRTA headquarters with its colorful flags dancing in the wind.

    He bounced on his heels, his energy matching that of the flags. ‘This weekend’s going to be great! If all goes well Nightscale’s image could get a nice boost!’

    Ivan grinned before spinning around. He launched off his feet, darting across the courtyard and down the hill leading back to town. 

    But in his excitement, the Grovyle failed to notice a loose stone in the path. Before he could subvert it, his foot caught the stone and he lurched forward.

    He gasped. “Son of a b—!”

    “Baklava’s ready!” Galena announced before reaching into the base’s oven. The tempting aroma of pastry, nuts, and nectar filled the air as she pulled out a piping-hot tray. The Goodra gently placed it on the stove and took off her purple oven mitts. 

    Meanwhile, Inti crept over to the base’s dining table and placed down a glass vase filled with blue Cobal asters. Lady followed him, fixated on the delicate flowers. 

    The Beautifly only turned her attention from the bouquet to take in the warm scent of Galena’s pastries. “That smells heavenly, Galy! If only I could have some…”

    “Don’t worry dear, I made sure she saved a little nectar for you to sip,” Inti assured. 

    The Goodra nodded. “Can’t forget my gal pal. This Nectarwort stuff is a real treat. You might get hooked on it.” 

    “A-Are you sure it’s that addicting?” Inti stammered with a frown. “I wouldn’t want Lady to develop a dependence…”

    Galena shook her head. “I’m joking, man. It is insanely good though.” 

    “I can’t wait to try it!” Lady squeaked. “Spending time with my team, trying new foods… Can this day get any more exciting?” 

    Just then, the base’s door swung open. The three turned to see Ivan leap through the doorway with a stupid grin. 

    “Hey Galena, Lady, Inti! I have exciting news to share!” he shouted. 

    The Goodra rolled her eyes and smirked. “Oh boy. What’s got you fired up, parsley head?”

    “Oooooh, tell us Ivy!” Lady encouraged, a look of wonder in her big eyes.

    The Grovyle dug into his bag. After fumbling around in it he snatched an item and raised it to his face. It was a black, glittery masquerade mask on a stick. His gleaming blue eyes looked through the eyeholes. 

    “Guess what time of year it is!” Ivan said expectantly. 

    Inti tilted his head. “I am afraid I cannot summon a guess.”

    “Ooh! It’s summer! That’s right, right? Do I get a sparkly thing too?” Lady asked, raising a nub to the air. 

    Ivan turned to Galena, still peering through the mask. “Does this ring any bells?” 

    “Uh… maybe?” the Goodra uttered with a shrug. “There are so many holidays here on Alma it’s hard to keep track. But I’m guessing it’s another festival.” 

    He threw out his arms. “It’s not just any festival! It’s the Starfall Ball! It was announced that it will be this weekend!”

    “A festival? I’ve never been to a festival before!” Lady cheered. 

    Galena raised her head, a knowing glimmer in her eyes. “I’ve heard of that. Huge bash, right? Never could go because the bakery needed me year after year. But why did they only announce it now?” 

    “Yes, that seems quite sudden if it’s as big of an event as Galena says,” Inti agreed.

    Ivan bore a smug smile. “I guess I’ll have to do some explaining then! The ball is held on the night of this incredible phenomenon occurring only on Alma. Once a year the stars above Mount Tenoroc dance and cascade in the sky like a river. Pokémon come from all over Celestica and Noverra to see it. As for why it’s so short notice!, I guess the Psychic types that predict when the stars will fall were given late permission to do so. Foresight outside of battle is usually illegal.”

    “Falling stars… huge festival? Eeeeeeeek! I want to go, I want to go!” Lady squealed, flying over to plead to the Grovyle. 

    Galena chuckled. “If there’s food and music and drinking, I’m sold!” 

    “Well, you guys are in luck—I volunteered for us to work the event! We’ll be keeping an eye on things, gaining credibility while having loads of fun!” Ivan replied gleefully, watching the others’ expressions. 

    But to his disappointment, he was met with silence.

    Inti frowned. “We will have responsibilities while there?” 

    “Are you serious?” the Goodra groaned. “We could be having the time of our lives, but you’re having us work for no pay? That means I can’t even crack open a cold one. Lame…”

    Lady perked up. “Well, at least it will be good for the team! I’m sure the locals will see us as nice for helping!”

    Ivan gestured to her. “Exactly! And it’s not like we can’t dance or eat or enjoy ourselves. We just have to look out for any shady business. I doubt there’ll be any trouble, and if there is, plenty of other teams are volunteering too.” 

    “But we can’t drink,” Galena reiterated, giving him a bored glare.

    The Grovyle shrunk. “Not on duty, no. But! We’re only working until eleven, then we could swing by a bar or something.”

    “Oh good, we get there in the middle of the night and sacrifice my beauty sleep,” she muttered before crossing her arms.

    Inti let out a small sigh. “I don’t have any interest in those kinds of activities, but I must admit it would have been nice of you to receive our input before deciding this.”

    “I’m sure it’ll still be lots of fun!” Lady remarked, floating higher. “We’ll have an amazing time and help Pokémon! It’s a win-win!” 

    Ivan chuckled. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” He then looked expectantly at the other pair before twiddling his claws. “So… are you guys in?”

    Galena and the Druddigon shared a look, but finally smiled, succumbing to the excitement.

    “Fine, but you’re paying for food and drinks, ‘Ivy,’” the Goodra said with a smirk. 

    Ivan pumped a fist. “You got it! That’s the least I can do!” 

    “Then I just have one more question!” Lady announced, raising a nub. 

    The Grovyle turned to her. “Oh, what’s that, lady?”

    “Are we all ready… to have a super special night out as a team!?” She squealed, her wings flapping as fast as they could. 

    The remaining three looked around at each other, their faces all lighting up.

    Florei Valley was bursting with energy, the murmurs and cheers of hundreds of Pokémon filling the usually tranquil town. The sun was sinking to meet the tall buildings of the commercial plaza, leaving a little sunlight in the day before a magical night would follow. 

    Between the buildings was a massive, round, stone brick-paved area. In its center stood a cascading fountain with a Milotic statue spraying water and many Feebas sculptures doing the same. Colorful signs and banners hung from the shops while tables and stands peppered the rim of the area.

    On the west side was a stage with a Heatmor loudly playing drums, a Zangoose strumming a guitar, and a Clefairy singing elegantly. The rhythm of their music surged through the ground like a tremor and filled the air.

    ‘I want to see a Star-fall! La la la la la la~!’ the fairy-type sang.

    Team Nightscale stood in the upper right corner of the plaza, watching from the front of a less occupied shopfront as Pokémon danced and cheered. The crowd was a sea of colors and shapes ebbing and flowing, with the occasional glimmer from sparkling masks. Vibrant scarves added additional pops of color as other rescue teams wandered about.

    “You weren’t kidding when you said people come from all over,” Galena said as she scanned the crowd. In her hand was a metal drink can with a yellow label. 

    From atop the Goodra’s head, Lady looked around, her eyes aglow with fascination. “Festivals are so lively! There are more Pokémon here than in a migration of bug-types!”

    “That’s the magic of the ball,” Ivan replied. “Everyone wants in on the spectacle!”

    Inti shuddered. “Perhaps too many people… but I suppose this area has adequate space.” 

    “It’s a bit cramped, sure, but there are hundreds of Pokémon here to see Nightscale keeping a protective eye on things,” the Grovyle stated. He turned to see a Nidoqueen walking by, then waved at her. “Hello miss! Enjoy the festival! We at Nightscale are making sure it’s a safe one!”

    She gave him a crooked glance before silently strutting away. 

    Ivan sighed. ‘Okay, some people may not be so receptive. But if at first you don’t succeed…’

    The Grovyle spotted a small group consisting of a Jumpluff, a Trumbeak, and a Toxicroak. He waved to flag them down, this time with a goofy smile.

    “Enjoy the festival! Team Nightscale is keeping watch!” he shouted.

    Only the Jumpluff acknowledged him with a nod. “Oh, uh, thank you!” The three then went about their business, disappearing into the larger crowd.

    ‘Better, I suppose. I’ll work on it,’ Ivan thought. He began to look around again when his eyes locked onto a small blue form over by the central fountain. 

    “Bonjour, dames et messieurs! Witness the tremendous talents of the one and only Bonbon the clown!” called a Marshtomp to the swirling crowd. The performer wore white gloves on his flippers, and white makeup and a red clown nose covered his face. Around his neck was a frilly white ruff. Aside from the theatrical attire, the Marshtomp stood out in that he had a ringlike marking on his forehead and that there were two antennae-like protrusions on each side of his head. They curved and pointed behind him like the ends of a jester’s cap. 

    Only a few onlookers stopped to gaze at him. With a saccharine grin and a nervous chuckle, Bonbon pulled three orange balls from thin air and began to juggle. Ivan watched as the Marshomp performed a few successful rotations of the balls. But one escaped his grasp and fell to the ground. The other two followed, making him gasp and blush in embarrassment. 

    Nearby, a Totodile boy tugged on the arm of a Lickilicky woman supervising him. “Auntie, can we see the Bone Bone man?” 

    “No, darling. I… I sense horrible things in that Marshtomp. Horrible, evil things,” she said, glaring at the clown. She quickly pulled her nephew away and out of sight. 

    The Grovyle winced. “Oh good, there’s a clown here. I can’t watch any longer…”

    “You don’t like the silly performer, Ivy?” Lady asked.

    He crossed his arms. “Of course not. Can’t stand clowns, like any sane person.”

    “You have faced many perils in dungeons, yet a Pokémon with a painted face unnerves you?” Inti asked, gawking.

    Galena rolled her eyes. “Isn’t your Uncle a Mr. Mime? He doesn’t freak you out.” 

    “Uncle Chester isn’t a clown,” Ivan retorted. “Mimes are creative and silly. Clowns are just… loud, creepy, and wrong…”

    Galena took a long sip of her drink. “Riiight…”

    “Don’t worry Ivy, I understand! Everyone has something they’re afraid of. I’m that way with fire, even though many of my siblings love it. Though I’m not scared of my hubby’s Fire Punch!”

    Ivan chuckled. “Thanks, Lady. Having my back as always. But it bothers me enough that I’d like to patrol another part of the plaza… away from that guy.”

    “I’m fine with wherever so long as it isn’t claustrophobic,” Inti said with a nod. 

    The Goodra shrugged. “Whatever. We’ll be closer to the music and stuff anyway.”

    The four weaved through groups of Pokémon until they reached the plaza’s north side. The music was loud enough to send light vibrations through the rescuers’ bodies. Many festival-goers were by the stage, so there was ample breathing room for Nightscale. 

    Inti exhaled. “This is a little better. Now there is only the loud music…”

    “I think it’s better this way! The noise is thrilling and makes me feel all tingly!” Lady chimed in.

    “You got that right,” Galena remarked, swaying her hips and waving her tail. “Gotta feel the music in you, you know? Not every day you can just feel the flow.” 

    Ivan laughed. “That’s true. Loud music can be a little overwhelming but just focus on having fun and it might not be so bad!”

    “If you say so,” Inti sighed.

    The Goodra waddled up and nudged him. “Come on, this is your first festival ever, right? Loosen up a bit, have fun.” She then took another sip of her drink.

    Finally noticing the can, Ivan grimaced. “Uh, Galena…? That’s not… you know? Alcohol?”

    She glared at him. “Dude, relax. It’s seltzer.” She took a long sip, locking eyes with him the whole time. Her slurping was loud enough not to be drowned out by the music. 

    “O-okay, just making sure. Heh,” Ivan muttered before shrinking. 

    ‘Well this is awkward, ’ Ivan thought as he looked to the crowd for something else to discuss. “So… how about that crowd huh? Lots of Pokémon here!” 

    “Is that who I think it is? Ivan Drakonov!?” someone with a female voice called from the side.

    The Grovyle’s eyes darted around until they found a familiar Lopunny guiding her Buneary son toward Nightscale. Both her and the boy’s faces lit up. 

    “Ivan! Ivan! I can’t believe you’re here!” Bennett cheered, hopping into his arms. 

    Ivan flinched as he caught and embraced the Buneary. “Bennett, Catrina! It’s great to see you!”

    The Lopunny walked up and patted the rescuer’s head. “Same to you, mister hero. What kinds of noble things have you been up to? I see you brought friends.”

    He grinned and gestured to the others. “Oh, yeah! They’re my new team. This is Galena, Lady, and Inti!”

    “Sup. I’m guessing this is the kid beanstalk saved. You know, after beating up his boss,” Galena chuckled before fixating on the Buneary clinging to Ivan. “Cute little fluff ball. Kinda hoping one of those hugs comes my way…”

    “He’s adorable! You must be so proud” Lady squealed, fanning her wings. 

    Inti put on his least anxious smile. “Y-Yes, he is very cute. And it seems he’s quite fond of Ivan.” 

    Bennett pried his head away from Ivan’s chest to look up at the Druddigon. “Ivan is the bestest! He’s my hero!”

    “Oh boy, try not to give the guy too big of a head,” Galena joked before looking at Catrina. “You guys living it up too?” 

    The Lopunny nodded. “Of course. This is my Bennett’s first Starfall Ball, so I’ll let him have his fun. I’ve been spoiling the boy anyway since Ivan rescued him from that Liepard lunatic.”

    “I’ve already had ice cream and cookies!” her son announced with a toothy, sugar-fueled grin. 

    Lady clutched her chest. “Awwwww! I’d say you deserve it! Such a sweet child.” 

    “He gets that from his father, rest his soul. Another reason was terrified he wouldn’t come home from the wilds that night,” his mother added. “But things are calm again in our little home.”

    The Grovyle nodded. “Well, with my great new team, we’ll make Alma safer! We’ve done a lot of good already and we aren’t stopping anytime soon.”

    “Word,” Galena affirmed, putting her hands on her hips. 

    Bennett’s eyes sparkled. “Being a rescuer must be so cool! You guys are already famous!”

    “Famous is a bit of a stretch,” Ivan chuckled while scratching the back of his head. “But it’s definitely been a ride. Can’t ask for much more than I’ve gotten out of it!”

    “Well, you’re all remarkable in my eyes. Knowing you’re out there doing your thing will help me sleep better at night,” Catrina replied.

    “Don’t worry, we’ll bag all the bad guys so the streets will be clean of outlaws and bullies,” Galena enthused, striking a dramatic pose.

    Looking up at the Goodra with awe, Bennett pried himself from Ivan. He then ran over and buried himself face-first in her belly. 

    “Quite the hugger, arentcha?” Galena said with a smile. “I knew I felt a hug coming on.”

    “Thpithsuthagdhg,” Bennett uttered, his voice muffled, before pulling his face out of her stomach. “You’re so squishy! I had to hug you!”

    “Eeeeeeeee! Adorable!” Lady squealed as the cuteness warmed her.

    Catrina laughed. “That’s my boy, affectionate to a fault.” She looked at the sky, noticing the sun sinking ever lower, then back at the group. “It was nice meeting you all, but I should show Bennett around more before his bedtime. Even if it’s a festival, don’t want him being cranky in the morning.”

    “Awww, Mommy, I want to stay with Ivan and his awesome teaaaam!” the boy pleaded. 

    The Grovlye leaned over to meet his watering eyes and stroked his head fluff. “I’ll be sure to visit soon and tell you all about the adventures we’ve had. Do what your mom says. She worries a lot for you, you know?” 

    The Buneary sniffled. “Okay… buh bye Ivan!” He then slowly toddled back to his mother. 

    “Goodbyeeee~!” Lady sang. 

    Inti smiled. “It was nice to meet you, Bennett. Be good for your mother.” 

    “I will, Mister Druddigon!” he replied, waving at the dragon. 

    Catrina walked up to Ivan and leaned over him. She kissed him on the cheek before returning to Bennet, taking his hand and beginning off in the other direction. Her son hopped along with her.

    Galena smirked. “Damn, lucky little lizard you are. I wish a cute Lopunny woman kissed me.”

    “H-Huh? Oh come on, that was gratitude, nothing else,” Ivan insisted as he rubbed his cheek and blushed.

    She elbowed him playfully. “I’m teasing dude. If you saved my kid I’d put you on a pedestal too.”

    “Thank you,” Ivan sighed. “It’s just what happens when you strive to do the right thing and make a diff… to make a…”

    His nostrils twitched before his head snapped to the side. Ahead was a stand run by a Machamp, the humanoid using his many arms to stir pots and fill bowls for anxious customers. Steam wafted over to Ivan, tickling his snout with a hot, savory aroma. 

    The Grovyle’s stomach growled. “What was I talking about again?” 

    “Huh?” Galena asked, furrowing a brow before turning toward the stand. “Oh, grub’s got your attention? Guess it’s about dinnertime.”

    Lady fanned her wings. “I’m getting hungry too! Why don’t we stop over?” 

    “So long as they have something without meat, I would not mind,” Inti remarked. 

    Ivan grinned. “Great! We can take a few minutes for a break.” 

    The Grovyle led his team over to the stand just as the last of the other customers dispersed. 

    “Happy Starfall, friends! What can I get for you all?” the vendor asked with a toothy smile.

    “Hello! We’ll need just a moment to look” Ivan replied, eyeing a chalkboard propped up beside the stand. 

    ‘Fried poffins… Clauncher cocktail… Veggie stir fry… Seafood gumbo… Saltless options available. Lots of neat options here,’ Ivan thought. “I’ll try a bowl of gumbo!.”

    Lady’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, ooh! I’ll have a  Rawst berry lemonade please!” 

    “Basculin and chips for me. Hold the salt,” Galena requested. 

    Inti averted the man’s gaze. “Er… Just some sauteed vegetables, if you’d be so kind.”

    “Coming right up!” The Machamp said with four thumbs up. He turned to slam three pans down on a series of grills, then threw an array of colorful ingredients into them. While vegetables and meats cooked, he retrieved lemons and Rawst berries from a basket. He squeezed the fruits with his bare hands, their juices flowing into a plastic cup before he added sugar and shook it. He put the lemonade on the stand’s table and began plating the other dishes, which were quickly cooked to perfection. 

    Ivan retrieved the necessary coins and placed them on the table. He took his bowl and a spoon, blowing on the gumbo before taking a spoonful. 

    His eyes went wide. “Wow, that’s got just the right kick. Not overpowering, but nowhere close to weak!”

    “Dang, not bad,” Galena remarked as she popped the bits of fried Basculin from a paper plate into her mouth. “Especially considering there’s no salt.”

    The Machamp winked. “That’s my signature seasoning. You don’t even need salt to make it good.” 

    Inti took his plate and lady’s cup before cautiously putting a piece of broccoli into his mouth and swallowing. “This is pleasant. Cooked food is much more appealing than foraged ingredients. Not that I can complain with the alternative.”

    “I agree! You have creative ways to make even food exciting!” Lady cheered before perching on Inti’s head. She extended her proboscis into her drink, the bright pink liquid sinking as she sipped. Her eyes doubled in size. “Oh… my… goodness…”

    Inti frowned. “Dear, do you like it? We can get something else if you—”

    “This is AMAZING!” Lady shouted. “It’s perfectly sweet but balanced! I’m going to ask Galy to make this all the time!” 

    The Goodra chuckled. “Well, I’ll give it a shot. All you need is fruit and sugar.” 

    After gulping down the rest of his gumbo, Ivan let out a satisfied breath. “There’s nothing like festival food, especially at the ball.” 

    “So far it’s been fun,” Galena agreed before taking her last bite. “Music, food, and meeting the kid that jump-started your career.”

    “Well, I wouldn’t say his kidnapping was the reason. But the way my team acted that mission was the last straw. I’m here because I stood up for myself,” he explained.

    Lady finished her drink before raising her antennae. “And how wonderful it was that you did! Me and my hubby wouldn’t have all this if it weren’t for you!” 

    “It is admirable,” Inti added as he polished off his last string bean. “Who knows what kind of company we would have found if you were still working with the ruffians you spoke about.” 

    Galena rolled her eyes. “Yeah, seriously. I couldn’t work with people like that. If I ever met those jerks, I don’t know what I’d do.” 

    “Well, Umbrich was the monster of the team,” Ivan sighed. “Luckily I never have to think about him or the others ever agai—”

    “Umbrich!? And that nagging voice!? Oh no, don’t tell me,” uttered someone with a voice like claws on a chalkboard. 

    “Oh, come on Lynnie, let’s go find him!” said someone else with a lazy, low voice. 

    The first Pokémon scoffed. “Arceus damn it…”

    From the crowd emerged Lynn and Maul, the Haxorus with crumbs of food on his face, and the Hakamo-o with a scowl. 

    ‘Oh… Two more faces I didn’t expect to see today,’ Ivan groaned internally. “Hey, Maul. Lynn…”

    The smaller dragon grimaced. “Happy to see you too, lettuce wrap. Yeesh, hundreds of people here and you’re the one we run into.” 

    “Funny seeing you here, Ivy! Didn’t think you liked to party,” Maul said with an emphatic wave. He turned to the Grovyle’s teammates. “Are these guys with you?” 

    Ivan perked up. “O-Oh, yeah. Guys, this is my new team, Galena, Inti, and Lady.”

    “Hello! You’re Ivy’s old team?” Lady greeted, her eyes wide with curiosity.

    “Oh… nice to meetcha?” Galena uttered, crossing her arms. 

    Lynn shook his head. “They don’t look as tough as we were, but they’ve gotta be stubborn if they’d put up with you, Ivy.”

    “They’re great, and they’re fine with me, thanks,” Ivan muttered before looking to Maul. “The new Nightscale’s doing well. What have you guys been up to?”

    Maul grinned. “We got an apartment on the other side of town. We’re having fun, with no boss telling us what to do or not to do” 

    “Yeah, it’s pretty great,” Lynn remarked. “Our place, our rules.” 

    Galena blinked. “Wait, you guys moved in together? I was told you guys hated each other.” 

    “Hate is a strong word,” the Hakamo-o dismissed with a wave.

    “One you used all the time,” Ivan rebutted. “Whatever. Are you guys still rescuing?” 

    Lynn began roaring with laughter. “No way, your little speech at Mazey Marsh made us realize just how lame that crap is!”

    “Yeah, I found a much cooler job… I work for this little old couple at a florist stand now!” Maul announced, standing tall. 

    The Grovyle raised a brow. “Flowers? I didn’t take you for the gardening type.” 

    “What do you mean? I was the one who planted those petunias outside the base!” he replied, staring sideways at him. 

    Lynn huffed. “You mean the ones the boss stomped out in blind rage? That was months ago, Ivy wasn’t even around.”

    “Ohhhhhh yeah. Well, anyway, I like planting and growing flowers. I told you getting dirty is fun!” Maul clarified. 

    Ivan turned to the other dragon. “Okay then… and what about you?”

    Lynn put his hands on his hips and smirked. “Get this! I walked by this twerp one day practicing his punching and kicking, and the display was so pitiful I had to give him pointers. Their loaded mom found me the next day and paid me to give him lessons! Word spread of how awesome a martial artist I am, and now I’m making a living showing off my skills!”

    “In short, you’re teaching children to defend themselves?” Inti asked with an exasperated look. 

    The Hakamo-o scoffed. “No, ew. I’m passing my boundless wisdom and skill to the next generation.” He then pointed his claws at himself. “Who’s got two thumbs and is gonna sucker the town into giving him a business license?” 

    “My boyfriend, that’s who!” Maul exclaimed gleefully. 

    Lynn’s head snapped toward the Haxorus before pointing a claw at his face. “MAUL! Why the hell did you just say that!?”

    ‘Boyfriend? Excuse me, what!?’ Ivan wondered as his jaw dropped.

    The plated dragon’s head fell. “What do you mean, Lynnie? I thought… I thought we were…”

    “Shush, tusks-for-brains!” the Hakamo-o spat before putting a hand over Maul’s mouth. He leaned and began to whisper. “Of course we are… but I told you not to use the B-word in public!”

    ‘Those two dating…? That explains some things. Like why Umbrich didn’t leave them alone on missions,’ Ivan thought. “You two are an item? Never thought I’d see it, but congratulations.”

    Lady’s eyes lit up. “Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you two! Having someone to call your own is always super special!”

    “Yeah, glad to hear you guys are going strong, I guess,” Galena said with mild indifference.

    “Blegh, touchy-feely sentiments,” Lynn uttered. “But thanks. It’s nice without someone breathing down our necks and telling us we can’t do stuff together. Dunno if the boss was a homophobe or just hated the idea of fun.”

    Ivan gritted his fangs. “I think Umbrich just hated everyone and everything in general.” 

    “Anyway, I’m happy your team is having fun! Sounds like everything’s going A-okay for all of us.” 

    Lady fluttered higher. “Oh yes! Many exciting things are happening! Like tonight!”

    “Well, don’t get too mushy over us. It ain’t like living with Maul is a cakewalk. Guy is as stubborn as his skull is dense sometimes,” Lynn grumbled.

    The Haxorus craned his neck to gawk at him, a look of betrayal in his eyes. “Like when!?”

    “Uh, last night? When you wouldn’t stop yapping about your precious daisies?” 

    Maul stomped. “You dug them up and ruined my whole planter! Why wouldn’t I be mad?”

    “Why did you dig up his flowers?” Galena asked, giving the Hakamo-o a bored stare. 

    Lynn threw out his arms. “What else do you get for your adoptive mom’s birthday? I needed a gift!”

    “I worked hard on those, and you didn’t ask if you could have some!” his partner shouted.

    Ivan winced. “Uh, guys?”

    “Come on, it was just one measly planter!” the Hakamo-o rebutted.

    “Guys!?” the rescuer pressed, beginning to rub his temples. 

    Maul harrumphed. “How would you like it if I interrupted JUST one of your lessons!?”

    “Don’t even think about it! Your flabby butt would be bad for business!”

    “I told you to stop with the weight thing, it’s hurtf—!

    “GUYS!” Ivan hollered, the cry piercing through the loud music. Both dragons and some Pokémon passing by stopped to look at him. 

    The Grovyle cleared his throat. “Maybe this is something to settle at home? Right now, we’re trying to enjoy the ball.” 

    “What, never been in an argument with your partner? Oh right. That means someone would ever want to date you,” Lynn grumbled.

    Ivan crossed his arms. “I had a girlfriend in college, you know.” 

    “Yeah right! Gahahaha!” the Hakamo-o burst out cackling. “You couldn’t get a date with a garden shrub.” 

    He sighed. “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. Can always rely on you…”

    “It’s okay Ivy, you’ll find someone,” Maul yawned before eyeing a stand across from them. A Flapple was selling candied apples with colorful, sweet coatings. 

    The Haxorus gasped. “Lynnie! Those look amazing! I want to try all of them!” 

    “Seriously? Fine, but you’ll owe me,” his boyfriend huffed before looking back at Ivan. “Well, see you around, I guess. I don’t get your saint act, but as long as it doesn’t get in my way, good for you and your team. Even if I can’t imagine anyone wanting to work for you.” 

    Ivan subtly rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Lynn. That means a lot. Nice to see you guys.” 

    “Yeah good luck! See you Ivy, we gotta stuff our faces with sweet treats!” Maul added before grabbing the Hakamo-o’s arm and yanking him away. The smaller dragon gasped before the two disappeared off toward the stand.

    Inti frowned. “Those were… ‘pleasant’ Pokémon.” 

    “You don’t know the half of it,” the Grovyle sighed. “But they seem almost tolerable when you don’t have to live with them.”

    Galena playfully punched his arm. “Good thing you got us now, right?”

    “Oh yeah, for sure,” Ivan said with a nod.

    Lady chuckled. “I liked the Haxorus, he was funny!” 

    “Maul’s nice enough. Lynn… you had to catch him in a good mood. One where he didn’t feel like harassing and belittling you,” he replied. “But this Nightscale is way better than the last. Look at where we are now! We’re a great team, having a blast keeping the locals safe!” 

    Ivan put his claws proudly on his hips and scanned the crowd. For the whole evening the hundreds of Pokémon had been ebbing and shifting, but suddenly they were mostly still, looking toward the western side of the plaza. The Grovyle’s eyes followed theirs toward the large stage. The Zangoose, Heatmor, and Clefable from before walked off the platform and disappeared.

    An Exploud took their place, loudly clearing his throat and grabbing a microphone. His deep voice was mixed with static from the device. “Residents and visitors of Alma, how’s your Starfall Ball!?” 

    The crowd erupted into cheers, whoops, and clapping. All eyes were on the announcer as his words echoed across the valley. 

    “Great to hear! But don’t worry, the fun is only beginning!” he laughed before gesturing behind him. A Thwackey, a Toxtricity, and an Obstagoon took the stage, respectively taking the drums, guitar, and microphone left by the previous performers. 

    “It was short notice, but we have a special treat for you tonight—Give a warm Alma Isle welcome to Mercurial!” 

    At the introduction, the crowd cheered even louder. Galena’s jaw dropped.

    “How are we doing, Alma Isle!? You ready to make some noise!?” The Obstagoon called out as he grabbed the mic, eliciting more shouts from the festival-goers. 

    “Holy crap, they got Mercurial? How!?”

    Ivan tilted his head.  I probably shouldn’t have to ask, but who are they?” 

    “Only the most awesome Vespiquen cover band in the world!” Galena replied with a huge grin. “Since the original band retired, these guys have been performing instead. They’re super hard to get tickets to, so I’m the luckiest rock lover this side of Noverra right now.” 

    “Oh, you like rock and roll?” Ivan asked, smiling curiously. 

    Galena nodded. “Oh yeah. Just you wait, I’m gonna rock until you guys have to drag me home.” She swayed her tail in a demonstration, her hips and arms following. 

    As though on cue, the band began to strike their instruments, creating a much more powerful sound than the simple rhythms of before. The Obstagoon opened his mouth and pumped a fist. 

    “I walked in the dark, no shred of hope in siiight.”

    The audience clapped and stomped to the drum beats.

    “But you found me, took my breath away that niiight!”

    Galena’s dance became more energetic, and she closed her eyes. “Arceus, this is the best! Let’s bust a move or two guys!”

    “Sure thing,” Ivan laughed, beginning to shuffle his feet. 

    “After the darkest days, I have found my light!”

    Lady looked at Inti with anticipation. “I want to dance too, Inti! Let’s do it together!” 

    “M-Me? Dance?” he uttered. “I don’t know, I’ve never really tried to—”

    His wife grabbed his hand with her stubs, robbing him of his hesitation. Her will was strong enough to pull him in so that they were holding limbs. 

    The Druddigon blushed. “O-oh… Alright, I’ll give it a try.” 

    “I knew you would, my love!”  Lady replied before guiding Inti around, making him find a rhythm in his footing. Soon they were moving to the beat, locking eyes lovingly.

    “Forget inhibitions, you make it all alright!”

    The four danced to the music, singing along. While passing Ivan, Galena teasingly thwapped his side with her tail. He laughed before looking around. The many Pokémon, wearing scarves and masks and smiles, danced in varying levels of sync with the beat. But everyone was enjoying themselves, their excitement warming the ever-cooling evening. 

    ‘This is incredible… So many Pokémon united and happy, and we’re growing closer as a team while we help! Could this night get any better?’ Ivan wondered. 

    For the remainder of the song, everyone moved and sang in unison. As the Toxtricity strummed the last chord, both on his guitar and on his chest, the Exploud announcer came up and whispered something to the Obstagoon. The singer stepped back, allowing him to take the microphone. 

    “Forgive me for the interruption, ladies and gentlemen, but I have amazing news! We have reports near Mount Tenoroc that the Starfall phenomenon will begin soon! In fact, look up!” 

    Ivan, like everyone in the audience, gazed up at the sky. The sun was close to setting, but stars began to appear and dot the deepening blue. Like the Pokémon beneath them, the cosmos were preparing to celebrate. 

    In joyous anticipation, Galena continued her vigorous dance and the team’s lovebirds whirled in a close, romantic embrace. Mercurial resumed their positions on stage, beginning the beat to another lively song.

    The Grovyle grinned ear to ear. ‘The Stars are coming out!”

     ‘This will be the first Starfall with my team!’ he thought. ‘Not too much longer now… It’s going to be magical!’

    Special thanks to youngmanymca on PMDFF, FFN and AO3 for beta reading as always!

    I hope you enjoyed catching up with some long-overdue-to-return characters! And that this introduction to the festival was fun. The next part will follow soon and be just as much fun! I’ve been eager to write this chapter for a while so it’s great to be halfway done with it.


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