The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Nightscale arrives at Lustershine Caverns to retrieve a Radiant Ruby. It’s expected to be a hard task, but it should be fine… shouldn’t it?

    Steam wafted and hissed under the rising tropical trees of Edena rainforest. Unkempt, overgrown paths wound through the dense woods and toward a rocky hill. An adventurer might have considered this place a haven before succumbing to the humidity and choking steam. 

    With Ivan leading, Nightscale pressed through the mist and parted a thorny thicket blocking their path. The team had arrived at the forest’s edge, a large hill in their sights. 

    The Grovyle exhaled, fanning himself panting for breath as the mugginess enveloped him. “We should be… just about there…” 

    Galena and Inti lumbered sluggishly to his side, their breaths also stolen by the jungle air. 

    “I hope you’re right,” the Druddigon muttered as he put a claw to his side and extracted a thorn stuck in his dense scales. “I’m a Pokémon who likes heat, but I can’t take much more of this. It’s been half an hour since we left town.” 

    “Ditto. I think the heat’s evaporated all my slime,” Galena groaned. 

    Lady was perched atop her husband’s head, scanning the verdant land. Its vivid greens were like that of Ivan’s scales. “On the bright side, this place is so pretty! Stonethrow’s forests aren’t this lush!”

    “It’s certainly a neat place to explore,” Ivan replied, wiping sweat off his brow. “I’ll admit it’s hot, but it feels homey to me as a grass type. Though, I’d feel more at home without the thorns and poison ivy.” 

    “You can say that again,” Inti grumbled, rolling his eyes.

    “It’ll be okay! Anything to help our new friend!” his wife cheered before nuzzling the top of his head. His expression softened, though it still had remnants of irritation.

    The Grovyle smiled. “Thanks Lady, and all of you. This expedition might be challenging, so it’s kind of you to help.”

    “Don’t thank us yet. I have a feeling we have a looong day ahead,” Galena muttered before trudging forward.

    Ivan followed suit as he looked forward to see the gaping maw of a cave ahead. It was a massive hole with glittering teeth of faintly glowing crystals in every imaginable color. 

    ‘I was told it’s a magical place… yet, even with those beautiful crystals, I can’t help but feel nauseous,’ the Grovlye thought, his stomach churning. He swallowed and gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to heave. 

    Galena poked his shoulder, prying Ivan’s attention from his nerves. “If we want a Radiant Ruby for Ms. Garnett, and to save your behind, we’ll have to actually go in.”

    “You’re right,” he conceded before walking ahead. A bright glinting caught his eye, however, causing him to look right. The light was reflecting off a bronze statue of a Kangaskhan cradling her baby next to the entrance. ‘These are markers for more notorious dungeons. They represent safety and comfort… I could use a feeling of both right now.’

    Ivan grimaced before trailing off toward the statue. It had a thin layer of grime on its pedestal, which he brushed off. Underneath was a plaque with engraved text. His eyes softened. ‘I’ve never been here… but I think I know what this is going to say.’ 

    “Something wrong, dude?” Galena asked from the side, her head tilted and her antennae dangling. 

    The Grovyle didn’t answer. His claw traced the plaque’s letters as he silently studied it. 

    ‘Lustershine Caverns; AIRTA-recognized mystery dungeon; THREAT LEVEL: GOLD,’ it read. ‘This dungeon is maintained and protected through the Mystery Dungeon Preservation Act. Crystals may be mined, but damage or destruction to the caves is strictly prohibited.”

    Ivan finished the top paragraph, then looked down to find a shorter paragraph underneath.

    ‘This dungeon was discovered by Team Ragnarök. It is watched by AIRTA’s Law Enforcement Department in adoring memory of Luk—”

    His head fell. He closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. 

    ‘Luka Drakonov.’

    “Is everything okay, Ivy?” Lady asked as her husband walked them up to the Grovyle. 

    Ivan stood up straighter and shook the sadness away. “O-oh, fine! I was just reading the dungeon designation. It’s Gold level, meaning there’s a lot of strong Pokémon in there.”

    “That concerns me… Lady and I have not fought many strong Pokémon, except during that stressful mission in the reef,” Inti said with a frown. 

    Galena put a hand on the Druddigon’s shoulder, causing him to flinch. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to fight. Bean brain can lead, and I’ll stay behind you guys in case of any surprises.”

    “Thank you, Galy!” Lady squeaked with a hardy flap of her wings. “So thoughtful of you!”

    “A-Alright, that sounds safer,” Inti remarked before exhaling his unease through his nostrils.

    Ivan nodded. “Yeah, that works. I wouldn’t want you guys to be uncomfortable.”

    ‘This situation is uncomfortable enough as is,’ his thoughts groaned as he peered into the dark hollow of the cave. ‘But now’s my time to make up for it. We’ll get that Radiant Ruby… for you, Dad. I won’t let you or my team down.’

    Vivid crystals illuminated never-ending tunnels deep within the dungeon. The echoes of cascading water traveled through the caves, along with the cries of a heated battle.

    A Graveler rushed at Ivan, the monster’s face a furious scowl. The Grovyle dashed to meet it before sidestepping its attempt to bulldoze over him. He slashed at the Graveler’s side with a leaf blade, sending pieces of rock flying off and causing it to bellow. 

    The creature was about to turn and attack again but found itself before Galena. The Goodra snapped her head forward to spit out a potent pulse beam. The energy exploded into its face, sending it flying and falling to the ground on its back. It groaned and weakly raised a rocky arm before going limp. 

    The fighting pair’s demeanors loosened as the tension left the musty cave air. From a short distance behind them, Inti sighed and Lady clapped her stubby arms against her chest.

    “Good job, that was cool!” she cheered as she rose into the air. 

    Inti frowned. “That was the tenth angry Pokémon we’ve encountered already. Why must mystery dungeons be so stressful?” 

    “That’s how it goes sometimes,” Ivan sighed before rubbing his arm, which was scratched up from the scuffle. “But me and Galena are prepared. “Can you pass me more Oran ointment?”

    The Goodra crossed her arms and flattened her brow. “We don’t have much left dude, gonna have to live with it for a bit. I imagine we’re going to be doing a lot more fighting.”
    “O-oh, no problem,” Ivan muttered, attempting a smile. ‘I guess I deserve that…’

    “Are we close to these Radiant Rubies yet?” Lady asked, her eyes sparkling like the gems surrounding the team. 

    The Grovyle shook his head. “We have a ways to go. The crystals on this floor are getting bigger and brighter, but this dungeon runs super deep. We’ll know when we see one.”

    With the cacophony of battle having subsided, the faint sound of rushing water filled Ivan’s ears. He stood straight as an idea popped into his head. ‘Dad said there’s always a river running deep down in this cave. If we follow that sound, we should find its lowest levels!’ 

    He pointed down the tunnel. “We’ll keep our ears open for that rushing water! If we can find a river, we’ll probably find the most precious jewels.” 

    “Fine by me. The sooner we get out of this place, the better,” Inti groaned as he stepped around the unconscious body of the Graveler.

    “Eeeeek! I can’t wait to see those beautiful jewels!” Lady squealed, fanning her wings. 

    ‘Neither can I,’ Ivan thought. ‘Especially if it means my team isn’t mad at me, and that we can put this whole thing behind us…’

    Ivan pointed a claw to several, differently-colored jewel deposits jutting from a new stretch of cave. As he accounted for each of them, he inspected a paper with labeled drawings of gems. “Elegant Emerald, Twinkling Topaz, Cool Cobalt, Amorous Amethyst… but no rubies.” 

    The Grovyle turned to see his teammates doing the same. His eyes settled on Galena, who was holding a white crystal.

    “Did you find anything?” he asked.

    “Uh, I don’t think so,” the Goodra said without looking up from her guide. She squinted at it. “This is a Queried Quartz. Arceus, I always wondered who named these things.”

    Ivan looked away, gazing knowingly at the wall. “Probably the person who discovered them.” 

    “They must have had quite a sense of humor,” Inti said flatly as he tossed away a pink gem. 

    “I think it’s fun! Like a scavenger hunt!” Lady chimed in as she fluttered along the passage. She gasped as her eyes locked onto faintly glowing red gemstones jutting from the wall. “I think I see one!”

    Ivan spun around as she flew to the deposit. “Wait, really!?” 

    The Grovyle dashed over to meet her at the meekly glittering crystals. He inspected his guide he began to hop in place, filled to the brim with warmth and excitement. The gleam in his eyes rivaled the luster of the gems around him.

    Galena lumbered over and studied the deposit. “Uh, I don’t want to burst your bubble, but that’s a Splendid Spinel.”

    “What?” Ivan chirped, giving her a sideways glance before looking at his paper. “Are you sure? They look identical.”

    Galena shook her head. “My dad buys my mom a lot of jewelry, and spinel is her birthstone. He bought her a ruby once by accident, and she did NOT like that. After her strongly-worded,  hour-long lecture he paid more attention. Spinels are all red, rubies have hints of other colors.” 

    Ivan shrunk. “That’s… disappointing. But it’s good we know the difference.” He then gulped. “Don’t want to think what would happen if we gave Ms. Garnett the wrong crystal.”

    “I suggest we move forward,” Inti sighed. “ I don’t want to be here longer than necessary.”

    “Great, everything but what we want,” Galena muttered before tossing a lime-colored shard and turning to Inti and Lady. “You guys ready to go?”

    “Yeah, sure,” Ivan uttered as he began walking toward the next turn. “We should start seeing finer and larger deposits. It shouldn’t be too long until—”


    Suddenly the ground before them erupted, rock and dirt flying into the air. Two Crustle burst from the floor, eyes glaring and pincers gnashing. Ivan froze in shock before planting his feet. 

    “More dungeon Pokémon!?” the Druddigon blurted, tensing up. 

    Galena ran up next to Ivan as fast as she could. “What is with bug types and ambushing us? Whatever. Let’s introduce these crabs to water!”

    The Goodra stomped before water seeped up from the ground and launched itself at the leftmost Crustle. The water blasted into the crab and pushed it back many feet, making it flail and gargle.

    Panicked by its partner being swept away, the other Crustle lunged and swung its pincers rapidly at Ivan. The Grovyle tried to leap away but it swiped his leg, causing him to slide and stumble. He seethed as he watched a trickle of blood seep from his leg. Ivan craned his neck before spitting a burst of dragon fire. The flames sprayed over the crab, which screeched before scuttling back behind its partner.

    The soaked Crustle spat out Galena’s filth before swiftly scrabbling forward. It slammed the ground with a pincer and sharp rocks flew up from the floor. The Goodra created a protective barrier but some shards rose behind it, digging into her skin. Once the barrage and the shield subsided she rushed forward and slammed belly-first into the crab’s face. They collided with a crunch, the impact sending it flying back. It groaned before collapsing and falling silent.

    Its counterpart cried out as it rushed around the fallen Crustle and toward Ivan again. The crab swung its pincers in every direction but once it approached him, two copies of himself appeared. It slashed through one of the illusions, shattering it into pieces. The true Grovyle ran from the side before crossing his arms and throwing them down over the Crustle’s head. The attack struck with a loud WHAM, and the foe collapsed like its friend, falling motionless. 

    Ivan exhaled as his other copy dissipated, then looked at his teammate. “Almost caught us off guard there. You okay?”

    “I’ll live,” she groaned, inspecting herself for any notable injuries. There was a long, red scratch along her side. “So many Pokémon here, it’s ridiculous.”

    Inti examined the twitching Crustle. “I agree. It is madness in here.”

    “It’s a gold-level dungeon, though I wish it were easier,” the Grovyle replied with a shrug. “There’s a reason you don’t see its finer crystals on the market. It takes bravery to come down here, even for treasure.”

    “Or to be forced by one scatterbrain who got us in trouble,” Galena muttered.

    “But that’s okay, we’re doing great! Let’s keep going!” Lady enthused, her antennae rising before she fluttered ahead.

    “Yeah, come on!” Ivan half-shouted, gesturing for the remaining pair to follow. “Those rubies won’t find themselves!”

    Galena looked wearily at Inti. “If he gets separated, want to just leave him?”

    “The idea is becoming more and more appealing,” the Druddigon deadpanned.

    The gushing of water reverberating through the cave was louder and closer than ever. The air was moist and humid as Ivan led, his skin tingling as speckles of water dotted it. 

    ‘We must be near the river!’ his thoughts exclaimed as he perked up. 

    As Nightscale rounded a bend in the tunnel, it came into view — a long chasm with a waterfall cascading down on the left. Across the gap was the entrance to the next passage, and connecting the room’s sides was a rickety wood and rope bridge.

    Ivan watched as the water fed a stream flowing down the hollow, interrupted only by sharp stalagmites jutting from the scoured rock.

    ‘Beeeetter not fall and see just how sharp those are,’ the Grovyle thought, grimacing. 

    Galena and Inti stopped behind him, with the Goodra’s eyes widening.

    “That’s just great, a delicate bridge. Cause all of us are clearly light on our feet,” she uttered.

    Inti seethed quietly. “I am inclined to agree. Is this the only way to go?”

    “Um… I think so,” Ivan replied, tapping his foot as he scanned the bridge. “It can’t be that old, ten years at most. The construction looks… treacherous, but it should be okay if we take our time. Like with the lily pads at Riptide Reef.”

    “Except those could support our weight, miraculously,” Inti reminded him.

    Lady floated above the three and looked out over the gap. “Don’t worry, we’ll get over it if we believe in ourselves!”

    “Oh my love, never change,” her husband sighed as his body relaxed.

    An idea struck Ivan, causing him to stand a little taller. ‘Just like at Riptide Reef, I’ll go first! Throw myself on the bridge’s mercy and reassure everyone.’

    “I’ll start and prove it’s safe!” the Grovyle announced before walking up to the structure. He carefully stretched a toe onto the first plank and pressed down. The piece of wood, a foot and a half in width, dipped slightly. He then stepped with the other foot and grabbed the ropes for support. The bridge shook but remained stable.

    ‘Can hold fifty pounds, at least.’

    Sporting a determined expression, Ivan proceeded to cross. The bridge twisted and wobbled but did not present any sign of danger. After only a few moments, he made it to the other side.

    ‘Thank you for not getting me killed, bridge builder.’

    He turned around, smiled, and gestured for the rest to come over.

    “I’ll keep Ivy some companyyyy!” Lady sang before flying over. She hummed a little tune as she made her way to Ivan, unbothered by the bridge’s questionable construction. Once she reached him, her antennae shot up in delight. The Grovyle grinned back at her. 

    Her spouse took a deep breath, his nostrils twitching nervously, before trudging forward. “I will not die here… I am doing this for my wife…”

    The Druddigon moved slowly onto the first board and tightly clutched the rope. The bridge groaned and shook vigorously, causing him to gasp. Once it stabilized, he braced himself and took another step. Then another, and another. With each move the bridge complained, sunk, and swung. Inti’s chest rose and fell rapidly as he continued.

    “I’m going to make it,” he muttered in relief as he reached the middle, fixated on Ivan and Lady at the end. They both were supportively gesturing at him. 

    The Druddigon smiled before preparing to move to the next board. His beady eyes focused on the pair… until something floated in front of him. 

    A thin strand of blue fur descended from the ceiling. It danced in the air before nestling into the scales of Inti’s snout. His nostrils wriggled as he unwillingly inhaled. The hair had a musty scent, burning the odor into his nasal passages.

    “Ah… Ha…. Oh dear!” the Druddigon uttered, trying not to sneeze. His tongue wriggled and his maw stretched as he tried to fight the urge.

    “Ah… ACHOO!”

    The sneeze was powerful, resounding through the chasm and rocking the bridge. Inti plucked the strand off his nose and squinted to inspect it. “What in the—”


    A blue blur swooped down from above and shot past him. It let out a distorted, high-pitched shriek warped by the speed at which it was flying.


    Five more blurs, then tens more swooped down and flew frantically around the chasm. It was a cyclone of Swoobat, each screaming louder than the next.

    “What on earth!?” Inti bellowed as he stumbled back onto the previous step, causing the rope bridge to flail and moan.

    Across the bridge, Galena ducked as Swoobat swarmed above her. “That’s a crap ton of bats!”

    “Hold on, Inti!” Ivan shouted as he took cover as well. He inhaled before firing a dragon breath up at the screeching colony. The fire engulfed a column of bats, causing them to fly away in panic and many more to disperse. 

    The Druddigon hyperventilated as the cloud of Swoobat swirled above. He growled in terror as he shifted to stay safe and the bridge lurched side to side.

    Lady rose and flapped her wings eagerly. “I’ll help too, my love!” She whipped her wings forward to send searing powder and stinging winds crashing into the swarm. Some fell out of the air as the larger group scattered, their cloud stretching and contorting.

    Once the colony was far enough from Galena, she stood tall and gave them a fierce look. “Scream over this you noisy freaks!” She whipped her head forward and spat out a purple beam, cutting through Swoobat like a saw through wood. Bats and rock plummeted as the energy carved through the ceiling.

    The rest of the colony wailed in terror and scattered, exiting through the tunnels and down the chasm. A few stragglers flew around in confusion before following their kin to safety.

    The chasm went quiet, with only the rush of water and faint echoes of shrieking filling the silence. The three Pokémon on solid ground sighed in relief, while the suspended Druddigon on the bridge clutched his chest.

    “Why must these things always happen to me,” Inti grumbled as he began forward again. He tiptoed over the remaining boards until he reached the other side. Once his feet touched the cave’s rock again, he let out an emphatic breath. “At last…”

    “Great job! Only one more to go!” Lady cheered before looking over at Galena. “Your turn Galy!”

    The Goodra rolled her eyes. “I hope I don’t have to keep depending on the kindness of gravity.”

    She hesitantly placed her foot on the first board, causing it to sink. She swung her other leg forward as she gripped the ropes to maintain balance.

    “One step at a time… the lava cake I ate earlier might come back to bite me,” Galena muttered as she crept over. The ropes trembled and swayed, somewhat shakier than before, under the Goodra’s weight. With each move the planks reluctantly supported her.

    But as she approached the middle of the bridge, her foot pressing on one piece of wood—


    The plank groaned and buckled and broke in half. It plummeted toward the water below, falling for a moment and plunging into the stream with a splash. 

    “Holy shortcake!” Galena yelled as she lurched, clinging desperately to the ropes. She managed to move a foot back to the previous board, but there was a two-foot gap for her to overcome. 

    “Try kicking your legs and swinging!” Ivan called. 

    She gritted her teeth. “This better work or my ghost will haunt you, asparagus!” 

    Galena pushed with all her might to pull herself up. The Goodra kicked out her stubby legs and swung them like a pendulum. Once she gained momentum, she let go and kicked them forward. Her teammates held their breaths.

    ‘Don’t miss don’t miss don’t miss!” Ivan prayed as he chewed his claws.

    The Goodra was airborne before landing with a thunk on the next board, which was miraculously sturdier than the last. She blinked, observing that she was still on the bridge and not skewered on the rocks below.

    “Thank Arceus. Not feeling like Goodra-kebab today,” Galena huffed. She took the next steps steadily, poking each with a foot to test its durability. After a few moments, she was across.

    She deflated, blowing out the tension. “If I ever meet who built that, I’ll make them wish they were only suspended over a death pit.”

    “Amazing work Galy! The important thing is you’re all okay!” Lady offered as she fluttered to the Goodra. But she noticed Inti and Galena sporting a scowl rather than a smile, causing her expression to fall as well.

    The Druddigon walked up to Ivan and crossed his arms. “It was a stroke of sheer luck we made it. I thought I was going to be killed on that thing!”

    “Yeah, I didn’t think it’d be that rough. Sorry about that,” Ivan replied with a glint of guilt in his eyes.

    Galena sauntered over and glared down at him. “Sorry doesn’t cover it. Today’s been crazy! My feet hurt, I’m tired, and that bridge scared me so bad it probably took years off my life!”

    “I m-mean, it’s been a bit much,” the Grovyle stammered as he felt the tension in the air and the welling, burning remorse choking him.  “We should only have a short way to go and then—”

    “Then we will have to do this all again! Do you not see this day has consisted of unpleasant surprises!?” Inti growled, pointing furiously at Ivan.

    He reeled back, his eyes widening in shock. “I-I’m sorry, I’ll admit it’s a harsh mission, but if we just keep pushing—”

    “Then everything will be okay, right!?” Galena scoffed. “I don’t mind a little adventure, but we aren’t even being paid for this. If you hadn’t screwed this up, this could have been a day off. But no, we’re busting our asses just to keep our jobs!”

    “I don’t understand your ceaseless optimism. Your lackadaisical outlook has created nothing but stress! You seemed to know about this place, yet you haven’t exactly been a comforting guide!” Inti snapped, throwing his arms out in exasperation.

    Lady’s eyes glistened as she watched her friends tear into Ivan. “Are you two… mad at Ivy? He didn’t mean for all this to happen. And he didn’t know about the bridge or the Swoobat…”

    “But that mistake endangers your dream, darling!” her husband remarked before grimacing at the Grovyle. “We’ve had to spend today here to ensure we’re rescuers tomorrow. His carelessness has gotten us into too much trouble!”

    Ivan’s face was white. His mouth trembled, but he couldn’t force any words out. ‘Did I upset them that much…? I made some stupid mistakes but—”

    “Yeah, I nearly took a swim with Ylveltal cause of that Wishiwashi before, and we’re getting jumped by Pokémon non-stop here. It’s been a huge pain. In. The. Ass. And you’re asking us to just persevere!?” Galena spat, looming over the leader as he remained speechless. “Sorry if this is mean, but maybe that Thresha lady was right. This is one hell of a careless screw-up.”

    Ivan just stood there, shaking. Tears leaked from his eyes as he processed the words. ‘Thresha was right? That I’m careless? That I’m… I’m…”

    His head fell, and his body became ten times heavier. ‘That I’m not like my Dad.’

    “I’m so sorry!” he uttered, his voice a high whimper. He fell to his knees and began to sob. “I d-didn’t want this to happen…. This team is important to me. You’re important to me.  I didn’t know it would go this wrong. I just wanted to do things that would make my dad proud, but I failed. Badly. And the truth is… is…”

    He looked up, meeting the disapproving but stunned gazes of Galena and Inti, and the worried gaze of the Beautifly floating next to them.

    “…Lustershine Caverns isn’t some random dungeon. It was discovered by my dad. His teammate Artie drew the gem guides we’ve been using. So this is hard for me, to fail in a place my Dad was kind of known for discovering. To compare so poorly to him.”

    Galena and Inti’s postures shifted, and they silently exchanged troubled looks.

    “My dad was an amazing man,” the Grovyle continued, his eyes on the floor. “Everyone knew and loved him. He was a powerful Salamence with one of the only platinum-rank teams on Alma. He was generous and kind and brave. He touched so many people, and all I want is to keep doing the good that he did.”

    Some of the anger on Galena’s face turned to solemn curiosity and astonishment as she looked back at him. “Never wanted to pry but… what happened to him, anyway?”

    More tears poured down Ivan’s face, forced from him by a deep pain squeezing his chest. “My dad was k-killed. Murdered, by an outlaw.” His face twisted into an anguished grimace as he choked out the words. “They were never caught. Who did it or why, nobody knows, we only know it was a steel type from the horrible wound they left. Ever since he died I told myself I wanted to be like him, embody him, even more than I wanted to already. To be a good leader…”

    The other three fell silent again, letting the rushing and dripping of the water fill the room.

    “Ivy… that sounds terrible,” Lady whispered, her big eyes teary and gleaming with sympathy. “I’m so sorry this place is painful for you…”

    Ivan shook his head and sniffled. “I don’t hate it here, I’ve always wanted to see it, just not under these circumstances… My dream is crumbling and I have to prove myself. If I can’t, it’s over. His legacy is over.” He wiped more water from his eyes, then looked at the two angry dragons. “I know I’m a screw-up. This is all my fault. But please, can you help me through this? I’ll do everything I can to make this better. If not for my sake, then for my dad’s.”

    “I am truly sorry to hear about your father,” Inti offered, looking down as he thought. “But I need to know you’ll do right by me and my darling. Do you promise to be more careful?” 

    The Grovyle wearily nodded. “Of c-course, I don’t want to keep doing this to you guys. My team, my friends…”

    “That’s horrible, dude,” Galena began with a frown, crossing her arms. “Look, I’m not gonna say you didn’t blow it, but I said it back in the gardens with those Ariados, you fight for family. It’s the most important thing there is.  But you gotta get your head together and help us out of this mess.” 

    “I won’t let you down, I swear. We’ll get out of here okay, Drakonov’s honor,” Ivan said, holding his head higher. Galena held out an arm and he took it, allowing her to pull him up.

    “Poor Ivy. We’ll help you!” Lady remarked, flapping her wings vigorously. “We’re going to get the most beautiful ruby Ms. Garnett has ever seen! For you, the team, and your dad!”

    Ivan wiped his eyes one last time before smiling. “Thanks guys. I know I’m a handful, but you’re great for putting up with me.”

    “Let’s get through this dungeon in one piece before we share all our gratitude,” Galena said, rubbing her head. “Still got the rest of the day to go, so be on your a-game, Ivan.”

    The Grovyle stood tall and eagerly balled his fists. “You got it! I… I think I’m ready to go when you are.”

    “That is good. If you are composed, let us get going,” Inti urged.

    ‘We have to do this… I have to do this. I won’t let my own mistakes stop your legacy, Dad. And I won’t fail my team anymore,’ Ivan vowed as the four began toward the next tunnel. 

    Special thanks to youngmanymca on AO3, FFN and PMD Fanfiction for beta reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, as it’s probably the first major tonal deviation from the fic’s status quo, delving into how things are not 100% peachy in Ivan’s world. Stay tuned for the next chapter, the conclusion to this part of the story!


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