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    Ivan takes prospective recruits Lady and Inti on their first mission to a supposedly safe river dungeon.

    Where the Fracta River met Valor Bay, the isle’s broken piece, mangrove swamps gave way to swirling streams. They surged through a maze of jutting rocks and trees, but there was something different about the forest. The trees weren’t made of bark and leaves— they were enormous corals of every color, rising from the waters in defiance of nature. This was Riptide Reef.

    Ivan and his prospective team navigated one of the dungeon’s sandy pathways. Streams on either side surged and lapped at their feet. 

    The Grovyle wiped condensation from his brow as muggy steam enveloped him. “Humid today. At least the temperature is nice for exploring.”

    He looked back at the others. Galena was at the end of the group, while Inti and Lady were positioned safely in the middle. The Beautifly had perched atop her husband’s head, perfectly slotting into the flat space crowned by his scaly brow. 

    “It’s nice and warm!” she enthused. “This place is beautiful, I’ve never seen anything like it!” 

    “It’s… bizarre. But I agree with my darling, the warmth is surprisingly comforting,” Inti added. 

    Ivan smiled at them. “That’s a mystery dungeon for you. They can be scary at first, but when you can explore safely, they’re just incredible. Lucky for us, this one’s just across Dripvale Bridge.”

    “It’s pretty cool, gotta admit,” Galena affirmed as she studied the vivid corals and eroding boulders. In her distraction, however, she plunged her foot into a deep puddle. She grimaced before pulling it out and inspecting it. “This is freshwater… right?”

    The Grovyle shook his claws. “Don’t worry, it’s fresh. It’s thought that Valor Bay used to be under the ocean, but then one day, Alma’s magic made it from under the water. The river formed, and the water was purified. The wildlife, like these corals, adapted instantly.”

    “Good, ‘cause saltwater would be reeeeally bad,” the Goodra uttered in relief. “Pretty insane story though, I wouldn’t believe it if we weren’t here.”

    Ivan laughed. “Oh yeah, that’s why Valor Bay gets a lot of tourism. It’s one big mystery. Lithiore City nearby was actually built into ruins that were unearthed with the islet. Nobody knows how they got there, or if they were even made by Pokémon.”

    “It’s all the more worrying when the magic around here is so powerful,” Inti remarked with a frown. 

    “Really?” he asked, tilting his head. “This sort of thing is common in the wilds. I thought it would be natural for someone from… you know what, I don’t think you said where you’re from.”

    “Stonethrow Wilds, but we don’t have anything like this there,” the Druddigon explained.

    “Stonethrow is wonderful, with tall forests and big hills,” Lady added. “We didn’t explore much together, though. We usually stayed near our cave. But now we get to see amazing places like this!”

    Ivan nodded. “I see. Can’t think of many dungeons out that way, except the one you mentioned at the base. That’s Scaldspring Cave, right? So I haven’t had a chance to visit.”

    “You should! the Pokémon there are wonderful!” she squeaked. 

    “Good to know,” he replied with a smile before looking ahead. In the distance was the next room, a clearing with a pond. 

    The Grovyle cleared his throat to address the group. “Since we’re getting deeper in, let’s go over mystery dungeon safety. There’s a lot to keep in mind when traversing any dungeon. Firstly, make sure you have a map so you can see patterns in the layout. You won’t get lost that way. Next, always pack for any problem. Medicines, orbs, seeds, food, anything you think necessary. And finally, watch the surrounding terrain for Pokémon. You guys would know most Wildborn Pokémon are harmless, but dungeon magic can sometimes make them agitated or hostile.”

    Inti sighed. “Yes, it is a concern of mine… how often do you fight?”

    “It’s pretty common. Outlaws are one of the biggest problems on the isle, so many bounty and dungeon missions will entail fighting,” he answered.

    The Druddigon looked down. “I see.”

    “It’ll be okay, Inti!” his wife encouraged. “We can fight now. And if we have trouble, Ivy and Galy will help us!” 

    “Ivy and Galy?” Galena repeated before chuckling. “We’re already on a nickname basis, girlfriend?” 

    The Beautifly closed her eyes happily. “I thought of them just now! I hope you like them!”

    “I’ve been called that before,” Ivan remarked, gritting his teeth briefly as he remembered Maul and Lynn’s scorn. But his smile quickly returned  “But coming from you? I don’t see any problem.” 

    Hearing that, Lady gleefully flapped her wings. 

    “As I was saying, look out for dangerous Pokémon, but they’re not the only hazard,” he continued, closing his eyes as he professed. “Dungeons present natural obstacles, so you have to mind your surroundings or else—”

    Suddenly, the Grovyle walked into a root poking out from a puddle. It trapped his foot, and he lurched forward. 

    “Ack!” he cried as he fell into the water, splashing it everywhere. He moaned before pushing himself back up. 

    When he turned to face the others, they were staring at him. 

    “Uh… I meant to do that! To perfectly demonstrate what I meant,” Ivan offered before wringing water from his now-soaked head leaf.

    Inti gave him a weary glare. “I’m sure.”

    “Ooh, that was convincing! I thought you really fell!” Lady said before letting out a high-pitched laugh. 

    “Yeah, what an actor,” Galena muttered, rolling her eyes. 

    Ivan shook off the remaining droplets before blushing. “A-anyway. With that lesson sinking in… hopefully for all of us… let’s keep looking for Skyward’s pouch.”

    The group followed his command, scanning every puddle, coral, stone, and sandbar. After minutes of looking, they arrived in the next room. 

    As they entered, they observed the glistening pond ahead. Cattails and aquatic grasses swayed as its waters rippled, and Goldeen swam with unenthusiastic grace. Above the coral trees, a flock of Pelipper and Wingull flew and laughed.

    “How pretty!” Lady squeaked as her eyes darted around the idyllic scene. 

    Galena studied the sparkling pool. “Hope we don’t have to go in there… Oh, hey! Why don’t we have my gal pal get a bird’s-eye, or rather bug’s eye, view?” 

    Inti’s eyes went wide. “I don’t know if my darling should be by hersel—”

    “I’d love to!” the Beautifly interrupted cheerfully. 

    “…Alright, but please come back as soon as you’re done looking.”

    “Don’t worry honey! I’ll be right back!” Lady assured him before taking off into the air. She flapped her wings fiercely, swiftly flying along the pond’s perimeter. Her big eyes peered into the waves and over the pale sands underneath. After a few moments, she finished circling, ready to return to the others.

    “I don’t see a pouch!” the Beautifly announced. “All I can see is… is…”

    She fixated on something, and she stopped in place, floating just above the water. Rising from the center of the pond was a lone blue hyacinth. It swayed in the breeze, as though beckoning Lady.

    “Pretty flower… must… pollinate,” she murmured, her expression nearly blank as her eyes locked it. 

    Inti raised a brow. “Darling, is something wrong?” 

    Lady didn’t reply. Instead, before her husband could say anything more, she fanned her wings and launched herself at the flower. 

    She quickly reached it, landing and gazing over it adoringly. “So… beautiful…”

    Ivan looked at Inti, confused. “She seems to have gotten sidetracked.”

    “Yes, I should have figured this might happen,” Inti groaned. “Lady loves flowers. They sometimes distract her. Er, but she’ll only be a moment, I promise! She cares about this mission deeply and isn’t trying to fool around.”

    “It’s okay. It is a nice flower,” the Grovyle assured. 

    Inti studied the plant before smiling. “I suppose it is. Thank you for being understanding of her.”

    “Not a problem,” Ivan replied. “Everyone needs to stop and smell the flowers sometimes. If that’s what she needs to adapt to rescuing, that’s fine!”

    “We’re all Pokémon, we all need to indulge in something. Like I did in the killer chocolate cake I made last night,” Galena said with a smirk before looking to the pond. 

    The Goodra’s smile fell. The water began to stir and ripple, and the Goldeen underneath scattered. In their wake, a spray of red floated up to the top. 

    Her eyes widened as she pointed at the sight. “Uh, Ivan? I think there’s something in the water.”

    The Grovyle followed her gaze, and Inti did the same. There was now a dark form swimming beneath the surface, growing larger and murkier. A sleek black fin impaled the surface before sailing toward Lady. 

    The Druddigon gasped. “Sweetheart, please come back! It’s not safe!”

    But his wife didn’t hear him, still staring dreamily at the hyacinth. 

    “Lovely, lovely beauty,” she whispered to it, oblivious to the danger lurking. 

    The form began to circle her threateningly.

    “LADY!” Inti roared as he charged in. 

    Ivan swore under his breath before dashing after him. “Inti, I’ll take care of it, stay ba-”

    But before he could stop the Druddigon, the form burst above the surface. It was a Sharpedo with a scarred, streamlined body and hungry red eyes. The fish growled and stared longingly at Lady, who was now nuzzling the flower. 

    The shark roared before shooting forward, water blasting behind. It leaped into the air, its jaws open and ready to snap the Beautifly up in one bite.

    But before it could, Inti was upon it. 

    “NOBODY EATS MY WIFE!” he bellowed before winding his arm back. Small cinders appeared around his claw before igniting into an angry flame. 

    Inti growled before swinging his arm, smashing it into the airborne Sharpedo’s side. His smoldering claw raked across its underbelly, searing into and exposing its pink flesh. It cried out before flying back. 

    The Druddigon grimaced as it slammed into the water, splashing it everywhere. But its fin immediately poked up defiantly, and it began to round the flower again. 

    The Druddigon watched it intently, expecting it to jump at Lady again. But instead, it shot back toward him. 

    The Sharpedo leaped out of the water, screeching as it hurled itself at Inti. The Druddigon roared back, and as the enormous fish came within inches of crashing into him, grabbed it by its sides. It writhed and snapped its teeth, but its jaws were over his head. He wrestled it in his grasp with his brute strength. 

    Inti seethed in rage at the flailing Sharpedo. “You wanted to hurt her? Bite the life out of her!? Let’s see how you like it!” His amber eyes glowed fiercely before he opened his jaw wide. He threw his head forward and clamped down on the fish, causing it to wail in agony.

    He tossed the Sharpedo away with only his mouth, sending it crashing into the pond again. The water it dispersed was dyed red with its blood. Its fin rose yet again, and though the Druddigon sized up to it for another fight. But the fish turned and shot toward the other side of the room, leaving a crimson streak behind. It swam into a connecting stream before disappearing under the water.

    Galena and Ivan stared on in surprise, blinking as they studied Inti. He was breathing heavily, releasing his anger. 

    “Ha… I… wasn’t expecting that,” the Druddigon wheezed.

    “Neither were we,” Ivan admitted, in awe of the display of might. 

    ‘Note to self, don’t challenge Inti to a wrestling match.’

    Inti shook his head before sauntering up to Lady. She hadn’t noticed a thing that had happened, still entranced.
    “Lady! Sweetheart!” he called as he snapped his claws. 

    This time, the Beautifly flinched and looked up at him innocently. “Oh? Sorry dear, I was a little preoccupied. What were you saying?”

    “We were attacked. A Sharpedo tried to eat you!” Inti replied, his jaw dropping in exasperation.

    The Beautifly tilted her head. “Oh my, how unexpected. Is it gone?” 

    “Er… yes, it is,” he said before wiping a trickle of blood from his chin. “But you need to be more careful! You could have been hurt or… or worse!” 

    Lady looked down, the brightness of her eyes dimming. “Oh no, are you… mad at me?”

    “M-mad, at you?” Inti uttered as he reeled back. A breath escaped his mouth as though he were punched in the stomach, and his eyes glistened sorrowfully. “I… n-no! I could never be mad at you, my love.” 

    Lady perked back up. “Oh, okay! But I promise I won’t get so distracted again!” 

    The Druddigon nodded before turning and staring daggers into Ivan. “I’m just surprised. I thought there weren’t going to be any dangers here.”

    “Uh, well,” the Grovyle muttered as he sheepishly grinned. “It must have strayed from the river. But now that you’ve, uh, brutalized it, I’m sure we don’t have to worry.”

    Galena sighed. “Just shows Ivan is right, even if his judgment was as dim as an artichoke’s. You have to expect anything. Stay on your toes.”

    “I’ll be careful” Lady promised, pumping her stubby arm up.

    Inti crossed his arms. “Yes, very careful.” 

    “But hey, that was savage, Inti. I thought you didn’t fight much,” the Goodra remarked. 

    He blushed. “I have to keep us safe. It’s my responsibility to us, to our love.”

    “And how very responsible and loving you are!” the Beautifly affirmed. 

    “A-anyway! Now that that’s over with, let’s keep moving!” Ivan declared before spinning around and closing his eyes. He took a few steps toward the room’s exit. “That pouch won’t find itself! Gotta keep our eyes ope— arck!”

    The Grovyle lost his footing and plunged into the pond with a splash. The three others looked on, bored, as the water bubbled and gurgled.

    “Good thing I brought towels,” Galena deadpanned before reaching into her bag. 

    Another hour passed, and the four had delved ever deeper into the maze. The shores and sandbars had long since receded, leaving paths with ankle-deep— or in Ivan’s case knee-deep— water. 

    As Inti trudged through the stream, he frowned. “How far would you say we are now?”

    Ivan tapped his chin. “I’d think we’re five floors, or sections, in. The dungeon has six floors, so we have a little ways to go.”

    The Druddigon looked down. “Oh, good. All the more adventure.” 

    “That’s the spirit, sweetheart!” Lady cheered, missing his sarcasm and discontent.

    He quietly sighed. “And… what happens if we can’t find this item?”

    “We’ll be stuck here foreeeever!” Galena teased, waggling her fingers and giving Inti an evil grin. Inti craned his neck to give her a bored look.

    Ivan smiled at him. “If we don’t, it’s no big deal. This mission is more for you guys. Getting a reward, and maybe a little recognition, would just be a bonus.”

    “But don’t you need to make money from it? I’ve been told currency is the language of town Pokémon,” Inti replied.

    The Grovyle laughed. “Feels that way, sometimes. But our other missions pay well, rescuing is a very lucrative industry. Especially in summer when people are out and about, losing things and getting in trouble.”

    “This is why I never strayed far from the cave,” the Druddigon grumbled.

    “You’ll get used to exploring,” Ivan assured. “You’ll feel the thrill of discovery, the satisfaction of a job well done, and even the small joys, like this water. Still nice and warm, even this deep.”

    Inti shrugged. “It’s not bad, but I would much prefer the heat of a hot spring. We had some near our home in Stonethrow.”

    “Oh? You guys frequent hot springs?” the Grovyle asked.

    “We do! Me and my Inti actually met at a spring!” Lady chimed in happily. “That’s why Springs is our last name! We didn’t have one before, so when we married and became FANs, we thought it was perfect for us!”

    “Fans of what?” Galena inquired with a confused look on her face. 

    “FANS, Federally acknowledged noncitizens. If a Wildborn wants to marry or do something else that requires documentation, they fill out some paperwork and become a partial citizen. Just so the government knows they exist,” Ivan clarified. 

    “Oh, duh. We don’t have as many Wildborn on Perla, so I guess I haven’t heard it a lot,” she replied. 

    Lady’s eyes shone. “Oh, how nice it is to live as townsfolk! But we have to go back to our hot spring sometime. We could take you two!” 

    “Sounds nice. I could use a spa day,” Galena joked.

    Ivan grinned. “I’m always up for a little self-care. We’ll definitely do that!”

    “That would be nice,” Inti said with a smile. “To go back home, take a bath in the spring where our love began, to heal from the stress of the journey here and—”

    Suddenly, a small form darted underneath the water, slithering against the Druddigon’s leg. He gasped, raising his leg and reeling back. 

    “W-what is that!?” he yelped. 

    Ivan inspected the stream. More slender silhouettes shot down— there were dozens, then hundreds, speeding by. They were blue fish with big, watery eyes and permanent frowns. 

    “Oh, it’s just a bunch of Wishiwashi,” he informed. 

    “How cute! Hello, cuties!” Lady squealed at the fish, who ignored her greeting. 

    The Druddigon put his foot down but still watched cautiously. “Oh. There’s… a lot of them.”

    “Don’t worry your scales,” Galena remarked with a wave of her hand. “These guys don’t even bite. My dad would take my brother and me fishing for them all time.”

    Inti grimaced. “A-aren’t they dangerous? I was always told they could accumulate into a larger form.” 

    “Only if you anger the school. You can catch them a net at a time, and the school doesn’t notice,” she explained.

    ‘Interesting, a Wildborn here doesn’t know about Wishiwashi?’ Ivan wondered. ‘They’re pretty common.’

    “You don’t fish, Inti?” he asked.

    “Er, no. I never have,” the Druddigon admitted. “I don’t eat fish. I prefer fruits and vegetables.”

    Lady fluttered onto his head and closed her eyes contently. “My Inti’s so kind and gentle, he doesn’t want to hurt the fish! He wouldn’t even hurt, well, a Beautifly!” 

    “Unless they threaten you, girlfriend,” Galena teased. 

    Inti rolled his eyes. “That was a reflex. I’ve battled before, I just don’t solve my problems with aggression, like many Druddigon unfortunately do.”

    “That’s admirable,” Ivan remarked. “My dad had a saying. ‘Strength isn’t the ability to push others around, it’s the power to stand up for what’s right while holding compassion in your heart.’”

    “Word,” the Goodra said with a nod of approval.

    “It isn’t just compassion,” the Druddigon added. “The local streams were too far from our cave. Pokémon in the area grew crops, supplementing what we found scavenging.”

    “Going to be interesting seeing you guys living town life, then. If you crave something, you just go to the market for it,” Ivan said. 

    He smiled. “I suppose that’s a pleasant and convenient change.” 

    “The berry you gave me earlier was nice and juicy! Just one more reason living in town will be wonderful!” Lady cheered.

    “Glad you think so! Florei Valley is a great place,” Ivan replied before watching the Wishiwashi again, which continued to dart past them. He rubbed his chin. “Say, they seem to be going somewhere particular.”

    “Probably running from another Sharpedo,” Inti scoffed, dropping his content expression. 

    The Grovyle shook his head. “No, I think I remembered something. There’s a big pond near the end of the dungeon.”

    “Okay. So?” Galena asked. 

    “The streams lead to that pond, so anything that winds up in them could get carried there,” he explained. “So if Team Skyward’s bag fell in a stream…”

    “Then it might be in the pond!” Lady squeaked, finishing the thought. 

    “Exactly! So let’s get our legs moving and wings flapping at double-time!” Ivan proclaimed.

    Special thanks to youngmanyca on FFN and Ao3 for beta reading!

    I hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into the characters of Lady and Inti, I’m smitten with them and I hope you are too! With that said, we’ll see if the wholesome tone continues into the second half…

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    1. Mar 6, '24 at 11:29 am

      Nearing the last chapter available now─

      Now the description gets a whole lot more interesting. It manages to blend interesting visuals with simplistic prose, making a solid image that is easy to understand. The starting portion of the chapter feels pretty light in content, focused mostly on the setting and the worldbuilding, along with some minor interactions, mostly focused on displaying the dynamics of the two new characters, especially Inti. His perspective on things is pretty interesting, being opposed to most of what one would consider normal in a PMD fic. The setting is snazzy and fantastical, and just reading it makes me excited for what may come in the future.

      Lady going off on her own after seeing a flower? Now, that’s something interesting to see, all things considered. This is one of the things I mentioned too— taking the Pokemon species and adding fun twists to them! Oh yeah, Sharpedo are basically torpedoes, aren’t they. Yet another Pokemon tidbit. And dang, is Inti a hidden badass? It’s surprisingly rare trope to see, oddly enough. The brutalization of the Sharpedo was also a pleasant surprise, and a reminder that despite how light toned the fic is, things can and will get bloody every now and then. And if Ivan getting splashed with water is turning into a recurring joke for the chapter, then it’s a dang good one.

      Oh, even more worldbuilding? Interesting take on the way names work. The rapport between Inti and Lady are all the nicer, in all honesty, and seeing them be cute and all is delightful. Although from the way it’s worded, it’s a bit hard to tell which one of the two is a wildborn. And knowing how Wishiwashi work, seeing a ton of them makes my heart race in anticipation, because I know damn well what’s coming up.

      Huh. Chapter’s over. I was kinda expecting the battle to appear right now. Oh well. The chapter was a bit of a nice return to the formula I really liked when I started reading the fic, some light back and forth between the cast, while we get to learn of them and the world they inhabit in a light, though still active, journey along the interesting world you created. It reminds me of a saturday morning cartoon show that one eagerly waits to see as soon as you can, pleasantly wandering through fantastical settings. With its lighter prose and easy to follow narration, it’s the perfect fic to read while I wake up in the early mornings, and I feel this chapter is more or less a microcosm of what the fic feels to read all in all.