The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Please show your badges.”

    Surge and Rhyzo could only gape at the question posed by an Arcanine guarding the entrance of Beach Cave.

    “Let us in! We’re not unevolved kids!” Rhyzo begged.

    “Have you been living under a rock?” the Arcanine calmly growled. “Only Pokemon with professional or apprentice licenses have the right to explore a mystery dungeon. Doing so otherwise is illegal. You need licenses to obtain badges for your team. Only then you are certified.”

    Rhyzo groaned at the prospect of being arrested for not having a puny little button with him.

    “Where can we obtain the licenses?” Surge asked.

    “Where else? There are dozens of guilds in Treasure City eager to accept new apprentices.” She pointed a paw upward. “Why, the cream of the crop is only one path away!”

    “You mean the Pinkerton Guild?” said Rhyzo.

    “Of course, Rhydon. It’s the alma mater of Team Pokepals and countless other renowned teams! Just go up the Sunflove exit nearby. You’ll find a huge fortress of soil, atop which a Wigglytuff tent awaits.”

    “Come on, Surge.” Rhyzo grabbed his paw and the two departed in the opposite direction. The Arcanine whined, unable to supply enough exposition to them.

    Surge and Rhyzo returned to the signpost and took the direction to Old Town stated on it. The first step was to ascend a hill which led to the mainland. As they crossed the hill, the landscape appeared to transform from a beach to a forest of oak trees lining a clear path. The sparkle of the leaves under the light of dawn was just as breathtaking as the sculpted shores of Sunflove, if not more.

    Rhyzo said. “You know, Surge. Every team has a name. Shall we call ourselves Team Vengeance?”

    “No!” groaned Surge. “That’s too violent!”

    “How does a word sound violent to you?!”

    “Like how you can’t name your child ‘Death’! A name should inspire positive feelings.”

    “Look, all teams I’ve heard of have badass names. Evolution, Dynamite, Salvation, Hyacinth…”

    “Some names convey power and others convey hope. Like Pokepals.”

    They interrupted their discussion when they reached the top of the hill. A massive building sculpted out of soil dwarfed them. It had intimidating wings which were hundreds of feet long. The center of the building itself was a tall cliff which touched the sky. A long stairway was carved into it. The foot of the stairway was flanked by many flags representing different regions of the world as well as advertising banners. In the center of the crossroads in front of the stairway was a shiny copper statue of Team Pokepals: a Piplup and a Chimchar wearing scarves.

    Rhyzo gazed at the building and appreciated its intricate architecture. “The Pinkerton Guild does live up to its billing,” he remarked. “Let’s go up.”

    Surge and Rhyzo passed the statue and an underground pub called ‘The Dancing Spinda’. They started to climb the stairway. They took glimpses of the stairway’s walls, which bore paintings of famous dungeon teams of the past and present.

    “Now, about the team name?” Rhyzo asked.

    “I’d like Team Generous,” replied Surge.

    “Meh. That’s so lame!”

    “It represents selflessness! How do you find this lame?”

    “Names should sound badass. Team Evolution for example. They take exploring to the next level! How about Team Annihilation?”

    “Could you please suggest a name that’s not savage?”

    “Team Armageddon?”

    “Arggh!” Surge slapped his own forehead.

    The two reached the end of the stairway and stepped onto grass. A large pink tent with long ears, windows resembling googly eyes and a childish smile greeted them. There was a totem pole at each side of the tent. Flag banners and wooden torches shaped like X’s lined the path to the tent.

    “That tent is modeled after the Wigglytuff founder,” Rhyzo described. “Wigglytuff are jolly pink Pokemon with big teal eyes. But… I don’t know about the founder myself.”

    Surge and Rhyzo walked to the tent and read the timings sign. According to the sign, the staff would arrive at 7 o’clock. They went to a nearby tree to wait until that time.

    Atop the cliff, they saw the borough of Old Town from a bird’s eye view. It was an exquisite web of trees and historical buildings, ending at the shimmering horizon of the ocean. The sun was rising higher in the sky as the pinkish-orange hues of dawn cooled into light blue.

    “So stunning…” said Rhyzo. “It’s like we’re on top of the world!”

    Surge agreed. Regardless of the nature of his lost memories, the vistas of Treasure City were welcome additions to his depleted mind. These new memories would help him ease into his new life.

    “I guess we could stumble upon even cooler sights in the dungeons,” Rhyzo continued. “If only those shitty Renegades allowed me to step onto their gorgeous beach…”

    “Can we continue with the team names?”

    “Sure. But don’t give me lame ones.” Rhyzo leaned against the tree trunk.

    Surge thought for a while and said. “Team Friend. We are friends in need to every Pokemon.”

    “Friend?! That’s stupid as hell! Can’t you think of something intimidating?”

    “That would scare off our clients! We’re supposed to help Pokemon, not make them fear us!”

    “Shut up! Let me decide the name. You’re always giving me dumbass answers!”

    “You’ll decide something like Team Violence or Team Hatred. You’re not good at names either!”

    “Then keep your snout shut and don’t ruin this epic landscape!”

    Waiting for the staff to arrive felt like hours. To pass the time, Surge and Rhyzo watched the streets fill up with a handful of Pokemon, who were only dots in their eyes. Some opened the windows of their buildings and others crossed the streets, possibly going out for work. A few Flying-types fluttered above the skyline.

    While Rhyzo kept an eye out for any arriving guild members, Surge observed the streets with intent. For some reason, the sight of strangers going about their daily lives enchanted him. One life witnessed many others unfold. Does his amnesia and thirst for knowledge have to do with this habit?

    “Good morning!” A raucous caw from above made Surge and Rhyzo hurry to the tent’s entrance.

    They saw a Fearow swooping at the Wigglytuff tent. “Are you here to venture with the very best?” she said, perching on the top rung of the tent’s entrance.

    The two aspirants faced the Fearow. By then, the sky had completed its transformation into blue.

    “My name is Keene,” said the Fearow. “I am the sentry of the legendary Pinkerton Guild, keeping a keen eye out for any outlaws. Are you here to take an apprenticeship?”

    “Yes, Fearow,” Rhyzo replied with a grin.

    “Please come inside the tent,” said Keene, unfurling her right wing. A band of cloth with the Pinkerton Guild insignia was wrapped around the wing. “Why did you come so early? Before every member of the guild?”

    “Maybe…” Surge reasoned. “…it’s too crowded in the day?”

    “You’re right, Lucario. Citizens absolutely swarm this place. Whether it’s to attend our apprenticeship courses, meet their favorite dungeoneers or interview them about their missions.”

    “Please excuse me if you find this absurd, but I would like to know what species of Pokemon you are. To be fair, I lost my memories-“

    Rhyzo tugged Surge’s ear to his mouth and whispered. “Don’t spill it out, Surge! If they know about our origins they’ll find us suspicious!” He released the ear.

    “By the way, I’m a Fearow,” continued Keene as if the amnesia wasn’t a big deal. “Are you a tamed feral?”

    “A tamed feral?” Rhyzo asked.

    “Sometimes, wild Pokemon gain sapience after defeat. These Pokemon are rescued and housed in special wards. Most tamed ferals are children who are put up for foster care, but adults like your Lucario friend are not out of the question.”

    Rhyzo thought about the matter. It could be possible that Surge was a wild Lucario plucked from some dungeon by Team Renegade to groom into a villain, exploiting his clear mind without the heroic defiance expected of his species. Or he could be a sapient prisoner who had his memories erased, the background Rhyzo envisioned.

    He went with the ‘tamed feral’ viewpoint. That way, the public would never raise a furor about his connections to Team Renegade. He’d still swear his loyalty to his own speculation, though. “Fearow, he is a tamed feral,” he answered. “This is why he has no memory.”

    “Alright, Rhydon,” said Keene. “But I warn that he will have a tough apprenticeship due to his lack of knowledge about Pokemon species. Don’t worry, our world-class coaching will guide him through his amnesia!”

    “Thank you, Fearow.” Surge bowed to the bird Pokemon. He and Rhyzo entered the tent.

    The entrance led to a surprisingly small lobby. In the middle of it was a sign detailing the guild’s motto. There was a ladder and a stairway which led to the underground floors. Surge and Rhyzo attended the reception desk, where a Delcatty was reading a bunch of documents. She was seated on a chair designed for quadrupeds. An intimidating Armarouge stood next to her, crossing his arms.

    “Good morning, receptionist,” said Rhyzo. “I am Rhyzo the Rhydon. I want to take an apprenticeship at this guild with my partner, Surge the Lucario.”

    “Okay,” replied the Delcatty in a drawl resembling a meow. “We are honored to accept a new team of apprentices to our ever-growing roster. Please fill this form.” She gave a parchment and a quill pen to Rhyzo. The parchment asked for the team members’ full names, species, hatch dates and the team name.

    The full name entry posed a problem for Surge. While Rhyzo went with a chosen surname, Drillzer, Surge could not remember his own. “Excuse me,” he said. “I am a tamed feral. I have just been taken in by Rhyzo, so I don’t have a defined surname of my own. Could you please suggest some appropriate surnames for Lucario?”

    “No need to worry.” The Delcatty smiled. “There are many famous Lucario you can borrow your surname from. There’s Lucandon Aurander, the historic hero who popularized the concept of dungeon teams…”

    “May I take the surname Aurander? I like the sound of it.” For some reason, it’s so familiar…

    “Very well. But do note that it is a common surname among Lucario families. Would you like a more unique surname?”

    “No thanks. I’m fine with a common surname.” It would make me feel less alien to this world.

    “Okay. You will now be known as Surge Aurander.”

    Surge Aurander and Rhyzo Drillzer…

    Pleased by the Delcatty’s courtesy, Surge watched Rhyzo fill up the parchment, seated on a chair. When Rhyzo was stumped by the requirement for hatch dates (and their uncertainty of them), he threw up random dates. Then there was their controversy over the team name. He recalled a particular word Keene said: Venture.

    Alright, I’ll go with Venture, Rhyzo thought. It sounds cool enough. I wish Surge leaves this alone instead of berating me for so-called ‘violence’. He filled in the team name and handed over the parchment to the receptionist before getting up from his chair.

    “Hm.” The receptionist read the parchment. “You call yourselves Team Venture?” She emphasized the last word.

    “Yes,” Rhyzo and Surge said in unison. Surge was relieved that Rhyzo settled on a non-violent name.

    “Thank you for filling the form, Team Venture,” said the receptionist. “Now please pay us the fee.”

    “A fee?!” Rhyzo roared.

    “How much is the fee?” Surge asked, feeling let down.

    The receptionist slowly stated. “The fee is exactly fifty thousand golds.”

    Fifty thousand?! Mewdawn you!” Rhyzo ranted. He grabbed the chair and hurled it at the Delcatty with a slam. “You money-grubbing idiots!” The receptionist was knocked off her own chair.

    “Why did you hit her?” Surge scolded.

    Getting up and rubbing her head in pain, the Delcatty admonished the furious Rhydon. “Is this how you treat the Pokemon around you? Your recklessness does not warrant you the prestige of a dungeoneer. Bouncer, send these two out of the guild!”

    “Eat your words, penny-pincher.” Rhyzo snarled at her. “Don’t underestimate my stre-” A psychic force arrested him and Surge, lifting them into the air.

    With literal fire in his eyes, the Armarouge bouncer marched at Team Venture, immobilizing them in a Psychic attack with his cannon arm. He carried them out of the tent and made a flinging motion with the cannon arm. Surge and Rhyzo were catapulted into the sky, far away from the Pinkerton Guild.

    They crashed into a distant tree. Rhyzo dropped to the ground like a stone. A bunch of blue fruits were spilled onto him by the tree. He saw Surge’s blue tail dangle out of the leaves.

    “Mmph.” Surge was stuck in the branches. “Hey, Rhyzo! Get me out of this tree!” The leaves rustled as he tried to wriggle out.

    Rhyzo pulled Surge’s tail, causing him to yelp. He dragged the Lucario onto the ground. More blue fruits rained on their heads.

    “Ow! What did you pull?” Surge chastised, getting back onto his feet. “You should have gently plucked me out of the branches!”

    “I can’t jump,” said Rhyzo, picking up one of the fruits on the ground. “Or climb, for that matter. So I pulled your tail.”

    “I have a tail?”

    “Why shouldn’t you? You’re a canine Pokemon. Here, eat this.”

    Surge was given the fruit. “What is this?”

    “It’s an Oran Berry. It heals wounds and relieves pain.”

    Surge took a bite of the Oran Berry. The dull pain from the Armarouge’s Psychic vanished with the taste of the citrusy fruit. “I feel better already. It tastes nice!” He chewed down the rest of the Oran.

    Rhyzo nabbed many Orans from the ground and chomped them up whole. “Damn, I’m famished!” he spoke in the middle of his feast. “I didn’t know I was so hungry after my daring rescue. Come and join me in killing our hunger.”

    Surge picked up the remaining scattered berries and noshed on them, having an equally barren stomach. He hesitated to shake off all the berries in the tree, believing it belonged to some municipality.

    “What are you waiting for?” Rhyzo goaded. “This is just a simple street. The tree doesn’t belong to anybody. Nobody will get pissed off.” He ripped off a bunch of leaves from a branch and snacked on them as if they were potato chips.

    Surge agreed and shook the tree, causing more Oran Berries to fall out of the foliage. He and Rhyzo finished all of the berries in the tree. Unfortunately, their impromptu breakfast was too light to fully overwhelm their hunger.

    They looked around. Their new location was a street full of guilds of all sizes. What other buildings around were dojos, offices, battle arenas and spas. Rows of trees and grassy spaces bridged the gaps between the buildings.

    Many Pokemon scurried across the street. Most were adult dungeoneers wearing belts, pouches, armor plates and many other accessories for exploration. There were also a sizable number of uniformed children attending apprenticeships.

    “Excuse me!” Surge called out to a passing Servine, whose Snivy brother was hitching a ride on her head. “What is the name of this place?”

    “Poppyham,” replied the Servine. “Are you a tourist?” Her voice emphasized the S.

    “Technically… yes,” Surge carefully replied. Tourist was not a bad moniker for an amnesiac like him.

    “Poppyham is famous for its guilds. There are over 30 guilds in this borough alone.”

    “Beryllium is one of them,” the Snivy added. “We’re taking apprenticeships there.”

    “Can you show us around the place?” Surge asked.

    “Sorry. We’re going to guild school right now.” The Servine showed him her backpack.

    “We can’t be late for class!” said the Snivy.

    The grass snakes bid goodbye and set off. Meanwhile, Rhyzo showed Surge an adjacent cave.

    “Look, there’s another guild here,” Rhyzo told him. “The Onyx Guild. I hope their services are free of charge!”

    Team Venture entered the cave and descended a stairway. They reached a cavern which acted as a lobby and approached a Graveler at the stone desk.

    “Welcome, visitors!” the Graveler said in a jovial tone under the light of oil lamps. “We are grateful to have new blood at this new guild!”

    “We want to become dungeoneers,” Rhyzo replied. “Do you accept apprentices free of cost?”

    There was silence. The Graveler blinked.

    Then, a thunderous guffaw erupted from the Graveler’s mouth. A guffaw so loud that it echoed across the whole cavern. Team Venture froze at a snicker which persisted for dozens of seconds.

    Once the Graveler finally tired out from his laughter, Rhyzo blurted. “What the hell are you laughing at?”

    “Who allows apprentices without a sum of money?!” the Graveler said. “We need the cash to maintain our guilds, stock item and food supplies, make accessories for our members and sustain our faculty’s livelihoods! What crazy circumstances brought you to a question like this?

    Rhyzo banged the desk with a clenched fist and broke into a tirade of profanities.

    “Well, that’s the most colorful response I’ve ever heard from a customer,” told the Graveler. “Why don’t you go and find cheaper and safer jobs?”

    Surge and Rhyzo trudged out of the Onyx Guild. Rhyzo vented out his frustration. “Mewdamn it. When did dungeoneering become a money-making business?”

    “Remember the expenses the Graveler discussed,” Surge reminded. “The staff demanded money for a reason.

    “To splurge that money on world tours?”

    Amidst a sea of determined dungeoneers, Team Venture were a hole of dejection. They wandered around Poppyham past many a guild that would hound a sum of money. When they were exhausted from their fruitless trek, they sat under a statue of a Lopunny, Gardevoir and Medicham in an elaborate pose, the all-female ace explorers of the past known as Team Charm.

    Surge’s round eyes meandered to a particular sight. In the distance, a Machoke, Gurdurr and other burly Pokemon laid bricks on an unfinished tower. These Pokemon stood on girders made out of rock. Flying-types hovered above them, carrying building materials in their talons. More materials were suspended in the air by Psychic moves. Vine Whip stalks were used as ladders and ropes.

    “Rhyzo, look at this,” Surge said, tapping the Rhydon’s shoulder. “Can we take construction jobs there?” He gestured to the tower. “I think our powers would be ideal for them.”

    “No damn way!” Rhyzo shoved Surge’s arm away. “We can’t trash our dream like this!”

    “We could earn money in the construction and then spend it on an apprenticeship.”

    “But we can’t let those Renegades keep screwing society! We must beat them all as soon as possible!”

    “The stronger dungeoneers will beat them. I’m sure of it.”

    “We can’t wait for them. We must confront those scumbags and take matters into our own claws. We can’t ignore an awesome opportunity like this!”

    Rhyzo got up and showed his claw to Surge. “Come with me.”


    “We’ll go to the dungeons ourselves!”

    “What about the licenses?”

    Screw the licenses!” He grasped Surge’s paw and pulled him off the ground. “Let’s not submit to those greedy guilds!”

    Are you crazy?” Surge denounced, trying to wring his paw free. “Remember what the guard outside Beach Cave advised?”

    “How can the cops find us in the dungeons? We’ll slink under their noses!” Rhyzo dragged Surge along.

    “What about the dungeon teams? They’ll catch us red-pawed!”

    “We’ll hide from them. Simple as that!”

    Surge kept making protests, but Rhyzo rejected all of them. At last, Surge resigned himself to his leader’s misguided rejection of guilds.

    After they shuffled a few miles, Team Venture encountered an underground entrance. The sign above it read ‘Underground Dungeon’.

    “Hey, look at that,” Rhyzo said, eyeing the sign. “This sounds like a dungeon!”

    “There’s somebody down there,” Surge expressed, peering down the stairs.

    “Must be a traveling dungeoneer,” Rhyzo took Surge down the stairs. “We could ask him for-“

    “Badges, please.” A Butterfree guard at the foot of the stairs stopped them.

    Hauling themselves out of the underground entrance, Team Venture rued their luck. They had begun their dungeoneering journey under a false dawn.

    Rhyzo could not believe the monetization of exploration, disgusted by the discrimination of penniless folks like himself. He believed that dungeoneers dive into danger for the sake of justice, not as a glorified job. A job that entails all classes of life from everymen to superstars, but not the free volunteering service he wanted. He aimed to expose this folly by taking down Team Renegade without a single badge and parading his feat in front of the shocked dungeon community.

    Surge just wanted a break. Why would his savior spit at common sense to reach a foolish goal? His life was pulled out of the frying pan and tossed into the fire, forever endangered by the laws of society. Rhyzo’s questionable quest was the only route he could take; all others were washed away by amnesia. He could only depend on luck to evade injuries, captures and whatever other hazards await in the dungeons.

    Team Venture began their search for a dungeon, navigating themselves through Poppyham with only passing dungeoneers for reference. If only they had the money to afford a map…

    Yes, we’ve gone off the rails with Rhyzo’s rejection of guilds. If he had taken any other job, what’s the point of a Mystery Dungeon story? Team Venture’s journey will be quite the slog… Alright, here are the customary notes:

    – Pokemon have unique honorifics. Instead of ‘Sir’ and ‘Madam’, they formally call others by their species name. Honorific prefixes and full names are replaced by a species title: Mr. Surge/Surge Aurander to Surge the Lucario.

    – Like honorifics, their naming conventions are different to ours. If a Pokemon is hatched by interspecies parents, they take the full names of both parents like a Spanish name. For example, if a Bulbasaur named Seed has a Charizard father named Drago Fire and a Venusaur mother named Venus Flower, their full name would be Seed Fire Flower.

    – Canon characters from the PMD games will be given formal names in this fanfic. For example, Guildmaster Wigglytuff’s name is Pink Pinkerton.

    – Furniture is designed to accommodate the diverse body types of Pokemon. For example, chairs have a gap for tails to pass through.

    – Rhyzo ate the tree leaves because he is a browser (leaf-eater) like real-life rhinos. I will include other instances of animalistic behavior in Pokemon to emphasize their wild origins. For instance, Surge hangs his tongue out when he’s exhausted like a real wolf.

    – The Underground Dungeon is based on the London Underground (with manual carriages instead of trains). Built by Ground-types, it is a network for dungeoneers and messengers to travel from guild to guild and reach the outskirts of Treasure City without disruption by citizens and infrastructure.

    Finally, to those who want to know about the schedule of updates, new chapters will be posted every fortnight any evening from Friday to Sunday. I hope you are satisfied with this schedule!

    1 Comment

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    1. Mar 13, '24 at 12:26 pm

      Hey there! I come from the #review-tag of the Pokémon Mystery Diner! I’ve read through the Prologue and Chapters 1 and 2 (12k words) as is required.

      First of all, I would like to preface that the whole idea is super duper cool. I am a sucker for people who take wildly different concepts and make a huge effort in making them work. I can see the passion and the amount of worldbuilding that you’ve dedicated in creating, the care in taking aspects of several games and pushing them forward. It is the strongest suit of this fic, and I’m sure others will be as enthralled by these concepts as I was! The Pinkerton Guild, Team Renegade’s technology, the usage of the Ultra Space, the dungeoneering prestige in society. Those are all cool ideas and concepts!

      There are a couple of pointers regarding on some things that could be improved, but I believe the biggest one would be the addition of a filtering lens on the narration itself. The style of narrator you are using is, from what I can understand, would be “third-person limited”, which is third person, but still filtering through the point of view of a certain character. Throughout the same part, you keep bouncing which character you are in the mind of, not filtering through a specific lens. This is specifically shown during the opener of Chapter 1, in which we are following the Orbeetle, but then it suddenly shifts to Rhyzo. We are given glimpses of Rhizo’s thoughts, but at the same time, we are never given the small thoughts, tidbits, and impressions throughout the narration of what he thinks and feels. This is true throughout all the fic; we are always told what is in there, but we are never really told through the narration how the PoV character’s impression of those things are. This makes for a big missed opportunity in building characterization throughout the story and doesn’t take advantage of written media’s biggest strength: taking glimpses at a character’s thought process and personality.

      Regardless, I am really happy to see you taking this dream of yours, wrangling into pen-and-paper and making it a reality. The most important thing here is to have fun, and share that fun with others. When you are having fun, when you create something unique from the heart, it becomes infectious to others, and I want you to never lose track of that. Go crazy with your theories, amaze others with your wild imagination, keep making this story come to life! I am sure that it will become huge one day if you keep at it!