The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    This chapter wasn’t written by me. The author of this lovely piece of prose is DesertOdyssey, and all the credits go to him. I just posted this because I loved the drabble, and I have his permission to do so. Enjoy~

    The beach was surprisingly calming. For a place which was so easy for a non water-type to drown, it made him forget about all the stress that plagued every second of his existence.

    While Lance was no stranger to these negative feelings, he would try to suppress them if only for now. While his brother arranged things with the client, he would be all to himself, and he’d rather do it without a headache.

    The lucario was leaning against a tree, right in the line that separated the sandy beach from the grassy outskirts of town. Much better to not get sand stuck on his fur. His arms and eyes were closed, allowing him to relax more easily

    The sound of the waves and the wind did wonders for him. Team Liberators were known for being brave and bold, but as any introverted, Lance enjoyed these quiet moments of-

    “Catch!” A high-pitched voice disturbed the Lucario’s train of thought.

    It was followed by a loud giggle, as well as the unmistakable sound of paws dashing across the sand, “No fair! You threw way too fast!” Came a different, albeit just as young and excited voice.

    Lance’s ears twitched. He cursed Brian for taking so long. It was so quiet here when he first arrived! Now these kids keep breaking his peace. While he could easily leave, the lucario had made the terrible mistake of making this beach their meeting point. He hoped Meggie could at least make his brother hasten up.

    “Hah, that makes it 5 – 0 to me!” The first voice proudly declared.

    “Grrr… I’ll blow way past you, just you wait and see!” While the second voice could be mistaken as being angry, Lance was familiar with that tone… that competitive, jolly tone…

    He opened his scarlet eyes to leer at the noisy children. When he did, his eyes widened in shock.

    Before him, he saw a giggling zorua running after a ball on the floor, a smiling riolu right behind him. The beach’s colors were morphed, the sand, the sky and the sea, they were all grey. The only colorful thing to Lance’s eyes were the two playful pokémon.

    The zorua bit the rubber ball, tossing it high to the air by flicking his neck. The Riolu jumped to catch it, using his little hands to punch the ball, tossing it back down.

    The dark-type headbutted it in a desperate effort to not be the one to drop it, sloppily sending it back to the fighting-type, who backflipped and kicked it right back.

    Stumbling on his paws, the zorua fell forward, facefirst into the sand barely managing to hit the ball with his tail. The round object then flew slowly to the riolu, who didn’t even bother to jump, just tapping it, making it fall right on Zorua’s side.

    “That’s 6 – 0.” He stated, kneeling in front of Brian, offering a paw to help him up.

    “Hmph! I toooootally meant for that to happen, it’s all part of my master plan!”

    “The plan to get your fur all covered in sand?” Lance’s tone was serious, but clearly had signs of the same joyful playfulness as his brother.

    “You talk like I never beat you in this game before!”

    “Well, have you?”

    “No… but hey, at least I’ll score a point after… this!” He accepted his brother’s paw, getting back up, only to have his tail suddenly hurl the ball to a random direction as soon as he spoke the final word.

    It quickly started to fly to Lance’s point of view.

    “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry mister!”

    The lucario’s eyes opened, only to see a stoic piplup carrying a bag staring his way. On his side, a embarassed rockruff stood.

    “We didn’t mean to wake you up!” The rockruff lowered his head in shame.

    “What do you mean ‘we’? That was all you!” The piplup put his flippers on his hips, staring daggers at the canine.

    “Oh brother, shush!”

    Even after waking up, the lucario couldn’t help but stare at the two pokémon. Despite his indiferent-looking face, deep inside he had many feelings bubbling up on his chest.

    By his side, he saw a rubber ball. The same one from his ‘dream’. It was stuck on one of the tree’s branches, just enough for the children to be unable to reach.

    “I won’t shush! You need to be more responsible, Luke!” The piplup bickered further.

    “And you need to lighten up, Barry!” Fired back the rockruff.

    The bickering duo didn’t notice as Lance moved his arm to grab the ball, having to lean up to reach. He held it close to his lap, feeling its texture. The same memory flashed back in his mind’s eye. The memory of simpler, happier times.

    If such times even once exist for real anyway.

    The child pokémon were silenced at last when Lance offered them both the ball, “It’s fine. If you want to make up to me, go back there and have fun with your brother.”

    Both Barry and Luke had stars in their eyes, looking at Lance, while the adult looked away with his ever present stoic expression. It soon turned into one of surprise, however, when the two pokémon hugged him. Their fur and feathers pressed against Lance’s blue fur.

    “Thanks, Mister!” They said in unison, picking their toy and running back to the middle of the beach.

    “Cute kids, aren’t they?” Came a cheerful, comforting yet playful voice, “never knew you were good with kids!” .

    Lance wasn’t really surprised by it. He half-expected it, even.

    “Eh. Sure. Just wanted them to leave me already.”

    “Hah. You can’t hide your feelings this time ‘mister’!” Brian smirked micheavously, one of his crimson claws pointing straight at Lance, “that doesn’t lie!”

    At first, Lance was confused, but he finally realised what his brother meant. In the corners of his muzzle, he was smiling.

    “There’s no shame in smiling, y’know!”

    “But I do smile from time to time.”

    “Not nearly enough!” Brian pat him on the shoulder, “you should do it more often! The guys are gonna love it!”

    “And you should try toning down a bit, but you don’t hear me complaining.”

    “You always complain!”

    “It’s either that, or I punch you.”

    “Hah, we both know you could never punch this pretty face!” The zoroark laughed, and pointed to himself, putting his tongue out to tease Lance.

    “You’re right.” The lucario lightly pressed his fist on the zoroark’s stomach, “thank arceus I have other places to aim.”

    Brian dramatically feigned pain on the spot, “Owie! You hurt me, brother! That breaks my heart!”

    Lance rolled his eyes, deciding to for once indulge the dark-type, “Oh no. I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make up?”

    Brian’s dramatic face soon turned into a smirk, his arm around Lance’s shoulder, “Glad you asked! I know just the thing you can do: come celebrate with me and Meggie yet another successful mission for Team Liberators!”

    Lance sighed, following his brother as he guided them back to the city.

    “Oh yeah? And where are we ‘celebrating’?

    Brian giggled loudly, throwing his arms up, “On the bar of course! With BEEER!”

    As the zoroark merrily laughed, Lance couldn’t help but smile warmly as well. Sometimes, Lance thought, the best way to a smile was to appreciate the little good you had in an otherwise bad world.


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