The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The world has been saved. There is no more need for wars, for death and sorrow. Everything is just as it’s meant to be. Everything is just fine, don’t worry about it! You don’t need to do anything anymore, just enjoy your life. Everything is just as He desired. Everything is perfect. Everything is enlightened. Yet, somewhere deep within his heart… a voice yells out: “It’s time to go.”

    To defend and protect once more.

    Chirps and tweets marked the start of the day. The final raindrops landed, and the clouds no longer covered the sky. Instead, the bright blue colors shone like never before. Flowers bloomed, moving back and forth with the wind. Everything was calm. Indeed, noon at the village of Thornwell had never been so peaceful. To anyone living inside, it was heaven. It was perfect.

    To one Pokémon, it was a morning like any other. The birds’ songs woke him up, but his eyes remained closed. Not like there was any rush, the day had only just started… so he thought. He didn’t quite know what time it was yet, but even with closed eyes, he could still sense the rays of light penetrating him. They were strong, too, so perhaps it was noon already?

    Hm… don’t worry about it, Lance.

    His next step was rubbing his eyes to get rid of that morning grogginess, and then yawn, stretching both arms and removing his blanket. Lance sat on his bed, yawning again, one of his ears flickered. The open window let out a breeze and Lance sniffed the air, breathing in the air to better start his day.

    I was right. Sleeping on the top bed is so much better.

    With his strength restored, Lance jumped out of the place, stretching himself again. First, he had to do his morning routine. Luckily, Brian had already woken up, so he had the room all for himself. However, one thing needed to be done before all else.

    He had to take a shower. It was fine, rubbing soap on all the places he needed, making sure to get cleaned everywhere and with as much detail as he could. Lance left the bathroom rubbing the last remnants of water off of his fur. He would never shake it off like a feral.

    Now back inside his room, Lance’s eyes darted to one of the cabinets and he opened it, pulling out a brush. Something caught his attention, something in the corner of his eye, but Lance ignored and just picked the brush.

    Where’s the mirror…

    Looking around for it, Lance found the object just behind him. Convenient, but nothing he could complain about. He walked towards the mirror and, as the first step, checked himself out. Nothing was sore, his tail worked, as did all of his limbs. Lance focused his aura next, eyes closed and sensors twitching. So far, everything was normal.

    Except for his fur, which was surprisingly unkempt. Scruffy, and just as fluffy as usual. Thankfully, he had the brush already. Lance smiled, grooming his fur, starting from his arms. He found the sound of it brushing against his fur to be a tad soothing, like a small orchestra just to himself. Slowly, that part was normal again.

    Hmph. And Brian keeps saying I take too long to get ready for anything… it’s not my fault I take care of myself and he doesn’t.

    Lance yawned again, rubbing the brush on his legs. It was a little harder than doing it on his arms, but it needed to be done. Getting himself groomed was part of his routine, and it did help with making his mood get better. Lance enjoyed doing this, and it was hygienic, which was always a plus in his opinion.

    Now, I need to go for my chest. I would love some help brushing my tail, but I’m not a child anymore. I’m almost seventeen! I need to take care of this on my own.

    So he set his focus on his chest. With a brush in paw, he rubbed that area, smelling the soap he used. It was nice and smelled like lavenders, making his tail wag.

    Hm, nice and easy. You do this everyday—

    Lance groaned, almost imperceptible, and turned to see his fingers. With the paw he held the brush in, he saw that one of the fingers had touched his chest spike. It didn’t hurt. Well, it did, but the pain ended as soon as it appeared. However, that wasn’t the weirdest thing he noticed.

    Wha—What…? Why am I… surprised? The spike is there, it’s always been there.

    No, something was off. Lance looked at the mirror again, at himself. Yes, the spike was in the place it should be, its metallic sheen reflecting the light from outside.

    Why—I thought, but—why did I think there wasn’t one? These things are sharp, how could I forget?

    Words rang inside his head, but they didn’t make any sense. Lance was a Lucario, and all Lucario had a chest spike. There were jokes about it being a deadly weapon, and that he could never hug someone. So why was it strange to have one?

    Speaking of strangeness, Lance rubbed his chest. It was so smooth, so fluffy. He didn’t know what, but he was sure there was something missing there. Something rough and a tad painful. Like, like… the type of pain that did… felt…


    Why couldn’t he describe what pain felt like? It was a shocking question, for sure. But an ephemeral one, and it disappeared from his mind.

    Perhaps… I shouldn’t worry about it. Yes, there are other things on my mind. Don’t worry about it, Lance.

    “Shorty, c’mon! Lunch’s ready!”

    Hm? Lance’s ear flickered again; Brian was calling him. He took too long with his routine. Again. But a call for lunch was good enough of a distraction for his mind. “I’m on my way!”

    As he climbed down the stairs, Lance put his headband on. He quietly reminisced about it being gifted to him once he got enrolled inside… somewhere? An important place, where he learned things. School, then. Enrolled in a school. Yes, that made sense.

    “Heya, Shorty.” Brian was waiting for him at the bottom, giving him a shit-eating grin, and flashing his fangs. His goggles stood nicely on the top of his head, and the Zoroark’s lustrous mane followed his every movement. “How’re you doing?”

    “Well, I’m sure your getaway vacation with Meggie was fruitful.” Lance rubbed the back of his head, smiling. It turned into a grin like his brother’s. “It was fruitful, right?”

    Brian agreed, offering a paw. “Yup. She’s studying abroad, so when I saw the opportunity, I just had to take it!”

    Predictably, Lance shook his brother’s paw… only to end up with the Zoroark’s arm wrapped around his shoulders.

    “Now, how about you? You’ve been reading a lot lately?” Brian backed off, smiling.

    “Hm, indeed.” Lance smiled a soft smile in return, then sniffed the air. “Oh… some skewers, and I smell fries? And some sauce as well.”

    “Mom’s making it. ‘Cause, y’know, Dad…”

    Lance folded his hands behind his back. “Can’t cook. It almost makes you think us Lucario are cursed, but that would just be silly.”

    To his surprise, Brian tilted his head. “Uh… Shorty, what’s a curse?”

    “How do you not—” Lance had to stop himself, raising his head. “…Don’t worry about it. We need to eat, right?”

    The smell was getting stronger and more enticing, and Lance knew he couldn’t waste time answering Brian’s questions, especially because he used a word not even he knew existed. Which brought another question of why he used that word, perhaps he read it in a book before?

    Whatever the real answer was, Lance was far more interested in what kind of lunch his mother prepared. As they made their way to the kitchen, Lance noticed the infrastructure of his house hadn’t changed. Not one bit. He still saw the sofa, the TV, the door, and all their photos and trophies. But again, the smell was overpowering. It asked—or perhaps “demanded” would be a better description—that they give it their fullest attention, so it was exactly what they both did, headed to the dinner table.

    Lance sat at one of the tables, seeing his father on the opposite end. The older Lucario held a newspaper in his paws, but the more Lance tried to check what was written, the less he understood. Perhaps it didn’t matter.

    “Good morning, father.” Lance said. “I feel like I should apologize for sleeping so much… what time is it?”

    “Noon.” Nick replied, putting down the newspaper. He had a soft smile as well. “And don’t worry about it, we knew you were staying up late. Studying, right?”

    “Just like little ol’ me!” Brian giggled, sitting next to his twin. “I didn’t want him to work so hard, but that’s just our Lancey.”

    “Please, I’d rather be called Shorty—”

    “Shorty Lancey!” Brian retorted, grinning widely. “Hah, it’s always nice doing this. I might not have the time, though.”

    “Why is that?” Lance asked, smiling again. It was nice to be with his family like this.

    “When we turn eighteen, I’m gonna open a shop! Make gadgets for everyone, maybe some toys…”

    Lance chuckled at that. “It’s still a long shot. We’re sixteen.”

    “…We’re not?” Brian shook his head. “Lance, we just had our seventeenth birthday!”

    Nick had more or less the same reaction, with intrigue. “Yes, but it’s nothing to worry about. Maybe you just forgot.”

    “I…” Lance was about to say more, but his father’s words made too much sense for him to deny. And there was something else…

    Once again, the smell caught their attention, along with the characteristic wobbling of something in psychic hold. From the kitchen, four plates with utensils, along with a large tray containing their meal—a big serving of fries topped with various pieces of meat, so hot that it was smoking, and finished with a brown sauce—presented itself to them.


    This voice was unusual. Lance remembered it, yet at the same time, it sounded foreign, like someone tried to make an imitation of his mother’s voice. They did sound alike, but this one was so perceptible he paid attention to it.

    “Who’s that?”

    “What do you mean who’s that?” Brian squinted his eyes, taking a look at Lance like he just said the world’s dumbest thing. “It’s Mom!”

    “She sounds a little different—”

    “Don’t worry about it.” Nick said it, with a stricter voice this time.

    “I’m here, darlings!”

    The Pokémon entered the room. It was a Gardevoir… and wasn’t a Gardevoir at the same time. No, she had so much more fur, claws like Brian’s, and a long mane, also like Brian’s. If Lance could think of any Pokémon, he thought she looked like a Gardevoir fused with a Zoroark.

    Not… worry. That’s what I need to do. Yes, that’s the right course of action. Lance thought to himself. Indeed, just as he thought about it, all worries and questions about this Pokémon vanished. It was quick, but why bother thinking about all these things, when this force compelled him not to? It was so much easier to just…

    Let go. Hm, good idea.

    His mother sat next to Nick, cuddling with him. “I made something fast! It has enough proteins, some carbs… I even added a sauce! Williams’ family secret!”

    Next, she lifted a large spoon so they could pick the food in the quantities they wanted. “I could put it for you…”

    “Don’tcha worry, Mom! I know how to take care of myself!” Brian started filling his plate with all the food, and as much as he stuffed, he never seemed to stop, and the tray didn’t get lesser quantities either. It’s like it was infinite.

    Lance, on the other hand, put his food slowly, knowing he needed to have some actual table manners. It was important and, as his brother put it, a “big deal”. Now with his plate full, Lance focused on munching his meal, enjoying what it was. Definitely tastier than his dad’s cooking, for sure, or the thing Nec—

    …What a strange thought. Lance ignored it, still eating.

    “So, Shorty!” Brian stopped eating for a moment so he could focus on his sibling. Strangely enough, their parents didn’t move that much while Brian was talking, like they were frozen solid. “Whatcha planning for the day?”

    “Hm…” Lance didn’t have an answer in mind, not at first. He could go for a walk, he could try finding a part-time job, but neither of those seemed that appealing to him. “Perhaps I can find another book for my collection, I’ve been meaning to grow it lately.”

    “Oh?” Brian had that smirk again.

    Their parents continued to be frozen, but Lance didn’t see it. His attention was solely on Brian.

    “So…” Brian smirked more, leaning close to Lance. “Can ya buy me a book? I’ve been meaning to read more, I dunno.”

    And Lance’s ears flickered. “Really? You, reading?”

    “Yeah… I kinda wanna read that book about the Star Blight. A big hero, revered by all! Doesn’t it sound cool to you?”

    Lance’s mind didn’t process it. He knew what Brian said, but the words didn’t register. Or rather, weren’t linked to anyone in particular.

    “Who’s… Star Blight?”

    “Who’s—” And that, in turn, made Brian stop. Completely. Like their parents, he was nothing more than a frozen statue, face trapped in that big smirk of his.

    “Brian…?” Lance snapped a finger at his brother, only noticing the other two Pokémon there. He was the only one that was still conscious. Why?

    I… should feel something. I don’t know what it is, but I can sense there’s something… missing.

    What was going on in there? Lance just looked at the statues, but his heart remained steady. His fur was normal. Nothing felt out of the ordinary. That, he knew, was wrong. There was some sort of reaction that he should have. But where was it? Why couldn’t he remember what it was called?

    “—Star Blight is just the greatest hero this world’s ever seen!” Brian snapped back, smiling. “There’s tons of books on Him! You should see it for yourself!”

    “…Riiiight.” Lance ignored whatever happened before. After all, it was nothing to worry about. Part of him also had a feeling this was supposed to happen, but he ignored that. “I’ll keep that in mind. You want me to buy the book for you?”

    “Sure thing, Shorty!”

    Nick also snapped back, continuing to eat. “Sounds like something nice for your day. Maybe when you get back we can watch a movie together, all four of us?”

    “Hm…” Lance was more hesitant than he cared to admit, which was only made worse because he didn’t know what “hesitant” meant. “I could do that, it sounds fun.”

    “Oh, I’ll make popcorn!” The Zoroark/Gardevoir hybrid said, clapping her hands. “Hm, maybe I’ll add some caramel! Or bean sauce!”

    Huh, maybe she learned it from Nec— Lance was interrupted by Brian booping his nose. His mind was weirded out by the thought, so it was better not to pursue it. Why did it come up, though? Had he thought about it before?

    “Go on! Get the book, Shorty!”

    After he said it, Lance noticed that he was already at the doorstep, with Brian by his side. The Zoroark chuckled.

    “I…” Lance shook his head. “Alright, I’ll grab it for you, don’t worry.”

    With a blink of his eyes, Lance was out of the house already. However, he didn’t mind. It meant he’d take less time to get the book. Not to mention it’d shut Brian up, because he was a little too…

    What’s the word? It starts with “a”. Amused? No. Affable? Also no. Affectionate? Hm… I don’t think so.

    It was getting hard to remember what the word was supposed to be. Lance knew it started with an “a”, had two “g”s and ended with an “e”.

    …Aggressive? What does that even mean?

    Before he knew it, Lance was already walking around the town. He blinked, now noticing it was like time had skipped. Try as he might, he didn’t get scared by it. So, instead, Lance focused on the village.

    The townsfolk were going about their business like they always were, opening tents, walking around, and even some couples were there, holding hands! Not that Lance noticed their species, it didn’t really matter. He passed through a large line in front of the bank, and thanked himself for not wasting time there.

    It wasn’t until his eyes landed on a duo; a Riolu and a Treecko. Normally, this wouldn’t mean anything, but there was something odd about the Riolu: he had green eyes.

    Huh… I didn’t know that was possible, interesting. I know aura can change color, but I didn’t know about the eyes. Hm. Lance moved on with his day.

    Obviously, to get to the bookstore, he had to walk more. Lance stopped paying attention to the species and Pokémon in general, instead wondering what the lapses in his mind were. He knew there was something odd, maybe even wrong, but the reason didn’t come up. Part of him pleaded for him to ignore it and just move on, which he’d be more than happy to do.

    But curiosity was a strong emotion, and Lance recognized it as the one he felt. It still wasn’t what he thought it should be, but perhaps with this “curiosity” he could find out.

    Maybe I could ask Dex what it means. He’s traveled a lot, maybe he’ll find out. As soon as his fishing trip is done.

    With the thought of his friends, Lance drifted away from all the questions plaguing his mind and continued to walk. As he did, he saw that Riolu again, along with the Treecko. This time, they were accompanied by a Swampert that wore a green scarf. He also looked so regal and serious. The Treecko—apparently a female—kept asking the large water-type questions, and he answered as he could. At least, Lance thought he was. He didn’t actually hear what they were saying, but the impression of that guy being formal still remained.

    Nothing like uncle, huh? I suppose the same species doesn’t mean the same personality. Now that I think of it, it’s quite obvious, hm.

    Lance rubbed his eyes and finally paid attention to his surroundings again. He had been walking for some time, with his thoughts making it seem like a lot more than it was. So he should be somewhere near the store, right?

    Wrong. He passed through the bank again. Like before, he saw the Riolu and Treecko. This time, the Swampert wasn’t with them.

    What’s… going on? Lance didn’t have time to search for answers. He continued to run, eventually the scenario around him seeming to speed up alongside him, making the Lucario unable to see where he was anymore.

    Stop… stop… stop…

    Lance panted, getting on his knees. He finally stopped, and didn’t even want to see where in the village he was. A new emotion, yes, it made him want to clench his fists and hit something, or someone. What was it called?

    A-An… anger?

    As if on cue to his thoughts, the store popped up in front of him. A large building, with bricks and a blue roof. However, even Lance felt that was odd, it looked like it wasn’t finished, parts of the wall were full of cracks, and some bits even looked… transparent? There was no way it was true, and Lance considered it as a sign that he didn’t sleep as much as he thought.

    Okay, then. I shouldn’t worry about it. Time to go.

    The inside was bright. That was what Lance noticed first. In fact, so bright he had to cover his eyes for a moment, but that reaction was more out of instinct than anything else. Like all his other emotions, it left him wondering again, but the mantra of not worrying brought him peace once more.

    As for the store, it was simple. Wooden walls filled to the brim with books, stairs that led to the second floor, where Lance saw even more columns with books in them. Truly, a place that could be called a nerd’s dream. At least, Brian described it that way.

    I suppose I am a nerd. Lance smiled to himself, closing the door behind him. For a moment, he wondered why the outside of the bookstore seemed much smaller than the inside. But a booming, yet regal voice caught his attention.

    “Ah, welcome, welcome!”

    It was the librarian, a Swampert—not just any, but the same one he saw before, green scarf and all. In a way, it reminded him of his uncle, but that Swampert was more of a goofball than anything else.

    “Greetings. I was looking for this store. I’ve heard it opened recently.”

    “Indeed!” Swampert left the reception, giving the aura Pokémon a warm smile. “It is a pleasure to see another customer! Tell me, what are you here for?”

    Straight to the point, huh? Lance thought, and then looked at some of the columns nearby. “Well, my brother mentioned wanting a book about—”

    “Of course! Books are all I have here…” Swampert cleared his throat. “There is a great array of stories to be read here. Would you like to see a slow romance between an amnesiac Dewott and a Quilava? We have that, though they seem to be taking their sweet time getting to the good part. Would you like to see a Lucario and a Jolteon go on adventures, joined by a quirky cast of characters? It exists as well!”

    Lance had to chuckle at that. Truth be told, both stories seemed impressive enough that he did want to read them. “There’s so many books, it might take me a while to find out what I’m looking for.”

    “Ah, that is true. Is there anything specific?”

    “Well, I’d love to read about the shepherd boy—” Lance blinked. What did he even say…? He never heard of any book named like that, so why did it come to his mind? It was like he expected that already, like this book was something he’d read. Was this deja vu?

    A shepherd is someone that takes care of certain cattle Pokémon, like Mareep. Lance told himself, and it made sense.

    Alright, my memory is a little odd today. This seems so familiar, not just the book, but the store too? Lance thought, and now he had an urge to find out what was going on, why he had the impression this entire conversation happened before. But perhaps he should simply not worry about it, and then his memories would come.

    Another idea that came to his mind was that getting the Star Blight book would help with his memories, and while he couldn’t make sure that would help, he was there to get the books regardless.

    “Hm, that is a strange book, I’m afraid I’ve never heard of it before. Perhaps you are simply looking to expand your collection?”

    He actually had to take a step back when hearing the last question. How did this Swampert find out about Lance’s collection? It was a new store, there was no way—

    “Hm, perhaps you would like to check it for yourself?”

    “I…” Lance shook his head, and smiled again. “My apologies, but I want to check them. However, do you happen to have any book related to this “Star Blight”? My brother wants to read one. It can be any, really, I’m sure he doesn’t mind.”

    This Swampert. once calm and collected, now sported a grin far bigger than it would be possible. It was like a switch was flipped when Lance mentioned the famous hero.

    “Ah, that is my most prized collection! I do have them, all the books about Him. Indeed, it is a must-read for anyone!”

    “Well, I’d like two copies, I want to check what other things you have.”

    “Understood, mister…”

    “Williams. Lance Williams,” he answered, turning to the shelves. “And you are?”

    “My name hardly matters.”

    “Strange name, but alright.” Lance moved to see what books he could read.

    The shelf seemed to extend into oblivion, with Lance not being able to see where it ended. Granted, it meant there was an incredible amount of books for him to read.

    Let’s start. I see something about a dreamst— Lance blinked, watching the book he held glow and be replaced by another one. Taking a look at the cover, he saw a gigantic dragon of light.

    Is this the Star Blight? Fascinating. It’s so… elegant.

    Indeed, it was. Such a majestic creature was surely very powerful—powerful enough to save everyone.



    Such a funny word. It rang inside Lance’s head. He was saved, that was one emotion he could recognize. But saved… from what? There was still something missing, something that he couldn’t put into words.

    What…? What am I doing? I just need to not… worry… about it.

    Lance repeated the phrase inside his head. Again. And again. And again. And yet again. Four words that he kept telling himself, that his family told him time and time again ever since he woke up. What did they mean? What could he possibly worry about? Why did this feel… familiar?

    I don’t understand.

    What was there for him to understand? He was happy, he was safe. Anything except that was foolish and not to be done. But the thought remained. The idea that he felt it before, that there were things he didn’t know about—and didn’t remember. Maybe it didn’t mean anything, maybe there was nothing missing from his memories. It was foolish to think otherwise.

    Yet, the thought didn’t leave him. Instead, an image flashed within his mind. A large doorway, black and looking like a giant crystal. What did it mean? Foolish, it was another foolish idea.

    Foolish. Lacking good sense or judgment. Unwise. That’s what it means.

    But why did the word suddenly come? Why did he remember it? And why did he feel something else? A new feeling, his heart suddenly beating twice as fast, getting faster the more he looked at the light dragon on the cover.

    Wait—no, I… I remember this. This is him. It’s—

    “Hello again, mister Williams.” Swampert appeared with a brown bag, shaking it to prove the books were inside. “Do not worry about paying, it’s on me.”

    “Oh, thank you.” Lance grabbed the bag, and tilted his head. Mister… Williams. Why do I feel someone called me that before?

    “Please, do come back. I would love to see you.”

    “Oh, it’s nothing. Thank you, mister.” Lance thanked him for the book and turned around, leaving the store.

    On his way out, Lance wondered if he saw that dragon before. Normally, he’d try and figure that out, but just as he left the store, the Lucario found himself at his own doorstep. Yes, it happened again. Once more he was somewhere else. That would be something to be—this word escaped him, but it started with a “c”—but since he didn’t know what he was supposed to feel, Lance ignored it.

    Well, talk about convenience, not that I’m complaining. The sooner I get home, the better. Lance thought, getting inside the house.

    Right from the get go he saw both of his parents watching… something on the TV. Maybe after they were done, all four could enjoy movie night together. For now, there were other things to worry about. Namely, talking with his brother about the books.

    However, Lance could at least do more than give them a passing glance. With a wave and a smile, he offered to greet them. “Mom, Dad. Hello. Is it a good movie?”

    Nick gave him a thumbs-up and a wave. “Yeah, it is! Have fun with the book, kiddo!”

    “I will.” Lance kept his smile, even as he went upstairs. For once, things were okay, and he didn’t feel that “c” word again, whatever it was. Although his mind still wandered to it, Lance ignored it once more.

    Curious, why was his mind full of thoughts he never experienced before? The word drifted again, but now he had a more clear picture of what it was, a word that meant to worry about someone, to be anxious—another word he only just learned—about something or someone.

    Concerned. I’m concerned. Lance blinked, looking at the door to his room. Concerned, why does that word sound familiar? And what am I “concerned” about?


    Not knowing the answer made Lance “anxious”. He didn’t know what the word meant, but he was able to associate it with his own feelings.

    Am I feeling “concerned” about the light dragon I saw? Because it feels as if I’ve met him before. Him…?


    Where have I seen him? What’s the meaning behind all of this? Where—

    SHORTY!” Brian clapped his paws together to get his brother’s attention, and Lance was brought back. “Man, what’s got you so distracted?”

    “Uh…” Lance didn’t shake off his concerns at all, so he felt the best solution was to… lie? What did that word mean? It meant he was saying something and not including what was the actual answer. The best lies have the truth partially in them.

    Now Lance didn’t know where he came up with that last sentence, but it helped make his mind clear, as well as his answer. “I, uh, met a quirky Swampert at the store.”

    “Like uncle?”

    “…Uncle’s different. He is more, hm, like a goofball that can’t ever get full of food.” Lance said, rubbing his chin. It sounded like an accurate description of the Swampert he knew best.

    “Sounds about right. So, Shorty!” Brian smirked again, opening the door for them to enter.

    Once they did, he jumped in his bed and stretched both arms and legs, before scratching his mane.

    “Nothing beats lazing around in bed! Anyway, Shorty, what’d ya think of the book? It’s great, isn’t it? Perfect, even?”

    …Didn’t he say there were multiple books? And I thought he didn’t read them. Now Lance was certain he didn’t have all the details, all the information he needed. And perhaps that same book could give him the answers. “I haven’t read it. Not yet, but I bought it, so…”

    Brian pointed at the bag his sibling carried. “Duh, I saw that! Now we can make our own little book club! Could be fun, right?”

    “True.” Lance smiled. The concern remained in his mind, and said mind was grinding gears coming up with a plan to find out just what was going on. Evidently, the first step involved reading the book. “How about we read it, me in my bed, you in yours, and then we can discuss it afterwards?”

    Brian’s eyes seemed to sparkle. Literally. With rainbow sparkles. Lance thought it was cute. “Great idea! I doubt I’m gonna take too long doing it, so let’s get started!”

    Oh boy. Lance smiled again, climbing up the stairs to his side of the bed.

    What’s… happening here?

    Lance opened the book and started reading through it, already in the second to third chapter. He was expecting to find tales about adventures and bravery on the so-called “Star Blight”, but instead… Lance discovered something else.

    There were tales, yes, but not about a hero. He read about a Lucario, one much like himself, with a nub in place of his chest spike, and a large scar jagged across his chest. Lance read that bit again. Again. And again. Stories about the Lucario facing many enemies. A trio of… mercenaries? An enraged Gallade. A Marowak. And finally, the hero this book was supposed to be about.

    Necrozma. Lance thought, saying the name in his head. It was so familiar, but he didn’t know exactly what it entailed. Was it hope? Despair? The second word made him stop; it was another one he didn’t remember before. One thing was certain, however: his memories weren’t what they were supposed to be.

    Maybe I got the wrong copy. Brian might have the right one, there’s no way this is true. Lance continued reading regardless, flipping through the pages. With each one he read, the words changed the second he laid eyes on them, like they were communicating with him. Just what is this book about…?

    Determined to get to an answer, Lance continued to read. It talked about so many things he didn’t know about. Dungeons. Ferals. Guilds. Criminals. Death. What were all those things? Why were they familiar? It hurt—which was awful, because Lance didn’t even know what being hurt meant—to now know, which only served to make Lance read more.

    So he did. And the more he read about this Lucario, the more things—thoughts, memories, ideas—came up inside his mind. Lance kept a neutral expression through it, and continued to read. Whoever the Lucario was, he surely felt familiar. The book never mentioned his name, but Lance knew it was someone close to him.

    Part of him still thought this was stupid, that he was making things harder for himself the more he read, that he should just stop and enjoy his life for what it was—a perfect creation, catering to his every desire. It was all his life was supposed to be, what it always was. So why… why did Lance only remember this day? What happened to all the days before?

    This confusion led to another part of Lance, a bigger one, to refuse to do that, whether it was due to instinct or not, his mind screamed at him to keep reading. To find out if his book was weird or not, he’d have to get another copy of it. Luckily, his brother just so happened to have one.

    But he still needed to finish the book before proceeding with any kind of plan. Lance flipped through the pages, getting to the final one. His eyes widened when he read what was in it, and he recognized another emotion, something that made his ears stand up: shock.

    If you’re reading this, check the cabinet where you found the brush. I know you were curious about it, but don’t do it now. Wait for when everything is frozen.

    What did it mean? Who wrote that? Lance’s curiosity got raised even more, and he just knew he’d have to figure that thing out.

    “I’m done, Brian.” Lance said. I’m getting to the bottom of this. Whatever “this” is.

    “Whoooo! I’m too!” Brian hopped out of bed and waited, seeing his sibling climb down. “Didja like it?”

    “A lot, can I show you my favorite chapter?” Lance smiled. So this was what a “lie” was. “…In your book, I mean.”

    “Sure, sure!” Brian handed him his copy and waited again.

    Alright, this better work. Lance took a deep breath and read the copy his brother gave him, checking the words again. Like he suspected, they were the same ones as those he read, which either meant that was how the book was supposed to be, or that there was something special about him that made him realize. As for the last page, Lance didn’t know yet, nor did he have any kind of theories.

    There was, of course, a way to test which theory was the right one. Lance gave Brian his book again and folded his hands behind his back. “Actually, I have a better idea. Would you like to hear it?”

    “Of course!” Brian chirped again.

    For all Lance knew, that was always how his brother acted. He remembered some information, such as who his family and friends were, where he lived, what were his hobbies, but the bulk of information belonged to that day in particular, and nothing earlier than that. His tail was moving, but in short strokes, not like it did whenever he got excited.

    “What was your favorite part of the book, Brian?” Lance asked with a smile on his face. I also want to ask how he read the book so fast, but seems time moves differently. Would explain all the cuts when I got out of the house earlier.

    “When the Star Blight cut through the darkness and spread His light all over the planet! Everyone was happy after that!”

    “…I see.” Lance continued to smile, but now he knew that it was true, he was different, he could read things in the book that weren’t there. Only he could do it, as far as he knew. “I like that one too.”

    It was best to keep the illusion that he knew what Brian was talking about.

    “But I’m a tad too tired to discuss this, maybe I should take a nap. If it was night, I’d—”

    Brian pointed to the window, and Lance noticed the outside was a lot darker than before.

    “It’s night already!” Brian said, sticking out his tongue and grinning. “Boy, we sure took a lotta time reading that book, huh?”

    “Sure did…” Lance confirmed with a smile of his own. This feels familiar too. And I don’t know why I didn’t notice it before, but it turned dark incredibly fast. Just after Brian mentioned it. Strange.

    “Well, we gotta go to sleep. Don’t wanna wake up groggy. And you’ve got a tendency to sleep a lot!” Brian grinned again, jumping into his side of the bed.

    “Sure.” Lance put the book on a table nearby, and took a look at the cabinet. He wasn’t supposed to check until “everything was frozen”, whatever that meant. Brian didn’t say anything else after getting in bed, so Lance was alone with his thoughts.

    What should he do? His interest was piqued with the book, because it called upon him, and only him, to discover its mysteries. The final page specifically asked him to check that cabinet. But he had checked that same cabinet so many times, for so long, what could possibly be different?

    He yawned, and almost closed his eyes. However, Lance was too curious about what it meant to just stop searching for it. He carefully climbed down the stairs, thinking of the excuse he had to come up in case Brian asked.

    But… Brian never did. Lance thought that was strange, as the Zoroark had a habit of coming up with a million questions just to talk to him, so he had to check. After looking at his brother’s side of the bed, Lance’s eyes widened for the second time that day.

    His brother was quiet. Incredibly quiet. In fact, he was frozen, much like what happened earlier in the day. And it wasn’t just Brian, no. Lance looked at his surroundings and everything seemed so slow and clunky, like it was frozen in time itself.

    I remember… hearing about such a story, once. But somehow I doubt that’s the case here.

    Lance sighed; and mentally added that to the list of things he never knew he could do. Surprisingly, that list was growing a lot that day.

    Alright, let’s get this over with. Lance opened the cabinet, and at first glance, everything seemed normal. There were some scarves on the first drawer, because that was their place.

    Moving on to the second one, Lance found his collection of books; again, nothing too surprising, apart from how dusty they seemed to be. Finally, the third drawer. It had just the brush in it, because that was the place Lance put it. He wasn’t looking for it, however. Lance was looking for something else.

    That was when he found it. Another book. One he didn’t even recognize, apart from the cover. It looked exactly like his copy of the Star Blight book.

    Did I only find this book because I was looking for it? Like some sort of Kecleon cloak. It was hiding in plain sight?

    Now more keen in finding out what it meant, Lance picked it up and checked the title. Like he thought, it was about Star Blight, but he already knew the contents of the book were anything but.

    Obviously, he had to check what they were. First, Lance opened the summary, to see all the chapter titles. They were fascinating in any kind of book, so this one was no exception.

    Wait, what? Lance audibly gasped, reading each of them. That was, if there were more than one chapter. The title of it was a question, something that didn’t really help with the situation.

    How many seconds in eternity?

    Instantly, Lance screamed, dropping the book on the ground. His mind was flooded with information, so much that it was aching like never before in his life, and he had to touch both sides of his head with his paws.

    I… I-I…

    Lance started to cry, shivering from all sides of his body. I remember. I remember everything.

    This wasn’t his life; it was a dream, a state he found himself in after Necrozma achieved his complete form. A dream creating the perfect life for him, where he would never feel any negative emotion ever again. And that would be the end of his free will, of anyone’s free will. But Lance was different. In a way, Necrozma created his own nemesis.

    We were bonded for so long, part of him might remain in me. It’s why I could see the cracks, notice things next to me. But this—all of this… I’m not here for the first time. This isn’t the first time my memories are gone.

    Yes, that was it. He had that book as a backup in case the dream got reset again, and it worked wonders this time. Just like all the other times. Lance picked the book and looked at it, engraving more words—about everything that happened in this reset that could help him figure it out earlier the next time.

    If I remember correctly—and I might, I have around ten minutes before everything is reset and I lose progress again. Except for one thing, one final part.

    Lance was now aware that he was in a dream, and with that came the possibility, the power to reshape it. He could try killing himself—but that only made him wake up inside the dream again.

    How many seconds in eternity? A tale by the old Grimmsnarl brothers.

    With a deep breath, Lance pictured a way out—a doorway that could take him out of the dream, out of that state. It took a lot of strain on his already fragile mind, but he managed to conjure it.

    A doorway appeared next to him, hardened, crystallized. It was entirely black, like light itself could not pass through it. But there were dents, fist marks on it, a flurry of attacks had hit it many times before, but not enough to break it. In a way, the crystallized doorway was reminiscent of the creature that built it. Perhaps it was there as a final attempt to stop him from leaving.

    How many seconds in eternity? It was part of the shepherd boy story. Good to know that I still retain some sense of self, even when my memories are wiped. By now, Lance didn’t know how long it’s been since he started doing it, since he first saw that wall.

    It was just like any other day, with him waking up and getting ready to do his business, until the nagging feeling something was off about that day pierced through him, and when Lance looked at the mirror, seeing how he looked, everything flashed back. All his memories, all his thoughts, it all went back to him that time.

    How long has it been since then?

    The snap of knuckles filled the air, a sign of his determination to keep moving forward, to escape that living hell.

    There once was an emperor. He asked a shepherd boy three questions. The first two are interesting, but not what I remember. The third question: How many seconds in eternity?

    He punched the door, and screamed, his fists starting to snap from the tension. One could ask how it was even possible to feel pain inside a dream, but that was just another proof of this hell.

    T-The shepherd boy says: there’s this mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it, and an hour to go around it.

    Another punch, and another snap, this one reverberating through the room.

    Every hundred years, a little bird comes. A-And sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.

    There was a third punch, and no signs of the door breaking were shown, he didn’t even see a new scratch on it.

    And when the entire mountain is chiseled away, the first second of eternity will have passed! So the story goes.

    Why did he keep going? Why continue to do this when nothing could guarantee he was ever succeeding?

    You may think that’s one hell of a mountain, Necrozma.

    The room started glowing, and Lance knew his time was almost running out. Personally, I think it’s one hell of a—

    There was light.

    Chirps and tweets marked the start of the day. The final raindrops landed, and the clouds no longer covered the sky. Instead, the bright blue colors shone like never before. Flowers bloomed, moving back and forth with the wind. Everything was calm. Indeed, noon at the village of Thornwell had never been so peaceful. To anyone living inside, it was heaven. It was perfect.

    To one Pokémon, it was a morning like any other. The birds’ songs woke him up, but his eyes remained closed. Not like there was any rush, the day had only just started… so he thought. He didn’t quite know what time it was yet, but even with closed eyes, he could still sense the rays of light penetrating him. They were strong, too, so perhaps it was noon already?

    …Wait. Why were his paws so sore? And why were they hurting? More importantly, what was “hurting”?

    Lance opened his eyes, his body too sluggish to move. However, moving wasn’t on his mind. Something was familiar, too familiar for his taste. It naturally made him curious, but a voice told him to not worry about it. Why should he?

    Well, might as well start the day. With a yawn, he climbed down the stairs, and looked at the cabinet nearby. Huh? I know it’s part of my morning routine, but I don’t understand why.

    Confusion settled in, and Lance approached the place, ignoring his unkempt fur. He opened the first drawer, then the second, where he found his books. Next, he opened the third, seeing his brush… along with a strange book.

    Alright, I’ve never seen it before. It doesn’t even have a cover—

    A closer inspection revealed a giant light dragon drawing that served as the book’s cover art. Said dragon was awfully—what a strange word—familiar to him.

    …Somehow, this got weirder. Perhaps I need to look, but then again, not worrying is another good option.

    Struggling with his decision, Lance stared at the book, almost hoping that it would open on its own and show whatever contents were locked inside.

    Why… I’m so keen on opening this thing? I should keep doing my daily routine, not waste time with this. Yet, yet…

    Lance panted, taking the book to himself. In a swift movement, he opened it, the words inside glowing and revealing all their contents to him.

    Another scream of pain that forced him on his knees. Lance panted, grasping his chest—from the part that didn’t have a spike attached to it.

    Tch… I’m lucky enough that my lucidity inside this dream can do it. Saving my memories inside a book? Not the safest of plans. I don’t know how long I’ve been doing this, but Necrozma won’t win. I’m making sure of it.

    Lance looked at the book. It would be so much easier to just give up and accept the dream as his new reality. But he never had any control over it, this “Necroworld”—as he started calling it—was never anything like the real one. And he knew that pain and loss and suffering were all parts of life. He understood that now.

    So giving up would never be an option to him. Lance stood up, leaning against a wall.

    It’s not an option, but I might need to change my plans here. How long will I take to break that door? Eternity, it seems. Lance closed his eyes. I know I’m in control of this now, so perhaps my next attempt should be with a move. If I simply will it, then it shall be true. A move that’s capable of moving fast and with enough force to shatter this glass…

    With a snap of his fingers, Lance settled on trying Close Combat. He never used it in a real fight, but in this dream state, there should be no repercussions to using it, apart from the excruciating pain that was hitting that solid wall.

    Very well. Come at me. Lance willed his escape route into existence, staring at the wall again. Like before, there were some dents, but he was far from being able to destroy it. Time to sharpen my beak. Metaphorically.

    Lance clenched both fists, focusing all the energy he had. It was a weird process, for sure, thinking of how to use normal moves when he was technically asleep. He did wonder if Necrozma figured out that he had been trying to escape for a long time. But with him presumably taking control of so many others, he didn’t have time to deal with everyone that tried to escape.

    Thrusting a fist backward, Lance coated it with his aura—a flaring purple. And with a roar, he punched the door as hard as he could. Unfortunately for him, the door punched back.


    It was like never before, like multiple knives passed through his body all at once, piercing him all the way inside. Lance fell to his knees again, panting. With just one punch, he was that tired. If he dared to try it again, Lance knew he was surely dying, like he planned on doing to stop Necrozma.

    Living like this is the same as dying, he stared at the wall, panting. It wouldn’t stop him, Lance would never let it stop him.

    Not bad at all, Necrozma. But I’m not alone. I have my friends waiting for me. I can’t give up that easily.

    Lance took a deep breath, readying his fists again. Time for round two.

    He jumped back, preparing both fists and landed a combined punch with both of them on the door. The clash produced a loud clang that passed through his arms, with more pops and cracks of his bones. Lance screamed, groaning and almost closing his eyes. The only reason he didn’t was to check on the wall: it was slightly damaged.

    Hah… I’m still noy giving up here. Lance punched it, ignoring the pain. His fist collided with the wall, sending chunks of it flying in the air, before they seemingly evaporated.

    But it still hurt, his hands were barely even moving, only doing so because his will still made them do it. Lance groaned, laughing a bit to himself. In that place, devoid of logic, how was he even breathing? The mind was a funny place to be him. He would know, being trapped inside his own for so long.

    “Rrrr…RRRRGAH!” Lance punched with both of his fits, ignoring all the pain once again. He still heard the pops, somewhat wondering what even remained there to crack. But there was no time for it. “I told them before… I’ll be damned. If fighting is a sin, then I’ll be damned!”

    Next came a flurry of punches, piercing through the wall repeatedly. Bits and bits of the door started to shatter, and the waves of pain Lance felt continued to permeate his body. His legs jiggled, wobbled, struggling to do their job and keep him standing.

    Lance could imagine. He could imagine his friends by his side, cheering him on, helping him keep going and destroy the barrier to free himself. If he tried hard enough, he could will them—but it was only another illusion, none of them were there. None of the people inside this dream were real, certainly not his parents, and certainly not Brian. The real ones were still waiting for him outside.

    This was never the way I wanted to change the world. I can feel their whispers, all of them. All the others, I hear them, even in this small world.

    A roar erupted from him after another punch, and this one was clearly stronger, his will clashing with the door—and presumably Necrozma’s will to keep him in there. Lance truly didn’t know where he drew his strength from, perhaps from his grief, from his woe.

    I know now, the ends don’t justify the means. And I sure know this isn’t what I really wanted. Necrozma, you may try to keep me trapped in here, to force me to relive similar day after similar day. But in the end… I’m getting out!

    Another roar, and two more punches. Their shockwaves shattered a good chunk of the door, creating cracks that spread all over it. It was getting close, so very close.

    However, Lance was close to being broken as well. He fell down, not moving his arms or legs, not even after trying to do it. They were numb after punching so much.

    Lance stood up with all he had left, wondering once more if it was worth it to escape that place, to go to a world full of suffering again, a world that was never kind to him and his friends. The answer was obvious as the final punch, the one that shattered the door into bits, revealing a portal to the outside; the barrier was lifted.

    Show me… the future I truly desire. Lance panted, running out of the portal as fast as he could.

    First, it was dark. Lance didn’t move or feel anything. He was inside the infinite darkness, traveling through a void he knew nothing about. It was empty, and completely silent. Then, a burst of light appeared in the sky, and his eyes were open.

    “Hah!” Lance gasped for air, forcing himself to move. Like before, it was dark, but not enough that he couldn’t see. A quick look at the sky revealed a starry night, and a glance to his right showed the giant dragon that happened to be a god.

    Necrozma… did he notice anything? Lance panted, moving his eyes to check the tendril on his stomach. As he did so, he saw that his body was no longer as burned as it was when he was taken. His scars were back as well, as was his lack of a chest spike.

    Slowly, the tendril moved out of his body, dissipating. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said to everyone there. Lance groaned, standing up as fast as he could, but silently enough that Necrozma wouldn’t notice.

    Lance didn’t notice it before, but there were far more tendrils than before, so much that they clamped together, forming a much thicker tendril. All of them were headed towards Necrozma. The dragon was almost static, with his eyes closed and his mouth only barely moving to speak. Because of his godly nature, his words sounded like more of a shout.

    “Yes, I’ll give you a husband—no, you can’t commit crime, that’s not the point—alright, how many babies do you want—okay, I’m making you a good chef, but—”

    He’s speaking nonsense, or is he? Almost looks like he’s trying to control everyone trapped in their dreams. Lance glanced around, seeing his friends in a similar state to how he was before. In particular, Lance focused his sights on Brian. The tendril was still with him, but only now did Lance notice Meggie’s, intertwined with his brother’s tendril. Perhaps they’re within a shared dream? It’s a big possibility. If that’s the case, I’m coming for you two.

    There was the possibility that messing with Brian would drag him into his brother’s dream. It was a possibility Lance was fully counting on, knowing it was the best way to set him free.

    Alright, better late than never. Let’s go, Brian.

    With another deep breath, Lance touched the tendril on Brian’s body. It gave him a rush of energy, and his body started shaking, with his eyes forced to close. There was light again.

    So… yeah. Part of this chapter is heavily inspired by my favorite Doctor Who episode, “Heaven Sent”, including the speech about the shepherd boy. It’s a neat little story.

    There’s also some references to a few fics I’ve read in this chapter! The biggest one is “Dual Wills” by Arukona, one of my personal favorites. Seriously, give it a look, it’s great. Anyway… hopefully this chapter was enjoyable, I’d love to hear your thoughts.


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