The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Returning home, resting, planning. Brian knows he needs to face his fears and fight the one that took his brother way. The question is… can he do it?


    Brian fell through the portal, crashing right against a hard, wooden surface… and hearing it crack under the pressure. Not like he had time to react, seeing the figure of Dex about to join him.

    He rolled to the side, watching the Floatzel fall where he once stood. Brian knew he dodged something nasty.

    Except it wasn’t over yet. The portal was still open, and inside, energy was crackling, shoving Meggie out of it. Brian did something this time, standing up to catch her.

    “Oof!” Meggie said, noticing the fluffy fur she was next to. “O-Oh, Brian! You’re alright…”

    “Yeah?” Brian blinked, looking around to see he was in a living room—his living room, back at his apartment. “The portal—Dex, watch out!”

    Dex grumbles awake. “Goggles… wha?”

    He screamed, jumping back; Max had fallen too, followed by Scar, who was tossed towards the wall, and Lilith, landing right in front of the door.

    They had all been transported; all except—

    “Hello!” Necrozma fell from the portal, but his landing was far more gracious than anyone else’s, on his feet, and with a gratuitous bow. “Thank you, thank you! My performance has been done through years of practice!”

    You!” Brian dropped Meggie and got on all fours, snarling. “You brought us here!”

    To that, Necrozma touched his chest, lowering his head. “Ah! The tragedy! I did exactly what you wanted! How awful, little brother!”

    “Stop… calling me that!” Brian, not quite knowing what to do, grabbed the remains of his table and threw a large chunk towards Necrozma.

    Who simply punched it into smithereens. “C’mon, now you’re not even trying, bro!”

    “Guess what, rock candy?! He has friends!” Dex stood up, roaring. “Popsicle, the others are knocked out, this is our shot!”

    “Warn before tossing me, Brian…” Meggie shook her head and floated, readying the water again. “Now, where were we? Right. It’s round two!”

    “Two? Does our encounter at the warehouse count as two? If so, this is the third one…” Necrozma shrugged. “Not that any of you care.”

    Brian snarled, baring his fangs at the monster that took his brother, sparks of fire appearing in his mouth, although not yet on the verge of striking. “I don’t care! We’ll defeat you, and get Lance back!”

    “You’re starting to sound like a broken record.” Necrozma looked up. “I will say this again: none of you stand a sliver of a chance against me. I am the messiah. I will save this world.”

    Dex raised a brow. Not ready to attack, and weakened… he could only keep Necrozma busy with questions. “The hell are you talkin’ about?!”

    Necrozma closed his eyes, snapping a finger, and then lifting his right arm, pointing a finger to the sky. “I will walk the path to heaven, to rule over everything. That is… what the world needs. All your fates will belong to me.”

    It only left him more confused. Dex turned to Brian to see if he understood any of that, but the fox shrugged it away. However, he was starting to sweat; every bit of Brian’s face was sweaty.

    “Save the world,” Brian repeated. “…Me and Lance wanted that, once. To turn despair into hope, to protect those in need. You spit in the face of his ideals.”

    The entire comment was ignored by Necrozma, who shrugged it off.

    “Now… here’s a fun suggestion for you, while these idiots are unconscious. By the way, I did that.” Necrozma materialized a sphere inside one of his paws. “Run.”

    Brian took no time to decide, grabbing Meggie and rushing to the window. “Dex, c’mon!”

    “Gah!” Dex turned his tail and followed Brian. A reasonable thing to do.

    Until they jumped out of the window, and into the city.

    What came next was a blur. Moved by nothing but adrenaline, the trio ran out of the alleyway, into the streets. Running, running without any intention of stopping or of looking back. Brian held Meggie in his arms, sweat dropping on the ground, while Dex shoved aside any passerby citizens that dared cross their path.

    One was a Kecleon, another was a rather large Duraludon, but Dex managed to push him with relative ease. They passed through carts, through a band singing on the street, and still kept going.

    “G-Guys!” Meggie clutched Brian’s chest so as to not fall off. Floating was a conscious decision, and with how they were in a hurry, she wasn’t sure if it was possible. “We need to find a place to stay! And rest! Uh… restaurant?! How about a restaurant?!”

    Dex was already looking for one, to the best of his ability, considering they were running like a bunch of crazy people. His eyes went to a food cart, with a Malamar as its host. “There, y’all!”

    With that in mind, Brian stopped running to catch his breath, and his arms wobbled, struggling to hold Meggie any longer.


    “It’s alright.” Meggie floated away from Brian and panted, also catching her breath.

    Dex stopped last, rubbing sweat off his face. “We ran… a good deal, guys. But… uh, I think the Malamar’s starin’ at us.”

    They turned to the vendor, who was indeed, staring, while cutting a few pieces of Luvdisc to serve for a Wigglytuff nearby.

    “…Y’know, now that I think about it, maybe I’m in the mood for seafood.” Brian said. “Also, this is in the middle of the street, but which street? Where are we?”

    “On the bright side, we’re home,” the Froslass added with a cough. “…Can’t believe I missed this.”

    “Speak fer yerself, Popsicle. This place’s stupid.”

    Dex took a look around. The tall buildings and complexes had been left behind. Now, all they could see were multiple small buildings crammed together. They didn’t look particularly sturdy, nor very clean. The walls were slowly crumbling, and debris littered the streets.

    “…Ah, now I see why it’s stupid. We’re at the lower ground. Or, me home.”

    “Lower ground. Huh…” Brian blinked. At least they could rest for a while, and eat. His stomach even growled! Maybe he was hungry after all. “Alright, so here’s the plan… we eat first, and decide stuff later, alright?”

    Malamar gave Brian a cone with ten cut bits of Luvdisc, along with a bottle of sauce, should they want to. He paid for it, and then walked toward his friends, holding each of the cones, handing them to his friends.

    “Thanks, Goggles.”

    “Not my favorite, but—” Meggie bit into the food, humming to herself. “Nevermind, it’s good.”

    “It is, ain’t it?!” Dex grinned.

    Brian was having his share of the meal in silence. Everything in the last few days had finally started to take its toll on him, and even his back was heavy, like he was holding a mountain all by himself.

    All my fault… all my fault. Brian trembled. All my fault…

    “Goggles! How’d ye like it?” Dex asked, snapping his finger right in front of Brian’s face. “Goggles?”

    “Oh, huh?”

    Now they were staring at him. Instead of answering, Brian could only mutter and whisper, dripping with sweat. His head shook, and his vision blurred. Voices, faces, his surroundings; Brian saw nothing, just munching on his food… and on the cone.

    “Brian! Wake up!” Meggie leaned against him, hugging the Zoroark as tight as possible. “…Let’s calm down, alright? Calm down! Breathe, Brian, breathe…”

    “Goggles…” Dex joined in the hug. “Ye ‘elped me too, alright? So I’m gonna help you too.”

    “T-Thank you…” Brian breathed in… and out. In… and out. And leaned into the hug. “I… I’m scared. What’re we supposed to do?”

    Dex kept hugging his friends, eyeing the merchant, who had gone back to staring at them. After a snarl, Malamar ignored it.

    “…Aight. We can stay at me place,” he said. “Pup doesn’t know where it is, so rock candy won’t know either.”

    “Your place? He doesn’t know?” Brian asked, in-between breaths. “…That could work. Megs, what do you think?”

    Meggie didn’t move, hugging her boyfriend, even while she thought about the idea. “…I don’t mind it.”

    “Alright. And… guys.” Brian took another deep breath. Thinking about how to save his brother. How to turn everything back to normal.

    Was it even possible? The entire situation was so complicated. There was no telling how to even start. Sealing Necrozma again? He’d need the other two crystals for it. And maybe help from Xerneas; if they managed to get there in the first place.

    Dex pulled away from the hug to finish his meal, grumbling. “Ye kept starin’ at us this whole time. Somethin’ on yer mind?”

    “…Not yet, but we’ll figure it out.” Brian went back to the food. “Thanks for staying with me. Dex, Megs.”

    Meggie looked into the distance, coughing as she saw smoke coming from one of the factories. “Rest, then figure out. That’s the plan, right?”

    “Right, right.” Brian smiled sheepishly, showing his teeth, with the food stuck in them.


    “Aight.” Dex stretched his arms, chuckling. “Should I lead the way, then?”

    For now, Brian was focusing on calming down. To better handle the situation, he needed a clear head. Even if his brain told him to drown everything in alcohol.

    “…Lead the way, Dex.”


    Scar opened his eyes and groaned, bobbing his head around. Even moving took a huge amount of effort. It shouldn’t, but that was the case. Why?

    I must… remember. We were at the warehouse, starting a battle, then Lord Necrozma appeared, and—

    …The portal! Scar realized, eyes widening. Necrozma threw them at the portal! And the trip must have knocked us out along the way.

    In this case, where was he…? At a house. And the others? Scar hardly needed to look very far, seeing a groaning Max waking up, and Lilith complaining about a headache.

    “Boss? Fuck… this is the worse hangover I’ve ever had.” Max stood up, barely, only to fall on his knees. “God…”

    “Someone threw us—” Lilith stopped, seeming to have the same thought process as her leader. “Necrozma did it to us?”


    He appeared rubbing a towel on his chest—coming out of the bathroom, for sure. Necrozma threw it aside and clasped his hands together, grinning. “It’s lovely seeing you three again!”

    “Sir…?” Scar groaned, finding enough strength in him to bow. “I do not understand. Why send us here? Why knock us out in the first place?”

    And one by one, the three all bowed to him. Necrozma blinked; at first it was very flattering, but now he just thought it was a waste of time. Nonetheless, it struck his ego a bit.

    “Hell if I know.” Necrozma bit a lip. With him doing so many things despite not knowing the reason… he had a few guesses as to why. Hmph. Vessel, vessel… you’re not making this easy for me. You’re there, influencing me from the inside, aren’t you?

    Once more, Necrozma received no answer. However, this time it made him clench a fist. Once I deal with them… I’m visiting you, vessel. You WILL answer me.

    “Anyway. I wanted to test how far I could warp,” he admitted, opening a small portal, just a little larger than a coin. “Figured using the vessel’s memories would be a good starting point. Also, this town stinks. It has so much smoke you’d wonder if it isn’t run by Koffing.”

    “That’s just the factories, s-sir.” Lilith said, looking down. “…But now that we’re here, what are you planning on doing?”

    “Perhaps we could use the prison,” Scar proposed, standing up and rubbing his chin. “It is larger than Cydonia’s, by far. However, if you have no influence here…”

    “I might need to fight more people. And that would be a giant pain in the ass. Not because I can’t do it, but because it would be a waste of my time.”

    Scar sighed. For such a powerful being, Necrozma could be quite a handful. “Hm… would you like to remain conspicuous? Or would you rather travel back to Cydonia?”

    “There is… something I must deal with myself. After I deal with it, I will come to a decision. Leave me be. I will be in the vessel’s room.”

    Necrozma groaned, turning his back on them and entering Lance’s room.

    The inside was left just as when Lance left. His books were neatly organized on a shelf, his bed was made, and the windows were opened to let air inside. A simple room, for sure. Just the way Lance liked it.

    Necrozma sat in the vessel’s bed, closed his eyes and focused, causing his feelers to twitch and glow with a violet aura that slowly spread to cover his entire body.

    Alright, vessel. I’m not sure if you HAVE influenced me for the last few days, but that’s what I intend on finding out. Let’s see what your—our mindscape looks like, shall we?

    The aura remained in place as Necrozma focused. Had his eyes been open, they would be glowing. Instead, he was concentrating. Using his psychic energy to travel inside their mind.

    A relatively easy feat to accomplish. Some therapists were specialized on doing these sorts of trips. For a psychic as powerful as Necrozma, it was a walk in the park, and hardly required any formal training.

    So it didn’t come to any surprise that only minutes passed at most since he started the process, and he was already on his way.

    Once he was inside, Necrozma took a look around the place, the inside of Lance’s mind.

    The entire place appeared to be going up a large hill. Up in the sky, Necrozma saw a starry night, with multiple tones of purple lighting the entire area. But perhaps, the most striking thing was the collection of swords on the ground, all the way to the top of the hill.

    “Quite dramatic, aren’t we?” Necrozma chuckled. He himself had a flair for the dramatic, a trait seemingly shared with his vessel.

    As for how he looked, Necrozma was his true self: a large crystal creature, the same way he was born, the same way he left the cocoon. He began climbing up the hill, following the trail of blades. They seemed to be unlimited.


    Necrozma made his way to the top without any effort at all, and chuckled at the sight in front of him.

    Two swords stood parallel to each other, wrapped in chains that led to two arms. Lance’s arms, cuffed and bound. His snout was covered by a muzzle.

    “Vessel. It has been a while.”

    Lance didn’t say anything. After all, why would he, being replaced by perfection itself?

    “Have you been influencing me…?” Necrozma walked in circles. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Never killing Lance’s friends, warping them back home, everything. “It had to be you.”

    “This is disgusting. I needed you alive, you know.” He leaned closer, holding Lance’s head with a large hand. “If you die, I die. Like I said, we’re connected. But to think you were able to make me do all those things…”

    All he heard was a growl. Necrozma chuckled at the display.

    “But in the end, that’s all it is. Influence. I can and  will  overcome this influence. You will be nothing. Again.”

    Lance snarled, trying to lunge in, but the chains held him back. Necrozma just shook his head.

    “Tsc, tsc, tsc. Who knows… if you behave, I might even let you out for a bit. But for now… You stay put like a good boy, will you?”

    He asked, knowing well enough that Lance could not answer. Necrozma turned his back and grinned one final time.

    “…Know this. I am a merciful creature. You, too, have a place in my world.”

    His eyes opened. For a moment, they flashed, growing red like the Lucario whose body he was using, but the glow faded in seconds. Necrozma looked at himself, flexing the fingers on his right paw.

    “Hmph. I was right.”

    Now, to test things. Necrozma stood up, moving arm after arm, then a leg, then another leg. Even flicking his tail. All parts responded without any delay or resistance, as if they were truly part of him. And they were.

    Testing whether his thoughts were still being influenced or not was harder. There was no way of knowing by himself; a fact that made him snarl.

    Blasted vessel. A mortal should not have done such a thing. I graced him with MY power, and this is how he retributes? Disgusting.

    Necrozma leaned against a wall. For all his power, changing the past was never part of it. That was another legend’s job. He could at least recognize that.

    Fine. If I need to test this with the subjects, then I will. Don’t get cocky, vessel. You’re not even worth naming…

    A name. Necrozma scratched his chin. Yes, yes! A new thought arose—he should acquire a name of his own. Not right then, but a thought for the future.

    Well, this does make my decision better. I don’t care about your friends, vessel. They’re free, for now. But once I’m done… the entire world will be me. I did say I’m merciful, they can enjoy their little lives while it lasts…

    Necrozma opened the door with a kick; now with a joyous expression, and with a cackle coming out of him, although he wasn’t sure which part of this sequence of thoughts amused him to that point. Not that it mattered.

    I have another decision, hm. Sadly, this body needs food and water as much as I need light. Oh well, it’s a stepping stone.

    A flash of an exploding kitchen played in his mind. The fire spread even to the outside of the house, and a Lucario hurried Lance—by then a Riolu—out of the residence. Clearly, Lance was a terrible cook.

    Whoa. That was embarrassing to see. No wonder you depend on Brian so much…

    Good thing he wasn’t Lance. And good thing he had a recipe in mind, though it was for a liquid instead of actual food. And to make it better, there were test subjects waiting in the living room.

    Lilith, along with her two compatriots, were doing their own thing. By that, they were waiting for Necrozma. She leaned against a wall, very next to the door, rubbing her arm.

    …I’m not afraid. I can’t be afraid. Him almost attacking me was justified. I should live for him, and die for him. That was fine! That was fine…

    She gulped, watching Scar meditate, sitting and with closed eyes. Talking, whether to him or to Max, would distract him. Instead, Lilith was left on her own, to think for herself.

    Even if it wasn’t fine, everything will be in the future. Because that’s our goal. We’ll sacrifice our freedom to assure the world ushers in a new age. My thoughts— She bit her lip, trembling. My thoughts… they’re worthless unless they benefit him. That’s the truth. So… suck it up, Lilith! You’re embarrassing yourself!

    Oh, how she wanted to talk about this with the others. But between Scar’s emotionless response and Max’s constant nonchalant attitude, it was like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. One hard rock, it seemed. Because the more she thought, the more Lilith found herself back at the first question: was it worth it?

    It has to be. Dedicated years of my life, studied… just for this. Now that we did it, I’m… disappointed? Scared?

    Lilith cursed herself for this weakness—this inability to decide things. Necrozma, or perhaps even Scar, would tell her to leave the thoughts aside. Moving forward, she could leave all the thinking to Necrozma. And perhaps that was what she should do.


    Her attention shifted to the opened door, to the possessed, prismatic Lucario walking towards them, the signature grin on his face.

    “Hm.” Scar opened his eyes, standing up. “My Lord.”

    Max yawned. He managed to sleep for a little while. “Hello, my Lord.”

    Unlike the others, Lilith took longer to greet him. She gulped, but put on a happy face. “Greetings!”

    “Alright, so… I’ve come to a decision.” Necrozma clasped his hands. “Tomorrow, we’ll go after them to take Darkinium-z back.”

    Scar hummed, nodding. “Very well.”

    “Today… I’m hungry. And thirsty. So I want to brew something for us.”

    “Brew…?” Max tilted his head. Could it be beer? He hoped it was beer.

    “Coffee. The vessel’s terrible at cooking anything without burning the place, but it seems he’s decent at coffee making.” Necrozma flicked an arm, cackling. “And, while this world will soon end, I wish to see some of the things it has. Which seem to include coffee.”

    Scar blinked. My Lord has… curious decisions. But alas, I will respect them.

    “So… just wait. I’m making one for each of us.” And Necrozma snapped a finger, twirling it up and down. “Hm… yes. I have some recipes in mind. It’ll blow your world away, heh!”

    Scar, for some reason, shivered. This had to be good… even if it wasn’t, he’d have to agree. “Understood. Maxwell, Lilith?”

    The other two nodded, though Lilith’s nod took longer to come.

    Meanwhile, Dex ran ahead of his friends, showing them the way. They passed through a particularly smelly street, full of trash. Then, they went through an alley, hopping through boxes and dodging trash cans. Was this the optimal route? Probably not.

    “Follow me!”

    “We’re already doing it!” Brian panted, looking up to see Meggie flying without using much energy at all. “Well, now I’m just jealous…”

    “Tehee~!” Meggie giggled, spinning around. “You’ll just have to catch up!”

    “Hah! C’mon already, Goggles!”

    At least they were having fun. For that moment, nothing else really mattered. Brian even forgot about the whole thing with Necrozma, focusing on following his friends.


    Dex hopped out of the alleyway, grinning. He raised a fist in the air and flexed, pointing with his other arm to the house behind him. Meggie joined, pointing with two arms instead.

    She continued to giggle. “Been here before. Dex, may you introduce my boyfriend to your place?”

    “Aight… yer welcome to me place!” Dex smirked, laughing out loud. “Just, uh… ignore the neighbors. They suck.”

    “Duly noted.” Brian rubbed the back of his head. “So, let’s go?”

    “Aye, aye.”

    With a nod, he entered the house, followed by his friends.

    It was messier than the last time Meggie was there, and there were… less things? A sofa, torn to shreds. Bottles of beer on the ground, luckily, none of them were broken. At least the windows were open, so they could breathe properly.

    “Kitchen’s on the first door to the left. Nothin’ fancy like yers, Goggles.” Dex admitted, shrugging. “Bein’ fair, I just kinda go out to eat most o’ the time. But… gonna try to make somethin’ fer ye two.”

    Honestly, Brian was going to offer to cook, but granted, he didn’t know how the kitchen was. Considering the state of his (apparent) living room, Brian thought best not to know.

    “I’ll just stick with Megs for now.”

    Dex waved them off and went inside the door he mentioned. So Brian went and sat on the couch, sighing in relief.

    “Last few days were tiring, but I think we can rest… for now, I guess?”

    “Hm. Yeah, probably.” Meggie sat next to him, leaning against his arm. “We really need a vacation.”

    “Who would’ve thought being a hero was so exhausting?” Brian chuckled, and gazed at the bracelet in his arm. The crystal was still there, pitch black, other than the symbol in it. “So! Megs—”

    “You’re not thinking of using that thing, are you?” The Froslass glared at him, so cold Brian felt the temperature drop. “You know what it did to you back then.”

    “Well aware! But I just have this feeling, this… I dunno, hunch! A hunch that this will be different!”

    And Brian backed away from her, paw touching his arm. “Trust me on this! It’ll work out! And if it doesn’t…”

    “Is this when you ask me to beat you up if something happens?” Meggie deadpanned, groaning.

    What were the odds something bad was going to happen? She judged them high, based on everything this adventure had so far.

    “Maybe it is, Megs. Maybe…”

    Brian continued to stare at the crystal… mesmerized by it. “Look, this power… it’s what we need. It’s our only shot at taking Necrozma down!”

    “Is it? We defeated Morgan with just—” Meggie stopped, looking away. “Well, Lance was evolved, but you get the idea!”

    “Exactly!” Brian shouted, panting and groaning. He whined, lowering his voice a little. “…Didn’t he go berserk the first time? This was the same. If I try it again… I might be in control.”

    That made Meggie reconsider her thoughts on this. If they could conduct an experiment to confirm this, then she would be fine with it, but…

    “We don’t have any evidence for that, and we can’t test it. I was barely able to help you last time.”

    “Ah…” Brian’s ears drooped down. There had to be a way, any way for him to do this and don’t lose control. He just had to think! Thinking was his specialty, so it shouldn’t even be hard! “There’s… dad. Him and uncle are strong. If there’s anyone capable of stopping me, they’re the ‘mons for the job.”

    “Your dad. And uncle.” Meggie repeated. She considered that. They were both in this for longer than team Liberators was. Stronger, too. So if they could help him… “Maybe. If you can contact them, then this might be a good plan. In the meantime… well, I don’t know. Maybe we can try meditating.”

    “Aw, but I hate meditating! It’s such a waste of time!”

    “Doubt it,” she pouted. “I’m still here to help you through it. Not an expert on it, but we can try something? Do you remember how you felt back then?”

    Before Brian replied, he thought about it. When he was possessed, Brian focused on protecting the crystal, keeping it away from Necrozma’s hands. The “dungeon” he created was proof of that. And Darkrai—what was left of him, gave him the instructions. It just happened that they clouded everything else, so he went berserk.

    “…Powerful. And that I had a mission. My goal was to keep it safe. To prevent Necrozma’s revival.” Brian said. Not joking, not laughing or smiling. For once, he was serious. “Except that’s not possible anymore. I wonder if that’ll change the mission if I use this thing.”

    “Hm. It could be, but you might get even more protective.” Meggie hummed. She didn’t feel anything of the sort when holding onto the ghost crystal, but that was because she had the bracelet.

    “Wait! Wait…” Meggie closed her eyes to think. “If I can remove it, nothing will happen to me. We can probably do some experiments with it. I’m something of a scientist myself.”

    Considering the other scientist they knew, Brian thought she meant it as a compliment.

    “Alright. So, hm. Let’s make a promise. You’ll stop me from going berserk…”

    “…And you’ll do your best to prevent that. Got it.”

    Back at the apartment, Scar waited for the coffee, and decided to spend the time meditating again. Though he could smell the beans going inside the machine, hear the water boiling… and smell something much, much sweeter. It almost—no, it was definitely the smell of honey.

    Hm…? That hardly sounds plausible. What is he doing?

    “Smells kinda nice…” Max said, sniffing the air. “Sure he’s making coffee, Lily?”

    “Uh, yeah. It’s what he said, right? H-Haha!” Lilith smiled sheepishly, still next to the door. “Must be something he’s making as a side dish!”

    They heard more sizzling, along with the boiling. It wouldn’t take too long for the “coffee” to be done. But there was another sound, something more solid, followed by the distinct smell of chocolate.

    …Just what is Lord Necrozma doing? Scar thought. Meditating seemed like a faraway idea now. “Whatever it is, I doubt we will need to wait for long.”

    He forgot to add “brace yourselves” to the speech, but Scar ignored it. Surely, Necrozma was brewing something to their taste, right? Right?

    “Aaaaactually, I might take a few more minutes. Half an hour at most!”

    “I… alright.” Scar muttered.

    Just what the actual fuck is he making?! Max kept it to himself, but the smell was driving him insane. Most of it belonged to things he enjoyed, but he was under the impression Necrozma was combining them together.

    “Uh…” Lilith gulped. Thankfully, her fear was replaced. By what? Curiosity.

    “On second thought, wait outside. The smell’s giving it away! Hush, hush! Out with you three!”

    They all looked at each other as Necrozma came bursting from the kitchen, shoving them aside and out the door, closing it in their face.

    Half an hour finally passed, and Necrozma opened the door for them, still grinning. He was wearing an apron, dirty with a red paste, that smelled like beans. What did he make…?

    “M-My Lord…” Scar gulped. He could smell… something. “W-What do you have in store for us?”

    “Bah! I can’t describe it! You’ll just have to try it out for yourself! Tastes great for me! But I’m built a little differently, so who knows how you’ll find it… anyway, follow me, subjects!”

    Max rubbed the back of his head and barged in; his teammates following behind him. Necrozma, of course, was up ahead, opening the door to the kitchen.

    “Come on, come on!”

    A shiver ran across everyone’s spines, except Necrozma. His grin never seemed to falter, not even for one bit. Finally, he entered the kitchen, presenting their meal on a large table, with enough chairs for six Pokémon.

    Perhaps what drew their attention the most was the pan at the center, containing a large fill of spaghetti. Which would be fine, if not for the amount of chocolate chips that were spread across the pasta, and the sauce. The sauce… it smelled like honey.

    “Oh.” Max said. It was all he could say. “Oh.”

    “I… I see.” Scar gulped, sucking up every thought inside his mind. “Hm, I see.”

    “Ah,” the Lopunny smiled, looking at her teammates. Like Max, she could only react one way: by smiling.

    Next to each chair was a plate and a large mug of what appeared to be coffee. Scar sat down and picked the mug, getting ready to drink.

    However, he found out it wasn’t as black as normally. Instead, there was a distinct red tone to it, and its consistency was thicker, much thicker.

    “What… did you prepare, exactly?” Scar asked.

    “Judging by the vessel’s memories, he seemed to enjoy coffee. I never tried it before, so I brewed black…” Necrozma stuck out his tongue, hissing. “Disgusting. I don’t know why you lot can drink it. So I added my own spin! As for the pasta… well, chocolate tastes great, and I felt the sweetness of the honey would compliment the spaghetti!”

    Scar nodded. Instead of complaining, or doing anything to upset his Lord, he took this as a trial. As a way of testing how much he was willing to go for Necrozma.

    “Well, I suppose we can take the time to eat. And tomorrow…?”

    “Tomorrow, Scar, we take back what is rightfully ours! For now… eat up!”


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