The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A bittersweet conclusion.

    Meggie panted. Ignoring her wounds was the best thing she could do right now. And she already had her eyes set on someone to fight.

    She hovered towards Max, creating claws on her fingers. With a quick spin, she shortened the distance between them, and managed a quick slash at Max’s arm just as he used it to block the attack.

    “Tch! Never liked you all that much. You’re the human, aren’t you?”

    Won’t even bother answering that… Meggie clenched her teeth, and this time went for a frosty punch. It didn’t do any visible damage to Max, other than a layer of ice forming on his arm.

    “Whoa! That was the weakest punch I’ve ever seen!” Max grinned, closing a fist of his own, and charging it with electricity. “How about I give you a taste of my own?!”

    A punch in her jaw, and Meggie stumbled back, groaning. Max didn’t stop there, going for another punch. But the ghost managed to swiftly move to the side, landing another punch, and then floating away.

    His body is tough. Tougher than mine, punches do so little damage… but there has to be something I can do. A weak spot. Remember… Meggie panted again, shaking. She wasn’t sure how long she could do this without fainting. Then, she set her sights on Max’s antennae. Maybe… maybe that was the spot she looked for.

    And she was fast enough to do it. Both her fists were coated in ice, even more so than usual, and Meggie moved as quick as she could, aiming at the appendages.

    “You’re getting too close for my taste.” Max charged more voltage in his fists, trying to hit Meggie—

    It failed, she dodged without breaking a sweat, and then grabbed the antennae, spreading ice through it. Max screamed, hissing in pain as the ice spread, freezing that part of him.

    “Your plan… a-all along?!” Max tried to shake off the chillness on his body, but was open for attacks.

    An opportunity Meggie took to slash at his face with her ghost claws, repeatedly. A single attack may be weak, but many of them would eventually clutch it. Or at least, that was her thought process.

    “Here’s the thing.” Meggie hovered back, still shaky. Her vision began to blur, but she ignored it, as best as she could. “Even if the world is full of pain and suffering… it’s the world we live in. It’s where I fell in love. I can’t just hand it to you. To any of you. Legend or not, we’ll break through!”

    “Good. I wouldn’t like having enemies that didn’t challenge me…” Max trembled with the ice on his appendages. He roared, stingers popping all around his body, while he was surrounded by a dark green glow. “That being said… I hate idealistic types like you! So here’s a small dose of reality!”

    Meggie cringed, watching Max spin his body around, forming a weird ball of stingers, and ramming into her. She fell on the sandy ground, but her opponent continued to roll on top of her.

    On another side of the beach, Dex was rushing in like a torpedo, or a jet, made of water. The Marowak didn’t seem to be bothered by the attack, and simply dodged by moving to the side.

    “A brute. I wonder if mister Williams would have allowed you to join him had he remained with you all.” Scar stated, folding his arms behind his back. “Oh, my apologies. I might have made things a little too hard for you. It should be more manageable, no?”

    Dex snarled. That guy was making fun of him! He went for a punch, but Scar moved out of the way. Then, Dex flicked his tails, hardening them like iron, and Scar once again dodged it.

    “Hm. You appear to use force more than anything else. Do you even possess a brain? Are you sure your motor functions are working well?” Scar tilted his head. He was, like usual, calm. “If they are not, perhaps it might be a good idea to search for a doctor. I heard Bright Dawn has good ones.”

    “Oh, ye damn bag o’ bones!” Dex snarled again. “Flay yer shriveled tongue!”

    “My, my. When strength alone does not help, you try to use words?” Scar, this time, let an amused laugh. “I believe that flaying my shriveled tongue means that you wish for me to shut up, yes?”

    “Grrr… I ain’t got the time fer dumb shit like that!” Dex went in for another punch, followed by another, quickly picking up pace. They were dodged, of course, but Dex had a plan! Or… part of it. It was a work in progress.

    Scar was dodging the punches, even if he didn’t need to, they were regular, fighting punches. Would simply phase through him without any issue. But it was about the presentation. If this brute thought he had what it took to fight him, then it was Scar’s job to show how wrong he was.

    He finally managed to block a punch with a hand, a shockwave spreading sand behind them both.

    “Is that all you have? You cannot be a hero if you fail to defeat me.”

    Dex grinned. He had it! Scar was right where he wanted! The Floatzel turned back, slapping his iron-hard tails on the ground. Sand was raised, launched towards Scar. Due to the latter’s distraction, he failed to dodge, and the sand managed to hit him on the eyes.

    “Fool!” Scar stumbled back, rubbing the sands off of his eyes. Something he needed to do fast. Or—

    “EAT. SHIT!” Dex cloaked his body in water once more, and finally managed to land a hit on Scar, the speed and power of this attack finally sending the Marowak back, rolling across the sand and only making more of it stuck on his eyes.

    The Floatzel groaned, after hitting Scar, a creeping sense of dread made its way up his spine. For some reason, Dex didn’t want to use that water attack again.

    He watched Scar stand up, a burst of green flames all around him, and broken glass on his sides.

    Lance clicked his looplet in place, and looked at Lilith, who only grinned back at him.

    “Mega evolution… my body has grown used to it over these last months. What about yours?” Lance glared at her, but managed a faint smile. Because he already knew the answer.

    “It’s the next level.” Lilith tapped the emera once more, feeling the rush of energy change her body. “And even if I’m not used to it… I can still stand a chance against you.”

    “Good answer.” Lance tapped his emera as well, a purple light enveloping him.

    They both exchanged piercing looks, and disappeared in a flash, sand rising in the air. Their arms connected, not budging.

    To them, it was something else. Their speed was unmatched to anybody but them. Lance created another club, and parried forward, Lilith bobbing her head to dodge… and then kicking the Lucario’s stomach.

    “Tch. Not bad.” Lance prepared an aura sphere, using their proximity to ensure higher damage, firing it at her. Lilith was grazed, and the area where it hit had smoke coming out of it, but she wasn’t taken aback as much as he had hoped.

    Lilith only jumped further, this time, using a punch, cloaked in dark energy. Lance only smirked in response, his skin and fur hardening like iron, allowing him to tank the attack without any visible damage.

    “Hmph.” Lance slapped her with the club, and as Lilith was hit, he launched another sphere, the combined attacks causing her to scream in pain. But he wasn’t done. Lance rushed in, his speed picking up again, and landed another sphere.


    Lilith fell back on the sand, groaning. Lance simply put the club on top of her, touching her neck.

    “Any movement and I’ll—”

    “Oh wow, you’re really a killer, eh?” Lilith grinned. Being bested in battle meant she had to use a different strategy entirely. “And here I thought you’d be turning over a new leaf. Guess ya fooled your friends.”

    Lance’s ears twitched. “I am not killing you. I’ll say this again. I don’t want to fight any—”

    His entire world was in pain as Lilith kicked him down below once again.

    “Bah! Here’s the thing, I do wanna fight ya! And win!” Lilith kicked him on the stomach, and then kicked the ground, bouncing into the sky.

    “D-Damn it…” Lance panted, on his knees once more, and looked at the sky. She was already getting close… but he could still use that.

    He roared, launching another sphere at Lilith when she got close enough, and she fell in front of him. Lance groaned, slowly standing up. “I… I’m done trying to find meaning in this. All I want is to defeat you, all of you, and secure a better tomorrow. I’m done being your puppet.”

    Lilith stood up as well, smiling.

    They both charged at each other.

    Another set of flames was launched, this time at Max, bringing him back and preventing Meggie from being hurt any further. Brian rushed to her side, handing her an oran berry. “S-Sorry for taking so long! This place’s a mess, even more than when we were here the last time…”

    “Took you long enough.” Meggie chomped the oran, panting. She looked at Max and frowned. “Wanna be a power couple and defeat that guy?”

    “We’re only dating for a few hours, at most, and you already want us to fight together?” Brian chuckled. “Well, can’t say I don’t like the idea. Let’s do it!”

    Max stood up, the stingers retracting back into him. “Awww… you guys are so disgustingly sweet I feel like vomiting.”

    More sparks flew out of his fist. “But, y’know… I really don’t have the time to be fighting… huh?”

    He blinked. The two lovers were gone. An illusion, no doubt. Max groaned. His immediate response was to look at the sand, for footsteps. Much to his surprise, he didn’t see any. So where were they—

    A powerful ball of ghost energy to his face gave him the answer. Max watched as the illusion faded, Brian right in front of him.

    Just what he needed. Max closed another fist and uppercut Brian into the sky, his arm as hard as a hammer.

    Brian was knocked back, but Meggie caught him before he fell. The illusion on her had disappeared as well.

    “Alright. You two aren’t as bad as I thought…” Max smiled. Still, with all this sand, it’ll be hard to do that thunder wave trick I did with the Floatzel.

    “Meggie… throw me at him! Spin, and throw!” Brian said, clenching his teeth.

    She nodded, raising him in the air and spinning both of them around, before launching Brian at Max, the Zoroark’s mouth opened and unleashing a powerful pink beam of psychic energy.

    Extra— Max was hit by it, wincing from pain. It wasn’t over, though, as Brian then slashed away with a blade of dark energy, sending his opponent further back.

    “Meggie! Your turn!”

    Once again, she nodded, rushing in with her set of claws. Max, watching her get closer, roared, sinking his antennae into her and unleashing another wave of electricity. Meggie fell to the ground, sparks around her body.

    “That… was so much harder than it needed to be.” Max panted. “If only… if only you gave up already!”

    Brian shook his head. “Never. Never will I—”

    Max landed another punch at him, sending Brian back. The Electivire roared, stingers popping out again, and rolled, like a steamroller, ramming into Brian, causing his opponent to scream in pain, and soon enough, Max stopped, panting, and falling to his knees.

    Both of his enemies were dealt with, and a chill ran down his spine, right as Max saw more crystal tentacles slinking out of the sand.

    “H-Heh. Now… now we just need to handle the mutt.”

    Lance was knocked back from another kick by Lilith, who simply motioned for him to get closer, waving her fingers. “Not bad, but not good either, Percy!”

    Dex, meanwhile, was trying to hit Scar, and was almost on his way to… when another tentacle sprouted, wrapping him in it. “What the ‘ell? Get off of me, ye disgusting thing!”

    Scar clapped his hands, walking closer to Lance. Two more tentacles appeared, trapping Brian and Meggie. It made Scar smile.

    “Ah. As you can see… your friends have been defeated. I believe we can now continue to the next step.” Scar kept smiling. “This fight is over. It is best for you to stand down. You shall be a sacrifice for the greater good, willing or not.”

    Max was charging electricity again, and Lilith prepared another kick. Lance was surrounded by enemies… former allies, turned enemies. If only he noticed it sooner.

    No! I don’t have the luxury to think about the past now! I can still fight! Lance stood up, charging another sphere. “What part of not giving up don’t you understand?! I—”

    Lance coughed up blood as a tentacle stabbed him through the arm, then wrapped him in it. It was glowing, sapping away at his energy. Lance screamed, his mega evolution canceled.

    “Thank you, my Lord.” Scar added. “I truly did not believe they would be so hard to fight, but alas. We now have everything we need.”

    He tossed the crown at Lilith, who caught it right away. “Yeah, we got everything set up!”

    “Monsters… all of you…” Lance grimaced, trying to escape the tentacle, but he had no energy to do that.

    “Sometimes what the world needs is a monster, mister Williams.” Scar shook his head, then looked at the forest behind them. So close… he could feel it. “My Lord, can you take him with us? I have the feeling that if you let him go, he will attempt to escape again.”

    “Lance…!” Brian screamed, trying to muster the energy to slash his prison away. “Lance! Please! Please! Everything’s gonna be fine, r-right? You have a plan, don’t you?! You always have a plan!”

    Lance whined. Not this time. This time… he had no plan. Nothing. He could hardly move, and the tentacle was the one doing that, moving him closer to Scar.

    “No words? Not a single quip? Something to try and persuade me?” Scar laughed. As loud as possible. “I won! I will have what I want! I finally… won.”

    Lance took a final look at his friends, with tears in his eyes. He finally had them back, old and new, and now… they were being taken away from him. What came next… he wasn’t sure what it was, but it couldn’t be anything good. Sacrifice… or a puppet. Either option was bad.

    They were drifting away, further away from him each second that passed. Lance tried to extend a hand and reach out, but even that took too much effort.

    Scar and his allies entered the forest.

    There it was again. The forest he was in months ago, and it hadn’t changed one bit. Lance still saw dead trees, roots everywhere, some of which turned into dust. At least this time, there weren’t any hallucinations to be had. He hoped.

    Scar looked around, but the path ahead was straightforward. All he needed to do was to keep going north.

    “I… I’m asking this again, Scar. Don’t you care about the world?”

    “Stop it,” he snarled back at him. “My life is pointless without them. And the world… Well, the world took them from me. Why should I care?”

    It’s the right thing to do. Lance thought. He didn’t know that anymore, but holding on to that mentality was all he could do. Even if the world hurt him, protecting it was what a hero should do.

    …If only he was a hero instead of a monster. Lance, once again, tried to free himself from the tentacles, but the more he struggled, the weaker he got. They were sucking away his energy.

    “This guy just doesn’t stop trying, does he?” Max scratched the back of his head. “Can we knock some sense into him, or…?”

    “No.” Scar sighed. As much as he wanted to… Lance had to be kept alive. “He needs to be in good condition for our Lord.”

    Dread crept up Lance’s spine. Each word Scar said filled him with more dread. Tears fell again. “Scar! You monster! You don’t belong here! I should never have trusted you!”

    To that, he only smiled in return. “And now… you will suffer the consequences.”

    Eventually, the four arrived at the center of the forest. Scar bowed, sticking his club on the ground. Lilith did the same action, but not before putting a bracelet similar to Scar’s, and clicking the Darkinium-Z in place. It seemed Max had done something similar, but with Buginium-Z.

    In front of them stood a large, black crystal, where the tentacles were sprouting from. It glowed with power, and the noise it released was not so different from a laugh.

    Lance only watched it in shock, remembering the chat he had with Necrozma the first time they were there. The things he said… were they to set him on this path?

    Scar stood up. “My Lord. We are gathered here to fulfill what you asked us to do. To set you free from the shackles that bind you, so the world can be saved.”

    All they heard was the crystal glowing more, chuckling. “I sense it. The Lucario, is it? My vessel?”

    “I’m not… not your ve—” Lance screamed, the tentacle wrapping him tighter, and moving him in front of Scar, between him and the crystal.

    “You may start. Channel your powers, your spirits through the z-crystals, and set me  free !”

    Lance groaned again, once more, trying to escape his fate. A fate he never asked for, never wanted. A fate without his friends in it. And without himself.

    Scar didn’t need to be told twice, raising an arm up and taking a deep breath. A purple and red aura surrounded him, and he took aim, directly at the crystal.

    Max did the same, with a closed fist. Stingers sprouted on him, along with a dark green glow. Lilith was the final person to do it, snapping a finger and aiming at the crystal. Her body glowed black.

    “You are our Messiah.” Scar stated solemnly. Energy poured out of the crystal, and into Necrozma’s prison. “You are our Salvation. We dedicate our lives to you, and only to you. So that you may fulfill our desires.”

    Max closed his eyes. His stone was doing the same as Scar’s. “To have knowledge is to have power. May you bring us power, and the strength to change our world.”

    “Everlasting light. Oh, the Blinding One, hear our prayers and come back to us once more.” Lilith exhaled slowly. “To bathe the world in your light! To share your essence is our destiny, to help you conquer all is our dream.”

    Three beams of energy were launched at the crystal, conjoined together as one. Necrozma began to laugh louder and harder, the walls of his prison shattering little by little. A bright flash was launched into the sky, instantly covering the area with dark clouds, and with the occasional thunder.

    Lance clenched his fist, and trembled. He never trembled so much in his life. It was so hard to breathe. Everything around him was so loud and estimulating, he didn’t know what to do. Or what he could do to save himself. And his friends. More tears fell, streaming constantly like a waterfall.

    Why was it so overwhelming? Lance fought many others before, he won so many times before, so why couldn’t he do it now, when everything was at stake? Himself, the world—it was all going to be over if he didn’t do anything about it. But what was the point? It was over anyway. The earth shook, the tentacles retreated back into the crystal, but Lance didn’t try to escape this time. He found himself paralyzed. Out of fear… or out of energy. Which one, he didn’t know.

    Another crack spread across the crystal, and bits of it began falling off the ground. Lance could see a single hand—prismatic, crystalline, and black. With claws so sharp they could tear through… he didn’t want to know the answer.

    Finally, a large chunk of the crystal shattered, spreading bits of it everywhere, revealing another part of a face. A horrid face, with triangles for an eye. They were yellow, purple and blue. It all formed a single “eye”.

    A creature, the creature they were all looking for, flew out of the prison, screeching loudly. Lance instinctively closed his eyes, screaming back. Scar looked in awe, his mouth opened for a gasp to come out.

    Words could not describe how beautiful Necrozma was. His body shone with every color of the rainbow, reflecting light off into everywhere around them. They were shiny and powerful, wherever they were cast, grass sprouted.

    Necrozma continued to roar, shaking the very earth itself. His head was raised, and just as Lance opened his eyes again, Necrozma lowered it, meeting the Lucario’s gaze at him.

    “What… is that thing?!”

    Necrozma finally calmed down, chuckling to himself. He flexed a few fingers, to test how much he could move, then inhaled, taking in the light. Oh, the light he so desperately craved. The source of his life…

    “I have had many names.” Necrozma replied. “Blinding One. The Destroyer of Worlds. But for them… I am a Messiah. My name is Necrozma.”

    Lance saw that thing, how its body was so amorphous, yet perfectly built. And the aura…

    The aura was overwhelming. If Lance tried to escape again, he’d notice just how hopelessly outclassed he was. Even a single flicker of Necrozma’s hand made the Lucario wince.

    “He is my vessel, correct?” He eyed Scar, his most faithful servant.

    “Indeed, he is, my Lord.” Scar bowed again, lowering his head.

    “Perfect! I was not expecting a Lucario, of all things, but…” Necrozma flicked a finger, lifting Lance up and bringing him face to face with himself. “Well… Lance, is it? Thank you for being such a good boy. Don’t you want to be a good boy? To help the world?”

    Lance opened his mouth to reply, but was met by a tap on the head by Necrozma.

    “You do not need to reply. It’s only you and me… Lance. You’re safe with me. And I’ll grant you power. We will be bonded forever.”

    “W-What… what are you talking about?! I never asked—”

    “Shhhh.” Necrozma shushed Lance with a claw covering the Lucario’s snout. “Good boys don’t reply. They do what they’re told.”

    Another shiver. Lance panted, looking down below. He was being lifted by Necrozma’s will alone. Some sort of telekinesis, he figured. With a wince, Lance closed his eyes. Being so close to that aura was making everything far, far worse than necessary.

    “Good, good. Now… now, now, now. Whatever will I do with you, hm?” Necrozma looked to the side, chuckling. Lance knew it was a chuckle, even if he didn’t have a mouth. “I checked your mind, long ago. I saw your struggles, your victories, and the secrets you kept. I saw everything, Lance! I know what you want… you want to make the world a better place, don’t you? So you and your friends can live in peace, protecting those that can’t.”

    Lance couldn’t help but nod in agreement. “I’m doing this with my own power—”

    “Nah, ah, ah!” Necrozma shushed him again. “Mortals are weak and pathetic. I am so, so much more. And now with me in you? With us bonding… you too, can have the power of a god, Lance! Together! Our souls will bond forever… I will be you, and you will be me…”

    Lance tried another attempt at freeing himself. And cried. Necrozma laughed away, clutching Lance’s head with his claws, covering it entirely.

    Where was he? Lance saw himself alone in the forest, no signs of Scar and his goons. Just… him. No, no… that aura was still there. Necrozma was still there—

    “Ah… my apologies. Haven’t you heard? Your light… it is mine. It is my  birthright ! And I shall take it.”

    It was in front of him. Necrozma… that creature his friends spent so much time trying to prevent from being reborn. And it was right there. Lance trembled back, forging a bone club, but his paw was shaky, forcing him to hold the makeshift weapon with both arms.

    They still shook. Everything about that thing made him shake. And somewhere, some part of his brain told him to escape, to run away, and leave everyone behind.

    Lance couldn’t do it. Abandon his friends like this? Not a chance. And besides… maybe he could fight that creature off. Maybe he could win.

    “I can sense your thoughts. I hear them, oh I hear them. Every. Single. One. Every drop, every bit of yourself… I can taste them!” Necrozma laughed. He didn’t have a mouth, but Lance heard it. Right down to his very soul. Necrozma was everywhere.

    “I-I… I will fight. I will fight. For the sake of—”

    “Oh? Oh, oh! You actually believe you stand a chance!” Another laugh, and Necrozma circled around the Lucario. He was enormous, and his movements cast a humongous shadow around Lance. “No, no, no! Hilarious, incredibly hilarious! Let me tell you the truth, you poor, poor thing… You have no chance. From the moment I was free, you—”

    Necrozma vanished. Not a single trace was left of him. Lance fell to his knees, giving in. His sensors were twitching around, but they picked up nothing. Nothing at all. For all intents and purposes… Lance was alone.

    That was wrong. Necrozma was still there. He’d return and do something every second now. His heart skipped a beat, and another—just how many of them could it skip?!

    “I… I’m not scared of you! I’m me! You’re not… you’re nothing! Just a husk, a chunk of crystals!”

    “Am I?”

    A large hand covered Lance’s entire stomach, and he shivered, frozen like a statue. His eyes darted to the hand, to that rough and hard sensation on his chest, and saw the creature’s arms. He had him in his grasp.

    “I’m… I-I’m… I’m not giving up. I can’t—I won’t!”

    “Oh, you won’t? That is admirable. Heroic, even. To stare at the abyss, knowing it will stare back at you.” Necrozma let a piercing laugh, Lance feeling it deep inside his soul.

    “But tell me, Lance… don’t you want power? If you had power, you could save all the lives in the world. You could do  anything ! Just think of the possibilities! You could save the entire world! Change the rules! Make your own!”

    “Power…?” Lance panted. The club in his possession dissipated into the air, and for that tiny amount of time, for a fraction of a second—he considered it. To have the power of a god… in the palm of his hand. The power to change the fate of the world.

    Could he accept it? Could he really?

    No, he couldn’t.

    “I… refuse. Power is only good to destroy.” Lance said. He was shaking again. Never stopping. All he could count on was his own willpower.

    At that moment, there was nothing. Lance found himself nowhere. Not near any dead trees, or dead grass… it was a black void, but the ground beneath him almost looked watery, enough that he could see his own reflection.

    If only it was his. Necrozma stared back at him, smiling. How was he smiling? The mouthless creature suddenly unhinged its jaw, rows of sharp teeth popping out of it.

    “I know.” Necrozma said, his grin spreading further than it should be possible. And then some. “Oh, I know just about everything! I took a peek at that little soul of yours… and I saw your light. It looks so bright, so shiny… so prime for takin’! I want it. Will you give it to me? It is what I desire. And what I deserve.”

    His light? Lance didn’t even know what that meant. But he wasn’t agreeing on something like that. “No.”

    “Tsc, tsc.” Necrozma shook his head, disapproving. His jagged smile remained. “Y’know, I was doing this whether you wanted to or not. In fact, I already started. See… the moment I touched you, you were long gone. And now… now your body, your light… It belongs to me. Me, and only me!”

    “You won’t—”

    Necrozma burst out of the water, his body taking a more gaseous state as he flew, entering inside Lance through the Lucario’s nostrils and mouth.

    Nothing happened… until Lance screamed, sticking his claws on the watery ground. He roared in a voice that was his, and wasn’t at the same time, a distorted, primal and crystalline voice. His insides were burning out, and he sweated through every possible pore he had.

    Yet, he was brimming with power. A powerful aura enveloped him. Purple, much like his own. A second aura appeared, this one pure black, and much more polygonal.

    Lance screamed again, his arms shaking. With enough effort, he managed to look, and found out he had no energy to gasp at what he saw. At his fur decaying and rotting away, replaced by a chunk of crystal, one that was growing larger and thicker than his own harm.

    “W-What’s… what’s happening to me?!”

    I am turning you into my vessel. Necrozma replied. It was inside Lance’s head this time, and that voice permeated through his entire self. I need some space, and you need to stay put in your little cage… my precious puppet on a string!

    Lance screamed, the spike on his arm replaced by one made of crystals, and by now both his arms were overtaken by that same texture. Another jolt of pain stung, this time on his legs.

    He didn’t see them, but he could feel it. Bones cracking, popping, rearranging themselves to fit someone that wasn’t—was him. It was him. He was Necrozma. He was always Necrozma. Lance was never real. And even if he once was… he wasn’t anymore.

    The sparks intensified, two of his aura sensors rearranging to the same crystal as the other ones he saw.

    Just stay still! The more you resist, the harder it’ll be for you! Just be QUIET!

    “I’m not… I’m not staying quiet! I’ll fight to the bitter end! I’ll give everything I can to stop—to make this happen!”

    Lance roared, punching the ground, or what he thought was the ground. His roars shook the water like a tsunami of emotions, as he let everything out. He panted.

    And it all went quiet. He didn’t hear Necrozma, or feel his presence anywhere. Was Lance alone…? He certainly felt that way. That was it? He was free. Free from whatever Lance wanted to do to prevent this.

    “Ah. I figured giving you false hope would be so, so delightful… and I was right.”

    There was no escaping now, not when it was this close. Necrozma was so close to getting his body back. Bonding with Lance’s soul… it assured him that they would remain that way forever.

    A mask appeared in front of him, made of the same material as the rest of his body. Necrozma could sense his transformation was coming to an end, Lance was coming to an end.

    This was a fact that was bittersweet. And at the same time, so exciting. He had a new body, a more powerful body! One to implement all his ideas of justice.

    Then, Lance roared again. Finally appearing once more, he tried to rip off the parts of himself, but how would that be possible? It would only hurt him. Necrozma knew it.

    Lance panted, watching the mask come closer. His tears rolled down, but his face had a wicked smile, a smile that was all his own.

    “I’m not… I won’t be a puppet to you! I’m me! I’m me! I’m Necrozma!”

    The mask injected itself to his face, clicking into place. A triangle with a spectrum of colors appeared right at the center, and two holes shaped for his eyes glowed red. It signified the end. It could only mean one thing…

    …Lance was gone.


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