The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    To prevent the release of Necrozma, a creature with enough power to destroy the world…

    Their final battle has begun.

    Lance took a large breath, conjuring a bone club. It glowed with a purple aura. He looked at his former allies—at Scar, Max and Lilith. They were his enemies now. And…

    “…I am alongside them once more.” Lance pointed the bone at Scar, flames burning inside both their eyes. “To fight, defend and protect. Because that’s what I—that’s what team Liberators is all about!”

    Brian’s eyes lit up at his brother’s words. The words he waited so long to hear. He began to smile, and even tears fell. “Hell yeah, shorty! We’re kickin’ ass!”

    Meggie sighed in relief, watching them both cheer each other up. “I’d love to commemorate, boys, but I think we have some people to beat up.”

    Scar puffed out smoke from his nostrils, clutching his club with all his might. “Maxwell, Lilith… there is no need to let anyone but mister Williams alive. Do not hold back. Take the crystals they have.”

    Max clapped his knuckles together in a bright flash of electricity. “No holding back! Just the way I like it!” His eyes went towards the Floatzel, who returned the gesture.

    Lilith tapped a foot on the ground and looked at Meggie, cracking a wicked smile. “Too bad… had things gone different, we could’ve made great friends! Maybe something more… teehe!”

    They were all ready, locking eyes with their opponents. Lance stood right next to his brother, smiling at the Zoroark. He let the wind blow on him, closed his eyes, focusing all he had, and taking a deep breath, to calm down for the big fight ahead of them.

    And Scar’s words only worsened it, but Lance had a feeling his team could handle it. They handled the dungeons, and he trusted them with his life. Somehow, he could tell they all felt the same way.

    “Very well. Brian, with me. We’re handling Scar.” And offered a fist for his twin to bump.

    Which Brian did. “It’s been a while since we fought together… I can’t help but be excited.”

    Scar spun his club, grimacing. “So it has come to this, hm? I truly believed we could change the world… together. And for that, I was a fool.”

    “Less talkin’, more punchin’!” Max roared, rushing in as fast as he could. Which… wasn’t much, but it was the thought that counted.

    Dex grinned in response. “Goggles, Popsicle, an’ Pup. Let’s kick their arses t’gether!”

    The Floatzel, too, runned ahead, raising a fist. Him and Max clashed, sending a small shockwave around them. But neither of them budged, or showed signs they were going to.

    “Ngah… not bad!” Max went for another punch, but it was blocked by Dex’s other fist.

    Meggie groaned, flying towards Lilith. She knew ghost moves would be hardly effective, but she could still use her inner electricity to strike. With a thunderbolt that clapped the earth, she did that. Lilith jumped ahead, towards the ghost, her entire body wrapped in a pink glow.

    Lance looked at his brother one final time, and they charged.

    First off, Meggie knew she had the advantage of being in the sky, rather than the land. Although this proved to be a challenge. If she wanted to hit Lilith, she’d have to go down, and hope the Lopunny didn’t have any effective moves. Meggie was still weakened from the dungeon.

    She wasn’t about to let that stop her, however. With a quick breath, she flew, spinning and focusing her energy to launch thunderbolts towards the Lopunny.

    “Not bad, but you’re gonna have to try a little harder than that!” Lilith stepped on the ground, and rushed, faster than Meggie ever thought possible.

    Lilith continued on, eventually jumping and letting one of the bolts hit her.

    Although it burned and charred her, she didn’t stop there, continuing on her way. With a closed fist, and a dark, black glow on it, she punched Meggie right in the jaw, uppercutting her into the air. “Here’s some little retribution!”

    “Gah!” Meggie was lunched upwards, with such force her icy face began to crack from the impact.

    And I’m still not done! Lilith stepped on the ground, and she was launched in the air, bouncing. Her speed and impulse was so great she flew higher than even Meggie.

    Two can play at this game! Meggie watched as Lilith was falling back down, readying a kick. Although it was a kick, the wind current around the Lopunny’s foot made Meggie realize it was an entirely different attack.

    To return it, she closed a fist, making it freeze with snowflakes dripping off of it, and then punched Lilith’s foot. “I’m done with you! You won’t hurt my friends, or the world, ever again!”

    Lilith grunted, trying to put more power into the kick. But she watched in horror as her entire leg was encased in ice. Not debilitating, but enough to make her somewhat sluggish.

    “And now…” Meggie raised two fingers, crackling with electricity. She discharged them at Lilith, launching her back into the ground, while Meggie remained airborne.

    Lilith crash-landed on the ground, producing a small crater, and a large smoke cloud. Just as she was about to strike back, the ice finished covering her, and sinking deep into her, stinging inside her.

    “C-Chilly… really c-chilly… but ya know… I ain’t givin’ up so easily, gal.”

    Meggie flashed a smirk at her. “Good. I don’t plan on doing so anytime soon!”

    The wind around Meggie was freezing, and snowflakes fell on the ground. But her smile never once faltered. She had faith in her own power.

    Lilith slowly raised an arm, and then another, touching the emera she was holding. A burst of pink energy filled her body, melting the ice and freeing her from that dreaded status affliction. She cracked her neck and tapped the ground.

    “And now… now the real fun starts! Come at me!”

    Meggie grimaced, then raised an arm as high as possible, unleashing a pulse of water towards Lilith.

    Who dodged it in the blink of an eye. Meggie knew she had to try harder for this one.

    The first thing Max did was unleash a powerful punch right at Dex’s gut. It made him cough, but he grinned away, flicking his tails and turning back with a strike. It didn’t do much, only sending Max a few feet back, at most.

    “Not so tough now, eh?” Max grinned, then raised his arm as if it were a hammer, readying for another punch.

    But what Dex wanted was that distance between them. With a cloak of water covering his body, he was now much faster, and easily dodged that strike.

    “Sorry about that, Volty! But I can’t let ye ‘it me so much!” Dex stepped back, closing both fists, and soon enough, he was advancing once more, unleashing a flurry of attacks. “Oooooo…RA!”

    And Max took each and every one of them, using both his large arms to defend against it. It was what he wanted. The tendrils next to his head twitched, and extended right as Dex was close enough, releasing a powerful electric attack that knocked the Floatzel back.

    “Not that much bravado now?” Max flexed an arm. It burst with electricity. “Face it, dumbass. You’re way out of your league now!”

    Those words… Those words caused Dex’s blood to boil. He stood up, slowly and groaning from the thunder inside of him, his movements sluggish. He knew that was true… Dex was surrounded by people so much more powerful than him.

    “See, that’s where yer wrong…” Dex panted, closing a fist and punching the ground. “It doesn’t matter! Wanna know why?! Because I ‘ave people I wanna protect now!”

    With a roar, four large rocks levitated off the ground, encroaching Max inside a makeshift tomb. And Dex was rushing ahead one more time, using the rocks as a distraction. Because…

    …He knew Max would break free, punching them away with his mighty fist. It was part of Dex’s plan—he had a plan, for once! The Floatzel punched Max right on his face, and then unleashed a second flurry of punches, each one imbued with his indomitable, unshakeable fighting spirit!

    Max was taken aback by each of them, grunting, then groaning, then screaming from the pain. They were hard… rough… powerful.

    “So. Don’t. Ever. Hurt. Me. Mates!” Dex gave one final punch, knocking Max even more.

    The Electivire stuck his hand on the ground to slow down, and eventually came to a halt, panting. There was even a bit of blood right under his mouth, that he rubbed away with an arm.

    “Fuck… not bad. Not bad at all!” Max chuckled. “But… You need more than willpower! You need smarts, a brain!”

    “The hell’re ye—Gah!” Dex screeched in pain, electricity coursing through him once more. It appeared to come from underground… and was leading right to where Max punched. No, that wasn’t it. There was water all the way there. It… it conducted the electricity! “Ye planned it that fast…?”

    “What can I say? Knowledge is power.” Max cracked his knuckles. “But I know that wasn’t enough to finish you off… unfortunately. Because that just means you’ll get a bigger taste of me!”

    Dex groaned. Normally, he’d love a taste… but he had no time for that! He focused, as hard as he could, on the feeling the electricity had given to him. The burning, the paralysis… He sensed it all.

    And managed to get enough strength to dodge another punch, rolling to the side. “Fuck yeah! Yer gettin’ a taste o’ me too!”

    Scar swiftly backflipped away from an incoming Shadow Ball. His eyes had just a tiny tint of a red glow in them. To him, his vision was different. He could perceive the different auras forming into the attacks his opponents were using. He detected them, and used it to dodge.

    “This guy’s shady… he’s detecting our every move. How is he able to do that?”

    “Why. I had training. My focus is unmatched.” Scar stated, putting his club down. “I do not even require this tool to fight in equal ground with you two.”

    There has to be a limit to how much he can detect… there just has to. He’s not unbeatable. Lance thought. He focused on his sensors, and his brain started working on a way to counter it.

    Brian, meanwhile, raised his claws in the air, wrapping them with dark power. “I dunno what you’re planning, Lance, but make it quick!”

    He slashed the air, unleashing three dark blades towards Scar. The Marowak smiled, picking his club and safely walking between two of the blades.

    “Hmph. Typical. You are agitated. You blame me for all of your brother’s choices. Have you ever stopped to consider that he made them himself?”

    Agitated. That was it! Lance couldn’t sense Scar’s emotions. They were very hidden, but he did know of one time they got the best of him… when they were at the “dungeon” Brian created.

    “Brian! A larva grows into a pulp… but that pulp can become a tyrant!”


    “Hmph…” Scar flicked his club, and stuck it on the ground. A burst of flames spread, forming into wheels that were headed towards them.

    “A hard shell grows into an armor! A tyrant with armor, Brian!” Lance said, jumping and standing on top of a bone club.

    Brian’s ears flicked. That was… He jumped after his brother, focusing on an illusion. A bright red flash covered the area, temporarily blinding Scar.

    Once it was away, he stepped back. Multiple Tyranitar and Pupitar were circling him. They were closing in.

    “You… fiends. Using my own family against me—”

    A quick parry at Scar’s face made him grunt. It came from Lance, and was followed by another, and another. Soon, five parries struck Scar. Each felt like he was being hit by a large hammer, and were precise.

    “Not… now! I will not yield!” Scar grabbed the aura club Lance made, and it was instantly enveloped by flame. “I will have my family again! And you and your ridiculous sibling will not stop me!”

    Scar roared, unleashing an incredible stream of flames from all around his body, melting away all the Tyranitar and knocking the twins away.

    The fiery explosion was powerful enough to gather the attention of the other fighters. Lilith quickly dashed, stopping right next to Scar, while Max jumped, landing on their side.

    Meggie hovered next to Brian, helping him stand up, and Dex did the same to Lance.

    “It appears… we are evenly matched.” Scar said, trembling. The others assumed this was out of fear, but the Marowak soon burst into laughter. “Very well! I will use this! I will surpass everything and everyone that stands in the way of my family!”

    Lilith grimaced, the pink light covering her again, and returning her to normal. “Ya know… You’re my family, Scar. And I’ll help you get yours back. Promise.”

    “We’re all in this together.” Max added, eyeing his opponent; the Floatzel.

    “Even if it means the end of the world…?” Brian shouted, closing his eyes. “Necrozma doesn’t want peace! He wants to make us his slaves! How can you not see that?!”

    Scar groaned, shaking his head. “…What makes you think I do not? I simply… do not care. If that is what it takes to get my wife and my son back, then I will gladly walk to hell and back for them.”

    Lance produced another club. “Talking this out with them will never work. They can only be stopped, and that’s what I intend to do now.”

    Brian began to tremble. “But… but… I can’t! I don’t want to fight you, I don’t want to make you lose your family, but—”

    “Brian, sweetheart… I love that you’re thinking this, but we can’t—we can’t reason with them. All we can do is fight.”

    “Fight. Is that all you can think of…?” Scar pondered, sighing. He was just so… tired. “This fighting is a sin. If there is fighting—”

    “—There is death, sorrow.” Lilith added.

    “And war, pain and suffering.” Max frowned. “…We want to stop this fighting. So that we—all of us can have a normal life. A life without worries, without pain. I will find the knowledge to make that a reality.”

    Lance stepped back. The words… they almost resonated with him. If fighting was a sin… no. It couldn’t be. He had to keep fighting. For everyone. His friends, and the world. That much was decided.

    “You said you won’t yield, but I will not as well.” Lance extended the club, and took a glance at his friends… his team. “I’m glad you opened my senses, Brian. We can’t just give up.”

    Dex chuckled, gently tapping Lance’s back. “Well said, Pup. We’re gonna save the world! Cuz that’s what ‘eroes do, am I right?!”

    “You’re… right.” Brian gulped. No, he still didn’t want them to fight, but if there was no other choice… if that was all they could do, then he’d do it. He put his goggles on and clenched his teeth. “Alright, let’s do this!”

    “A little correction. I’m doing this.”

    Meggie stepped forward, closing one fist. The fist that belonged to the hand she wore her bracelet in, and where the z-crystal was. It began to pulsate with power.

    “I can hear it. Instructing me… telling me how to use it,” she said, looking back at her friends. “Please stand aside!”

    “Meg?” Lance said, almost pleading. “We don’t know how to use it that well, are you sure—”

    “I’d say let her try it!” Brian pointed out, glaring at the three opponents they had. He trusted Meggie. One hundred percent.

    “Popsicle… Ye better know what yer doin’.”

    Scar wasn’t going to stand around and do nothing while she was about to unleash such a strong move on them. He ran ahead, aiming his club towards the Froslass’ arm. It was right then that Meggie realized she had to act fast if it was to be over then.

    So… she inhaled, letting the energy from the crystal ripple inside her, like a drop of water in a lake. It was growing, and shaping itself. She was surrounded by a powerful, purple and red aura, and hands began to materialize next to her.

    “I’m protecting my friends! And I’m protecting my home! You will never get away with this!” Meggie tapped the crystal, and extended both her arms forward.

    A multitude of hands, countless, sprouted out of her body, all rushing towards them. They were fast and unpredictable, all she knew was that they needed to hit them. To strike them all down. To—

    The hands crumbled apart, and Meggie screamed in pain, before falling to the ground. Lilith used this opportunity to snag the wristband away, backflipping to Scar’s side. Her emera was glowing, as was Lilith. She had mega evolved again.

    She grinned. “I was fast enough to do it. Guess I feel pretty good about myself now!”

    “Meg!” Brian rushed to her side, cradling her in his arms. “W-What… what happened?!”

    “She was too weak to withstand the power.” Max said, chuckling, watching Lilith hand the bracelet to Scar. “…Heh. Does this mean you guys are that tired from the dungeon to use it, eh? Guess this makes things easier for us.”

    “Unforgivable…” Brian stood up, panting. He looked at Lance, snarling. “Give me the crystal! I can handle it! I won’t go berserk again!”

    “Too dangerous, Brian! We can’t let it—” Lance narrowly dodged a wheel of fire. It hit the flowers behind him, burning them to a crisp.

    “I believe you all mentioned you would continue to defy us.” Scar clicked the bracelet in place, and felt a rush of power fill his body. “Do you still intend to? Your companion is wounded. I believe this is for the best. Stand down, and give us the final crystal.”

    Brian snarled again, his short mane poofing up. “Hell no! I wasn’t doing it before, and I won’t do it now!”

    Dex got ready to fight again, even cloaking himself in more water, but… Lance stepped forward, clenching both of his fists, and looking straight at Scar.

    “There is no need for this. Brian, Meg, Dex. Do not interrupt this.” Lance said to his friends, but kept his gaze towards Scar. “You and I… we will fight. For our futures.”

    “A sinful one… to the very end.” Scar sighed. Part of him hoped this would never come to be. That part was shut down. “If that is what you wish… very well.”

    Each of their steps was heavy. It carried their burdens, the things that led each of them to this path, to this very moment. Lance, fighting for himself, for what he believed in. And Scar, who was willing to doom the world if it meant he could have his family back.

    Lance thought it was bittersweet. He wasn’t sure if any of their moments together was real, or if it was all part of Scar’s twisted mentality to groom him. And to be honest… Lance didn’t want to hear the answer.

    Scar was the first to strike. Or to try. He parried his club forward, watching Lance defend it with his own. The connecting weapons remained perfectly still, a sign that they were both matched.

    “All this time… all this effort. Nobody can bring them back, Scar. Maybe… maybe Xerneas could. Have you tried to—”

    “Silence. Don’t waste time talking. Simply attack me with all your might.” Scar replied, pulling back the club and preparing a strike from left to right.


    Lance blocked it, but it forced him back, somewhat. “I don’t understand. Why go this far? Why hurt so many others?

    “…” Scar never replied, instead he ignited the club and spun his body, trying another hit. Lance had to put more effort to block this one. “Let me ask you this, mister Williams. Why are you trying to find meaning in this battle? If you have to do that… it means you already lost.”

    Find meaning? No… Lance wasn’t trying to do that. All he wanted was to understand where Scar was coming from, to empathize with his former mentor, and to maybe… just maybe… reach an agreement. If it had to be done through fighting, that was fine. Fighting was in his blood, after all.

    “I refuse to be someone’s puppet.” Lance said, and he lunged in, making a second club, and trying three to four attacks in quick succession, giving little to no time for Scar to dodge. “And… Scar, I don’t want to fight you. Why must we do this? Is it the only way?”

    Scar roared, unleashing another flaming wheel on Lance’s face. The Lucario groaned from the pain, and momentarily ceased his attack. His former mentor then lunged in once more, hitting Lance with his club, which had, for the duration of this attack, turned into a spectral version of itself.

    “If you dare to ask this to your enemy’s face… then you do not deserve to join the battle at all.”

    Lance’s clubs were thrown away by Scar’s attack, and before he knew it, he was hit by it as well, falling to his knees. However, the battle wasn’t over. He sensed another flame attack, and fired an Aura Sphere at it, dissipating the flames.

    It wasn’t long until Scar was in front of him again, but Lance managed to block the next club attack.

    “Do you not understand it, Lance?” Scar said, pressuring him. Lance began to back away, slowly. “It is pointless to find meaning in battle. For you will find your resting place before your answer.”

    “I know.” Lance took a deep breath, and began to pressure back, pushing Scar away. “I know that, but I still need to try! That’s what justice is!”

    Brian watched his brother fight, and remembered that time… so long ago, where they fought that Luxray. And once again, he thought about helping. This time, he remained in place, trusting Lance to keep going.

    “I dun get what they’re sayin’…” Dex scratched his head. “But it’s bad?”

    “No, I don’t think it is… It’s just…” Meggie gasped for air. “I’m not sure myself.”

    Max crossed his arms. Obviously, he was rooting for Scar. He knew his boss could handle it. Lilith thought the same.

    Scar continued to parry, alongside Lance. Their weapons clashed with one another. Time after time. “Mister Williams… let me tell you the truth. This world is full of evil. Evil beyond purpose or reason. If you have lived this long without seeing that, then… your life is a waste.”

    Lance continued to fight. Perhaps Scar was right, perhaps this was all meaningless. But he didn’t know that. None of them did. Lance still needed to try. To fight the good fight. For those that couldn’t.

    And for himself. For a monster like him, fighting was to protect. Lance unleashed a powerful parry, knocking the club off of Scar’s hands. He lunged in, ready to strike once more…

    But stopped right before he did. “My life does have a meaning. But you’re not free from sin yourself. You have blood in your hands, just like me.”

    Scar could only smirk in response. “Indeed I do. But the difference between you and me… is that I do not care enough about myself to bother with such trivial matters!”

    Scar, this time, breathed fire, it once again shaping into a wheel, pushing Lance back.

    Brian finally ran to his brother’s side. “Hey! Are you okay?! That guy hurt you pretty bad… physically and, y’know.”

    Dex pointed at Scar, snarling. “Yer a prick, Bones! I don’t get a single thing ye said, but I just know. Yer wrong.”

    “To each their own.” Scar walked to the side, grabbing his club back. “Now… I believe I entertained your battle mania as much as I could, mister Williams. Which brings me to this.”

    He snapped a finger, and Lilith grinned. She jumped in the air once again.

    And crash landed right in front of Lance. First, she gave a series of powerful punches on Brian, knocking him back. Then, she did the same to Dex. Finally, to Meggie, she raised a fist with dark energy, slapping her to the side.

    “I won’t—” Lance received a powerful punch to his crotch, instantly making him fall to his knees.

    “…Ow. I felt that.” Max groaned.

    “I’m nothing if not efficient,” she teased, lifting Lance by his neck. “See, we knew ya wouldn’t miss an opportunity. And neither did we!”

    She tossed him to the side, and set her sights on Brian. Lilith was too fast for him to react to, and soon enough, she grabbed him, rushing back to Scar’s side.

    Max fiddled with Brian’s bag, the only bag they brought, and picked the bug crystal, safely holding it in his hand.

    Another snap of fingers. Scar had a wicked smile all across his face. “Now! I would like to propose a deal! You give us the Darkinium-Z, and we will not kill your precious companion.”

    Lance continued to groan, and there was little he could do but agree to that.

    No. Something was wrong. Lilith was surely fast enough to grab his crown during the fight. So why didn’t she…?

    It was then that Max unleashed a powerful wave attack at Lance, who felt it through his metallic body, and became paralyzed as a result. Meggie gasped in shock, moving in to help—and got hit by a spectral bone that turned back, returning to Scar’s hand.

    “I believe this is checkmate, mister Williams. You could, of course, come with us willingly. Maxwell.”

    “Didn’t zap you enough to fully paralyze, just enough that you won’t escape. So… yeah, we’re gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way. Regardless, you’re coming with us.”

    Dex was about to attack, when Lance put his hand in front of the Floatzel.

    “Very well… I will go. Leave my brother alone, and I’ll go.”

    “H-Hey!” Brian wanted to say, but his mouth was covered by Lilith with one hand, and with the other, she began choking him.

    “Splendid! Come.” Scar offered a hand.

    Lance slowly walked to the Marowak’s side, looking down. He could still plan a way out of this, and back to his friends. Lance had to.

    Lilith threw Brian back at the others, and clapped her hands together. “Whoa! Everything’s coming along nicely, isn’t it? Max, sweetie, do ya have the final entercard?”

    Max grinned, pulling it from under his head. At the center was a forest with a large black crystal on it. “Yup. Back to the forest, we go!”

    Lance frowned as he looked at his teammates. “I’m sorry… everyone.”

    The Electivire tossed his entercard into the ground, opening the portal to their final destination. He jumped in.

    Scar picked Lance’s crown, holding onto it, and pushed Lance inside the portal. Only he and Lilith were left.

    “Now… I believe we must go.”

    Brian panted, weakly waving a finger. He didn’t have enough power for a full illusion, but… he could at least try. He created copies of himself, Meggie and Dex. “When I say it…”

    They knew what to do. Lilith jumped into the portal, and Scar did it as well. It was beginning to close, but… in a last ditch-effort, Brian ran as fast as he could, holding Meggie in his arms, while Dex dashed with the water cloak from before.

    Just as the trio entered the portal, it closed.

    Scar appeared on the other side, just a few feet behind Lance. “Hm… if my hunch is correct—”

    Brian fell from the portal, face planting on the sand. Meggie hopped off his arm before he did anything else. And Dex… he fell on his rear, yelping in pain.

    “As I suspected. They are here. Do you remember this place?”

    Lance looked around. The beach was unfamiliar, but the presence… inside the forest made him remember it all. “The forest of the dead?”

    “Fuck!” Dex stood up, groaning. “This hurts… so much.”

    Lance groaned, using a club to propel himself upwards, and landed next to Brian. “Hm… seems we can still put up a fight, can’t we?”

    Scar sighed. “Have you learned nothing from what I told you? To find meaning in battle is pointless. And well… we are now in His place.”

    Meggie’s eyes widened. “Wha—”

    A crystalline tentacle emerged from the ground, grabbing her and squeezing the Froslass tight. She immediately began to scream. Lance could only watch in horror as two more tentacles appeared, each one holding another of his friends.

    Brian roared, slashing away at the tentacle with a powerful Night Slash. He panted, and then struck the other two, freeing his teammates. “We’re not giving up! Never, never!”

    Hearing that only made Scar’s emotions boil further. Smoke flared out of his nostrils, and he groaned. My Lord… forgive me for this, but they are proving to be more of a nuisance than I thought.

    Max turned his back to look at them, facepalming. “Goddammit. Are we really about to have another fight? Cuz… normally I’d love to, but we’re on the verge of greatness! We’re so close!”

    Lilith, meanwhile, had the pink energy fade out of her body. She, too, was getting tired of this. “Don’t plan on givin’ up either. Not when we’re so close.”

    Lance looked at his friends, flashing the tiniest of smiles he could. He finally stared at Scar again. “I don’t need to find meaning by battling. I already have it. My family… my team is my everything. And I’ll keep on going forward to our future. Together! We’ll challenge fate again and again, as many times as we need to!”

    Brian, hearing those words, slowly stood up. “Because when life knocks you down… you stand back up again.”

    “And you can’t quit. Because there’s always a chance,” Meggie this time. She smiled.

    “Won’t pretend I understood half of what Pup said, but I approve!” Dex slammed his fists together.

    “You are all a bunch of fools.” Scar muttered. The flame in his club lit again. “But if that is how you wish to go down… who am I to deny it?”


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