The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In order to prevent the ressurection of Necrozma, a creature with enough power to destroy the world… team Liberators embarks on another journey.

    A portal cracked open, and out of it came Lilith and Max, landing on the ground without a single bruise on their bodies.

    She stretched her arms out, watching the portal disappear into an entercard, one she picked up. “Well… I kinda wished we picked up some bug repel. They can be nasty, especially the ferals.”

    Max didn’t reply, his eyes widening at the sight in front of them. Curious, Lilith went to take a look, and she acquired the same expression as her comrade.

    The hole on the ground was very visible, and there was nothing on it. No vines, no moss, nothing. It was perfectly clean. Not just that, but they also saw bits of concrete hovering from the hole and sticking themselves to cover it up.

    Everything was being cleaned up, rebuilt. Or, more precisely, it was being purified.

    Lilith could only keep staring at the sight, both in shock, and something else. Her fur puffed up in anger. “This ain’t natural. Or at least, not how my books told me… someone’s been here before.”

    Perhaps the thing that made her think that were the statues on the shrine’s entrance. There were now four of them. The first, from a Pokémon she remembered seeing in the books; Buzzwole. As for the other three… they were familiar. A bulky Floatzel, a Froslass wearing a tiara, and a goggled Zoroark.

    “They were here.” Lilith clenched her fists. “Heavens… they were here, Max! Why ?! Why were they here?!”

    “The only ones that knew about this place were us and—Percival.” Max punched the ground, unleashing a powerful electric current in front of him. That was the extent of his anger. “…Scar did say he thought Percival—if we can even call him that anymore—betrayed us. This confirms it. He must’ve tipped his friends off.”

    “Great. ‘Course he did,” she inhaled, fur still fizzled. Lilith looked at the statues, clenching her teeth. “And here I thought he was one of us… guess he never was.”

    “I think he was. At first,” Max stood up, wincing. “Not anymore, that’s for sure. And now I wanna punch that damn mutt until his jaw pops off.”

    “…Sentiment’s mutual,” she said. “But we should talk to Scar first. Doing reckless things will get us nowhere, y’know.”

    He did know. Max knew that very well. He still had to process this information, after all. With a deep breath, and another punch to the ground, he did just that. If Percival—Lance wasn’t one of them anymore, that was fine . Max would get the opportunity to set things straight between them soon enough, he was sure of it.

    “Aight,” he said. “…If there’s nothing here for us anymore, let’s go back. We still gotta get through… that dungeon.” A shiver ran through his spine.

    “Who knows? We can use this to our advantage. If push comes to shove, we can beat ‘em up if they get Ghostium-z before us.” Lilith activated the card, popping another portal in front of them.

    “…If you ask me, Scar trusts that guy way too much.” Max nodded as they both hopped through it.

    It was another rainy day in Cydonia. Thunder clapped through the air, echoing all around the kingdom, but it was peaceful, and normal. Guards did their patrols as usual, some catching a runaway criminal, some simply asking the citizens for any requests to give to their king.

    Said king was occupied with something else. Lance knocked on the door to Scar’s office just once, and waited. He didn’t need to stand there for too long, as the Marowak opened the door for him after just a few seconds had passed.

    “Your Highness.” Scar bowed, giving him enough space to enter. “Please, get inside!”

    Lance perked his ears up, walking inside. “…Just call me Percival. I don’t need that much formality. And you asked me to come.”

    “Indeed,” Scar closed the door behind them, and walked next to a chair, taking a seat. There was a glass of wine on the table, a bottle, and an empty glass next to another chair.

    Lance took that as a cue to sit down. “…Is the glass for me?”

    “Hm, I would ask if you are old enough to drink… sixteen, correct?”

    “Almost seventeen. Regardless, I’ve been emancipated.” Lance wasn’t sure if that meant he could taste it. But he also felt like that was a line long crossed, with being a king and all. “…Nevermind. I don’t want it.”

    “Ah. That is fine as well,” he replied, pointing to the center of the table.

    Right where Scar pointed was another entercard. This one had the symbol of a grave engraved on the center. It told Lance all he needed to know.

    “It is an entercard that will take us to the Buried Wasteland.” Scar said, sipping his wine. The sweetness of his drink brought a smile to Scar’s face. “For now, this is the only one we have. There will be more after Maxwell and Lilith return from the Chasm.”

    “Understood.” Lance nodded, taking a better look at the card. Alright, I need to give this to Brian. He already told me the previous expedition was a success. We just need to find a way to destroy those things. Hm.

    Scar noticed his King was spacing out in his own thoughts, and his smile turned into a frown. “Your Highness. Are you feeling alright?”

    Might as well ask him. Lance tapped his chin to add a layer of thoughtfulness to himself. “I have questions. Is it possible to destroy the crystals?”

    “Hm?” To that, Scar raised a brow. “Why? Although… I suppose destroying them after Necrozma is free would prevent him from being sealed again. I would need to ask Lilith about this.”

    So he didn’t know. That wasn’t helpful at all. Maybe Brian could figure it out, if he had enough time. But Scar’s goons would come home from the dungeon soon, and without any results. They didn’t have the time to figure it out.

    Scar motioned to a cabinet that stood against a wall. “There is something else I believe you should get. Lilith and Maxwell have worked hard to craft it, it is similar to the Emera you possess, and based on your crown.”

    “Hm…?” Now that was curious . In every sense of the word. Lance waited for Scar to get up, open the cabinet, and head back.

    In his hand was a black bracelet, adorned with a white star sigil right at the top, and with a slot shaped like the crystal on Lance’s crown.

    “We have yet to name this particular Emera, but I believe you are worthy of possessing it.” Scar said, putting the bracelet on the table. 

    Lance picked it up, carefully checking it out. “I understand. Thank you, Scar.”

    “Now… how are the efforts to capture your brother?”

    “I’m handling it. For now, I must focus on getting the other crystals,” he stood up, holding on to the bracelet. “I’ll do a search myself right now. If you’ll excuse me…”

    Scar watched him leave the room, but didn’t do anything, simply sipping away at his wine. I am almost certain… he has betrayed us.

    Lilith barged inside the castle, shaking the water off her fur and ears. Luckily, her bag was waterproof and it didn’t really make anything inside useless. Didn’t mean she enjoyed being soaked wet, but it wasn’t as annoying as she thought.

    “When I see that little mutt, I’m gonna…” she made a choking notion with both paws.

    “And then I’m the hotheaded one, eh?” Max removed his hat, wincing. His one… was soaked entirely. “Kinda wish I was, then I could let this thing dry up. Eh.”

    “Let’s just go. Scar gotta know this.” Lilith was already rushing inside. Not running , but not walking at a normal pace either. She was somewhere in between.

    …I don’t wanna tell her what I’m thinking right now. Max rubbed the back of his head and followed.

    The rain outside intensified, and they heard more thunder. Max almost wanted to go there and feel the electricity by himself, but they had more important tasks at hand. And were already in front of Scar’s room anyway.

    One knock later, and they entered. Scar was still sipping wine, but by this point the bottle was half-empty. He remained seated when they came, and continued there when they took their own seats.

    “Ah, hello. Maxwell, Lilith.” Scar moved the glass slowly. “You have returned. How was the trip? Fruitful, I assume?”

    Lilith smiled sheepishly, then shook her head. “Not… exactly.”

    “When we got there, place was already purified.” Max added. “That’s what happens when you take the stone, right? So someone took it before us.”

    “…There were statues too. All belonging to team Liberators. We think this means—”

    Scar clenched his fist, shattering the glass into pieces. “ Percival . That wretched, ungrateful simpleton! I give him all the help he wants, and how does he repay me?!”

    Hearing those words made Max flash a wide smile. It was incredibly sweet to hear his suspicions were confirmed.

    “…So does that mean we’re allowed to go beat him up?”

    Silence. Nothing but silence permeated the room, until Scar sighed, unleashing smoke from his nostrils.

    “No. No, this changes nothing. I thought he betrayed us, and so, I planned for it. I gave him the entercard, and I gave him the emera you two have developed.”

    “The hell?! Why?!” Max punched the table, making it crack. “We worked our asses off for it, and you just hand it to a traitor?!”

    Lilith’s reaction was signified by a frown. “Scar, you know I’ll follow you to the ends of the world, but… why?”

    “Listen to me.” Scar stated. His rage was entirely gone, and he was calm. Eerily calm. “He must have given the entercard to his friends, and they took the crystal. If it happens again, we can use this opportunity to take all the crystals with us. An ambush, if you will.”

    “Oh…” Max’s eyes lit up. “Oh. That… makes a lot more sense. Sorry, I didn’t think of that before.”

    “Ain’t a bad plan.” Lilith crossed her arms. “Not great , but not bad. How are we supposed to win against four Pokémon, one of which can mega evolve?”

    “Simple.” Scar snapped a finger. “We appeal to their sentimentality.”

    Lance burst forth with extreme speed, running through the streets of the city—his city, holding the bracelet on his right paw, the entercard on his left, and flashing a smirk.

    Alright. I remember where their hideout is, and the guards aren’t on duty now… we shouldn’t be interrupted. Hopefully.

    He took a zigzag turn, a left, a right, and finally arrived at the area, already seeing the familiar warehouse nearby. Lance took another look at the emera, and went inside.

    Inside, he saw Brian munching on a skewer with some onion and bits of meat. Dex was doing some exercises, and Meggie was leaning against the Zoroark.

    “So, another normal day for you guys?”

    “Lance!” Brian stopped what he was doing, getting up and running to his sibling’s side. “Hey, shorty! Still dressing like a fancy schmuck, huh?”

    Meggie hovered above the ground, looking at Dex. The Floatzel winced, and followed her, headed to Lance’s direction.

    “Pup. Fancy seein’ ye ‘ere. Again. Thanks fer the tip, we kicked ass at the temple!”

    “Always nice seeing you,” Meggie smiled. “We should really stop meeting at this place. It’s not a nice spot to be.”

    “You’re all here.” Lance said. His tail began to slowly wag, not that he noticed it. “…Yes, Brian, still wearing the cape, I like it. Hello, Dex, I’m glad my tip was useful. And indeed, Meggie. It will be over soon, and I’ll be able to go back.”

    Brian fiddled with his bag, looking for something. He pulled out a gray headband, showing it off to his brother. “Remember this? Capes fit you, but this is… y’know, from dad.”

    “Like your goggles.” Lance shook his head. “Keep the band. I’ll wear it when the time is right. For now… I brought another entercard. It will take you to the Buried Wasteland.”

    “Buried Wasteland? Don’t like the name already…” Dex shivered. “Ghost dungeon, right?”

    Meggie started to grin. “Means it’s my spot! Don’tcha worry, I’ll do my best. And hopefully not turn into a monster like Brian.”

    Brian frowned, twitching his ears. Lance walked closer to him, tapping the Zoroark’s shoulder. “There’s something else. It’s a special emera, made to handle the power of the crystals.”

    He showed it, and Meggie picked it up. “Interesting. It probably has sealing properties, enough to reduce the pressure the crystal gives, and—”

    She blinked, noticing everyone staring at her. “I-I… learned this from… watching Brian… work…”

    Lance smiled in return, eyeing his brother. The Zoroark was visibly blushing.

    So he pulled him for a tight hug. Brian squirmed, shocked by the act, but enjoying it nonetheless, even returning the hug. “…Thanks, Lance.”

    “I can’t join you guys yet, so all I can really do is say good luck.”

    “We’ll pack everything up and go soon.” Brian said, saluting.

    Hm. Lance figured he could stay a little longer, just to see them off. If anyone asked, he could always say it was a kingly duty he had to attend to.

    Hours passed, the rain not budging even a little bit. It only seemed to be rougher on whoever was unfortunate to remain outside. Lance wasn’t one of them.

    He leaned against a wall, watching his friends get ready. Brian put some sitrus berries inside, some seeds, some orbs, all stuff Lance brought on previous visits.

    It’s been what… three days? I’m surprised I could help them that much. Perhaps… this is the best a monster like me can do.

    Brian zipped the bag shut, putting it on his back, and turned to Lance, entercard in hand. “You sure you’re not coming with us?”

    Dex pouted, putting the bug crystal inside Brian’s back, and zipping it again. “I do kinda wish Pup got to go with us.”

    “He’ll be here waiting for us, right?” Meggie smiled. Oh… what the hell!

    She hovered to him and pulled Lance into another hug. This time, it was him that was flustered. He still didn’t back away.

    I still don’t like them… but if it’s with my friends, I can take it. Lance returned the hug, only to be met with two more sets of arms. A triple hug.

    Brian was the first to back away. “Alright! We should be all set to go! Careful, we don’t know the things inside that place.”

    “As long as those damn hands don’t show up again…” Meggie groaned. She was so useless back then.

    “If they do, I’ll just kick their arse.” Dex grinned, flexing a bicep.

    Brian gave one final look and a nod to his brother, and then clicked the entercard. Another portal burst open in front of them.

    Team Liberators walked inside, leaving Lance alone there.

    …And appeared on the other side. Brian giggled, maybe once this was over, he could try working with entercard. There had to be a reason why they weren’t so prominent.

    I think… Dad said Mom used one when they were my age. Hm, questions for later, Brian adjusted his goggles and his bag, watching his friends appear after him.

    First, it was Meggie. She still hovered above ground, and flicked her hand. “Guess I’m getting used to warping like this.”

    Then, Dex. “I can take it. Goggles, ye should ‘ave it. Fer safekeepin’.”

    “Yeah, I was planning on guarding this card—whoa.”

    They were interrupted by the loud noise of a waterfall nearby, that streamed down, towards a lake. It was located on their left. Dex gasped, almost jumping at the water, only being stopped by another gasp, this time from Meggie.

    She covered her face, seeing the ground beneath them was full of various flowers; pink, blue, yellow and white. Meggie kept looking forward, seeing the flowers slowly be replaced by ones that were set on fire, turning gray and withering away into dust that flew in the air. Finally, her eyes landed on a large hole in the ground, very wide, more than enough to house the three of them.

    “Alright… this is so odd.” Meggie tapped her chin. “I can’t explain this with science… I don’t think so. It must be part of the supernatural nature of this dungeon. At least there aren’t any swole bugs here… and Dex isn’t showing off like before.”

    “Hey! I’ll let ye know that the bug wanted me to do a flex off with ‘im, and I was happy to oblige—”

    Fireworks popped out of said hole, in the same colors as the flowers, almost like an invitation for them to enter. Brian shivered and frowned, the flowers were so pretty, too. Maybe he could pick one for Meggie! If she liked flowers… Girls liked flowers, didn’t they?

    “Okay. Somehow less creepy than the bug dungeon.” Dex pointed out, scratching the back of his head. Nonetheless, it was still creepy. If he was alone, he wouldn’t go there. Probably.

    Brian blinked. That was a weird way of inviting them to invade an—assumed—sacred place. It was also really pretty! Giving him an idea of something to do with Meggie once this was all over… he could buy fireworks. Or make them himself.

    “Alright, boys.” Meggie clapped her hands. “Let’s go, alright? We can keep being mesmerized by this, ooooor we can go there, kick ass, get the crystal, and find a way to destroy them! What do you say?”

    “Heh. I say we go and kick ass!” Brian cheered, raising his arm in the air.

    “Yarr, Popsicle! Let ‘s go!” Dex wrapped both of his friends around his large shoulders.

    They walked towards the hole. Brian’s ears twitched as he saw ladders just being formed. Right when they got close enough. He smiled again, and began to climb down with Dex.

    Meggie just hovered downwards.

    It was a long trip down the hole. The way below never ended, even after minutes had passed. As for the trip itself, nothing exciting happened.

    At least not for Dex or Brian. Meggie, while hovering down, saw the walls change . From normal dirt to something… different. It had bones , bones belonging to so many species she didn’t notice what exactly it was. Various bones, a draconic skull, a screaming face… she saw it all. And that wasn’t the end of it either. There was a smell. 

    It smelled like… Death. Rank and pungent, with just a tinge of something so sickeningly sweet Meggie winced, like someone left garbage ferment for a long period of time. She wanted to gag and throw up, but as much as she tried to, nothing was coming out. All Meggie did was smell the rotten flesh inside those walls.

    Her friends didn’t seem to notice. The other option was that they simply didn’t care, but Meggie quickly ignored that notion, climbing down again. If that was the start of the dungeon, then what horrors awaited them inside?

    Eventually, they managed to get to the ground. Meggie was still very sickened, but she also didn’t want to touch the ground, not with what it was made of. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, to calm down, and maybe—God how she hated the thought—to get used to the scent.

    “Hey… The ‘ell is that?” Dexter pointed to the other side of the room they were in. 

    Nothing. There was nothing . Just a wall of dirt that surrounded them all from all sides. As far as Dexter could see, there was no way forward.

    “What…?” Brian rubbed his eyes. He didn’t see anything, much like Dexter. “How’re we supposed to move on?”

    Meggie groaned, finally opening her eyes. She tilted her head, confused at the sight.

    There was a large gate that covered most of the wall. The gate itself had a drawing engraved in it, they all recognized it as the balloon-like Pokémon they saw in the painting at the previous shrine. At the top of the gate, written in Unown letters, was the name of said Pokémon: Blacephalon.

    “Uh… guys? You can’t see it?” 

    Brian turned to face her, his ears twitching. “See… what? There’s nothing here. Just some stupid dirt wall!”

    “I ain’t seein’ anythin’ either.” Dex shrugged.

    Well, that wasn’t right. First, the rotten flesh. Then… this gate. Why was she the only one able to see it?

    This is a ghost dungeon. And I’m a ghost… could it be because of that? Meggie muttered in her head, considering that as a very real possibility. “I see a gate. It has the drawing of that balloon thing from before. There’s a name… Blacephalon, I think.”

    Brian raised a claw to interject, but decided to trust her instead. “Alright… but why can’t we see it?”

    “Popsicle’s a ghost. Maybe that’s why.”

    “Then maybe there was something we missed back in the bug shrine. Because none of us are bugs, maybe there was a gate or something, maybe even the name of the guardian.” Brian pondered, crossing his arms. “Anyway, Meg?”

    “I’m thinking…” she floated upwards, to see if there was any detail she missed before.

    Indeed. Meggie saw symbols—runes, to be precise—in the center of that room, forming a circle. Inside the inner circle, there were more runes, until the spot at the center of that circle. Instead of runes, there was a crude drawing. 

    A claw mark, very wide and deep. Meggie snapped a finger and smiled, turning to her friends. “Alright. I have a plan. Now… I shall begin this experiment.”

    She wasn’t entirely sure where she got this from. Regardless, Meggie raised her right hand in the air, forming claws of ghost energy around her fingers. With a thrust, she rushed in, towards the ground, slashing away right at the drawing.

    Energy burst from where she struck, and a purple beam struck the wall where the gate was, covering it in a bright light.

    Brian covered his eyes, as did Dex. Meggie did not, watching in awe at what she just did. Once the light faded, the gate was revealed. Not just for the Froslass, but for all of them. In addition to that, it slowly opened, showing the passage to the other part of the dungeon.

    They moved on.

    As soon as they set foot on the next area, Brian and Dex fell to their knees, wincing and groaning at the smell. Meggie blinked, realizing they didn’t get used to it. Neither did she, but at the very least, it was more bearable to her than to them.

    “Take it slow, alright? I’ll check this place out.” She nodded, doing just that.

    Unsure if from her ghost vision—as Meggie dubbed it—or not, she saw a large door, still containing the same drawing of Blacephalon. However, the second she stepped forward, chains and a lock appeared on the gate, as if to block their path.

    Brian groaned again, helping Dex stand up. The Zoroark’s ears twitched. “What happened to that gate? It’s stopping us?”

    “Ye can see it too, Goggles?” Dex winced, holding back vomit. It was slowly getting better, but he wasn’t sure what mystical force was making him not throw up right there and then.

    “Huh… everyone can see it?” Meggie muttered. Good thing. “Brace yourselves! I can feel… something’s coming.”

    And she was right. From the ground in front of them, a gooey, white mass materialized, and two black eyes appeared, staring at them, first at Meggie, then at Brian, and finally, at Dexter.

    A screech permeated through the area as the mass grew, reforming, shaping itself. It remained white, but the shape it was taking was easily recognizable by them; a Cursola.

    At least, that’s what it was at first. It screeched , screamed in pain. Meggie backed away, shivering. 


    She shivered again. That voice… it was familiar, but it couldn’t be—he was gone. They dealt with him.

    Cursola’s body trembled, and the branches on each side began to shake and crack violently. They were falling apart, and where they stood, there was something else. Fur… green fur. The branches were covered in green fur, and shaped like blades.

    Brian’s eyes widened, and he looked at Meggie. She was shaking from everywhere possible. 

    “N-No… it can’t be him…!”

    At the center of Cursola’s body, where its face was, it changed as well. Bits of ectoplasm were chopped off, piece by piece, and then, Brian and Meggie saw it—the thing they never wanted to see again, the face that haunted their friend’s dreams.

    A Gallade. Merged with the Cursola’s body in a sick abomination, an affront to nature itself.

    Brian was the first to charge ahead. He screamed, flames bursting forth from his snout, all on their way to incinerate that creature. But before they hit its target, the Cursallade was enveloped in pink energy, vanishing from the place.

    “The fuck?! Popsicle, Goggles, ye two better explain it when ye can—”

    A blade of psychic energy made its way towards Dex, and he was barely able to block it with both fists, being thrown against the wall. Brian fell to the ground, panting, and taking a look at Meggie.

    “It’s not—it can’t be Morgan! We gotta get this over with as soon as possible!”

    “It sure as hell fights like him!” Meggie cringed. That was true, but it would also work for their advantage. 

    The creature hissed, teleporting away again, and reappearing right next to Meggie. It materialized rocks from out of thin air, unleashing them right at her—

    Dex’s body was enveloped in water, and he was able to rush to her side before the attack could land, taking her to safety, next to Brian.

    “First off. Who the fuck is Morgan? Secondly… teleport. I fuckin’ hate teleport!”

    “Dex, can you distract it? Brian and I will work on sealing off its teleport!”

    The Floatzel nodded, ready to beat the living shit out of that thing. His body was wrapped in water again, and he advanced, like a torpedo, to try and hit the Cursallade.

    “We need to get rid of its field of vision. Brian, Flamethrower? I’ll get out of the way when you do.”

    His response was putting the goggles on and getting on all fours. Dex was jumping from side to side, dodging slash after slash, but once he heard the typical sound of Brian’s flames, he hopped back, letting the fox fill the area with fire.

    The creature hissed, creating a blade of psychic power in each of its arms. The fire grew, covering the space between the two, reducing the spots where it could teleport to.

    But it so anyway. Cursallade popped behind them, and Meggie smirked, seeing Dex still covered in his Aqua Jet coat. “Now!” She shouted.

    Dex backflipped, jumping towards the creature, and landing a powerful, water-filled punch that knocked it back. “Eat it, ye bastard!”

    Hisses filled the air after the attack hit, but the abomination was still very much conscious, standing up. It then screamed with such power the walls shook.

    “Round two…” Dex straightened his bandanna, getting ready to fight again.

    “It may still teleport…” Brian said, snapping a finger. An illusion coated all of them, turning the three invisible

    Cursallade hissed again, looking around confused. It began charging another blade, when a shadowy ball of energy hit its arm. The result was another scream, followed by a look of surprise as Dex appeared in front, his tails as hard as iron, slashing away at the creature with consecutive strikes.

    “Eat. This. Motherfucker! Rghrrrah!” Dex gave one final strike, sending the creature back. He panted, and his friends appeared as well, the illusion fading. “While it be down, ye two attack t’gether! I’ll try to hold it off, but don’t take too long!”


    “Mhm!” Meggie agreed, running in. Both her hands had claws of ghostly power in them, while Brian’s claws were wrapped in dark energy.

    Dex rammed with another Aqua Jet, right as the creature tried to stand up, and pressed it against the wall with all the strength he had, while his friends were running towards him. “Goggles… Popsicle… now !”

    He jumped out of the way right as Brian and Meggie attacked with their slashes together, cutting the creature into two halves. The resulting attack was met with a burst of energy that knocked them all back.

    Cursallade screamed, its body slowly fading into dust, until nothing was left. It was no more. Not even a tiny flake of its body remained there, gone forever.

    Meggie finally hovered to the ground, panting and shaking. “T-That wasn’t him… was it? It’s gotta be some… some sort of dungeon trickery.”

    “I don’t doubt it,” Brian replied, giving her a hug. 

    Dex scratched the back of his head. “…Seriously, who the hell is Morgan?”

    “A Gallade—a human turned Gallade I used to know.” Meggie said, tears rolling from her eyes. “…My old mentor. But he’s a monster. He hurt so many others… and I don’t want anything to do with him.”

    “Hey, hey. I’m here. Alright? I’m here…” Brian nuzzled against her softly, purring. “…And he’s gone. We all saw what happened. He’s never hurting anyone ever again, alright?”

    “Yeah… yeah, I know. It’s the dungeon, messing with our heads. We’ll all be alright.” Meggie returned the hug, and remained there with him, cuddling together.

    “Ye two are sweet as ‘ell…” Dex sighed, watching the lock on the gate burst into dust as well, opening the path to them. “We still need to go, y’all lovebirds.”

    Brian and Meggie separated right as they heard it, looking away from each other with a layer of red on their faces.

    “R-Right. We gotta keep going. This is probably the first… puzzle? Wait, what if it’s the second? I dunno anymore…”

    Meggie stood up, helping Brian do the same. After one final look between them, the trio moved on.

    Once again, they walked through a large corridor, the stench of putrid corpses still filled all of them, but by now, the team had mostly grown used to it. They ignored how awful the implications of that were, and continued.

    And stumbled across another change of scenery. First of all, thick fog covered the entire area, preventing anyone from noticing how far that room extended. Brian remained with his goggles on, and on high alert. 

    Because they were in a graveyard. There was very little that they could make out. Lots of graves, sure, but that wasn’t particularly the most unsettling part. As with the shrine before, there was always that feeling of being watched… As if there was something beyond the fog that they could not see. If this was a sacred place, it surely was not in the usual sense of being religiously important. 

    Row upon row, tall graves with crosses stood. If Brian got close enough to examine them, he would barely be able to make out a unique rune upon each gravestone. Did each one have a special meaning, or were they names they could not interpret?

    A lone tree interrupted the rows nearing the center of their vision. It stood crooked and tall, standing out against the graveyard scenery. It seemed intentionally out of place, and yet it wasn’t at the same time.

    Dex stood close to Brian. Very close. He shivered, eyes darting around the place, unable to shake off the feeling of being watched by… something. 

    “Ye think it’s the ‘ands again?” He asked, turning to Brian.

    “Honestly… I have no idea. Meg, can you stay close too?” Brian pleaded, and she began to stroll over.

    The two males were standing next to two graves, trying to read the runes inside. They looked like Unown letters, and Brian was able to faintly recognize one of them as an “N”. It stood at the right end of the grave. 

    That feeling remained. Nothing was able to remove it. And it wasn’t close to being done. They heard whispers, faint words nobody could properly make out.

    Meggie continued to hover, but stopped suddenly, flinching as three embers ignited in the air, colored purple, with red at the center. They floated close together, and light enveloped them, forming into a familiar shape, yet different.

    An ethereal Typhlosion appeared, the flames on its back the same color as the embers around its neck. It looked at her with drooped ears, and a frown.

    “This is your final test.” It said.

    “Okay… do we need to take it down?” Brian went to try and fight, but the sound of stone moving prevented him from doing so. Shivering, he looked down at the ground…

    …His feet were rock solid and gray. “W-Wha—Dex! Check your feet!”

    Dex did exactly that, and found the same result. “Fuck! It got to me too!”

    “Guys?! Guys!” Meggie pleaded, floating again, towards them.

    Typhlosion shook his head, an hourglass appearing next to it. “You must find it. Find the grave of someone close to you, or your friends… will suffer a fate worse than death.” 

    Someone close… someone close… Meggie floated from grave to grave, panting. Sweating. She wasn’t even sure she could sweat, but there it was, dripping to the floor like it was raining.

    This search could be fine, if it wasn’t for the fact none of them had any names. Just runes—letters. Each one had a letter. 

    Think… Meggie. Think. There has to be a way! You’re smart, you can figure this out! And if you don’t, your friends—Brian’s gonna die! I can’t let him die like this! 

    Typhlosion cleared its throat, the sands beginning to fall from the hourglass. It started to sing, humming a soft tune, but at the same time, foreboding.

    .thgil ruoy worrob oT

    ksa ll’I ksam siht htiW

    ,etips ruoy og teL

    ecaf dlo ruoy yawa tsaC

    The words were said in a slow draw, taking a moment before saying another verse of the song, like it was meant for someone to remember.

    Meggie turned her face back, wincing. Just the mere sound of the song was enough to make her ears hurt. And the lyrics… if there were lyrics. They didn’t sound right either. There was definitely something they were trying to tell. What it was, she didn’t know. All she knew was that the song was ingrained inside her head now, for better or for worse.

    “What the hell is it singing… it sounds… wrong .”

    There was no time to waste! Obviously… but what could she do?! Which grave was the right one?!

    I don’t even have anyone close… not anymore. Not like this. And none of the ones I know are dead . I’m not finding any graves, am I?

    Meggie stopped floating, falling to the ground, trembling. Her mental gears were grinding, but it was all too much, too much pressure…

    Ice formed where she sat, spreading. Meggie clutched her chest tightly, allowing herself to feel , to think , to come up with a plan. Anything to save her friends.

    …And to beat this stupid dungeon. Alright. Alright. Let’s think. A grave of someone close to me. None of them are dead, so it must be some sort of trick from the dungeon.

    “Popsicle, not to put any pressure on ye…” Dex groaned. The stone crawled up his leg. If he had any chance of moving before, it was gone now.

    “Yeah! You can do this, but can you please try to—”

    “I know ! I know!” Meggie punched the ground, panting. I can’t lose. If I lose, Brian’s gone. And—I can’t picture a world without him anymore. I need to find the grave.

    “The clock is ticking.” Typhlosion said, solemnly. “If you do not hurry, there will be nothing left of your friends to save.”

    Well… I don’t think it’s trying to make me feel better… Meggie stood—floated up, taking a deep breath. She could do this. She could. She had to. It was either that or—no. Meggie didn’t dare think of the other option. Her friends were going to be saved.

    She was sure of that. With a clench of her fist, she floated next to a grave. And after squinting her eyes, was able to make out what that Unown letter was.

    It was the letter “B”. What did that mean…? Nobody had a letter as their name. 

    Unless… it’s part of someone’s name! Someone that has a B… but is it from here, or from the human world?

    Meggie crossed her arms. At the very least, she made some sort of progress. Not much, but it was progress. Meggie rubbed her cheeks, or tried to. They were too hard for her, but the thought was there.

    She paused for a moment. If it was someone from her human life, she could only think of Morgan.

    I can’t remember my human life… and if it wasn’t for that experiment, I wouldn’t be here. Lance wouldn’t be who he is now either. It’s… my fault, isn’t it? I caused so much pain by working with him…

    Sand fell from the hourglass again, picking up speed. Typhlosion once again cleared its throat.

    ,yks eht ni rats a ekiL

    uoy hcaer t’nac ssenkraD

    ,thgil si yoj ,thgin eht thgiL

    .nwad wen eht lliT

    Again with the weird song. It was still unnerving, Meggie’s heart racing just from hearing it. And that, coupled with a scream of pain coming from Brian, made her wince again.

    …Brian! Meggie blinked, head raised. Brian! It was Brian! The one she loved! The one she was trying to save! He was the answer!

    “Did ye figure somethin’ out?! Whatever, just ‘elp us!”

    “Don’t rush me…” Meggie replied. There was something else missing. She knew it. The song… the letters… surely there was some sort of connection between them.

    I can’t understand the lyrics. It’s like they’re not there. Or like… they’re… reversed.

    Reversed lyrics… reversed letters…

    A spark filled her brain, ideas springing to life. Meggie inhaled, then exhaled. There was still hope for her, and for her friends. 

    Meggie cleared her throat. “ Cast away your old face. Let go your spite, with this mask I’ll ask. To borrow your light.

    A burst of light appeared next to a grave, the one in front of Brian. It glowed with such power that the fog near it was tossed aside. She smiled, hovering to that area, and touching the grave. The letter in it began to flow as well.

    “You figured it out?” Brian blinked, the only thing holding him back from a hug was the statue he had for legs.

    “It’s not over yet… but yeah, I think I figured it out.” Meggie took another deep breath. “The lyrics are inverted, but I think I got what they mean… so…”

    Like a star in the sky, darkness can’t reach you, light the night, joy is light, till the new dawn.

    Another flash of light appeared. This time, it was a little further from her position. Meggie smiled, rushing in that direction.

    Quickly getting to the next grave, where there was a different letter, as she suspected, it was an “A”. She touched it, and the letter glowed with light.

    “Congratulations. You are doing well, however, it is not done yet. If you cannot save your friends, how will you save the world of Necrozma?”

    “I’ll do both . I’ll save them, and I’ll stop Necrozma. That’s my resolution…” Meggie turned around, facing the Typhlosion. “So whatever you may throw at me, I’ll take it.”

    “Very well.” It took him a while, but Typhlosion began to sing again. The stone on Brian and Dexter’s bodies began to rise, covering their stomachs now, and the fog in the area became thicker.

    emit hguorht klaw dnim ruoy nI

    .syad retteb ot kcaB

    ,maerd a ekil ,seiromeM

    .yawa sraet hsaW

    Meggie knew what to do this time, and with the song literally unable to leave her mind, she was fine. “ In your mind walk through time, back to better days. Memories, like a dream, wash tears away.

    Once again, Meggie heard light, coming from a few feet to her left, showing another grave, with the next piece of the puzzle. She smiled, running to that point, but stopping once the fog got too thick. 

    “Oh… oh no.” Meggie blinked. “I can’t see! If I can’t see the light, I won’t… I won’t save them…”

    There had to be something she could do to find the damn thing.

    “Did you know this temple, as well as the Chasm, rearrange themselves based on who walks inside? This puzzle is not impossible. You must find a way.”

    A way? Yes, she could find it. Meggie took a deep breath, cleared her throat, and sang the verse again.

    Another burst of light, more powerful this time, pushed away the fog, revealing the location of the grave. She flew as fast as possible and touched the grave. Another glowing letter, an “I”.

    Now, there were only two left. She knew where the “B” was, which meant she only needed to find the missing “R”. Which would be easy if she knew another verse of the song.

    So she looked at Typhlosion, waiting. It looked back at her, not showing any emotions.

    “This is… the final verse. Once I sing it, your friends will be gone. Are you fast enough to save them? Or will you allow them to perish because of your weakness?”

    Meggie was taken aback by this revelation. It was the only chance she had, and she had to be fast . As fast as she could possibly be. And she didn’t know how much that was. It could be nothing.

    Brian groaned, unable to move and face her, but he wasn’t about to let her do this alone. “Meg! I believe in you! You can do this!”

    “Popsicle! Ye got it! Do yer best!”

    Meggie clenched her fists again, the words of both her friends giving her the necessary edge to try.

    Typhlosion once again cleared its throat, while Meggie was busy flying from place to place, searching the rest of the graves. They didn’t look right… they had no runes, nothing. At least a few of them. The ones that did had identical runes to the ones Meggie touched before.

    ,thgil ot krad ,thgin ot yaD

    She cringed, another deep breath filled the air. “Day to night, dark to light…”

    The moment she finished saying those words, she saw a faint light. Not strong enough for her to locate it, but it was a start.

    .emit fo sdnas eht llaF

    “Not now…!” Meggie shouted, floating upwards, to get a better view. “Fall the sands of time…”

    The glow became stronger, but it wasn’t enough. Not yet.

    sraeg eht ekil sraey eht teL

    “Let the years like the gears…”

    There it was! Brighter than before! Meggie rushed to it, like a bolt of lightning, touching the grave. A burst of light later, and there was only one left.

    Typhlosion closed its mouth, and opened. It was about to say the last verse, Meggie could tell. She looked at her friends, their faces the only thing left.

    Brian began to pant, gasping for air, his lungs failing him. “Meg… if you fail, I just want you to know that… I love you…”

    “…I love you too.” Meggie flew again, extending an arm, towards the grave she saw before, the final one, the last thing between her friends’ salvation and fate. She reached out, targeting, and—

    Touched the stone. One final pillar of light was unleashed into the air, dissipating the og around the entire room. Typhlosion flashed a small smile, snapping a finger.

    “You… you did it…!” Brian said, feeling the stone covering him crack and tear apart, freeing him.

    “Popsicle! Thank ye!” Dex fell to his knees, groaning. “…Fuck. Legs are slow as ‘ell.”

    “Of a clock unwind.” Typhlosion said. “That was the final verse. Congratulations, you did well.”

    Meggie didn’t bother replying. Instead, she rushed to Brian’s side, enveloping him in a large hug. He happily returned it, spinning around with her wrapped around his body.

    “I’m so glad you’re okay! I thought I lost you there!” Meggie smiled, tears falling down again. “And Brian… there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. And something I wanted to ask .”

    Brian stopped spinning, panting. “Yeah? What is—”

    She didn’t wait for an answer before planting a kiss on his snout. Brian gasped, but didn’t back away. He put his hand on the back of her head, and kissed her back.

    “I love you…” Meggie said, leaning in again, and hugging him once more. “That was the first thing. The second is—”

    “Yes.” Brian replied, laughing. “Yes! Yes! Hell yeah! I love you too, and if you wanna be together, then fuck yes!”

    Dexter simply smiled at them, arms crossed. “Took ye long enough.”

    “Very well… the way to the dungeon master’s lair is opened. Do you have any questions before we proceed?”

    Meggie looked at the Typhlosion, frowning. “I do… I do, actually.”

    Back at the entrance, another portal opened. Out of it came Lance, landing on his feet, letting his cape flick in the air. Max was next, then Lilith, and finally, Scar.

    The Marowak watched the portal dissipate, picking the entercard and putting it inside his satchel. His bone club was already brimming with green fire.

    “Alright. How are we going about this? From what I’ve gathered, the dungeon is tailored towards those that walk inside—”

    His sensors picked up something, and Lance jumped away, dodging an incoming electric punch from Max. He turned to them, frowning.

    “What are you doing…?”

    Scar stepped forward, sticking the club on the ground. “I apologize, mister Williams. I truly did not want it to come to this… however, circumstances have changed.”

    A shiver ran down Lance’s spine. That meant they knew he was helping his friends. They knew all about it. The jig is up.

    Lilith sighed, touching the emera on her arm. “I’m sorry, Percy—or Lance, I guess. But you betrayed us…”

    “…And we don’t take kindly to traitors.” Max cracked his knuckles, roaring. “So we’re gonna deal with you nice and easy!”

    “Remember. He is to be kept alive at all costs. Mister Williams is necessary for the next phase of the plan.” Scar shook his head, sighing. There was a somber tone to his words. “…I truly apologize, mister Williams. But it is for the greater good.”

    Lance groaned, about to touch his own emera, but in the blink of an eye, Lilith appeared in front of him, unleashing a mighty kick. He coughed in response, before being thrown backwards, into the waterfall.

    Max laughed at what happened, grinning. “I know we gotta keep ‘im alive, but can we hurt him? Just a lil bit?”

    Scar nodded. “Perhaps… just don’t exaggerate.”

    Lilith jumped back, landing next to them. “He’s coming.”

    A burst of purple aura exploded from within the lake, launching water into the air, while Lance jumped back to solid ground, panting, and mega evolved. His aura was fierce, intimidating, covering him from head to toe. He held a single club made of aura in his right paw.

    “Very well… since you all know everything, I can stop holding back .”

    Scar flashed a smile back at him, holding the bone. “A shame, really. I had great hopes for you. Bot not to worry, I will have you fulfill them, even if it is against your will!”

    Wind began to gather around his club, and with a single swish, blades of air were launched towards the Lucario.

    “Tch.” Lance stepped on the ground and disappeared, leaving nothing but specks of dust. His speed was great, but not enough to dodge. Not that he wanted to.

    He let himself be hit by the attacks, feeling some of them pierce his fur, but pressed on. Lilith lunged at him, jumping as high as possible into the air, disappearing in a flash.

    While she was there, Lance used the opportunity to try and hit his former mentor, but Scar dodged the attack at the last second, a deep glare in his eyes.

    “It’s three against one, mutt!” Max punched the ground, letting a wave of electricity run through Lance’s body.

    He groaned, sensors twitching, barely dodging an air strike from Lilith, and judging by the crater she left, it would deal quite a lot of damage.

    Lance silently noted he had to try harder if he was to defeat them. A hard task, for sure, but not an impossible one. He had triumphed against fate before. And could surely do it again.

    “What is your question?”

    Typhlosion watched the tree, emotionless. It waited for their reply.

    Meggie looked at her friends, then back at Typhlosion. “At the bug dungeon, we saw some… paintings. They depicted a fight, from what we could gather. Against Necrozma, I assume?”

    “It is a correct assumption. Millenia ago, the legends gave their all to stop him from erasing what everyone was.” Typhlosion said, firm and strict. “Because that is his idea of justice. If there is no free will, there is no war, there is no suffering. He truly believes that.”

    Brian grumbled. That was something he suspected, from what the crystal told him. Hearing a confirmation was… something else. “I see. But it took all of them to stop him. Is that why… there’s no more legends?”

    “The legends of the time are all gone. Their spirits now reside inside the z-crystals, as you call them.” 

    A pause. “Is that all?”

    Dexter raised an arm. “Would be nice to know ‘ow we can stop ‘im.”

    “Very well. There is a ritual, using the three z-crystals opposite to the psychic type. If used together, they will weaken and destroy the seal. If you were to prevent them from being used…”

    “No Necrozma. Got it, sounds easy enough.” Dexter smiled, but he felt a shiver run down. Could they stop that?

    “I think that’s gonna be all.” Meggie replied. “Wait—if we fail to prevent that… do we have any chance at stopping him?”

    Another pause. A longer one. “I do not know. There is a high chance that if he is released, he will be weak and frail. Necrozma is a parasite, he will infect and take over someone.”

    “By infect, you mean—” Meggie gulped.

    Brian shivered at the words. 

    “Do not let that happen. I do not know the full extent. If he does that, whoever is afflicted may be lost… forever.”

    Lost forever?! That’s what Scar is planning to do to Lance, isn’t it? I—I need to stop it! Brian clenched a fist. Sweat formed around his face “Okay! I think that’s enough! We need to go, fight the master, get the thing and—and stop all this!”

    Dex’s tails flicked, and he grimaced. “Goggles… we ain’t lettin’ that ‘appen to yer brother.”

    Meggie gave them a final nod. “…Alright. We can do this, guys. We got this! We’re masters of our own fate! For now, and forever!”

    The team rushed to the other end of the graveyard, to the lair.

    At first, it was a very dark area, the sole source of light came from the previous room. Brian stood close to Meggie, as did Dex. They all huddled together, not steeping too far from one another.

    Then, came a snap, and light sprung into life. Bright flashes coming from the ground, where tiles were located, coming in various colors; purple, pink, cyan, green, yellow, red, blue. They all flashed rhythmically, while fog began to cover the area.

    “…It’s a disco floor.” Meggie blinked. The word came to her, from the human world, she figured. “It’s a damn disco floor.”

    “What’s a disco floor?” Brian asked. He figured it was something related to her times as a human, but what exactly? That was unknown.

    “Popsicle keeps surprisin’ me with random bits o’ information.”

    “Uh… I don’t know. The word just came to me, and I think it means this kinda place we are?” she shrugged. “…Other than that, I have zero idea. But hey, this is a better spot to fight than the other place, right?”

    Brian smiled. His girlfriend—and he stopped to consider the weight of those words, his smile growing larger—had a point. It wasn’t anything like the rest of the dungeon, and he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

    More lights flashed, faster and faster. A white ball descended from the sky, spinning around with its own flashing colors, blue and pink. It continued to spin, the fog moving around the sphere, while fireworks exploded on the floor, although none of them hit the trio.

    “Aight! Get ready, y’all!” Dex was coated in water again, teeth bared.

    “It’s coming…” Brian gulped. He had to do this. He had to fight. To save his brother and the world… “If I don’t fight, we’ll never make it! It’s like Lance said… if we don’t fight, we won’t survive!”

    Another echoing snap filled the air, and various spheres that glowed with light appeared in the sky, moving around to cast the light in different directions. Meanwhile, the ball began to shake violently.

    It exploded into a mass of fireworks that hit various spots of the stage, but they soon collided together, forming into a stick figure, and the fog circled the top of this figure, forming another sphere.

    The conjoined creature landed on the ground, snapping sounds popping up again. It picked the sphere it had for a head, tossing it into the air, then spun, and then caught the sphere like nothing had happened. 

    All the while, letting out a loud, maniacal laugh. It didn’t shake the dungeon to its knees like Buzzwole did, as it was more of a warning. Light-red aura filled its body, and it laughed one more time.

    Brian adjusted his goggles, looking at his friends. “Alright, everyone! You all know we need to get ready! We gotta win this one! For our friend, and for the world! The stakes are high!”

    Fireworks Pokémon, Blacephalon

    Blacephalon began to move the sphere around its arms, seemingly waiting for them to make the first move. It bobbed around, dancing, spinning with the grace of a ballet dancer.

    “Dunno about ye guys, but I ain’t gonna stand around an’ do nothin’!” Dex groaned, rushing in at Blacephalon, spinning with his body cloaked in water. “Eat this!”

    The creature laughed, jumping in the air without even giving a chance for Dex to hit it, while still moving the ball it had for a head. Blacephalon landed on top of Dexter’s head, giggling.

    “Motherfucker…” Dex bobbed his head backwards, but Blacephalon jumped before the Floatzel could do anything else.

    Blacephalon giggled, launching its head in the air again, and clapped its hands together, repeatedly. With each clap, a piece of rock materialized, and was launched towards Dex.

    He groaned, coating himself in water once again, and charging, his fists smoking red, giving multiple punches on the rocks, shattering each one of them to bits.

    Brian blinked. “Is… Is Dex gonna handle this on his own again?”

    “I don’t—” Meggie looked up, eyes widening. She pointed upward. “Dex, careful—”

    “What?” Dex ignored her pleas and continued on, fast as a torpedo. Before he could hit Blacephalon, the head fell in front of him, glowed, and—

    It exploded on his face in a flash of pink and blue fireworks, sending him into the ground with an annoyed grunt. Blacephalon laughed at it, producing another head out of thin air. 

    “So that answers my question…” Brian sighed, getting on all fours. “It’s fast, Dex isn’t, but I might not be able to hit it, can you guys make a distraction—”

    “Already on it, sweetheart!” Meggie flew, focusing her energy to make a frosty wind. “Dex! Aqua Jet again! But get out of it before you hit that thing!”

    With another groan, he did as instructed, wrapping himself in a thick layer of water and rushing ahead. Blacephalon was playing with its head again, not bothering with them. Did it think they were not worthy? 

    So different from the bug… Dex advanced again, but stopped just a few feet before, jumping out of the body of water. 

    Once he did, Meggie unleashed a freezy beam from her mouth, turning the water into ice and letting it continue on its way towards Blacephalon, who simply looked at the large chunk of ice with a smile, and was then hit by it.

    They were hit by the sizzling sound of ice melting, and saw the chunk turning into mist, while Blacephalon continued to laugh at them. In fact, there were two laughs.

    One Blacephalon launched the ball, and another one, looking more transparent, caught it.

    “It’s a Substitute!” Brian pointed out, rubbing his goggles. “…And the ice. Is it a fire-type too?”

    “No time to argue!” Meggie said, creating shadowy claws on her hands and hovering down, towards the two creatures. They both laughed at her, then looked at each other.

    It was far from being over.

    The duo of Blacephalon laughed once again, exchanging heads with one another, then again, and again. It looked like a wicked game of hot potato… if the potato was a bomb.

    Nevertheless, Brian had a plan. He snapped his fingers, cloaking them on another illusion. He ran ahead, coating his claws in dark energy, and looked back at his friends. “I can’t keep it up while running and attacking! Help me with this one! While they can’t see us!”

    The trio charged ahead again, and the two beasts laughed one more time, launching the spheres right where the team was located, exploding on impact. With an additional head, the explosion grew stronger, knocking them back further, and dispelling the illusion.

    “Fuck… ‘Ow the ‘ell did they find out where we was?” Dex groaned, standing up and coughing up some smoke. 

    Meggie was groaning, munching on an oran berry to restore her energy. It was a little burned, but worked just fine. She looked at the ground, and noticed that each of the tiles changed color when anyone stepped on it. Of course, she was the sole exception to this rule.

    Meaning she could attack. “Brian, cloak me! I got a plan!”

    Brian groaned, standing up. His bag and scarf were fine, if only slightly burnt. “Got it… got it! We’ll work as a distraction!”

    Another finger snap, and Meggie was no more. While Brian focused on illusioning her, Dex had to use this chance to strike. Cracking his knuckles, he rushed in, spinning his body while his tails turned as hard as iron.

    Meggie focused, taking a deep breath, and watched Dexter run. She had to use this as her chance! On one hand, she charged electricity. On the other, a claw with an eerie, ghostly glow. With these two together, she could do this!

    “Popsicle! If yer gonna try something, do it now!” Dex prepared to strike the tail on the creatures, when—

    “Dex! On the tiles!”

    Thinking fast, he rammed his tails on the ground, causing the tiles to spark and explode, one by one. The colors were no more.

    To that, the duo of Blacephalon screeched, finally taking action, each one creating spheres of pink energy on their hands. One Blacephalon giggled, reforming its head. It jumped and danced in the air, spinning around like nothing mattered anymore.

    Brian recognized the attack instantly. “Psyshock… You guys, walk away! I got this, I can take it!”

    Dex nodded, jumping back, while Brian ran forward, arms and legs extended, to take the attack. Blacephalon giggled, launching each sphere in quick succession, so fast they almost blended together.

    “I can take—” Brian felt the first sphere touch him, then another, and another. With each one, he screamed, sensing his skin burn and ache. His screams intensified, mixed with confusion and anger that the attack actually affected him. Brian fell to his knees when it was over, groaning.

    Unable to contain the illusion anymore, Brian dissipated it. 

    Right on time, as Meggie struck a powerful blow at the ethereal Blacephalon, turning it into nothing but pure light. She wasn’t done, and her eyes were filled with pure rage from what happened to Brian.

    “This… this is for him !” Meggie roared, slashing away at the Blacephalon. Time after time, again and again, and nothing could stop her. Nothing could top her rage , her sheer sadness , her anger . That was an opponent to be defeated.

    Then, another bolt of lighting cracked throughout Blacephalon’s body, making the head burst open again, but with no explosion this time. “Eat shit!”

    She slashed the thing away once more, roaring, trembling, putting all she had in her on this one attack. Slowly but surely, her efforts were working, and culminated in Blacephalon flying towards the ceiling… until it was out of view.

    Meggie hovered back down, next to Brian, and gave him a small smile. “I did it… I think I did it.”

    Dex groaned, walking next to them and picking an oran from the bag. “Least you didn’t faint.”

    Brian nodded. “Yeah… and I’m alright! Psyshock was stronger than I thought.”

    Another fit of laughter was felt throughout the area, coming from up top. Blacephalon slowly descended, flying, while its body took on a dark, purple glow. With its arms extended, multiple hands began forming, colored the same as its aura.

    Never-Ending Nightmare

    “Dodge that… sweetheart, Dex. I’ll finish this! And we’ll get outta here!” Meggie took a deep breath, energy crackling through her right fist, and a pulse of water on her left one. “Here… I come!”

    She dashed upward, dodging the hands that tried to grab her and her friends. They were many, far too many to count, and yet—she could escape their clutches, for sure. I won’t give up! I won’t give in! This is my home, and I will protect it!

    Meggie continued on her way, getting closer—close enough to attack. With another roar, she rammed the water pulsating on Blacephalon, unleashed a thunderbolt powered by the liquid. Its head popped again, and there was something different than a giggle—a scream of sheer pain .

    “Like I said before… eat. Shit!” Meggie backed away just a little, creating another claw, and slashed one final time, this time launching Blacephalon to the ground, and seeing the hands dissipate.

    It came with a loud crash, shattering what was left of the tiles. Meggie panted, then hovered down, next to Brian.

    “Is it over this time…?” Brian asked, flicking an ear. 

    Blacephalon gave them one final laugh, right as its body began to inflate, much like a balloon… and it popped in a bright flash of light.

    “It’s over! We won, Goggles, Popsicle!”

    He picked the bracelet on the bag and tossed it to Meggie, just in case. The light retreated, revealing another crystal. Purple, with a ghostly wisp at the center. Meggie put the bracelet on and extended her arm. The crystal flew towards it, clicking in place.

    “We won… we have the two crystals! We can stop Necrozma’s ressurection!” Brian said, chirping in excitement, and went to hug his girlfriend. Yup, still feels weird calling her that.

    Where Blacephalon once stood was another portal, the exit to the dungeon. Without much of a reason to stay there, the team hopped on…


    Lance was pushed back by another powerful punch from Max, rolling around the flowers. He panted, slowly standing up, the purple aura on him fading, and returning him to normal.

    “Huff… I’ll stay here for as long as I need! To help my friends!”

    Right as he said that, the hole began to glow, sealing itself shut. He turned back, flicking his ears. “Wha—”

    “Hmph.” Scar spun his club again. “If this is the case, I will be glad to end them in front of you—”

    Just then, a shadowy sphere was launched, landing in front of Lance, on the midway between him and his opponents. Brian hopped out of the portal, landing right on his brother’s side.

    “Hey Shorty! What took you so long?!”

    Meggie was next, releasing a thunderbolt after Brian attacked. And then, Dex, cracking his knuckles.

    “A happy reunion.” Scar looked down, sighing. He flashed a wicked smile. “Very well! If this is the way things are supposed to be, then that is fine by me!”

    The seven Pokémon there had the feeling that battle had only just begun…

    I have once again used as much Zelda inspiration as I could. In this case, a bit of the Shadow Temple. The song Typhlosion plays is a reversed song of healing with lyrics by Nicki Jensen. Figured that fit the chapter well enough. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it! As always, do leave a review.


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