The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Everyone needs time to deal with things differently. But the threat of world destruction draws ever near…

    Brian couldn’t sleep. How could he, after what happened the day before? True, he was unconscious for most of it, but… it never escaped his mind.

    He remembered it all. The power, the strength, the rage , that primal feeling Brian wasn’t even sure he had in the first place—all the details were engraved inside his mind.

    Idiot. You became a monster, and you hurt your friends. 

    A single tear dropped down, falling on one of Brian’s legs. He was sitting down, thinking, mumbling something, holding the goggles with a paw. 

    I… lost my way. I became something else, someone else—I… I-I…

    At that moment, all Brian wanted was to cry his heart out, but that wasn’t an option; his friends were asleep on that mossy ground, and he was the first one awake. Well, at least he could be alone with his thoughts, and there were a lot of them.

    I… I’m never letting that happen again. That power is evil . What… would Lance do?

    Brian flicked his mane, putting a perfect illusion of his brother. Grrr, using power to protect is an oxygen!

    …That didn’t feel right.

    Oxygen… oxymoron! Using power to protect is an oxymoron; power is only good to destroy.

    There it was. Something Lance would actually say; Brian felt like he said it before. And maybe his brother had a point, maybe that power was only useful to destroy and hurt. If that was the case, then all he had to do was never touch it again.

    Grrr, you were naive, Brian! Good thing I was there to help you! What would you do… without… me.

    He laid down, thinking. He’d done a lot of things without Lance, and yeah, Brian went all this way just to see him again, but now things got out of hand, that cult wanted to unleash something dangerous—something ancient. That’s when he put his paw on his head, grunting. 

    While being possessed by that thing—Darkrai, Brian saw some memories. Some…things. He didn’t know what to make of them, as his mind was only focused on protecting the crystal. 

    If Darkrai was protecting it, then… then Necrozma must really be some abomination. I can’t remember what I saw, but… if that’s the case, I’ll fight. I’ll fight for myself, for my friends, for Lance… that’s my decision. 

    Brian clenched a fist. If I don’t fight, I won’t survive. And to hell with this cult! I’m gettin’ my brother outta there!

    He held in a laugh, how the hell did he manage to find something good amidst so many intrusive thoughts? Brian laughed, letting more tears fall.

    I’m… not a monster. That wasn’t me, that was—it was the thing… Darkrai. I’d never hurt my friends like that. 

    Almost like on cue, he heard Dex snoring, drooling, or both at once. Brian scoffed, rubbing the back of his head. Maybe they’ll wake up soon. I wish I could get them some food, but this place’s a dump.

    Brian took a deep breath, already calmer.

    “Goddamn… took too long to get up on deck.”

    Dex yawned, rubbing a bit of drool that was stuck on his face. On the bright side, his arm was better . By better, Dex meant he could actually move it now. Some orans and he’d be back to full strength!

    “G’morning.” Meggie said, grunting. Sleeping on the ground hurt her a lot more than she thought. “…I feel like shit. You?”

    “Popsicle, same thin’.”

    “Brian?” Meggie began to float, looking around. She didn’t see him anywhere . “Brian! Dex, c’mon, we need to find him—”


    Brian walked inside the warehouse, holding a large, brown bag that dripped with… grease? Oil?

    “Goggles! Yer alright!” Dex almost went for a hug, but grunted, his arm stinging.

    Meggie didn’t hold back her surprise, and sparkly eyes, but she did turn away, forcing herself to pout. “You had me worried… where’d you go?”

    “Made an illusion and got ourselves some snacks. Meat on a stick!” Brian pulled one out, a stick with copious amounts of Miltank beef in it. He threw it to Dex, who caught it without much issue, other than a grunt. “Also… uh, thanks. For saving me yesterday.”

    Meggie hovered to his side, picking a stick for herself. “You’d do the same for us. Besides, we’re all friends here.”

    “Yup, yup.” Brian nodded, getting the final stick. He munched on the meat.

    “Could be meatier, but ‘ey, I ain’t complainin’.” Dex finished his already, and used the pointy end to remove some bits of food that remained on his teeth. “Oh, an’… yer welcome, Goggles. I’m new at this ‘ero thing, but I’m tryin’ me best. An’ we got a world to save, eh?”

    “We do,” the Froslass agreed. “…We know that wasn’t you, by the way. The Brian I know is kind, strong, and gentle. That… was none of those things.”

    Brian’s ears flicked, his face turning a deep shade of red. “W-Well… if that’s what ya think, I c-can’t complain, r-right?”


    Dex scratched his head. “That bein’ said… Goggles, what’re ye planning? We lost the crystal, an’ we’re on the run.”

    Meggie looked down, thinking. We don’t have it, but we can try yanking it off Lance. Maybe.

    “Their security’s probably higher this time, I don’t think illusions will cut it anymore. Besides… there’s Scar. Who knows what the guy’s done now? Maybe he brainwashed Lance, or something.”

    Hearing that, Brian shook his head repeatedly. “No! I-I’ll… think of something. I’m not a big planner, but I’m sure I can think of something. Lance’s counting on me for this one, so I’ll just try everything I can!”

    “Goggles… shit.” Dex smiled, swishing his double tails. “Ye two be really close, ‘uh?”

    “Lance’s my best friend.” Brian shrugged. “…Honestly, for now I should think of something to contact him. And once again: I should build communicators . I’m adding that to my bucket list.”

    He grumbled, taking a more serious expression. “Anyway… I remember some of the things I saw when possessed. Visions… I think. Necrozma, and how much he destroyed the world in the past.”

    Meggie opened her mouth, and let it hang there for a while. “…The world’s not destroyed.”

    “It isn’t . But… it might be. Necrozma has enough power to do that if he wants. If he gets ‘complete’. Which… well, I don’t need to say how bad that’d be, right?”

    Dexter sighed. “Jolly. The first team I join fights against the apocalypse. A little beyond me better judgment, but I’ll take it.”

    Brian sat down again, throwing the bag away. “…We need to come up with a plan, and I need help.”

    Nothing inside that castle room made any noise until a cup of tea was thrown into the wall, shattering it into tiny pieces.

    Scar huffed, panting, breathing slowly. That was crude. I must… recompose myself. There is no need to be this angry, we have the crystal again, and the only thing that remains is finding the other two. 

    True, true. His reaction was nothing more than some irrational corner of his mind trying to let emotions out. Fortunately, Scar was good at keeping them in check. This was the one and only time he let it happen.

    I… I will see them again, Scar muttered in his thoughts, turning his head to a corner of the room, where the photo of his family remained. You promised me, my Lord. Ever since that day when we talked… I have done nothing but what you asked me. I cannot—will not give up.

    Scar slowly walked to the large bed, sitting in it. His nostrils flared with smoke, and his mind wandered to many years, to his house, or what was left of it. To that time where the only thing he dreamt of were the corpses of his wife and son.

    Back then… you helped me. You appeared in my dreams. You asked— demanded me to work for you, to worship you. And I have done just that.

    What did he expect? Someone to answer? No. The last time they talked, it was in dreams, when he was traveling the seas. Now that he thought about it, he was so close to that island they got stranded in, two—three months ago.

    I am… so close, my Lord. So, so close. I can feel her fingers rubbing my head, I remember my child asking me to play with him. And yet, and yet… it all feels so far away. Can I keep going, my Lord?

    Still nothing. Of course there was nothing. Nothing but the promise of solace, of getting everything he wanted. 

    …I am hurting so many others doing this. But if I achieve my goals, none of it will matter. If I do not, then… there is nothing left for me in this world, and I will gladly join my family in death.

    His hands were shaking. Was that… regret? Hesitation? Scar groaned, neither options were something he could afford. All he could do was move forward, to achieve their goals.

    For those goals to be reached, Scar needed to plan his next more very carefully. Perhaps Percival was no longer an ally, but he had yet to confirm that.

    Had he been more emotional, his entire body would be up in flames. Scar, instead, decided to focus on strategizing. His first option was, of course, Maxwell.

    Hm. At this time of the day, he is likely at his office. Without Lilith, I presume. 

    Having decided a location, Scar walked across the hallway, following the sounds of chips being eaten, and the more obvious sign: bits of the same chips, scattered on the floor. He rolled his eyes, but kept walking.

    Scar knocked at the door. “Maxwell. It is me, Scar. Do you have a minute? It is about our strategies.”

    Something—a book, judging from the sound—fell, before Max answered the door. “Heya, boss. Sorry, I was reading some… literature.”

    Scar didn’t flinch. “…After knowing you for so long, I have learned not to question such things. Do you have a minute or not? Otherwise, I may have a meeting with your Highness.”

    “Percy’s got it rough, eh? Brother went crazy, we got knocked the f out… at least there was important data to gather there.”

    Maxwell .”

    “…Right,” the Electivire stepped back, giving him enough space to enter. “There ya go. What’s up? I can almost feel the crankiness from up here.”

    “Perhaps I am ‘cranky’,” Scar took a seat next to the table, taking a look at the map. “But there is a reason. The closer we get to the end of our crusade, the more I feel anxious. I cannot believe we got this far.”

    Max held back laughter, seeing the chair Scar sat on was a tad too large for him. Turns out Marowak were small , and he never noticed it before. After that thought was gone, he took a seat himself. “…I getcha. We’ve come so far. Victory’s right beneath our noses. What’s gotten you down?”

    “Are you done tinkering with the entercard?” Scar asked. “I believe it is the fastest, albeit unreliable, method of travel.”

    “Hey, hey, those things are ancient .” Max shrugged. “Takes time to fix ‘em, and get them ready to go. But you’re in luck, old man. They’re ready to go! I had to make sure they worked, so I made more than one copy. There’s still a risk, but it’s been minimized.”

    “It is still risky.” Scar muttered. “Perhaps I should have groomed the Zoroark instead. His mechanical prowess would prove useful.”

    Both of them heard a minor grunt from outside the room. Max thought nothing of it, but Scar raised a brow.

    …He ignored it as well. “Well, we still need resources once we get there. We cannot tackle these dungeons unprepared. If they are as dangerous as Lilith mentioned.”

    “They are . Lilly’s not even sure there’s Pokémon inside, or that they turn us feral. Seems like they’re a special bunch.” Max gulped, thinking about the one that housed the ghost crystal. It made him shiver. “…We can do this. Like you said, we’re very close. Can’t give up now, can we?”

    Scar smiled softly. “We cannot.”

    Lance stood outside the room, flicking his ears, and trying to hear the most he could. Which… wasn’t much . Something about entercards? 

    But they’re… useless, and dangerous. Is Scar willing to go that far just to get what he wants?

    Somehow, Lance felt like he knew the answer already. Some time ago, he would be just the same. No wonder he empathized with the Marowak.

    …And there was something about “grooming”? That was loud and clear. He snarled, clenching a fist. Lance only barely had enough control to stop himself from attacking then and there.

    Calm down, he thought, breathing slowly. …If they’re using entercards to travel, I wonder if I can get one and give it to Brian. He can make them work.

    On the bright side, he had a plan . A shitty, stupid plan, but better than nothing. The great question that popped up was how to meet them. Scar told the guards to arrest them on sight.

    I can’t go and meet up with, acting all friendly. Damn it… if they told me where they went… and it could be so many places, this kingdom is huge, my aura senses won’t find them. Maybe… if they’re amplified?

    Ah, wonderful. Lance had a better plan. One with no guarantee of working. And with glaring flaws. For once, it depended on mega evolving, which came with its own risks of him going berserk. Not to mention he’d need to come up with an excuse to do that.

    That’s the easy part. If I say I’m searching for him, I don’t think Scar will mind, he wondered. Lance heard clunking from the door, and decided to back away, having heard more than enough about this.

    He turned right on the corner and walked towards his room, still thinking. Still, even if I’m mega evolved, there’s no guarantee I’ll find his aura. If he’s with Dex and Meggie, that would be easier. 

    Damn… I don’t think this one will work out. Maybe I should come up with a plan B. Or… Or!

    Lance’s mind lit like a lightbulb. I can take the search into my own hands. Brian is smart, maybe I can use some keywords he’ll understand. Additionally, I can use the mega evolution plan. It won’t be a fool proof plan, because it never is. However, it’s my best option right now.

    He needed to make sure this worked. Which one of my guards is more likely to help behind Scar’s back? There’s Vulcan, but I haven’t seen him in a while. He’s… reliable. Maybe I should try it. Hm.

    At that point, he was right in front of his room. Instead of entering, he took a look at the window, seeing the training grounds. A smile spread around his face the moment he saw that familiar Haxorus. 

    Perfect. I just need to use my… charms. Lance groaned. …Or, alternatively, my powers as king. Which reminds me… once this is over, I’ll abdicate. 

    Lance took a deep breath. It won’t be easy, Brian, but I’m with you. I will meet you again.

    Alright. Now I just need to go, Lance turned back, ready to meet the Haxorus. This will end we—

    “Hello, your Highness.”

    Scar. Standing in front of him. He held… something in his hand. A white card. Not made of paper, no. It appeared metallic, and there was some energy pouring out of it.

    Lance’s aura sensors were twitching, picking up the energy that was inside that thing. “…An entercard?”

    “Correct,” Scar walked closer, handing him the card. “As you mentioned before, you wish to aid me in my cause. That is why I am giving you this.”

    “How useful would this be?”

    After asking, he took a look at the card. There was an engraving of cocoons around each corner, along with a drawing of a Vivillion on the center. “Is… does this lead to a bug dungeon?”

    “Also correct. Maxwell has added the coordinates, so it should be fully functional,” he said, nodding. “I am giving you this one as a token of goodwill. We have other copies, however, access to Forest Chasm is to be kept to us . It is a dangerous place.” 

    Goodwill. How much of it was goodwill, and how much was you tricking me…? Lance was glad he kept it to himself. “Understood. With how ancient these things are, I’m surprised you’re using them. I thought they were dangerous.”

    “In the wrong hands, yes.” Scar muttered. He was sure they were in the right hands. “We are doing good, Percival. We are still scheduling the best time to raid the dungeon—hm, perhaps I should call it ‘temple’. Maxwell stated it is different from the ones we are used to.”

    Need to tell Brian about this. Lance nodded. “Different… how?”

    “He had reasons to believe there are no ferals inside, and no risk of feralization.”

    “Ah,” well, that was good news. Somewhat. “…Understood. We need to be prepared, right?”

    Scar simply nodded. 

    “Alright. I must talk to Vulcan. Set up a small task force to capture my brother and his comrades.” Lance declared, stern. “…It’s my fault he showed up, I can, at the very least, help in his capture.”

    “Good. Very good.” Scar gave him a smile. “Well, I am not keeping you here. Vulcan is training, yes? You should go. I will plan our raid, and may my Lord be free soon.”

    Lance forced himself to nod, and walked away, towards the stairs. This wasn’t right, but he had the card. He could give it to Brian! Assuming, of course, he could find him. Like a game of hide and seek, except the stakes were much higher now. 

    Maybe I can use my influence as king to stop them from murdering him for treason.

    Things to think about later. Because one thing was sure: Lance would never let his brother be put down. Not by any royal guards, and certainly not from the lunatic that was Scar.

    It didn’t take long until Lance entered the training area. And there he saw Vulcan, sparring against some Fraxure. Always dragons. Maybe he should change the town name to Draconia or something similar. The thought made him chuckle. 

    Though that was quickly shoved aside once he remembered the reason he was there in the first place. Lance put on his usual stern—edgy, as Brian would put it—expression, crossing his arms, deciding to wait for that spar to be over. It was fine, he could wait, and use the time to polish some things in his plan.

    “Thrust with more power! Use your opponent’s powers against them!” Vulcan proclaimed, dodging a spear strike and shattering it to bits with his thick tail. He didn’t notice the king there until after dodging. “Hm? Your Highness!”

    “Hello,” Lance nodded. “I do not wish to interrupt this fight. It must be important.”

    “You are more.” Vulcan motioned for the trainees to stand down, and got on his knees, bowing. The Fraxure did the same thing.

    …Right. At least this is fun to watch. Lance sighed. “Please, don’t be that formal. I’m here as a friend, not a king.”

    “Sir, yes, Sir!” Vulcan stated, standing up. “And what do you wish, Sire?”

    “I assume you’ve heard of the attack yesterday,” he said. “…It was caused by my brother. Possessed by the power of my crown, but he was behind it all.”

    “I have heard of it.” Vulcan replied. “…My apologies, Sire. I was on a business trip, and only arrived today.”

    Lance looked around the field, checking for any signs of Scar. “Please, don’t worry about that. However, I will need your assistance on that matter. My brother is still out there, so I wish to set up a task force, a team to find him.”

    “Yes, Sir!” Vulcan saluted, standing straight. “He will be judged as nece—”

    “No,” the king interrupted, snarling. “…I will deal with him myself. I just need help in finding Brian. He must be hidden somewhere, plotting… something. Scar suggested that I eliminate him, but that is not my intention. I wish to understand his reasons, his plans, and everything in between.”

    Vulcan raised a brow, and considered what to do next, or what to ask next. “…I understand. And what do you need my help for?”

    “I don’t want Scar finding out about this. And you have a duty towards the crown—towards me. Can I trust you?”

    “I had a higher duty when the Tyrantrum was king.” Vulcan scoffed, but he still nodded. “…Yes. I will assist you. Since he is your brother, you must know how he thinks.”

    “I like to believe so, yes.” Lance took a deep breath. Things were looking up. He still needed to be careful. “…Very well. I will explain everything.”

    Explaining the plan took a good few hours, organizing the troops took even more, and by this point, it was already nightfall. Most of the citizens were retreating to their homes, and the few that weren’t, were forced to by some of the guards.

    There were guards all around the town, Lance ordered them to split up in order to cover more ground. In addition to that, they were to only subdue Brian and comrades, not kill them. The final warning he gave was for them to use a roar in case Brian was found, to let him know about it.

    So far, it went as smoothly as it could. Lance was with one such group, looking around the houses. He was sure Brian wasn’t hiding in one of them, but they still needed to check. The king zipped open a satchel around his waist, putting the entercard inside.

    Alright. Think, Lance, think. Where would your brother hide…? I can’t believe I’m remembering when we used to play hide and seek, but… heh. It’s more useful than I thought.

    Back to the options. Brian was crafty, and would be somewhere he could set a trap if needed. Somewhere empty, and isolated. Somewhere he could escape from if he was found. That already narrowed down the options.

    Vulcan walked to Lance’s side, looking at him. “Sire, do you have any leads we can follow? Places to go?”

    “I’m… thinking. Give me a minute.” Lance closed his eyes and extended a paw, focusing his aura. His body gave off a faint, purple glow, while his sensors began to twitch.

    It was a shot in the dark, but one he was willing to take.

    Brian finished eating another meaty stick, sitting down. “This hideout sucks. No offense, Dex.”

    Dex grumbled, trying to remove some moss that got stuck on his fur. “Popsicle suggested it. I just followed ‘er idea!”

    “…It sucks, yeah.” Meggie crossed her arms. “They’re gonna find us eventually. What do we do?”

    “Well, we could try finding a better place to hide, or I could…” Brian bit his lip. Yes, he had another stupid idea! “I could try going to Lance myself. Knowing him, he probably has some plan.”

    “No. You’re not going off on your own.” Meggie glared, sending chills down the fox’s spine. “You know what happened last time!”

    “Y’know, she ‘as a point. Goggles, we’re team. Ye can’t just run off on yer own,” Dexter shook his head. “If yer goin’, we’re goin’ too.”

    “Hm… yeah, yeah—” Brian’s ears flicked. Dexter’s did the same not long after. “Someone’s around.”

    “We need to check this district!” A voice said from outside the warehouse.

    “The king’s counting on us!” Said another.

    Brian looked around, thinking. “…I can try something. We can knock ‘em down, and I illusion us as part of their group. And that way, we can meet up with Lance.”

    Dexter cracked his knuckles. “Now there’s a plan I can accept!”

    Meggie had a cold, evil smirk. “…Well, if they’re dragons, I’m very useful against them. Yes, let’s do this.”

    Said and done. In just a few strikes, three guards were knocked down. Brian snapped his fingers, covering himself, Meggie and Dexter in illusions, identical to the Pokémon they just beat.

    “Alright. First things first, it’s really hard to do this. Normally, that is.” Brian said, panting. “…I can’t illusion every movement you do, so I’ll do the talking, alright?”

    Meggie nodded. “Sounds fair. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

    “Aye.” Dex agreed.

    “Good. Now we just need to find Lance… or where the rest of the guards are.”

    They all agreed to this plan, and left the warehouse. The streets were empty, and the moonlight that shone in the darkness illuminated their path. Every so often, they came across a guard or two, passing by them without much issue.

    And so was their trip. Of course, they pretended to search for themselves during most of it, but other than that, there wasn’t much trouble. It wasn’t until other guards told them to regroup with the king that Brian realized this was the moment he was waiting for.

    Good thing these goons are dumb as hell. This wouldn’t work otherwise, Brian thought, him and his friends on the long end of a line containing the other guards. And at the other side, stood Lance.

    “You are still unable to trace his aura, Sire?” Vulcan asked. 

    Brian, seeing Lance panting and sweaty, concluded he was trying to do that for a reasonable amount of time. Of course it didn’t work, look how many people are here. Although… 

    He looked at his friends, making a shushing sound, then changed his gaze forward. “King! Maybe you should try it again!”

    Vulcan gazed at the Fraxure that said it, raising a brow. “If the king could find them, he would have done that—”

    “Wait. It’s fine. I can try again.” Lance closed his eyes again, focusing once more. This time, however, he touched the ground.


    Brian?! Lance’s eyes snapped open, finally detecting something, an illusion that came from all the way, from that Fraxure. “…Nice try.”

    Vulcan turned his attention to the king. “Sire?”

    Lance focused, walking towards the Fraxure. “Make way for me,” he told the others, and they didn’t flinch, obeying that order.

    Brian’s heart pumped. He took a step back, motioning for the other two to do the same, and then—

    Dispelled the illusion, revealing himself. Lance smiled, running towards him. “Found you! Come back here, Brian!”

    “Run, now!” Brian urged the others, and they complied.

    “I’ll handle him myself! Stay put!” Lance told the guards, and ran after his brother. His satchel wiggled with every move.

    “Catch me if ya can!” 

    They were heading through corners, alleys, left and right, heading back to the warehouse. Lance followed them with a big smile, his own heart racing from excitement.

    Brian took a quick glance behind. “We have a plan! Do you?!”

    “A plan and a gift, dork!” Lance laughed, still following him.

    “Well, I’ll be happy to receive ‘em!”

    They finally stopped, right in front of Brian’s hideout. Lance didn’t seem tired, and his smile still remained.

    “Well, I’ll be damned. It took you so long to come.” Brian chuckled, rushing in to hug his brother.

    And hug they did. Lance had no adverse reaction, and simply returned the gesture, as tight as possible.

    “…Hello, Brian.”

    “Heya, shorty,” he chuckled, pulling back. “You’re with us.”

    Dex had a grin as well. “Pup! ‘Owdy. We traveled farrr an’ wide just to see ye.”

    “It’s been a while. Hi, Lance.” Meggie waved at him. “…And seems we have a lot to talk about.”

    “Indeed.” Lance opened his satchel, picking the card. “For now, this is my gift. An entercard. Scar wants to use it to access the Forest Chasm, a dungeon temple.”

    “Housing the other weird crystal thingy.” Brian added. “…Yeah, we know.”

    Meggie sighed. “…About the destructive force that’s Necrozma. We can’t let those guys release him.”

    “Yup. Gotta save the world.” Dex added. “…Also, man. Did ye grow or what, Pup? Ye look taller.”

    “I suppose I did…” Lance cleared his throat. “Anyhow, I plan on supporting you all the way, acting as a double agent. Can I trust you to access the dungeon and get the crystal before Scar does?”

    Brian picked the entercard, and instantly gulped at the engraving. “…Hah. B-Bugs. Don’t like them. Not at all. But… y-yes. We will.”

    “Alright,” Lance eyed the unconscious guards, blinking. “…I should take them to the castle. Is there anything else you guys want to—”

    Without warning, Brian came and hugged him again. This time, Meggie joined in. Dexter didn’t, at least not at first, but then chuckled, hugging him as well.

    “S-Stop! I don’t like… hugs…” Lance whined, resistance dropping. “Actually, never mind… I missed this. And Dex? You joined in my place?”

    “Needed some way to make money, Goggles offered, an’ I said aye.”

    “That’s… good for you.” Lance pulled back. “So, to simplify things: you go to Forest Chasm, get the crystal, and find a way to either contain it, or destroy it. Alright?”

    “Well, if it reacts with me, maybe it’ll react with them…” Brian frowned. 

    “Don’t think so,” the Lucario shook his head. “Scar said it reacted due to you being a dark-type. It’s a bug crystal, so all of you will be fine. Theoretically.”

    “Theoretically… I hate that word.” Meggie groaned, remembering her former partner, the scientist. “…Yeah, I got it. We should set up a place to meet.”

    “This place’s fine,” Lance nodded. “I’ll just let the guards off your hook, and tell Vulcan—the Haxorus—that we won’t be chasing you anymore. That you managed to flee.”

    “If that’s the case, then… Lance.” Brian gave his brother one final, longer hug. “…Take care, shorty. We’ll be going home soon.”

    “Yes. Yes we will…” Lance sighed, hugging him back. “…Now I should grab these guys and go back. You’ll all be alright?”

    “I trust these two. Don’t worry about it, Pup.”

    “I can take care of them.” Meggie added. “…And you take care of yourself, Lance.”

    “I will,” he walked to the Fraxure, three of them. Maybe he couldn’t take them all back. Not at once. “This’ll take a while.”

    Brian shook his head. “…We can find another hideout.

    “No, stay here. Just… I don’t think the guards will take too long to get here. You should hide before they arrive. Can you illusion yourself invisible?”

    “Yup,” Brian snapped his claws, turning all of them except Lance and the guards invisible. “…There we go. We’ll just stay hidden while you deal with them.”


    Scar took a large sip of tea, looking out of the throne room’s window. He had a smile on his face, even as Max and Lilith showed up, behind him.

    “Uh, Scar?” Asked the bunny, tilting her head. “Why’d you give Percy the entercard? I thought you were suspicious of him?”

    “Yeah, dumb move if you ask me.” Max blinked. “…Unless that’s part of your plan?”

    “Indeed, it is.” Scar turned to face them, sipping more tea. “…Listen well. If Percival is betraying us, he will give that entercard to his brother, and likely request him to get the crystal before us. Should that happen, we can simply wait it out and steal it when the time comes.”

    Lilith crossed her arms, not convinced. “…And if he isn’t ?”

    “Then we follow the plan anyway.” Max added. “…Oh, okay, I get it now.”

    Scar nodded. “…Soon. Soon, we will get everything we want.”


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