The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A small boat landed right before the edge of an island. In it was a Gallade, who put on pieces of armor around his chest, arms, and legs.

    “The road to Primeval Forest is right there, and next, the Tree of Life. I fled from this place fifteen years ago… but now? Now I arrive, as a conqueror. Exactly how humans should be.”

    He put on a belt, holding six pokéballs on it, smirking. He looked up, seeing the infamous tree in the distance. He got out of the vehicle, keeping the grin on his face.

    “Well. This is it. The day I return home, and leave this wretched world. I can’t believe it took me this long to finally get where I wanted to go, but better late than never.”

    The cold air blew on his fur, and the grass he touched tickled his feet. He took a look at his body. That disgusting, pathetic excuse of a body. Each second that he stayed with it was a second wasted. But he was in a good mood today.

    “I’m wasting my time here. If Derek was useful in the end, then those pests won’t bother me.”

    He strolled out of the boat, grabbing a single pokéball. With luck, he wouldn’t need it. Not like the beasts he was so used to would have much of a reaction to being captured. For him, that was their fate.

    Morgan walked across the shore until he entered the forest, still smiling, hoping that this day would be a good one.

    Primeval Forest

    Ah, how long it had been since the last time he went inside that place. The memories of his first years in that world came to mind, and the way Meganium cared for him.

    “What a fool she was.”

    Exactly. Meganium, much like all the so-called “sapient” Pokémon were nothing but failed attempts at recreating humankind. Their feelings? Pitiful. Their self-control? Nonexistent. Their reasoning? Irrational. They represented the lowest point of the hierarchy, and deserved to be led by superior beings, such as Morgan himself.

    A cracking twig drew his attention, and before Morgan knew it, a Weedle jumped towards him.

    “Hmph. You’re not even worth the effort, scum.” He raised the bug with psychic energy, sending it crashing against a tree.

    The Weedle screeched, now with a tear on its insides. It struggled for a second before collapsing, dead. Morgan didn’t even flinch, and simply went on his way, not caring for the feral.

    The trees were lively, and some of them even had leaves colored other than green. The forest also had bushes, where Morgan heard a few rustles, but ignored them. He had more important things to do in the moment.

    As he stepped forward, Morgan had vivid memories of his life as a human. How he was a scientist, a doctor. Things that were stripped away by that ferocious world. Disgusting. And yet… the one person that could understand where he was coming from ignored and rejected his ideals. Meggie. She chose to stay there, with those savages. He nearly threw up at the thought, but continued on.

    “I’m better than them… I am. I truly am.”

    And those he tortured? Means to an end. They should be happy that Morgan took the time to groom them into better versions of themselves. Especially number ten. That Riolu had such potential, but it was wasted. A shame, really.

    Morgan stopped to take a look in front of him. The trees were almost joined together, looking like some sort of entrance to the next area of the dungeon. He knew they changed shape; that wasn’t how it looked like the last time he was there.

    “Fascinating. If I wasn’t so desperate to go back home, I’d investigate those things,” Morgan chuckled to himself. “Ah, it would probably be a waste of time anyways.”

    So he walked on, never again losing focus. Staying too long there meant he would turn into the very things he hated, and that was not an option.

    The vegetation in the next part of the dungeon was much thicker than the previous ones, and it was at this point that he was forced to cut through some of the foliage using his arm blades. A boring task, for sure, but it was necessary to keep advancing.

    “Damn it. It’s almost like the forest is against me. Nobody… nobody in this world is on my side. I am alone.”

    He sighed. Some part of Morgan hoped he’d find more humans like him, that shared his ideas and goals. Instead, all he got was a bratty adult. Morgan went on again, ignoring those thoughts. He was better than that, certainly.

    This time, Morgan stopped in the middle of the way, where the trees circled around him, and heard a snarl. Followed by several others and glowing eyes from behind the bushes.

    “I suppose… this is what the natives call a ‘monster house’?” Morgan clapped, somewhat excited by the idea of showing his power over others.

    It didn’t take long for the ferals to appear. One Beedril, one Ivysaur, and one Braviary. Three opponents, versus a single one. The odds were not in his favor.

    “I know none of you will understand what I’m about to say, but you will regret crossing paths with me,” his eyes glowed with pink, psychic energy. “Nobody, and I mean nobody, will stop me from getting home!”

    He cracked his knuckles, ducking to dodge an incoming aerial strike from the Beedril and Braviary. His taunting was cut short, as the Ivysaur wrapped its vines around Morgan’s arm. The vines released some type of spore, to which Morgan moved his arm, launching the Ivysaur into the other two enemies and finally, cutting the vine with his blades.

    “Oh, is that all you got? You live here, beasts. You thrive here, don’t you have better ways of attacking me? How pitiful.”

    None of the three responded with worlds, just releasing growls and snarls. Morgan simply scoffed at that. He then took out one of his pokéballs, holding it in front of himself with telekinesis.

    “I’d love to stay here and chat… well, I really wouldn’t. Regardless, I’m a bit busy at the moment, so I’ll have to cut this short!”

    Beedril charged once more, readying its lance-like arm to pierce through Morgan. The Gallade threw the pokéball into the air and, as it opened, flames came out of it, burning through the Beedril until it fell to the ground. The fire vanished, revealing a Blaziken in combat position. His feet left scorch marks on the ground beneath him, and he had a wide grin on his face.

    The bug screeched once more, flapping its wings and producing a loud buzzing sound that distracted Blaziken for a second, making him stumble back. At that moment of hesitation, Beedril struck, rushing with its pincer pointed at its opponent.

    “This should be simple. That thing is near you, so use that to your advantage. You cannot afford to waste energy here, this is too important.”

    Blaziken nodded and ducked, punching Beedril’s abdominal area. The feral released a roar of pain and anguish as the flames burnt through its skin like it was paper, fully enveloping the bug. Its opponent wasn’t done yet, punching the bug two more times with the same fierce intensity, until Beedril fell on the ground, not moving at all.

    After the deed was done, Morgan returned the Blaziken to his pokéball and stared at the other two ferals. “Would you still like to battle, or do you know what’s best for you?”

    The two screeched, hiding in the bushes again. He was free to go once more, so Morgan laughed a bit and continued walking. According to his memories, he was almost at the exit.

    “You did good, Blaziken,” he sighed. Things were working out so far, so Morgan smiled. “Now, now… just because I’m winning, it doesn’t mean I can get cocky. Time to get out of this filthy place, and go back home.”

    Deep Primeval Forest

    Little by little, Morgan began to see beams of sunshine breaking into the woods. The sky was now visible, even if it was just a part of it. Regardless, that was a good sign, something that showed he was close to leaving the dungeon.

    “I can taste it… my freedom!”

    And he was right. He could feel it in the very air around him as it blew on his fur, bringing with it a sensation of peace, of joy. Morgan wanted more of it, and he went on. On the end of the hall, he saw the trees forming a sort of passage leading to the outside area, where the light shone so much stronger.

    It was so bright, so exhilarating. Almost as if Morgan was drunk or in ecstasy. Ah, how wonderful that all was! The plan was in its final stages, and if everything worked out, he would soon be back in Kalos, back to Lumiose city.

    How much had his world changed? He began to wonder. For starters, Morgan had no way of knowing how much time had passed since he was stuck on this alien world. For all he knew, decades or even centuries could have passed, all in a single instant. Time truly was a fickle thing.

    Philosophy will not help me right now. What I need is power. Power that will free me of this… prison. Of this disgusting, rotten body.

    He smiled. A wicked smile, splattered all across Morgan’s face, and he only wished for more. The exit was getting closer and closer, he could feel it. Morgan ran, ignoring his previous warnings to himself of taking things slowly, fed up with it all.

    “I… I did it. I got out of the dungeon. I’m… I’m almost home!”

    Getting out was incredible and as perfect as Morgan assumed it would be. The tree was there, in all its might and glory, with the leaves rustling in the wind. He even saw a small lake near the entrance to the tree, where a lone Magikarp splashed peacefully.

    Morgan let out a heartfelt laugh that expressed his joy. He let his voice reverberate across the area, until tears began rolling down his face; tears of joy.

    “Ah… well, I think this moment has gone on long enough. Time to finish this, I’m not taking this easy. If I have to destroy this place… so be it. It’s not like they will miss it.”

    Morgan was about to give another step forwards when he heard a loud, thumping noise followed by a rumble, and more importantly, another obstacle to his escape appearing; a Torterra. And a big one, even by Torterra standards. He growled, and with each step he took, he shook the earth beneath him.

    “I suppose we haven’t met before, creature,” Morgan bowed. “I am Morgan Jones, a human, and I shall escape this wretched world. None of you heathens can stop me!”

    “Och, I’ve heard o’ ye, a’richt,” Torterra explained. “Ye kidnapped yin o’ oor caretakers, ‘n’ oor mistress is… sae disappointed in ye! Ye cuid hae dane stoatin hings ‘ere, if ye simply tried!”

    Morgan scoffed when he heard the Torterra’s elaborate ramble, picking up a single pokéball from his belt. “Sadly, I don’t have time to pretend I’m cultured, like everyone else here seems to!”

    “We aren’t pretending!” Torterra stomped again, sending a shockwave towards Morgan.

    He tried to dodge it by jumping, but something was tying him to the ground; vines, wrapped across his legs, they climbed up his stomach as he watched. Ingrain. A wave of silver washed over Torterra’s body, polishing away all impurities on its surface that could have held it back in a single cleansing fashion, and he charged now faster than before.

    First Ingrain, then Rock Polish? He’s taking this very seriously. But no problem, I can still win!

    As Torterra ran, he opened his mouth, focusing on making a ball of green energy to shoot at the Gallade while he was still ingrained. Morgan, meanwhile, was trying to get rid of the vines before they spread further.

    “If you think that’s enough to stop someone like me, then you’re a fool!” He threw the pokéball high into the air, and it opened, revealing a Glalie with a large metallic collar wrapped around its body.

    Glalie roared, not in anger, but in pain, until the collar on its neck released a shock to the Pokémon, silencing it.

    “W-What is that thing?! Whit did ye dae tae th’ Glalie?!” Torterra blinked. He stepped back, the large tree on his back seemed to be frailing. “Ah demand answers, noo!”

    “Nothing important, or rather, nothing you would understand… Glalie, you’d better do your job right now!”

    The ice Pokémon rushed towards Torterra, and blew a long, freezing breath around the turtle. He was too slow to dodge, but before the ice covered his body, Torterra launched the same green energy ball from before, aiming at the sky this time. He drew his last breath, as his whole form became nothing but an ice statue.

    Glalie returned just in time to freeze the vines around Morgan, to which he broke free easily, taking the ice off his fur with a wide grin. It was a disgusting sensation, topped with that ridiculous body he possessed, but he had to bear it for the time being.

    “You did well, Glalie,” he returned the ice-type to its confinement and continued to walk, eyeing the tree’s entrance.

    And it wasn’t long until Morgan saw more Poémon coming out of that very entrance. Torterra must’ve alerted them with that energy ball from before. With a sigh, the Gallade continued, clenching his fists.

    “Very well, if a fight is what you want, then that’s what you’re getting. This should be the perfect opportunity to test the rest of my servants.”

    This time, the army was larger. Way larger than Morgan had first thought it would be. He saw a few of them staring at him, those pokémon were a Breloom, a Decidueye and a Nidoking.

    When Morgan’s eyes crossed with those of the bird, he noticed that the ghost had already vanished. One would normally be worried of such an event, but not him.

    It was then that Breloom marched forward, holding a sword, eyeing Morgan up and down. The Gallade scoffed, not bothering to deal with such a petty thing. It wasn’t like they could even hope to stop him.

    “Morgan Jones. A former human, and an evil one,” Breloom said with a feminine voice. “At which hour mistress Xerneas did see thy true intentions, the lady did want to destroyeth thee. But thee did escape!”

    “Please, enough already!” Morgan laughed. “I know that old hag told you all about me. And honestly? I couldn’t care less! I have power beyond your comprehension! I’m unstoppable right now!”

    Breloom raised her sword and screamed, ordering the troops to attack. They all charged at Morgan, who seemed calm like usual. He released a single pokéball in the air that let out Blaziken, with flames wrapped around his whole body.

    “Deal with them, I have better things to do.”

    The Pokémon roared, enveloped by a bright, rainbow-colored energy aura; his features changed into a more powerful form, ones that caused a loud gasp from Xerneas’ forces: mega evolution.

    As his servant began fighting, Morgan teleported to the front door. So close, he was closer than before, and his confident grin spread further than before.

    Despite the initial shock, Breloom continued to charge, aiming her sword at Blaziken. Of course, he had the type advantage, and Breloom knew that. But it wasn’t going to stop her.

    “I ask thee to cease this! Doth thou not realize this is wrong, blaziken?! I doth not wish to square thee, but I shall if ‘t be true behoveful!”

    Blaziken grinned, cracking his knuckles. “Honestly I barely understood what you’re saying. Is this some form of archaic language? But to be fair, I don’t really care! Morgan gave me power, so I’ll be happy to use it!”

    “If ‘t be true that’s what thy decision is, then I has’t nay choice… prepare to square, fiend!”

    “This is madness, that gent hast the typeth advantage!” Nidoking pleaded. “We shouldst visage him together!”

    “Lord decidueye is counting on me to doth this, so f’r mine own honor, I’m going to square him!”

    With that, Breloom charged. She jumped, aiming her sword at Blaziken, who heard a clicking sound. The blade stretched, nearly hitting him, but he was able to dodge it with a high jump. Breloom landed, looking around to find Blaziken, when she heard someone shouting a warning at her.

    By the time she reacted it was too late; Breloom was hit by a powerful kick, the impact sent her rolling across the floor and made her drop her sword. Blaziken just chuckled, running towards her. A faint red glimmer came from Breloom’s weapon.

    “Yond fiend hitteth me” she got up, panting. “I’m not giving up, thee fiend! I’m stopping thee even but now!”

    Blaziken laughed, both of his hands were wrapped in flames, and he continued until reaching her, punching Breloom multiple times before jumping back. A cloud of smoke appeared after the fire hit, but once it dissipated, he saw that Breloom looked… weird.

    Her body was almost transparent, and he could see right through it. Blaziken blinked, was that a substitute? Before he could answer, the fire-type received multiple slashes across his body in an instant, falling to his knees.

    As he tumbled down, Blaziken raised his head slowly. There she was, Breloom, holding the sword. He took a better look at the weapon right now, seeing a golden hilt with a bright red diamond inserted on it.

    “As thee can seeth, fiend, typeth advantage isn’t ev’rything!” when Breloom noticed him staring at her sword, she scoffed. “This is a fighting gem! A rare jewel yond mine own mistress gaveth me, as vaward of that lady forces.”

    “Shut up with that weird language of yours, I don’t give… a single fuck!” Blaziken stood up, trembling and with blood dripping down to the floor.

    “Very well, then alloweth’s continueth our hurlyburly, I shalt strike thee down whither thee standeth, fiend!”

    Breloom charged against her foe, trying to hit him with the weapon once more, but all the sword struck was a rainbow-colored barrier of energy that repelled her backwards.

    “You’re not the only one with tricks up your sleeve, bitch!” Blaziken wrapped his hands in fire once more and dashed towards Breloom.

    After falling down, the female used her quick thinking and launched dirt right into Blaziken’s eyes, blinding him for the moment. This allowed her to fill her left hand with red energy and deliver a powerful blow at him with enough force that she heard his bones crack.

    “N-NO!” he cried out, roars of pain filling the area. But that’s when he realized that Breloom was closer than before, so he smiled, lowering his arm.

    “Doth thee surrender, fiend?!”

    “Thanks, but no, thanks!” Blaziken raised his flaming hand into Breloom’s chin, launching her high into the air with a loud scream.

    He fell on his knees, exhausted from the battle and fell down, not noticing Nidoking grabbing Breloom after she began to fall back into the ground.

    The big poison-type carefully placed her on the ground and stared at Blaziken, giving him a loud snarl. His bulky tail slapped the ground, and he flexed his claws.

    “Thee hadst the advantage ere, but now?! Now I’m taking thee out! Behold what you’ve done to that lady!”

    Breloom had burn marks all across her body, and her breathing had become raspy. She was barely moving, and the few times she tried to, she was stopped by a jolt of pain.

    “You mean like, my job?” Blaziken smirked, cracking his knuckles once more.

    The fire-type charged, hands encased in fire again. He knew that any ground move would be tough to resist, but his willpower burnt brighter than ever before. Blaziken refused to die right now.

    Nidoking roared when he looked down to see Blaziken and vomited a purple, sludge-like liquid over the fire-type. His opponent cringed, but still found enough strength to punch the big Pokémon on his chin, knocking him backwards.

    It wasn’t for nothing. Blaziken panted, checking the damage dealt to him. He was covered by the sludge, and in those areas, it burned. Not like fire, but rather, like some form of acid.

    “Well, I thought you were some kinda brute. Guess I was wrong, huh?”

    Nidoking didn’t answer. Instead, he punched the ground with a faint brown glow around his hands. A shockwave was delivered across the floor, and once it got below Blaziken, it exploded into a wave of brown energy, surging across his body. Despite his resolve, the earthen attack was successful at bringing him down.

    “Ha! In the end, thy type wast thy downfall! I shalt avenge mine lady!”

    Blaziken got up again, spitting blood on the floor beneath him. “Shut up, I don’t give a shit about your chivalry, honor or whatever! I’m here to do my job!”

    “Then thee wilt falleth, fiend!”

    Nidoking roared, charging at Blaziken with both arms extended. His opponent responded by grabbing Nidoking’s arms with his own, trying not to get thrown back by the sturdy and scaly limbs.

    “I’m… not dyin’! You and your little mistress are the ones getting killed here! Do you hear me?!”

    “You’re a nuisance, and a bastard pokémon. Wherefore would thee doth such a thing? F’r wage? thee would sacrifice the balance of the ordinary f’r some golden coins?!”

    “For the love of… stop with the archaic language! And by the way, you hit the jackpot, asshole!” Blaziken managed to push Nidoking backwards, although he was using most of his physical strength to do so. He set his arms ablaze once again, and the flames climbed up Nidoking’s own limbs.

    “Ha! Mine own encave is too tough f’r yond bawbling flame to did hurt me!” to prove his point, Nidoking crushed Blaziken’s hands, making the red pokémon scream in pain.

    “Oh, shut up, you pretentious moron!”

    Nidoking opened his mouth, charging another purple sludge, while still holding on to Blaziken’s arms. The bird, however, had an idea, considering they were side by side. He kicked Nidoking right on his chin, forcing the large Pokémon to almost choke on his own move.

    This caused the poison-type to stumble back, coughing some of the sludge, and Blaziken didn’t waste the opportunity. Even with both arms hurting like crap, he could do something. Said something was to turn around, kicking Nidoking on his cheek and knocking him backwards into the ground.

    He tried standing up, still coughing the poison, but felt his horn being grabbed by Blaziken’s arms. The fire Pokémon was furious, and Nidoking swore he saw flames in his eyes.

    “Now, now, who was the heathen here?!”

    “Y-You are!”

    “Wrong,” Blaziken kicked his opponent again, but still held on to the horn. With a series of powerful punches, Nidoking’s body armor began to crack. He wasn’t able to defend from the hits, only being able to bleed out until finally, Blaziken let him go.

    Nidoking fell, body cracked, wounds bleeding, and utterly defeated. There was nothing else he could do to slow down Morgan or his forces.

    “My… my mistress… shall prevail!”

    It was so pitiful. Blaziken only had a simple job, so why was that Nidoking making things so hard for him?! Regardless of what the reason was, he didn’t care. He poked the purple Pokémon, exposing his neck.

    “I’m sure that armor of yours is already… pretty damaged. So do me a favor and… fuck off!”

    A loud crack was heard, and Nidoking was no more, gone in a moment.

    Just as Morgan was about to enter the tree, a ghostly arrow flew in front of him, only grazing his cheek, but it was enough to draw blood.

    “What… who did this?!” he touched his cheek, seeing the red liquid and turning around.

    He saw the same Decidueye from before, aiming another arrow at the Gallade, while staring at him with a blank expression. Morgan clenched his fist, ready to grab another pokéball, throwing them up in the air, only for three arrows to hit each of the spheres, knocking them into the ground.

    “Oh. You want to fight me one on one, is that so?” Morgan laughed, right hand glowing with psychic energy.

    “For my mistress, I must. I will strike you down, Morgan Jones.”

    Morgan snarled, now with both eyes glowing in the same, pinkish psychic aura as his hand. “You’re free to try, beast! I will not yield!”

    With a single slash, Morgan released a blade of energy, one that Decidueye dodged, only scoffing once he saw the attack. The bird squawked, flapping his wings to take flight. He maneuvered through the air, riding the winds around in circles, but not attacking Morgan at any point. His body was enveloped by a sky-blue energy the more circles he made.

    “I’m not sure what you’re planning right now, Decidueye, but regardless of what it is, I’ll be the winner!” He extended his arm, glowing with a black, dark energy.

    “I wouldn’t count on it, heathen! You cannot reach the sky, while I am capable of fighting in both areas!” Decidueye dived straight into Morgan.

    The Gallade unleashed the blade of dark energy towards his opponent, but the bird dodged, merely being cut on his feather, and rammed his body against Morgan’s. The psychic-type screamed as he was slammed. However, that was his chance.

    Both were now close to each other, and Morgan took advantage of that, enveloping the bird in his psychic energy and launching him into the air for the moment. Morgan fell on his knees and panted, gasping for air. He had no time to rest, however, and picked up the other pokéballs, putting them on his belt.

    “I survived, like I always do, and like I always will.”

    Morgan looked up after hearing the sound of multiple arrows being fired at him; leaf arrows. They descended from the sky, followed closely by the bird himself.

    “You idiot! Can’t you just give up already?! What’s so important about this stupid tree or Xerneas, anyway?!”

    “This lodging is sacr’d to us, Morgan Jones!” Decidueye explained, stopping himself in the air with multiple wing flaps. “If ‘t be true thee disrupt the balance, our home shall beest thrown into chaos! I cannot allow this!”

    Morgan focused, eyes glowing pink, and in a burst of psychic energy, countering the arrows using all his strength. This quickly drained him, but Morgan still held on, until he was able to shape the shockwave into a spherical barrier around himself.

    “There’s a limit to that psychic of yours!” Decidueye continued to fire a volley of arrows, creating a few cracks across Morgan’s barrier, and forcing him to focus more.

    A rush of blazing flames hit the ghost, taking away his concentration and making him fall on the lake with a loud hissing sound. Blaziken smirked, looking at his boss.

    “Thank you…” Morgan stood up, holding himself on the tree’s trunk. “You did your job well, Blaziken. Now finish it.”

    “Alright, alright. Sure thing, boss!” he threw an oran berry towards the Gallade, who picked it up. “Found this on the way here, and you seem to be in a pretty bad shape.”

    Morgan looked at the berry in disgust and chomped it down in just a few bites. He nearly threw up, but managed to keep it together, wiping the juice off his face.

    “Disgusting. This is hideous. How do you even eat those things? Urgh. I don’t deserve this.”

    “Right, right,” Blaziken crossed his arms. “Are you gonna go beat up a legend or not?”

    “Don’t get cocky, Blaziken. Now do your job.”

    Blaziken nodded and ran towards the lake again. Morgan watched him go away and took a deep breath, entering the tree. His heart thumped in a mix of anxiety and excitement.

    “Almost there…!”

    Ah, the inside was just as hollow as the last time Morgan was there. An empty room, with a set of stairs leading to the higher areas of the tree. And, to no one’s surprise, more Pokémon were trying to stop him. This time it was a Clefairy and an Azumarill.

    “Two fairies, huh? And one of them is a water-type. In this case…”

    Azumaril stepped forward, encasing her body in water. “Cease this instant! Thee might has’t taken out our main forces outside, but this battle is not ov’r yet!”

    “How cute,” Morgan threw two pokéballs into the air, and from them came out a Manectric and an Aggron, the latter landed on the wooden floor with a loud thud.

    Both pokémon had collars with a rainbow-colored emera wrapped around their necks that began to glow, enveloping them in energy. Azumaril and Clefairy both stared, dumbstruck by what was happening. Morgan scoffed, eyeing the stairway and teleporting to it in the span of a second.

    Time was of essence, and he still had… three pokéballs on his belt. Good, they should be enough to win, considering the mega evolution forms all his team possessed.

    Left with no other choice left, Azumaril and Clefairy headed to battle with two powerful opponents. They charged towards the enemies as Morgan got away.

    Travelling on a Pokémon’s back was, unsurprisingly, not comfortable. And that was saying something, because Lance held on tight to Gyarados’ scales. Well, as tight as he could without hurting his ride.

    Everyone else was holding on as best as they could. Meganium had her vines wrapped on her mount, Scar used his hands, as did Max and Lilith. Brian had Meggie inside his mane, while he held on with his gauntlet alone.

    The waves sometimes tipped against their bodies, but it wasn’t the most creepy thing about that journey. Instead, it was how peaceful Gyarados seemed, when just a few hours earlier, he was attacking them.

    I wonder if he was aggressive because of the emera and collar, Lance thought, a shiver running down his spine. Of course, Morgan must have upgraded those collars.

    He gulped down and looked at the horizon, seeing the tree. Lance bit his lower lip, sensing his heart thumping and his aura feelers twitching. Even from afar, he knew that Xerneas had a powerful aura.

    So this is it. We’re near the eye of the storm. And… Lance looked back at his team, who smiled at him. He proceeded to look forward again. Near our farewell.

    Brian cheered with his free arm. “Alright, everyone! This is our visit to, uuuh… Meganium, where is here?”

    She rolled her eyes. “Primeval Forest. After it there’s the tree. And thank you for the obvious comment, child.”

    He pouted and shut his mouth. Damn, that Meganium was so bitchy sometimes. And by “sometimes”, Brian meant always.

    “He is right. Near the end of this mission…” Scar smiled. “This was a long journey, everyone. We had ups and downs, but I’m proud of where we are now.”

    Lance nodded, eyes having a tint of purple glow. “Yes. Team… this is our final battle!”


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